Lee, David. “Fat Markup: Trimming the Myth one calorie at a time.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol10.Lee01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013 August 6 - 9, 2013
Balisage Paper: Fat Markup: Trimming the Fat Markup Myth one calorie at a time
David Lee has over 30 years' experience in the software industry responsible
for many major projects in small and large companies including Sun Microsystems,
IBM, Centura Software (formerly Gupta.), Premenos, Epiphany (formerly
RightPoint), WebGain, Nexstra, Epocrates, MarkLogic. As Lead Engineer at
MarkLogic, Inc., Mr. Lee is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the core
XML Database server.
We all know that XML is "fat" and JSON is the "thinner", "faster", "smaller",
"better" markup. We know this to be true because we've been told it over and over.
It's "obvious" and "inherently true" because XML has redundant end tags,
namespaces, entities and other extra "pounds of fat" that JSON doesn't have. But
where is the science supporting this? What are the facts and what is myth? When
people make design and architecture decisions it should be supported by facts not
speculation. In this paper I show the results of an ongoing series of real world
tests of Markup performance in browsers across a wide variety of devices, browsers
and operating systems and attempt to quantify markup performance with experimental
results and maybe trim the fat myth one calorie at a time.
Simply search the web or ask your friends and except for a few evangelist's XML vs JSON they will tell you the same thing. For people who want to
promote and use JSON they often use this "fact" to support their cause. For people
want to use and promote XML they usually accept this and point to XML's other features
that are more important.
Yet few dispute this fact or attempt a systematic measurement to validate or disprove
it. And when they do it's usually a very constrained test with a single corpus AJAX Performance. It's just true.
The worst misconceptions are those which everyone knows to be true, and yet are completely
false. Once a false idea gets into the public consciousness, however, they are very
difficult to expunge, and rarely go away completely.
When used to describe Markup, "Fat" has many factors and connotations. For the
purposes of this paper the following attributes are investigated - size, shape, speed
and looks.
Size Matters
The total size of a marked up document matters for some purposes. The larger the size
of the document, generally the more memory it consumes when parsed, the more space
it takes in storage and the more time it takes to transfer over a network. However,
a single measurement of size is misleading.
Size can be measured in bytes, characters, nodes and other metrics - both on
storage and in memory. Encoding and compression can affect the byte size given the
same character size in storage (and often memory). Choices of particular markup style
representing the same document data can affect the number of characters; for example
choosing shorter element names can produce a document with less characters. Markup
choices can also affect node structure and size; for example using attributes in XML
instead of elements for some data produces a different representation of the node
tree itself which in turn affects the number of characters and bytes. There are many
other considerations such as numeric precision, ignorable and boundary whitespace,
defaulted attributes, use of namespaces etc. While some specifics are particular to
the markup language the concept is valid in both XML and JSON formats.
Thus given the same document as an abstract object, it is meaningless to attempt
to provide a single measurement of its size as expressed in a particular markup
format. However, one can measure specific sizes of a particular representation of
But even given a specific metric for the size of a document, does it matter? That
would depend on what one cares about. Size is at best an indirect measurement of
some other quantity one is interested in such as time to transmit over a network or
disk space used. General intuition is that probably smaller is "better". However,
get a more definitive answer then that we need to ask "better for what and whom?"
binary compressed document may be smallest and better at conserving disk space but
not better at readability, usability or parsing speed.
Shape Matters
The "Shape" or particular structure of a document matters for some purposes. For
example, readability and ease of authoring by humans or machines may be important.
The "shape" also affects the design of parsers, data models and programming
A particular shape may be better for some uses then others - an exact mapping to a
particular programming language object structure may be useful in that language but
cumbersome in another. Even in a single language some models may be better suited
for direct access and others for searching.
Shape of a document is hard to quantify, but I suggest that one can use "ease of
use" as a proxy. A shape that doesn’t fit your use case is hard to use and could be
considered "Fat" in terms of the difficulty of using it.
Speed Matters
When something is considered "Fat" it's generally implied that its "Slow". Speed
matters. The time it takes to transfer a document from disk to memory, the time it
takes to transfer across a network, the time it takes to parse and query a document
- all matter. There is also developer time. How long does it take a developer to
learn a language and write code to process a document?
Sometimes speed in the small doesn’t mean speed in the large. The story of the
Tortoise and the Hare can provide good reflection on this. As a practical example,
imagine a document which is very fast to load into a programming language but the
data format produced doesn’t lend itself for some use cases so extra processing,
internal transformations to other models or use of complex and slow libraries may
required to access the document. For example it is common practice in JSON to embed
HTML snippets as strings. If you want to search, combine or reformat them you may
then have to construct an HTML document and parse it with an HTML parser to produce
an object model which useful. The leanness of the original markup is lost in the
overhead of having to perform multiple layers of parsing.
