Maalej, Mustapha, and Anne Brüggemann-Klein. “Generating Schema-Aware XML Editors in XForms.” Presented at International Symposium on Native XML User Interfaces, Montréal, Canada, August 5, 2013. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Native XML User Interfaces. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 11 (2013).
International Symposium on Native XML User Interfaces August 5, 2013
Balisage Paper: Generating Schema-Aware XML Editors in XForms
From XForms, it is possible to provide simple user interfaces for editing XML
documents. From an XSD schema, it is possible to see which elements and attributes
may occur in valid documents and in which combinations. The XFGen system brings
these together. XFGen builds an XForm from an XSD schema. That XForm can load, edit,
and save any XML instance conforming to the schema. XFGen guarantees that every user
interaction with the editor will preserve the validity of the instance. XForms makes
it easy to edit structurally fixed XML-encoded forms; XFGen’s editors go beyond this
simple case to allow arbitrary structural changes to the document.
In his PhD work [Maa13], the first author of this paper,
under the second author's supervision, is designing and implementing a system called
XFGen, that generates a schema-aware XML editor XFGen(s) for each XSD schema s. The
key achievement of this work is that the editor XFGen(s) is an XForms document that
capable of creating or loading, editing and saving any XML instance that conforms
to the
schema s; each user interaction with XFGen(s) preserves validity of the XML
instance against schema s. XFGen(s) is much more than a form editor. It goes beyond
letting users fill out data fields for a structurally static XML document in that
enables editing of structure, too. Each editor XFGen(s) is indeed a fully functional
schema-aware XML editor. Here are some crucial properties of the editors that XFGen
Strictly schema-aware (schema instances always in schema-conformant
Implemented as an (extended) XForms document.
Supporting a large part of XML Schema.
Completely independent of XML instances, capable of loading or creating from
scratch, editing and saving any schema-conformant document.
The generator XFGen covers nearly the complete XML Schema specification. It handles,
most importantly:
Elements declared as complex types
Elements declared with simple content
Recursive type definitions
Mixed-content declarations
Multiple potential top-level elements (elements declared globally)
Identity constraints
Attribute declarations
Predefined simple types
A wide range of facets in simple type restrictions
Union of simple types
Lists of simple type
Other parts of XML Schema are also supported, but did not require great effort, since
their support mostly rests on standard schema validation. They are: inheritance,
substitution groups, namespaces, inclusions, attribute and element groups. Furthermore,
we wish to emphasize that element and attribute declarations as well as type definitions
can all be local or global.
The remainder of this paper is organized into five sections as follows: The next
section is about architecture; it illustrates the interplay between components and
briefly describes the architecture of the editors that XFGen generates. The main part
the paper is a tour of principles that we have used with XFGen; we cover editing of
values, editing of non-recursive structures and editing of mixed content. After that,
have sections about implementation and related work, before we conclude. For further
illustration, we provide an appendix with editor screen shots for the purchase order
example from the XML Schema Recommendation WF04.
The complete XForms generator XFGen is ready for demo at Balisage 2013. In this paper,
we point out some of the challenges of XForms as an implementation technology for
schema-aware editor and demonstrate some of the principles and techniques that make
editors possible. A complete description can be found in Maalej's PhD thesis [Maa13].
Components and their interactions are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Components and their interaction
The editors (XForms documents) that XFGen produces are complex pieces of software
conceptually follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. They are realized
extended XForms.
The data of each editor consist of the XML instance, that is to be edited and can
loaded, freshly created, replaced and saved on demand, and of some auxiliary state,
comprising among others prototype structures that can be copied into the XML instance
during editing under action control. The editor's data are contained in the data-model
section of the form. The form's data model also holds declarative constraints for
editor's data, expressed as XForms bindings, and actions that will be triggered during
the form's life, for example for editing. Conceptually, with respect to MVC, some
of the
latter are part of the controller.
The view of each editor is defined by templates of XForms widgets, that are embedded
into a host language, most commonly HTML, but we have also tested XUL. The view is
generated by XFGen.
The controller of each editor consists of XForms actions and custom scripts that XFGen
inserts into XForms; they are executed by the XForms engine in the XForms client.
A tour of principles for XForms editors
What are the principles that govern how the XFGen-generated XForms editors are built?
In this section we illustrate them incrementally by example. We show the XForms code
that is generated and how it is executed in a browser, for a series of XSD examples.
we explain systematically the underlying principles.
Displaying structures, editing data values
We first present simplified editors that allow editing of purely textual element
content, but just display the document structure, not yet enabling structural
editing. These editors could be used as classical form editors for a
structurally-fixed XML-encoded form. At first, we restrict ourselves to elements.
