Peroni, Silvio, Francesco Poggi and Fabio Vitali. “Overlapproaches in documents: a definitive classification (in OWL, 2!).” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2014, Washington, DC, August 5 - 8, 2014. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2014. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 13 (2014).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2014 August 5 - 8, 2014
Balisage Paper: Overlapproaches in documents: a definitive classification (in OWL, 2!)
Silvio Peroni
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna,
Silvio Peroni holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and he is a post-doc at the
University of Bologna. He is an expert in document markup and semantic descriptions
of bibliographic entities using OWL ontologies. He is one of the main developers of
SPAR (Semantic Publishing and Referencing) Ontologies ( that
permit RDF descriptions of bibliographic entities, citations, reference collections
and library catalogues, the structural and rhetorical components of documents, and
roles, statuses and workflows in publishing. Among his research interests are Semantic
Web technologies, markup languages for complex documents, design patterns for digital
documents and ontology modelling, and automatic processes of analysis and segmentation.
In particular, his recent works concern the empirical analysis of the nature of citations,
the study of visualisation and browsing interfaces for semantic data, and the development
of ontologies to manage, integrate and query bibliographic information according to
temporal and contextual constraints.
Francesco Poggi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna,
Several different types of overlap exist and different strategies are needed to detect
them. In particular, there is a clear difference between ranges of text that overlap
markup items that overlap (that is, elements and attributes), and how these types
overlapping affect dominance and containment relations of nodes is of some relevance,
In order to provide a complete definition and description of these overlapping patterns,
introduce the EARMARK Overlapping Ontology (EOO), i.e., an OWL 2 DL ontology that extends EARMARK (an OWL-based markup meta-language compliant with extended GODDAGs) to
define properties describing dominance and containment relations as well as a complete
characterisation of the different kinds of overlap that can happen to nodes. In addition,
also present some inference rules for the automatic retrieval (by means of a reasoner)
of all the
overlapping instances in a given input markup document.
At the Balisage 2009 Conference we presented for the first time a new approach to
overlapping markup called
EARMARK, or "Extremely Annotational RDF Markup". It provided a point of view over
something that is
quintessentially Balisagean, overlapping markup, by using a number of suspicious
techniques for this community,
such as standoff markup, RDF, OWL, reasoners.
In brief, an EARMARK document is a collection of RDF statements about fragments of
a text (a plain text or
even an XML document), that describe the fragments' characteristics and features
regardless of whether the
fragments contain, are disjoint, or overlap with each other. Each fragment is associated
to a formal concept
called Range, which can (but does not have to) be associated to one or more Markup
Items, which in turn may, or
may not, refer to each other in some form. Since these annotations (and the objects
they represent) are never
embedded in the text, there are no implicit properties to consider, in particular
no properties indirectly
provided by the fragments' position in the text, relative to each other, according
to document's order, etc. Thus
in an EARMARK document a property exists (e.g., A contains B) if and only if it
has been explicitly stated in the
ontology, and not just because they happen to refer to the same text fragment.
In doing so, EARMARK manages not only to be the only overlapping approach that fully
expresses and makes use
of unrestricted GODDAG, the formal model introduced in [34] by Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeldt, but actually
corresponds to a non-trivial extension of it, e-GODDAG, that supports repetitions
of the same node in different
contexts, in addition to self-overlap, discontinuous overlap, anonymous nodes,
decoupling of containment and
dominance, etc.
The conjunction of stand-off as a referencing approach, and RDF as the assertion syntax,
allows EARMARK to
bypass completely the usual dichothomy of embedded markup, that of either hiding
overlapping situations inside a
traditional, hierarchical XML markup, tricky but conservatively transparent with
respect to the most common XML
tools and services, or inventing a completely new syntax and having to deal with
the lack of the usual validation
tools, transformation tools, storage systems, etc. On the contrary, an EARMARK
document is just a collection of
RDF statements, and plain and usual RDF and OWL tools can be used to manage it:
inference engines, rule-based
systems, query languages, and triple stores work transparently with overlapping
data, and any existing and future
tool for RDF and OWL will be available for use transparently when managing EARMARK
documents, too
But in our 2009 paper, we actually and quite conventienly avoided to discuss a rather
relevant issue: EARMARK,
then, did not really allow to describe overlapping markup situations, but rather
it allowed to describe traditional
markup situations that could refer to overlapping content. Since each markup statement
is independent of the
others, it can refer to partially or totally overlapping ranges and children with
no need (and no possibility) to
determine that such overlap has actually happened.
But if you really want to be able to determine whether and where overlapping has happened
document, you need a few more tools, that luckily can and have been realized using
standard and well-known RDF and
OWL tools. In this paper, we present the EARMARK Overlapping Ontology
(EOO), an ontology that uses OWL 2 and SWRL to provide a complete
characterization of overlapping situations in EARMARK documents, allowing queries
and representations that
discovers and manages explicitly (instead of simply allowing and ignoring) all
overlaps in the markup. This
characterization takes the form of definitions of the overlapping patterns of the
basic EARMARK ontology, and is
therefore a definitive classification[3]of the overlapping approaches of EARMARK documents.
Of particular relevance for the EOO ontology is being able to distinguish between
different aspects/manifestations of the overlap phenomenom, such as, for example:
total vs. partial overlap: we talk about total overlap to refer to those situations where one item is completely
contained by the other, without breaking the rules imposed by the tree hierarchy,
while we use partial overlap to indicate cases where no hierarchy can exist, as only
part of the content is shared by the items;
dominance vs. containment: we use these terms to distinguish and discern between cases where there really is
a hierarchical relation between items that overlap (dominance), from situations in
which items just happen to refer to the same content (containment);
range overlap vs. markup overlap: we can also distinguish between items that overlap by sharing the same textual content
(range overlap) from situations in which items overlap by insisting either partially
or totally on the same elements (markup overlap).
The paper is organized as follows: in the next section, we present a brief overview
of the topics, results and languages
that have been proposed to handle overlaps in markup documents. In section “EARMARK”, EARMARK is (re-)introduced with
its main classes and concepts. In section “Characterizing overlaps by way of an ontology”, the EARMARK Overlapping Ontology is presented and described, as well
as how it can be used to identify and characterize the overlapping situations of
an EARMARK document. The
following section contains our conclusions and hints at future works.