Looks Matter
Fat is generally considered "Ugly". A "Fat Markup" often implies an ugly one. If a
document format is so ugly you can't stand looking it, you will try to avoid
Fortunately "Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder". This is true in markup as
well as the humanities. As time, exposure, and fashion change so can the subjective
beauty of a markup format.
What's it all mean?
Sweeping statements of technologies like "Fat", "Slow", "Bloated" have imprecise
meaning. Worse they are often chosen to pull in emotional associations which may not
apply to
the specific cases. So even if it were considered true, what does it mean by saying
"XML Is Fat"? I suggest it means very little, actually of negative usefulness. A
markup itself is not used in isolation; it is used in the context of complex
work-flows including editing, distribution and processing. So what should one do to
characterize a Markup Language in a meaningful and useful way?
I suggest a path lies in defining tests that measure specific use cases and
provide reproducible metrics. These metrics can be used to get a better
understanding of the performance of markup in a meaningful way.
In short, An Experiment.
The Experiment
I designed an experiment to attempt to quantify some of the attributes attributed
"Fat Markup". In particular I focused on what is generally considered an already
answered question in particular because I would like to validate that the "common
wisdom" is in fact based on fact, and if so or not, to what degree and in what exact
cases. The Experiment focuses on performance of JSON and XML in the use case of being
delivered by a standard web Server and being parsed and queried in a Browser.
Furthermore, mobile devices are becoming vastly more prevalent then in the recent
and little research addresses Mobile Browsers so I attempt to include them as much
possible in the tested scenarios.
The Experiment I developed attempts to test the following attributes of XML and JSON
Multiple Document Corpuses
Most of the past publications I have found focus on a single corpus of documents and
usually attempt to derive a single metric.
These are often very artificial, focused on a single domain or structurally similar.
For this experiment I take 6 very different documents and a baseline to attempt to
cover a range of document uses 'in the wild'.
Subsets of larger corpus and duplication of smaller datasets were chosen so the
resultant XML and JSON sizes ranged from 100 KB to 1 MB. These limits were chosen
the size was large enough to take noticeable time to load, parse and query but not
large as to break most reasonable browsers even on mobile devices.
The Document corpus used is as follows
This is a very basic baseline document. It consists of a root object and a
child object with 3 properties. This baseline is used to sanity check the
test to make sure proper counting of size and nodes could be easily manually
This is an expanded sample of the BOOKS sample distributed with Saxon Saxon. It
contains 600 book items, with 300 categories.
A collection of 1000 random tweets from a search of Super Bowl and
advertiser terms. Identifying data from the collection was anonymized by
randomizing the user names and ID's.
Document Size and shape
Most research I have found makes the incorrect assumption that there is a single
representation of a document in a particular markup. I take a different approach.
Starting with seven (7) different documents I produce 2 variants in JSON and 3
variants in XML that all represent the same abstract document. These documents span
several data styles including simple tabular, highly structured and document format.
Some of the corpus is synthetic and some taken from real world data. In addition I
test the support for HTTP gzip compression on these documents.
JSON Formats
For JSON documents I produced 2 variants.
One variant similar to the default XML to JSON transformation from json.org (http://www.json.org/java/index.html). This variant, while fully
expressive is generally not what a JSON developer would expect. However, it is
what a naive XML to JSON transformation may produce.
The second JSON variant is a custom transformation informed by the specific
data structures and is close to what a JSON programmer might expect from a JSON
In both cases extraneously white-spaces are removed.
JSON Examples
Twitter 1 Full
The following is an example of a single JSON object in the twiter-1full.json. This
is representative of a naive conversion from XML using code similar to that at json.org.
Whitespace, newlines and indentation was added for presentation only; it does not
exist in the actual document.
This is an example of the same record represented in a format that a
native JSON developer may expect. Whitespace, newlines and indentation
was added for presentation only; it does not exist in the actual
Figure 2: Twitter 2 custom example
"status": {
"id": "303239543170138114",
"created-at": "2013-02-17T15:28:35",
"user": {
"created-at": "2012-05-30T01:40:04",
"description": "No regrets im blessed to say the old me dead and gone away",
"favorites-count": "1079",
"id": "6674089274671724277",
"lang": "en",
"name": "AqmtidAkSesSZ",
"screen-name": "ITQMiAqmti",
"location": "Hartselle "
"hash-tags": {
"hash-tag": [
"start": "65",
"end": "78",
"_value": "coolranchdlt"
"source": "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/download/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter
for iPhone</a>",
"text": "Taco Bell has cooler ranch Doritos tacos my life just got better #coolranchdlt",
"url-entities": "",
"user-mention-entities": ""
XML Formats
For the first format I used the "native" XML format (if the document
originated as XML) or a naive transformation from the object model to
For the second format I took the first format and simply removed boundary and
ignorable whitespace
For the third XML format I transformed the XML into an attribute centric
format. This was accomplished by taking all XML elements which contained only
text content, no attributes, and is not repeating and transformed that element
into an attribute.
