Graham, Tony. “Decision making in XSL-FO formatting.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013 August 6 - 9, 2013
Balisage Paper: Decision making in XSL-FO formatting
XSL-FO has a very linear processing model that has served it well, but very often
it is necessary to make decisions on what will be in the formatted output based on
the sizes of the formatted output, and XSL 1.1 as defined does not let you do that.
This paper looks at what's needed to be done to get that sort of decision making into
XSL-FO processing today and at some possible future developments.
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 1.1 [XSL11] is defined to cover
both transformation and formatting. The transformation part was
broken out as XSLT long before XSL 1.1 became a Recommendation, so the XSLT spec,
bar a few paragaphs about XSLT, is concerned with formatting the result of a XSLT
transformation, where:
Formatting is enabled by including formatting semantics in the result tree. Formatting
semantics are expressed in terms of a catalog of classes of formatting objects. The
nodes of the result tree are formatting objects. The classes of formatting objects
denote typographic abstractions such as page, paragraph, table, and so forth. Finer
control over the presentation of these abstractions is provided by a set of formatting
properties, such as those controlling indents, word- and letter spacing, and widow,
orphan, and hyphenation control. In XSL, the classes of formatting objects and formatting
properties provide the vocabulary for expressing presentation intent.
Figure 1 is the detailed conceptual model diagram from XSL 1.1. It shows a linear
process from XML source to the result of the XSLT stage to the formatted output.
Figure 1: XSL 1.1 processing model
The process of turning XML in the FO vocabulary into formatted, and more than likely
paginated, output is itself defined in multiple stages. Figure 2, also from XSL 1.1,
shows how the XML representation of the formatting objects is turned into actual objects
(as 'actual' as bits and bytes in computer memory can be), expressions in property
values are resolved, and the formatter then makes areas. The formatted areas could
be written out to a graphical or document format (such as PDF, PostScript, or RTF)
or, in some cases, could be written out as an XML representation of the area tree
for later processing.
Figure 2: Summary of the process
The XSL spec itself notes that its design follows that of DSSSL [DSSSL]:
XSL builds on the prior work on Cascading Style Sheets [CSS2] and the Document Style
Semantics and Specification Language [DSSSL].
and the linear processing model with transformation and formatting stages follows
that of DSSSL:
Figure 3: DSSSL processing model
Figure 4: DSSSL formatting
DSSSL goes one step further - or XSL took one step back from DSSSL - since DSSSL states:
DSSSL is independent of the type of formatter,
formatting system, or other transformation processor.
and James Clark's Jade DSSSL procssor [JADE] came with RTF, TeX, and MIF backends
for formatted output.
This separation of concerns between a style engine and a backend is not explicit in
either the original XSL Requirements Summary [XSLReq] or the XSL spec, but the linear
processing model did allow XSL processing to be implemented on top of existing formatters,
and of the six formatters for which test results [XSLCRTest] were provided so the
XSL 1.0 specification could progress from Candidate Recommendation to Proposed Recommendation,
two - Arbortext and PassiveTeX - used existing formatters to make the pages.
Effect on decision making
To take a simplistic view of decision making - that it's just that: making decisions
- then there's obviously a lot of decision making going on in the XSL processing model:
The stylesheet writer decides how to style the class of the source documents
The XSLT processor, by selecting template rules based on the structure of the source
document (and possibly on other factors) and by evaluating conditional expressions,
decides what goes in the result tree
The XSL formatter decides where pages, lines, etc., should break, decides what should
change when one area intrudes on another, and decides (based on values of properties
such as 'overflow', etc.) what to do when an area or a graphic is too large for the
available space
yet these are all decisions taken in isolation at different points in the processing.
Case Study - PLOS ONE Journal
PLOS ONE [PONE] is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication
published by PLOS (Public Library of Science) [PLOS], a nonprofit publisher and advocacy
organization headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.
The author was selected to implement a XSL-FO-based system for producing PDFs of PLOS
ONE articles. The PDFs had to replicate PLOS ONE's existing house style.
