Flynn, Peter. “Could authors really write in XML one day?” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013 August 6 - 9, 2013
Balisage Paper: Could authors really write in XML one day?
Peter Flynn
Peter Flynn runs the Electronic Publishing Group in IT
Services at University College Cork. He is a graduate of the
London College of Printing and the University of
Westminster. He worked for the Printing and Publishing
Industry Training Board and for United Information Services
as IT consultant before joining UCC as Project Manager for
academic and research computing. In 1990 he installed
Ireland's first Web server and since then has been
concentrating on electronic publishing support. He was
Secretary of the TeX Users Group, and a member of the IETF
Working Group on HTML and the W3C XML SIG, and he has
published books on HTML, SGML/XML, and LaTeX. Peter is
editor of the XML FAQ and an irregular contributor to
conferences and journals in electronic publishing and
Humanities computing. He is currently completing a part-time
PhD in user interfaces with the Human Factors Research Group
in UCC. He maintains a technical blog at
The learning curve for non-markup-expert authors to start
writing and editing structured documents in XML is steep, and
there are some specific barriers to the acceptance of editor
interfaces (Flynn2006). In exploring
the reasons behind these barriers, we identified some changes
that could be made to common interfaces to improve
acceptability (Flynn2009).
This paper presents the results of usability tests on the
modifications, and suggests how some aspects of structured
editing software could be adapted to extend their use into
additional areas and markets.
This research is being submitted for a PhD in the
Department of Applied Psychology, UCC (Human Factors Research
The initial impetus for this research grew out of a facile
observation many years ago that an author had to learn SGML in
order to use an SGML editor.
This is a necessary requirement in many fields where the
content is complex: for example encoding literary or historical
documents in TEI, or writing computer systems documentation in
DocBook. The author needs to understand what markup is available
so that it can be used to describe the finely-detailed features
accurately, but the naming and function of the markup is not
always entirely obvious (Reid1980,
By contrast, to submit a paper to a conference, an article
to a journal, or a book to a publisher, the conventional author
uses a wordprocessor, or another standard like LaTeX. It is
the author's responsibility to adhere to the sometimes arcane or
inconsistent formatting instructions provided by the publisher,
even when assisted by the publisher's style template.
Publishers have traditionally mistrusted authors who do
their own formatting, even when using the publishers'
specifications to provide final-format copy. Authors, for their
part, are always encountering new reasons why
their article, book, or paper has to be
formatted differently. Where a stylesheet is provided, abusing
or ignoring the styles is common, because it is sometimes the
only way to get the formatting the author believes necessary,
because they feel they should be in charge of the formatting
(Piez2007, Ebel2005). In
many cases the solution is for the production team to remove all
the author's formatting and send the document to a typesetter to
have the house style applied.
In wordprocessors, structure is largely non-existent in the
markup, and only interpretable by human eyes through the
formatting. Synchronous typographic (ST) editing (usually, if
inaccurately, called WYSIWYG) has been the standard interface
for some decades, but it hides the markup boundaries so
effectively that accurate editing is sometimes
impossible.[1] In XML and LaTeX editors, the adoption of ST
editing was slower although it is now widespread.
Unless there has been some extensive (and expensive)
customization, conventional use of a structured-document editor
usually means learning the language, the specific markup
required for the domain, and the logic or business rules that
accompany it. Much of this is far beyond the comfort zone of
those writers who have no exposure to markup but nevertheless
still have cause to write a document under the constraint of
producing a specific (structured) file format.
The objective of this research was to see how much of the
cognitive, perceptual, and technical burden of creating a
formally-structured document might be relieved by changing some
of the ways in which the interface works.
In earlier work we found that most writers simply want to
write in what they perceive to be the easiest way
(ST), adding what formatting they deem appropriate, without ever
seeing a pointy bracket or a backslash, and without having to
come to terms with the language of trees and graph theory,
predicate logic, or document engineering (Flynn2009). While this desire was generally
acknowledged by experts, it was felt possibly to be one of the
reasons for the failure of XML and LaTeX to be adopted as
general authoring formats outside their related technical
Who writes what
The target population for this study was those writers who
are required to write (or who wish to write) documents
adhering to a well-defined structure, but whose professional
area of expertise is not in computing
science, markup, editing, typesetting, or technical
documentation, where advanced knowledge of markup technology
is more commonplace. There are three key features to the
activity of this population:
it is very diverse: it includes people in the private
sector, public sector, NGOS, research, and
its members are writing or editing to a known
structure (articles, books, reports, white papers, web
pages, and similar documents) defined by their field or
industry or organization;
the documents themselves are intended or expected to
become a part of the permanent record; or to require
access to the structure for the purposes of re-use.