Overlapping markup: a summary for the absent and the distracted
When marking up text documents it might be necessary to represent features that do
not fit
into the tree structure conveyed by an XML document. In fact, there are many situations
which authors may need to annotate the same piece of text with different markup descriptors
(e.g. when a page spans from the middle of one paragraph to the middle of another,
or when
speeches span multiple verses, etc.): in such cases, the markup descriptors sometimes
correctly into a single tree-hierarchy, sometimes not. In general, this issue may
whenever an author wants to maintain two or more views of a document (e.g. metrical,
syntactical, layout, etc.), and consequently multiple and incompatible hierarchies
insists on
the same textual content. This problem is referred to in the literature as the overlapping problem.
After a first period in which the deficiencies of markup languages that concerns the
overlapping problem were overlooked [3][4] or even suppressed [9][5], the digital humanities community started to put an increasing effort in trying to
define and develop solution to this issue. The essence of the problem can be summarized
follows: “overlap can be presented by graphs that are very like trees, but in which
nodes may
have multiple parents. Overlap is multiple parentage” [34].
While trying to represent non-hierarchical structures using a markup language whose
model is
a tree, such as SGML or XML, authors run into different manifestations of the
problem, referred to using different terminology in the literature:
classic overlap: this is the most common case of
overlap, that consists in two markup elements with different general identifiers that
a part of their textual content. This situation occurs whenever two document fragments
that need to be annotated with different markup descriptors overlap each other. Typically
this scenarios arises when authors want to merge multiple concurrent hierarchies over
same document, e.g. phonetical, grammatical and typographical structures.
self overlap: the term “self” overlap is used to
refer to that situations in which two components of the same structure, and with the
name, overlap each other. A typical example is a document that should be commented
by two
different reviewers: whenever they need to annotate two text fragments that overlap,
two elements of the same structure (the comment structure) and with the same name
each other.
out-of-order elements: there are also cases in which
the content of an element is a reordering of information present elsewhere in the
document. For example, sometimes it would be useful to define elements whose content
not a continuous text region (we refer to such cases as discontinuous
elements), or to express more complex features, such as out-of-order or
repeated uses of the same text fragment, etc. The general approach used by embedded
languages to deal with such cases is to use a technique called virtual elements: the information needed to convey such features is encoded
by using an ad-hoc mechanism, such as a linking system by means of elements' attributes.
The term “virtual” is used because these elements are not explicitly present in the
document, but their presence may be inferred by an external application from the specific
encoding mechanism supplied [35].
containment/dominance decoupling: Most of the solutions to the problem of
overlapping markup implicitly leave unwanted relations between the concurrent
hierarchies. The best known is
the identity between dominance and containment. Dominance is a relation between
document parts where one is
said to dominate another if it is one of its ancestors in the document structure.
Containment is rather a look
at two document parts from the point of view of which slices of the actual character
content of the document
they enclose; a document part contains another one if it encloses all the character
content of that other
part. Tree-based markup languages such as XML have the (implicit) property that
containment implies dominance,
but in general this is neither desiderable nor correct. Consequently, most of
the approaches to the overlapping
problem that forces multiple hierarchies (i.e. graphs) into a single tree structure
reflects this limitation.
Moreover, most of the complexity in the process of managing these document is
due to this reason, since it
requires an external and often conceptual effort to understand, interpret and
correctly manage dominance as
separated from containment.
Since the document model of XML is inherently a tree, there is no simple way to cover
such complex situations
when handling multiple hierarchies. In order to overcome these limitations, many
different solutions have been
proposed. In general, we can identify two different approaches to the problem.
The first consists in devising
techniques to encode the information about overlapping situations by using specific
XML features (e.g.
empty elements to specify the boundary of overlapping elements, attributes to link
elements that don't nest
properly, etc.) or technologies (e.g. XPath [4], XQuery [5], etc.).
The second approach is to abandon XML altogether and with it the benefits of its
tree-based data model, and devise
a new formalism and notation based on a more general and expressive abstract structure,
such as a directed graph.
Forcing overlaps in plain XML
Documents in XML-based formats have the advantage that any existing application, tool
and technology can be used to process them, at the cost of a post-parsing processing
order to reconstruct and correctly handle the not tree-based structures coerced using
conventions. The main drawback of this approach is that the overlapping situations
in XML-based formats are neither easy to read, write and understand by humans without
help of specific tools, since these techniques considerably increase the complexity
of the
resulting XML document. Moreover, the process of forcing multiple hierarchies (i.e.
a graph)
into a single tree structure used by most of these techniques often introduces unwanted
dominance relations between elements belonging to different hierarchies, and these
situations need a further (and usually manual) effort in order to be identified, properly
interpreted and managed.
The universe of the XML-based techniques to manage overlapping situations is quite
ample. We summarize the
four most used mechanisms [28]:
TEI-style milestones: this approach is to represent
a vocabulary as primary by using a standard XML structure, and to use pairs of empty
elements to mark the boundaries of elements that belong to secondary vocabularies.
order to make explicit the relation between corresponding opening and closing empty
tags, a co-indexing mechanism may be implemented by means of special linking
fragmentation: is another technique that
envisions/prescribes to break the elements belonging to secondary hierarchies in as
smaller fragments (also called partial elements) as
needed to nest properly into the primary hierarchy. Also in this case overlapping
elements are linked using special attributes (e.g. id-idref or next-previous
stand-off markup: the key idea is to represent hierarchical and possibly incompatible structures separately
from their actual content. Infact, the real content is present elsewhere, for example
within the same document or in separate ones, and included by means of links implemented
through a pointer mechanism such as XPointer [10]. In this way, it is possible to represent multiple conflicting structures as stratifications
of different layers, at the cost of a overhead to manage and keep up-to-date the referenced
content not directly embedded within these structures.
twin documents: overlapping hierarchies may also be
encoded by using multiple documents that share the same textual content, but each
denoting its own tree structure.
In order to describe the expressiveness power of these techniques, in Table I we summarises their capability to manage the
complex overlapping features introduced in the previous section.
Table I
power of the XML-based techniques to manage overlap with respect of the complex document
features described in the previous section [* true only if the vocabularies of the
structures in overlap are disjoint].
XML techniques /
complex document features
Classic overlap
Self overlap
out-of-order elements
Containment/dominance decoupling
Stand-off markup
Twin documents
In order to overcome the limitations of XML, many different solutions have been
CONCUR [18] is an SGML option that allows
multiple DTDs for the same content: all these structures live in the same document,
and it is up to the
parser to either consider the structure of only one DTD, or parse them simultaneously
but keeping separate
track of what elements are open in each. The main advantage of this technique
is that documents are quite
legible and maintainable, but there are many drawbacks: for example, it is not
possible to constrain
relationships across DTDs, it is not possible to express self-overlap situations,
and there is little
software support for this technique;
JITT (Just In Time Trees): another syntax very
close to XML have been proposed [14] [15].
