Piez, Wendell. “Framing the Problem: Building customized editing environments and workflows.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016, Washington, DC, August 2 - 5, 2016. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 17 (2016). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol17.Piez01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016 August 2 - 5, 2016
Balisage Paper: Framing the Problem
Building customized editing environments and workflows
Wendell Piez
Wendell Piez is an independent consultant specializing in XML and XSLT, based in
Rockville MD.
The maturity of the XML technology stack has made it easier now than it has ever been
construct whole functional operating environments for an application, fit to purpose,
tools made to take advantage of the XML. How do we exploit this moment? In designing
building such workflows and environments, what considerations regarding user needs,
products, interim work states, validation needs, and constraints on the system need
to be
taken into account? How can we best take advantage of existing libraries, tools,
specifications, and platforms? And how can we achieve and communicate a clear understanding
of the framework we are constructing, as distinct from the tools, tool libraries,
and specifications which support it and help realize it?
XML-based systems: better than ever but just the same
XML-based data and document-processing solutions have been around long enough now
that we
can begin to see their outlines and commonalities, despite their vast differences,
domains, between large and small, and down through generations. In some respects,
a server
farm talking to an XML database back end and producing thousands of arbitrary “views”
minute of dynamically populated content for a range of clients (desktop and mobile)
on the
Internet, is still just like a 486 processor running Netscape Navigator with a browser
on Microsoft Windows 95, with 8MB of RAM. The astonishing differences between then
and now can
be enumerated using all kinds of metrics. Things now are so much larger, faster, more
Perhaps not more cumbersome (the bad old days are hard to forget), but not less so.
similarities may be harder to see; yet it helps to understand the later, more complex
when one considers there has been a straight line of development from the earlier
and simpler.[1] We are not doing more than we were doing back then. Much useful work was done by
systems built on these principles, even years ago. We are only doing it at ever greater
of scale, speed and complexity.
Figure 1
A screenshot of a contemporary online editing interface: this is structured TEI, being
edited live in oXygen XML Web author, the presentation configured using stylesheets
written by George Bina and others. (What is in view is not styled with XSLT but with
CSS+extensions; the application framework can also run XSLT or any other external
This is worth keeping in mind when turning our attention to present opportunities,
experience reinforces our sense of how much we can now do, for example with an ad-hoc
strategically chosen) collection of schema(s), XSLT, CSS, Schematron, and glue, whether
be some vendor-specific code, or something patched together, or something very powerful,
general and extensible, such as an application coded in XProc (a generalized declarative
pipelining language) or a database running XQuery. Even more, we have entire editing
environments custom built for purpose, up to and including web-based environments,
purport to make it possible for people who know nothing specifically about text encoding
technologies, to use the systems nonetheless, as “experts” (presumably in their own
... but then by using it, they also become expert in the system itself). Such frameworks,
suites and toolkits are nothing new; but costs for designing, building and supporting
environments and working interfaces have dropped by an order of magnitude every decade
the 1970s – and may (for all we know) continue to do so. This by itself has changed
Figure 2: XML editors, oldish and newish
Screenshot of SoftQuad XMetaL (perhaps then BlastRadius), taken in 2002, followed
by a
view of the same text open in oXygen XML Editor, 2016. Of course, this is a stunt,
but it is
remarkable how easy it was (twenty minutes of CSS) to emulate the formatting being
demonstrated by the old editor, in the new one. (A few more minutes would allow for
considerable improvements to the design.)
Indeed, in this last observation is a point that is easy to allow to slip by. Up until
fairly recently, there were two very distinct sorts of “framework development”, as
one might
call it, related to XML and XML-based publishing and data processing systems. One
was the
creation of customized structured editing environments – systems that attracted significant
investments over what is now decades (publishing systems stretching back as far as
do), and which by the late 1990s had evolved into an entire market for software and
Typically these applications, albeit nominally standards-conformant (generally some
flavor of
SGML was the starting point), were implemented on proprietary stacks of one form or
and set out to support processes end-to-end, typically by combining user interfaces
creation and management) with production capabilities, usually by way of integration
with a
publishing application.[2] To build such an application meant cultivating expertise not only in applicable
standards (where they existed) but also the software application itself and its formats
interfaces (which were typically proprietary, if only to fill the gap where standards
did not
exist – because they were being tried for the first time). Notwithstanding the challenges,
this was something that was done successfully, and more than once.
Yet while – at least in some vertical markets (where factors of scale and automatability
are especially favorable) – applications have been built and sustained on these principles,
there has also developed a healthy counter market (one might call it) in free and
tools for document and data processing. The web itself is of course the main difference
between now and the 1990s – two decades proving to be long enough for several revolutions
publishing. Indeed one of the most profound revolutions has been in the (relative)
universalization of access to information on how to operate and build on the web.
In other
words, the web itself has been the means for its own dissemination of expertise, and
forms of data processing (off as well as on the web) have benefited from being "transmissable"
on the web (as a platform for knowledge transfer). So for the mere cost of a data
one has access to libraries and indeed executables that have required years (albeit
often by
do-it-yourselfers like yourself) to develop, encapsulate and publish. We work now
in a kind of
ecosystem of software development activity, which changes everything about how we
work and how
are work can combine with and magnify the work of others. And this is true not only
technologies of web development as such, but of much that goes with it.
Consequently there have appeared alternatives to the high-end editing environments
supporting XML-based processing workflows, approaches that assume a much more do-it-yourself
attitude. From the early days, it became possible to build and operate systems by
together whatever markup and text processing utilities you could get to work, perhaps
Perl or
Python, or perhaps DSSSL (when we had that) or next XSLT. These components would then
bolted together using whatever pipelining architecture was available to you. (Maybe
it was
shell scripting over the file system or through editor buffers.) Typically this meant
batch or shell scripts that managed files according to custom-made logic over the
file system,
invoking open-source or otherwise-accessible executables in order to get the actual
job done.
But sometimes you would have other interfaces to query and even edit your data.
