Kelleher, D. Matthew, Albert J. Klein and James David Mason. “An Onion of Documents and Metadata.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2008, Montréal, Canada, August 12 - 15, 2008. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2008. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 1 (2008).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2008 August 12 - 15, 2008
Balisage Paper: An Onion of Documents and Metadata
D. Matthew Kelleher
Matthew Kelleher has a B.S. in chemical engineering from Iowa
State University and an M.S. in computer science from the University
of Tennessee. He works at Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, and has worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other
Oak Ridge facilities. He has a background in modeling and simulation
and data management and is interested in using computing technology
to solve real-world problems.
Albert J. Klein
Albert Klein is a Senior Technical Project Officer for B&W
Technical Services, LLC in Oak Ridge, TN, a prime contractor for Department
of Energy (DOE) and national Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
Al is the project manager for the Y-12 Product Realization Integrated
Digital Enterprise (PRIDE) Surveillance program, dealing with weapons
systems surveillance data storage, access control, and interchange
among the nuclear weapons complex (NWC). The PRIDE Surveillance program
includes initiatives for shop floor control and paperless operations,
XML document standardization, records digitization, and data interchange.
He is currently investigating commercial applications for delivery
of process plans and electronic work instructions to shop floor operators
and coordinates with other NWC sites and NNSA HQ for PRIDE planning
and execution.
Mr. Klein has over twenty-five years' experience in project
management and principal investigation in information technology and
knowledge management projects. These include knowledge management,
document classification, expert systems, electronic commerce/electronic
data interchange (EC/EDI), document imaging, optical storage technology,
and enterprise integration. He has an M.B.A. from the University of
Illinois, Urbana, an M.S. in physics from the University of Washington,
Seattle, and a B.S. in physics from the University of Illinois. He
was born in Austria and is fluent in German.
James David Mason
James D. Mason, originally trained as a mediaevalist and linguist,
has been a writer, systems developer, and manufacturing engineer at
U.S. Department of Energy facilities in Oak Ridge since the late 1970s.
In 1981, he joined the ISO work on standards for document management
and interchange. He chaired ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34, which is
responsible for SGML, DSSSL, topic maps, and related standards, 1985–2007.
Dr. Mason has been a frequent writer and speaker on standards and
their applications. For his work on SGML, he has received the Gutenberg Award from Printing Industries of
America and the Tekkie Award from
GCA. Dr. Mason was Chairman of the Knowledge
Technologies 2002 conference, has co-chaired the Extreme Markup Language conferences. and is
co-chair of Balisage. He is currently
working on information systems to support the classification and manufacturing
communities at DOE's Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge,
Tennessee. He received a B.A. in mathematics and physics and a M.A.
in English from Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. in English and Germanic
linguistics and mediaeval literature from the University of Tennessee.
The Y-12 National Security Complex is managed for the U.S. Department
of Energy by B&W Technical Services Y-12, L.L.C. (B&W Y-12),
under contract DE-AC05-00OR22800.
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by
an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the United States Government
nor any agency thereof, nor Contractor, nor any of their employees,
makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability
or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, use made, or usefulness
of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents
that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference
herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by
trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily
constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by
the United States Government or any agency or Contractor thereof.
The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily
state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency
or Contractor thereof. Further, B&W Y-12 is not responsible for
the contents of any off-site pages referenced.
This document was prepared by a contractor of the U.S. Government
under contract DE-AC05-00OR22800. Accordingly, the U.S. Government
retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce
these documents, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government
purposes. These documents may be freely distributed and used for non-commercial,
scientific and educational purposes.
When a product cannot be tested as a finished unit, its warranty,
as it were, depends on extensive testing of its component parts and
assemblies. The record for products of the Y-12 National Security
Complex has for many years been in the form of lengthy paper documents.
Recently we have begun a process to capture some of this information
in XML documents. However, this is not simply another XML publishing
project. Because our products have a potentially very long shelf life
and we cannot foresee the computing environment in their distant future
existence, we must take extraordinary measures to document not only
the products themselves but also the environment in which the documentation
has been prepared. Adding complexity to this documentation challenge
is a parallel effort to capture the output data of test equipment
and wrap it in XML. While this project is very much a work in progress,
we can see that one major component of its possible success will be
the coordination of complex metadata.