The basic idea is similar to CONCUR in that it requires the parser to filter and take
consideration only some tags: multiple overlapping hierarchies may coexist into
documents, but only those which the filter selects are returned to the application
real start or end tags. JITTs’ main contribution is that a document need not be
well-formed until the moment it is being processed, at the cost of a very small change
to an XML parser. Unfortunately, JITTs does not provide a way to correlate and validate
across structures, and it is not possible to express cases of self-overlap.
MuLaX: another document syntax similar to SGML
CONCUR for XML called MuLaX has been developed [19] together
with a constraint based validation language [29] [37]. Each overlapping hierarchy represents a layer identified
by an ID prefixing each tag name, and multiple layers may coexist into one MuLaX
document. An external software can parse a MuLaX document and project
each layer into well formed XML documents. Standard XML tools can only be used
on these separate XML projections. A drawback of this technique is that these documents
can get very complex when dealing with a large number of annotation layers : for
example, updates are difficult since working on MuLaX documents requires frequent
projections into XML projections. Moreover, the project is still at the state of
experimental markup languages, lacking the support of tools and technologies as that
available for XML-based solutions.
Multi-colored trees: another extension of the XML
model that is able to represent overlapping structures are the Multi-colored trees
[24]. The basic idea is to associate a color to each
concurrent tree, and to allow each node to have multiple colors. Navigation inside
the multicolored
nodes is possible by using an Xpath [4] extension that implements a color
selector, and an extension of XQuery [5] has also been proposed for
the creation of nodes.
Non-XML syntaxes for overlaps
An alternative approach to overcome the limitations of tree-based meta-languages in
representing complex documents is to use alternative and more expressive data models,
as graphs. The more general is the model (acyclic vs. cyclic graphs, ordered vs. unordered
graphs, etc.), the more expressive is the meta-language in terms of overlapping features
that can be convenientely managed, at the cost of an increased computational complexity.
Moreover, since this abstract model may be represented with different concrete
syntaxes (embedded markup languages, stand-off annotations, etc.), the chosen linearisation
format may place limits in terms of expressiveness, support provided by standard
technologies and related tools, etc. A summary of the most eminent solutions is presented
GODDAG and TexMECS: Sperberg-McQueen and Huitfeld
proposed to manage overlapping hierarchies using a directed acyclic graph structure
no transitive arcs named GODDAG (General Ordered Descendant Directed Acyclic
Graph)[34]. Arcs denotes containment relationships,
and multi-parentage is allowed, thus making it possible to represent overlapping
situations. Several kinds of GODDAG have been defined in order to explore their
expressive power and their mutual relation: generalized, restricted and clean in [34], normalized and colored in [23], node-ordered (noDAG) in [26], child-arc-ordered in [27]. The authors of GODDAG also developed a markup meta-language
named TexMECS [22] as the natural linearisation format for the
GODDAG structure. As XML, TexMECS is an embedded meta-markup language where elements
delimited by start and end tags, but it also allows to represent graph structures
allowing tags to not nest properly. TexMECS supports complex document features, such
self overlap (using a co-indexing scheme) and discontinuous, virtual and unordered
elements (using special attributes and elements' delimiters). Since TexMECS documents
are not isomorphic to XML documents, the standard XML tools cannot be used and, as
as we know, no query mechanisms have been developed.
LMNL: the Layered Markup and Annotaion Language [36] defines a specific syntax based on layered ranges which can overlap each other.
A LMNL document is a
set of layers containing either a sequence of Unicode characters (text
layer) or a sequence of ranges. A layer can be based on a single other layer, but can also
the base of several other layers. LMNL is able to capture classic and self overlap
cases and virtual
elements (via a pointers' mechanism), but since a range spans over continuous
sequences of characters, there
is no way to represent discontinuous text fragments and element with mixed content
(i.e. characters and
other ranges). Despite the main contribution of LMNL is a data model, at least
three syntaxes have been
proposed: two are XML-based (ECLIX [7] and CLIX [8], both
based on the milestone technique), and a non-XML syntax known as the LMNL syntax.
XSLT stylesheets have been
developed to deal with the XML representation of a LMNL document.
The Extremely Annotational RDF Markup, or EARMARK [12], is an OWL 2 DL
ontology[7]that defines document meta-markup. It is an ontologically precise definition of markup
instantiates the markup of a text document as an independent OWL document outside
of the text strings it
annotates, and through appropriate OWL and SWRL characterisations it can define
structures such as trees or graphs
(in particular, extended GODDAGs [11]) and can be used to generate validity
constraints (including co-constraints) [13], to make explicit the semantics of markup [30], to annotate text or other markup documents [1], to keep track of changes in markup [31], and as interchange format to enable conversions between different kinds of
XML vocabularies embedding overlap [2]. The whole ontological description of
EARMARK is summarised in the Graffoo diagram[8] [16] shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1:
Figure 1: a Graffoo diagram summarising the EARMARK Ontology.
The core classes of our model describe three disjoint base concepts: docuverses, ranges and markup
The textual content of an EARMARK document is conceptually separated from its annotations,
and is referred to
through the earmark:Docuverse class. The individuals of this class represent the
objects of discourse, i.e. all the containers of text from an EARMARK document.
Any individual of the earmark:Docuverse class – commonly called a docuverse
(lowercase to distinguish it from the class) – specifies its actual content through
the property earmark:hasContent. There exist two different kinds of docuverses, those that specify all
its content in form of a string (defined through the class earmark:StringDocuverse) and those that refer to a document containing the string to be marked up
(defined through the class earmark:URIDocuverse).
We define the class earmark:Range for any text lying between two locations of
a docuverse. A range, i.e, an individual of the class earmark:Range, is defined by a starting and an ending location (any literal) of a specific docuverse
through the functional properties earmark:begins, eamark:ends and earmark:refersTo respectively. There exist two main
types of ranges: those (i.e., earmark:PointerRange) that refer to text lying
between two non-negative integer locations that identify precise positions within
a docuverse, and those (defined
through the class earmark:XPathPointerRange) that refer to any text, obtained
from a particular XPath context (specified through the property earmark:hasXPathContext) starting from a docuverse content, lying between two non-negative integer
locations that identify precise positions.