Solutions patched together in this way tended not to be end-to-end document processing
publishing systems, but instead focussed on problems that need to be solved, or that
could usefully or neatly address. While there might have been some front-end component
these systems, that generally wasn't their strength; instead they tended to provide
on the back end or downstream of the editing process. Their operators, in contrast
to the
first kind of (customized) editing environment, tended to be technologists, at least
to the
point that they could troubleshoot when problems arose. When orchestration of processes
complex (as they soon enough did), simple interfaces would be contrived using build
(or other methods). While such systems require considerable expertise in relevant
and technologies (including libraries and APIs) to build and sometimes to operate,
unlike the
top-down editors, they have tended to be unencumbered by proprietary barriers to development
and reuse, while arguably, in comparison to proprietary alternatives, providing even
open-ended functionality. It turns out that all by themselves, XSLT, Apache Ant, and
utilities can take you a very long way.
Indeed it should be kept in mind that at some point it becomes difficult to draw a
boundary between a “customized editing environment” and the kinds of support for processing
general that such an editing environment routinely offers as well. In other words,
what makes
these systems distinguishable at all is not that they offer any particular sort of
interface – there may be no GUI in sight – but rather that they bundle front and
back end
services and processes in a way that makes them accessible and controllable by users.
users should be at the heart of it, and the focus needs to be on providing users,
available means, with something both neat and effective for them, something that produces
value in its outputs than it demands in inputs (of time, resources, attention). The
“workflow” can help us keep things in mind as well: it's not just about where data
comes from
and how it starts, but what happens to it.
So on the open source side as well, two decades have seen real development. Thirty
after the standardization of SGML and nearly twenty after XML's formal release, developers
have a range of choices that (back then) only the most audacious were able to envision.
include not only tooling in support of XML and related standards in all the major
and platforms, and not only proprietary and semi-proprietary stacks, but open source
and specifications as well. In particular (in the context of this discussion), XProc
should be
mentioned, inasmuch as we now have a pipelining language even apart from our transformation
language, something that is indeed useful. As tools and technologies have matured
tested, deployed, shaken down, shaken out) and public resources such as the standards
themselves (or: public specifications) have stabilized, open source and free-for-use
have continued to offer a low-cost-of-entry alternative to the big, top-down systems.
In turn,
this has proven to be an opportunity for companies who offer software and services
based on
the availability of such tools in addition to its primary beneficaries, the projects
organizations that can use them to solve problems.
Consequently, one might consider XProc running in XML Calabash inside oXygen XML Editor
(one product which has played an important role in this evolution[3]) to be a culmination of both strands of development – structured editors that
offer all the functionality of environments that used to cost ten (or a hundred) times
as much
to build and deploy, yet emerging out of (and taking advantage of) the
community-standards-based tagging initiatives and the tools that go with them (these
DITA, TEI, NISO JATS etc.) rather than only from top-down imperatives.
Ironically, part of the value offering of a tool such as oXygen XML Editor is the
to which – precisely by incorporating directly the “best in category” open source
toolkits –
it actually insulates its developers from proprietary entanglements, allowing us to
independently to provide whatever local user base we have, with something they need,
having to go further upstream to get the support we need in doing so. Not incidentally,
also lowers the cost of oXygen, since its own "proprietary footprint" over the functionality
set, is smaller; due to this lower cost, and especially given its component-based
assembly, it
also becomes thinkable to use a tool like oXygen not just "end to end" but also for
smaller and discrete sorts of operations. In short: at its lower cost it can serve
much more
flexibly in the “big mix” (of processes and formats) that characterizes information
What else has changed? The market environment. No longer is this (as it seemed to
be 20
years ago) a seemingly Quixotic struggle against the blind and casual use of proprietary
processors and desktop publishing applications to produce, manage and archive information.
alternative today to XML and structured data seems to be, not
word-processing-and-unstructured-data, but HTML-and-the-web. Personally I am of the
that appearances are deceptive, and this is really only the old foe in a new form,
albeit not
really a foe at all! – and yet paradoxically that an XML mindset – and even an XML
toolkit –
can still flourish in this environment. In other words, the problem is the same as
it was, and
XML/XSLT still offers the solution (or at least, a means to provide a solution), and
so the
key is to continue to use them even while adapting. Even today, and even and indeed
on the web, XML/XSLT can be a kind of secret super-power.
The problem is knowing when this is. That is, recognizing opportunities: where can
applications of transformations, and processing pipelines built out of them, achieve
meaningful goals, whether for a project, organization or business? Where can we apply
power of transformations? becomes the key question. And – if they do not always save
energy –
then how might we use XML-based technologies to produce things (useful or beautiful)
would be impossible or unthinkable without them?
Transformations: Lower and higher-order organization
What hasn't changed is the basic three-cornered transformation architecture: source
transformation / result[4], a triad that immediately refracts and multiplies once we engage “meta-processes”
or control processes, by exerting controls over our components (first, our nominal
but soon enough over the transformation itself or components of it, and finally over
as well) using the same methods – transformation – as we use for core processes. Only
simplest of systems reduces to a single source/specification/view (not even an HTML
page with
a CSS stylesheet in a browser these days typically constitutes a single source with
a single
display specification); what is much more common is some kind of series or cascade
processes and applications, many of which have, if not active dependencies, then at
implicit dependencies on further processes “up stream” (i.e. at presumed earlier points
in a
document's lifecycle or processing history). Indeed the real power of these systems
is when
you become able to manage their complexity by putting different transformations of
kinds and purposes together. So XML's power comes not from the simple or single fact
descriptive encoding (the separation of concerns that comes with any model/view/controller
especially one as cleanly separated as this), but also from the fact that XML data
can be
handled – frequently but not always by design – in aggregate and that XML is itself
composable. We can not only display documents, but also process, edit and amend them
in any
way imaginable, in groups and in groups of groups.
So it becomes possible to apply logical operations to data sets in sequences of steps,
between (the details vary) authoring or acquisition, assembly, aggregation, normalization
integration, production and publication. Indeed it should not be hard to see in these
analogues and “recapitulations” of activities that publishers already perform and
indeed that
is their purpose, to perform them – if electronic means and media offer a chance to
anything truly “new” (which is a separate discussion), that is generally as a complement
offshoot of doing something that has already been shown to need doing. Nonetheless
it has been
demonstrated repeatedly that when it comes to things like formatting and reformatting
documents with consistency; marshalling and managing metadata and adjunct resources
(such as
images or sample data sets belonging to published items or articles); normalizing,
regularizing and integrating cross-references and citation data; the creation of indexes
ancillary resources with their descriptions; and numerous other of the typical “chores”
come with publishing, XML-based systems can provide means to lighten the load consistently.