For more than sixty years, the Y-12 National Security Complex
(Y-12) has made components for the nuclear arsenal of the United States.
Unlike other industrial products, such as automobiles and computers,
Y-12's finished work cannot be tested in use. Instead, we must assure
our customers that the products we send them are made precisely according
to specifications, using approved procedures. Not only can the products
not be tested in use, they typically remain in the stockpile inventory
for some decades, so assurance of what went into an individual unit
and how all the components were assembled is important for continued
customer assurance (no mere 5 years/50,000 mile warranty here). And
when an individual unit comes back to us, either to be refurbished
for life extension or to be dismantled at the end of its life, we
need to know exactly what was in it and how the components were assembled.
Because we think in long product lifetimes for these products
that are not easily opened for inspection (you can't just lift the
hood and check the oil), each individual product is accompanied by
extensive documentation. A typical component will undergo numerous
certifications, including tests of the chemical and physical properties
of its materials and inspections of the part itself for dimensions,
surface finish, and contaminants. Each step in the assembly process
is accompanied by more tests and X-rays for alignment of components,
finished dimensions, and other properties. All the test results, checklists,
instrument printouts, and other materials gradually accumulate into
a bulky record that is kept until the individual device is dismantled,
when it will be compared with a report of what is found in the dismantlement
Dealing with potentially long product life expectancy and therefore
also archival retention of product documentation has made the Nuclear
Weapons Complex (NWC) extremely conservative about introduction of
new technology to documentation. The devices that Y-12 has recently
refurbished were first built before the development of the personal
computer, and their documentation is entirely in paper. It is only
in the past decade that the NWC has begun to require that the measurement
data from certification tests be captured in electronic form. In this
same period, the NWC has also begun to look at formal standards for
capturing metadata about the documents, if not the actual documents
themselves, in electronic format [Mason 1997]. The actual process of certifying parts has for more than sixty
years continued to be driven by paper procedures and checklists used
on the shop floor.
As part of a project to move to an electronic process for product
construction records, we have undertaken to develop an XML-based workflow
for the Dimensional Certification Report (DCR) and the Nondestructive
Test Report (NDT). Dimensional certification typically employs templates
and instruments such as coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). The
CMMs can perform exceedingly precise tracings of surface contours
and generate electronic data. At some future phase of this project
we hope to merge CMM data directly into the DCR, but for the present
it will be entered into the report by the inspector at a terminal
beside the machine. (Our CMMs are massive instruments: to achieve
the necessary precision, their work tables and supporting beams are
massive blocks of granite because steel I-beams are too flexible,
Fig. 1.) Typical NDT tests include visual inspection and treatment
with fluorescent dyes that can help make visible minute cracks in
welds or metal parts. Figure 1
Figure 1
Fig. 1. Coordinate Measuring Machine
The DCR is not simply the report of results of a certification
process; it is also a procedure for carrying out the process, with
the results captured in forms in the body of the procedure. Thus,
a potential reader some years in the future can see not only that
a product has been certified but the steps that were taken in the
process to certify it. As an XML document, the DCR is not particularly
exceptional; it has the typical components of technical documents:
sections, titles, paragraphs, lists, tables, figures. Its most unusual
feature is the tabular presentation of the steps in the procedure,
intermixed with spaces to capture user input as the steps are carried
out. The NDT is simpler than the DCR, but it, too, captures data on
a form. The procedure for the NDT is a separate document, and the
form is for data capture only. (Each DCR procedure is unique to an
individual component, but NDT procedures are generic to many components.)
What is more interesting than the forms as examples of XML documents
is the workflow associated with the creation and use of the these
procedures/reports and its implications for configuration management.
In their paper format, DCRs in particular have always been under many
layers of configuration control. A typical DCR contains one or more
“Picture Pages” that contain drawings of the component being certified,
followed by the testing procedure. Both the Picture Page and the procedure
require sign-offs by a Product Engineer and an Inspection Engineer,
who are responsible for the manufacture and testing of the component,
and a configuration control officer, who releases the procedure to
the certification laboratory under a Product Engineering Transmittal
(PET). The process of developing, approving, and releasing an individual
DCR procedure is well established and governed by its own controlled
In developing an electronic workflow, we are constrained by
the PET process. However, behind it we must develop additional layers
of configuration control on the components of the XML processing.