Structured documents tend not to be created for ephemeral,
transient, or inconsequential use. This means that structured
document file formats tend to have a high degree of
durability, system-independence, reusability, and freedom from
exogenous or arbitrary change. XML and LaTeX supplied the
use cases in this study.
Structure for this purpose means a
hierarchy of enclosures whose implicit or explicit content is
a selection of repeatable objects holding text and other
text-bearing containers, whose identity and existence is
programmatically enforceable or verifiable. XML and LaTeX
were therefore candidates; wordprocessor and DTP formats were
generally not, except when they use named styles in a rigorous
manner which identifes their content.
What they write with
In the survey of existing markup systems users reported
earlier (Flynn2009), we identified that the
editors most respondents had experience of were oXygen (24%)
followed by Word with styles (13%). LaTeX editors accounted
for another 12%, and the Arbortext editor rated 6% along with
OpenOffice. Emacs (11%) and vi (7%) were also reported, but
the number of other editors was very large and diverse.
Figure 1: User Survey: Markup types used
Outside the markup field, the much-publicized figure of
500M people using Word appears to have no
verifiable basis: the source most often cited for this (Schulz2009) just claims roughly half a
billion people use Office. However, observation
would suggest that the penetration of Word is nevertheless
extremely high, possibly close to 100% in tightly-governed
environments, but more from organisational imperatives than
from end-user choice. There are also many areas where there
are legacy alternatives (eg Lotus, WordPerfect), or where
open-source or free-to-use competition is accessible
(OpenOffice, Libre Office, Google Docs). Recent, public,
independently-verifiable global figures do not appear to be
available from conventional sources (eg UN), although there
are claims that many organizations use Word out of habit,
familiarity, or legacy investment (McLeish2008). We therefore made the assumption
that users of systems other than XML and LaTeX will be
acquainted with Word or something very similar.
What can we change?
The earlier research also identified over 20 specific
functions or tasks which the authors and editors surveyed found
hard to use, misleading to identify, difficult to find, or
non-functional in the structured editing systems they had used.
A few of these (eg equation formatting) were outside the scope
of the research; some were not specifically markup issues
(opening and closing files, for example); and some were
concerned with exogenous requirements (eg Unicode).
From these functions or tasks, six categories of direct
concern were identified. Analysis showed that in many cases,
users expected a specific behavior which not all editors
provided, or the expected behavior required markup-related
information that was not seen as relevant. The expectations were
summarised in XML and XPath terminology for comparability, and
are shown in an abbreviated form in Figure 2. Two
supporting technologies were identified: Smart Insertion (SI)
and Target Markup Adoption (TMA): see section “Additional mechanisms”. Some editors already implement some of the
actions listed here.
Figure 2: Categories of interface action identified, with desired
Keyboard controls
For the first three, detect multiple successive
keypresses and enter the appropriate formatting
Enter: create a new instance of the closest
repeatable ancestor-or-self element type in element
content; if this is impossible, or in the case of an
immediate second Enter keypress, annul the action
and re-try at the next higher level in the
(At this point the behaviour requires definition
for each document type: only in a wordprocessor with
a flat data model can the candidate for a new object
always be a paragraph type.)
TAB: valid only for cell-to-cell movement in
tables; otherwise a dead key.
Space: must not auto-repeat (meaningless in
normal documents).
Backspace/Delete (leftwards erase and rightwards
erase): erase character data including the content
of sibling elements traversed in mixed content, and
removing their markup when emptied. When
encountering a boundary with element content,
continue to erase content in the sibling or parent
element, removing emptied elements where permitted
by the grammar.
Documents and metadata
New Document: present skeleton instances of all
supported document types (classes), offering access
to user-provided types with a dialog for the
creation of initial styling (the Arbortext Architect
dialog, for example).