This is not a severe restriction; it will be easy to add attributes and editing
support for them. Furthermore, we do not allow mixed content yet. Finally, we
exclude recursive type definitions for now; this feature of XML Schema requires
further techniques, that fall outside the scope of this section.
The challenge of this section is to generate a static structure of XForms widgets
that only depends on the input schema but that is able to bind to any XML instance,
that conforms to the schema, and to display it. The key idea is to generate a
liberal structure of XForms widgets that is capable of displaying a superset of the
required XML instances. For example, if the schema uses a choice operator, we
generate widgets for all alternatives. Each widget tries to bind to some element in
the XML instance, but only some of them succeed, depending on the choice that the
current instance realizes. We rely on the fact that "superfluous" widgets do not
display when the referenced nodes in the current XML instance do not exist. We call
this principle Liberal Inputs.
Let us look at the schema liberalInputsS, see Figure 2. It provides one root element, xyz, that can have one or two subsequences of one
or two subelements a and one or two subelements b. Element a is typed as xsd:int and
element b is typed as xsd:boolean. Now we are looking at the editor that we have
generated, the XForms document liberalInputsF, see Figure 3: It has a repeating group of one widget refering
to an element a and one widget refering to an element b, each of which enables
editing of the element's text content. Finally, let us load the editor with the XML
instance liberalInputsI in Figure 4 that conforms to the
schema liberalInputsS. Then, the XForms element xforms:repeat iterates over all
children of element xyz in the current XML instance, displaying the appropriate
input widget for each element a or b that is met, as illustrated in Figure 5. This form could in principle display any
sequence of elements a and b, even those that do not conform to the type of element
xyz, depending on the XML instance. But we may assume that the XML instance is valid
with respect to the schema when it is loaded; and the user interactions that we will
later introduce, always preserve validity. Hence, it does not matter that the widget
structure is more liberal than the schema.
Figure 2: XML Schema liberalInputsS
Figure 3: XForms liberalInputsF
Figure 4: XML instance liberalInputsI
Figure 5: Editor screen shot liberalInputsB
Some further points and easy generalizations:
XForms processors provide some processor-specific type-aware editing
support and complete validation for data values that are typed with
pre-defined XML Schema simple types. Hence, the example editor
liberalInputsF in Figure 3 supports XForms
processor-dependent type-aware editing and complete validation of the
contents of elements a and b out of the box, as seen in Figure 5. Custom simple types, which are defined
using restriction, union or list, require special treatment that is
described in Maalej's PhD thesis [Maa13].
If a schema has several globally declared elements, each of them is
allowed as the top-most element of a schema-conformant XML instance.
Following the Liberal Inputs principle, we generate a set of widgets for
each of these elements, and only one of them will display for any given XML
instance that is loaded into the editor, because only one of them will
successfully bind to the unique top-level element of the current XML
instance. Consequently, we can load the editor with any schema-conformant
document, regardless of its root element, and we can also switch to a
different root element during an edit session without changing the
The same idea as in the previous item is used when a type definition
contains the choice operator.
What if the schema allows for deeper element hierarchies? We must ensure
that bindings from widget elements into the XML instance can be expressed in
XPath, without consideration for expressive features of XML Schema such as
context-dependent element declarations. We achieve that by having the
hierarchy of XForms widgets mirror the element hierarchy of the schema,
following the XForms pattern Stepwise
XPath [D2003]]. Then bindings into the XML instance are
always defined relatively to the parent level, by element name only. There
is a catch, though: If two top-level elements of a type definition have the
same name but different types, then we have to generate two different widget
structures for them and cannot bind them into the XML instance by the
(ambiguous) element name. Fortunately, XML Schema forbids this type of
Why did we preclude recursion in type definitions for the simple schemas
that we can handle in this section? Recursion in a type definition would
lead to an infinite, non-halting generation of widget structures. To stop
recursion when generating XForms widget structures, widgets would have to
refer to and reuse previously defined structures, a feature not provided by
XForms. Our solution is to expand XForms with a new type of reference
control and support it with an extension to the XForms processor. This
principle, Reference Control, is further
explained in Maalej's PhD thesis [Maa13].
It is easy to extend our approach so far to attributes, by adding a set of
input widgets to the group of each element declaration, one for each
potential attribute. Once more, the Liberal Inputs principle applies.
Just for purposes of display, we could also handle mixed content in
element instances, by letting the xforms:repeat iterate not only over
sub-elements but also over text node children. We use a different technique,
though, for supporting insert and delete of text nodes, which we explain
later in this paper.