Even though SGML, XML, and related software have been evolving in
the industrial documentation sector for more than a quarter of a century,
they are still young in the eyes of those in the NWC. Our configuration
control must not only account for the requirements of software development,
they must also meet the requirements of our customers, most of whom
are not computing specialists, much less XML experts. One consequence
of the PET process is that we must closely mirror the process for
paper documents, and the electronic document must capture the metadata
associated with the paper one that has been accepted by the user community.
Behind that, however, we must also maintain a high level of
configuration control for the XML and processing components. Because
the potential lifetime of certification data for a product is longer
than the past history of structured markup, we must attempt to anticipate
what will be needed to recall certification data when an individual
product returns for refurbishment or dismantlement some day in the
future, when everyone who is working either on the current XML project
or who participated in the certification on the shop floor has retired.
Thus the files that record results of certifications must record audit
trails not only of the certification process but also of the XML and
its processing behind the creation of the files. Only when we are
able to integrate all of these processes and data flows into an integrated
archive will we be able to say that we have implemented an Electronic
Build History (EBH).
The life cycle that we are incorporating into this project is
only one of the possibilities we examined. We also looked at a system
for scanning user input on paper forms and a manufacturing execution
system that would place the entire process under electronic control.
Scanning, we decided, was actually too difficult: intelligent character
recognition systems, it seems, place too many constraints on their
input forms. They fit best in environments where there are large volumes
of a very few forms, which is the opposite of our situation. A manufacturing
execution system (MES), we know from our own tests, could be programmed
for our workflow. Because our current MES is very old and does not
have good data collection capabilities, Y-12 is looking at replacing
it. Although the replacement MES will take time to implement, it may
have appropriate data collection capabilities. Thus a workflow built
around an XML publishing system with extensive scripting and an attached
Web server represents a middle path for capability and costs.
The DCR Life Cycle
The certification process captured by the DCR is a late step
in an overall manufacturing workflow that begins with a product specification
issued by a Design Agency (DA, typically Los Alamos National Laboratory
or Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). At Y-12, that specification
becomes the responsibility of a Product Engineer (PE), who oversees
its interpretation into manufacturing processes on the shop floor
and then certification procedures for validating the results of manufacturing.
The manufacturing process for an individual component may be complex,
involving many steps, each with its own associated tests. A casting,
for example, may be turned to a rough shape, then gradually machined
to a final shape before being submitted for final certification. At
every step there are additional tests. Certification itself is often
iterative: a part that is slightly off-tolerance will be returned
to manufacturing for further refinement, perhaps several times, until
it is able to meet all requirements of the certification. As each
test is completed, the results and the reports are audited before
the manufacturing step is certified. The various test reports, such
as the DCR and NDT, will accumulate with each part and assembly, being
accumulated into a build history that forms part of the certification
documentation of a product.
The certification process is overseen by an Inspection Engineer
(IE), who works with the PE to ensure that the tests are adequate
to capture the specification of the component. Development of an inspection
procedure is also iterative; when it is complete, the document must
be signed by both the PE and the IE, as well as an engineer responsible
for configuration control. The typical DCR, having both a part drawing
and a testing procedure, has separate signature records for both.
Constructing a DCR in XML
Our current practice is for a DCR to be generated in Microsoft
Word and for the results to be printed. The testing procedure consists
of steps, each of which describes a test process and lists the tools
and instruments needed to carry it out. Each step, which appears as
a row in tabular form, also provides a space to record the results,
which may include pass/fail indicators, direct observations or measurements
from test equipment, and comments or even sketches from the inspector.
Fig. 2 shows sample pages from a typical DCR: a “Picture Page,” a
page of instructions, and a page from the combined certification procedure
and data-recording form.
Figure 2
Fig. 2a. Picture Page from a DCR
Fig. 2b. Instruction Page from a DCR
Fig. 2c. Procedure Page from a DCR
The workflow we envision for a DCR is based on our understanding
of the workflow already used in Word. In Fig. 3, the development of
a new procedure and its reporting form begins with the IE, guided
by the PE, producing an XML document rather than a Word file. The
resulting document goes through the conventional review process, ending
with approval and the addition of appropriate signatures and other
metadata to the XML file. Each dimensional inspection process for
a given part requires such an XML template file that will guide the
inspection, record the data collected in the inspection, and become
the basis for the certification report that accompanies each part.
