The National Archives
The National Archives (TNA) are the official archives of the United Kingdom Government. TNA holds over 11 million historical government and public records [1] in the form of documents, files and images covering a thousand years of history. The vast majority of the documents currently held are on paper or parchment. However, this is gradually changing.
Government departments normally retain their own records until such a time as they can be released to the public, at which point they are sent to the Archives. Historically records were released after 30 years but since 2013 this is being transitioned to 20 years, a process due to complete in 2022 [2].
In 2014 TNA received records from 1985 and 1986. As this is about the time that computers came into common everyday use, it is easy to see how a steep increase in digital record volumes can be expected in the coming years. It is anticipated that by 2025 the Archives will receive almost exclusively born-digital records. These records will take many forms including standard office documents, emails, images, videos and sometimes unusual items such as virtual reality models.
Digital preservation brings a myriad of challenges including issues such as format recognition, software preservation and compatibility, degradation of digital media and more. Some of these issues were clearly demonstrated by the problems encountered by the BBC Domesday Project [3]; a 1986 schools computer project in the UK based on the idea of documenting everyday life. Unfortunately the technology chosen, which included BBC Micro computers and LaserDisc storage, quickly became obsolete and the hardware and software needed to access the discs became increasingly rare until there was a real danger the data would be lost forever. Eventually the entire project had to be reverse-engineered so that a more enduring way of keeping the information could be found.
Digital Records Infrastructure
TNA have been at the forefront of meeting this digital preservation challenge and have made great strides in finding solutions to many of the issues, often working together with colleagues from other national archives, libraries, and academia. In 2006, they deployed the Digital Repository System (DRS) which provided terabyte scale storage for digital records. This was followed in 2014 by the Digital Records Infrastructure (DRI). DRI built on the foundations of DRS, making use of the same Safety Deposit Box (SDB) software provided by Tessella [4] but also incorporating many new components. It provides a highly automated end-to-end batch-processing system for the archiving and retrieval of digital records. Perhaps even more importantly, DRI delivers a quantum leap in storage, providing a theoretical maximum capacity of 13 petabytes [5]. This new system provides long term controlled storage for a huge variety of documents and media.
Digitised Home Guard records from the Second World War was the first collection to be ingested (or accessioned, to be more accurate [6]) into DRI, and more record collections have since been added including the Leveson Enquiry documents, LOCOG (London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) records and the digitised British Army war diaries dating from the First World War[7].
At its heart, DRI provides this massive storage by using a robot tape library. Although tapes provide highly resilient storage if treated and monitored carefully, they are not suited to frequent access. Therefore, the archive is designed to be a dark archive. In other words, it is powered down until an access request is received. Although there may be frequent demands for access to the data in the archive, many of these requests can be met by substitutes from a disk cache. For example, scanned documents can be substituted with a lower quality JPEG file from disk, instead of the original high resolution JPEG 2000 held on tape. Whenever data is retrieved it is cached on disk for the next time so that frequently requested items are always promptly available.
DRI and the Open Archival Information System
During the 1990s, the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) began working with the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) to develop a standardised framework for the long term preservation of digital data. The initial driver was the need to provide long term storage of data gathered from space missions, but it quickly became apparent that the resulting framework would have a much broader application. At a CCSDS workshop in 1995 a proposal was put forward to establish a reference model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). This reference model would set out the functional components, internal and external interfaces, domain objects, and terminology needed to implement an archival information system. Drafting of the reference model was done in an open forum and was completed in 2003 when it was approved as international standard ISO 14721:2003[8].
OAIS stipulates six mandatory principles that an organisation must follows in order to operate a compliant archive. These are as follows [9]:-
Negotiate for and accept appropriate information from information producers.
Obtain sufficient control of the information in order to meet long-term preservation objectives.
Determine the scope of the archive’s user community.
Ensure that the preserved information is independently understandable to the user community, in the sense that the information can be understood by users without the assistance of the information producer.
Follow documented policies and procedures to ensure the information is preserved against all reasonable contingencies, and to enable dissemination of authenticated copies of the preserved information in its original form, or in a form traceable to the original.
Make the preserved information available to the user community.
Within The National Archives, the responsibility for much of this work is undertaken by the Digital Preservation team. It is their task to negotiate with the information producers (usually a Government Department) and obtain delivery and control of the records via a formal transfer process. Data normally arrives on an encrypted hard disk but can also come via secure file transfer [10]. The data is then loaded into a secure holding area and prepared for ingestion into DRI.
As well as general principles, OAIS provides a model of the information objects managed by an archive. This model describes an information package which is made up of the digital objects for preservation (the documents, images, videos or other files) together with metadata about these objects. There are three significant variants of this model which are as follows:
Submission Information Package (SIP) — the Information Package that is required to be able to ingest records into the archive.
Archival Information Package (AIP) — the Information Package that is laid down in the archive following successful ingestion.
Dissemination Information Package (DIP) — the information package extracted from the archive for distribution elsewhere.
The information requirements at each stage are different. For example, the quantity and detail of information at each stage will vary significantly. The SIP will contain everything that has been received for archiving at any one time. This could be several gigabytes worth of files or it could be just a handful of files. When loaded into the archive this information package may represent the whole set of related data or it may be part of a much larger collection of data which is accumulating over time. When information is extracted from the archive it could be just a few records that someone has requested to see, for example via a Freedom of Information request, or it could be a large chunk of data that is perhaps destined for display on Discovery [10], the portal which provides online access to TNA's records.
Whatever the purpose, the information package must contain appropriate metadata to make the context of the information clear. Metadata is fundamentally important for making sense of the archived records and is key to satisfying the 4th, 6th, and to some extent 5th, mandatory principle laid down by OAIS.