XML Examples
What follows are 3 examples of the same twitter record as used for the XML
Figure 3: XML 1 example - base xml with whitespace and indentation
<status id="303239543170138114">
<user created-at="2012-05-30T01:40:04" description="No regrets im blessed to say the
old me dead and gone away" favorites-count="1079" id="6674089274671724277" lang="en"
name="AqmtidAkSesSZ" screen-name="ITQMiAqmti">
<location>Hartselle </location>
<hash-tag start="65" end="78">coolranchdlt</hash-tag>
<source><a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter
for iPhone</a></source>
<text>Taco Bell has cooler ranch Doritos tacos my life just got better #coolranchdlt</text>
Figure 4: XML 2 example - All whitespace and indentation removed
<status id="303239543170138114"><created-at>2013-02-17T15:28:35</created-at><user
created-at="2012-05-30T01:40:04" description="No regrets im blessed to say the old
me dead and gone away" favorites-count="1079" id="6674089274671724277" lang="en" name="AqmtidAkSesSZ"
screen-name="ITQMiAqmti"><location>Hartselle </location></user><hash-tags><hash-tag
start="65" end="78">coolranchdlt</hash-tag></hash-tags><source><a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone"
rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a></source><text>Taco Bell has cooler
ranch Doritos tacos my life just got better #coolranchdlt</text><url-entities/><user-mention-entities/></status>
Figure 5: XML 3 example - All non-repeating leaf elements pulled up into
<status id="303239543170138114" created-at="2013-02-17T15:28:35" source="<a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone"
rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>" text="Taco Bell has cooler
ranch Doritos tacos my life just got better #coolranchdlt" url-entities="" user-mention-entities=""><user
created-at="2012-05-30T01:40:04" description="No regrets im blessed to say the old
me dead and gone away" favorites-count="1079" id="6674089274671724277" lang="en" name="AqmtidAkSesSZ"
screen-name="ITQMiAqmti" location="Hartselle "/><hash-tags><hash-tag start="65" end="78">coolranchdlt</hash-tag></hash-tags></status></twitter>
Sizes of corpus
The following table lists the corpus documents, types, and sizes (raw and
compressed). This data is stored as a resource (index) and is available to the
client on start-up.
Table I
Corpus documents with sizes
Methodology and Architecture
The experiment contains a Server, Browser, and Analysis components. The components
were created using standard open source software and as much as possible designed
focus on the attributes being tested and eliminating introduction of bias from
components which are not related to the test goals.
The Server component provides two roles. It serves the source data used by the
Client and collects the results submitted by the client.
The Server software used is Apache HTTP serverApache. Client
documents (HTML, CSS, JavaScript and corpus data) are served as static resources
to minimize server side variations. The server is running on an Amazon EC2
instance in Virginia, US.
Results from the client are sent back to the server via an HTTP POST. The
server runs a CGI script which formats the results and queues them to a message queue.[2]
A data collection script periodically polls the queue for new results and when
it receives one enriches the results by expanding the UserAgent string into
sub-components for easier identification of browser and OS versions.[3] The
results are then stored locally as an XML file and also published to a database
for future analysis.
The mechanism used to report results is independent of the tests themselves,
do not affect the test data and could be replaced by other analogous
The only Server component that could affect the tests is the serving of static
JSON and XML corpus documents. These are exposed as static resources with HTTP
GET, with and without gzip compression enabled.
The Client is a Browser based JavaScript application. The GUI components of
the client were developed using GWT GWT. The code which performs the measured parts
of the tests are hand written JavaScript, with the exception that jQueryjQuery is used
for part of the test as indicated.
Figure 6: Client Application
On start-up the client requests an index document and shows a list of all files
in the corpus, their types and sizes. The user can choose to run tests
individually or as a whole.
There is one button which when tapped runs all tests then submits the results
to the server via an HTTP POST. The time it takes to load, initialize and update
the GUI, and to send the results is not included in the results.
Publicly available data available to the client program (browser) is also
included in the results. This data is used to identify the browser and OS of the
When the "Run All Tests" button is tapped the following procedure is run.
For each of the files in the index the following is performed and
individually timed.
