Chelsom, John J. L. “An XSLT Translator for the openEHR Archetype Definition Language.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017, Washington, DC, August 1 - 4, 2017. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 19 (2017).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2017 August 1 - 4, 2017
Balisage Paper: An XSLT Translator for the openEHR Archetype Definition Language
John Chelsom is CEO of Seven Informatics Ltd. He trained as an electrical engineer
before gaining a PhD in artificial intelligence in
medicine. He has been a Visiting Professor in Health Informatics at City University,
London and the University of Victoria, Canada. As
Managing Director of CSW Group from 1993 to 2008, John was responsible for implementation
of XML workflow and production systems for many
major organisations, including the British Medical Journal, Jaguar Cars and the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society.
The Case Notes product developed by CSW was based on XML and other open standards.
In 2003 the UK government chose Case Notes as the
primary clinical system in the national architecture for a shared electronic health
record covering the 55 million citizens in England. In
2000, John founded the XML Summer School and continues as a board member and lecturer
in this annual event.
Since 2010 he has been the lead architect of the open source cityEHR product – an
XRX (Xforms, REST, XQuery) health records system
currently used in a number of hospitals in England.
The cityEHR Electronic Health Records system is a pure XML application for managing
patient health records, using open standards. The
structure of the health record follows the definition in the ISO 13606 standard, which
is used in cityEHR as a basis for clinicians to develop
specific information models for the patient data they gather for clinical and research
purposes. In cityEHR these models are represented as
OWL/XML ontologies. The most widely adopted approach to modelling patient data in
accordance with ISO 13606 is openEHR, which uses its own
Archetype Definition Language to specify the information models used in compliant
health records systems. This paper describes a translator
for the Archetype Definition Language, implemented using XSLT and XML pipeline processing,
which generates OWL/XML suitable for use in
A typical electronic health record contains an array of information about a patient,
built up over their lifetime; some information is very
structured (laboratory text results, for example), some almost completely unstructured
(e.g. notes on a consultation in clinic). The ISO-13606
standard [1] includes a specification for the structured representation of the health record as
a set of Compositions,
containing Sections with Entries containing Elements and Clusters of Elements. The
Compositions can (optionally) be organised in Folders, so
that the whole health record resembles a filing cabinet (the EHR_Extract) containing
folders of paper documents, as shown in Figure 1
Figure 1: Structure of an Electronic Health Record in ISO-13606.
The HL7 CDA standard (Health Level Seven, Clinical Document Architecture) [2] defines an XML vocabulary for the
markup of a clinical document and follows the same basic structure as the ISO-13606
standard, starting at the composition level (a Composition
in ISO-13606 is equivalent to the document element cda:ClinicalDocument in HL7 CDA).
The structure of the health record defined by ISO-13606 and HL7 CDA is completely
generic; the same structure applies to a record of vital
signs made during an operation, to a set of laboratory text results sent from the
lab to a general practitioner or to questions about lifestyle
answered by a patient when attending a clinic.
The cityEHR Electronic Health Records system, which has been developed since 2010,
is an XRX (XForms, REST, XQuery) application for
managing electronic health records [3]. The system runs as an Enterprise Java application, using the Orbeon Forms
framework [4], accessed through a web browser and web services interfaces. It is designed as a
completely open system,
using XML and healthcare-specific open standards, and although running through a Java
framework, it contains no Java code of its own; all code
is XML, XSLT, XQuery, XForms, XHTML or CSS. The health record in cityEHR is stored
as a collection of HL7 CDA XML documents in the eXist native
XML database [5].
cityEHR uses a multi-stage modelling approach to define the clinical data set that
will be gathered in any specific clinical setting. The
intention is that clinicians themselves should design the information models that
define the entries and elements in the dataset for their
specific requirements, which are usually a combination of the requirements for their
clinical specialty (e.g. Rheumatology, Respiratory, Liver
and Bilary, etc) and the requirements for secondary use of the data in clinical studies.
The stages of modelling in cityEHR are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Information Models for the Electronic Health Record in cityEHR.
