XQuery ([4]) is a W3C defined language for processing XML and other information resources. The name is a misnomer, as XQuery is a general information processing language, rather than a query language. XQuery certainly offers excellent support for querying XML data, but this support should be viewed as a prominent feature of the language, not as its scope.
XQuery has an amazing conceptual simplicity. It is an expression language –
everything is an expression, a query is an expression tree. An expression is a shape
which has a value, and the value of an XQuery expression is a sequence of items, where
each item is either a node, an atomic value, or a function. Nodes are the foundation
a generic model of navigation, as they are interconnected by node properties, and
connections can be used as “roads” along which to move – the XPath axes (e.g. child,
descendant, parent and ancestor). The XPath functions doc()
enable URI based access to local and remote XML resources,
and as these are modelled as node trees, and as node trees can be traversed using
axes, XQuery programs operate in a logical space of information which is homogeneously
structured (everything is a node) and which exposes any grain of content of any
accessible XML resource (accessible via doc()
), making it individually addressable. Powerful operations are
available not only for addressing, but also for aggregating, transforming and evaluating
those ubiquitous units of content. These capabilities, combined with utmost conceptual
simplicity (expressions, values, full stop) might induce us to refer to XQuery not
as a
query language, but simply as the XML expression language
– call it XMLe. And perhaps we should regard XML syntax, the XML data model
and XMLe as integral parts of a single, unified information architecture which
constitutes the deeper meaning of the three letters XML ( XML = XMLs + XMLm + XMLe).
XQuery is currently a niche language. Only a tiny fraction of developers has a solid understanding of its capabilities, let alone the skills to use them. It might even be the case that acknowledged experts of XML do not have a real understanding of XQuery and that their view of XML technology and the scope of its usefulness is profoundly affected by this lack of understanding and experience.
Comparing the high capabilities of XQuery and its low adoption by developers, one
conclude that the industry is wasting a significant potential. To put it differently:
the potential of XQuery is still locked. Any approaches designed to unlock the potential
– facilitating the use of XQuery somehow and in some realm - might deserve special
interest, as the possible gains are high. One such approach is RESTXQ ([3]), which simplifies the XQuery-based implementation of web
services. This paper introduces another approach, ttools
, a framework
supporting the development of XQuery-based command line tools which are powerful,
versatile and designed for continuous extensibility. The approach is based on the
concept of a topic tool. A topic tool is a program
providing a single command line interface to a range of functionality – the available
(and continuously growing) functionality related to a “topic”. This paper defines
concept, proposes a generic model of the user perspective and introduces a development
framework enabling the fast and easy development of topic tools. It should be noted
right at the start that the framework is extremely lightweight – 100% XQuery
implemented, so that neither the use nor the development of topic tools requires any
components apart from an XQuery processor.
XQuery for command line tools
XQuery is well-suited for the rapid development of divers and powerful command line tools, enabling the evaluation of distributed information sources. Key reasons for this potential is the navigational power of XPath and the uniformity of a data model which allows seamless integration of navigation and construction. But this very efficiency of XQuery can seduce the developer to create - at an amazing speed - an amazingly unsatisfactory situation: a heap of command line tools inconsistently named, and using input parameters with inconsistent names and semantics. Each of these tools, inspected in isolation, might be very useful, and yet the sum is difficult to use and to maintain. The longer this undisciplined development continues, the greater the loss of efficiency on both sides – the developer’s and the user’s. Many tools are at length abandoned (by users and by the developer), as it becomes too difficult to remember what exactly is available and how to use it, precisely. Wheels are frequently reinvented, and yet, often no wheel can be found when it is really needed. The big bonus of efficiency offered by XQuery is lost.
In similar situations a key problem is the lack of any structure integrating the individual tools into a conceptual whole. Compare this to the realm of web services. Their functionality is structured into named services which are in turn structured into named operations. Each service provides a scope for conventions concerning names, structures and semantics. But now imagine there were only operations without containing services – instead of web services we would deal with “web operations”. We would get into trouble. We would be threatened by the same predicament which is created by an uncoordinated growth of command line tools.
A possible conclusion is that we should create command line tools which can be compared to web services. Service-like tools would act as containers for a set of related operations, providing a single point of access and the scope for a consistent vocabulary and patterns of tool behaviour. But this ambition is at cross purposes with a tool developer's desire to be agile and responsive. We want to add new functionality quickly and frequently. We want to be ready to augment the flexibility of existing functionality - adding further control parameters - as soon as the need is detected. XQuery is a scripting language, which encourages rapid and agile development. Committed to rapid development, we are reluctant to invest effort into structural integration.
The development of rich, service-like command line tools is very costly and challenging if starting from scratch – without purpose-designed development tools. This paper introduces a framework which changes the situation radically, enabling the instantiation of a service-like tool within seconds, the writing of a deliverable first version within an afternoon, and the continuous extension and refinement which always remains simple and straightforward, because extension can be accomplished without increasing the overall complexity. The second key benefit of framework based development is the high quality of the emerging tool, which is largely due to a rich input validation model, as well as the consistency of “look-and-feel” (invocation syntax and basic behaviour) across all tools built using the framework.
The framework is based on a generic concept of service-like tools, called topic tools. We start with the concept, proceed to the user-perspective (tool usage) and then inspect the developer-perspective – how to write topic tools.
Concept: topic tool
For the purposes of this discussion, the term "topic tool" denotes a particular class of programs. A topic tool is a program offering a single command line interface to multiple functionality, typically related to a single topic. The command line interface reflects a unified invocation model: the invocation of all topic tools has the same structure and is evaluated in accordance with the same syntactic conventions. There are also behavioural rules to which any topic tool adheres, for example concerning usage hints, user input validation, user input error reporting and the possibility to use stored invocations. Uniformity and user convenience are further encouraged by the standardization of rich parameter types for specifying input resources, name filters, path filters and other entities expressing complex details of the user's intent.
This paper describes a work with the following goals.
To define a generic model of a topic tool command line interface
To define generic features of topic tool behaviour
To provide a development framework for the implementation of topic tools, emphasizing
The speed of development (code generation, application code supported by infrastructure code)
The ease of development (reduction of complexity)
Tool quality (robustness, predictability, validation and diagnostics)
Tool extensibility (low effort to add operations and to extend existing operations)
Framework extensibility (possibility to define new parameter types)
Topic tools: user perspective
The interface of topic tools reflects a unified invocation model: the invocation of all topic tools has the same structure, is evaluated in accordance with the same syntactic rules and can rely on the same set of behavioural features concerning error reporting, usage assistence and support for storing and reusing invocations.
Tool invocation model
The invocation of a topic tool specifies a named operation and (optionally) the values of named parameters. The syntax used is the same for any topic tool. Technically speaking, a topic tool has a single parameter named “request”, which is a structured string identifying the operation and supplying parameter values. Operation name and parameters are separated by a question mark, and parameters are separated by a comma. This is the general pattern:
operationName ? param1=value1, param2=value2Literal commas within parameter values must be escaped using a backslash. Literal uses of the backslash character must also be escaped. If the parameter value has multiple items, these are supplied as a concatenated string. The item separator is either whitespace (one or more characters) or a semicolon, optionally surrounded by whitespace. Which item separator to use is prescribed by the topic tool for each parameter individually. If a parameter supports multiple items, literal uses of the item separator within parameter values must be escaped using a backslash. If no parameters are supplied, the request consists only of the operation name. Here come a few requests addressed to a topic tool called
, which offers
various operations for analyzing XML document contents. The creation of this topic
tool will be described in the tutorial proposed by a later section of this paper.
docs ? doc=/logs/log01.xml /logs/log02.xml /logs/log03.xml doctype ? docs=^/projects/xsd/xsd-fpml%* names ? docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1%* names ? docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1%*, scope=elem, names=*augment*
Which operations are available? Given an operation, which parameters are possible
and which are mandatory, what is the minimum/maximum number of value items, and
which character must be used as item separator? What are the parameter types, and
what the default values, if any? The answers are stored in the tool scheme, which models any aspect of the tool interface. Every
topic tool supports a _help
operation providing usage assistence, which
is based on the actual tool scheme. The _help
operation of every topic
tool supports the same set of parameters. The use of _help
facilitated by a syntactic shortcut: the operation name may be omitted (if
parameters are specified) or replaced by a question mark (if no parameters are
specified). Invocations #1 and #3, and invocations #2 and #4 are equivalent:
_help _help?ops=paths, default=true, type=true ? ?ops=paths, default=true, type=true
Called without parameters, _help
displays a simple summary of the
topic tool, consisting of operation names and the parameter names and cardinalities:
REQUEST: ? ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ==================================================== _help default, mode, ops?, type dcat dfd+ docs dcat*, doc*, docs* doctypes attNames, dcat*, doc*, docs*, elemNames names dcat*, doc*, docs*, names?, scope paths dcat*, doc*, docs*, paths? values dcat*, doc*, docs*, nvalues? ====================================================
To see the types and default values, set the parameters type
to "true". You can also restrict the report to particular
operations by supplying a name filter as value of parameter ops
about name filters later).