PLOS ONE receives manuscripts in Word, LaTeX, or RTF formats, then converts these
to XML conforming to the NLM Journal Publishing DTD v3.0 prior to publication.
PLOS ONE articles are formatted in two-column pages. Figures may be either column-wide
or page-wide, and tables may be column-wide, page-wide, or rotated so their width
is page-high, but there is no size information for either figures or tables in the
source XML. Figures and graphics may also float to either the top or bottom of the
page or column.
XSL 1.1 capabilities
XSL 1.1 defines a 'before-float-reference-area' on a page, but does not define an
area for content floated to the 'after' end of the page, and the 'before-float-reference-area',
when instantiated, takes the full width of the fo:region-body of the page.
PLOS therefore had to choose a XSL formatter based on the availability of vendor extensions
to support more ways to float than defined by XSL 1.1.
Graphics handling
Graphics at least have an intrinsic size and, in formats such as TIFF, have an intrinsic
resolution as well.
The process for determining whether graphics are column-wide or page-wide is:
Download copies of TIFF images from PLOS ONE article web page
In production, PLOS will have the graphics available on their servers, so this is
only ncessary while developing the stylesheet.
Run ImageMagick 'identify' on each graphic to get its width, height, horizontal resolution,
and vertical resolution and write the information to a '.identify' file for each graphic
In the XSLT stylesheet, when processing a graphic, get the contents of the corresponding
'.identify' file using 'unparsed-text()', tokenize the returned string to get the
four values, then calculate the graphic's width by dividing the width in pixels by
the horizontal resolution. When the calculateed width is less than or equal to the
width of a column, it is made column-wide, otherwise it is made page-wide.
The PLOS ONE authoring guidelines allow graphics sized up to the height of the page
body, but figures may have captions of up to 300 characters, as well as having a label,
title, and DOI that also appear in the formatted output. XSL doesn't allow floated
FOs to break across a page, so imilarly to as described below for tables, the processing
system 'preformats' the figure captions at both widths and writes out the area tree
to be used as input by the main stylesheeet so the stylesheet reduces the allowed
maximum height of the graphic so the graphic won't push its following caption into
the footer area.
Table handling
Tables, as noted above, are presented one of three ways -- column-wide, page-wide,
or page-high -- depending on which best fits the content of the table. Deciding which
to do is entirely up to the processing system since the source XML, converted from
other sources as it was, does not include even the few presentation-oriented attributes
defined by the DTD.
The NLM/JATS DTDs support [TableWrap] specifying the orientation of a combined table
and caption but do not provide a way to indicate the width of a table. The NISO JATS
table model does allow a 'style' attribute on 'table' and 'caption', but not on the
'table-wrap' that contains them both.
The sample files provided at the start of the project included TIFF images of each
of the tables in the samples as well as TIFF files for the graphics, and it wasn't
until the project was underway that it was made clear that the images of the tables
were artifacts of the existing processing system and, not only were they not going
to be available for new documents, the new system was expected to produce those as
The implemented approach makes a temporary 'sizer' formatted document containing each
table at each width, saves the area tree from that document, and provides the area
tree as a parameter to the stylesheet that produces the FO for the final formatted
The 'sizer' document comprises three pages that each have a different fixed width
and a large height (since the formatter doesn't support '<fo:root media-usage="bounded-in-one-dimension">').
Every table in the source XML has an ID, so the tables on each page are given a unique
ID in their FO document by prefixing a page-specific prefix to the tables original
ID. The following figure shows tables from an article formatted at page-wide, column-wide,
and page-high widths. The first two tables fit within a column, but the third overflows
a column.
Figure 5: 'sizer' document
The stylesheet that produces the 'sizer' document is very simple. A template matching
the document node does all the work, and the stylesheet imports the 'main' stylesheet
so the tables are formatted exactly as they would be in the final output. Since there
are only three pages, the stylesheet does not even define any page-sequence masters,
so each fo:page-sequence refers directly to a fo:simple-page-master.