Figure 3
Fig. 3. DCR Workflow
Once the base document is approved, the workflow diverges from
past practice, because the information flow forks: The XML document
is converted to an HTML (actually JSP) procedure and form for online
delivery to the inspector, while a copy of the file is reserved for
population with data later in the process. The inspector on the shop
floor uses a Web browser to enter data into a new instance of the
online form. At the end of the inspection, the data is collected in
another XML file that is then merged with the empty copy of the procedure
to produce the actual certification report. At that point the completed
procedure is audited. If the part is not approved, it is returned
to manufacturing for further work, followed by more inspections, until
the part is either finally approved for this stage or it is “killed”
and its materials perhaps recycled. If the part is approved, based
on the data collected, the completed XML report is archived. Our current
view is that there will actually be at least three objects archived:
the first is the XML data file collected from the online process,
the second a merged XML file containing the DCR in the form of the
template populated with the collected data, and the third a PDF file
of the completed DCR report created by merging the data file with
the form. Moreover, until the EBH has been certified as a valid process,
the DCR report must be produced in paper. For this reason, as well
as for the comfort of our customers, we have taken special care to
produce the DCR in a format that closely approximates that of the
current Word documents. Using a form that looks like their current
form also makes it easier to meet Y-12's conduct-of-operations requirements.
This workflow contains most of the expected components associated
with XML-based publishing. Behind the XML documents there are, of
course, DTDs. (We use DTDs and not some other form of schema largely
for consistency with other local applications.) Conversion to HTML
forms and merging data collected online back into the XML record is
handled by XSLT. Because we use the Arbortext publishing system, both
screen presentation and formatting for PDF are handled by Arbortext's
proprietary stylesheets, which are, at least, also XML documents.
When we started on the project, our early goal was to find out
whether we could recreate the DCR document in an XML publishing system.
Having done the document analysis, written a DTD, and created a stylesheet,
we concluded that the basic document was within our capabilities.
Then the process expanded into the scripts that create the HTML form
pages, collect the data from the forms, and populate a completed XML
document. That being done, and a parallel process for the NDT form
likewise undertaken, we could have considered our project complete.
However, these reporting forms do not exist in a vacuum. The data
recorded on a DCR, in particular, does not all come from human observation;
it may come from test equipment, though it currently must be entered
manually. In many cases the component being tested may also be undergoing
a surface contour trace on a CMM, and the CMM is producing a data
file. For some years, DOE has been requiring that such data become
part of an “Electronic Data Capture” (EDC) record. Heretofore, the
EDC file has probably been in a proprietary format or in a record
format that does not involve XML. CMM measurements and reports are
not entered in or handled as DCRs, and current CMM reports have their
own defined paper and electronic formats. CMM paper reports are placed
in the build history and electronic versions are saved in the plant
EDC system. Now, however, we are beginning to look at the potential
for merging data entered by the inspector with EDC data from test
gear and creating a complete XML record of the certification process.
DCRs are used for many kinds of measurements not performed using CMMs
and for which EDC is not currently performed. Future development of
an EBH may cause rethinking of the kinds of reports generated, the
formats of the data, and the relationship between the reports and
the results of EDC.
Building the XML environment for EDC is in only the very earliest
investigatory stages. We know that some data, such as series of coordinates
from CMMs, could be recorded as simple XML records. Other data, such
as signal output from a vibration analyzer, will probably need to
remain in binary format. Our challenge, then, will be to create a
layered data/metadata environment that will accommodate a variety
of test equipment as well as a variety of users and uses for the data
over the long life span of the product. We are investigating this
environment with other users of such test equipment, most of them
outside the NWC. At the innermost layers of the metadata onion, next
to the core of data from the test gear, will need to be metadata about
the equipment in use, such as the identification of the device and
its calibration record. Around that will be layers that describe the
specific test environment, such as the time, date, and environmental
conditions in the test shop. Another layer will include the identification
of the component under test and link the specific test to the record
being created in the DCR.
Tracking the Workflow
Much of the problem of assembling an EBH is a result of the
need to track both the actual certification data and the metadata
about the data-collection process and to keep all of this information
in synchronization. Furthermore, the process must continue to support
the workflow that has been built up—and certified—around the paper-based
process. The layers of configuration management that have accumulated
around the PET process are concerned with tracking paper documents.
