Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. “Trials of the Late Roman Republic: Providing XML infrastructure on a shoe-string for
a distributed academic project.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016, Washington, DC, August 2 - 5, 2016. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 17 (2016). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol17.Sperberg-McQueen01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016 August 2 - 5, 2016
Balisage Paper: Trials of the Late Roman Republic
Providing XML infrastructure on a shoe-string for a distributed academic project
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Founder and principal
Black Mesa Technologies LLC
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is the founder and
principal of Black Mesa Technologies, a consultancy
specializing in helping memory institutions improve
the long term preservation of and access to the
information for which they are responsible.
He served as editor in chief of the TEI
Guidelines from 1988 to 2000, and has also served
as co-editor of the World Wide Web Consortium's
XML 1.0 and XML Schema 1.1
The Trials of the Late Roman Republic (TLRR) project is
building an XML database with information about criminal and
civil legal proceedings in the period 149 to 50 BC; it is a
revision of a work first published in book form in 1991.
TLRR is a SAND: a small, arcane, non-trivial dataset.
It exhibits in acute form problems also seen in other
XML projects and offers a convenient medium for
experimenting with solutions to those problems, including
partial and uncertain data, relatively heavy annotation of
data by means of notes, potential links to other resources
with information about people and other entities appearing
in TLRR, a distributed project team, and sparse resources.
The paper describes the initial translation of the data into
XML form and the stepwise refinement of the markup,
the creation of Web-based XML editing interfaces for the
data, and the treatment of uncertain data in query
Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149 BC to 50 BC [Alexander 1990] is the title of a database published in book form by the Roman legal
historian Michael C. Alexander; it is also the name of a project now underway to produce
a new
version of the database, reflecting newer scholarship and further research. For brevity,
the database and the project will be referred to simply as TLRR; the
first and second editions or versions will be distinguished as TLRR1 and
The book provides a chronological list of trials which are
known or thought to have taken place in the century indicated
by the subtitle. For each trial, the book gives (I simplify
slightly) the date of the trial, the charge or claim, the name
of the defendant, the name of the prosecutor or plaintiff, the
names of the advocates who spoke on behalf of the defendant or
plaintiff, the names of the presiding magistrate(s), jurors,
witnesses, and other individuals involved in the trial, and
the verdict.
Since nothing like modern court records survives from ancient
Rome, this information must be pieced together, sometimes
tentatively, from sources like records of the speeches given,
letters, accounts in historical sources, or chance remarks in
works devoted to other topics.
For each trial the ancient works which are
sources of our information about the trial are listed, as are
some salient recent works of secondary literature.
The first edition of TLRR was prepared for print using a
batch document formatter (Waterloo Script/GML), but the
regularity of the information structure invites the idea of
managing the material with database management system. The
initial goal of the second edition is to develop precisely
such a database; the second edition may or may not appear as a
This paper describes three of the technical challenges
faced by the project and our experiences using XML
technologies to address those challenges:
Translating the data used to typeset the first edition
into a format suitable for work on the second edition.
This in turn requires that we identify or design the
desired target format.
Providing secure distributed editing facilities.
Providing suitable query interfaces.
This is complicated by the uncertain and fragmentary
nature of the information in the database.
The project poses a few organizational challenges, which
should perhaps be described because they provide the context
for the solution of the technical problems. Like many academic
projects, TLRR has rather spotty resources: there is no
central grant funding for the project, so each participant is
self-funded. There is no money to speak of for infrastructure
or technical consulting; the technical work is being done
pro bono by the author of this paper, and the
project's web presence piggy-backs on an existing contract for
shared Web hosting, which means that ideally we want software
that can run in a shared hosting environment. (Moving to a
virtual private server is not out of the question, but would
increase Web hosting costs by about an order of
Because the work is essentially being done
on a volunteer basis, resources tend also to be intermittent:
each participant will have spells during which they can devote
a lot of time to TLRR, alternating with spells during which
they must neglect it in order to deal with other demands.
These organizational challenges constrain our technical approach. Our technical solutions
must be inexpensive in money, because the project doesn't have any money. Ideally,
they will
also be inexpensive in time, but this desideratum stands in tension with the requirement
our technical solutions must be interesting, in order to motivate the
volunteer technical labor. Since doing new things for the first time is often more
than doing again things one has done many times before, and since doing new things
tends to
expose the work to the danger of surprises and uncertain schedules, the desire that
the work
be interesting may conflict with the desire for it to be inexpensive in time as well
as in
money. There is also some potential here for a conflict of interest between the participating
historians, who just need technology that will help them do their job, and those providing
technical infrastructure, who want to learn something from the technical work.
The technical problems of TLRR may be of general interest, and TLRR is in some ways
ideal case for exploring different approaches to those technical problems. In the
introduced by Lubell 2014, TLRR is a SAND: a small, arcane, non-trivial dataset.
The data have intrinsic interest not only for specialists but (because they show interesting
causes of conflict and misbehavior in ancient Rome) to others; for specialists in
Roman legal
history, however, the data are particularly important. Several problems which are
acute for TLRR (and thus cannot easily be evaded) are also found in many other projects:
The data are incomplete.
We do not have court records for this period; the information we have is from
letters, collections of legal speeches, remarks by historians, and so on. Sometimes
know the charge and the name of the prosecutor, but not the name of the defendant.
Sometimes we know the names of two opposing parties in a civil case, but not who was
plaintiff and who was defendant. And so on.
The data are often uncertain.
Partly because the records are so incomplete, and partly because the existing
evidence can often be interpreted in multiple ways, there are varying degrees of
certainty about crucial details. Some dates (for example) can be quite precise: trial
208 took place in summer of 65 BC. Others are equally precise, though
less certain: trial 8 is dated 138?. Others will be less precise: trial
161 is dated between 74 and 70, trial 373 between 81 and
43. Some trials have a bound only at one end: before 63 (trial
219), after 98 (trial 82). Some have more complex dating information:
possibly before case #327, certainly just before case #326 (trial 325).
Still other trials cannot be dated at all.[1]
Sometimes the only thing we (believe we) know about the defendant's advocate is that
it was not Cicero (trial 212).
In consequence, much of the information in the database needs annotation and
qualification. Why do we think this trial took place at this time?
And just how certain are we about the identity of the prosecutor or the nature of
In printed material, this kind of qualification and annotation is handled with
footnotes and carefully crafted prose; relational databases don't have a promising
history when it comes to attaching footnotes to atomic values.
The TLRR database is not (and should not be) an island.
Many of the people, places, and textual sources mentioned in the database are also
of concern to other projects; there is a natural desire to be able to link from a
involving Publius Quinctius (16) to the relevant entry in a digitized form of
Pauly/Wissowa, or to the entry in the new Prosopography of the Roman Republic. When
details of a trial are based on the account offered by Tacitus in his
Annals, it would be convenient to be able to traverse directly to
the relevant passage in a good online edition of Tacitus.
Many projects have resources which feel sparse (at least to the project; from
outside, of course, things often look rosy).
The project team is geographically distributed.
No two participants in the project are in the same city, and few (two pairs of two)
are in the same country. Techniques for database management that work with a
geographically concentrated team won't work with such a dispersed team.
There is already a fully worked out presentation of data of this kind.
The goal of the technical work on TLRR is to support the information gathered by the
authors in its full complexity, without forcing simplifications for the sake of the
technology. As a rough rule, this has been taken to mean that the representation we
choose for the second edition should be able to represent the first edition as well,
without requiring any changes in structure or approach. If in the first edition it
found necessary to provide annotation recording the rationale for a given datum, then
the second edition should be free to provide similar rationales (or to retain those
the first edition). The design must not force a simplification of
the structure, or suppress any relevant information.[2]
At the same time, TLRR has an ideal size: the database is large enough and
complex enough that database queries will be more helpful than scanning the entire
book each
time one wants to find something, but small enough (400 trials, 700 named individuals
in the
first edition) that if a useful step cannot be fully automated, it can be done by
hand in a
matter of hours and days, not months or years.