The class earmark:MarkupItem is the superclass defining artefacts to be
interpreted as markup such as elements (i.e., the class earmark:Element),
attributes (i.e., the class earmark:Attribute) and comments (i.e., the class
earmark:Comment). A markupitem individual is a
collection[9] (co:Set, co:Bag and co:List, where the latter is a subclass of the second one and all of them are subclasses
of co:Collection) of individuals belonging to the classes earmark:MarkupItem and earmark:Range. Through these collections it
is possible:
to define a markup item as a set of other markup items and ranges by using the property
to define a markup item as a bag of items (defined by individuals belonging to the
class co:Item), each of them containing a markup item or a range, by using the properties
c:item and co:itemContent
to define a markup item as a list of items (defined by individuals belonging to the
class co:ListItem), each of them containing a markup item or a range, in which we can also
specify a particular order among the items themselves by using the property co:nextItem.
A markupitem might also have a name, specified in the functional property
earmark:hasGeneralIdentifier[10], and a namespace specified using the functional property earmark:hasNamespace.
In order to understand how EARMARK is used to describe markup hierarchies, let us
consider the markup
structures shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2:
Figure 2: an example of three different markup hierarchies (light-blue rectangles
with solid border, light-green
rectangles with dashed border, and pink rectangles with dotted borders) involving
six different ranges (the
five empty rhomboids with solid red border and the one with blue dashed border).
First of all, we define the whole textual content of the document – i.e., the first
three lines of the
Paradise Lost by John Milton – by creating an instance of the class earmark:StringDocuverse[11]:
@prefix : <>
:doc a earmark:StringDocuverse ;
"Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World" .
Then, we can define all the six different ranges (as individuals of earmark:PointerRange) that are introduced in the figure, i.e.:
# The string 'Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit'
:r1 a earmark:PointerRange ;
earmark:refersTo :doc ;
earmark:begins "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
earmark:ends "41"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
# The string 'the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree,'
:r2 a earmark:PointerRange ;
earmark:refersTo :doc ;
earmark:begins "32"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
earmark:ends "65"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
# The string 'Of that Forbidden Tree,'
:r3 a earmark:PointerRange ;
earmark:refersTo :doc ;
earmark:begins "42"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
earmark:ends "65"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
Finally, we can built the three markup hierarchies shown in upon these ranges, as
shown in the follwing
:lg a earmark:MarkupItem , co:List ;
earmark:hasGeneralIdentifier "lg" ;
co:firstItem [
a co:ListItem ;
co:itemContent :l1 ;
co:nextItem [
a co:ListItem ;
co:itemContent :l2 ;
co:nextItem [
a co:ListItem ;
co:itemContent :l3 ] ] ] .
:q a earmark:MarkupItem , co:List ;
earmark:hasGeneralIdentifier "q" ;
co:firstItem [
a co:ListItem ;
co:itemContent :l1 ] .
:l1 a earmark:MarkupItem , co:List ;
earmark:hasGeneralIdentifier "l" ;
co:firstItem [
a co:ListItem ;
co:itemContent :r1 ] .
Characterizing overlaps by way of an ontology
Different types of overlap exist – according to the subset of EARMARK nodes involved
(i.e., ranges or markup
items) – and different strategies are needed to detect them. In particular, there
is a clear distinction between
overlapping ranges and overlapping markup items, and in the ways these overlapping
scenarios affect the dominance
and containment relations between nodes – as shown in figure Figure 2, that will be
used to illustrate the different kinds of overlapping scenarios.
In this section, we introduce the EARMARK Overlapping Ontology (EOO)[12], which is an OWL 2 DL ontology [MotikOWL2] that extends the EARMARK Ontology by adding
support for
overlapping scenarios and for inferences relative to them. In particular, in the
following subsections we describe
how the ontology models all possible overlapping scenarios between nodes by means
of description logic
formulas[13] and SWRL rules [21] (if needed)[14]. A summary of the taxonomy of possible overlapping scenarios is provided in figure
Figure 3.
Figure 3:
Figure 3: the taxonomy of all the different kinds of overlapping scenarios that are
introduced in this paper.
Properties of overlapping
The most important property in EOO is the generic property, eoo:overlapsWith, that describes when an EARMARK node overlaps with another EARMARK node of the
same type. This means that markup items can overlap only with other markup items,
and ranges can overlap only
with ranges. In addition, this property is symmetric (i.e., if A overlaps with
B, then B overlaps with A) and
irreflexive (i.e., if A overlaps with B, then A is different from B[15]). This property is defined formally as follows:
All the properties presented in the following sections are sub-properties of the
generic relation eoo:overlapsWith.
Overlapping of ranges
By definition, overlapping ranges (i.e., linked through the symmetric property eoo:overlapsWithRange) are two ranges of the same type that refer to the same docuverse and so
that at least one of the end points of the first range is contained in the interval
described by the locations
of the second range (end-points excluded). The property eoo:overlapsWithRange
is defined as follows:
Specifically, totally overlapping ranges (defined through the property
eoo:overlapsTotallyWithRange) have the locations of the first range
completely contained in the interval of the second range or vice versa, i.e.,
the range is fully contained
inside the second range. For instance, in the example in Figure 2, the range “the
Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree” overlaps totally with the range “Of that Forbidden
On the other hand, partially overlapping ranges (defined through the property eoo:overlapsPartiallyWithRange) have exactly one location inside the interval and the other
outside. For instance, considering the example in Figure 2, the range “Of Mans
First Disobedience, and the Fruit” overlaps partially with “the Fruit Of that
Forbidden Tree”. These two
properties are disjoint, meaning that two ranges cannot overlap totally and partially
between them.
Additionally, this property also handles the situation in which the two locations
are complety identical, but
the end points have reversed roles (i.e., the starting point of the first range
is the ending point of the
second one, and vice versa). They are formally defined as follows:
The following SWRL rules allows us to catch the constraints of this kind of overlap
inferring the overlapping relation between the two different kinds of (concrete) ranges,
i.e., earmark:PointerRange and earmark:XPathPonterRange[16]:
Here, “RANGE_IDENTIFICATION” is a placeholder for the different antecedents to use
in case we want to deal
with pointer ranges or with XPath pointer ranges. In particular, for the pointer
range we have:
In this section we introduce how dominance and containment relations are implemented
in EOO, since their intrinsic relation with any kind of overlapping scenario we discuss
the following subsections.