The theory and practice of all this is fairly well understood.
Importantly, while these “meta-transformations” include validation,[5] they may also include other operations that might (within a purely “functional”
universe) be considered as side effects or as externally dependent (that is, as reflecting
arbitrary state external to the system), such as utilities for reading from file systems,
compressing and decompressing sets of resources, copying files in a file system or
via FTP
over the Internet, and other sorts of tasks. Join these capabilities to the intrinsic
capability of XML (which is typically used, when working inside such an architecture,
represent file structures etc.) for querying using the same tools (XPath, XSLT, XQuery)
as you
use for document handling, and the system has yet more leverage (as has not gone unremarked
Balisage, for example see Rennau 2016). A utility or set of utilities can
produce formatted output from controlled source data (that much we accept) but it
can also do
much more than that, providing services in exposing and editing that data; providing
customized quality checking; providing for help with mundane tasks associated with
management (to a local set of requirements), and so on.
When XSLT is the technology of choice, it becomes natural to describe or characterize
these operations as “transformations”, although that term also then comes (by analogy)
indicate any “before/after” relation of applying a logical process, algorithm or filter
to a
source document, thereby achieving (and perhaps persisting, as an artifact) a
result, whether by XSLT or other means. Synonyms for “transformation”
in this sense might include “view”, “rendition” or “filter”.
Of course nothing is consumed nor even “transformed” in a transformation. What happens
instead is that a new artifact is created next to the old one, sometimes a copy or
presumably always some sort of (intended) representation or reading of it. It is as
if the
butterfly were sitting next to its pupa, which is still alive and able to transform
Transformation is, really, is not about changing anything but more like
“bottling” it, in a different form or package, or as an extract or permuted version
of itself
in some way. Indeed it is the same as a query, albeit with a different goal (an entirely
altered view of a whole, not just an extracted bit) and we can certainly describe
our triad as
a model-controller-view (source-query-result) if we like – the differences being rather
Considered as abstract operations, transformations are also composable. Chain two
or more
transformations together as a pipeline, setting aside any intermediate results between
and you have what can be regarded as a single transformation. (You also need another
i.e. a way to represent this multiples-in-one relation. You could do this with a shell,
or an
XProc, or a wrapper XSLT, etc. Meta-process!) Considered as a black box, any system-level
component can be regarded as a transformation – with certain specified inputs and
expected results therefrom – even if internally, in its implementation, it is quite
It doesn't help that as XSLT developers know, transformations are sometimes (frequently)
pipelines themselves internally (in whole or in part), as indeed XSLT can be seen
as a
language for pipelining function calls. (And the same will be true of other transformation
technologies in their ways.) So the actual line between “transformation” and “pipeline”
very blurry.
Nonetheless it is convenient to think of transformations as being the atomic units
because elemental and rudimentary, or because designed to be logical/recomposable,
or simply
because they are opaque, “black boxes”); “pipelines” are more generally transformations
considered as aggregates not as processes. Additionally, we may wish to stipulate
that the
model does not insist that a transformation be an automated or automatable process.
intervention may be the best or only way to produce it. (What makes a data manipulation
management task a transformation is not whether it is automatable or how difficult
it is, but
whether it can be described adequately to be performed and assessed.)
Then too, pipelines (considered as transformations) can also be arranged into higher
assemblages, suites of utilities and operations and declaration sets (including declarations
of constraints) that work together to achieve specific ends in information processing
for “publishing” and any others you might think of). These are indeed more difficult
to talk
about, since while the XSLT at the center hasn't changed all that much (allowances
made for the vast differences in XPath 1.0 and 2.0 data models), the languages in
which these
assemblages were composed and made available to users, have changed a great deal over
time. So
a set of tasks that might have been accomplished, in a very rudimentary yet not inelegant
in, say, 1998, with a compiler-build utility such as GNU make – creating a static
HTML web
site, for example, or generating an index -- these same operations (as noted), we
might today
be doing using an XProc pipeline and processor invoked from inside an editing
Despite not exactly having a name – we might call them frameworks or assemblies or
toolkits or any number of things, while remaining somewhat confused as to the boundaries
exactly – these things can be distinguished from other productions. Indeed every year
Balisage, a considerable number of them are demonstrated – for example in 2016 we
Caton and Vieira 2016, Clark and Connel 2016, Cuellar and Aiken 2016, Galtman 2016, Graham 2016, Horn, Denzer and Hambuch 2016, Kraetke and Imsieke 2016, and Sperberg-McQueen 2016. These are “applications” in only a stricter sense than the
commonest sense today (“applications” as commoditized piece of software); as meaningful
assemblies and configurations (“meaningful” in their contexts of use) of available
handmade parts, they are not software or standards, schemas or libraries, even though
these are greatly mixed up in and with all of these things and typically make use
of one or
several of them.
Whatever the best term to designate them, first we have to see them for what they
Typically they are built or deployed on top of some third-party software or architecture,
presenting them with wrappers, customizations and extensions that suit them for particular
tasks in the project of interest. And once again there is this fractal aspect whereby
creatures resemble, in form, the things out of which they are composed: frameworks
considered as more or less tightly integrated sets of processes, available to an operator
accomplishes some task) are much like pipelines in their basic outlines, which are
much like
transformations. They have multiple inputs and outputs, including stylesheets and
configurations as well as (so-called) source data;[6] they can be regarded as black boxes and sometimes (but not always) executed with
the push of a button or click of an icon. They typically entail achieving and applying,
or less explicitly, a logical mapping from source format(s) to target(s), in service
of some
more or less complex information processing objective, such as populating or querying
a data
store, acquiring or editing documentary information, publishing in multiple formats,
integrating with external resources. Each one is unique although they are frequently
as models to be emulated. Sometimes libraries, applications or languages spin off
examples of transformation
A CSS stylesheet applied to an XML document for display in a web browser.