DRI Metadata
When a block of digital files are transferred from an organisation to the Archives it is a requirement that a CSV file is provided with the data containing some metadata about each file or folder. The exact contents of this file will vary but there are currently six mandatory metadata fields for each item as follows [11]:
Title — a meaningful folder or file name.
Identifier — a URI representing the file path to the record (within the information package) at point of creation so that it is clear which file is being referred to.
Date — the date of the record, ideally the last modified date in ISO 8601:2004[12] format.
Folder or File — is the record a folder or a file? (needed for disambiguation)
Checksum — the SHA-256 checksum value of the file which is used to verify the file has not been corrupted or altered in transit.
Copyright — the copyright holder (usually this is Crown Copyright[13])
Additional fields may include technical information about the files, transcription information and any access restrictions that apply.
On top of this, additional metadata is generated by the ingestion process itself. The SDB software used by TNA for archive management uses a proprietary XML Schema for metadata known as the XML Information Package (XIP) which is based on the OAIS information package model. Tessella provides a tool called SIP Creator which can be used to generate a SIP suitable for ingestion into the archive, together with some basic metadata. The SIP creator takes a small number of parameters that provide some context for the information package, such as the name and identifier of the collection it will become a part of (e.g. War Office: Home Guard records, Second World War), and an accumulation reference which is used if some records from this collection have already been ingested into the archive. This information is placed into the XIP together with information about the folders and files that make up the digital records in the package. As the SIP is ingested into the archive various transformations occur to the XIP as part of the ingest workflow. These transformations perform many functions, most of which are beyond the scope of this paper, which all either enhance or re-arrange the content of the XIP file in some way so that it is ready for long-term storage with metadata describing, as far as possible, the structure, format, content, context, provenance, and sensitivity of the records it accompanies.
There is however one key transformation of the XIP file which is relevant to the topic of this paper and that is the step that adds the metadata from the CSV file provided with the records into the XIP. One element of the XIP schema, simply called Metadata, is deliberately left undefined in order that the users can define their own custom metadata. The guidance provided for the content of this element is as follows:
"Arbitrary contents, which may conform to an XML Schema. Used to store extra metadata, particularly descriptive metadata (i.e. cataloguing information), from another schema (e.g. Dublin Core, METS, MODS, ISAD(G), etc.) that is relevant to a particular entity. Allows for controlled extension of the XIP schema."[14]
This element therefore is the natural home for the CSV content. First however it must be transformed into XML. This is achieved through a simple XSLT conversion which converts each row to the following format:
<row> <elem name="identifier">file:/T:/LEV_3/content/Guidance/Letter.doc</elem> <elem name="file_name">Letter.doc</elem> <elem name="folder">file</elem> <elem name="date_last_modified">2013-05-13T14:26:56</elem> <elem name="checksum">1c933406517b2b3a4ca8b4fa61db8452</elem> <elem name="rights_copyright">Crown copyright</elem> </row>
Once this file is available it is a matter of a further transformation to convert this to the desired XML Schema. But what is the desired XML Schema? To begin with, a custom schema was created which is descibed in the next section. We will refer to this as XIP Metadata Version 1.0
XIP Metadata Version 1.0
A great deal of work went into establishing guidelines for the use of custom metadata within the XIP files for The National Archives. Much of this work was undertaken in 2011, as a precursor to the DRI project itself, as it was considered to be fundamentally important in guiding later developments.
Following the principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and in accordance with W3C guidance [15], these guidelines specified the use of existing DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) Metadata Terms with some TNA specific refinement and additions.
To give an example of how these refinements and additions would work, consider the following example of an identifier defined using the standard DCMI XML Schema being used to identify a TNA catalogue reference:
Significant information is lost using this term without refinement as each part of the catalogue reference has a meaningful purpose. If we apply the refinements specified within the XIP Metadata Version 1.0 guidelines then we get the following instead:
<dcterms:identifier xsi:type=”tnacat:itemIdentifier”> <departmentCode>WO</departmentCode> <seriesCode>409</seriesCode> <pieceCode>27/1</pieceCode> <itemCode>1</itemCode> </dcterms:identifier>
In this case we can clearly see the purpose of each component of the catalogue reference. The way that this works is that the element tnacat:itemIdentifier is defined in an external XML Schema. Unfortunately the schema only functions as documentation as there is no convenient way to validate the document based on the xsi:type attribute value.
Validation is carried out at various stages during the ingest process to help ensure that the integrity of the data is not lost. Both XML Schema and Schematron are used for these validation steps. SDB supports the Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language (NVDL) which allows XML schemas to be looked up based on the element namespaces. Although this would, in theory, allow validation of the dcterms:identifier element in the example above, the tnacat:itemIdentifier is an extension of this type which is unknown to the schema that defines dcterms. NVDL cannot understand that the elements inside the dcterms:identifier are defined by the tnacat:itemIdentifier element and therefore the content cannot be validated in this way.
A number of XML Schemas were written to describe what these refinements and additions would look like. Each schema defines terms specific to a metadata domain and these include subjects such as computer hardware and software, provenance, cataloguing, digital imagery, people, and spatial data. Each schema defines a separate namespace within the domain. Because these schemas were written in consultation with the Digital Preservation specialists at TNA, the elements defined constituted very exact terms that are commonly needed by these same specialists to describe the digital objects that are being archived. These carefully selected terms became fundamentally important in what happened later.
XIP Metadata Version 2.0
Although the initial XIP metadata guidance at TNA allowed for the embedding of rich and extensible metadata, there were a number of drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, as mentioned, the refinements and additions could not be validated by XML Schema as it does not support the schema lookup by namespaced attribute values that would be required. It also resulted in quite verbose metadata which could prove challenging (though certainly not impossible) to interpret in the future.