The multi-stage modelling approach used in cityEHR is inspired by an earlier initiative,
whose roots can be traced back almost thirty
years. openEHR ( is an open framework for modelling healthcare information,
in a form suitable for the design and implementation of
Electronic Health Records systems. It builds upon a number of funded European initiatives,
from the early 1990's onwards, and the ISO 13606
standard that arose from those initiatives [6].
openEHR has an abstract reference model for healthcare information that is based
on, and extends, ISO-13606. It uses a two-stage modelling
process whereby the models for specific clinical settings, called Archetypes, are
specified using the Archetype Definition Language [7] which applies the constraints of the Archetype Object Model. In its simplest form,
an archetype corresponds to an
Entry in the ISO-13606 model (cda:Entry in HL7 CDA), but a collection of entries can
be grouped into a template which corresponds to a
Composition in ISO-13606 (cda:ClinicalDocument); to achieve this, a template may include
other externally defined archetypes. A
template_overlay is an Archetype that is used to overload, or specialize, an existing template (for
example an internationally published
template may be adapted for use in a particular local setting); an operational_template is a template that has been flattened by expanding
any included archetypes and applying any overlays. All four types – archetype, template,
template_overlay and operational_template – are
referred to generically as Archetypes.
The Archetype Definition Language, in its original form, was an example of a domain-specific
language [8],
created to describe specific clinical information models that conform to a more general
model of the structure of an Electronic Health Record.
Since it was first conceived, it has been generalized, so that it can be used to define
any set of models that conform to any underlying
reference model. This generaliztion has made ADL similar to an XML schema language,
except with its own unique syntax, and complicates the task
of creating a parser in XSLT. However, since XSLT2 is a Turing complete language [9], it should, theoretically, be
possible to build such a parser.
In recent years there has been a growth in the number of published archetypes available
through public repositories and there are now a
number of large-scale EHR systems, both commercial and open source, that can be configured
using them (so in that sense can be said to be
openEHR compliant systems). In consequence, it was decided that the cityEHR should
be enhanced with the ability to consume and generate
information models expressed using ADL.
Although there are existing Java implementations of ADL parsers and AOM serializers
[10], the design principles
of cityEHR prohibit the use of third-party Java code, outside the unmodified code
of Orbeon and eXist. To maintain this principle, an ADL
translator has been developed in XSLT 2 so that cityEHR can now be configured using
information models published using ADL.
The ADL translator is implemented using the principles of multi-pass compilation,
whereby the target code is constructed in stages, through
multiple passes through the source code [11]. The multiple stages are implemented using the XML pipeline
implementation in Orbeon Forms, and follow the four classical stages of a multi-pass
complier: lexical analysis, syntax parsing, semantic
analysis and target code generation.
Each of these stages is implemented in XSLT2, using the regular expression support
in the XPath functions tokenize() and matches(), together
with the XSLT <analyze-string> element and a number of recursive templates.
The output of the first three stages is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), in XML, representing
the source ADL at increasing levels of detail.
This is similar to the approach described by Badros [12] in generation of JavaML, an XML representation of Java source
code, and more generally by Maletic et al [13]. By the final stage, the input AST is complete enough to generate the
target code, which is a set of OWL/XML assertions suitable for loading in cityEHR,
to define its information model.
The regular expression (regex) capability of the XSLT <analyze-string> element can be used to parse parts of the source ADL. However, the
mathematical model underlying regex is that of a Finite State Automaton – a process
which consumes the source code string by matching patterns
and at each point is in a single state, from a finite set of defined possibilities.
This model is not sufficient to parse the repeated nested
patterns that exist in some sections of ADL; these require a more sophisticated Pushdown
Automaton, which uses a stack to keep track of the
state of nested patterns which could lead, in theory at least, to an arbitrary number
of states. One method of implementing a Pushdown Automaton
in XSLT is to use a recursive template to push the current state onto the stack, which is passed as a parameter to the template.
Structure of the Archetype Definition Language
An ADL source code file can be one of four types – archetype, template, template_overlay,
operational_template – which is specified in an
initial ADL Declaration. Following this declaration, the overall structure is a sequence
of sections; the sections are always in the same
order but some are included, excluded or optional, depending on the declared type.
The ADL Declaration has its own syntax and within each subsequent section the syntax
follows one of three defined sub-languages; cADL
(constraint ADL) [14], ODIN (Object Data Instance Notation) [15] or FOPL (First Order
Predicate Logic). In addition, there are several sub-languages that are used at defined points in the ADL code for referencing objects in
the model (the ADL Path Language) and the The overall structure of the ADL source
code for an archetype of type template is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Overall structure of ADL Source Code for a template archetype.