Metadata: require compulsory metadata before
(Requires the use of SI and TMA.)
Insert: replace with the term New
for adding new elements in element content, as the
concept of insertion into a document tree is foreign
to most writers; insertion into mixed content,
however, is understood.
From external documents: use structural logic
(eg XPath) to identify elements in a dialog and copy
them to the current location (avoid having to open
the external document in a window and navigate to
the target to perform a copy-and-paste).
Formatting controls
Font style buttons: where possible, allow B, I,
and U (and S) to drop down a menu of the relevant
meanings (usages) that achieve the formatting goal
and capture the meaning in markup (eg the eight [now
ten] reasons for italics identified in Flynn2002).
Formatting: apply changes to margins, spacing,
indentation, etc by invoking a stylesheet dialog
with selection of the current element type or all
instances of the same element type.
Moving blocks
(Requires the use of SI and TMA.)
Block moves: allow function to mark start-point
from which scroll and search can be used to locate
the end-point without the need to hold keys
The use of tree-based navigation panes was
regarded as too complex, and required too much
Cross-references: use a map (pane, list) of
existing structure to identify the target and
obviate the need for manual ID/IDREF values. For
targets not represented in the structure, use the
mark-and-move mechanism (as for block moves) to
preserve the point of reference while marking the
Bibliographic references: use robust import or
dynamic reference from common reference database formats
via dialog or drag-and-drop. Citation may operate in
the same way as for cross-references.
How can we change it?
In addition to the actions listed in Figure 2, the survey identified specific
requirements for actions not found in all editors, for example
the joining and splitting of adjacent elements of the same
type. With these additions, and the subsuming of
keyboard-character usage into actions that were detected
during a test (as opposed to being testable items themselves),
a list of 12 tests was devised (see section “Testing”).
The requirements and expectations were compared with the
list of editor functions reported in earlier work (Flynn2006), and a solution for each in interface
terms devised. As these were model or outline solutions for
testing, it was recognized that implementation in an editor
would require adherence to the features and functions
Additional mechanisms
In order to express (and therefore test) the required
changes, we identified two mechanisms which needed
formalizing. Both have existed for some time in a few systems,
but as far as is known, neither has been widely adopted. It
should be borne in mind that these mechanisms, or their
equivalent, are important when a writer cannot see any
Some of the actions described require that the cursor
position at an element boundary (start-tag, end-tag) dictate
that tests for validity may be required both for a position
inside and outside the boundary.
Smart Insertion (SI)
When a whole element or sequence of elements has
been cut or copied from elsewhere in the same
document or another one of the same type,
pasting must be possible even when the target location
does not allow the fragment element types.
This is based on the principle of operating in an
environment where markup is not displayed, where
rejection of a paste action is not acceptable unless it
occurs at the boundaries of reason. Only when no
solution can be identified should the user be informed
that the material cannot be pasted at the target
location, a suitable explanation provided, and pasting
into the user's choice of possible elements allowed.
To achieve this, the containing element type[s] of
the fragment must be changed to one which is permitted
at the target location, including the validity of any
sub-element markup.
Any algorithm to implement SI must take into account
the possible changes to the containing element type as
well as to the changes in location described below. This
must include the possibility of demoting or promoting
the clipboard container element type in the hierarchy,
especially when the target location is within such a
hierarchy (eg section/subsection/subsubsection,
Where no such element type can be identified, the
test is repeated, starting with the original cut or
copied element types, on successive axes from the target
location, until a match is found, or a barrier reached
(eg the root element on the way up, or character data on
the way down). If a match is found, any required
containing elements are created to preserve validity,
and the user informed.
Target Markup Adoption (TMA)
When pasting a fragment from another
document of a different type into mixed
content, any containing element type from element
content is first removed, so that the pasted material is
all mixed content.
If the target location is inside an element which
does not permit subelements, and subelements are present
in the clipboard material, the target location must be
moved to a point where pasting subelements is
permitted, or the nested markup must be removed and the
exposed character data merged with the preceding and
following text nodes.