We can now algorithmically describe how to generate an XForms editor that allows
editing of text content but only displays structure [Maa13].
Editing structures: The downwards-facing perspective
One novelty of this work is that our editors support editing not only of data
values, as demonstrated in the previous section, but also of structures. XForms
provides some basic support for insertion and deletion of nodes in an XML instance,
with its actions xforms:insert and xforms:delete that can
be triggered under user control. The challenge is to make sure that editors only
allow for schema-conformant changes of XML instances.
In this section, we take the downwards-facing perspective. We demonstrate our
Prototype principle, which guarantees that only
such element structures are inserted into an XML instance that by themselves conform
to their declared type. We'll address the upward-facing perspective, how deletions
and insertions of children nodes can be forced to respect their parent's type, in
the next section.
If we wish to insert an element that conforms to some type into an XML instance,
we'll insert a whole structure, with subelements and attributes as required by the
type. We precompute in XFGen one minimal structure that conforms to the type and
call it the element's prototype [Maa13].
The xforms:insert action cannot create new structures; rather, it can
only clone structures that are already present somewhere in the form's model.
Therefore, XFGen builds an auxiliary instance that holds all prototype element
structures and attributes of the schema, which can then be cloned and inserted into
the form's XML instance under action control.
Once a prototype has been inserted into the XML instance, the user can further
edit it. Right now, XFGen computes some arbitrary prototype that conforms to the
required type definition and cannot be further reduced by omitting attributes or
subelements. The schema author can influence which prototype is generated by the
order of choice operands in a type definition. Currently, XFGen always instantiates
the first choice operand for a prototype.
The auxilliary instance with the prototypes for Schema liberalInputsS in Figure 2 is in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Auxilliary instance liberalInputsP
Editing structures: The upward-facing perspective
We now address the problem how to support insertion and deletion of children nodes
such that the result necessarily conforms to the parent node's type.
Let us consider schema editControlsS in Figure 7, that
allows top-level element xyz to have subelements a, b and c with the following
additional constraints: The subelements of xyz either form a nonempty sequence of
followed by a nonempty sequence of b, or consist just of a single c. In compact
regular-expression notation, that is
Figure 7: Schema editControlsS
Our goal is to offer a finite number of primitive edit operations, so that any
schema-conformant sequence of
children of xyz can be transformed into any other schema-conformant sequence by applying a finite
number of the primitive edit operations, one after another, in such a way that each
intermediate step leads also to a schema-conformant intermediate sequence.
In our example, we generate the following set of primitive edit operations:
P1: insert a
P2: insert b
P3: delete a
P4: delete b
P5: delete ab, insert c
P6: delete c, insert ab
P7: insert c
P8: delete c
P9: insert ab
P10: delete ab
For simplicity's sake, we include "P7: insert c" in our supply of primitive edit
operations, although it can never be used in a schema-conformant transformation. We
can only insert a c if we also delete every a and b that might be present. And we
can break down such a combined operation into a number of primitive edits, first
deleting any single a and b except one, respectively, with P3 and P4, and then
deleting the last remaining sequence ab and simultaneously inserting c with P5.
Following the same argument, P8, P9 and P10 can also never be used in a
schema-conformant transformation.
We cannot do without primitive P5 simulating P5 by the sequence P3 P4 P7, since
intermediate states would not be schema-conformant.
Of course, unwise application of primitive edit operations can lead to
non-schema-conformant states. If we apply P5 in the middle of sequence aab, between
a and b, we erroneously get the invalid sequence ac.
Our claim is the following: For any complex type definition, we can compute a
finite number of primitive edit operations such that we can transform any conformant
sequence into any other conformant sequence using the primitive edit operations and
having only conformant intermediate states. We stress once more that this is an
"existential" claim. We do not care at this point, that our primitive edit
operations can also generate non-conformant sequences when applied at wrong
positions. Maalej [Maa13] has the algorithm to generate a
sufficiently large but finite set of primitive edit operations. Further research is
needed to investigate if one can compute a minimal such set or if a minimal set
would be unique.
Following a principle that we call Liberal Edits,
we include any of the primitive edit operations as one button in the editor's user
interface at any position in the sequence of children of xyz, see
We can do this generically, without refering to a specific instance, by utilizing
xforms:repeat, as previously. Note that we insert one set of
buttons outside the xforms:repeat to handle the beginning of the
Finally, we still need to control which of the edit buttons that we have so
liberally included in our editor are actually active and which are passive (not
shown), to preclude illegal edits that lead to non-conformant documents.