The data file is fetched from the server in raw (not
compressed) format and stored as a string. Where possible the
actual Content-Length is used to update the data size metric for
this file.
The data file is fetched from the server in compressed (gzip)
format and uncompressed and stored as a string. Where possible
the actual Content-Length is used to update the compressed size
metric for this file.
The data is parsed into an in memory object. For JSON files
this uses the JavaScript eval() method. For XML files standard
browser methods are used to parse the XML file.
The object is "Queried". To simulate a consistent query across
the variety of the corpus all nodes of the document are
recursively descended and counted. The number of nodes visited
is recorded along with the elapsed time.
The data is again parsed into an in memory object. For both
JSON and XML files, jQuery is used to parse the document and
produce a jQuery object.
The object is "Queried". To simulate a consistent query across
the variety of the corpus all nodes of the jQuery document are
recursively descended and evaluated. The number of nodes visited
is recorded along with the elapsed time.
Test Coverage
In addition to a variety of data sources and formats, the experiment attempts to
cover a range of devices, operating systems, browsers and networks. This is achieved
by "crowd sourcing". The URL to the test was made public and distributed to a range
of mailing lists and social media sites including Amazon Mechanical TurkMechanical Turk. Ideally
this experiment can continue for a long duration so that trends over time can be
It is expected that performance varies considerably across devices, especially
mobile devices, and prior research has largely ignored differences across
Only the browser "User Agent" string is used to distinguish browsers, devices and
operating systems. This makes some measurements impossible such as distinguishing
between broadband, wifi, 3G, LTE and other networks.
However, even lacking some measurements and precision, seeing the range of
performance across platforms is still educational and useful.
At the time of this paper approximately 1200 distinct successful tests results
were collected.
Browser Coverage
Table II
Mobile Safari
Android Webkit
Chrome Mobile
Mobile Firefox
IE Mobile
Opera Mobile
Avant Browser
Netscape Navigator
Figure 7: Browsers Covered
Number of tests suites run on specific browsers
Operating System Coverage
Table III
Windows 7
iOS 6
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Windows XP
Android 4.1.x Jelly Bean
Linux (Ubuntu)
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
Windows 8
OS X 10.7 Lion
OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich
iOS 5
Android 2.3.x Gingerbread
Windows Vista
Android 2.2.x Froyo
Windows Phone 8
Windows RT
OS X 10.5 Leopard
Linux (CentOS)
Linux (Fedora)
iOS 7
Figure 8: Operating Systems Covered
Number of tests suites run on specific Operating Systems
Data Sizes
XML is inherently larger then than JSON. This is known as 'obviously true' due to
several factors inherent to XML markup.
The end tags of XML duplicate data in the start tags making the total
text longer.
Namespaces, prefixes, entities, comments, PI's and other XML features
add bloat not present in JSON.
JSON has a direct concise representation for arrays which XML does
These are all reasonable presumptions, but how much do these things
contribute to data sizes? In real use how much difference does it make? One of the
features of modern markup is that we sacrifice some compactness in exchange for
readability and usability. If the most important goal was compact size we would be
using specialized binary formats. In any case let's look at the actual
measurements from the corpus. For the most part size is a static feature of the data
files themselves, although this can be affected somewhat by the transmission
protocol. Experimentation has shown that overwhelmingly the static data size is very
close to the HTTP transmitted size of anything but very tiny documents. HTTP does
add a little variable overhead such as chunked encoding and headers, but this is
very small. The gzip compression available in HTTP 1.1 has been shown to be equal
size to using the "gzip" command. For the purposes of Data Size we shall examine the
static size of the documents on disk. All documents are stored in UTF-8 encoding as
plain text files.
As we can see from Figure 9 and Table I, for each data set the XML and JSON file size can vary
significantly depending on the formatting choices used. However, if one carefully
chooses a formatting style to minimize size then XML and JSON come very close with
XML smaller in some cases and JSON in others. Looking at the compressed sizes of the
files in Figure 10 we can see that the file sizes are
very close regardless of formatting style.
Figure 9: Corpus File Sizes
Compressed and uncompressed file sizes
Figure 10: Compressed File Sizes
Compressed file sizes (excluding twitter data)
Data Transmission Speed
The predominant factors influencing data transmission speed are the size of the
data transmitted and the network speed. In addition, processing speed of the client
(browser) and server have some influence as well as packet losses and other internet
related issues. Mobile networks generally have significantly higher latency so are
more affected by packet loss and retransmission.
This experiment focuses on measuring end to end speeds of HTTP from server to
browser using uncompressed and HTTP gzip compression across a range of devices and
browsers. It does not attempt to examine the root causes of network bandwidth and
The range of devices and networks produces a large scatter of transmission speeds.