During the intervening few years, as the DRI project progressed and matured, a new technology was added to the DRI stack, namely the Semantic Web. A challenge had arisen in handling the very fine grained access controls needed for digital records which had resulted in an internal catalogue and process control system (the DRI Catalogue) being developed which made extensive use of Semantic Web technologies including RDF, SPARQL, Apache Jena and the Linked Data API (Elda). The DRI Catalogue was the subject of a separate paper presented to the XML London conference in June 2012 [16].
As part of this project an OWL ontology [17] had been developed, known as the DRI Vocabulary, which was made up of the specific terms needed for the management of DRI functions and the associated objects. Because of the success of this project and the skills that had been acquired during it's implementation, when the existing XIP Metadata terms needed extending to handle new types of information package, it was natural and tempting to wonder whether some of the knowledge acquired in the DRI Catalogue project could be applied to the XIP Metadata.
One of the most obvious similarities between the original XIP Metadata and the work that had been done on the DRI Vocabulary is that they both make extensive use of Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Metadata Terms. While the XIP Metadata extended DCMI Metadata Terms using XML Schema definitions, the DRI Vocabulary extended it through it's ontology. The DCMI Metadata Terms vocabulary was originally chosen specifically because it provided interoperability with 3rd party systems. With hindsight, this turned out to be an excellent choice as it has also become one of the principle vocabularies at the heart of the Web of Linked Data [18]
There was one significant obstacle however. The XIP Metadata has to be XML and there are very good reasons for this. Recent history has shown us that technologies change fast and we have no way of knowing whether technologies that we take for granted today will be available to our descendants in 50, 100 or 500 years time. This means that potentially we are storing a lot of ones and zeros on computer tape that no one will be able to interpret in future because they won't have the appropriate tools. XML files however are plain text. Plain text files have proven to be far more durable and accessible than any other file formats as they do not rely on any particular computer architecture, formatting or encoding and require only minimal processing to view. It is not unreasonable to assume that any researchers or archivists who want to access these files in the future would have a means of accessing a text file. Furthermore, XML is very widely used in the publishing industry and has been a W3C recommendation since 1998 [19]. XML grew out of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) which became an international standard in 1986 [20] and so it can be said to be well established and well recognised. Perhaps even more importantly than this, it is human readable. No interpreter is needed to translate the meaning of the text, provided you are familiar with the language being used. Of course there is no guarantee that a future researcher will know the language, but that's something that has always been a challenge for those researching ancient texts [21].
Another challenge faced was the requirement that the metadata could be schema validated. This notion sits at odds with the Semantic Web's open world assumption [22] view which is fundamentally schema-less. To add to this dampener, the W3C standard for displaying RDF as XML is RDF/XML[23] which has a poor reputation among XML specialists and is largely being replaced by newer RDF syntaxes such as Turtle within the Semantic Web community. To quote Bob du Charme [24]:
RDF/XML never became popular with XML people because of the potential complexity and the difficulty of processing it.."
One of the difficulties with RDF/XML is that there is more than one way to represent the same structure. For example
<rdf:Description rdf:about=””> <ex:title>A Good Book</ex:title> </rdf:Description>
is equivalent to:
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”” ex:title=”A Good Book”/>
Meaning that potentially your XML tool chain has to check for the same piece of information in different places.
However, as part of the DRI Catalogue project we had already generated RDF/XML using the DRI Vocabulary to describe the access restrictions on records. This RDF/XML is sent via HTTP to an endpoint supporting the Graph Store Protocol (Jena Fuseki). This task had been a surprisingly easy to complete. We had simply taken the closure information as XML and transformed in to RDF/XML using XSLT. In the process we applied the vocabulary terms that we had developed specifically for this purpose. It seemed that having a well-defined vocabulary took some of the pain out of the RDF/XML experience. Because of this positive experience it was agreed to undertake some prototyping of an OWL based vocabulary for XIP Metadata and see what the resulting RDF/XML might look like.
The first question was how we were going to mix RDF/XML into the XIP file. We knew
it needed to go within the undefined XIP Metadata element which was left for exactly
this type of thing, but RDF/XML must, by definition, start with the
root element. We also knew we had to be able to
schema validate this data and we also knew that there would be other XML that needed
to go into this xip:Metadata element which was not RDF/XML but vanilla XML used to
describe the closure status of the record. The answer was to define a new XML Schema
for our custom metadata that started with our own root element, the tna:metadata
element. This element is defined in XML Schema as follows:
<xs:complexType name="metadataType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="rdf:RDF"/> <xs:element ref="c:closure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
The rdf:RDF element is defined in a separate XML Schema which we wrote to validate the minimum set of RDF/XML elements that we would actually be using [see Appendix A]. Because we would be using our own vocabulary terms, many of the standard RDF/XML elements such as rdf:Description, rdf:Statement, rdf:Property etc. we had no need to use or to validate.
In fact this is a similar approach to that which had been used in version 1.0 of the XIP Metadata guidance. In this case a custom metadata root element was defined which then imported the various other schemas, each with their own namespace.
Initially a similar approach was adopted for version 2.0. For each of the namespaced schemas developed in version 1.0 a new OWL ontology was created using an ontology URI that resembled the namespace of the schema. Although this seemed reasonable at first, with each vocabulary having its matching RDF/XML defined in a separate schema which used the same namespace as the vocabulary, it quickly became apparent that managing all of these different vocabularies was going to be a maintenance headache. It would be far easier if all of the required terms were in the same vocabulary, using the same namespace (or ontology IRI). It then followed that there would be just one XML Schema to validate all of the TNA defined terms in the RDF/XML.
What's in a Digital Archive?