Where there is a mismatch between the subelements
and the element types available in the target mixed
content, a table of equivalences or some derived
heuristics must be used (eg em in HTML to
equate with emphasis in DocBook,
hi in TEI, or \emph in
All font-related markup, where identifiable, is
stripped from the clipboard, except Bold, Italic,
Underline, and Strikeout, and the resulting sequence
normalized before pasting.
For reasons of practicality, it had already been
determined that writing an entirely new editor in full, just
to test a dozen interface items, was not feasible. Two editor
manufacturers did very generously offer a copy of their
(completely undocumented) monolithic source code for
experimental purposes, but these were declined with regrets as
involving work beyond the time limits available. After
examining the several usability testing methodologies
available, the decision was made to use Paper Prototyping
(Snyder2003), as this provided the levels of
control required, with the ability to conduct the tests
without committing to a specific operating environment, or
predicating a specific editor.
Screenshots were prepared of the 12 test scenarios
developed from the foregoing list in the form of a simple
editing task to be completed (eg Highlight this word
because it's a product name). A panel of testers was
recruited from local institutions, following the requirements
listed in the section “Who writes what” where possible. A
web-based questionnaire was used to gather information on
their work area, background, and professional experience in
order to eliminate those who fell outside the specifications,
resulting in 20 testers being asked to participate.
Testing was carried out in the Usability Testing
Laboratory of the Human Factors Research Group (HFRG) in the
School of Applied Psychology at University College
Cork, during June and July 2013.
The test harness (some 200 generated screenshots with a
script and protocol) was piloted both with colleagues in the
HFRG experienced in usability testing, as well as with users
from outside the institution who fitted the target user
profile. Some logic choices, phrases and expressions, and
changes to the rubrics were implemented as a result. The base
screen used is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Base screen showing generated interface
The additions and changes in the interface are:
a New menu item and toolbar button for adding new
structural elements
a specific New-Doc toolbar button
an Outline toolbar button for access to the document
structure for navigation
a Mark toolbar button for recursively selecting the
current container
Crossref and Cite toolbar buttons
an additional List type toolbar button for description
Each tester was given time to study the interface
screenshot before starting, and the additional buttons and
menu items were explained. They were then presented with the
12 tests in sequence, and their clicks or keystrokes were
recorded on paper for later analysis. After testing there was
the opportunity to discuss the interface, and to identify if
the tester felt that it was more or less efficient than their
current system.
A sample screenshot is shown in Figure 4. This shows the drop-down menu from clicking
the I button.
Figure 4: Paper-prototyping screenshot showing
drop-down I button menu
The 12 tasks were:
Create a new document (a journal article)
Add a new paragraph after the current one
Split a paragraph into two
Join a paragraph to the preceding one
Join a paragraph to the following one
Add a new section to the article
Add a new (numbered) list
Move a block of text from one place to another
Highlight a product name (in italics)
Add a cross-reference to another section
Insert a citation and reference to a source
Insert a fragment from another document
A set of keystroke/mouseclick patterns was constructed for
comparison with the testers' solutions, consisting of a
sequence of mnemonics for the existing (traditional) ways of
doing the tasks, and the new ways envisaged using the new
affordances (buttons/menus).
Figure 5: Pattern examples
Add new list (task 7, rank 1, new method)
Move a block of text (task 8, rank 7, old method)
Add new section (task 6, rank 5, old method)
Some of these (especially the list buttons) involved a
change in behaviour which was explained before the test. The
List buttons add a new list at the first
available point after the cursor; they only make the current
paragraph into a list item if the paragraph was selected.
All testers completed all the tasks successfully, with one
minor exception, although there were numerous divergences from
the expected patterns en route. There were
two principal axes of measurement:
how much use the testers made of the new functions in
the interface; this was measured by a pattern rank value and
an affordance class (old, new, or hybrid) for the pattern
eventually followed in each task (Figure 6);
how much they diverged from the expected patterns;
this was measured by the number of unexpected steps
along the way to completing a task.
Using the affordances
The responses fell into two groups: those tasks solved by
a preponderance of old or new methods, and those solved by a
much wider mix.