While the trend is that uncompressed and compressed data are fairly linear with
respect to bytes transferred there are a lot of outliers. Note that each mark
represents the same base document requested uncompressed then compressed via HTTP.
If network speed was identical for both then the marks would have x and y values
equal, forming a tight line. Rather we see significant amount of outliers.
Transmission Speed
Figure 11
Transmission time in bytes/sec for Compressed (x) vs Raw (y)
Parsing Speed
So far we have dealt with markup agnostic metrics. It doesn’t take any more or less
time to transfer the same number of JSON bytes as XML bytes. Parsing is a different
matter. This experiment tests two variants of parsing for each JSON and XML. The
first variant is to use standard low level JavaScript methods for parsing. The other
variant is to use a common library (jQuery). The code for parsing was hand written
JavaScript and corresponds to what seems "best practice" in web programming
Figure 12: JSON Parsing using native JavaScript
eval('(' + responseString + ')');
Figure 13: JSON Parsing using jQuery
$wnd.jQuery.parseJSON( responseString );
Figure 14: XML Parsing using native JavaScript
function getIEParser() {
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument"); } catch (e) { }
try { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML.DOMDocument"); } catch (e) { }
try { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML3.DOMDocument"); } catch (e) { }
try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XmlDom"); } catch (e) { }
try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.DOMDocument"); } catch (e) { }
throw new Error("XMLParserImplIE6.createDocumentImpl: Could not find appropriate version of DOMDocument.");
if ($wnd.DOMParser){
parser=new DOMParser();
else // Internet Explorer
xmlDoc= getIEParser();
return xmlDoc ;
Figure 15: XML Parsing using jQuery
$wnd.jQuery.parseXML( responseString );
Figure 16: Parsing speed using JavaScript in seconds vs file size
Parses time in seconds for native JavaScript (y) vs size of raw
document in bytes (x).
Figure 17: Parsing speed using jQuery in seconds vs file size
Parses time in seconds for jQuery (y) vs size of raw document in bytes
Query Speed
Testing query across markup languages and a diverse corpus is tricky to achieve
without bias. For the purposes of this experiment I postulate that the purpose of
loading the document (JSON or XML) is to use all of it's data in some form.
Therefore to simulate a fair "query" I perform a recursive decent of the parsed
object's document model and count every node. There are certainly many other equally
good definitions of "query" but I wanted to have a similar test across all the
corpus that has a reasonable relevance to typical use cases.
The following listings show the JavaScript code for a recursive decent query of
all nodes in the document. It is very interesting to the author that despite popular
opinion the code for JSON and XML are extremely similar. XML has attributes which
adds a few lines of code but otherwise it's effectively the same amount of
programming to recurse and examine a JSON object and an XML object in JavaScript and
jQuery. XML adds about 4 lines of JavaScript to handle attributes in both the
JavaScript and jQuery case, but other than that the code is nearly identical.
Figure 18: JSON Query using native JavaScript
var n = 0;
var walk = function(o){
if( o == null || typeof(o) == "undefined" )
for(var prop in o){
var val = o[prop];
if(typeof val == 'object'){
var val = o ;
walk( this );
return n;
Figure 19: JSON Query using jQuery
var n = 0;
var walk = function( o )
if( o == null || typeof(o) == "undefined")
return ;
$wnd.jQuery.each(o, function(key, value) {
if( value != null && typeof(value) == "object" )
walk( value )
return n;
Figure 20: XML Query using native JavaScript
var n =0;
var walk = function( o )
if( o == null || typeof(o) == "undefined" )
return ;
if( o.attributes != null && typeof( o.attributes) != "undefined" )
for( var x = 0; x < o.attributes.length; x++ ) {
if( o.childNodes != null && typeof( o.childNodes) != "undefined" )
for( var x = 0; x < o.childNodes.length; x++ ) {
walk( o.childNodes[x] );
return n;
Figure 21: XML Query using jQuery
var n = 0;
var walk = function( o )
if( o == null || typeof(o) == "undefined" )
return ;
$wnd.jQuery( o).children().each( function( ) {
n++ ;
walk( this );
var a = o.attributes;
if( a != null && typeof(a) != "undefined" )
$wnd.jQuery(a).each( function() {
return n;
Taking a look at the query times however, JSON clearly has an advantage over XML
in pure query times. jQuery clearly imposes a significant penalty on XML query but
it also imposes a huge penalty on JSON query.
Figure 22: Query speed using JavaScript in seconds vs file size
Query speed in seconds (y) using pure JavaScript vs file size
Figure 23: Query speed using jQuery in seconds vs file size
Query speed in seconds using jQuery (y) vs file size (x).