Translation into desired format
Before work on the electronic second edition can start, the
data used to typeset the first edition must be translated into
a format suitable for work on the second edition. This
requires that the target format be defined, which in turn
requires a careful analysis of the information structure, and
a choice of underlying technology (e.g. relational dbms vs XML
database). These questions are all deeply intertwingled.
The analysis of information structure might in theory
be independent of technology. But in order to specify a
target format concretely, it seems in practice to be necessary to have
chosen the technology to be used.[3]
Choice of technology
We use XML for reasons which will not surprise attendees
at Balisage: device- and application-independence,
reusability, longevity of data. Our document grammars
will be
specified in DTD, Relax NG, and XSD.
We use XSLT for the
initial translation into XML, XSLT and XQuery for most
data-manipulation tasks. We use XForms for our editing
interfaces. And we provide public access to TLRR1 and
project-only access to the in-progress version of TLRR2
using an XForms-based search interface, an XQuery back end,
and XSLT stylesheets to style the results.
Other technologies could (at least in principle) be used.
The first edition was done with a batch formatter; batch
formatters still exist. Waterloo Script might be hard to run
today, but TeX and LaTeX still produce many pages every
year. A more modern equivalent to a batch formatter, though,
would be to prepare the book in a word processor.
Unfortunately, the search possibilities of word-processor
data tend to be limited, unless the authors are
supernaturally disciplined in the use of stylesheets. Many
projects over the years have attempted to use descriptive
markup by means of styles in word processors; many more have
tried this approach than have succeeded in making it work.
(It's possible that the number of successes is greater than
zero, but I have no evidence for that proposition.) Also,
word processor files don't lend themselves very well to
distributed work (although cloud-based systems like Google
Docs apparently allow much better distributed authorship
than desktop word processors). And neither batch formatters
nor more modern word processors have good facilities for the
kind of consistency checking needed for a project like this.
All in all, neither batch formatters nor word processors
seem to be a good solution for this project.
Some group-authorship projects develop their documents
using wikis. Wikis have the advantage that they are built
for distributed authorship, and wiki software generally
comes with well tested tools for reviewing the history of
changes and reverting changes made in error. Many people
also believe that wiki markup is less intimidating than XML,
easier to learn, and easier to use. (Attendees at Balisage
may be inclined to doubt these claims,[4] but that wiki
markup is less intimidating to some people can
hardly be doubted.)
And wikis are so well established that if a distributed
project can agree on conventions for important classes of
information (in the case of TLRR, that would include
marking the boundaries of fields and so on), using a wiki
can reduce training and development costs a great deal.
As it turns out, however, not a single person in the
TLRR2 project other than the current author admits to any
famiiliarity at all with wikis, or with the use
of wiki markup. Wikis remain a fallback to be considered if
we cannot get the XML infrastructure to a sufficiently
complete state in a reasonable amount of time, but we have
chosen to prefer XML over wikis for our work.
The most serious alternative to XML for this project is a
relational database. These are ubiquitous and very well
tested. They have very good support for consistency
checking, for distributed work, and for arbitrarily complex
and subtle query and retrieval. But they have poor support
for partial and uncertain data (not much worse than anything
else, of course, but relational technology is not in itself
helpful with these problems) and very poor support for
structurally complex (i.e. irregular) data.
A simple sketch of a relational model for TLRR produces
five distinct tables for entities (for trials, persons,
causes of action, ancient sources, and modern secondary
Figure 1
To this, we will need to add ten or so tables recording relationships
among the entities (Person is-defendant-in Trial; Person
is-prosecutor-or-plaintiff-in Trial; etc.).
Figure 2
The multiplication of tables has an inconvenient
consequence: every query
that seeks to retrieve all the trials that have some
particular property turns out to involve a fifteen-way join.
This may or may not lead to performance issues, but it is
certain to make the queries more complicated to write and
read. Of course, named views can be used to hide the
complexity. But if we define a view involving a fifteen-way
join, and seek our trials in that view, the result does not
have one result per trial; if the trial has two possible
dates, and two possible identifications for the defendant
(as for trial 188), we will end up with four rows from the
view table, with each possible combination of defendant
identity and date. If there are two prosecutors, two
witnesses, two laudatores and two possible
outcomes, the result of our query will contain sixteen rows
for this trial. And none of these rows will actually contain
everything we wish to know about the trial (the names of
both prosecutors, both witnesses, and both
laudatores, and both possible reconstructions
of the outcome. In order to avoid this multiplication of
partial records, we could first find the trial(s) we wish to
examine, and then for each trial retrieve the date
information, then the charge information, then the defendant
information, and so on. In that case, we will be able to
avoid getting sixteen records for trial 186. The price we
pay for this is that we end up making ten queries, each
against a three-way join describing a relationship between
two entities. Neither of these approaches seems very
Other problems arise in designing a format for the data.
In display, each field is labeled; usually the
label is the name of the field, but sometimes it varies:
prosecutor when there is one, prosecutors when
there are two or more. The presiding magistrate may be
labeled judge, praetor, urban
praetor, peregrine
praetor, iudex
quaestionis, etc., etc.
Some but not all advocates are known to have
spoken for the defendant; others for the plaintiff. Sometimes,
we don't know for whom they spoke.
The date value (as already illustrated) is not
always a year, nor a year range.
Every field may have one or more end-notes.
None of these problems is insoluble, and none is peculiar to a
relational design (they are all also problems for an XML
design) but all seem (at least to this author) to be more
easily soluble in XML than in SQL.
Up-translation and the hermeneutic circle
In the first edition, a sample trial (trial 1) looks like this:
Figure 3
As can be seen, each type of information (each
field, if we allow ourselves to use
the world field a bit loosely)
begins on a line of its own, with a label and a colon.
Footnotes point to supporting evidence for some values.
Each named individual is identified by name, followed by a
number in parentheses, which indicates the number of the
individual's article in Pauly/Wissowa 1894-1980.[6]
The (58) after the name of Servius Sulpicius Galba,
for example, indicates that his is the fifty-eighth
sub-entry in RE under
Sulpicius; the numbers thus provide
a convenient ways of distinguishing different people with
the same name. In addition, for members of the senatorial class
the date at which they were consul is given (or, if they did not
become consul, the date of the highest office they attained
is given); in addition, if they held office in the year of the trial,
that office is given (as here for Lucius Scribonius Libo, who
was tribune of the people during the year 149).
The first edition of TLRR was prepared using Waterloo Script/GML,
a batch formatter widely available on IBM mainframes
installed in North American academic settings.[7]
In the Waterloo Script source, the first trial looks like this:
.sr ZAA = &chapter
.hi +2
date: 149
:EN.On the date see Cic%
.ix 1 "&'italic('quaestio extraordinaria')" . &ZAA
:hp1.quaestio extraordinaria:ehp1.
:EN.See Douglas, :hp1.Brutus:ehp1. p. 77.
(misconduct as gov. Lusitania 150)
.ix 2 'Sulpicius (^>58), Ser. Galba' . &ZAA
defendant: Ser. Sulpicius Galba (^>58) cos. 144 spoke
:hp1.pro se:ehp1.