Now we need to embed configuration management into the documents themselves
and make them as self-documenting as possible. This seems to suggest
that at each stage of processing the document should accumulate additional
metadata, so that when the report, which represents the procedure
completely populated with certification data, is finished, it is also
fully populated with an audit trail of the processes that allowed
it to be completed. Thus the metadata will accumulate in layers, one
of which captures the traditional PET and audit processes and the
others which track the XML environment.
Files, Locations, and Management
In a conventional XML document-management environment, the goal
is frequently to get to a final document. In that case, it is the
document instance that will be archived. It may be of interest to
archive the DTD or other schema if that will help in further interpretation
of the document, but for many applications a well-formed document
may, as some have argued, be sufficient. If a document, such as a
maintenance manual, is revised iteratively, then continued maintenance
of its DTD and other supporting structures like stylesheets becomes
more significant than in cases where the document is a final product.
In our case, however, the entire processing stack becomes a structure
subject to audit and thus to archiving. When we face the possibility
that a generation from now it will be necessary to verify that an
electronic document is what was intended originally, we need not only
the document and its graphics but many of the process files that supported
The document-management system for our process is not yet established
because it will have to be coordinated with other systems outside
our current scope. Currently a DCR template is created on a local
PC. For the interim, document processing and storage are on a Web
server (see below, Table 1). Even after primary storage systems are
established, copies of the files will continue to appear on that system.
Processing of a new DCR form begins with loading the DTD, template,
composition stylesheet, and XSLT stylesheets to the server. The server
then establishes links for starting certifications using that template.
The inspector can call forth an online form, enter metadata about
the part being tested, and walk through the procedure, entering data
as required. When the procedure is completed, the results can be saved.
The individual certification run can be reopened for further editing,
or the results can be composed as a report and sent for auditing and
At the current stage in the development of the process, we are
not completely certain of all the items that will be tracked, but
our current analysis suggests that we have a complex of items in the
stack. Since our analysis is more advanced for the DCR than for the
NDT, this list reflects the components required for it.
End-user objects
Blank Procedures/Forms
Each DCR procedure/form,
which represents an individual certification step for a particular
component, is represented by this single configuration control item:
Form XML file, the template for constructing reports
on individual components
Form Graphics and Supplemental Material
The graphics and supplemental material can be specific to a single
form or shared among forms.
The “Picture Page” of a DCR procedure contains at least one
reference drawing for the certification process. Such graphics are
under configuration control with the related forms:
Part graphics and supplemental material
Common part graphics and supplemental material
Common process graphics and supplemental material
Form graphics used to improve form appearance and
In-Process Form Data
In-process form data
represent forms that have data entered but have not yet been assigned
a disposition. These data must be managed using an iterative model
with all iterations saved:
XML data file, collected from Web form
PDF file showing data entered in original form, displayed
for review, auditing, and certification
Record Data
Forms that are complete become
record data and must be stored in a system that complies with records
management requirements:
XML data file
Completed XML DCR with data merged into template
PDF file rendering the XML DCR with entered data in
original blank form
XML control structures
DCR Procedure and Report Form Template
Each type of form is represented by a DTD that controls its structure
and data content:
DCR XML DTD, which represents all the components of
a generic procedure, along with the framework for data collection
to create a report and the frameworks for metadata
Data-collection DTD, which defines the structure of
the data collected online during the execution of the certification
Supporting software
Form Web Page
The Web artifacts are displayed
to the end users during the execution of the procedure and the collecting
of certification data. Because they are secondary documents generated
by software, they may be stored and managed separately from their
original sources. End users may interact with pages on the Web server,
but they have no interaction with the files as files, any more than
they interact with the XSLT or Java source code.
Java Server Pages: Web page form displayed on the
inspector's browser in the certification shop or laboratory
Web page graphics and supplemental material, generally
drawn from the graphics associated with the XML form template
Form Transforms and Style Sheets
form transforms can be specific to a single form or shared by several
forms; in general, they are specific to a single DTD, such as the
XSLT from form XML to JSP
XSLT for merging data XML and form XML into a completed
Arbortext style sheet for rendering XML into PDF
Form Web Page Software
The Web server
software can be specific to a single form but more likely will be
shared among forms generated from a single DTD:
Java Server Faces backing bean that transfers data
between the Web page and the data model
Data File
Data file configuration control
items consist of:
Data File Model, a software representation of the
data file that maps form entries to data file entries
Another way of looking at the complex of files and programs
is to consider what roles the components play and where they appear
both during processing and in storage (Table 1).