In our example, we could do this with XPath bindings into the instance. We can,
for example, express that P3 is only active if there is another a among the children
of xyz, apart from the one that is to be deleted.
However, an educated guess leads us to believe that, in the general case, the
expressive power of XPath is too weak compared to the power of regular expressions
in XML Schema complex types. Hence, we offer a different approach that we call
Try and Tell.
We bind to each edit button a script that experimentally performs the primitive
edit operation on a copy of the current instance, validates the result and makes the
button visible only if the result is in fact valid. These scripts are triggered by
XForms refresh events that are activated after each user interaction, ensuring
up-to-date visibility status of each edit button. The scripts are implemented in a
scripting language for which the XForms processor provides an interface, in our case
in XBL (see also the section on implementation below.
We illustrate the effect of Try and Tell for schema editControls in Figure 7 with a browser screenshot in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Editor screen shot editControlsB
Editing mixed content
In XML Schema, elements that are typed to have element content can orthogonally be
declared to be of mixed content, allowing text-node children to be interspersed at
any position in an element's instantiation, at the beginning, the end and between
element nodes. This is in contrast to the more powerful Relax NG, where the
appearance of text nodes can be constrained by regular-expression rules in the same
way as subelements. The orthogonal approach of XML Schema opens up the opportunity
to decouple handling of text nodes in mixed content from the handling of structured
content, in a simpler and platform-independent way.
In a first attempt, we apply our principle Liberal Inputs to elements that are
declared to be of mixed content, iterating in the form's user interface not only
over the elements' child elements but also the child text nodes, generating input
widgets in the user interface for display and editing of these text nodes. This will
display and make editable any text nodes that are present in the current document
instance but does not handle positions in the document instance where text nodes are
allowed but do currently not exist. For this case, we introduce a new principle,
Automatic Text Insertion. When the document
instance is loaded into the form, we automatically trigger a script (written in
JavaScript) that inserts dummy empty text nodes at any position where a text node
allowed by the schema but none is present in the instance. Then, input widgets
appear at any position in the user interface, where text nodes are allowed by the
schema, displaying an empty input field for the dummy text nodes and the original
text for text nodes that were already present in the document instance. These text
nodes can be edited via the input widgets; they can also be "deleted" by resetting
their content to the empty string.
Unfortunately, there is a glitch with this approch: The iteration in the form's
user interface will also produce the set of buttons for primitive edit operations
that would consequently also have to be managed. There is, however, a slightly
different way to deal with text nodes without considering buttons for primitive edit
operations: We couple the widgets for text nodes to the groups for element nodes
within an xforms:repeat and insert a further widget for a text node
outside the xforms:repeat, to handle the text node that appears before
the first element. We call this principle Coupled
Inputs and demonstrate its application with schema coupledInputsS in
Figure 9, XForms coupledInputsF in Figure 10 and browser screen shot coupledInputsB in Figure 11.
Figure 9: Schema coupledInputsS
Figure 10: XForms coupledInputsF
Figure 11: Editor screen shot CoupledInputsB
The last point to consider is how structural edit operations deal with text nodes.
Here we modify the edit operation in such a way that empty text nodes are inserted
as needed and that the contents of text nodes that are deleted together with a
sequence of neighboring element nodes are copied into the remaining text node in
front of them.
This solution for mixed content is essentially platform independent. It uses a
custom JavaScript script that is triggered by a built-in XForms event and accesses
the document instance through the standard DOM interface. Furthermore, it utilizes
the capability of XForms to associate the script with the event. It is worth
mentioning, though, that XForms makes it really hard to insert text nodes in the
middle of a sequence of nodes, demanding to sequentially build up of the sequence
from front to back.
The system XFGen itself is a standard Java program. it uses Xerces to process XML
Schema. The XForms documents that XFGen generates require extensions for some XSD
features (recursive type definitions) or editing tasks (experimental evaluation to
determine admissible edit operations dynamically). These extensions utilize XBL scripts
that interact with certain data structures and methods of the XForms
processor [Hic12]
XBL is a scripting language that was introduced by Mozilla and submitted to W3C, but
has not been standardized by W3C. Some XForms processors, among them Orbeon Forms,
interfaces for XBL scripts that can access internal data structures and functions
of the
XForms processor. These interfaces are not standardized. We have extended the Firefox
plugin XForms processor, which incidentally is programmed in XBL itself, with XBL
functions. Consequently, the more complex XForms documents that XFGen produces run
on this custom extension of the XForms Firefox plugin on old versions of Firefox.
refer to Dubinko's text on extending XForms [D2003].]