REQUEST: ?type=true, default=true, ops=_h* do* ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ============================================================================ _help default=false....... : xs:boolean mode=overview....... : xs:string ops................. : nameFilter? type=false.......... : xs:boolean docs dcat................ : docCAT* (sep=;) doc................. : docURI* (sep=WS) docs................ : docDFD* (sep=;) At least 1 of these parameters must be set: dcat, doc, docs doctypes attNames=false...... : xs:boolean dcat................ : docCAT* (sep=;) doc................. : docURI* (sep=WS) docs................ : docDFD* (sep=;) elemNames=false..... : xs:boolean At least 1 of these parameters must be set: dcat, doc, docs ============================================================================
Operation and parameter names can be abbreviated by leaving out trailing characters, as long as the used prefix unambiguously identifies the operation or parameter, respectively. Operation and parameter names are case sensitive from the developer perspective, but case insensitive from the user perspective; entered names are normalized to the case defined by the tool scheme.
Another syntactic shortcut applies to parameters of Boolean type. They can be specified by only supplying the name (equivalent to param=true), or the name preceded by a tilde (equivalent to param=false). Example:
?ops=paths, ~default, type
An XQuery based topic tool receives the invocation string as value of the single
external variable, named request
. Call syntax of course depends on the
actual XQuery processor. Using BaseX
, for example, calling a topic tool
looks similar to this:
basex -b "request=names ? docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq
Tool scheme
A topic tool is defined by a tool scheme which models every aspect of the tool interface. The tool scheme supports both, the tool user and the tool developer in their work. The tool scheme is automatically constructed by collecting annotations contained by the tool sources, augmenting them and integrating them into a single XML document. The scheme specifies:
operation names
for each operation all parameter names
for each parameter …
item separator (if maximum number of occurrences greater 1)
(optional) default value
(optional) facets
(optional) normalizations
Every parameter has a type and a cardinality. The type can be a built-in schema type, a
-defined type (a generic type defined by the topic tools
framework described in this paper, available in any framework-based topic tool) or
tool-specific type. All built-in schema types are supported, excepting
An example of a framework-defined type is docDFD
, which represents a
filter extracting XML documents from directories. ("DFD" denotes "directory filter
descriptor".) An example of a tool-specific type is travelScenario
This type is defined by a topic tool for evaluating touristic data; parameter values
are structured strings describing a travel in terms of travel dates and traveller
A facet constrains the parameter value beyond the constraints implied by the parameter type. A facet has a facet type and a string value. Each facet type defines a particular type of constraint applying to parameter item values. The following table lists the framework-defined facets, as of writing. Besides these generic facets, topic tools may also define tool-specific facets (see section “Advanced usage - extending the framework”).
Table I
Parameter facets defined by
the ttools
Facet | Meaning |
length | string length |
minLength | minimum string length |
maxLength | maximum string length |
minInclusive | minimum value, inclusive |
maxInclusive | maximum value, inclusive |
minExclusive | minimum value, exclusive |
maxExclusive | maximum value, exclusive |
pattern | regular expression |
values | enumeration |
filter | a name filter |
future | in the future (applicable to xs:date ,
xs:dateTime and xs:time )
past | in the past (applicable to xs:date ,
xs:dateTime and xs:time )
nonFuture | not in the future (applicable to xs:date ,
xs:dateTime and xs:time )
nonPast | not in the past (applicable to xs:date ,
xs:dateTime and xs:time )
The _help
operation provides usage assistence, which is based on the
tool scheme. An XML representation of the complete tool scheme can be obtained by
calling _help
with parameter mode
set to
, for example:
basex -b "request=? mode=scheme" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq
Object parameter types
The topic tools framework defines several parameter types providing high value to the tool user, as well as to the tool developer. The parameter values are not treated as strings, but as shortcut representations of structured information. The structures obtained from the parameter values are recognized by powerful functions, and the behaviour of these functions conveys to the parameter value a special meaning. For example, when the string
get* fetch* ~*IFF#c*
is used as argument for a parameter of type xs:string
, it is this
string what arrives in the tool application. When the string is used as argument for
a parameter of type nameFilter
, however, the application does not
receive a string, but a complex XML element, which contains elements and attributes
representing positive and negative string matching conditions, regular expressions
and regex options. The element is the XML representation of a filter, selecting
names starting with “get” or “fetch” (case-insensitively), but excluding names
ending with “IFF” (case-sensitively). The filtering behaviour is provided by
functions that "understand" the element structure and to which the filter element
passed as a parameter. These functions and the XML element are of course designed
jointly, the element for defining behaviour, and the functions for implementing
behaviour. Element and functions should therefore be viewed as a conceptual unit
encapsulating data and functionality, irrespective of whether the functions are
formally bound to the element, as would only be possible when using an
object-oriented language. Parameter types matching this pattern - they are parsed
into specific elements which can be handled by specific functions - are therefore
collectively called object parameter types.
Conceptually, the user supplies objects, rather than strings. The user benefits from
the high expressiveness of such parameters – the possibility to convey much
information in a very concise way. The developer benefits from the rich
functionality immediately available to him. An additional advantage for the user is
the stylistic consistency which object parameter types enforce. Dealing with
different operations and even with different topic tools, the style of specifying,
say, name-based filtering is always the same.
Name filter (nameFilter
The type nameFilter
enables the definition of a filter on names
which is very simple for simple requirements, and at the same time expressive
enough to enable very fine-grained filtering. The filter text is a
whitespace-separated list of one or more filter items. A filter item is either a
positive filter (if not prefixed by the character ~) or a negative filter (if
prefixed by ~). The filter retains all candidates which match at least one
positive item (if there are any positive items) and does not match any of the
negative items. Each filter item consists of a filter term, which may be
accompanied by options. Any options are appended to the term, using character #
as separator. A filter term can use glob syntax (if not accompanied by option
) or regex syntax (if accompanied by option r
By default, filter terms are matched case-insensitively, unless accompanied by
option c
. The following table show a few examples of
Table II
Examples of name filter values and their meaning.
Filter string | Matches (case-insensitively if not otherwise stated) |
Book | the string "book" |
Book* | a string starting with "book" |
~Book* | any string not starting with "book" |
Find*Response | a string starting with "find" and ending with "response" |
Find*Response#c | a string starting with "Find" and ending with "Response, case-sensitively |
Find(Scart|Booking)RQ#r | a string matching the regular expression, using regex option 'i' |
Find(Scart|Booking)RQ#rc | a string matching the regular expression, not using regex option 'i' |
*RQ#c *RS#c | a string ending with “RQ” or “RS”, case-sensitively |
~*Help* ~Options* | any string not containing "help" and not starting with "options" |
*RQ#c *RS#c ~*Help* ~Options* | a string ending with “RQ” or “RS”, case-sensitively, but excluding any strings containing "help" or starting with "options" |
Name filter map (nameFilterMap
A related type is nameFilterMap
, which is a mapping of name
filters to values. The values are themselves constrained by a type, which
defaults to xs:string
. For example, the type specification
denotes a name filter map using
integer values, and nameFilterMap
denotes a name filter map using
string values. The value text is a % concatenated list of one or more entries.