(:hp1.ORF:ehp1. 19.II, III)
.ix 3 'Fulvius (^>95), Q. Nobilior' . &ZAA
advocate: Q. Fulvius Nobilior (^>95) cos. 153, cens. 136
.ix 4 'Cornelius (^>91), L. Cethegus' . &ZAA
.in +2
L. Cornelius Cethegus (^>91)
.ix 4 'Porcius (^>^>9), M. Cato' . &ZAA
M. Porcius Cato (^>^>9) cos. 195, cens. 184 (:hp1.ORF:ehp1. 8.LI)
.ix 4 'Scribonius (^>18), L. Libo' . &ZAA
L. Scribonius Libo (^>18) tr. pl. 149
outcome: proposal defeated
.hi off
.sk 1
:hp1.Div% Caec%:ehp1.
:hp1.de Orat%:ehp1.
1.40, 227-28; 2.263;
80, 89;
Liv% 39.40.12;
:hp1.Per. Oxy%:ehp1.
Quint. :hp1.Inst.:ehp1. 2.15.8;
:hp1.Cat. Mai%:ehp1.
1. p. 172 (56N);
Gel. 1.12.17, 13.25.15; see also V. Max. 8.1. abs. 2;
[Asc.] 203St;
:hp1.Vir. Ill%:ehp1.
Ferguson (1921); see also Buckland (1937);
Richardson (1987) 2 n. 12
For those who have never worked with Waterloo Script or
any similar batch formatter, a partial glossary may be in order:
.chapter =
Start a new chapter (user-defined command)
.sr ZAA = &chapter =
Set the reference ZAA to refer to the current chapter number.
.br = line break
.hi +2 = start a hanging indent of 2 characters
date: 149 (actual text)
:EN.On the date see Cic%
:eEN = end-note, with the contents indicated [here % = .;
a literal full stop cannot be used here because it is GML's default tag-close delimiter]
:hp1.Att%:ehp1. = highlighed phrase [again % = .]
.ix 1 "&'italic('quaestio extraordinaria')" . &ZAA =
Add an entry to index number 1, under the heading
quaestio extraordinaria, pointing (by number) to trial ZAA
.ix 2 'Sulpicius (^>58), Ser. Galba' . &ZAA = Ditto,
for index 2 and the entry Sulpicius (58), Ser. Galba
[^ = one-en space, > = backspace]
.hi off = turn hanging indent off
.sk 1 = skip one line
:ENDNOTES = Put the accumulated end-notes here
Finding a suitable representation of this material for database query and retrieval,
and for work on TLRR2, requires a more or less standard process of document analysis,
in which we try to identify the information present at a level more abstract than
what characters are in bold or italic and what strings go into which indexes,
the different forms information of each kind can take, and what rules might be
able to distinguish correctly entered information from nonsense.
With a view towards the expected uses of the data, the technical work on the TLRR
has devoted particular attention to questions of display (at a minimum, we should
able to recreate the formatting of the first edition in its essentials),
query (on which see below), and the connection of the information to
other resources (for later hyperlinking).
At this point, however, we encounter a chicken-and-egg problem.
To design the target XML format, so that we can create a database,
we need to understand the data and know what's actually present,
in what form(s). To discover what is present, we need to be able to search
it effectively (TLRR provides many illustrations of the principle that one
must know the data).
String search goes only so far in a format like that of TLRR1.
To search the data, we need to translate it into XML so that we can load
it into an XML database. To translate the data into XML,
we need to design a target XML format.
This chicken-and-egg problem is easily recognized as a
computational form of the hermeneutic circle, and we solve it
in an analogue of the time-honored way: we make a few assumptions
which seem sound, and see where they lead us; based on what we
learn, we revise and expand our assumptions and repeat the process.
Concretely, the first step towards the XML form of TLRR2 is a
direct one-to-one translation of the Waterloo Script input to
XML equivalents.
<trial id="ZAA">
<?WScript .sr ZAA = &chapter?>
<?WScript .hi +2?>
date: 149<en>On the date see Cic.
<hp1>Att.</hp1> 12.5b.</en>
<ix n="1" target="ZAA"><ital>quaestio extraordinaria</ital></ix>
charge: <hp1>quaestio extraordinaria</hp1>
(proposed)<en>See Douglas, <hp1>Brutus</hp1> p. 77.</en>
(misconduct as gov. Lusitania 150)
<ix n="2" target="ZAA">Sulpicius (+58), Ser. Galba</ix>
defendant: Ser. Sulpicius Galba (58) cos. 144 spoke
<hp1>pro se</hp1> (<hp1>ORF</hp1> 19.II, III)
<ix n="3" target="ZAA">Fulvius (+95), Q. Nobilior</ix>
advocate: Q. Fulvius Nobilior (95) cos. 153, cens. 136
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Cornelius (+91), L. Cethegus</ix>
<?WScript .in +2?>
L. Cornelius Cethegus (91)
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Porcius (++9), M. Cato</ix>
M. Porcius Cato (9) cos. 195, cens. 184 (<hp1>ORF</hp1> 8.LI)
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Scribonius (+18), L. Libo</ix>
L. Scribonius Libo (18) tr. pl. 149
<?WScript .in?>
outcome: proposal defeated
<?WScript .hi off?>
<?WScript .sk 1?>
Cic. <hp1>Div. Caec.</hp1> 66;
<hp1>Mur.</hp1> 59;
<hp1>de Orat.</hp1> 1.40, 227-28; 2.263;
<hp1>Brut.</hp1> 80, 89;
<hp1>Att.</hp1> 12.5b;
Liv. 39.40.12;
<hp1>Per.</hp1> 49;
<hp1>Per. Oxy.</hp1> 49;
Quint. <hp1>Inst.</hp1> 2.15.8;
Plut. <hp1>Cat. Mai.</hp1> 15.5;
Tac. <hp1>Ann.</hp1> 3.66;
App. <hp1>Hisp.</hp1> 60;
Fro. <hp1>Aur.</hp1> 1. p. 172 (56N);
Gel. 1.12.17, 13.25.15;
see also V. Max. 8.1. abs. 2;
[Asc.] 203St;
<hp1>Vir. Ill.</hp1> 47.7
Ferguson (1921); see also Buckland (1937);
Richardson (1987) 2 n. 12
<?WScript .sk?>
In this XML form, each GML tag from the Waterlook Script GML gdoc
vocabulary has been translated into an equivalent XML tag. The simplest and most common
Script instructions (.br for a forced line break and .ix for an
index entry) have been represented by new XML elements named br and
ix, respectively. The formatting function &'italic() has
been translated into an ital element. Other Waterloo Script instructions have
been represented by processing instructions labeled WScript. (In the ideal case, the
processing instructions should not be needed and can be filtered out, but until it
has been
established that all the important information has been captured in XML elements and
attributes, they should be kept around, in case they turn out to convey critical
information, e.g. about element boundaries.)
This print-oriented XML format is not in itself very
useful, but it allows XML tools to be applied: in particular,
XPath, XQuery, and XSLT. Using a simple XSLT stylesheet it's
possible to replicate the basic formatting of the printed
TLRR1; the success of this effort helps to make plausible
the proposition that the translation into XML has not lost
any essential information. And using an interactive XQuery
interface it's possible to query the data to find patterns
and check our understanding of the patterns.
On the basis of that understanding, we can begin
the design of an XML vocabulary.
The vocabulary design(s)
The development of the TLRR vocabulary is an iterative
process. Starting from a given XML form, we examine the data
looking for useful patterns visible in the data but not well
captured by the markup. Given a potential pattern, we look
for instantiations of the pattern and for counter-examples.
Once a pattern is reasonably well understood, an XML
representation for the pattern is designed and an XSLT
stylesheet is written to translate from the previous XML
form to the new XML representation.