The dominance relation is actually defined by two different and related concepts that
have always markup items as subject of dominance assertions. In particular, we say
that a
markup item A dominates directly (i.e., eoo:dominatesDirectly) an EARMARK node B if A has B as child.
This relation is formally defined as follows:
# Declaration as an object property
eoo:dominatesDirectly ⊑ ⊤op
# Domain
∃eoo:dominatesDirectly.⊤ ⊑ earmark:MarkupItem
# Range
⊤ ⊑ ∀eoo:dominatesDirectly.(earmark:Range ⊔ earmark:MarkupItem)
The relation between eoo:dominatesDirectly and the
parent-child relation in EARMARK[17] is defined by means of the following SWRL rule:
Generalising eoo:dominatesDirectly, we say that a
markup item A dominates (i.e., eoo:dominates) an EARMARK node B if B is a descendant of A. This property is
transitive and is also a super-property of eoo:dominatesDirectly (i.e., eoo:dominatesDirectly entails eoo:dominates), as defined as follows:
# Declaration as an object property
eoo:dominates ⊑ ⊤op
# Sub-property declaration
eoo:dominatesDirectly ⊑ eoo:dominates
# Transitivity
eoo:dominates o eoo:dominates ⊑ eoo:dominates
The containment is a transitive relation (i.e., eoo:contains) that is defined on the basis of the dominance relation and
applies among any EARMARK node (either markup item or range). In particular, we say
an EARMARK node A contains another EARMARK node B when one of the following conditions holds:
A dominates B;
if A and B are markup items, the leaf nodes dominated by A are a super-set of the
leaf nodes dominated by B;
if A and B are ranges, A overlaps totally with B (cf. section “Overlapping of ranges”) and the interval defined by A contains
completely the locations of B.
This relation is thus formally defined as follows:
# Declaration as an object property
eoo:contains ⊑ ⊤op
# Domain
∃eoo:contains.⊤ ⊑ earmark:Range ⊔ earmark:MarkupItem
# Range
⊤ ⊑ ∀eoo:contains.(earmark:Range ⊔ earmark:MarkupItem)
# Transitivity
eoo:contains o eoo:contains ⊑ eoo:contains
In addition to that, by means of rule 1, we can also state that the dominance relation
is actually a sub-relation of the containment relation (meaning that if A eoo:dominates B, then A eoo:contains
B holds as well), as shown as follows:
While we cannot specify in any way (neither in OWL nor SWRL) the constraint introduced
in rule 2, we can define a particular SWRL rule to handle the constraint introduced
rule 3:
The case of overlapping markup items (i.e., linked through the symmetric property
eoo:overlapsWithMarkupItem) is slightly more complicated than range overlaps. We define that two
markup items A and B overlap when at least one of the following scenarios holds:
a markup item A contains a range that overlaps
with another range contained by a markup item B;
two markup items A and B contain at least a range in common;
two markup items A and B contain at least a markup item in common.
The property eoo:overlapsWithMarkupItem is defined as
The three aforementioned scenarios correspond to three different symmetric sub-properties
of eoo:overlapsWIthMarkupItem.
The first scenario – i.e., A contains a range that overlaps with another
range contained by B – refers to markup items overlapping by range.In the example in Figure 2, the element
l1 overlaps by range with the element unit1. This is captured by a subproperty of eoo:overlapsWIthMarkupItem, property eoo:overlapsByRange, that
is formally described as follows:
The second scenario – i.e., A and B
contain at least one shared range – refers to markup items overlapping by content
hierarchy. In the example in Figure 2, the element l2 overlaps by content hierarchy with the element unit2. The corresponding subproperty eoo:overlapsByContentHierarchy is formally described as follows:
The third scenario – i.e., A and B
contain at least another markup item in common – refers to markup items overlapping by
markup hierarchy. In the example in Figure 2, the element lg overlaps by markup hierarchy with the element q.
The related subproperty eoo:overlapsByMarkupHierarchy is formally described
as follows:
The following SWRL rules allows us to catch the constraints of this kind of overlap
inferring the right overlapping relation according to the aforementioned three
The EARMARK Overlapping Ontology can be used by OWL reasoners such as Pellet[18] [33] in order to identify all the possible kinds of
overlapping scenarios that happen within any EARMARK document. As an example, running
reasoner according to EOO on the EARMARK file describing the document in Figure 2[19], we obtain a full and complete description of all kinds of overlaps existing in
such document[20].
In particular, the reasoner identified:
all the dominance relations among elements that exist in the document, as well as
all the related
containment relations entailed by dominance;
that the range “Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit” (r1 from now on) overlaps with the range “the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree”
(r2 from now on), and r2 overlaps with the range “Of that Forbidden Tree” (r3 from now on). Specifically, r1
overlaps partially with r2, and r2 overlaps totally with r3;
about the last total range overlap, that r2 actually contains r3 and, consequently, the markup items syntax and
unit1 contain r3;
that the markup items in the pairs l1 - unit1, l2 - unit1, l2 - unit2, l3 -
unit2, and lg - q overlap between them. Specifically, the markup items in the first two pairs overlap
range, while those in the following two pairs overlap by content hierarchy,
and the last two overlap by
markup hierarchy.
Of course, this inference process can be run on any EARMARK document. However, the
bigger the document (in
terms of the number of OWL assertions that specify the markup structure), the
longer it takes for the reasoner
to infer those data. For this reason, in some cases, it could be prefereable to
express as SPARQL 1.1 inserts
[17] some of the inference rules that we have shown here as OWL logical
axioms and SWRL rules. For instance, the rule specified for identifying the overlaps
by markup hierarchy could
improve the efficiency of the system if expressed in SPARQL as follows:
# Rule 'overlaps by markup hierarchy' in SPARQL
CONSTRUCT { ?a eoo:overlapsByMarkupHierarchy ?b }
?a a earmark:MarkupItem ;
eoo:dominatesDirectly ?x .
?b a earmark:MarkupItem ;
eoo:dominatesDirectly ?x .
?x a earmark:MarkupItem .
According to our experience, this approach considerably reduces the time to infer
the existing overlapping
scenarios in an EARMARK document, even if it needs to implement manually all the
inferences that are needed,
including those derived from any ontological axiom, e.g., subsumption, property
characteristic (transitivity,
irreflexivity, symmetry, etc.), and so on.
For EARMARK to be able to claim to be a one-stop answer to overlapping needs of markup
authors, we still
needed a way to identify when, indeed, ranges and markup items actually overlap.