An entry specifies a mapping in the form "value : nameFilter", or the default
value. If the default value contains a literal colon, it must be escaped with a
backslash. For example, the following map
10 % 0 : *id *timestamp* % 100 : status
specifies a default value (10) as well as two values (0 and 100, respectively) bound to different name filters. Such a map could be used, for example, for specifying the number of data values to be reported, dependent on the element names. Then no values would be reported for elements with a name ending on “id” or containing “timestamp”, 100 values for "status" elements, and 10 values for any elements not matching any of the two name filters.
Path filter (pathFilter
Another derivative of name filters is the pathFilter
type. It
consists of a sequence of name filters, separated by single or double slashes,
and it can be used to filter name paths (e.g. XPath data paths or qualified file
names). Each name filter specifies a step, which is applied either to the
children of the previous step (if preceded by a single slash) or to its
descendants (if preceded by a double slash). If the first step is not preceded
by a slash, the filter behaves as if the first step were preceded by a double
slash: the first step may match any step in the path. Contrary, if the first
step is preceded by a slash, it must match the first step of the path. For
example, the following path filter:
matches any path with a last step matching *.xsd
and a second
last step matching 2.0
. Path filters may be used, for example, in
order to select XML items according to their name and location within a
document, or to select files according to their name and location in the file
Directory Filter Descriptors (docDFD
A very important reuse of name and path filters is given by Document Filter Descriptors (the types
, textDFD
and csvDFD
). They
serve to select files (XML, text or csv files) from directories. A filter
descriptor consists of two or three % separated fields. The first field is a
whitespace separated list of one or more directories in which to search for
files. If a directory name is preceded by character ^, the directory is searched
recursively, that is, the search includes all direct or indirect sub
directories. The second field specifies a name filter which is applied to file
names – only files with matching name may be selected. An optional third field
refines recursive search. It supplies a path filter, which constrains the (sub)
directories from which files can be selected. For example, the following
^/projects/niem-2.1 ^/projects/niem-2.0 /project/niem-submissions % *.xsd
selects all xsd files in or under one of the niem directories, or in the
directory niem-submissions
. Adding a path filter, like so:
^/projects/niem-2.1 ^/projects/niem-2.0 /project/niem-submissions % *.xsd % edxl*//*
would restrict recursive findings to files found in a directory located under
(but not in) a directory with a name starting with “edxl”. A parameter of type
only selects XML files, ignoring any non-XML files
matching the descriptor; the effective parameter value (the value delivered to
the application) is a sequence of document nodes. A parameter of type
selects all files matching the descriptor, and the
effective parameter value is a sequence of strings, each string providing the
contents of one file. A parameter of type csvDFD
, finally, also
selects all files matching the desciptor, but treats them as csv files and
delivers to the application XML documents, each one representing the rows and
cells of one csv file.
Document catalog (docCAT
A document catalog (dcat) is an XML document containing a collection of
references to other documents. The parameter type dcat
has the
following semantics: the user-supplied value is the document URI of a dcat; the
value delivered to the tool application is the collection of all documents
referenced by the dcat. A dcat can be created automatically by calling the
built-in operation dcat
and supplying to it a directory filter
Tool specific object parameter types
The preceding sections introduced several object parameter types supported by
any topic tool conforming to the model described in this paper. Apart from
these, any topic tool may define tool-specific
parameter types, including object parameter types. The _help
operation supports a mode types
which explains all generic as well
as any tool-specific parameter types. See section “Advanced usage - extending the framework”
for details about the implementation of tool-specific parameter types.
As an example, otdsv
, a topic tool for inspecting touristic data
conforming to the OTDS data model ([2]), uses a
tool-specific parameter type travelScenario
. A parameter value
defines a trip in terms of booking date, start date and duration, as well as the
ages or birthdates of all travellers. The following parameter value:
2014-04-02 2014-12-06 14 % 32 31 5 2
specifies a travel booked on 2014-04-02, starting on 2014-12-06 and lasting for 14 days, made by four persons aged 32, 31, 5 and 2 years. The tool implementation does not see the string, but a structured representation which is understood by various functions related to travel scenarios.
Storing and reusing invocation
Complex functionality tends to involve a considerable number of invocation
parameters, and object parameter types invite rather complex parameter values. A
call with four or more parameters is a bit of a strain, and the more so if they
involve object parameters. On the other hand, routine use of topic tools can be
fairly repetitive, using often very similar calls which are only distinguished by
parameter or two, whereas several other parameters are set to the same values every
time. In such situations in can be helpful to store invocations and reuse them
either verbatim or partially overwriting or extending them on a call by call basis.
Every topic tool supports the storeq
feature: if called with two
question marks (instead of a single question mark), the tool returns a simple XML
representation of the invocation. After storing the invocation in a file, it can be
referenced in future tool invocations, omitting the operation name and using the
file name instead, preceded by the character @. An example follows.
Saving an invocation:
basex –b 'request=priceItems??otds=/projects/otds/otds.xml, cond=occupancy personImpact dayImpact conditionalTags, scope=all, class=*, absolute' otdsv.xq > piStd.tti
Reusing it unchanged:
basex –b 'request=@piStd.tti' otdsv.xq
Reusing and partially overwriting and extending it:
basex –b 'request=@piStd.tti?scope=absolute, summary' otdsv.xq
To summarize, the user of topic tools benefits from several features:
single point of access to a whole range of functionality (a "topic")
uniform invocation pattern for all operations and all topic tools
high expressiveness enabled by object type parameters
syntactical sugar (name completion, shortcut for Boolean values)
comprehensive help functionality
user-friendly input error diagnostics
invocation reuse
The next section explains how topic tools are developed. It introduces a very lightweight framework which enables the developer to create topic tools quickly, to extend them with minimum effort, and to achieve high quality.
Topic tools: developer perspective
A topic tool is expected to support a well-structured command-line interface, perform fine-grained input validation, report user input errors in a comprehensive way and offer rich help functionality. Furthermore, remembering the high complexity which a topic tool may easily attain (many operations and all in all very many parameters), one might expect that topic tools are hard to create, to maintain and to extend.
Using the ttools
framework, the contrary is the case: development is
easy, fast and, hopefully, enjoyable. Adding a topic tool operation is by far easier
faster than implementing its functionality by a new, non-topic tool written from
scratch. An added topic tool operation conforms to the behavioural expectations (smart
syntax, validation, error reporting and help) from the first minute of its prototypic
existence. Achievement of this behaviour might easily take weeks to attain (and months
to un-bug) if implemented as part of the tool development, rather than being provided
the framework via code generation and libraries. A new topic tool is instantiated
in a
minute, and in typical settings a first useful and deliverable version is ready after
few hours of work. After the initial shot, the tool tends to grow quickly and
organically, no matter if guided by a complex set of initial requirements, or in
response to frequently emerging requirements, or both. In all cases, growth is
facilitated by the fact that the current amount of functionality does not create a
burden making the addition of new functionality more difficult. To add a second or
twenty second operation tends to require the same amount of work, or usually the
addition of operations even becomes increasingly simple thanks to utilities which
been created along the way to the current state.
This section explains how to write topic tools using the ttools
framework. It starts with a high level overview of the support offered by
. It summarizes the workflow of tool development, describes how
XQuery programming is facilitated and how code writing is complemented by the writing
annotations. This overview will be followed by a brief tutorial intended to give you
hands-on impression of the process of developing a topic tool. The tutorial takes
through the steps of creating a new topic tool and filling it with a first set of
functionality. The final part of this section on topic tool development will discuss
advanced usage of ttools
: it explains how to extend the infrastructure
provided by ttools
, defining new parameter types and new parameter facets.