An XSLT stylesheet that converts tagging in an XML document into a normalized
A translation from English into French.
examples of pipelines
A sequence of XSLTs that produce structured (XML) output from (implicitly
structured) plain text input (more or less groomed or regular)
A macro composed of several search/replace operations in sequence, to manage special
characters (transcoding)
A procedure that is executed monthly, which requires packaging some files (collected
over the course of the month) and FTPing them to a vendor
examples of ??? (third-order organization)
An editing environment consisting of a combination of display stylesheets (CSS,
XSLT) referencing (and including) a publicly-available standard schema. Schematron
bolted in to provide checking tag usage against local rules.
A metadata crosswalking system, supporting queries to a web service, bundling the
results in a (nominally standards-based) XML wrapper for consumption in another
The production of a conference proceedings on a shoestring, in which papers are
submitted in an XML format, thereby offloading a great deal of editorial work to
authors. The results are not always the prettiest but they are streamlined, and costs
(in time and effort) are manageable – enabling the conference to produce a proceedings
while spending its money on more important things.
A Schematron-documentation system, in which Schematrons can be composed via literate
programming, and their specifications coded and indexed for external management and
governance (i.e., linking error messages to policies).
Projects demonstrated at Balisage as cited above, for example Caton and Vieira 2016, which describes the Kiln
publishing framework, a set of stylesheets and configurable components used by an
academic department on a routine basis (multiple times per annum) to produce project
workflow (higher-order organizations)
The third-order assemblies presumably combine at still higher organizational levels.
So, for example, the publication of a journal involves one or more workflows, each
which might avail themselves of one or more (assemblies of) transformation architectures
– including (notably) organizational black boxes (wherein can be hand work, outsourcing
or anything).
However fuzzy the terminology, these system-level assemblages have been maturing;
functionalities are tried, tested and demonstrated, and platforms, software and methods
improve. No longer are they always such duct-tape and baling-wire assemblages as they
were in
the old days. Indeed, even the most peculiar customized local processes over XML can
often, be sufficiently integrated into interfaces (whether editing and content and
management environments) that operators can use them without having to see angle brackets
all, or more generally, without having particularly to care for or about encoding
issues in
the least.
That someone should able to edit structured text “friction free” (whatever this means
formats behind the scenes) is something of a Holy Grail. My own feeling is that whether
how intricacies of tagging are best hidden away, very much depends on the circumstance.
However, one implication of what follows (as I hope the reader agrees) is that the
prospect of
“tagless” XML (or HTML) editing is ultimately less promising than the way framework
architectures can reduce the complexity and tedium, not of encoding as such, but of
all else
that goes with it. If tagging were the only thing a “content expert” had to think
about, in
other words, I think she would swiftly learn it. How to tag things is today one of
the lesser
problems in getting stuff up and out. The more daunting challenges are the ones at
the level
of deployment architectures and environments. What are you asking users to learn?
Then too, smart framework development can be one way to help bridge the expertise
gap. An
actual, functioning XML document processing environment can be a learning platform
as well as
a means of production.
A transformation cost model
One intriguing thing about this progression is the fractal nature of the relation
boundaries between categories, self-similarity across scale) from one level to the
Another is that structurally, they are isomorphic: any component can (and at some
level must)
be defined in terms of its putative input(s) and output(s) however complex each of
these may
be (since there might be aggregation as well as filtering at any point). Thus there
is always
this tripartite pattern, source/transformation/result, where the middle term is regarded
as a
black box capable of achieving the mapping from source(s) to result(s), however
In turn this suggests we can apply a single analytic framework to all levels of scale
complexity, whether looking from “far away” or “up close”. Such an analytic framework
offered here. It seeks to interpret any problem of transformation or of document processing,
equivalently, as a problem of managing costs of investment (in time but also in expertise)[7] in view of risks and opportunities of return over time. Note that it is only
“pseudo” quantitative, in that its usefulness should be less in whether and how it
can be
applied to result in some sort of number, but because it may elicit a better understanding
between relative factors when considering what makes transformations valuable, when
they are
valuable. That is, the intent here is to offer not only a way of assessing when and
there may be opportunities, but also some (perhaps counter-intuitive) observations
about when
these systems work well and why they are sustainable.
The formula is based on the stipulation that any document, instance or occasion of
transformation must be considered as a member of a set. This is reasonable to do and
inevitable given how we typically and ordinarily develop transformations as rules
implication between types and classes. (We can consider one-offs – transformations
that are
run once on a single instance of a source document, then thrown away – as singleton
sets, so
there is no real problem here.)
Viewed as a member of its set, any given transformation will incur the cost of development
of that transformation, plus setup for running it (at all, that is the first time,
but also in
general, for all runs), plus the operations costs (after setup, including marginal
costs per
item), all divided by the count of successful instances (runs).
Equation (a)
Cost / count = (Setup + Development + Total operations) / count
Or equivalently (splitting operations cost into an average):
These all say the same thing. Extracting operations costs for the set and averaging
across members of the set is helpful for weighing the significance of this addend
against the “development” (more properly D+S) side. This assymetry of factors is the
important thing about this model. The direct implication is that as long as operations
overhead is relatively high and in particular if it increases relative to count (most
especially, increases linearly – i.e. there are significant marginal costs per item),
it will
continue to burden transformation costs, even while costs of Development and Setup
amortized (distributed) across the entire set. If instead, operations costs can be
brought to
zero - then it is possible to achieve very low costs for the transformation as a whole,
Development+Setup costs are distributed, even when the count of documents is relatively
“Setup” here includes setting up and running the transformation, that is the costs
running the transformation over and above the costs of handling items in the set (the
overhead). With good tooling and/or expertise available, this can drop very low. However
not) it can also be a prohibitive factor, a barrier to entry.
“Development” is the cost of development of the transformation to the point where
it gives
acceptable (and/or presumably correct) results. Note that in order for a transformation
to run
at all, Development costs must typically be incurred early. Yet this is not always
the case –
while maintenance, similarly, might be considered a type of deferred development.
It should
also be kept in mind that Development costs are relative to available skills. Not
developers provide the same D “energy” for the same time invested and sometimes the
will be many multiples (where a skilled developer writes robust functioning code more
and rapidly than an inexperienced developer facing a problem for the first time).