Having resolved that we would have one vocabulary and one schema, and knowing that we had lots of concise metadata terms that had previously been defined in version 1.0, the next question was what exactly was it we were describing?
TNA uses the term deliverable unit to refer to something that can be retrieved from an archive. In the paper world this could refer to a single sheet of paper such as a letter, or it could refer to a notebook or it could even refer to a cardboard box containing a number of notebooks. Whatever it is, it is something that an archivist can reasonably hand over to a researcher. It would not be reasonable to expect the archivist to hand over a single sheet of paper torn from the notebook. You get to see the whole notebook, in its entirety, or none of it.
A deliverable unit also has what is referred to as a manifestation. The deliverable unit represents the idea of something that can be handed over, whereas in fact what you receive is a manifestation. This may sound confusing at first but if you consider that a notebook may have been copied then it follows that you may be get to see a copy of the notebook and not the original. This may be because the original is considered too fragile to hand over, or that the archive never received the original, or perhaps there just happens to be lots of copies! This is not so strange when you think that even ancient manuscripts were frequently copied [25].
To complicate matters further, what represents a deliverable unit in the physical world is not necessarily the same thing in the digital world. Although the notion of computer files and folders seems analogous at first to the idea of physical documents and folders, this is not always such a clear line to draw. For example, consider a notebook that has been scanned, page by page. Whereas in the physical world you have one clear deliverable unit, in the digital world you may have twenty image files, one for each page. It is no longer clear what is the deliverable unit, so a more pertinent question becomes, what is the record? In other words, what is the most sensible interpretation of a record, bearing in mind the document creator's apparent intention when creating the document or documents? It is this record that needs cataloguing, describing and generally enriching with metadata.
Through talking to the digital preservation specialists at TNA, reviewing the existing documentation and analysing the content planned for accession into the archive, it became apparent that there are four clearly defined types of digital record. Each of these record types has different requirements for the way it is archived and described. These types are as follows:
Born digital record - a record which was digital at point of creation as opposed to a record that was created on paper and then digitised. An example of a born digital record would be a digital photograph taken by a digital camera.
Digital folder - A digital folder (also known as a directory) is a computer cataloguing structure that can contain files and/or more digital folders. As such it is used as a container for digitised and born digital records.
Digital record - A digital record is the digitised version of a paper record that no longer exists. An example of a digital record is the digital image of a paper document that has been scanned using an image scanner. The original paper record is then discarded and the image becomes the record.
Digital surrogate - A digital surrogate is a digital record that exists in addition to a paper record. An example would be a paper document that is scanned and then both the digital image and paper document are retained.
With these record types established, it became possible to create a basic object model onto which we could attach our metadata terms.
Version 1.0 of the TNA metadata guidelines established a number of XML Schemas for different metadata domains and, although this notion was dropped for convenience and maintainability in version 2.0, it was still considered useful by the digital preservation team to group these terms in some way. The hierarchical structure of XML allows for grouping simply by nesting elements and this convenience is carried over into RDF/XML. There is a further implication of this within RDF/XML however, as it is representation of RDF and therefore follows the Subject – Predicate - Object pattern of the triple. In RDF/XML a nesting within a subject indicates a predicate and the predicate indicates the object, which can be a literal value, such as a date or string as shown in the following example:
<tna:BornDigitalRecord rdf:about=""> <tna:legalStatus>Public record</tna:legalStatus> </tna:BornDigitalRecord>
Alternatively the object could be another resource with it's own predicates, in which case a URI is used to represent that resource as shown in the next example:
<tna:BornDigitalRecord rdf:about=""> <tna:legalStatus rdf:resource=""/> </tna:BornDigitalRecord>
Another possibility with RDF is to use blank nodes [26]. A blank node indicates that something exists but does away with the need for a URI to identify it. It is an anonymous object if you like, but it can still have a specific type. In RDF/XML a blank node can be created simply by nesting an element representing the object inside an element representing the predicate as in the following example:
<tna:BornDigitalRecord rdf:about=""> <tna:cataloguing> <tna:Cataloguing> <dcterms:title>Telegraph Media Group Ltd Submission</dcterms:title> </tna:Cataloguing> </tna:cataloguing> </tna:BornDigitalRecord>
By using blank nodes and creating classes within our ontology for these objects it might be possible to create a rich, descriptive and readable RDF/XML structure for the XIP metadata files. To see whether this was true, we first started by modelling the objects we had defined in our ontology.
fig. 1: Record Model

fig 1. OntoGraf [22] diagram of the record model.
The diagram above, displaying part of the vocabulary model, shows that a Record is a type of OWL Thing (every object in an OWL vocabulary is, by definition, a subclass of OWL Thing) and has four sub-types, as previously described. A Record can have a number of properties which are themselves objects (resources) that have their own properties. So a Record can have a Transcription object which itself will have a number of properties to do with transcription. The full current list of classes, object properties and data properties is detailed in Appendix B.
Once a model had been established using the ontology it was possible to create some prototype RDF/XML that made use of these terms. The results can be seen in Appendix C.
When presented to the Digital Preservation team, these prototype RDF/XML models were well received and found to be highly readable. Furthermore, this type of RDF/XML structure can be XML Schema validated. After all, it is only XML and TNA have tight control over the terms and structure of the RDF/XML they are creating. They are not trying to validate just any RDF/XML and so it poses no special validation challenges, once an appropriate schema is available.
Only minor alterations were proposed to the layout and terminology before taking this forward to production development. One of these amendments was to do with the creation of individuals within the vocabulary and there is more detail on this in Appendix D.