Some XSD features can be more fully supported with an XForms processor that allows
XPath 2.0. Unfortunately, the Firefox plugin XForms processor that we use only
supports XPath 1.0, as required by XForms. Consequently, support for some XSD
features such as identity constraints is more cumbersome to define or even more limited
in practice than conceptually necessary.
Related work
We briefly discuss three papers that are related to our work [RRK05][SL07][WKdW04].
Despite its title and stated intent, the paper by Radha [RRK05] and others does not really contribute anything specific to
user interfaces. It is mainly concerned with semantic interpretation of XML Schema,
given a generic DOM representation that sees the schema just as any XML document.
A Java
Swing user interface is presented without discussion how it was generated.
Song and Lee [SL07] specifically address the XForms target
platform. Their goal is to support user interfaces for Web Services. They also briefly
address the task of semantic interpretation of XML Schema. As to schemas, we don't
that they support recursive type definitions. The editors that are generated can only
generate new XML documents from scratch, not load existing documents. Editing of
structures and of mixed content is supported, but only in a "one-way" approach; that
edit decisions, for example for one alternative when a choice is given, cannot be
revised. There is some support for custom simple data types, for some facets in
restrictions and for union. The paper mentions lists but means presumably the
enumeration facet, since only a finite number of items in the base type can be supported
with xforms:select1.
De Wolf and others [WKdW04] discuss problems that need to
be solved when XForms is used as an implementation platform for an XML editor. They
solutions mostly in extensions to the XForms standard. Some but not all of their
proposed extensions have in fact found their way into the XForms 1.1
Our system XFGen supports a far greater range of XML Schema features than comparable
systems. We delegate the semantic interpretation of XML Schema to Xerces. We have
explicitly delineated some principles and algorithms of XFGen; further capabilities
XFGen are covered by Maalej in his PhD work [Maa13].
Discussion, conclusions and further work
Maalej in his PhD thesis [Maa13] covers further features of
XML Schema:
Recursion in type definitions.
Custom simple types (restriction, list, union).
Identity constraints.
In principle, the XML editors that are generated by XFGen could be platform
independent, but currently, they are not. We would need an alternative XForms processor
that allows the necessary extensions and also runs in current browser. One candidate
would be xf.js [NBK13] in a more fully functional version, where
we could use JavaScript to support the extensions.
In this paper, we have not discussed the user-interface aspects of the editors that
XFGen generates. We follow a template approach as indicated in Figure 1. For the examples in this paper, we have defined basic
templates with the HTML fieldset element. Obviously, more sophisticated custom templates
that combine HTML with CSS need to be tried out.
Although XFGen handles mixed content, the generated editors presumably work better
data-driven XML instances than for text-driven ones. Particularly with text-driven
documents, we run into the largely unsolved usability problems of general XML editors.
Our generated editors work probably best in cases in which a classical form-based
interface is appropriate. Investigate further.
Further documentation of this work will appear in Maalej's PhD thesis [Maa13].
The comments of the anonymous referees have been extraordinarily helpful. Thank
Appendix A. The purchase order example
For further illustration, we include the purchase order example from the XML Schema
Recommendation WF04 with the schema in Figure 12, an instance in Figure 13
and two browser screen shots in Figure 14.
[RRK05] V. Radha, S. Ramakrishna, and N. Pradeep
Kumar, Generic XML Schema Definition (XSD) to GUI Translator.,
ICDCIT, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3816, Springer, 2005, pp. 290–296.
[SL07] Kisub Song and Kyong-Ho Lee, An
Automated Generation of XForms Interfaces for Web Services, 2012 IEEE
19th International Conference on Web Services (2007), 856–863. doi:
[TBMM04] Henry S. Thompson, David Beech, Murray
Maloney, and Noah Mendelsohn, XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second
Edition, W3C Recommendation, W3C, October 2004,
[WKdW04] Koen De Wolf, Frederik De Keukelaere,
and Rik Van de Walle, Generic XForms-Based User Interface Generation for XML
Schema, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2004,
7 2004, pp. 773–782.
V. Radha, S. Ramakrishna, and N. Pradeep
Kumar, Generic XML Schema Definition (XSD) to GUI Translator.,
ICDCIT, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3816, Springer, 2005, pp. 290–296.
Kisub Song and Kyong-Ho Lee, An
Automated Generation of XForms Interfaces for Web Services, 2012 IEEE
19th International Conference on Web Services (2007), 856–863. doi:
Koen De Wolf, Frederik De Keukelaere,
and Rik Van de Walle, Generic XForms-Based User Interface Generation for XML
Schema, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2004,
7 2004, pp. 773–782.