Putting it together
So far we have looked at pieces of the entire work-flow - network speed, parsing
and query. Putting it all together what does it look like? Lets assume the developer
has chosen the most compact form for each document (JSON and XML), presuming that
would also be the most efficient form. What performance can we see across all
devices, OS's and browsers tested ? The following figures show the full time for
each test using only the most compact form of each document, tested using pure
JavaScript and jQuery, both compressed and uncompressed HTTP transfers.
The results are somewhat surprising. It's not a great surprise that jQuery adds a
significant performance penalty, but it is a surprise that across all ranges of
platforms that the total time for JSON and XML using native JavaScript is
effectively identical. Compare Figure 24 and Figure 26. This is still looking at the whole forest and not
the trees, but it is surprising to the author that there appears to be no
significant performance penalty using XML over JSON in pure JavaScript. However,
jQuery does impose a significant performance penalty to both JSON and XML, much more
so for XML.
Figure 24: Complete time uncompressed in pure JavaScript in seconds vs file
Total time uncompressed in seconds. (transmission + parse + query) in
pure Javascript (y) vs raw document size (x)
Figure 25: Complete time uncompressed in jQuery in seconds vs file size
Total time uncompressed in seconds (transmission + parse + query) in
jQuery (y) vs raw document size (x)
Figure 26: Complete time gzip in JavaScript in seconds vs file size
Total time gzip compressed in seconds (transmission + parse + query)
in pure JavaScript (y) vs raw document size (x)
Figure 27: Complete time gzip in jQuery in seconds vs file size
Total time gzip compressed in seconds (transmission + parse + query)
in jQuery (y) vs raw document size (x)
Pulling it apart
It is interesting to see how everything adds up, but so far we've seen the forest
not the trees. What does it look like for a particular user? Where is time spent for
a specific document on a particular browser and OS?
Since the experiment collects data from such a wide variety of systems it's
difficult to show a meaningful view of this. Averages and even percentiles mean very
little when looking at data that spans orders of magnitude. Instead lets look at a
couple typical test results which might help make sense of the big picture.
The following are the total of median times (median(data transfer) + median(parse)
+ median(query)) for the most compact form of the Twitter document in both JSON and
XML using both pure JavaScript and jQuery across all browsers. These results span
across a variety of devices, some browsers are obvious if they are mobile or desktop
and some are not obvious.
In the following charts, the vertical axis is time in seconds (more is slower),
and the horizontal axis represents one combination of "User Agent" + either JSON
XML (for every user agent there is two columns of data). Network transfer time
indicated as blue. Parsing time is indicated as red. Query time is indicated as
Median total times in seconds (y) for Twitter document, raw file using
JavaScript vs. user agent (y). User Agent is often a proxy for device type.
In Figure 28 we can see that the total time is dominated by
network transmission time. Mobile browsers such as Android Webkit, IE Mobile and
Opera Mobile take more time in the parsing and query layer probably due to their
slower CPU.
Median total times in seconds (y) for Twitter document, raw file using
jQuery vs. user agent (y). User Agent is often a proxy for device
In Figure 29 notice the change in the vertical access to
accomidate for large time spent in query and parse on some devices. Network time
remains the same but in many more cases are parse and query time a larger
Median total times in seconds (y) for Twitter document, compressed
using JavaScript vs User Agent (y). User Agent is often a proxy for device type.
In Figure 30 notice the change in vertical axis. The total time is dramatically smaller revealing
the relative times for parse and query being a larger portion of the total time, especially
on mobile devices.
Median total times in seconds (y) for Twitter document, compressed using jQuery vs
User Agent (y). User Agent is often a proxy for device type.
In Figure 31 we can see the impact of using jQuery on mobile devices especially for XML.
Problems and Issues
The topic in general and the experiment in particular are difficult issues to address.
The topic itself is "slippery". How does one address a generalized concept where the
basis is ill defined and the generalization is hazy? What is trying to be proved?
experiment only addresses a few questions from a huge range of possibilities.
Focusing on the experiment itself there are many specific issues which could be improved
and should be addressed in future experiments.
Browser Focused
The experiments and this paper focus specifically on the use case of data
sent from a "Server" and parsed and queried in a "Browser". There is no
testing of server based processing of data. The language in the browser is
limited to JavaScript which has very limited choice of technologies so there
was no testing of different libraries, languages and technologies.