The Future
One of the significant challenges that currently faces the National Archives when handling metadata for digital records is that metadata changes. This change may be required because there was some error in the metadata originally, or perhaps some new metadata becomes available, or perhaps some fact asserted in the metadata changes. On the other hand though, it is not desirable for the tapes in the dark archive to be updated every time some minor modification is requested. This reading and writing to tape causes wear and tear which, if it happens frequently, could reduce the viable lifespan of the tapes and increase the risk of corruption. It would be very useful therefore to have somewhere to keep the metadata, or at least a copy of the metadata, where it could be accessed and edited without touching the archive. Perhaps these edits could be written to the tape at a low frequency when a sufficient quantity of them had built up to make the tape edits worthwhile (although whether this is the right thing to do, from an archival point of view, has yet to be decided).
Fortunately, much of the computer architecture for this is already in place at TNA. One of the bonuses of creating RDF/XML is that these snippets of RDF/XML that are being inserted into the XIP file could easily be copied elsewhere. The DRI project already has a Linked Data catalogue for maintaining processing and inventory information for DRI, based on Apache Jena Fuseki and the Jena TDB triple-store (the DRI Catalogue), so it would be quite simple to post these new RDF/XML snippets to the Linked Data catalogue. A better alternative may be to replicate this architecture and have a separate place to keep this rich metadata for easy access. With a SPARQL endpoint set up it would be a matter of submitting SPAQRL update queries to modify the information held. Probably the only significant components that would need to be developed from scratch are a web service to send SPARQL Protocol queries to the endpoint and a GUI for information management teams to add, delete and edit the metadata.
The RDF/XML metadata that is being placed into the XIP is usually the most interesting metadata of all. It is the human-entered information that can really tell you something interesting about the record, rather than the somewhat dry machine-generated technical metadata. If this metadata was placed in an editable repository using Semantic Web technologies, technologies that allow such things as context-aware searching, inferencing and entity recognition, many new facts would likely be unearthed.
Furthermore, having this data available in a Semantic Web format means that should TNA wish to do so it, it could publish this metadata on the Internet as Linked Data. Doing this would enable individuals and organisations in the wider world to search for and link to items buried deep within the archive. Having the technology to make connections between data held in different archives (and other institutions) has the potential to lead to valuable new insights into our past.
To make this process easier, The National Archives have decided to make their vocabulary publicly available. It is hoped that the experiences at TNA will be of benefit to other archival institutions and that they will make use of these terms, either by associating them with their own terms, or even using them as preferred terms.
The vocabulary and supporting XML Schemas are available on github at
The Semantic Web can trace it's roots back to ancient Greece. The field now known as ontology was first described by Plato (429-347BC) and later his pupil Aristotle (384-322BC) when they talked about modelling the world [28]. It is also firmly rooted in natural language and logic and as such, it is reasonable to assume that its constructs will make sense to future generations who discover it buried deep in a digital archive.
That and the fact that Semantic Web technologies such as RDF/XML and OWL can help to solve the practical problems faced by archivists today, namely creating concise, readable metadata that can be easily generated and automatically validated, make them an excellent choice for this situation.
Add to that the potential to open the archive to far more meaningful, context-aware searches and the ability to make connections between pieces of information held in different repositories, maybe in different countries, and suddenly a good idea sounds like a very exciting one with enormous potential for the future.
An organisation like the National Archives is dedicated to preserving the national memory of the United Kingdom. Like human memory, a national memory is important for many reasons. There will be good memories and bad. Some memories make great stories and some will be painful to recall. All memories though serve the fundamentally important tasks of reminding us who we are and how we have learnt to do the things we do. If anything can be done to sharpen our national memory, it can only be for the good of us all.
Appendix A. Appendix A
Customised XML Schema for RDF/XML [rdf.xsd]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xs:element name="RDF"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:any minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:complexType name="positiveIntegerDatatype"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:positiveInteger"> <xs:attribute ref="datatype"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="stringDatatype"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:attribute ref="datatype"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="dateTimeDatatype"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:dateTime"> <xs:attribute ref="datatype"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="resourceType"> <xs:attribute ref="resource"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="about" type="xs:anyURI"/> <xs:attribute name="datatype" type="xs:string"/> <xs:attribute name="resource" type="xs:anyURI"/> </xs:schema>
Appendix B. Appendix B
The classes, object properties and data properties that make up this metadata ontology.