Concretely, there have been several XML forms so
far; we believe we are nearing an acceptable form, but at
the time this paper was written, we had not yet arrived
at that destination. The stages of stepwise refinement
thus far visited are:
The gdoc XML
form, that is the direct translation from
Waterloo Script + GML into XML shown above.
A fielded XML form,
in which each labeled field in the input is enclosed in an
XML element, as are the lists of ancient sources and
of modern secondary literature.
This format (shown below) already makes possible
more interesting query interfaces and displays.
A named-entity form,
in which all people and causes of action (charges,
claims, legal proceedings) in the database are identified
and represented in stand-alone XML documents with unique
identifiers, and all references to them from trials are
recognized and tagged as such. Since the references retain
their full content in this form, this form has a good deal
of redundancy. In fact it has even more redundancy than the original,
since we have added the additional stand-alone representations
of people and procedures.
A normalized form,
in which references to people and causes of action
are reduced to their essential information, normally the
unique identifier of the entity. In cases where the
reference differs from the usual form, the historians in
the project will need to decide whether the reference is an error
or a context-dependent variation that is not an error.
Context-dependent variation can be handled by making
the reference be either empty (in which case the form of
reference is to be taken from the stand-alone document)
or non-empty (in which case the content of the reference
is taken to be a context-dependent variant of the usual
A form in which the fields which can contain lists of names are
given markup that reflects the list structure.
Still to come at this writing, but expected to be in the past
by the time of Balisage, are two further forms:
A form in which the date field is
more highly structured than at present.
In TLRR1, any field whose information takes an
unusual form can and does resort to English prose to
describe the situation. This complicates both the
editing of fields and the construction of a query
interface. The goal of this form will be to represent
the usual case with relatively structured XML elements,
while still allowing unusual cases, which will be tagged
differently, to allow special treatment in editors and
The fielded form
The first step past the gdoc version of the data
in XML form is to recognize all field labels; because labels
vary a good deal (singular, plural; different Latin terms
for the role played, case-specific descriptions), this took
several passes to get right. In the simple case, a simple
regular-expression search in a text node will find the
label. The first version of the stylesheet recognized all
field labels spelled with a single word in Roman type, the
most common italicized labels of a single word, and the most
common multi-word labels; later versions added one by one to
the collection of labels recognized.
Labels containing a mixture of roman and italic type
required particular attention. In the end, it proved
possible to look for yet-unrecognized labels by searching
for text nodes which contained colons and which were not
descendants of the en (end-note) element. This
search uncovered the use of the labels witnesses (in
first actio) and witnesses (to be heard
in second actio) in trial 177.
In the course of this work, it became clear that in many
trials, the sequence of fields given did not agree with the
sequence described in the introduction to TLRR1. There, the
list of fields gives the order date, charge or claim,
defendant, advocates, prosecutor or plaintiff, presiding
magistrate, jurors, witnesses, ... But in some trials, an
advocate may be listed after, not before, the plaintiff; in
some, a witness may be listed before the plaintiff. Upon
inspection, it proved that TLRR1 places closely related
fields together, to create larger (implicit) groups of
fields. In particular,
advocates and
witnesses who appear specifically for the defendant
are grouped with the
defendant; if the plaintiff also has an advocate, it will be
listed after the plaintiff, not before. (Prosecutors in
criminal cases apparently never have advocates in this
material, only plaintiffs in civil cases.)
The implicit groupings of TLRR1 have been made
explicit in the fielded XML by introducing the elements
ppGrp, and analogous grouping
elements for other fields.
Since fields are marked in the input only at the
beginning of the field and end when the next field begins,
the XSLT 2.0 for-each-group construct proved very
helpful here. In a first step, milestone elements were
injected into the trial record to mark the beginnings of
fields; in a second step, the material in a trial was
grouped by milestone elements and the groups were tagged as
fields. In a third step, sequences of related fields were
grouped at a higher level; elements defGrp and
ppGrp (defendant's group and plaintiff or
prosecutor's group) were introduced to group all the members
of an identifiable party in the case.
The indexing instructions (retained until the tagging
has been further refined) proved to be a remarkable
complication, since they often but not always precede
rather than follow the label for the field to which they
logically belong, and they clutter the XML.
The stylesheet is available for inspection on the
project's web site; the fielded data which
is the output of this pass on trial 1 is as follows.
<trial id="ZAA" tlrr1="1" sortdate="">
<date>149<en>On the date see Cic. <i>Att.</i> 12.5b.</en>
<ix n="1" target="ZAA"><i>quaestio extraordinaria</i></ix>
<charge><i>quaestio extraordinaria</i>
(proposed)<en>See Douglas, <i>Brutus</i> p. 77.</en>
(misconduct as gov. Lusitania 150)
<ix n="2" target="ZAA">Sulpicius (+58), Ser. Galba</ix>
<defendant>Ser. Sulpicius Galba (58) cos. 144 spoke
<i>pro se</i> (<i>ORF</i> 19.II, III)
<ix n="3" target="ZAA">Fulvius (+95), Q. Nobilior</ix>
<advocate>Q. Fulvius Nobilior (95) cos. 153, cens. 136
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Cornelius (+91), L. Cethegus</ix>
<prosecutor label="prosecutors">L. Cornelius Cethegus (91)
<br/><ix n="4" target="ZAA">Porcius (++9), M. Cato</ix>
M. Porcius Cato (9) cos. 195, cens. 184 (<i>ORF</i> 8.LI)
<br/><ix n="4" target="ZAA">Scribonius (+18), L. Libo</ix>
L. Scribonius Libo (18) tr. pl. 149
<outcome>proposal defeated</outcome>
Cic. <i>Div. Caec.</i> 66;
<i>Mur.</i> 59;
<i>de Orat.</i> 1.40, 227-28; 2.263;
<i>Brut.</i> 80, 89;
<i>Att.</i> 12.5b;
Liv. 39.40.12;
<i>Per.</i> 49;
<i>Per. Oxy.</i> 49;
Quint. <i>Inst.</i> 2.15.8;
Plut. <i>Cat. Mai.</i> 15.5;
Tac. <i>Ann.</i> 3.66;
App. <i>Hisp.</i> 60;
Fro. <i>Aur.</i> 1. p. 172 (56N);
Gel. 1.12.17, 13.25.15;
see also V. Max. 8.1. abs. 2;
[Asc.] 203St;
<i>Vir. Ill.</i> 47.7
Ferguson (1921); see also Buckland (1937);
Richardson (1987) 2 n. 12
The presence of explicitly marked fields in this
form makes possible simple field-limited searches like
find Sulpicius Galba as a defendant. It
also makes it possible for a query interface to
accept multiple search words and give priority to
results in which all search words are found within
the same field, over records in which one search
term is found in one field, and another in a different
field. In the query interface shown below, the
fields are also color-coded; this may help experienced
users focus more quickly on the part of the record
they are most interested in at the moment, but its
initial motivation was just making it easier to check
whether the field boundaries produced by the
XSLT transformation described above had produced
the correct results or not.
Figure 4
Recognizing people and procedures
The next step is to prepare for normalizing the data by
recognizing and tagging all references to persons and all
references to legal charges, claims, laws, particular
courts, or special legal procedures (all given, depending
on the case, in the field normally labeled charge
or claim, and grouped togther by the index in TLRR1
under the umbrella term
In unrestricted prose text (or even in prose with
highly conventional idioms like Wall-Street-Journal stories),
named-entity recognition is a very challenging undertaking.
It should be less daunting here,
since the input contains indexing instructions
for persons and procedures. The ix elements
tell us what named entities have already been registered
here; all we have to do is find them in a the text.
We can search the relevant fields
for occurrences of the character string in question and
tag it as a person or a procedure.