Indeed the
relative availability of expertise making D affordable is currently the most important
It is useful to consider Development and Setup as independent. An organization may
be able
to pay for Development (or maybe it can be discounted by acquiring a "stock" solution),
but if
setup costs are prohibitive, this doesn't matter. In a contrasting case, maybe Setup
is low
(in the event) but since Development is high, a transformation is not viable. (Perhaps
unskilled operator has access to tools he does not know how to exploit, or perhaps
transformation is underspecified and thus impossible to “get right” even with the
best code.)
The average operations costs is where the real problems are hidden. Only when operations
costs go down (and especially if they can go down appreciably as count goes up), do
transformations have a chance of paying for themselves quickly. Operations costs will
primarily, all the costs of managing and transmitting files and data resources, including
copying, “grooming”, renaming, editing, marshalling of resources, cross-checking and
confirmation. Assume that any time a resource is touched, some minor cost can be associated.
This attention may be expended at the level of each individual document, or of the
set as a
whole. It will be highly variable across operational contexts - sometimes the additional
marginal cost per document is extremely low (maybe it can be shared among a large
documents at
once); at other times, it is not.
A further complication hidden in this value (operations costs) is that in circumstances
where not every transformation is successful, the successful ones may have to pay
for the
unsuccessful ones as well as for themselves. Costs of detection of problems and of
remediation have to be included in operations. And this may also entail new costs
with overhead, for example if further tasks in file management, project management
or task
tracking are required when errors or lapses occur. In other words, operations costs
explode in situations where actual throughput is low (count goes down) because transformations
are fallible – this is the dark side and the worst problem of automation technologies
awry: bad transformations (which require corrections or workarounds) may eat up all
benefits of good ones. The viability of any transformation over the scope of actual
and the assurance of a high rate of success (most especially, before all inputs are
remain critical determinants in whether a pipeline is actually worth the cost of building
running it.
Several things are suggested by this model:
For lower costs, there are really two distinct points of control, both of which must
be favorable (or at least not unfavorable): total count for the set (the higher the
better), and associated cost of operations (the lower the better).
This is the “no-brainer” hypothetical case: total count going high enough to justify
the necessary investment both up front and per item. The idea that a single stylesheet
can save costs on processing large quantities of (valid) input files is the premise
which XML is usually built and sold.
And this principle does work, assuming inputs are adequate in quality to the
purposes of processing; that is, when they are capable of supporting clean “down hill”
subordinate and spinoff applications. (Of course to say as much is simply to make
circular point that if things are effectively able pay for themselves, they do so.
key is in being able to see when and how this can happen in a markup workflow.)
Ways of bringing operations costs and overhead down can be critical. In particular,
a appropriately constrained editing environment (such as many XML environments) pays
itself because it helps reduce average overhead for processing per document, in all
downstream processes – ideally to nearly zero (by virtue of controlling inputs to
strongly validated model).) In conditions like this, an organization such as an academic
department or small project (again, see Caton and Vieira 2016, Horn, Denzer and Hambuch 2016 or Sperberg-McQueen 2016) is able to take advantage of
the technology to good effect, despite a (relatively) modest document throughput per
month and from year to year: in these cases a relatively low document count is counter
balanced by the fact that once data content is in the system with sufficiently strong
semantics, subsequent production costs can reduce to effectively nothing, since
operations costs are so low – while D/S costs (having been incurred in the past, now
are in a reuse phase) can increasingly be discounted. Consider also how this advantage
is compounded with the accessibility advantage when any of these projects is on the
(as so many of them are); authors can be much more engaged than in prior systems in
active publication of their documents. So a manageable investment (in time, effort,
expertise) results in a significant resource that pays out its value over time despite
the fact that count (overall throughput) never gets very high.
This peculiarity of standards-based XML technologies, that despite its being built
for what might be called “industrial grade” operations, it is also well suited for
smaller scale enterprises – including projects that are not distinguished by their
or scale, but because the information itself is of such high value. The results of
single run of a single stylesheet on a single document can sometimes be very valuable
enough to pay even for a high D, if other costs are controlled.
Finally it is worth noting that the classical solution to this problem – managing
operations costs as distinct from development costs - is to separate it out. A
developer's time is expensive. If the developer can produce an environment or mechanism
whereby someone else, whose time is less expensive, can meaningfully contribute to
process – there are opportunities there.
Conversely, a significant strategic risk to the system is if operations are
commandeered or locked down in some form that makes operations difficult to manage.
Where this is the case (reflected in the model in high operations costs), even an
effective tradeoff between (low) D+S and (high) utility and efficacy, can be difficult
to motivate. How much energy does it take to turn the crank and push stuff through
be a determining factor.
The model suggests that this risk should be considered as comparable to the risks
setting out to build transformations that are not viable, because they cannot be fully
specified or scoped in a way that is practically useful (not just theoretically).
are design failures of similar levels of seriousness. In addition to imagining the
conceptual viability of a transformation architecture, you must consider your
environment. Having a workflow that is sustainable remains a sine qua non, however
elegantly a transformation is conceived or a pipeline is designed.
Likewise, if we can also control Development and Setup, while keeping average
operations low, we can envision how even a very simple application might give real
benefits over time – even if it run only infrequently (count is not especially high)
it requires some effort to run (i.e. operations is not zero).
For example, as an independent contractor I have internal systems for time logging
and for tracking bank and credit card accounts. The logging application is indispensible
for billing among other things (and now I have time logs going over fifteen years).
bank and credit card accounting enables me to coordinate expense tracking in my
accounting software, with my bank accounts, in a form optimized for archiving and
reference. Formally independent of both the systems it aligns with (for robustness
portability), as a side effect of the record-keeping it creates a paper trail (and
accountant appreciates my tidy records). Any self-employed person must, in order to
in business, have some sort of analogous system (as indeed I was instructed to use
spreadsheet). But it isn't always in XML, while it is … more painstaking and error
These are “toy” systems in that they are very lightweight and in some ways
improvised; yet they have paid for the time invested in them many times over.