Table I
DCR form system file types
and locations
File Type
Component file role
File storage locations
Form Creation Template
Form Package
Data Package
Content-management System
Web Server
Arbortext Publishing Engine Server
Data Repository
Form DTD
Form XML instance
Form graphics instances
Form PDF stylesheet
Form PDF
Form-to-JSP XSL transform
Form JSP instance
Data-collection DTD
Data-collection XML instance
Form-and-data merge XSL transformation
Form XML with merged data
Completed report with data merged and rendered to
What Table 1 shows is that, just looking at files and not at
the software behind them, we start with a small number of control
files, build a form package, and then collect a data package. Source
files are to be archived in a content-management system and final
results will be passed to a data repository. Almost all the files
pass through the Web server, where source XML is rendered into HTML/JSP
forms, data is collected through the forms, and results are assembled
in XML and PDF. One auxiliary server hosting composition software
is called in to manage PDF rendition of XML files. Software source
code, such as the backing bean module and DOM-based interpreter of
JSP output, will also be managed, probably on a content-management
Some files in the system are, in effect, transient and so do
not require archiving. The JSP version of a procedure and form is
created when an IE creates a new or revised procedure and loads it
to the Web server. It is displayed to guide the inspector through
the certification process and collect input from the process, but
it is not saved with data in place. Creation of a new XML data file
from what is entered in the online form is hidden from the user until
that data is merged with the XML form template and displayed as a
PDF rendition.
Metadata Flow
Because the EBH project builds on legacy processes and incorporates
metadata from both the legacy and the new processes, it incorporates
a dual flow of metadata.
The XML component of the EBH study began with a pilot project
to capture a DCR as an XML document rather than as a Word file. One
of the first decisions in the document design was to create specific
elements to capture metadata already in the paper-based workflow.
So there are individual elements to both information about the component
being certified and the engineers involved in developing and approving
the certification and reporting procedure. The component itself is
identified on the template form by its part number and name. When
the certification procedure is executed, the inspector will add to
these the lot number and serial number of the part. The Picture Page
also includes the governing drawing number. The approvals include
elements for the PE, IE, and configuration engineer, along with the
dates of their approvals and the PET governing the procedure. There
are separate approvals for the Picture Page and the body of the procedure.
These elements of the template are simply passed through the entire
process to the final certification report unchanged. They are rendered
in both HTML and PDF, but appear in the XML version of the report
just as they appeared in the template XML created by the IE.
The IE will recognize that the new workflow calls out this legacy
metadata as explicit items for input, rather than finding it simply
as locations in a Word table to fill in. (We are still developing
the user interface to be used in the Arbortext editor.) But beyond
that, these items will not be recognized as metadata by users of the
process. The information will, for all practical purposes, continue
to look as it did in the paper-based process. Because the information
is wrapped in XML, however, it will be available to future processes
that for the most part have not yet been created.
There is a similar block of data for the Picture Page. The information
collected in this metadata appears in the PDF rendition of the DCR
in the blocks at the top and bottom of the Picture Page and the first
page of the DCR body (Figs. 2a and 2b).
As we have created a workflow that processes the DCR template,
we have added the other metadata in ways that are transparent to the
user. It is not necessary even to display this information, since
it is not expected on the paper forms we are emulating. Nonetheless,
we are currently appending it to the merged DCR and rendering it in
the PDF output, largely as a convenience to ourselves in testing.
This metadata falls into two categories: information about the version
of the process and information tracking the application of the process.
Information about the process begins with the versions of the
DTDs and XSLT stylesheets employed.
In the case of the DTDs, version information begins as a parameter
entity and is carried by an attribute of the document element. As
a result, the DCR procedure created by an IE carries its version data,
and this is in turn recorded in the merged DCRs that result from execution
of the procedure.
The corresponding version data about the data-collection DTD
similarly appears in the XML data generated by the online process.
In the merged DCR, this latter version data can be copied by the XSLT
into the metadata section appended to the original DCR.