Table I
URI | |
Description | A record which was digital at point of creation as opposed to a record that was created on paper and then digitised. An example of a born digital record would be a digital photograph taken by a digital camera. |
Subclass of | tna:Record |
Table II
URI | |
Description | A container for the cataloguing information related to the record or digital file. |
Table III
URI | |
Description | Covering Dates |
Subclass of | |
Table IV
URI | |
Description | A resource containing information specific to a digital file which constitutes part or all of a digital record. |
Table V
URI | |
Description | A digital folder (also known as a directory) is a computer cataloguing structure that can contain files and/or more digital folders. As such it is used as a container for digitised and born digital records. |
Subclass of | tna:Record |
Table VI
URI | |
Description | Digital image |
Table VII
URI | |
Description | A digital record is the digitised version of a paper record that no longer exists. An example of a digital record is the digital image of a paper document that has been scanned using an image scanner. The original paper record is then discarded and the image becomes the record. |
Subclass of | tna:Record |
Table VIII
URI | |
Description | A digital surrogate is a digital record that exists in addition to a paper record. An example would be a paper document that is scanned and then both the digital image and paper document are retained. |
Subclass of | tna:Record |
Table IX
URI | |
Description | Provenance |
Table X
URI | |
Description | A paper or digital document, an image, an audio or video recording or any other item that constitutes the official record. |
Table XI
URI | |
Description | A resource representing a substitue for a digital file. |
Subclass of | tna:DigitalFile |
Table XII
URI | |
Description | A resource containing transcription information obtained from a digital file. For example an audio file may contain speech which can be transcribed. |
Subclass of | |
Table XIII
URI | |
Description | Legal Status |
Object Properties
Table XIV
URI | |
Description | A property used to indicate Cataloguing information related to a digital record or digital file. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | tna:Record |
Table XV
URI | |
Description | A propety used to indicate a Digital File resource. |
Domain | tna:Record |
Range | tna:DigitalFile |
Table XVI
URI | |
Description | A property used to indicate a digital image resource. |
Domain | tna:Record |
Range | tna:DigitalImage |
Table XVII
URI | |
Description | The legal status of the record. For example most records held by TNA would be classified as Public Records. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | tna:LegalStatus |
URI | |
Description | This property can be used to reference a Provenance resource which contains information about the provenance of a digital file. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | tna:Record |
Table XIX
URI | |
Description | Where a digital file has been substituted this would be the substitute file. For example a JPEG2000 image may be substituted with a JPEG 1.0 image in order to have the same image in a smaller file. |
Table XX
URI | |
Description | This property can be used to reference a Transcription resource which contains information transcribed from a digital file. |
Domain | tna:Record |
Range | tna:Transcription |
Data Properties
Table XXI
URI | |
Description | The identifier of a batch within the context of a collection. A batch would generally equate to a whole disk of records. This identifier is meaningless without the presence of the collection identifier. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table XXII
URI | |
Description | The checksum value generated by a checksum algorithm when applied to a digital file. |
URI | |
Description | The identifier of a collection of records. A collection represents a distinct and related set of records. At TNA a collection identifier is a string of five characters which can be made up of the digits 0-9 and the letters A-Z, e.g. ADM17 or LEVES. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table XXIV
URI | |
Description | A department identifier. This is used to uniquely represent a government department or other originating organisation for the record. For example WO is used for War Office, LEV is used for the Leveson Inquiry. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table XXV
URI | |
Description | A division identifier is used to uniquely identify a division within the context of a department. The term division refers to a division within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table XXVI
URI | |
Description | The end date of a period of time. This may take a plain text form such as Jaunary 1905 or may be in ISO 8601:2004 format. |
Domain | tna:CoveringDates |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
URI | |
Description | A file identifier is a UUID generated to uniquely identify a digial file within the archive. |
Sub property of | tna:uuidV4 |
URI | |
Description | A sequence of zero or more names denoting a directory path with the last name denoting either a file or directory. The names are separated with a file system seperator, e.g. / and the entire path should be URL encoded. |
Domain | tna:DigitalFile |
Range | xsd:string |
Table XXIX
URI | |
Description | The name of the organisation holding the record. Normal this would be the The National Archives, Kew but it is possible that a record may be held by another organisation. This could occur with retained records for example. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Table XXX
URI | |
Description | The image colour space, e.g. RGB. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:NCName |
Sub property of |
Table XXXI
URI | |
Description | A positive (non-zero) integer. For example 6 would represent a 6-fold compression with the lossy algorithm available in the JPEG2000 specification. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description | The type of cropping applied to an image. Valid values are manual, auto and none. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description | Indicates whether or not the image has been deskewed. Valid values are yes and no. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description | The PRONOM Persistent Unique Identifier (PUID) value for the image. For example, a JPEG version 1 file would have a PUID of fmt/42. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:string |
Table XXXV
URI | |
Description | The image height in pixels. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:positiveInteger |
Sub property of |
URI | |
Description | The orientation of the digital image. This can be either portrait or landscape. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of |
URI | |
Description | The resolution of the image in DPI. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:positiveInteger |
Sub property of |
URI | |
Description | Indicates whether the image is split or not. Valid values are yes and no. Sometimes, very large documents (maps for example) are scanned into multiple images files if they cannot all be scanned into one. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description | An ordinal used to correctly order images when a large paper document has been scanned into multiple images. Sometimes, very large documents (maps for example) are scanned into multiple images files if they cannot all be scanned into one. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
Table XL
URI | |