The case of a one-off transformation is easy to see, as it consists simply of the
operational overhead, plus the cost of setup and development of the transformation.
pays for itself if the transformation itself is valuable enough to account for this
expense. (It can sometimes be compared to the cost of doing the same task by other
Similarly, work done entirely by hand (i.e. no transformation reducing costs across
a set) simply sets S and D to zero. The conversion is essentially the cost of the
“operations” (which may be considerable). This is the trivial “null” case.
Note that this algebra also helps shed light on the developer's perennial question,
when is it worth automating something. To do so: Consider the cost of Development
Setup with honest counts (both optimistic and pessimistic) and estimates of per-item
overhead. Then compare this cost with the cost of doing the task by hand.
Finally, it is interesting that this accounting also makes it possible to begin thinking
about one of the more vexing distinctions to developers of transformation pipelines,
the difference between transformations that go “up hill” and those that go “down”.
metaphor invokes gravity: the idea is, it's harder to go up hill. Since our model
seeks to represent “cost” in terms of energy inputs (D, S, operations), it is possible
consider what higher cost (up) vs lower cost (down) should mean in closer detail.
Up and down transformation
The distinction between “up hill” and “down” is fairly well understood at least by
practitioners, and it can even be described and categorized. In the abstract, it is
to conceive of an uphill conversion is one that adds information or that makes explicit,
the result, information that is only implicit in the source data. What we need is
a metric
that considers “energy” to be potential in document structural and markup semantics,
inasmuch as (and to the extent that) its (encoded) representation is economical, terse,
comprehensive within its scope, consistent and transparent – all of which traits help
make subsequent processing easier. (If the super-ordinate semantics of element types
attributes in the model are known in advance, as they frequently should be when using
standard vocabulary, we can further rejoice.) However, the sad reality is that data
starts life in forms that are the opposite of consistent and regular, at any rate
to the
high degree necessary. Uphill conversion often requires augmenting the data with information
that is not already there. Not only that, but of course the same transformation may
go up
with respect to some features (adding information that it induces) while at the same
it goes down in others (leveling other forms of information for purposes of
Nonetheless it is possible to generalize. First, a transformation will be more difficult
to develop (high D) when the scope or range of its inputs is very wide. This makes
specification of a transformation that will work effectively more difficult (if not
impossible in the general case). “Work effectively” is of course subject to definition,
that is, exactly, the crux of it. If count (or throughput or availability) goes down
due to
ineffectiveness, costs of (successful transformations) go up. For a transformation
to work
effectively typically means that its results are predictable, rules-bound and confirmatory
of (consistent with) policies and designs that have been put in place with forethought.
the range of inputs is very wide, it is (tautologically) harder to enforce rules across
set. Less consistency and quality across the information set means less
This is why the oldest trick in the book is to manage both development costs (D) and,
implicitly, also setup (S) and Operations, by relying on predefined rule sets (schemas),
not industry and community standards to constrain sets of documents in ways that make
specification (and thus implementation) of “down hill” mappings feasible. (In a way,
system is optimized early for everything by not being optimized for anything.) There
is a
subtle tradeoff here: while this method does indeed provide more robust handling through
processing pipelines, it also solves the problem (i.e., the problem of accommodating
arbitrary semantics in inputs) by setting it aside – with the effect, ironically,
that the
potential count of the set (of successful transformations) will be accordingly lower.
key to making this work is to see that this latter set – semantic features in the
data you
wish you could have handled, described and exploited, but were not able to (due to
constraints on either resources or means) – is as small as possible - in a manner
speaking, if you never want what you decide you can't have. Yet the opportunity costs
what you are not doing with your data and data
descriptions, must always lurk as a not-fully-knowable.
This in turn suggests exactly what we know from experience, namely that these systems
work best when inputs can be both (a) appropriately constrained (so the scope of the
transformation is manageable) and (b) expressive of the necessary relations in the
(i.e. more or less well tagged for the purpose, whatever the markup language or dialect).
The costs of Development – for any subsequent transformation defined over this data
set –
will simply be lower, sometimes dramatically lower, when this is done correctly. Moreover,
this is the case whether the data description is standard, or bespoke, or some
Whenever we have a transformation that is simple and explicit enough to be highly
reliable, and average overhead goes to zero - that is a sign that a transformation
is going
in the “correct” direction. Indeed when we look at the code that underlies such systems
are likely to see things much simpler than in the uphill case.
Development on the next level up
Note that to a degree D (development cost of the transformation) and average operations
may be linked, inasmuch as when carefully applied, a modest investment of D can also
significantly lower operations (and thus average operations) for a document set –
and this
is also an effective way to make many transformations viable that would not be otherwise.
effect, this means that developers can be tasked with helping make a transformation
profitable not only be implementing the transformation itself, but by reframing or
refactoring its context and requirements (with the result that operations costs come
Look to your operations and your average operations costs per run; these are where
potentials for improvement are.
Of course, the last fact - the susceptibility of operations' value being affected
directly by processing environment – is a consequence of the composability of
transformations. If every transformation occurs within a pipeline, it stands to reason
addressing costs of running that pipeline or architecture is crucial to ensure the
of the transformation within it. Invest D (development) in the pipeline as a whole,
and the
costs of running every transformation in it, will come down.
This relationship also explains the paradox of why a well designed pipeline of steps
be cheaper to build and easier to maintain than a single transformation doing the
same thing
(and by the same token why micropipelining within a transformation is also a useful
Not infrequently, a complex problem can be addressed by refactoring it into into phases,
each phase of which can be simpler and easier (even together) to build and operate
than a
one-pass solution – even one that by some measures is more efficient.
Further implications of the model
In addition to suggesting such a unified view of transformations and the contexts
in which
they operate, this model also provokes other considerations. In particular, while
it can
readily be observed that the out-of-pocket costs and commitments in building an XML-based
toolkit (whether standards- and community-based or entirely homemade) are much lower
than ever
before, nonetheless the practical challenges may still be somewhat daunting.
The abstract to this paper suggests some of the practical questions one must ask.
those include specific questions of architecture and environment, which the general
proposed here, deliberately avoids – and they are questions that have always faced
of systems of this sort, and will presumably always do so. Nonetheless the cost model
offer some perspective, suggesting a few interesting points:
Planning ahead (with regard to technology commitments, standards alignment and
conformance, policy development, development of governance mechanisms), etc. etc.
