Silent Auction to Benefit Student Awards Program
The Conspicuous Consumption Auction needs more loot!
The first annual Conspicuous Consumption Auction at Balisage 2010 needs
your loot. This silent auction raises money to help young, up-and-coming markup
stars/students attend the conference. What can you donate that will drive your fellow
Balisagers to spend, spend, spend, like a Fortune-50 CEO after a government bailout?
The auction has a good core collection of items, including:
- books from O'Reilly and Crane Softwrights
- licenses to a variety of cool/useful XML software
- fashion items including "XML for the Long Haul" shirts and
and an "SGML Geek" pin
but we need more. Let us know if you have something you'd like to donate
(send email to
Then get ready to bid and show up your friends and colleagues for the cheapsakes
they are. We might not all be able drop $20M on private jets, but what city
better than Montreal for tossing around a few $20s?
Sam Wilmott and David Megginson,
Conspicuous Consumption Auction organizers
Starting Tuesday before lunch and ending Wednesday after lunch
Will be available on site.