The development support offered by ttools
has four main
Code generation
Pseudo objects
Utility functions
Built-in operations
The main module of a topic tool is generated. Code generation is based on annotations scattered over XQuery library modules. Annotations are not formal annotations as defined by XQuery 3.0, but XML snippets placed in XQuery comments conforming to a syntax convention. Annotations typically define tool operations in terms of an operation name and the names, types and other properties of operation parameters. Annotations may also define new parameter types and new kinds of parameter facets.
Code generation is effected by an application build. The build is triggered by a command line call of
, which is a topic tool for building topic tools. The build
call provides a tool name and a tool directory. During an application build,
investigates all library modules found in the application
directory, and all annotations which they contain are used. The independent
annotations scattered over the modules are integrated into a single model of tool
functionality, called the tool scheme. A tool
scheme defines tool functionality in terms of named operations and
operation-specific sets of parameters.
The tool scheme is translated into an XQuery main module implementing a command
line interface which gives access to all operations. On invocation, the main module
parses, evaluates and validates user input, creating a comprehensive error report,
if errors occur. Otherwise the main module integrates user input into an XML
request message and invokes the operation provider function, the function which
implements the operation. The provider function is hand-written by the tool
developer. It has a standardized signature, receiving a single parameter which is
the request message assembled by the main module, and producing an
annotation-defined result type. The request message is an XML element intended to
used exclusively via a set of access functions designed for the purpose. These
access functions can be regarded as the message
interface, functionality bound to its data content. The request
message thus resembles a program object, which hides user input data behind an interface of accessors to input
For example, if a parameter is typed as a document URI, the user data is a URI,
but the accessor returns a document node. While the user supplies a multiple-valued
parameter as a concatenated string, the accessor delivers the parameter as a
sequence of typed items. Annotation-defined default values are delivered in a way
indistinguishable from explicitly supplied parameters. The difference between input
data and input information is especially relevant in the case of object parameters
(e.g. name filters), where input data are strings from which “objects” are
constructed: XML elements designed to provide functionality when passed to the
appropriate functions (e.g. tt:matchesNameFilter
). It is important to
realize how the use of the request object and its accessor interface in general, and
the use of object parameters in particular, may simplify the work of application
writing significantly.
based development profits from utility
functions in a dual way: (a) using “object functions”, as just
described, which are functions designed for use with XML elements constructed by
infrastructure; (b) general purpose functions, providing
useful functionality not related to ttools
specific structures.
Examples of general purpose functions are a function for parsing CSV formatted text
and a function for creating tabular text.
Every ttools
based topic tool supports a range of built-in operations, implemented by modules which are
automatically added to the tool directory during tool instantiation. A prominent
role plays the generic help operation, which
translates the tool scheme into usage information. Other built-in operations provide
generic functionality which may add to the usefulness of the topic tool. As an
example, built-in operation doctypes
reports the document types (root
element names and namespaces) encountered in a set of XML resources, which may be
specified by any combination of document URIs, directory filter descriptors (see
section “Directory Filter Descriptors (docDFD
)”) and document catalogs. Using further parameters,
additional information about the documents can be requested.
The ttools
based development of a topic tool can be schematically
described as the following workflow.
Tool instantiation – command line call creating and initializing the new topic tool.
Prototyping – command line call creating the initial version of a new XQuery library module, intended to implement a list of operations specified by a call parameter; the generated code contains initial versions of annotations and function definitions; the generated module is immediately callable after re-building the topic tool (see below).
XQuery code writing – developing the functions which implement the operations, as well as auxiliary functions, as appropriate.
Annotation editing – adding the definitions of new operations, or changing / extending the definitions of existing operations.
Tool building – command line call re-building the tool, translating the current annotations into the command line interface.
Tool testing.
Writing XQuery code
Coding is significantly simplified by the packaging of all input information into
a single container (the request message) and its exposal via accessor functions
(e.g. tt:getParam
). Especially helpful are three facts:
Guaranteed availability. Any mandatory operation parameter is supplied. If it were not, the function would not be called in the first place. Whether or not the annotation declares a default value, concerns user convenience, but not the developer: a mandatory value is present.
Guaranteed validity. For any operation parameter a valid value is supplied. Validity refers to the type specification including item type, cardinality constraints and optional facets. The developer can simplify his work by protecting himself from inappropriate values: he can add facets to the parameter annotation, e.g. specifying enumerated values, a regular expression, minimum or maximum values. The infrastructure will not call the function unless user input satisfies all constraints.
Object parameters. The definition of particular parameter types prescribes the parsing of user-provided text value, resulting in the construction of “objects”, which are XML elements designed to be processed by functions. An example is the parsing of a name filter string into a name filter element which can be passed to a
function. The use of object parameters can reduce the complexity of application development, as the request accessors deliver the objects, not the source text.
An interesting aspect concerns the information flow between XQuery functions. When the operation providing function delegates some tasks to other functions, these may have a function signature including a request message parameter. The request message passed on may be constructed from scratch, as the message interface includes functions enabling such a construction. But it may also be the original request, or a modified copy of it - the request interface includes functions for creating copies with parameters removed, overwritten or added. When the request passed on is not constructed from scratch, but received from the outside, whether or not subsequently modified before being passed on, it may carry information which the called function evaluates, but which the calling function need not be aware of. As an example, consider a function which operates on the results of some kind of search. Such a function may pass the original request on to the search function, trusting the request (which it received from the user and which has passed validation) to contain all information relevant to the search function. Now the search function may evolve, incrementally extend its parameter usage and evaluate additional input parameters, without the calling function being aware of it – search control parameters do not concern it and are not inspected. As a result, the search function may evolve freely and independently of other functions operating on the search results, as the request message hides the changes of search related input. If today the search function begins to evaluate some additional input, the code of search result processing functions need not be changed. The only adaptation necessary concerns the annotations: in order to benefit from the extended search functionality, a search result processing operation should add the new, search related parameters to its own operation signature. But even this adaptation can as well be postponed, until the need is felt.
Such an interaction of functions may be called message-based – as opposed to
parameter list based. ttools
provides a sophisticated set of message
related functionality, including functions for transforming messages by extension,
value overwriting and reduction. The primary use of this functionality is the
dealing with the original request message, constructed by infrastructure from user
input. However, beyond that, the availability of message related functionality
encourages the practise of message-based interactions among functions. A recommended
design pattern of topic tools can be summarized as follows: (a) identify pieces of
core functionality, which have a potentially growing set of
input information; (b) provide such functionality with a
message-based signature, rather than a parameter list based signature. This approach
can considerably help in the process of evolving complex applications in a safe
Writing annotations
Writing code and editing the annotations are two activities performed in tandem. While writing the code of an operation, the developer switches over to the annotations whenever he decides to modify operation input, typically by adding a further control parameter. Then he resumes code writing, referring to the added parameters using request message accessors.
The annotation of an operation defines the operation in terms of its parameters. For every parameter, the following information is specified (the last two items optionally):
parameter name
parameter type, including cardinality (e.g. ?, *, {3}, {1,3})
facets (e.g. regular expression, value list, minimum/maximum values)
membership in parameter groups (for joint cardinality constraints, e.g. when at least one of several parameters must be supplied)
The editing of annotations takes effect immediately after re-building the topic
tool. This is achieved by a command line call (invoking the build
operation of ttools
) and usually lasts less than a second.
Advanced usage - extending the framework
Developing topic tools using the ttools
framework gives access to the
automated construction of object parameters and automated facet validation.
ships with a range of built-in object parameter types and
facet kinds.
A topic tool may extend the framework by defining tool
specific parameter types and facet kinds. This is very easily done.