The only template that has so far been needed to override the default processing just
stops bibliographic cross-references or references to supplemantary material generating
a fo:basic-link so there's no longer warnings from the XSL formatter about unresolved
The main stylesheet declares variables for the page width, margins, etc., so the same
values are used in the main stylesheet to produce the final output and to work out
whether graphics should be page-wide or column-wide and used in the 'sizer' stylesheet
to set the pages' dimensions.
As stated previously, the area tree for the 'sizer' document is saved as XML, and
the filename of the area tree XML passed to the main stylesheet, when run separately,
as a parameter value. When the stylesheet comes to process a 'table-wrap', it looks
up the dimensions of the table variants in the 'sizer' area tree and, based on the
dimensions, decides which format of the table to use. The following figure shows
two of the tables from the 'sizer' document in the final formatted output.
Figure 6: Formatted pages
Current capabilities include automatic sizing of tables to be column-wide, page-wide,
or page-high (either column-width or page-width), with manual overrides available
to force a table to be page-wide or page high, plus automatic breaking of tables that
are too high (or, for page-high tables, too wide) for the available space. When tables
are broken into multiple subtables, each subtable gets its column widths from the
'sizer' table both so the subtables use the same widths and to avoid the automatic
table algorithm optimising eacch subtable and leaving space at the bottom of a page.
It hasn't yet been necessary to produce TIFF images of each table, but if it were
required, the main stylesheet would output a separate FO document with individually-sized
page dimensions for each table. Those FO documents would then be formatted to PDF
or PostScript and then converted to TIFF using ImageMagick.
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0
The "Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0" Working Draft
[XSLFO20-Req], published two years after XSL 1.1, includes among its requirements
several that require or allow more decision making within the XSL formatter or that
break the linear sequence of the XSL 1.1 processing model, including:
Section 2.3, Feedback from pagination stage
This calls for "the ability to use information from the pagination step of one formatting
episode in determining layout of the following formatting episode" and "making changes
to the pages, reordering pages, merging multiple flows and do many other post processing
tasks." This is what was done in the PLOS ONE example above, but if it could be realised
in a XSL-FO 2.0 specification and in a XSL-FO 2.0 formatter, then it may be easier
to use compared to the current bespoke solution that is stitched together using Apache
Section 3.1, Including information from formatting time
This calls for the XSL-FO expression language "to allow expressions that include information
that’s only available at formatting time." If implemented, it wouldn't necessarily
put more decision making in the XSL formatter, but would let the output change the
output in a way that isn't possible at present.
Section 3.2, Pagination information
The ability "to compute expressions that are based on information that is only available
after the pagination stage" would be another twist to the linear processing model.
Section 2.1.4, Copyfitting
Copyfitting, in XSL-FO 2.0 terms, would be the ability to "shrink or grow content
(change properties of text, line-spacing, ...) to make it constrain to a certain area."
The requirements also anticipate that "multiple instances of alternative content can
be provided to determine best fit" and that copyfitting would act "across a given
number of pages, regions, columns etc, for example to constrain the number of pages
to 5 pages."
Again, this would put more decision making within the XSL formatter but, once specified
in the input FO document, it would be beyond the direct control of the XSLT stylesheet
and of the stylesheet writer.
Print and Page Layout Community Group
The charter of the W3C XML Print and Page Layout Working Group, which was developing
XSL-FO 2.0 and produced a series of working drafts, expired in early 2013. However,
following the inception of Business and Community Groups at the W3C, the Print and
Page Layout Community Group [PPL] has been operating since early 2012. It has no
charter and no support from the W3C other than that provided to all Community Groups,
but after a period of relative inactivity, it is now producing new ideas and trying
out new solutions for XSL-FO processing.