Additional experiments involving server to server communications would be
useful to collaborate the findings and expand on the range of
Browser Errors
The nature of the client program is such that server errors are not
reported. If things go wrong in the client then no record is reported. Only
by out of band information have I discovered issues such as individuals who
were not able to run the test. For example IE versions 8 and below were
particularly problematic and reports indicate it would stop part way through
the test. Future experiments should have a means of better reporting of
In addition approximately 1% of the results showed meaningless data most
likely a result of a browser error. An example is tests that report
negative times or file sizes. These tests were excluded from the
Limited Corpus
The Corpus was designed to span a wide range of use cases, but ultimately any sample
set of data is limited and biased. Future experiments could improve on the variety
and focus on if different types of data perform differently.
Simplistic parsing tests
The parsing test does not attempt to do very much with the data besides
walk the parsed tree. More complex tests could be performed that attempt to
do something with the data such as create new objects or search for specific
values. I choose this test as a bare minimum that could be universally
applied to the entire corpus but acknowledge that it could be biased in that
it does very little with the parsed data so may not reflective of real world
use cases.
Too Much Data
This experiment produced a lot of data. Compared to many scientific
experiments the data size is trivial, but for the purposes of distilling
down a few basic principles the amount and variety of test results is
daunting especially in its variety. On the other hand, more data is better
than less and this experiment improves on many attempts to categorize markup
performance in browsers. I am hopeful that the experiment can run for a long
duration so that ongoing analysis can be performed. The raw data will be
provided for those who wish to analyze it themselves.
Statistical Analysis
This paper focuses more on showing the range of results with visualizations and trends
than traditional statistical analysis. However this seems less scientific
and exact then ideal. Many more visualizations and analysis would be useful
but are limited by forum of publication and time, imagination and skills of
the author. Suggestions on improvement of the analytics and visualizations
are greatly welcome.
Crowd Sourcing
Due to a lack of an army of volunteers and a vast personal collection of
hardware, crowd-sourcing was used to enlist participation. This produced a
good number of responses (about 650 as of this writing) but is likely to
include self-selected bias. The distribution channel for the solicitation
and people who volunteered to run the tests may well not be a statistically
good sample set. Future experiments should focus on getting a wider range of
people to perform tests.
Mechanical Turk
In order to acquire more test samples, Amazon "Mechanical Turk"Mechanical Turk was employed to hire additional testers focusing on
mobile devices. This added about 500 additional responses in a 3 day period
at an average cost of 15 cents (USD) / test.
We have shown that many of the presumptions of "Fat XML", while well imagined, do
hold up to experiment. Given the same document object, one can produce nearly identical
sized JSON and XML representations. Network transfer speed is directly related to
document size so is unaffected by the markup given similar size. Compressed documents
all formats even very "Fat" representations of JSON or XML compress to nearly identical
size which is an indicator that they contain approximately the same entropy or
information content and transferring these documents to a wide variety of devices
effectively the same time per device. Parsing speed varies on the technique used.
JavaScript parsing generally performs better with XML then with JSON but not always,
while Query speed generally is faster for JSON, but again, not always. Overall using
native JavaScript the use of XML and JSON is essentially identical performance for
user experience (transfer plus parse plus query), however use of the popular JavaScript
library jQuery imposes a steep penalty on both JSON and XML, more-so for XML. [4]
From a programming perspective accessing both JSON and XML in a generic fashion, using
either pure JavaScript or jQuery is very similar in complexity and difficulty. Not
is the advantage of accessing JSON objects as JavaScript objects using "dot notation"
which provides a programming advantage, however the evolution towards using query
languages to access JSON (or XML) such as jQuery largely negates that advantage. Future
enhancements in JavaScript libraries and cross compilation technologies (such as
CoffeeScriptCoffeScript, GWT and DartDART) may
well equalize these discrepancies but that is yet to be seen. The fact that hand-coded
JavaScript query of XML can perform as well as query over JSON does suggest that
libraries such as jQuery could be optimized for similar performance and especially
compilers should be able to achieve similar performance. On the other-hand, the wide
adoption of JavaScript libraries even in the face of significant performance degradation
even for JSON suggests that developers are not as concerned about performance
considerations over ease of programming. This may be because the data layer of the
application is small compared to the other components of the application such as GUI
business logic.
Suggestions to Architects and Developers
Architects and developers who are seriously interested in maximizing performance should
consider the following.
Use HTTP Compression
The use of HTTP compression, regardless of the device, operating system, browser or
language is the biggest factor in total performance, and by inference, user
experience. Use of HTTP Compression should be used in most cases where large
amounts of data is being transferred from server to client. The exception is
that in some cases under powered devices can actually perform slower with
compressed data then uncompressed data. If you are targeting low end mobile
devices then using your own tests to validate customer experience is
Optimize your markup
Optimizing markup for transmission and query provides a second order
performance enhancement. Sometimes this is at the cost of usability.