The first wrinkle here is that the text uses
the conventional order for the parts of a name:
praenomen, nomen,
cognomen (e.g. Q. Fulvius Nobilior (95)),
but the index uses an inverted order
(Fulvius (+95), Q. Nobilior)
in order to obtain the desired alphabetical sequence of names.
But it is straightforward to read the index instruction,
identify the parts of the name, reorder them, and
look for the resulting character string in the data.
At least, that is, for men of the upper classes, with
conventional names. There prove to be a number of
exceptions to the rule that every Roman has
a nomen and praenomen
and that almost every Roman has a cognomen,
and the name parsing routines must be adjusted to account
for them.
After a first round of named-entity recognition,
trial 1 is marked up as follows:
<trial id="ZAA" tlrr1="1" sortdate="-0149">
<date>149<en>On the date see Cic. <i>Att.</i> 12.5b.</en>
<ix n="1" target="ZAA"><i>quaestio extraordinaria</i></ix>
<i><procedure pid="c-quaestio_extraordinaria" lang="lat"
>quaestio extraordinaria</procedure></i>
(proposed)<en>See Douglas, <i>Brutus</i> p. 77.</en>
(misconduct as gov. Lusitania 150)
<ix n="2" target="ZAA">Sulpicius (+58), Ser. Galba</ix>
<person pid="pSulpicius58Ser.Galba"
ix="Sulpicius (+58), Ser. Galba"
>Ser. Sulpicius Galba (58)</person> cos. 144
spoke <i>pro se</i> (<i>ORF</i> 19.II, III)
<ix n="3" target="ZAA">Fulvius (+95), Q. Nobilior</ix>
<person pid="pFulvius95Q.Nobilior"
ix="Fulvius (+95), Q. Nobilior"
>Q. Fulvius Nobilior (95)</person> cos. 153, cens. 136
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Cornelius (+91), L. Cethegus</ix>
<prosecutor label="prosecutors">
<person pid="pCornelius91L.Cethegus"
ix="Cornelius (+91), L. Cethegus"
>L. Cornelius Cethegus (91)</person>
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Porcius (++9), M. Cato</ix>
<person pid="pPorcius9M.Cato" ix="Porcius (++9), M. Cato"
>M. Porcius Cato (9)</person> cos. 195, cens. 184
(<i>ORF</i> 8.LI)
<ix n="4" target="ZAA">Scribonius (+18), L. Libo</ix>
<person pid="pScribonius18L.Libo" ix="Scribonius (+18), L. Libo"
>L. Scribonius Libo (18)</person> tr. pl. 149
<outcome>proposal defeated</outcome>
Cic. <i>Div. Caec.</i> 66;
<i>Mur.</i> 59;
<i>de Orat.</i> 1.40, 227-28; 2.263;
<i>Brut.</i> 80, 89;
<i>Att.</i> 12.5b;
Liv. 39.40.12;
<i>Per.</i> 49;
<i>Per. Oxy.</i> 49;
Quint. <i>Inst.</i> 2.15.8;
Plut. <i>Cat. Mai.</i> 15.5;
Tac. <i>Ann.</i> 3.66;
App. <i>Hisp.</i> 60;
Fro. <i>Aur.</i> 1. p. 172 (56N);
Gel. 1.12.17, 13.25.15;
see also V. Max. 8.1. abs. 2;
[Asc.] 203St;
<i>Vir. Ill.</i> 47.7
Ferguson (1921);
see also Buckland (1937);
Richardson (1987) 2 n. 12
<change date="2016-02-13T19:18:15.929-07:00"
>extract this entry from entity-tagged version of TLRR1</change>
The second wrinkle (not visible in the example shown)
is that in a surprising number of cases (surprising to the
programmer, at least) the string search fails to locate
the appearance in the text of the person or procedure
named in the index entry. Analysis of some cases (aided
by a simple search for all records containing an
unmatched-index-entries element) shows
a variety of causes.
Trials may involve individuals not mentioned in
RE. In trial 372, for example, the index
entry whose string value is Octavius (not in RE)
is not found in any single text node, because the name
is marked up as Octavius (not in
In many criminal cases, it's clear that the charge
was electoral corruption (ambitus),
but there may be some uncertainty as to whether the
charge was laid under the lex Cornelia de ambitu,
the lex Servilia de ambitu, the
lex Calpurnia de ambitu, etc.
In other cases, the specific law is known.
When the specific law under which the charge was brought
is identifiable from the sources,
TLRR1 provides index entries both for the specific
law and for the general concept
of ambitus. The nominative form
ambitus found in the index entry does not
occur in the names of laws (where it is inflected as the
object of the preposition de), so the
string search fails.
The same issue arises for several other common
When the precise law appealed to is uncertain,
the text often indicates it with a question mark; the index
entry lex Cornelia de aleatoribus,
for example,
corresponds to
the textual entry lex Cornelia? de aleatoribus;
the question mark in the text defeats a straightforward
string search.
Sometimes the textual entry gives two RE
numbers, not just one. In Trial 369, the person indexed as
Cornelius (194), L. Lentulus is referred to in the
text as L. Cornelius Lentulus (194,
cf. 195).
The relation between the text form of a name
and the index form is sometimes complicated, and the
algorithm generates the wrong form to search for. In
trial 150, the person indexed as Staienus (1), C.
Aelius Paetus is not named in the text as C.
Staienus (1) Aelius Paetus (as the normal parsing
algorithm would expect) but as C. Aelius Paetus
Staienus (Staienus [1]). It is currently unclear
whether this reflects a more subtle but still
algorithmic pattern or whether this and other cases are
simply exceptions that need to be handled
When ancient sources identify a person using
two name forms, TLRR1 typically indexes both; in trial
376, the text refers to Cn. Decidius (or Decius?), Samnis (1),
who is indexed under both possible forms of name
(Decidius (1), Cn. Samnis,
Decius (1), Cn. Samnis); neither
index form appears literally in the text.
In a few cases, the index form does appear
literally in the text, but is interrupted by a footnote.
In trial 318, for example, Titus Fadius is indexed as
Fadius (9), T. and the text's reference to him
<defendant>T. Fadius<en>His
<i>cognomen</i> is probably not ‘Gallus’;
see Shackleton Bailey (1962)
and <i>Studies</i> 38,
and <i>MRR</i> Suppl. 89.
(9) tr. pl. 57<en>Shackleton Bailey,
<i>CLF</i> 1.350 suggests that
he became aedile and/or praetor
At the current writing, names and procedures
presenting the problems just listed have not yet been
successfully recognized and tagged. (In the case
of generic procedures like ambitus, it's
not yet clear whether they should be, or whether the
additional index entry for ambitus should
be handled by information in the procedure records for
the individual laws in question.) It should be possible to
recognize them by moving beyond a string
search in a single text node to a more complicated but
also more powerful matching method loosely based on
Brzozowski derivatives, which uses a recursive function
which keeps track of what has been matched and what
remains to be matched and which can skip over footnotes,
question marks, and start- and end-tags for italics.
That should handle many, though not all, of the cases
thus far identified.
The next step foreseen (not yet performed) is to
normalize the data further. As can be seen in the examples
given so far, references to persons normally are
accompanied by information about the offices they held
(either at the peak of their political career or at the
time of the trial). Specifying twice that Servius
Sulpicius Galba served as consul in 144 is an unnecessary
redundancy; normal database design would seek to reduce
that redundancy by recording it just once, in a record
devoted to the individual, and then referring to that
record from both trials (1 and 10) in which he
In the current design of the database, the
person record for Ser. Sulpicius Galba
should look like this:
<person id="pSulpicius58Ser.Galba">
<indexform>Sulpicius (+58), Ser. Galba</indexform>
<textform>Ser. Sulpicius Galba (58)</textform>
<offices>cos. 144</offices>
<change date="2016-02-13T18:48:41.296-07:00"
>extract this entry from entity-tagged version of TLRR1</change>
<change date="2016-02-13T17:12:06.567-07:00"
>analyse name parts using pattern re-person in tlrr.ner.xsl</change>
(In the current state of the database, it should be noted,
the offices element is empty, because the
redundancies have not yet been successfully removed.)