In order to define a tool specific object parameter type, one has to write a parsing
function which constructs from an input string an element of the appropriate
structure. The signature must take a single input parameter of type
, and the return value must be a single item of
arbitrary type (item()
Similarly, in order to define an additional facet kind, one must write a facet
validation function which will validate a parameter value item against the new facet
kind. The signature must take two input parameters, the first of type
receiving the value item to be checked, the second of type
receiving the facet value; the return value must be
. A library module containing type definitions
and/or facet validation functions must contain an annotation of type
, which binds the parsing functions to parameter types
and the facet validation functions to facet kinds. The implementation of framework
extensions may for example look as follows:
(:~ : ttoolsExtensions.mod.xq - application specific extensions of the parameter parser and facet validator. :) (:~@extensions <extensions> <type name="travelScenario" parser='parseTravelScenario'/> <facet name="blacklisted" validator='checkBlacklisted'/> </extensions> :) module namespace m=""; ... declare namespace z=""; ... declare function m:parseTravelScenario($text as xs:string) as item() {...} declare function m:checkBlacklisted($item as item(), $facetValue as xs:string) as element(z:errors)? {...}
After dropping this library module into the tool directory, the annotations of
operations may define parameters of type travelScenario
and constrain
parameters to conform to a blacklisted
facet. The definition of
additional object parameter types is typically accompanied by functions taking
elements of the respective structure as input. These functions constitute the
"interface" of the new object type and largely determine the value which the object
type has for the tool application.
It should be remembered that object construction and facet validation are performed automatically, so that the application never needs to call the functions which it provides for the definition of additional types and the evaluation of additional facet kinds.
The development of a topic tool is simplified by code generation. What remains to be done is the writing of functions which are exposed as operations. Code writing is accompanied by annotation editing, which provides the code with an environment of validated information. Frequent extension of this information – for example caused by stepwise refinement of functionality – is accomplished in a painless way. Whenever the need arises, just add a parameter to the operation annotation: from now on the parameter value is available to the operation code.
Code writing is greatly simplified by having all external input encapsulated in a single container – the request message – which is accessed via functions, completely isolating application code from the original forms of external input. Application code is thus embedded in an infrastructure which takes on the responsibility of input validation and input augmentation. In the case of so-called object parameter types, the embedding infrastructure transforms user input into entities corresponding to program objects.
The message-related functionality provided by ttools
also encourages
the use of messages in function signatures in general, whether or not the function
is exposed as a topic tool operation. Messages enable the "tunneling" of
information, so that a calling function may be unawares of the information
requirements of the called function. The use of message-controlled functions thus
favours a robust integration of complex functionalities - like search and
processings of search result - which is an important concern in general, and when
developing topic tools in particular.
Getting started with topic tools
This part of the paper proposes a short tutorial which may give you some hands-on
impressions of the development of topic tools. We set out to create the first version
a command line tool which assists the user in the analysis of XML resources. We have
already downloaded ttools
(download URI will be added here), which is
itself a topic tool supporting the development of topic tools. We have further installed
BaseX ([4]), an open source XQuery processor supporting
XQuery 3.0.
We decide to call the new tool xclear
, and we plan to supply the first
version with three operations:
- reports names of elements and attributes -
- reports data paths of elements and attributes -
- reports data content of elements and attributes
In what follows, we assume that the ttools
installation directory is
, and that xclear
shall be installed in
directory /projects/xclear
Tool instantiation
The very first step of tool development is tool instantiation. We call the
operation new
, specifying a
tool directory whose name is equal to the intended tool name:
basex -b "request=new?dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq ==> =============================================================== Topic tool created: xclear Tool directory: /projects/xclear The tool can already be called. Example: basex -b "request=?" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq Use operation 'add' for adding module prototypes. Example: basex -b "request=add?dir=/projects/xclear, mod=fooMod, ops=fooOp barOp foobarOp" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq ===============================================================
As a result, the tool directory xclear
has been created and filled
with various XQuery library modules, as well as a generated main module
, which can be called.
01.07.2014 22:12 4.473 xclear.xq 07.04.2014 23:47 599 _constants.mod.xq 27.04.2014 12:50 8.656 _csvParser.mod.xq 28.06.2014 13:11 11.855 _dcat.mod.xq 28.06.2014 12:39 5.172 _docs.mod.xq 01.07.2014 22:12 1.155 _extensions.mod.xq 29.06.2014 08:52 8.333 _help.mod.xq 15.04.2014 00:09 19.666 _nameFilter.mod.xq 15.04.2014 00:13 14.944 _nameFilter_parser.mod.xq 07.04.2014 22:29 20.893 _namespaceTools.mod.xq 07.04.2014 22:29 1.744 _reportAssistent.mod.xq 29.06.2014 09:38 55.935 _request.mod.xq 28.06.2014 13:18 10.144 _request_getters.mod.xq 12.04.2014 08:29 2.908 _request_parser.mod.xq 28.06.2014 12:02 3.260 _request_setters.mod.xq 27.04.2014 14:37 3.606 _stringTools.mod.xq
Exploring the initial tool version
A topic tool has a single parameter, request
. If supplied with the
parameter value “?”, a topic tool is expected to give an overview of its operations.
We give it a try:
basex -b "request=?" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ==================================================== _help default, mode, ops?, type dcat dfd+ docs dcat*, doc*, docs* doctypes attNames, dcat*, doc*, docs*, elemNames ====================================================
Our freshly created tool has already four operations! Operation
is what is called when the request value starts with a
question mark, rather than an operation name. The other three operations are
built-in operations augmenting the functionality of any topic tool we build using
. For example, operation doctypes
provides basic
information about a set of documents. In order to take a closer look at its
parameters, we refine our _help
request, specifying the Boolean
parameters type
and default
, in order to learn the
parameter types and see any default values. We narrow down the response to operation
by setting the optional parameter ops
to the
value doct*
basex -b "request=?default, type, ops=doct*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ========================================================================== doctypes attNames=false...... : xs:boolean dcat................ : docCAT* (sep=WS) doc................. : docURI* (sep=WS) docs................ : docDFD* (sep=;) elemNames=false..... : xs:boolean At least 1 of these parameters must be set: dcat, doc, docs ==========================================================================
The parameter types docURI
, docDFD
are very important, because they are the parameter types used for supplying the tool with
XML documents. If an operation demands input which may consist of a set of documents,
rather than necessarily a single document, it is a recommended pattern to use a
triple of parameters of type docURI
, docDFD
, respectively, and (if appropriate) mark them as a group of
which at least one parameter must be set. This gives the user great freedom how to
supply input documents, as he can use any combination of three approaches:
typed parameter: expects a document URI -
typed parameter: expects a directory filter descriptor -
typed parameter: expects the document URI of a document catalog ("dcat")
A dcat can be created calling operation dcat
and supplying it with a
document filter descriptor. If stored in a file, the dcat can later be supplied to
any parameter of type docCAT
. To get a feeling for our new tool, we
invoke operation doctypes
, supplying it with a directory filter
descriptor. Suppose we are interested in the XML resources directly or indirectly
contained by a directory /projects/xsd/niem-2.1
. This is how we request
a doctypes
basex -b "request=doctypes?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:doctype name="schema@" count="123"> <doc href="file:///C:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/ansi-nist/2.0/ansi-nist.xsd"/> <doc href="file:///C:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/ansi_d20/2.0/ansi_d20.xsd"/> <doc href="file:///C:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/apco/2.1/apco.xsd"/> ... </z:doctype>
We just used a directory filter descriptor as input to an operation. One may also
first use it to create a dcat, and later use this dcat in order to supply an
operation with all documents which the dcat references. To create a dcat, we call
the built-in dcat
operation, supplying the directory filter descriptor
as value of parameter dfd
basex -b "request=dcat?dfd=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <dcat dirs="^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1" files="" subDirs="" countFiles="123" t="2014-04-18T12:57:44+02:00" xml:base="file:///C:/projects/xclear/"> <doc href="file:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/ansi-nist/2.0/ansi-nist.xsd"/> <doc href="file:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/ansi_d20/2.0/ansi_d20.xsd"/> <doc href="file:/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/apco/2.1/apco.xsd"/> ... </dcat>
If we store the output in a file (say,
), we can then supply the file
name to any parameter of type docCAT
, effectively passing to the tool
all documents referenced by the catalog. For example, the following call of
yields the same result as the first one:
basex -b "request=doctypes?dcat=^/projects/dcats/dcat-niem-2.1.xml" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq
By now we have some feeling how to use a topic tool, namely how to specify aggregate input in alternative ways. We are ready to fill our tool with new functionality.