EARMARK per se, in fact, does not have a way to identify overlapping situations, simply allowing
them to
exist and each overlapping item to ignore the others. With the EARMARK Overlapping
Ontology, on the other hand, it
is now possible to identify and qualify explicitly every overlapping situation
we encounter. For instance in
[1] we provide a brief overview of situations and contexts where EARMARK
can and has been used, especially in the domain of Digital Humanities.
Also, technically, EARMARK is a stand-off notation, and as such it suffers from the
same limitations that all
stand-off notations suffer: namely, whenever the source document (the docuverse)
is modified outside of the control of the author of the EARMARK annotations, they
may (and often will) have the
pointers become outdated and wrong. Also in [1] we provide some
mechanisms through which EARMARK pointers can be resynchronized with a modified
source, that should be able to
handle some of the possible situations.
EARMARK still has not finished evolving. The FRETTA parser [2], that provides a
way for converting EARMARK documents into XML, and expressing overlapping situations
choosing parametrically one
of the many existing XML tricks such as fragmentation, milestones or twin documents,
is working and complete, but
the opposite converter, the one that generates an EARMARK document from an XML
file that uses XML tricks to
express overlaps, is still to be completed. Once this is finished, we will have
a complete solution to the problem
of expressing any markup document with Semantic Web technologies, and we will be
able to cover all possible
situations of conversion of overlapping documents.
[1] Barabucci, G., Di Iorio, A.,
Peroni, S., Poggi, F., & Vitali, F. (2013). Annotations with EARMARK in practice:
a fairy
tale. In F. Tomasi & F. Vitali (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Collaborative
Annotations in Shared Environments: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the Digital
Humanities (DH-CASE 2013). New York, New York, US: ACM Press. doi:
[2] Barabucci, G., Peroni, S., Poggi, F., &
Vitali, F. (2012). Embedding semantic annotations within texts: the FRETTA approach.
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012): 658–663. New
York, New
York, US: ACM Press. doi:
[3] Barnard, D., Hayter, R., Karababa, M.,
Logan, G., & McFadden, J. (1988). SGML-based markup for literary texts: Two problems
some solutions. Computers and the Humanities, 22(4), 265-276. doi:
[4] Berglund, A., Boag, S., Chamberlin, D., Fernández, M.
F., Kay, M., Robie, J., Siméon, J. (2010). XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition).
Recommendation 14 December 2010. World Wide Web Consortium.
[5] Boag, S., Chamberlin, D., Fernández, M. F., Florescu,
D., Robie, J., Siméon, J. (2010). XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition).
Recommendation 14 December 2010. World Wide Web Consortium.
[6] Ciccarese, P., & Peroni, S. (2013). The
Collections Ontology: creating and handling collections in OWL 2 DL frameworks. Semantic
Web –
Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. doi:
[8] DeRose, S. J. (2004). Markup Overlap: A Review and a
Horse. In Extreme Markup Languages.
[9] DeRose, S. J., Durand, D. G., Mylonas, E.,
Renear, A. H. (1990). What is text, really? In Journal of Computing in Higher Education,
1(2), 3-26. doi:
[10] DeRose, S., Daniel, R., Grosso, P., Maler, E.,
Marsh, J., Walsh, N. (2002). XML Pointer Language (XPointer). W3C Working Draft 16
2002. World Wide Web Consortium. “”.
[11] Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., &
Vitali, F. (2009). Towards markup support for full GODDAGs and beyond: the EARMARK
In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009, Balisage Series on Markup
3. Rockville, Maryland, US: Mulberry Technologies, Inc. doi:
[12] Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., & Vitali, F.
(2011). A Semantic Web approach to everyday overlapping markup. Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(9): 1696–1716. doi:
[13] Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., &
Vitali, F. (2011). Using semantic web technologies for analysis and validation of
markup. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 6(4): 375–398. doi:
[14] Durusau, P., O'Donnell, M. B. (2002). Coming down
from the trees: Next step in the evolution of markup? In Extreme Markup
[15] Durusau, P., O'Donnell, M. B. (2002).
Just-In-Time-Trees (JITTs): Next Step in the Evolution of Markup. In Proceedings of
Extreme Markup Languages Conference, Montréal, Canada.
[17] Gearon, P., Passant, A., & Polleres,
A. (2013). SPARQL 1.1 Update. W3C Recommendation, 21 March 2013. World Wide Web Consortium.
Retrieved from
[18] Goldfarb, C. F., Rubinsky, Y. (1990). The SGML
handbook. Oxford University Press.
[19] Hilbert, M., Schonefeld, O., Witt, A. (2005,
August). Making CONCUR work. In Extreme Markup Languages.
[20] Horrocks, I., Kutz, O., & Sattler, U.
(2006). The Even More Irresistible SROIQ. In P. Doherty, J. Mylopoulos, & C. A. Welty
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006): 57–67. Palo Alto, California, USA: AAAI
[21] Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P. F., Boley,
H., Tabet, S., Grosof, B., & Dean, M. (2004). SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining
OWL and RuleML. W3C Member Submission, 21 May 2004. World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved
[22] Huitfeldt, C., Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. (2001).
TexMECS: An experimental markup meta-language for complex documents.
“”.(DAG, noDAG, child-arch-ordered
direct graph (CODG), overlap-only (oo) TexMECS, etc.)
[23] Huitfeldt, C.,Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. (2006).
Representation and processing of goddag structures: implementation strategies and
report. In Extreme Markup Languages.
[24] Jagadish, H. V., Lakshmanan, L. V.,
Scannapieco, M., Srivastava, D., Wiwatwattana, N. (2004). Colorful XML: one hierarchy
enough. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management
of data.
(pp. 251-262). ACM. doi:
[25] Krötzsch, M., Simancik, F., & Horrocks, I.
(2013). A Description Logic Primer. No. arXiv:1201.4089, 2013, The Computing Research
Repository. Retrieved from
[26] Marcoux, Y. (2008). Graph characterization of
overlap-only TexMECS and other overlapping markup formalisms. In Proceedings of Balisage:
Markup Conference (Vol. 1). doi:
[27] Marcoux, Y., Sperberg-McQueen, M., Huitfeldt, C.
(2013). Modeling overlapping structures. Graphs and serializability. In Balisage:
The Markup
Conference, 2013. doi:
[28] Marinelli, P., Vitali, F., Zacchiroli, S. (2008).