Similarly simple stand-alone records will be provided
for procedures (charges, claims, and laws), courts
(e.g. the quaestio extraordinaria shown
in the examples above)[9], ancient sources,
and modern (secondary) sources.
The result is that the overall design of the XML database
will resemble that shown in the figure used above to
illustrate a potential relational model for the material. It
does not currently appear that the six-way join made
necessary by this normalization will pose performance issues
on so small a database; it remains to be seen how badly it
will complicate the construction of queries.
It might prove more convenient to embrace the redundancy
shown (subject to some revision of the markup structures, as
described below) and control it by making it easy, when
consulting the record for an individual person, law, court,
etc., to see exactly the terms in which it is referred to
from records for trials; this should make it easier to keep
all references consistent, while still allowing queries for
trials to return trial elements without having to
transform them by expanding the references to persons,
courts, etc.
Editing interface(s)
One of TLRR's key points of interest for practitioners of
XML technology is that it allows the direct comparison of
several different approaches to the distributed collaborative
editing of XML documents. The consistent structure of trial
records in the database make a forms-based approach to editing
(not at all unusual for relational databases) an obvious
choice. An obvious candidate for the implementation of that
interface (particularly given the requirement for distributed
editing, which in practice means Web-based editing) is XForms.
The current plan for TLRR is to use XForms to make it
possible for the historians in the project to edit records in
the database. The shared hosting environment within which we
operate offers Subversion repositories as a standard feature
and allows Subversion to be configured to accept requests
using a WebDAV (Web distributed authoring and versioning)
interface, notably including PUT requests, which
are straightforward to make from XForms. (The situation varies
from server to server, of course, but software which supports
WebDAV appears to be one of the most straightforward ways of
making a Web server accept PUT requests.)
The current form of the editor for trials shows all
of the existing data in the trial in read-only form, with
buttons for editing an existing field or for adding a
field not yet present.[10]
Figure 5: XForm for trials
XForms can readily handle many of the obvious constraints
in the normalized design of the database. At a first
approximation, these include:
The date element can take
any of several forms: a simple date, a terminus
ante quem (before X), a terminus
a quo (after Y), a date range. Dates may be
uncertain (e.g. marked with a ?), and about
one date in four will have a footnote.
The charge or claim element
should contain a reference to a procedure record,
possibly accompanied by an end-note.
The defendant, prosecutor /
plaintiff, advocate, judge,
juror, and witness elements should contain
one or more references to persons.
The lists of ancient sources and modern
scholarly literature should consist of a series of references
to known sources.
XForms can easily allow selection from controlled
lists of values (e.g. names of courts for which the database
has a court record, names of persons for which
we have a person record, ...). This reduces
the need to retype names and references, and helps
reduce the incidence of typographic error. XForms can
also exploit various inter-element dependencies (in
a criminal case, with a prosecutor, any
advocate will have spoken for the defense; the prosecutor
serves as his own advocate).
But there are of course complications. Dates can take a
bewildering variety of forms. As the examples above show,
references to individuals may have additional case-specific
information. (Trial 1 has simple unadorned references to the
advocate Quintus Fulvius Nobilior and the prosecutor Lucius
Cornelius Cethegus. But the reference to the defendant is
accompanied by the notation spoke pro se
(ORF 19.II, III), which tells us that
Sulpicius spoke on his own behalf and that at least parts of
his speech are preserved and have been published in the
collection Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta
(Fragments of Roman orators); the prosecutor M.
Porcius Cato has a similar notation. And the prosecutor L.
Scribonius Libo is noted to have served in a specific legal role
(promulgator) in this case.
So a simple pull-down menu from which the user can choose the name of a known person
not suffice for TLRR2. And in any case, a simple pull-down menu with 700 entries may
not be as
helpful as one would wish.
And as has been mentioned, any field in the database may need annotation; in markup
the element en can appear pretty much anywhere, sometimes multiple times in a
field, when it is clearly attached to a particular portion of the value for the field
and not
necessarily to the value as a whole.
The presence of additional information and notes is not a
problem from the XML point of view. We can say simply that the
values of TLRR fields are prose, and prose is easily represented
by mixed content in XML. Retrieval will be aided by allowing
specialized markup like person and procedure
in the mixed content, but not much more need be done, surely.
The major complication here is that there is no simple,
obvious, and completely satisfactory way of dealing with mixed
content in XForms. Content models of elements allowed in mixed
content are often recursive; XForms provides no standard
recursive structures. Conventional editing interfaces for mixed
content make sub-elements flow with the character data;
XForms generally treats any text-entry widget as a block
for layout purposes. The structure of mixed content tends to
vary a great deal from element instance to element instance;
XForms (like relational database tables) is easiest to use when
structures are simple and regular.
We are experimenting with several ways of addressing these
First, while XForms does not have standard recursive
patterns for dealing with recursive data, it does support
iteration over a node set specified using XPath. And the XPath
descendant axis is essentially the transitive
closure over the (recursive) child axis. So while
we cannot conveniently say in standard XForms display the
children of the defendant element, and for children
of defendant apply this same pattern recursively,
we can say something that comes close to the same
thing, namely display all descendants of the
defendant element, using this pattern. If we
prefix each node with a label indicating its depth in the tree
(the count of its ancestors), we can make the tree structure
of the field visible. Within limits, that is: as the reader
can perceive,
in the current implementation
the varying length of the labels does not
produce varying indentation of the actual text widgets, and
the document-order presentation of all descendants gives us no
hook for marking the ends of elements. So while
the beginnings of the i, procedure, and
en elements are clearly marked, it is not visually
obvious where they end.
Figure 6
In this form, the XForms label for a text node is
calculated as shown below; this illustrates the method
used for varying the label with the element's depth in the
A different approach to the absence of recursion in
standard XForms would be to use the (not yet standard)
subforms mechanism for recursion. Subforms are common
in existing browser-based XForms implementations, because
they help keep the forms lighter-weight and improve
response time and memory usage. Since they are loaded
dynamically, and may be loaded at more than one location
in the parent form at the same time, the IDs on elements
in the subform must be adjusted at load time.
A subform for an element which displays editable
widgets for the element's text-node children, and
provides buttons for each child element which cause
the same subform to be loaded again, recursively,
for the child element, may produce a more plausible
indentation-based display of the XML document's tree
structure. On the negative side, it may require more clicking
to open subforms than users will be happy with.
A third approach, again non-standard but widely supported
by existing implementations, is to use a rich-text
editor as an XForms widget, to provide an interface
for editing mixed content. All of the existing widgets for
this purpose known to the author started life as in-browser
HTML editors, and it is in most cases not immediately obvious
from the documentation how to adjust them so that instead of
allowing children named b, i, ul,
and ol they should allow children named
procedure, title, en, and so on.
A fourth option would be to use a simple text widget,
with wiki-style markup for sub-elements. An early prototype
of this approach shows the basic idea.
Figure 7
Here, [[ ... ]] marks end-notes,
(^ ... ^) marks references to secondary literature,
(* ... *) marks all italics (both book titles and Latin
legal terms),
(+ ... +) marks references to persons, and so on.