Emphasis on feedback
Following a post by Patrick Gundlach of Speedata on the eve of his XML Prague 2013
talk [Sppedata], the CG turned its attention to feedback, or the lack of it, in XSL-FO
processing. The CG produced a short list of examples where feedback, as the basis
for decision making, would be useful [CustReq]. Some of them have direct equivalents
in the XSL-FO 2.0 requirements document, but others do not.
It was quite easy for several on the mailing list to agree on the
usefulness of more feedback in XSL-FO processing (while others are happy with XSL
1.1 as it is today [Hahn]), but the difficulty was in doing anything about it given
the limited resources of the CG. In response to comments on the mailing list, Arved
Sandstrom of MagicLamp Software produced a proof-of-concept extension function [FOPRunXSLTExt]
for both the Saxon and Xerces XSLT processors that, mid-transform, runs the Apache
FOP XSL formatter [FOP] on a provided FO document and returns (a reference to) the
area tree XML for the formatted result.
Several examples of the extension function in action are provided on the PPL wiki.
The example below demonstrates a solution to requirement #9, "Ability to modify label
field width in a single list when labels are large", from [CustReq].
The example's source XML includes two lists that, when transformed with the default
stylesheet and formatted, are cleverly contrived to have list item label widths that
are either too wide or too narrow for the labels in the lists.
Figure 7: Wrong list item label widths
When the same XML is transformed with a stylesheet that uses the extension function
and then formatted, the list item label widths are set based on the actual maximum
formatted width of the labels in each list. The stylesheet constructs a test document
containing just the list item label texts, uses the extension function to format that
and get the area tree, and decides the maximum widths from the area tree. The document
that is formatted mid-transform is, therefore, a different document to the one used
to produce the final output.
Figure 8: Right list item label widths
<xsl:template name="main">
<!-- Make a test document containing only the list labels. Re-use
example markup rather than creating FOs directly just because
it's convenient. -->
<xsl:variable name="test-doc">
<xsl:for-each select="key('lists', true())">
<box id="{@id}" width="3in" height="3in">
<xsl:for-each select="item/@label">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<!-- Save the FO tree from $test-doc in a variable. -->
<xsl:variable name="fo_tree">
<xsl:apply-templates select="$test-doc" />
<xsl:variable name="area_tree_file"
select="concat($dest_dir, '/', $area_tree_filename)" />
<xsl:message>Area tree filename = <xsl:value-of select="$area_tree_file" /></xsl:message>
select="runfop:area-tree-url($fo_tree, $area_tree_file)"
as="xs:string" />
as="document-node()?" />
<xsl:variable name="overrides">
<!-- Find the maximum label width for each list and convert to pt. -->
<xsl:for-each select="key('lists', true())">
<xsl:variable name="id" select="@id" as="xs:string" />
<xsl:variable name="block"
select="key('blocks', $id, $area-tree)[1]" />
<override id="{$id}" label-width="{max($block//text/@ipd) div 1000}pt" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="/">
<xsl:with-param name="overrides" select="$overrides" as="document-node()" tunnel="yes" />
The examples so far haven't demonstrated anything that couldn't be done using two
stylesheets in the manner of the PLOS ONE table handling. The following example impements
the oft-stated requirement for adjusting font size until text just fits a certain
area. Since that's an iterative process, it's more convenient to do that within on
transformation rather than having to use shell scripts or Ant to run an XSLT processor
on a preliminary stylesheet multiple times and examine the result each time.
The difficulty with the proof-of-concept extension function is that it's only a proof-of-concept
-- getting the area tree back from the extension function is more complicated than
it needs to be, and getting values from the area tree requires some comprehension
of the FOP area tree XML. If it is to be generally usable and usable with different
XSL formatters, there should be a common area tree XML format into which vendor's
area trees can be transformed and/or library functions for common area tree access
Adapt Saxon-CE event model to XSL-FO?
Using the proof-of-concept extension function, an
XSLT stylesheet can now make decisions about what to put in the result
based on the trial formatted size of areas, but as it's only a
proof-of-concept, it doesn't aim as high as getting feedback from or
modifying in-situ the area tree for the final, formatted document.