Towards the unification of formats for overlapping markup. In New Review of Hypermedia
Multimedia 14, 1 (January 2008), pages 57-94. doi:
[29] O. Schonefeld. (2007). XCONCUR and
XCONCUR-CL: A constraint-based approach for the validation of concurrent markup. In
Structures for Linguistic Resources and Applications. Proceedings of the Biennial
Conference 2007, Tübingen, Germany, 2007. Gunter Narr Verlag.
[30] Peroni, S., Gangemi, A., &
Vitali, F. (2011). Dealing with markup semantics. In Proceedings the 7th International
Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS 2011): 111–118. New York, New York, US:
ACM Press.
[31] Peroni, S., Poggi, F., & Vitali,
F. (2013). Tracking changes through EARMARK: a theoretical perspective and an implementation.
In G. Barabucci, U. Burghoff, A. Di Iorio, & S. Maier (Eds.), Proceedings of 1st
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[32] Prud’hommeaux, E., & Carothers, G.
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[33] Sirin, E., Parsia, B., Grau, B. C., Kalyanpur,
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Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 5(2): 51–53. doi:
[34] Sperberg-McQueen, C. M., & Huitfeldt,
C. (2004). Goddag: A data structure for overlapping hierarchies. In Digital Documents:
and Principles (pp. 139-160). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:
[35] TEI Consortium (2008). TEI P5: Guidelines for
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[36] Tennison, J., Piez, W. (2002). The Layered Markup and
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[37] Witt, A., Schonefeld, O., Rehm, G., Khoo, J.
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multi-rooted trees. In Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages, Montréal, Québec,
[1] This non-implicitness of properties in EARMARK results, of course, in having a linearisation
of standard documents (i.e., those that do not contain any overlap) that is more verbose
than that obtained by using other markup languages such as XML or TexMecs, both in
terms of bytes [31] as well as in terms of comparing RDF statements in an EARMARK document vs. number
of markup nodes in an XML document [12]. However, while the gap in bytes between XML-based formats (e.g., ODT used by OpenOffice
and OOXML used by Microsoft Word) and EARMARK (linearised in Turtle) seems to be proportional
when additional overlapping elements are introduced in documents [31], the gap between number of statements and number of nodes changes in favour of EARMARK
[12] the more overlapping markup item are added to the document.
As introduced in [12], from a pure syntactical point of view, EARMARK is nothing but yet another standoff
notation, where the markup specifications point to, rather than contain, the relevant
substructure and text fragments. Thus it is affect of all the usual problems of any
standoff notations:
very difficult to read for humans;
the information, although included, is difficult to access using generic methods;
limited software support as standard parsing or editing software cannot be employed;
standard document grammars can only be used for the level which contains both markup
and textual data;
new layers require a separate interpretation;
layers, although separate, often depend on each other.
However, EARMARK provides also a number of workarounds to most of the above-mentioned
issues, as discussed in [12].
[2] In our past works on EARMARK, we show how a correct use of Semantic Web technologies
can allow us to query and validate EARMARK documents in a proper way, even simplifying
some of these tasks when overlapping scenarios exist in a document. In particular,
in [12] and [31] we show how a simple natural language query like "give me the textual content of
all paragraphs inserted by John Smith" is very complex to handle by using XPath on
XML documents (stored according to both ODT and OOXML formats) while it is quite trivial
by applying SPARQL on EARMARK documents. Similarly, the syntactic validation of documents
with overlapping markup is not so straightforward to check in XML documents, since
it is not easy to retrieve each hierarchy that a document defines by means of overlapping
workarounds (e.g., milestones and fragmentation elements). However, in EARMARK this
task is simplified since all the hierarchies are explicitly defined without using
any workaround and the document validity can be verified easily through a reasoner
against a grammar implemented as an OWL ontology, as we show in [13]. In addition, the use of OWL allows us to perform also the semantic validation of
the markup in EARMARK documents, with several application in real-case scenarios such
as semantic search in digital libraries and the quality evaluation of legal drafting
[4] In the first paper that deals with overlap in digital texts, in 1988 Barnard et
al argue that “SGML can successfully cope with the problem of maintaining multiple structural
views”, and that the solutions “can be made practical” by means of simple mechanisms,
such as by exploiting
the CONCUR feature of SGML [3].
[5] In a famous paper [9], Renear et al.
defend their OCHO thesis stating that “If you treat texts as ordered
hierarchies of content objects many pratical advantages follows, but not otherwise.
Therefore texts are ordered hierarchies of content objects”.
[6] It's worth noting
that many slightly different types of milestones have been proposed: for example,
(more general) type of milestone consists in using milestone elements to mark the
between sections of a text, as indicated by changes in a standard reference system
(e.g. the structure of pages in a standard codex). In those cases, each milestone
(except the first and the last) represents both the end of the previous feature and
beginning of the next one.
[7] EARMARK Ontology: The prefix earmark
refers to entities defined in it, while the prefix co refers to entities –
used in the EARMARK Ontology – defined in the old version of the Collections
Ontology [6].
[10]General identifier actually refers to the SGML generic identifier, i.e., the SGML term for the local name of the markup
item, e.g., “p” for markup element “<p>...</p>”.
[11] This and all the following excerpts are defined in Turtle [32].
[13] OWL 2 DL [MotikOWL2] is based on a particular description logic (DL), i.e., SROIQ
[20]. In this paper, we decided to use DL notation for the sake of clarity, instead
of adopting one of the possible linearisation of OWL made available by the W3C.
We recommend the reading of
[25] for more information about DL notation. As an extension of common DL
notation, we are using ⊤ and ⊤op to indicate the top class and the top object
property respectively.
[14] Any OWL 2 DL ontology can be accompanied by SWRL rules so as to guarantee additional
inferences that are
not directly handled by current ontological definitions. All these rules will
be defined using an informal
human readable syntax as introduced in [21], where each rule is represented in
the form of “antecedent ⇒ consequent” statements, meaning that if the antecedent is true, then the consequent can be inferred. Both
antecedent and consequent are a list of
ontological assertions separated by “^”. Each assertion can be composed by an
atomic entity (e.g., a class or
a property) containing zero, one or two variables (each beginning with a “?”)
depending on the kinds of unary
(i.e., class) or binary (i.e., property) entity used, or by a (boolean, cardinality,
etc.) restriction of
multiple entities.
[15] Note that OWL 2 DL does not support the unique name assumption typical of database
systems. Among the
various consequences of this choice, in this case it means that two different
IRIs cannot be guaranteed to
refer to two different resources.