One advantage of such a wiki-style text widget over
a real wiki is that the markup it
uses is not tied to that of any existing wiki product
and can be project-specific (and documented in the
XForms interface itself). One drawback is that there
is no obvious way to support pull-down menus for
references to persons, ancient sources, or modern
secondary literature in a wiki context. The cost of
developing translations from the XML form used by the
project to a wiki-style markup and back has not yet
been estimated; in XSLT 2.0, the grouping constructs
and the xsl:analyze-string instruction
would make it easy, but the only XSLT readily available
in an XForm today is XSLT 1.0; recursive template calls
will be more cumbersome than XSLT 2.0 grouping.
Fortunately, the strings to be parsed will never be
very long.
Yet another approach would be to use an alternative to
XForms and exploit the customization frameworks available
for some XML editors, such as Oxygen's Author mode.
In the interests of allowing head-to-head comparison, we
expect to develop several of these approaches. In the short
term, however, the priority is on getting one of
these working sufficiently well that the historians are
willing to use it.
Query interfaces
The query infrastructure used by TLRR is based on a sharp
boundary between the front end, which handles the user
interface, and the back end, which handles queries and returns
XML elements. The idea of such a sharp boundary has a long
history (see Borenstein 1991 for a well formulated
case) and was recently reiterated by the digital humanist
Peter Robinson
in the context of reuse of
data by others, using the
memorable slogan Always remember that your user interface
is everyone else's enemy.[11] A sharp boundary is not the only way to
proceed; a great deal of interesting recent
work on the RESTXQ interface relies on close integration
of front end and back end.
In TLRR, the sharp boundary between front and back end is
enforced by having them written in different languages and
running on different machines. The front end is an XForm
(concretely a mixture of standard XHTML, CSS, and XForms
elements). The back end is written in XQuery. The front end
communicates with the back end by sending HTTP requests, or
would do so if browsers did not forbid this by enforcing the
so-called same-origin rule. In our case
the effect of the same-origin rule is that an XForm loaded
from the TLRR web site cannot make an HTTP request from the
different server where the XQuery engine is running. So we use
a relatively thin PHP shim on the TLRR server; it accepts
requests from the front end, sanity checks them, and passes an
HTTP request to the back end using the REST interface defined
by the BaseX XQuery engine. (Nothing essential depends on the
choice of the REST interface; the same effect could be
achieved by using the RESTXQ interface, or doubtless other
interfaces specified by other XQuery engines.) The XQuery
engine responds to requests by running the indicated
predefined query with the parameters supplied by the front
end; all queries return XML documents, which are displayed by
the XForms front end with the help of an XSLT stylesheet
(using the transform() function, an as-yet
unstandardized extension to XForms supported by XSLTForms).
Making XQuery run successfully in a shared hosting
environment proved more challenging than had originally been
hoped. One complication is commercial: low-end shared Web
hosting providers like the one used by the TLRR project don't
allow users to run Java servers, or indeed any servers other
than those like MySQL run by the provider itself. For that, it
is necessary to seek a Java hosting provider, in a distinct
(and somewhat more expensive) market. Such Java hosts may
provide a choice of servlet containers such as Tomcat,
Glassfish, or JBoss; it proves possible to configure a
Java-based XQuery engine like BaseX to run in Tomcat, though
the experience is far from painless for the user who has no
aspirations to be a Java developer and no great interest
in Java as a technology.
The more interesting challenges of the query interfaces
to TLRR lie not in the infrastructure but in the complexities
of TLRR's data.
As an example, let us consider the date of a trial.
If a user asks to see all the trials from the 80s BC
(i.e. between 89 BC and 80 BC, inclusive), what should
the results be?
The date element may, as noted above, take several
forms. The most common forms include these:
In simple cases, the date element may
contain a date in the database's coverage range (149 to
50). For example, trial 235, dated 62.
In some cases, the date is more precise (e.g.
trial 116 late 87 or trial 351 Sept.
In another common case, it may contain a date
range (e.g. trial 372 between 81 and
A date range can be full (both a start- and an
end-date) or partial (a terminus ad quem or a
terminus a quo). For example, trial 362
(by 91), trial 122 (83 or after).
The end-points of a full or partial date range may
be either dates in the range
(e.g. trial 373, dated between 81 and 43)
or references to other trials
(e.g. trial 288, dated before case #289).
Sometimes the end-point is explained tersely
(e.g. trial 249 before Cicero’s exile in 58,
trial 146 before 74 (the date of Cotta’s command)).
The date range may be qualified
(e.g. trial 370, long before 69;
trial 125, fifteen years before case #166).
Any date or date-range end-point can be uncertain
(e.g. trial 47, 112?;
trial 160 between 74? and 70).
A partial date range may be given for the time
of year (e.g. trial 221 63, after trial #220;
trial 153 74, end of year, before Dec. 10).
Sometimes specific milestones in the trial are
given, as well as or instead of a general date
(e.g. trial 284, 54, verdict reached on July 4,
or trial 346 50, charge laid by Aug. 8).
Sometimes more than one possible date or range may
be given
(e.g. trial 371, 80s? 60s?).
When the trial is assigned a single date, not marked as
uncertain, then it's fairly clear that the trial should be included in
the results for a search for trials in the 80s if and only if the date
of the trial lies between 1 January 89 and 31 December 80. That
takes care of the first two cases.
When the trial has a date range, and the date range lies
entirely with the range 89-80, then again the trial should
clearly be included. If the date range lies completely outside
the range 89-80, it should clearly be excluded. When the range
of dates given for the trial overlap with the range given in
the search, then we know that the trial could
have occurred in the queried time span, but also that it may
have occurred outside it. Perhaps the best thing to do is to
adopt a kind of fuzzy logic and assign to such trials a real
number between zero and one, indicating the degree to which
they fall into the class of trials described in the query. Or,
assuming (without any evidence for or against) that all dates
within the date span assigned to the trial are equally likely,
we can measure the probability that the trial occured within
the time span in the query. Trial 372, dated between 81 and
43, would have on this account a 5.26% probability (2 chances
out of 36) of falling within the 80s. A trial dated to between
91 and 76 would have a 62.5% probability (10 chances out of
16) of falling in that range. Conceptually, fuzzy logic and
probability are rather different, but in this application
the arithmetic turns out to be largely the same.
In cases with only a half-closed range (terminus a
quo or ad quem), we can use the same
logic as for closed ranges if we can supply a default starting
date and a default ending date for trials. For trials believed
to have taken place under the Roman republic, the traditional
end date of the republic (27 BC) can serve a a terminus
ad quem; a plausible terminus a quo is
harder to find, but if we find nothing else we can always use
the traditional starting date for the republic (509 BC). For
trials of completely unknown date, we can use both the default
and the default end to define their date range.
One consequence of this approach is that we can then return
results sorted by probability (in descending order). Trials
known to have occurred in the 80s have probability 1.0 and
come first; trials with a high likelihood but no certainty of
falling in the range come next; trials with a semi-closed
range will tend to have a very low probability, but those
whose fixed point is closest to the 80s will score highest.
Trials of completely uncertain date will have the largest
range of possible dates and so the lowest probability of
having occurred in any given span of years.
Trials whose date is uncertain (e.g. 80? for trial
130) must be assumed to have less than 100% probability of
occurring in the year indicated, and a correspondingly
non-zero probability of having occurred in some other year. It
is not clear what probability should be assigned to the given
year, nor how to allocate that probability among other years.
As a starting point, to keep things simple (and mindful of the
inherent imprecision of any estimates of probability for such
cases), we assume for now that any date marked ? has a
50% chance of being right and a 50% chance of being wrong, and
that the latter is spread unevenly among the five nearest
years on each side (9%, 7%, 5%, 3%, 1%). If this leads to
results that repeatedly strike historians as odd or
unexpected, we will try to produce other estimates.