– all
of these are important as ever – but – what characterizes these questions at present
their complexity, which may present us with something of a “Hamlet” problem. At a
certain point, plans must be executed. One of the strengths of a toy is, it shows
can be done, before building it out. Sometimes it is better to start small, to adapt,
build and learn, than to try and answer everything all at once.
Accordingly, when thinking about tools building, look for real needs that those
tools might help to address, and be willing to start small.
Similarly, agility is going to count. One reason the tools of today are so powerful
is that they are configurable. So configure them!
Standards and the resources that go with them have proven to be an invaluable
resource and a common asset to be protected. This reinforces the common sense and
conventional wisdom that we should use them to every extent possible – even while
should be clear not to compromise business or project goals to them. This is usually
Because of the contribution to costs of operations for running transformations,
bringing these down (where they can be reduced) should be a priority; this is where
friction in the system tends to be. This means when possible automating or
semi-automating routines that are time consuming but predictable, or that consume
cross-checking what was done manually since automated means were not available.
Important to note however that these stress points are not necessarily in the
center; much more they happen at the front (intake) or back ends (post-production
delivery). As noted, addressing these issues can have dramatic effects on costs of
running pipelines even when they are not at the core.
Nonetheless, these improvements are worth nothing if the core does not work. A
reasonable development strategy might be, first, to demonstrate the viability of a
transformation at all without worrying about operations costs; then, when it is working,
address issues there.
Moreover, we can now see what effects it is likely to have if the costs of S+D have
dropping for everyone due to market externalities. Largely because experts in XML
transformation (or for that matter, of document processing technologies) are fairly
rare, D in
particular is still not exactly low. Yet nevertheless given available tools, for someone
does have facility (or who can learn!), costs of D can be very low over time. In principle,
this should bring the technologies within the capabilities of a great many organizations
were formerly, simply, unable to enter this market – if they can cultivate the talent.
Standards as commons
Why have costs of development and setup been plummeting? The single most important
reason is the success of standards, technologies and community efforts in XML space.
As a
random example, consider TEI. Focusing on academic research and publishing especially
in the
humanities, TEI helps publishing and scholarship in general for all its participants
sharing not only specifications, but tools. In doing this, the TEI indeed threatens
“encroach”, to some extent, on work traditionally done by publishers or their vendors;
by doing so, it makes the potentials (or at least, many of the potentials) of XML
technologies accessible to a user base, which would not be able to afford the vendors
in any
case. And the work that they do ends up – if only because TEI provides a place to
start, and
its users have a role to play – benefiting the supposed competitors, the very publishers
their vendors who would be trying to do the work, in any case, without them. The entire
industry and marketplace moves forward more quickly because underlying assets (including
only the TEI Guidelines but the tools, demonstrations and indeed expertise that go
them) are shared, not held apart.
This is only to choose one community more or less at random, while just the same might
be said in different ways about public resources like DITA, NISO JATS, XSLT, XQuery
indeed the web itself. Indeed much can be said of any interchange standard, technology
standard or publicly specified, community supported initiative. With respect to the
individual developer or organization, they are resources, assets we haven't had to
pay for.
As such, they create wealth indirectly, by helping to keep the (S+D) addend in the
low (insofar as X amount of it has already been paid for) and thereby helping making
“transformation strategy” more broadly effective.
This used to be theory but in the development of generalized data transformation
technologies on the XML stack, we have actually seen this happen. A “technology commons”
emerged that underwrites the development of creative, effective solutions by anyone.
The small organization or operator faces a dilemma here. One is very keenly aware
one's debts to other developers (indeed one's best contributions may seem to be nothing
derivative), yet not in a position – these organizations more than any are strapped
resources – to make much of it. The approved compensation (to contribute one's own
isn't available. So what do you do?
Relax. There is nothing wrong with using a public resource: that is what it is
On the other hand, be aware that by using a standard you come to have an interest
in it.
Ultimately, to help take care of the community is only to help take care of your own.
Paradoxes of real data sets
In addition to the one just mentioned (“standards initiatives seem to undermine markets
but can also provide their long-term foundations”), there are other paradoxes we face
as we
examine the task of building and deploying customized working environments.
Most of these stem from the fact that development of these frameworks has one critical
advantage over the development of libraries, standard or community-based tag sets
interfaces, or more generalized frameworks: they can be tuned and developed to actual,
just putative or hypothetical, data sets, and to problems and challenges associated
using them. At least, representative samples of data will be easier to obtain, and
it may
also be possible to scope requirements with reference to actual not just hypothetical
(That is, an element usage that never occurs can reasonably be judged out of scope.
Why have
a rule for something you will never see.) This has all kinds of benefits for constraining
the problem set and limiting Development (as an expense), since you avoid developing
solutions to problems you do not have.
Then too, the advantage of having an actual system to care about, is that you get
care about that. If your actual users are happy, you don't have to think about your
hypothetical users (or not much). Similarly, you have access to feedback that is
unavailable, for the most part, to developers who are concerned with the more general
(This fact alone is why most generalized libraries start as spin-off projects from
meeting more local needs.) You can always ask your users, what works, what doesn't,
and what
are the actual not hypothetical needs and opportunities.
What you need to know
You need to know the difference between transformations that go “up hill” vs those
go down. Being able to make this distinction early, before D has been invested, is
to understanding how tractable a problem is at all. This distinction is best learned
example and by experience: even if certain kinds of transformations (that induce structure
or infer metadata from content, for example), are known to be harder in the general
for practitioners there is frequently an element of knowing it when you see it. When
transformation goes down, or across, there is always clear relation between the distinctions
among elements and values given in the source data, and a set of “corresponding
distinctions” among element types and controlled values in the result format. Accordingly,
going down hill it is always clear how you get from here to there – whereas in the
case, the specification of an uphill conversion, there is often a tip-off in the form
hand-waving or a “magic happens here” step. This is something one can potentially
learn to
recognize even if one does not know exactly how one accomplishes the transformation
(Indeed, being able to construct and validate such an actionable mapping from one
description to another, is an invaluable skill in and of itself, and one without which
subtlest programming prowess is useless.)