Version information about the XSLT begins as variables in the
stylesheets, and this is written by the transforms into “meta” elements
in the HTML/JSP files and attributes on the metadata appendix of the
merged XML DCR. Because the HTML/JSP files are transient generated
objects and not archival artifacts, their metadata is less important
than that of the XML files. Nonetheless, we have the information available
in case we need it. We do write the name of the Web form into the
data-collection file and copy that into the DCR.
In addition to version information, we also capture data about
each “inspection event.” In traditional processing, each inspection
of a part is a unique event. If the part passes the inspection (or
is granted a “deviation” waiver from some portion of the specification
being tested), a report is completed and sent to auditing. If the
part fails, it is either “killed” or sent for rework, and the form
being completed is discarded without becoming a report. Because the
overall process for electronic histories is still in early phases
of investigation, we have not constrained ourselves to this model.
Instead, our process allows for checkpointing a version of the collected
data and reopening the form for revision, starting with the saved
inspection data. Even if the future workflow continues the current
model of each inspection being unique, the ability to reopen a file
allows the inspector or auditor to correct errors in data entry. In
any event, we record data from each time the file is opened, including
the person opening the file, a timestamp, and the disposition of the
inspection (whether the part has been accepted or has failed). This
data, together with other metadata from the process flow, is accumulated
in the “Inspection Record” appended to the DCR.
The result of this metadata flow is flexible: a completed DCR
contains a history of its creation, and all the metadata, whether
from the old or new workflows, can be printed and is accessible to
further XML processing. Information flows from both the traditional
approval system and all the steps in online processing, being accumulated
in a merged XML file and rendered in PDF for paper records (Fig. 4).
Figure 4
Fig. 4. Information Flow in document processing.
A certified part is thus wrapped in many layers of data and
metadata, all of which has the potential for electronic retrieval
and further processing (Fig. 5).
Figure 5
Fig. 5. An Onion of Documents and Metadata: a part certified
The NDT Report is a much simpler document than the DCR. It is
usually a single page with form metadata at the top and bottom. Onto
this form several different kinds of body can be put for a variety
of tests, such as visual inspection of welds, tests with fluorescent
dyes to reveal cracks, and X-rays. The body information is generally
simple, to capture the identifiers of the parts being tested and whether
the parts pass or fail the test. The general workflow mirrors that
for the DCR, though there is less collecting of approval metadata.
The flow of metadata through the processing system is nonetheless
similar to that for the DCR.
Workflows to Come
The DCR and NDT are only two of many tests done in the overall
certification process for Y-12's products. Materials may be sent for
chemical, isotopic, and metallographic tests. Large assemblies undergo
extensive X-ray analysis. (We have just installed a 9–MeV linear accelerator
for examination of large structures.) DOE has mandated that many tests
perform “electronic data capture” (EDC), though what that means is
in some cases still evolving. In the case of radiography, we are being
pushed to new electronic technology simply because of the dwindling
supply of suitable X-ray film. Early EDC was done in stand-alone processes,
with data captured in conventional databases. Essentially all machine-measured
data is now collected in a central plant electronic data collection
system. The proposed data packaging project will look at storing these
data in XML-based packages. After years of hesitancy, there is a growing
awareness that XML will probably turn out to be a way of binding together
all the disparate processes and collections of data in the certification
of our processes.
We are just now beginning to look at the problems of aligning
the metadata about XML documents and processes with actual metadata
about test conditions and pointers to test data from instruments.
We are looking at HDF (Hierarchical Data Format,
as a means for managing instrument data, and we are looking at extracting
HDF metadata into XML.
This project is still in an early state. We have created XML
applications for both DCR and NDT, but the planning for the metadata
is incomplete, particularly metadata about test results. We are just
beginning to move the applications into the hands of the end users.
By the time of the Balisage conference, however, we expect to have
moved our environment from the test system to one that will be available
in a few actual production areas. At that point, we shall begin working
with IEs to create pilot inspection forms to be used in parallel with
paper processing early in the coming fiscal year. If this project
is successful, we shall expand it to more certification and report
types, and we hope to move towards fully electronic records of Y-12's
[Mason 1997] Mason, James
David. “SGML Metadata for Nuclear Weapons Information,” presented
at SGML 1997, Washington, DC, December
8, 1997.