Trials with multiple possible date ranges (e.g. trial
254 66? 65? 58?, or 371 80s? 60s?)
will be treated as having a discontinuous range; the
probability calculation is essentially the same.
Trials dated solely with respect to other trials will
need to have their date ranges calculated by reference
to those of the other trials in question. So trial 287
(before cases #288 and #289) and
299 (before case #289) will be assigned a
terminus ad quem from trial 289
(summer 54, in progress on July 27). Trial
125 fifteen years before case #166
will have a date range calculated on the basis of
that for trial 166 (between 76 and 68,
making the range for 125 be between 91 and 83).
It will be evident both that calculating an effective date
range for trials whose date range is given only implicitly or
indirectly would complicate queries quite a bit; all of the
calculations for the effective date range can be performed in
advance and stored in the database. Some mechanism will be
needed to invalidate the calculations when the content of the
date element is changed, so that they can be
refreshed. (Fortunately, this is not a real-time system,
and field values are not expected to change multiple times
per second.)
The attentive reader may have been saying for some time now
that this appears to be basically the same idea as relevance
ranking in information retrieval; the attentive reader is of
course right. At the crucial level of abstraction, both
relevance ranking in information retrieval and the search
procedures for dates outlined above shift from Boolean logic
to fuzzy logic. Instead of assigning to every record in the
database a Boolean value for the proposition This record is
in the class described by the search, these approaches
assign a real number between 0 and 1 to each record, with
higher numbers indicating greater likelihood of being of
interest to the user. The specific mechanisms used in IR for
calculating relevance results, on the other hand, appear not
to be very helpful for TLRR's data. (And the term
relevance does not seem at all a good
description of what is being calculated, unless it is taken to
denote the property of being of interest to the user, rather
than being relevant to a particular subject or topic assumed
to be the target of the query.)
Future work
The participants in TLRR have (at least) two distinct
goals. For the historians, the key goal is to develop an
updated version of the database and to publish it. The
participants have expressed a strong preference for print
publication if at all possible. For the technical partner,
the first goal of TLRR is to assist the historians in
achieving their goals; in the short term, that means providing
usable editing and query interfaces, and in the longer term
seeing to print formatting and for the eventual migration of
the data from the TLRR server to a digital archive capable of
caring for it long term. A secondary goal is to investigate
different ways of solving the challenges posed by the project.
For that reason, we expect to implement multiple XForms front
ends (and, time permitting, eventually probably also an Oxygen
front end, and possibly others) for editing the data. We may
implement a SQL version of the database (just to show how
unmanageable it will be, if the data are reduced to third
normal form, or possibly to be surprised
by the discovery
that it is manageable
after all). We expect to implement multiple query interfaces,
varying both in the user interface and in the target database.
Each of the various XML forms described above should be made
searchable, in order to illustrate on one concrete example how
better markup makes it easier to do more useful queries, and
how poor markup makes useful queries harder to formulate.
And when the time comes to produce printed output, it
may be feasible to make head-to-head comparisons among
different tools for the job: TeX, XSL formatting objects,
XHTML plus CSS, or other XML-capable layout tools.
If the secondary goal is well achieved, the TLRR
database may be of interest to other XML practitioners
as a way of showing clients and potential users the kinds
of difference markup choices can make.
[Alexander 1990]
Alexander, Michael C.
Trials in the Late Roman Republic 149 BC to 50 BC.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
(= Phoenix, Journal of the Classical Association of Canada /
Revuew de la Société canadienne des études classiques,
Supplementary volus / Tome supplementaire XXVI)
[Borenstein 1991]
Borenstein, Nathaniel S.
Programming as if People Mattered:
Friendly Programs, Software Engineering, and Other
Noble Delusions.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1991.
[Pauly/Wissowa 1894-1980]
Pauly, August Friedrich von,
Georg Wissowa,
et al.
Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft.
Stuttgart: Metzler, 1894-1980.
[1] Trial numbers are given so that readers interested in inspecting the data in
context can consult either the PDF of TLRR1 or the current form of the database,
both available from the project's web site at http://tlrr.blackmesatech.com/.
[2] In the words of the classicist Jocelyn Penny Small, It is not the job of
the classicist to clean up our messy information in order to put it into a
database; it is the job of the database to preserve the
As this is written, it remains to be seen whether we will satisfy this
requirement completely.
[3] The
specification of a format for a relational database will take the form of an
entity-relationship diagram or something similar; a format for an XML database will
specified in the form of sample documents and/or notes for a document type definition
other XML schema. Trying to express the crucial information without any commitment
to an
underlying technology will only result in descriptions so vague and abstract that
prove unhelpful. Experience in many projects suggests that even
then, the highly abstract descriptions risk turning out to involve a lot of commitments
particular technology, which have been carefully disguised and thus not exposed to
discussion, which not been systematically checked for mutual consistency, and which
it difficult to implement the design in a natural way in any
[4] Those with sufficiently long memories may regard wiki markup as nothing but the
resurrection of the SGML SHORTREF feature, only with less documentation and freed
of any
requirement for interoperability. But the existence of SHORTREF as a feature does
establish that the basic features of wiki markup are not incompatible with SGML or
[5] There may be other
ways to avoid the inconveniences described here.
Some SQL users appear resigned to working with data
that are not in fact in third (or even first) normal form.
But since that destroys the consistency-checking
apparatus of the relational model, working with
non-normalized data also seems unattractive.
[6] The Real-Encyclopädie der
klassischen Althertumswissenschaft by August
Friedrich von Pauly, Georg Wissowa, and others is
frequenty referred to as Pauly/Wissowa or just
RE. Pauly's first edition began to
appear in 1839 and was completed in 1852 (after Pauly's
death). A second edition was begun by Georg Wissowa in
1890; the first volume appeared in 1894, the final volume
in 1978, and the index volume in 1980.
Waterloo Script was similar in style and behavior to
IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF) Script,
and Waterloo GML was an independent implementation
of GML, using Waterloo Script as the implementation
[8] I acknowledge the influence
here of the technical-term mechanism used in some
XML-encoded W3C specifications, in which local content
can be used to override the standard spelling of a technical
term, which simplifies the use of technical terms at the
beginnings of sentences and their use in plural or other
inflected forms.
[9] Unlike
TLRR1, TLRR2 will distinguish between laws or charges
like ambitus and courts or venues
like the quaestio extraordinaria in the
example. Alexander puts them all into the same
field, perhaps because when one is known, the other
is often not known.
[10] At the moment, two editing interfaces are available on the public web site; others
will be
made available as time permits (including false starts that did not work out, as a
way of
helping other people avoid similar false starts). The public versions will not, of
be able to save data to the database. The interfaces available now differ slightly
those shown below, partly because the images here show earlier versions and partly
the images here show the project-internal page styling, not the public page
At this point it should also be noted that the
NB, not yet seen in any examples, holds
information sometimes given at the head of a trial
display, such as trial only threatened
(trials 13, 103, and others) or
= ? case #133 (trial 132).
[11] By this I understand Robinson to mean that
many re-users of our data will have goals different
from those assumed by any user interface we may have
developed, and that having to get at data through a
user interface instead of an
application programming interface
is guaranteed to make reuse harder. (He also meant,
I believe, that user interfaces age much faster than
data or even than good APIs.)
Alexander, Michael C.
Trials in the Late Roman Republic 149 BC to 50 BC.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
(= Phoenix, Journal of the Classical Association of Canada /
Revuew de la Société canadienne des études classiques,
Supplementary volus / Tome supplementaire XXVI)
Borenstein, Nathaniel S.
Programming as if People Mattered:
Friendly Programs, Software Engineering, and Other
Noble Delusions.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1991.