Adding prototypes
Our tool shall be helpful when we want to explore an XML document, or a set of
documents. The first version shall have three operations: names
and values
. We decide to place their
implementation in a single module, called items
. A convenient way to
create the module is to use the add
operation of
. We specify the topic tool (parameter dir
the module name (parameter mod
) and the
operations (parameter ops
basex -b "request=add?dir=/projects/xclear, mod=items, ops=names paths values" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq ==> =============================================================== XQuery module created: items.mod.xq Operations: names paths values Directory: /projects/xclear Topic tool: xclear The new operations are available. Example: basex -b "request=names?doc=doc1.xml doc2.xml doc3.xml" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq To implement them, edit these functions: names paths values ===============================================================
We check that new operations have appeared in the tool interface:
basex -b "request=?" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ==================================================== _help default, mode, ops?, type dcat dfd+ docs dcat*, doc*, docs* doctypes attNames, dcat*, doc*, docs*, elemNames names dcat*, doc*, docs* paths dcat*, doc*, docs* values dcat*, doc*, docs* ====================================================
Indeed, the tool now has three new operations - names
and values
. Their parameter sets are just a
first proposal which we will extend or change. Now we inspect the generated module
. A complete listing can be found in the appendix Appendix A. Here we look at selected parts. The text
begins with this:
(: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : items.mod.xq - Document me! : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) (:~@interface <interface> <operations> <operation name="names" type="node()" func="names"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="paths" type="node()" func="paths"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="values" type="node()" func="values"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> </operations> </interface> :) module namespace f=""; ...
The build
operation of ttools
searches all library
modules in the tool directory for text enclosed between (:~@interface
and the closing :)
. This text is interpreted as XML annotation
declaring operations which the containing library module contributes to the topic
tool. Each operation is defined in terms of a name, a function implementing it
(@func, defaulting to the operation name), a return type (@type, defaulting to
), parameters (<param>) and optional parameter groups
(<pgroup>). Parameter groups can be used for expressing cardinality constraints
referring to a group of parameters, rather than to a single parameter - for example
"at least one (at most one / exactly one) of these parameters ( ... ) must be
Each parameter is defined in terms of a name (@name), a type (@type), (optionally)
facets (@fct_xyz) and (optionally) membership in a parameter group (@pgroup). Facets
constrain valid parameter values beyond the constraints implied by the type. The
type consists of an item type, optionally followed by a cardinality constraint. The
parameters as they were generated are of course only meant as a starting point, to
be extended and/or changed. We note that the generated module conforms to the
recommended practise to support three alternative ways of specifying input documents.
It uses three parameters of types docURI
, docDFD
and joins them into a parameter group, constraining the user
to provide at least one of these parameters.
Now we inspect the generated functions implementing the operations. For example:
(:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:names($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') return <z:names countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ () }</z:names> };
So the initial version just creates an element echoing the operation name and
fills it with a @countDocs attribute displaying the number of input documents. Let’s
try, using a directory /projects/xsd/niem-2.1
as input:
basex -b "request=names?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:names xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"/>
First operation, first implementation
Now we know that we are “connected” – the tool can be supplied with input documents
- and we
are ready to add code. Here comes a first version of the names
declare function f:names($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $atts := for $n in distinct-values($docs//@*/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:a n="{$n}"/> let $elems := for $n in distinct-values($docs//*/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:e n="{$n}"/> return <z:names countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ <z:atts count="{count($atts)}">{$atts}</z:atts>, <z:elems count="{count($elems)}">{$elems}</z:elems> }</z:names> };
We repeat our call of the names
basex -b "request=names?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:names xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"> <z:atts count="29"> <z:a n="abstract"/> <z:a n="attributeFormDefault"/> <z:a n="base"/> ... </z:atts> <z:elems count="40"> <z:e n="annotation"/> <z:e n="any"/> <z:e n="anyAttribute"/> ... </z:elems> </z:names>
First refinement - adding a parameter
Now let us think about refinement. We want to give the user the possibility to
determine the scope – only elements, only attributes, or both. To achieve this, we
add to the annotation of operation names
a new parameter:
<param name="scope" type="xs:string" fct_values="att, elem, all" default="all"/>
Note the default value and the values
facet, constraining valid
parameter values to the strings “att”, “elem” and “all”. The function is easy to
adapt: (a) add a line for reading the parameter value and (b) wrap the output of
attribute and element names in if
expressions dependent on the
parameter value. Here comes the new version:
declare function f:names($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $scope as xs:string := tt:getParams($request, 'scope') (: READ PARAM :) let $atts := for $n in distinct-values($docs//@*/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:a n="{$n}"/> let $elems := for $n in distinct-values($docs//*/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:e n="{$n}"/> return <z:names countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ if ($scope eq 'elem') then () else (: DEPENDENT ON PARAM :) <z:atts count="{count($atts)}">{$atts}</z:atts>, if ($scope eq 'att') then () else (: DEPENDENT ON PARAM :) <z:elems count="{count($elems)}">{$elems}</z:elems> }</z:names> };
Note the type of the parameter value in this line:
let $scope as xs:string := tt:getParams($request, 'scope')
We can confidently use the type without “?”, as the annotation implies a
cardinality of exactly one item, and the framework will never call the function
unless the user input is valid. We re-build and call _help
in order to
verify that our annotations have been compiled into code:
basex -b "request=build?dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq basex -b "request=?type, default, ops=names" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> TOOL: xclear OPERATIONS PARAMS ============================================================================ names dcat................ : docCAT* (sep=WS) doc................. : docURI* (sep=WS) docs................ : docDFD* (sep=;) scope=all........... : xs:string; facets: values=att, elem, all At least 1 of these parameters must be set: dcat, doc, docs ============================================================================
We check that validation proceeds as it should, supplying an invalid
basex -b "request=names?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*,scope=attributes" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> Invalid call ============ INVALID_PARAMETER_FACET Parameter 'scope': item value (attributes) not among the valid item values (att, elem, all). -------------------------------------
Calling the tool correctly, we get the correct result:
basex -b "request=names?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1,scope=att" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:names xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"> <z:atts count="29"> <z:a n="abstract"/> <z:a n="attributeFormDefault"/> <z:a n="base"/> ... <z:a n="use"/> <z:a n="value"/> <z:a n="version"/> </z:atts> </z:names>
Adding a name filter
We add one more refinement: the user may optionally specify a name filter, so that
only items with a matching name are returned. It does not take more than a minute
achieve this. First we add an optional parameter names
to the
annotation, using the object parameter type nameFilter
<param name="names" type="nameFilter?"/>
The adaptation of the function is minimalistic. We read the parameter value:
let $filter as element(nameFilter)? := tt:getParams($request, 'names')
and add a couple of predicates to the path expressions returning attributes and elements, respectively:
let $atts := for $n in distinct-values($docs//@* [not($filter) or tt:matchesNameFilter(local-name(.), $filter)]/local-name(.)) (: FILTER ! :) order by lower-case($n) return <z:a n="{$n}"/> let $elems := for $n in distinct-values($docs//* [not($filter) or tt:matchesNameFilter(local-name(.), $filter)]/local-name(.)) (: FILTER ! :) order by lower-case($n) return <z:a n="{$n}"/>
Done! After a re-build, we can retrieve name-filtered item names:
basex -b "request=build?dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq basex -b "request=names?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*,scope=att, names=*min*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:names xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"> <z:atts count="1"> <z:a n="minOccurs"/> </z:atts> </z:names>