Description | The UUID of one or more other digital image files which can be used to complete the image in this digital image file. Sometimes, very large documents (maps for example) are scanned into multiple images files if they cannot all be scanned into one. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | tna:uuidV4 |
Table XLI
URI | |
Description | The tonal resolution of the digital image in bits. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Table XLII
URI | |
Description | The image width in pixels. |
Domain | tna:DigitalImage |
Range | xsd:positiveInteger |
URI | |
Description | An account of the resource which is represented as an item within the hierarchy of the TNA Catalogue. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table XLIV
URI | |
Description | An item identifier is used to uniquely identify a division within the context of a piece. The term item refers to an item within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table XLV
URI | |
Description | A checksum hash value generated using the MD5 message-digest algorithm. |
Domain | tna:DigitalFile |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | tna:checksum |
Table XLVI
URI | |
Description | An official number used within an organisation to identify an individual person. Examples of an official number would be a social security number or military service number. |
Domain | |
Range | xsd:string |
URI | |
Description | An ordinal can be used to sequence a number of items below catalogue level. For example we may have multiple images which all have the same TNA Catalogue reference, such as the pages of a book. An ordinal allows these items to be sequenced correctly. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of |
URI | |
Description | A parent identifier is the UUID of another record which is the parent of the current record. For example where a digital folder contains a digital file the parent of the digital file would be the digital folder. This provides a very direct means of linking such records. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | tna:uuidV4 |
Table XLIX
URI | |
Description | An account of the resource which is represented as an piece within the hierarchy of the TNA Catalogue. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table L
URI | |
Description | A piece identifier is used to uniquely identify a division within the context of a series, sub-series or sub-sub-series. The term piece refers to a piece within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table LI
URI | |
Description | An identifier given the to the scanning operation. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
Table LII
URI | |
Description | The place where the document was scanned. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
Table LIII
URI | |
Description | The name of the person or organization that created the digital scan image. |
Domain | tna:Provenance |
Range | xsd:string |
Table LIV
URI | |
Description | A series identifier is used to uniquely identify a series within the context of a department or division. The term series refers to a series within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table LV
URI | |
Description | A checksum hash value generated using SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm). |
Domain | tna:DigitalFile |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | tna:checksum |
Table LVI
URI | |
Description | The start date of a period of time. This may take a plain text form such as Jaunary 1905 or may be in ISO 8601:2004 format. |
Domain | tna:CoveringDates |
Range | xsd:string |
Sub property of | |
Table LVII
URI | |
Description | A sub-item identifier is used to uniquely identify a sub-item within the context of an item. The term sub-item refers to a sub-item within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
URI | |
Description | A sub-series identifier is used to uniquely identify a sub-series within the context of a series. The term sub-series refers to a sub-series within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table LIX
URI | |
Description | A sub-sub-series identifier is used to uniquely identify a sub-sub-series within the context of a sub-series. The term sub-sub-series refers to a sub-sub-series within the TNA Cataloguing hierarchy. |
Domain | tna:Cataloguing |
Range | xsd:integer |
Sub property of | |
Table LX
URI | |
Description | A universally unique identifier (UUID) is an identifier standard used in software construction. Version 4 UUIDs use a scheme relying only on random numbers and have the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is any hexadecimal digit and y is one of 8, 9, A, or B. |
Sub property of | |
Appendix C. Appendix C
Example of embedded RDF/XML metadata about a digital file. For conveience the metadata is kept in two locations within the XIP, within the DeliverableUnit and the associated File elements. Were this data to be loaded into a triplestore that duplication could be removed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XIP xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:tna="" xmlns:dcterms=""> <DeliverableUnits> <DeliverableUnit> <!-- ... --> <Metadata schemaURI=""> <tna:metadata> <tna:metadata> <rdf:RDF> <tna:BornDigitalRecord rdf:about=""> <tna:cataloguing> <tna:Cataloguing> <tna:collectionIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEVES</tna:collectionIdentifier> <tna:batchIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">7</tna:batchIdentifier> <tna:departmentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV</tna:departmentIdentifier> <tna:seriesIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">2</tna:seriesIdentifier> <tna:pieceIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">D4SL</tna:pieceIdentifier> <tna:parentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">ba553898-a255-4c97-94e5-1b31652ebed6</tna:parentIdentifier> <dcterms:title xml:lang="en">Telegraph Media Group Ltd Submission On 'The Nation Press' 10.7.12</dcterms:title> <dcterms:title xml:lang="cy">Media Group Telegraph Ltd Cyflwyno Ymlaen 'The Nation Wasg' 10.7.12</dcterms:title> <tna:legalStatus rdf:resource=""/> <tna:heldBy rdf:datatype="xs:string">The National Archives, Kew</tna:heldBy> </tna:Cataloguing> </tna:cataloguing> <tna:digitalFile> <tna:DigitalFile> <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="xs:dateTime">2013-03-08T13:02:00Z</dcterms:modified> <tna:filePathAndName rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV%202/SUB/SUB00000001.pdf</tna:filePathAndName> </tna:DigitalFile> </tna:digitalFile> </tna:BornDigitalRecord> </rdf:RDF> </tna:metadata> </tna:metadata> </Metadata> <!-- ... --> </DeliverableUnit> <Files> <File> <!-- ... --> <Metadata schemaURI=""> <tna:metadata> <tna:metadata> <rdf:RDF> <tna:BornDigitalRecord rdf:about=""> <tna:cataloguing> <tna:Cataloguing> <tna:collectionIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEVES</tna:collectionIdentifier> <tna:batchIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">7</tna:batchIdentifier> <tna:departmentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV</tna:departmentIdentifier> <tna:seriesIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">2</tna:seriesIdentifier> <tna:pieceIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">D4SL</tna:pieceIdentifier> <tna:parentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">ba553898-a255-4c97-94e5-1b31652ebed6</tna:parentIdentifier> <dcterms:title xml:lang="en">Telegraph Media Group Ltd Submission On 'The Nation Press' 10.7.12</dcterms:title> <dcterms:title xml:lang="cy">Media Group Telegraph Ltd Cyflwyno Ymlaen 'The Nation Wasg' 10.7.12</dcterms:title> <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:rights rdf:resource=""/> <tna:legalStatus rdf:resource=""/> <tna:heldBy rdf:datatype="xs:string">The National Archives, Kew</tna:heldBy> </tna:Cataloguing> </tna:cataloguing> <tna:digitalFile> <tna:DigitalFile> <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="xs:dateTime">2013-03-08T13:02:00Z</dcterms:modified> <tna:fileIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">f8e4e391-d990-4c2f-b0a6-05484ecc8edc</tna:fileIdentifier> <tna:filePathAndName rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV%202/SUB/SUB00000001.pdf</tna:filePathAndName> </tna:DigitalFile> </tna:digitalFile> </tna:BornDigitalRecord> </rdf:RDF> </tna:metadata> </tna:metadata> </Metadata> <!-- ... --> </File> </Files> </DeliverableUnits> </XIP>