To be sure, knowing something technically about the processing model of different
transformation technologies doesn't hurt, including both W3C-XDM-based transformations
as XSLT/XQuery, and other available options, as this experience helps to inform what
of operations (in document processing) are difficult and costly, vs what sorts of
can be expected to be routine and subject to automation, refinement, and control by
The general distinction between “up” and “down” is more important than whether a process
is (to be) entirely automated, entirely “by hand” (defined in relative terms, but
generally as “requiring human attention”), or something in between. Even at the same
time as
it should be obvious that a straight-down transformation should rarely if ever be
done by
hand (except possibly as an instructive exercise for school children) – better to
learn how
to implement and execute a transformation – it is also fair to expect that at least
kinds of “uphill transformation” will always evade automatability even with AI. Looked
from one end, this is actually a good thing: there will always be work for (what we
call) “content experts”. (Indeed we should do our best to create and cultivate a market
such experts.) Looked at from the other, automatability must be a primary consideration
inasmuch as it indicates the degree to which development (D) can be applied to lower
operational costs (overall or per piece) – where the latter includes the costs of
attention to work as it goes through.
However, assuming that a system can be sufficiently well controlled (“disciplined”)
it can depend reliably on being able to transform in either direction at all, the
of twenty years ago still hold up; customized frameworks using standard or even bespoke
formats (when appropriately applied!) can demonstrate a number of significant advantages,
even at the (so-called) low end where document count will be relatively low:
There may be some cost savings in comparison to other means of doing the work –
while not necessarily dramatic.
Yet, data will come through with better quality and consistency.
There will be unanticipated opportunities for information enhancement,
application, reinvention - especially to the extent that the data is part of an
ongoing living system and not simply an artifact.
Despite these developments the information itself is stabilized and protected from
further obsolescence.
Stabilized, in this case, means:
Information is accessible long-term (formats are insulated from obsolescence) not
because we expect the technology of the future to be the same, but despite our
expectation that it will not be.
Data sets and indeed operations (processing) code are much more likely to migrate
off this particular platform and implementation and onto another - something not
necessarily valuable today, but whose value can be suddenly substantial. In other
words, to the extent we can continue to take advantage successfully of externalities
such as the availability of (standards-conforming) software and platforms (even at
cost when necessary), we are also protected from loss of value in those data sets
to "application rot" or degraded access over time (as may happen with proprietary
Likewise, because we are using not only formats but also technologies (including
code) in externally-specified, standard languages with multiple implementations in
market, we are able ipso facto to take advantage of continuing improvement and
evolution in those technologies, from which we all benefit – even without making
further investments ourselves.
We are now at a point where what was only conjectured, namely how information
description standards can underlie markets (and that therefore somehow markets could
conjured out of standards), has become a reality. In the face of the explosion of
who wish to get meaningful data into structured formats, this is a very good thing.
And by
“publishers” we must mean data producers and intermediaries of all sorts. Getting
us this
far has not happened without hard work by people whose imagination has been matched
only by
their dedication. For the most part, these people (designers, members of committees,
builders and testers and conceptualizers of prototype implementations) have gone
unrecognized, yet the impact of the work is profound, since it has provided foundations
what is to come.
What will that be? That is very hard to say, except that to point out again that the
formula, cost = (D+S)/count + ave, will apply to any
transformation undertaken by any means. The same questions apply for an XML/XSLT-based
publishing system, a web-based editing and production platform, or an outsourcing
But they will also differentiate the good systems from the bad, no matter what the
technology stack, due not to that choice alone but to exigencies of
their design:
How their cost (to build, setup and run) compares to short- and long-term value
(of transformation results);
How these costs compare to costs of alternative means to the same or comparable
Where smart investments (for example, in infrastructure and training) can help to
mitigate and control both Setup and Development costs for any/all your
How (and where) Development can also be an investment in future
Where environmental factors trump everything (by affecting operations /
All these must be considered in light of local facts and contingencies. And where
are most interesting, and problematic, is at the edges.
In the meantime, costs of designing and building such contraptions, whether on top
oXygen XML Editor, Apache Cocoon or a freeware XML/XQuery database or any of a myriad
possibilities – as demonstrated every year at Balisage – is now dropping low enough,
even small and medium-size organizations can use them to get real work done. This
makes a
difference because if the capital and expertise requirements are too great, transformation
architectures just will not be built in the commons, only within proprietary stacks.
while this in itself may not be a bad thing (the model worked for some companies for
it is vulnerable, inasmuch as any proprietary solution risks being exposed to a lower-cost
(or open source) competitor that is "good enough" – a final paradox being that the
health of
customized, proprietary and differentiating applications – including yours – depends
on the
strength of the commons.
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[1] I am aware as I write the final version that the paper tries, for all its broad sweeps
across the XML landscape, to avoid any question regarding what might be called the
parallel stack (and the elephant in the room), that is, the web stack in all its forms
especially its latest ones. However, the paper implicitly also tries to justify this
tactic by declaring its generalizations to apply to any application of technology,
broadly, if or as that application is considered as an information process (or
transformation or workflow, in/out) – which it might be. Be that as may be, this note
serves to qualify that I am fully aware that XML's development has very much occurred
within and qualified other parallel and embracing developments, as well.
[2] Needless to say this development and distribution model was faithful to the outlines
of commercial software vendors of the time: that a code base should be proprietary
was an
[4] Of course this architecture is as old as publishing inasmuch as it is found in the
triad author/editor/printer, but that is another story (and a longer one).
[5] As has been remarked (by Eric Van der Vlist among others), a simple validation is
transformation that returns a Boolean “heads / tails” answer; it gets its power or
might be called leverage (as an application of energy) when its result imputed with
semantics such as “valid” and “invalid”. Because validations can be designed to be
systematically discriminating, this becomes a useful gateway function – since one
sure way
to control costs of transformation is to control the scope or range of inputs.
[6] And note that source and target (result) will be very much relative to the framework.
For example, in Tony Graham's framework for the validation of XSL-FO (see Graham 2016), the "source" is the XSL stylesheet or XML-FO instance to be
validated – an artifact that in another context, would be a stylesheet or processing
[7] “Cost” could be considered as a form of energy or even as a measure of a scarce
resource, namely available and applicable skills.
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