Second operation, first implementation
Now we tackle the second operation, returning data paths. First we write a little function which returns for any XML attribute or element its data path:
declare function f:path($n as node()) as xs:string { string-join( $n/ancestor-or-self::node()/concat(self::attribute()/'@', local-name(.)), '/') };
With this function in place, the operation is implemented very quickly:
declare function f:paths($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $paths := for $p in distinct-values($docs//(*, @*)/f:path(.)) order by lower-case($p) return <z:path p="{$p}"/> return <z:paths countDocs="{count($docs)}" countPaths="{count($paths)}">{ $paths }</z:paths> };
After a re-build, we can retrieve a path list:
basex -b "request=build?dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq basex -b "request=paths?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:paths xmlns:z="" countDocs="123" countPaths="653"> <z:path p="/schema"/> <z:path p="/schema/@attributeFormDefault"/> <z:path p="/schema/@elementFormDefault"/> ... </z:paths>
Adding a path filter
Now we refine the operation by adding a path filter parameter. This enables the
user to search for paths with a particular pattern, e.g. ending with a particular
element or attribute, or all children or descendants of elements with a particular
name. This is easily done. We extend the operation annotation by an optional filter
parameter, using the object parameter type pathFilter
<param name="paths" type="pathFilter?"/>
And we change the function code as follows. We read the parameter value:
let $filter as element(pathFilter)? := tt:getParams($request, 'paths')
and we introduce a predicate which filters the paths, rejecting any candidates not matching the path filter, if a path filter has been supplied:
distinct-values($docs//(*, @*)/f:path(.))[not($filter) or tt:matchesPathFilter(., $filter)]
After a re-build, we can, for example, learn all data paths pointing to elements
and attributes under xs:appInfo
basex -b "request=build?dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq basex -b "request=paths?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*, paths=appinfo//*" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq > paths.xml ==> <z:paths xmlns:z="" countDocs="123" countPaths="27"> <z:path p="/schema/annotation/appinfo/@source"/> <z:path p="/schema/annotation/appinfo/ConformantIndicator"/> <z:path p="/schema/annotation/appinfo/resource"/> ... </z:paths>
Third operation, first implementation
This operation reports data values found in attributes and elements. For each attribute and element name, a sample of values is displayed. In the first version, the sample size is set to the value 10. The complete code looks like this:
declare function f:values($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $limit := 10 let $atts := $docs//@* let $elems := $docs//*[not(*)][text()] let $attNames := distinct-values($atts/local-name(.)) let $elemNames := distinct-values($elems/local-name(.)) let $attValues := for $name in $attNames let $values := distinct-values($atts[local-name(.) eq $name]) let $show := for $v in $values[position() le $limit] order by lower-case($v) return <z:v v="{$v}"/> order by lower-case($name) return <z:a n="{$name}" count="{concat(count($show), '/', count($values))}">{$show}</z:a> let $elemValues := for $name in $elemNames let $values := distinct-values($elems[local-name(.) eq $name]) let $show := for $v in $values[position() le $limit] order by lower-case($v) return <z:v v="{$v}"/> order by lower-case($name) return <z:e n="{$name}" count="{concat(count($show), '/', count($values))}">{$show}</z:e> return <z:values countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ <z:atts countAtts="{count($atts)}">{$attValues}</z:atts>, <z:elems countAtts="{count($elems)}">{$elemValues}</z:elems> }</z:values> };
After a re-build we can request reports which yield for each attribute and element name a sample of values found in items with that name:
basex -b "request=build?name=xclear, dir=/projects/xclear" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq basex -b "request=values?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq ==> <z:values xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"> <z:atts countAtts="102132"> <z:a n="abstract" count="1/1"> <z:v v="true"/> </z:a> <z:a n="attributeFormDefault" count="2/2"> <z:v v="qualified"/> <z:v v="unqualified"/> </z:a> <z:a n="base" count="10/816"> <z:v v="ansi-nist:ALSCodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:BTYCodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:COLCodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:CSICodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:CSNCodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:CSPCodeSimpleType"/> <z:v v="ansi-nist:NISTImageType"/> <z:v v="s:AugmentationType"/> <z:v v="s:ComplexObjectType"/> <z:v v="xsd:token"/> </z:a> ... </z:values>
Adding a name filter map
Now we want to make the size of value samples dependent on the item name, so that
the user may instruct the tool, for example, to return no values at all for some
names, and different numbers for different name patterns. To achieve this, we extend
the operation annotation, adding a parameter of type
<param name="nvalues" type="nameFilterMap(xs:integer)?"/>
Then we modify the function code as follows. We read the parameter value:
let $fmap as element(nameFilterMap)? := tt:getParams($request, 'nvalues')
and set the number of terms dependently on the item name:
let $limit := tt:nameFilterMapValue($name, $fmap, $defaultLimit)
That was it. The following call, for example:
basex -b "request=values?docs=^/projects/xsd/niem-2.1/*, nvalues=0 % 5:docum* block % 10:target* % 20:use" /projects/xclear/xclear.xq
sets the value sample sizes to the following values:
0 : by default
5 : if the name starts with “docum” or equals ”block”
10: if the name starts with “target”
20: if the name equals “use”
The result looks accordingly:
<z:values xmlns:z="" countDocs="123"> <z:atts countAtts="102132"> <z:a n="abstract" count="0/1"/> <z:a n="attributeFormDefault" count="0/2"/> <z:a n="base" count="0/816"/> <z:a n="block" count="2/2"> <z:v v="extension"/> <z:v v="restriction"/> </z:a> <z:a n="default" count="0/12"/> ... </z:values>
See appendix for the full source code of this operation, as well as module
as a whole, both its initial state as generated by
(Appendix A), and the final
state after our coding work (Appendix B).
The present work is closely related to RESTXQ ([3]), and it is revealing to study similarities and differences. Both approaches reduce the writing of XQuery applications to the writing of XQuery functions, and in both cases infrastructure takes the responsibility to call the appropriate function. In both cases, infrastructure not only calls the function, but supplies it with information input which represents the information supplied by the triggering event. The approaches are, of course, concerned with different types of events – an HTTP request in the case of RESTXQ, a command line call in the case of topic tools. But both models are essentially models how to map an external event and its information content to (a) the selection of a function to be called, (b) input information accessible to the function called.
Many differences between RESTXQ and topic tools are consequences of the different types of events with which they are concerned. For example, RESTXQ deals with HTTP header fields, path segments and URI parameters, as these are natural parts of an HTTP request. Topic tools, on the other hand, essentially deals with a single string - user input without any pre-given structure, so that topic tools has the freedom – and responsibility – to define a structural model into which the string is translated and which transforms the string into structured information.
But there is one meaningful difference between RESTXQ and topic tools, and this is the model of function input information. RESTXQ makes an apparently obvious choice: function input is defined by the function signature. Each logical input parameter is a function argument, and the model of function input is a sequence of parameters defined in terms of a name and an XQuery sequence type.
Topic tools chooses a different input model: function input is an instance of the operation interface as defined by the tool scheme, instantiated as a message element. The logical input parameters are hidden behind message accessor functions, and the model of input is a set of parameters defined in terms of the tool scheme meta model.
This difference –
“input model = function signature / input parameter = function argument” vs.
“input model = operation interface / input parameter - supplied by message accessor”
has three significant consequences. The latter approach offers a richer parameter model, it implies a stable function signature and it enables a functional abstraction of parameter values. We inspect these aspects in turn.
The operation interface consists of parameters defined in terms of a name, a sequence type and further properties implied by the tool scheme meta model. These further parameters are above all facets. Facets extend the built-in item types in the same way as user-defined XSD types extend the built-in simple types. It is a key feature of topic tools to enable fine-grained validation controlled by facets independently of imported schemas. More generally speaking, uncoupling the model of an operation parameter from the concept of a function parameter thus enables a richer parameter model, partially implemented by code (facet validation), rather than being restricted to native language support.