Example of embedded RDF/XML metadata about a digital folder. There is no File element associated with a folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XIP xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:tna="" xmlns:dcterms=""> <DeliverableUnits> <!-- ... --> <DeliverableUnit> <!-- ... --> <Metadata schemaURI=""> <tna:metadata xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:tna="" xmlns:dcterms=""> <rdf:RDF> <tna:DigitalFolder rdf:about=""> <tna:cataloguing> <tna:Cataloguing> <tna:collectionIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEVES</tna:collectionIdentifier> <tna:batchIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">7</tna:batchIdentifier> <tna:departmentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV</tna:departmentIdentifier> <tna:seriesIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">2</tna:seriesIdentifier> <tna:pieceIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">D4SK</tna:pieceIdentifier> <tna:parentIdentifier rdf:datatype="xs:string">3140421b-02c3-4543-9a06-1a197c497ba8</tna:parentIdentifier> <dcterms:title xml:lang="en">Submissions</dcterms:title> <dcterms:title xml:lang="cy">Cyflwyniadau</dcterms:title> <dcterms:description xml:lang="en">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</dcterms:description> <dcterms:description xml:lang="cy">Mae'r llwynog brown gyflym neidio dros y ci diog</dcterms:description> <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:rights rdf:resource=""/> <tna:legalStatus rdf:resource=""/> <tna:heldBy rdf:datatype="xs:string">The National Archives, Kew</tna:heldBy> </tna:Cataloguing> </tna:cataloguing> <tna:digitalFile> <tna:DigitalFile> <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="xs:dateTime">2013-03-26T16:18:00Z</dcterms:modified> <tna:filePathAndName rdf:datatype="xs:string">LEV%202/SUB</tna:filePathAndName> </tna:DigitalFile> </tna:digitalFile> </tna:DigitalFolder> </rdf:RDF> </tna:metadata> </Metadata> <!-- ... --> </DeliverableUnit> <!-- ... --> </DeliverableUnits> <!-- ... --> </XIP>
Appendix D. Appendix D
While modelling the objects we would need in our digital records ontology, it became apparent that there were certain record properties that would have the same value for many different records. For example, records have a legal status which in the UK can be either Public Record, Not Public Record or Welsh Public Record. There were two ways to approach this. These properties could be data properties, in other words stored as literal text values, or they could become object properties whereby they would be represented by a resource which has its own properties. In the case of legal status, having them as object properties pointing to a resource which was an instance of a legal status (an individual in ontology terms) has a number of advantages. Firstly it becomes possible to unambiguously state the legal status of a record. By pointing to a resource, you store all of the information you need in one place and all of the relevant records point to this place. This mitigates the risk of entering a text value which could be prone to typos and ambiguity. For example, is "Welsh public record" the same as "Welsh Public Record"? Furthermore, because they are resources and therefore have their own properties, we can say more about them. We can add a description for example, to help archivists in choosing the correct status. Perhaps most importantly of all though, it allows computers to understand the meaning of our records. It means that a computer can logically understand that a record has something known as legal status and that Public Record is a kind of legal status. In the future it may discover that other things have legal status. This kind of logical analysis is not possible if legal status is just a piece of text.
Apart from legal status, it was also desirable to use individuals for other concepts within the archive such as Crown Copyright and United Kingdom. This caused a dilema as we either had to create new URIs to represent each of these resources within the archive or use existing external URIs. For example DBpedia which holds structured data extracted from Wikipedia provides URIs for these things, such as for Crown Copyright. However The National Archives could itself be considered the authority on Crown copyright so it would not be unreasonable to create a resource such as to represent it. Furthermore there was some anxiety expressed by the archivists about creating links to external resources, such as those on DBpedia, which may be outlived by the records in the archive. A better solution was considered to be to creating resources using National Archive URIs, which we could always guarantee and define ourselves for the things we need. There is nothing to prevent us, or others, linking these resources to the likes of DBpedia within specific applications but within the archive, the definition would always be self-contained and therfore guaranteed available to future generations.
The individuals created so far within the UK National Archives Metadata Vocabulary are as follows:
Table LXI
Crown copyright
URI | |
Type: | |
Table LXII
Public record
URI | |
Type: | |
Not public record
URI | |
Type: | |
Table LXIV
Welsh public record
URI | |
Type: | |
Table LXV
United Kingdom
URI | |
Type: | |
[1] The National Archives: Who we are,
[2] The National Archives, 20-year rule,
[3] BBC, Domesday Reloaded,
[4] Tessella, Tessella SDB,
[5] The Register, How the UK's national memory lives in a ROBOT in Kew,
[6] The National Archives, Accessioning your records,
[7] The National Archives, Unit war diaries,
[8] International Organization for Standardization, ISO 14721:2003,
[9] The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System,
[10] The National Archives, Discovery,
[11] The National Archives, Digital transfer steps,
[12] International Organzation for Standardization, ISO 14721:2003,
[13] The National Archives, Crown copyright,
[14] Tessella, XIP metadata schema for SDB version 4.1 [sdb-4.1.xsd]
[15] World Wide Web Consortium, Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data,
[16] Rob Walpole, The National Archives Digital Records Infrastructure Catalogue: First Steps to Creating a Semantic Digital Archive, Presented at XML London 2013, June 15-16th, 2013,, doi:
[17] World Wide Web Consortium, OWL 2 Web Ontology Language,
[18] Open Knowledge, Linked Open Vocabularies,
[19] World Wide Web Consortium, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0,
[20] International Organization for Standardization, ISO 8879:1986,
[21] Wikipedia, Liber Linteus,
[22] Nick Drummond and Rob Shearer, The Open World Assumption,
[23] World Wide Web Consortium, RDF 1.1 XML Syntax,
[24] Bob du Charme, Learning SPARQL [book], O'Reilly 2011
[25] The Guardian, All four original copies of Magna Carta to be united for anniversary in 2015,
[26] World Wide Web Consortium, RDF 1.1 Semantics,
[27] Stanford University, OntoGraf,
[28] Hitzler, Krotzsch, Rudolph, The Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies [book]