Compression effectively eliminates the advantages of optimized markup for
transmission purposes, but parsing and query times are affected by the
particulars of the markup form. Choosing the right balance between ease of
programming and transmission should be seriously considered. If your target
is specific known devices then optimizing for those devices may be
beneficial. How you intend to use the data once it is turned into JavaScript
objects is also an important consideration. Using a library like jQuery
eliminates the preconceived advantage of native "dot notation" for
JavaScript (using JSON) but adds loose binding, query, search and often
performance degradation.
Use optimized libraries or hand coded JavaScript.
Use of libraries to ease development effort can have a significant
performance penalty. This penalty is in general much greater than the
penalty of which markup format you are using. If performance is your most
important factor then avoiding unoptimized libraries will be your biggest
performance gain regardless of the markup format. Look to the future for
this issue to be improved. If more developers prioritize performance then
library and cross compilation vendors are likely to focus more on
performance. In any case your choice of a parsing and query library are by
far the biggest performance factor beyond compression, much more so than the
markup format. Look to Cross Compilation technologies such as GWT and Blink
to provide machine optimized JavaScript code much like the compilers for C,
C++ and Java do for non browser environments.
Know your users.
Performance varies *vastly* across browsers, operating systems and
devices. If you know your users and their platforms you can make better
choices about which technologies and formats to use. But be aware that
implementations change frequently and what is efficient today may be slow
tomorrow and visa-versa so optimizing too tightly for particular devices may
be detrimental in the future. Mobile devices are particularly prone to
differences in performance but are often hard to optimize because the
biggest hit is network speed which is usually not under the programmers
control. However programming for minimum network usage will provide the best
advantage for mobile devices. Use of HTML local storage, JavaScript based
applications which avoid passing page markup and instead pass data and allow
page transitions to be performed without a round trip to the server are
likely going to provide good user experience.
Markup doesn’t matter.
The choice of JSON vs XML is nearly indistinguishable from a performance
perspective. There are a few outliers (such as Mobile and Desktop Firefox
using jQuery) where there is a notable difference but as time goes on and
vendors pay attention to user feedback I expect these differences to be
reduced. But for most uses the difference in markup choice will result in
little or no user noticeable difference in performance and end user
experience. There are significant browser architectural changes coming such
as HTML5 and Chrome Blink Blink. We don’t know what
performance changes these will incur but evidence suggests that performance
in the browser is a main goal of new browser technologies. Looking to the
future the landscape may change.
Markup Matters
Contrary to myth, performance varies very little with different markup formats in
devices and software. However the shape and ease of use of markup formats
can matter for developers (both client and server). As can be seen with the
use of libraries such as jQuery, performance is often trivially tossed away
in exchange for ease of programming - even with JSON. Sometimes that is a
reasonable tradeoff. [5]
Engineering is about balancing compromises. Make the compromise that
maters to you, your product, your business and your customers. If
performance matters to you and your applications - do what it takes to
achieve maximum performance. If it doesn’t matter then use whatever
technology is easiest for you. Often the "you" is many people in an
organization or across organizations. If its harder for the producer of data
to change formats then work with them to use their format. If its harder for
the consumer to change formats then work with the producers to produce the
format the consumer needs.
In any case make this decision based on facts not myth.
Is Data really your problem ?
This paper focuses exclusively on data transmission, parsing and querying.
It may well be that in your application that component is a small piece
compared to display and business logic. If the data layer is not a
significant part of your performance or development problem then it may not
be worth the effort to optimize it. As your application evolves your data
use may change so always be open to re-evaluating decisions made early in
the design process.
Don’t Trust Anyone
Don’t believe blindly what you are told. Perform experiments, test your
own data and code with your own users and devices. What "seems obvious" is
not always true.
As always with engineering; experiment, develop, test. And test
The source code and data corpus is published at https://code.google.com/p/jsonxmlspeed/. The raw results for
this experiment will be published along with this paper for peer review.
Test it. Dispute it. Come up with better tests and publish the
It is hoped that an ongoing interactive web site will be developed to
continue to track, analyze, and monitor this research.
[1] Although interestingly he claims that JSON is neither a document format nor a
markup language.JSON is not a document format. It is not a markup
[4] Experiments comparing different JavaScript libraries would be useful to see if
jQuery is unique or is representative of JavaScript query libraries in
[5] It is interesting to the author that the use of libraries like
jQuery entirely eliminate the native advantage in JavaScript of
using JSON as the data format ("dot notation"), add significant
processing overhead and yet is strongly promoted while XML usage is
discouraged under the guise of it not mapping well to native
JavaScript data structures and its slow performance. Compare the
jQuery code for JSON and XML and you can see the programming
difference is nearly indistinguishable.