Figure 6: Number of testers by task showing affordance
Three of the twelve tasks (create new document, insert
cross-reference, and insert citation) were solved almost
entirely using the new affordances; two more were solved
using a hybrid approach (highlight product and insert
fragment); and two were solved entirely using the
traditional method (both join paragraph tests);
The remaining five showed an unrelated mix of old and
new methods, showing a wide variety of approaches by the
testers, although in two (adding new section and adding
list), 12 out of 21 testers used the new
A preference for editing methods using existing, known,
keystrokes or mouseclicks appears to be strong in the longest
and most complex task (moving a block of text), and in the
least understood task (splitting a paragraph: some testers had
to ask what this meant).
Question 8 (highlighting in italics) has also been
successfully tested independently by a project in the
Netherlands examining a related but different aspect of text
editing (Geers2010).
Divergences from the expected patterns
Thirty-five out of the 252 task solutions (12×21) included
dvergences from the expected patterns: keystrokes or
mouseclicks which were out of sequence, exploratory,
unintended, or otherwise abnormal.
An outlier was eight divergent steps to solve Task 12
(Insert a fragment of another document) using
the traditional steps of opening the external document,
finding, marking, and copying the required text, closing the
document, and pasting the text into position. This was an
extreme case, and perhaps indicates that the anecdotal
perception of user reluctance to adopt new methods may not be
entirely correct.
Figure 7: Total number of occasions of divergence by test
A measure of divergence was taken by by multiplying the
number of divergences by the number of testers who diverged (a
form of weighting) as shown by Figure 7.
Three tasks (create document, highlight product, and
insert citation) were completed with no divergences at all,
and five more (add paragraph, join paragraph [both], insert
cross-reference, and insert document fragment) with only one
or two.
The greater numbers of divergences were in task for which
there are traditionally several different ways of achieving
them, all equally valid. This may indicate that not all users
stick to a single, canonical way of performing a task:
#3, Split paragraph; as noted earlier, some
uncertainty clearly existed in the testers' mental model
of a paragraph. In all these cases except the last, the
first move (position the cursor) was correct, but three of
them (four if we include the last) then exercised the New
menu or button, believing the task to require the
introduction of a new paragraph. It is not known if this
is due to a fault in the rubric, although as the majority
of testers succeeded with no problem, this is regarded as
#6, Add new section; these are minor, as they are
almost all the introduction of [unnecessary] vertical
white-space before finally using the new affordances to
add the new section.
#7, Add new list; as with test 3 above, the initial
cursor movement was unexceptional (although unnecessary),
but as with test 6, the extra white-space reveals the
inheritance of the wordprocessor model, where the list
buttons operate on the current paragraph.
#8, Move text; these were slightly more varied
divergences: some do indeed use the same model as above
(of adding white-space, in this case before pasting), but
they included an experimental excursion into
vi keystroke (shortcut) mode,
and a use of the Find function to
locate the end of the required section.
None of these would appear to affect the thesis that the
new affordances provide an alternative means to completing the
tasks, but they do perhaps reveal the change of mind-set
required for efficient use of a structured editor. In
discussion, several testers said they were unaware that an
editing interface could do so much; that is,
automate so much of the task as this one implies.
Comment and discussion
Three questions were asked after each test session was
How obvious was it what to click on?
Did you feel it needed more or fewer clicks than your
current system?
Do you feel that the program is doing it
right (that is, as you would
These were not intended as formal survey questions, but
more designed to elicit a conversational response, although
time was limited as sessions were targeted at 45 minutes, and
30 of those were nominally assigned to the tests. They do
nevertheless contribute an indication of potential user
satisfaction, which is overall positive.
Eight testers felt the interface was
very obvious to use; 13 rated it
mostly obvious.
More or fewer clicks?
12 testers thought such an interface would take
fewer clicks than their current system (mainly
Word); six thought it would
take about the same number or not more;
one declined to answer; one thought it would be more,
but the interface was good; and one would
only say it was acceptable.
Does it right?
18 felt the interface did it right;
one declined to answer; one said mostly;
and one just thought it was easier.
The overall impression was of slight surprise that there
even existed ways different from Word of doing everyday
editing and writing tasks.