The operation providing functions of topic tools have a uniform signature, accepting a single input parameter which is a message element. More important than the uniformity across different functions is the uniformity of a given function over time: topic tools imply a stable function signature. This facilitates agile development and the stepwise addition of features. Refinement of functionality typically entails the addition of further control parameters. If each input parameter is represented by a function argument, agile development means that the function signatures change often. Apart from that, operations offering rich functionality tend to have an ever growing list of parameters. If this implies an ever growing function signature, things become unwieldy. Who wants to handle functions with 10 or even 20 parameters?
Obtaining input parameters by calling a message function means a functional abstraction. This can be used in various ways. For example, it becomes possible to define a parameter as a huge document set without loading the complete set into memory: this can be avoided by using an accessor function which supports the retrieval of a subset. More generally speaking, the message interface enables lazy evaluation and modification of access details at access time.
On first sight, the use of object parameter types also seems to be a case of functional abstraction. But in fact it is not, as RESTXQ might, in principle, define the same mappings from strings to objects (elements) and support the use of such objects in the function signatures. The concept of object parameter types, however, creates a different aspect to be considered when evaluating RESTXQ and topic tools. The definition of object parameter types introduces a mapping of lexical entities to the logical parameters of operation input. So in fact we are dealing with two mappings: (a) from lexical input to logical input (aka operation parameters), and (b) from logical input to its representation in XQuery. Speaking about function arguments versus message object we dwelt on the differences concerning mapping (b). Remembering object parameter types, we take notice that topic tools puts also emphasis on mappings (a). It expresses them by the definition of object parameter types.
The tool scheme, however, is not concerned with these mappings. The mappings deal
with lexical input, but the tool scheme is composed of logical parameters. For example,
the tool scheme states that a certain parameter is a name filter; the tool scheme
not prescribe that it is constructed from a string with a certain syntax, this is
implied by the used typed, nameFilter
. We arrive at a clear distinction
between the tool scheme and the mappings used to supply it with actual values. The
distinction opens an interesting vista: although this paper defined and viewed topic
tools as a particular kind of command line tools, the core of the concept is not bound
to the notion of a command line - it is bound to the logical model of an operation.
There is an input source (for example – a command line) which is mapped to an instance
of an operation interface. The type of input source may be exchanged for a different
type, if we have access to an alternative mapping, translating this other type into
tool scheme. As the original mapping – as well as the hypothetical alternative mapping
is accomplished by infrastructure, the replacement would in no way affect the
application code hand-written by the developer. For instance, the topic tools model
might be employed as an alternative model for the development of RESTful web services.
In order to accomplish this, it would suffice to add a sub model which maps HTTP
requests to instances of an operation interface. This would be very easy, as the RESTXQ
defined mappings could be reused, redirected from one target, function arguments,
another, logical operation parameters.
Appendix A. The items
module as generated by ttools
The following listing shows the items
module generated by
in response to the following call:
basex -b "request=add?dir=/projects/xclear, mod=items, ops=names paths values" /projects/ttools/ttools.xq
(: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : items.mod.xq - Document me! : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) (:~@interface <interface> <operations> <operation name="names" type="node()" func="names"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="paths" type="node()" func="paths"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="values" type="node()" func="values"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> </operations> </interface> :) module namespace f=""; import module namespace tt="" at "_request.mod.xq", "_reportAssistent.mod.xq", "_nameFilter.mod.xq"; declare namespace z=""; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:names($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') return <z:names countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ () }</z:names> }; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:paths($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') return <z:paths countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ () }</z:paths> }; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:values($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') return <z:values countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ () }</z:values> };
Appendix B. The items
module after editing it in the tutorial
The following listing shows the items
module as it looks after editing
the generated prototype as guided by the tutorial. The listing is an example of a
version of a topic tool, as it can be developed within a couple of hours and yet be
useful enough to be handed over to users.
(: : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : items.mod.xq - a module for inspecting item names, paths and data values : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :) (:~@interface <interface> <operations> <operation name="names" func="names" type="node()"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="scope" type="xs:string" fct_values="att, elem, all" default="all"/> <param name="names" type="nameFilter?"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="paths" func="paths" type="node()"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="paths" type="pathFilter?"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> <operation name="values" func="values" type="node()"> <param name="doc" type="docURI*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="docs" type="docDFD*" sep=";" pgroup="input"/> <param name="dcat" type="docCAT*" sep="WS" pgroup="input"/> <param name="nvalues" type="nameFilterMap(xs:integer)?"/> <pgroup name="input" minOccurs="1"/> </operation> </operations> </interface> :) module namespace f=""; import module namespace tt="" at "_request.mod.xq", "_reportAssistent.mod.xq", "_nameFilter.mod.xq"; declare namespace z=""; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:names($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $scope as xs:string := tt:getParams($request, 'scope') let $filter as element(nameFilter)? := tt:getParams($request, 'names') let $atts := for $n in distinct-values($docs//@* [not($filter) or tt:matchesNameFilter(local-name(.), $filter)]/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:a n="{$n}"/> let $elems := for $n in distinct-values($docs//* [not($filter) or tt:matchesNameFilter(local-name(.), $filter)]/local-name(.)) order by lower-case($n) return <z:e n="{$n}"/> let $infoAtts := $filter/@source/attribute nameFilter {.} return <z:names countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ $infoAtts, if ($scope eq 'elem') then () else <z:atts count="{count($atts)}">{$atts}</z:atts>, if ($scope eq 'att') then () else <z:elems count="{count($elems)}">{$elems}</z:elems> }</z:names> }; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:paths($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $filter as element(pathFilter)? := trace( tt:getParams($request, 'paths') , 'FILTER: ') let $paths := for $p in distinct-values($docs//(*, @*)/f:path(.))[not($filter) or tt:matchesPathFilter(., $filter)] order by lower-case($p) return <z:path p="{$p}"/> let $infoAtts := $filter/@source/attribute pathFilter {.} return <z:paths countDocs="{count($docs)}" countPaths="{count($paths)}">{ $infoAtts, $paths }</z:paths> }; (:~ : Document me! : : @param request the operation request : @return a report describing ... :) declare function f:values($request as element()) as element() { let $docs := tt:getParams($request, 'doc docs dcat') let $fmap as element(nameFilterMap)? := tt:getParams($request, 'nvalues') let $defaultLimit := 10 let $atts := $docs//@* let $elems := $docs//*[not(*)][text()] let $attNames := distinct-values($atts/local-name(.)) let $elemNames := distinct-values($elems/local-name(.)) let $attValues := for $name in $attNames let $limit := tt:nameFilterMapValue($name, $fmap, $defaultLimit) let $values := distinct-values($atts[local-name(.) eq $name]) let $show := for $v in $values[position() le $limit] order by lower-case($v) return <z:v v="{$v}"/> order by lower-case($name) return <z:a n="{$name}" count="{concat(count($show), '/', count($values))}">{$show}</z:a> let $elemValues := for $name in $elemNames let $limit := tt:nameFilterMapValue($name, $fmap, $defaultLimit) let $values := distinct-values($elems[local-name(.) eq $name]) let $show := for $v in $values[position() le $limit] order by lower-case($v) return <z:v v="{$v}"/> order by lower-case($name) return <z:e n="{$name}" count="{concat(count($show), '/', count($values))}">{$show}</z:e> return <z:values countDocs="{count($docs)}">{ <z:atts countAtts="{count($atts)}">{$attValues}</z:atts>, <z:elems countAtts="{count($elems)}">{$elemValues}</z:elems> }</z:values> }; declare function f:path($n as node()) as xs:string { string-join($n/ancestor-or-self::node()/concat(self::attribute()/'@', local-name(.)), '/') };
[1] BaseX GmbH, Germany. Homepage.
[2] OTDS e.V., Schicklerstrasse 5-7, 10179 Berlin, Germany. Homepage.
[3] Retter, Adam. RESTful XQuery. XML Prague 2012, Conference Proceedings, p. 91-124.
[4] Robie, Jonathan et al, eds. XQuery 3.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition). W3C Recommendation 8 April 2014.