Once people have tried a few things with getting feedback from the XSL
formatter and start asking their vendors for the same or better, they'll
also be wanting an interoperable way to express what to do with that
feedback. For simple feedback of static area trees, which is all that is
possible with the current proof-of-concept, the most interoperability that
you could manage would be a common representation of area trees (with
flexibility for vendor extensions) and, possibly, a library of XSLT
functions to make it easier to navigate the area trees, but for "live"
feedback, something more would be required.
The PPL CG has recently been looking at how Saxon-CE [SaxonCE] handles user input,
and considering whether the same sort of pattern could be adapted to handling
feedback from the XSL formatter. Saxon-CE does it through template
rules that match the element that receives the event and are in a mode
that reflects the type of event, and similarly an XSL formatter could
trigger on exceptional events such as overflow occurring or even on
mundane events such as completion of a page sequence, and the templates in
the corresponding modes could match on either FOs in the FO tree or areas
in the area tree.
The following template from the "Knight's Tour" sample Saxon-CE
application is the event handler for when the user clicks the 'Reset'
button. It simply writes a NO-BREAK SPACE to each square on the Knight's
chess board
The key feature of the event handler for the purposes of this discussion
is that it's written in plain old XSLT. The advantage of the XSLT event
handler for Saxon-CE users is interactivity "without dropping down into
JavaScript" (as the Saxon-CE documentation so delicately puts it),
but the advantage for XSL-FO users would simply be that they don't need to
learn a new language (declarative, functional, or otherwise) to handle
feedback. (And the advantage for those trying to define or
implement feedback is that they don't need to invent a whole new language to
handle it.)
Applying the Saxon-CE approach to XSL-FO, the following conceptual FO
event handler would handle a figure overflowing its available space by
reducing its size to 80% of the current.
An extra wrinkle for XSL-FO is the question of whether event handlers
should be specified to (a) match on, and (b) modify the FO tree or the
area tree or both. There are some existing requirements that can only be
satisfied by modifying the area tree, e.g., Section 3.3, Output result of
Allow users to output the result of expressions on area tree,
traits, markers or text content. For example to calculate the
subtotal of a certain page (as opposed to a running total that
is already supported in XSL 1.1 with table markers)
On the other hand, it will often be simpler (from the user's perspective)
to modify an FO rather than all the areas that it generates, since a
single FO may generate multiple areas across several columns or pages (and
footnote areas), and its content may be reused in markers on multiple
pages. If, for example, the response to a page sequence taking too many
pages is to reduce the font size in one of the multiple flows appearing on
the page, it would be at once simple to adjust the 'font-size' property on
the appropriate FOs in the FO tree and inaccurate to directly modify font
sizes in the line areas in the area tree. If the XSL formatter did the
work based on modified FOs, it would reflow the line areas based on their
reduced font size and make the pages again and the resulting modified
block areas would break across pages in different places because of the
smaller font size. If the XSLT stylesheet did the work by modifying the
area tree, it would have to do the same recalculating of text sizes and
the same merging or splitting of line areas and of block areas, and all
(probably) without the benefit of font metrics. It might work, just, in a
simple case with only monospace fonts, but would still be a lot of work to
do in XSLT.
Adapting the Saxon-CE event model to XSL-FO is, therefore, an interesting
possible solution to handling feedback from the XSL formatter, but there
are still many FO-specific details that would have to be worked out.
The linear processing model of XSL 1.1 has served it will -- and, in the XSL 1.0 timeframe,
helped it towards becoming a Recommendation -- but real world use cases have forced
users into doing multi-pass processing and other tricks so they can make decisions
on what to put in the formatted output based on sizes in the formatted output. The
XSL-FO 2.0 requirements document recognised some of these requirements, but the XPPL
WG's charter expired without XSL-FO 2.0 being completed. Since then, the Print and
Page Layout Community Group at the W3C has been producing innovative ideas and solutions
to help satisfy the user requirements for more decision making in XSL-FO processing.