[16] In the following examples, we introduce some generic SWRL rules for ranges that
actually work fully only with instances of the class earmark:PointerRange, which is one kind of range defined in EARMARK. In
particular, note that if we consider individuals of the class earmark:XPathRange, the XPath context (defined through the property
earmark:hasXPathContext) must be taken into account
to identify when such ranges overlap between them. Even if the SWRL rules for XPath
ranges are not introduced in this paper for the sake of clarity, in EOO the issue
using also the property earmark:hasXPathContext in
such rules has been approached in the most lazy way, saying that two XPath ranges
the same context when the XPath expressions specified are exactly the same. However,
currently EOO does not handle the cases of having different XPath expressions that
either semantically-equivalent (i.e., “//p” and “//element()[name() = 'p']”) or
functionally-equivalent (i.e., they return the same sequence of items).
[17] As anticipated in section “EARMARK”, note that in EARMARK any
parent-child relationship between a markup item and a node is defined through the
property co:element in case the markup item is
defined as a set (i.e., co:Set) or a bag (i.e.,
co:Bag), while it is defined by the chain co:item o co:itemContent if the markup item is defined as a
list (i.e., a co:List). However, the new version of
the Collections Ontology [6], available at, defines the property
co:element as sub-property of the aforementioned
property chain, meaning that if we have “A co:item I” and “I co:itemContent B”, then
“A co:elements B” holds as well. Even if EARMARK is still using the old version of
Collection ontology, that does not includes the above sub-property axiom, we have
added such axiom in EOO in order to map co:element
assertions between markup items and nodes as parent-child relationships.
Barabucci, G., Di Iorio, A.,
Peroni, S., Poggi, F., & Vitali, F. (2013). Annotations with EARMARK in practice:
a fairy
tale. In F. Tomasi & F. Vitali (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Collaborative
Annotations in Shared Environments: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the Digital
Humanities (DH-CASE 2013). New York, New York, US: ACM Press. doi:
Barabucci, G., Peroni, S., Poggi, F., &
Vitali, F. (2012). Embedding semantic annotations within texts: the FRETTA approach.
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012): 658–663. New
York, New
York, US: ACM Press. doi:
Barnard, D., Hayter, R., Karababa, M.,
Logan, G., & McFadden, J. (1988). SGML-based markup for literary texts: Two problems
some solutions. Computers and the Humanities, 22(4), 265-276. doi:
Berglund, A., Boag, S., Chamberlin, D., Fernández, M.
F., Kay, M., Robie, J., Siméon, J. (2010). XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition).
Recommendation 14 December 2010. World Wide Web Consortium.
Boag, S., Chamberlin, D., Fernández, M. F., Florescu,
D., Robie, J., Siméon, J. (2010). XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition).
Recommendation 14 December 2010. World Wide Web Consortium.
Ciccarese, P., & Peroni, S. (2013). The
Collections Ontology: creating and handling collections in OWL 2 DL frameworks. Semantic
Web –
Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. doi:
DeRose, S. J., Durand, D. G., Mylonas, E.,
Renear, A. H. (1990). What is text, really? In Journal of Computing in Higher Education,
1(2), 3-26. doi:
DeRose, S., Daniel, R., Grosso, P., Maler, E.,
Marsh, J., Walsh, N. (2002). XML Pointer Language (XPointer). W3C Working Draft 16
2002. World Wide Web Consortium. “”.
Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., &
Vitali, F. (2009). Towards markup support for full GODDAGs and beyond: the EARMARK
In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009, Balisage Series on Markup
3. Rockville, Maryland, US: Mulberry Technologies, Inc. doi:
Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., & Vitali, F.
(2011). A Semantic Web approach to everyday overlapping markup. Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(9): 1696–1716. doi:
Di Iorio, A., Peroni, S., &
Vitali, F. (2011). Using semantic web technologies for analysis and validation of
markup. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 6(4): 375–398. doi:
Durusau, P., O'Donnell, M. B. (2002).
Just-In-Time-Trees (JITTs): Next Step in the Evolution of Markup. In Proceedings of
Extreme Markup Languages Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Gearon, P., Passant, A., & Polleres,
A. (2013). SPARQL 1.1 Update. W3C Recommendation, 21 March 2013. World Wide Web Consortium.
Retrieved from
Horrocks, I., Kutz, O., & Sattler, U.
(2006). The Even More Irresistible SROIQ. In P. Doherty, J. Mylopoulos, & C. A. Welty
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006): 57–67. Palo Alto, California, USA: AAAI
Horrocks, I., Patel-Schneider, P. F., Boley,
H., Tabet, S., Grosof, B., & Dean, M. (2004). SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining
OWL and RuleML. W3C Member Submission, 21 May 2004. World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved
Huitfeldt, C., Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. (2001).
TexMECS: An experimental markup meta-language for complex documents.
“”.(DAG, noDAG, child-arch-ordered
direct graph (CODG), overlap-only (oo) TexMECS, etc.)
Huitfeldt, C.,Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. (2006).
Representation and processing of goddag structures: implementation strategies and
report. In Extreme Markup Languages.
Jagadish, H. V., Lakshmanan, L. V.,
Scannapieco, M., Srivastava, D., Wiwatwattana, N. (2004). Colorful XML: one hierarchy
enough. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management
of data.
(pp. 251-262). ACM. doi:
Krötzsch, M., Simancik, F., & Horrocks, I.
(2013). A Description Logic Primer. No. arXiv:1201.4089, 2013, The Computing Research
Repository. Retrieved from
Marcoux, Y. (2008). Graph characterization of
overlap-only TexMECS and other overlapping markup formalisms. In Proceedings of Balisage:
Markup Conference (Vol. 1). doi:
Marcoux, Y., Sperberg-McQueen, M., Huitfeldt, C.
(2013). Modeling overlapping structures. Graphs and serializability. In Balisage:
The Markup
Conference, 2013. doi:
Marinelli, P., Vitali, F., Zacchiroli, S. (2008).
Towards the unification of formats for overlapping markup. In New Review of Hypermedia
Multimedia 14, 1 (January 2008), pages 57-94. doi:
O. Schonefeld. (2007). XCONCUR and
XCONCUR-CL: A constraint-based approach for the validation of concurrent markup. In
Structures for Linguistic Resources and Applications. Proceedings of the Biennial
Conference 2007, Tübingen, Germany, 2007. Gunter Narr Verlag.
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Author's keywords for this paper:
EARMARK Overlapping Ontology; EARMARK; overlapping with range and markup item; dominance vs. containment