The additional comments made in answer to the questions
indicate that some aspects of the interface as tested would
need revising, or that a different way of expressing the
intent (the affordance) should be investigated:
the term document fragment was a poor
choice, as it uses a term not commonly
understood. Paragraph or (in the
context), signature block would have been
better, even though the concept being tested was actually
generalisable to other element types.
the distinction between New (additional structural
material) and Insert (new material inside existing text
within a paragraph) was imperfectly understood. Despite the
extensive misunderstandings created by the application of
the term in the concept of document trees, perhaps it is
already too well-entrenched to change.
the idea is interesting that more clicks would even be
acceptable if the resulting document quality is improved
or the reason for the clicks is made clear.
the breadcrumb should have been clickable.
We conclude that changes along these lines are likely to
contribute to making a structured-document editor more usable
by the target population.
In addition, a number of unexplored techniques were
identified which could contribute to lower user frustration,
among them Target Markup Adoption and Smart Insertion.
The benefits likely to accrue from these changes are
greater user satisfaction and less training, leading to
increased productivity and greater accuracy in document
We did not directly test whether these benefits would lead
to lower costs within an organisation, as there are many other
factors which affect this, including the organisational change
which may be required to move to a new system. However, as
several of them have recently been implemented in interfaces,
including Word and Xopus, there appears to be a willingness
among manufacturers as well as users to use them.
[Ebel2005] Ebel, Hans Friedrich; Bliefert,
Claus; and Russey, William E. The Art of Scientific
Writing: From Student Reports to Professional Publications in
Chemistry and Related Fields. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Germany, 2nd ed. 2005. ISBN 9783527298297.
[Flynn2006] Flynn, Peter. If XML is so
easy, how come it’s so hard?: The usability of editing
software for structured documents. Presented at the
Extreme Markup Languages Conference 2006, Montréal, Canada,
August 7–11, 2006.
[Flynn2009] Flynn, Peter. Why writers
don't use XML: The usability of editing software for
structured documents. Presented at Balisage: The
Markup Conference 2009, Montréal, Canada, August 11–14, 2009. In
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009. Balisage
Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 3 (2009). doi:
[Geers2010] Geers, Frederik.
User-friendly structured document editing: removing
barriers for author acceptance. Masters Thesis,
Content and Knowledge Engineering, University of
[Joloboff1989] Joloboff, Vania.
Document Representation: Concepts and standards.
In Andre, J; Furuta, R; and Quint, V: Structured
Documents, CUP, Cambridge UK, 1989,
[Piez2007] Piez, Wendell and Usdin, Tommie.
Separating Mapping from Coding in Transformation
Tasks. Presented at the XML Conference, Boston, MA,
December 3–5, 2007.
[Reid1980] Reid, Brian. Scribe: A
Document Specification Language and its Compiler. PhD
Thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1980.
[Snyder2003] Snyder, Carolyn. Paper
Prototyping. Morgan Kaufmann (Elsevier Science), San
Francisco, 2003. ISBN 1558608702.
[1] One editor, compiling chapters from different authors,
unwittingly pasted all but the first chapter into the final
footnote of the first chapter, because the cursor appeared
to be at the end of the chapter, and OpenOffice permitted
the footnote to hold eleven chapters' worth of text!
[2] Although both Word and OpenOffice/Libre Office now XML
as a file storage format to represent the (unstructured)
content of documents, we are concerned here with the use of
semantic markup.
Ebel, Hans Friedrich; Bliefert,
Claus; and Russey, William E. The Art of Scientific
Writing: From Student Reports to Professional Publications in
Chemistry and Related Fields. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Germany, 2nd ed. 2005. ISBN 9783527298297.
Flynn, Peter. If XML is so
easy, how come it’s so hard?: The usability of editing
software for structured documents. Presented at the
Extreme Markup Languages Conference 2006, Montréal, Canada,
August 7–11, 2006.
Flynn, Peter. Why writers
don't use XML: The usability of editing software for
structured documents. Presented at Balisage: The
Markup Conference 2009, Montréal, Canada, August 11–14, 2009. In
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009. Balisage
Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 3 (2009). doi:
Geers, Frederik.
User-friendly structured document editing: removing
barriers for author acceptance. Masters Thesis,
Content and Knowledge Engineering, University of
Piez, Wendell and Usdin, Tommie.
Separating Mapping from Coding in Transformation
Tasks. Presented at the XML Conference, Boston, MA,
December 3–5, 2007.