Preparation of ADL Source Code
The ADL source code is read as a plain text from the file system and prepared as
the text content of an XML document within a single
document element. However, there are a couple of steps that must be taken before this
document is ready for input to the lexical analysis.
The syntax of ADL includes some code that can look like XML markup, including heavy
use of angled brackets and the allowance of ampersand
in text strings and comments. These must be escaped using < and & which is achieved by the Orbeon pipeline processor called
url-generator which reads a plain text file from a URL and escapes possible markup,
working in the same way as the XSLT function
The ADL specification states that ADL files are stored in Unicode UTF-8 encoding.
As such, an ADL source code file is likely to start
with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) which is a standard way to signify the Unicode encoding
to processors. In UTF-8, the BOM is the sequence of three
bytes 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF and if present these three bytes are stripped from the ADL source code before processing
using the XPath
function substring-after().
Lexical Analysis
The initial stage, lexical analysis, takes the ADL source code as input and returns
a simple XML document with the source split into
sections and any ADL comments removed. The type of the archetype is found using the
XPath matches and substring-before functions.
Based on the type of the archetype, a string variable is set, representing the finite
state model for that type. The ADL source code is
then split into individual lines using the XPath tokenize function, which makes it
easier to identify ADL keywords (which appear in isolation
at the start of a line) and to strip comments which appear from any unescaped occurrence
of the string -- until the end of the line.
The main parsing is achieved by a tail-recursive named template, parseSections, which
takes as its parameters the tokenized sequence of
line of source code, the finite state pattern for the archetype type, the current
state, tokenized sequence of next allowable states and the
content of the current section which builds on each recursive call.
When one of the keywords for the next state is encountered, a section element is
generated for the current state, and the state machine
moves forward to the new state.
The resulting document is a set of sections, each containing the relevant ADL source
code, with comments removed.
Syntax Analysis
The syntax analysis parses each section of the document generated from the lexical
analysis, using a separate parser for each of the
three sub-languages. The parsers for the cADL and ODIN syntax are implemented in the
same named template, since both are essentially nested
block structures; the syntax is different, but the basic structure is the same.
The main syntax parsing is achieved by a named template called parseADL which is
passed a parameter determining whether the section is
cADL or ODIN syntax. Depending on the syntax, variables are set for the block delimiters
( { } in cDAL <
> in ODIN) and for the regular expression that matches the pre-amble for a block in
each language.
The pre-amble pattern is then used in an xsl:analysze-string element to find the
start of each block and the unmatched source code then
consists of the delimited code for that block, followed by the code for subsequent
blocks. The unmatched source code is read from the start to
the end of the block using a named function called extractBlockContent which is called
recursively to read the source until the opening and
closing delimiters are matched. A block element is then output, with its content generated
by a recursive call to the parseADL template (this
is not a tail-recursive call, but blocks in cADL or ODIN are rarely nested more than
four deep, so the XSLT code is unlikely to run out of
stack space in this recursion). The remaining unmatched source code is then processed
using a tail-recursive call to the parseADL template.
Semantic Analysis
The general goal of semantic analysis in a multi-stage complier is to ensure that
source code which follows the correct basic syntax of a
language also adheres to the higher level semantic rules governing the relationships
between objects in the language. Hence semantic analysis
can only take place once the source code has successfully passed lexical and syntax
In this ADL Translator, the semantic analysis plays three roles. The first is to
check that the parsed syntax form the previous stage
meets the requirements and constraints of the openEHR Reference Model; second is to
further parse the assertions and path expressions and to
resolve references (both internal and external); the third is to reconcile differences
between the openEHR Reference Model and the model
architecture of cityEHR.
The output from the semantic analysis is an XML document representing the Abstract
Syntax Tree of the ADL source code at a level of
detail sufficient to generate code for a cityEHR information model.
Code Generation
The code generation stage is a relatively straightforward, compared with syntax and
semantic analysis. The Abstract Syntax Tree output
from semantic analysis is matched using simple templates which generate the equivalent
OWL/XML assertions.
It has proved feasible to implement a translator for the Archetype Definition Language
using XML pipeline processing and XSLT 2. The target
language for the translation was OXL/XML, using assertions specific to the cityEHR
architecture, but target code could also be generated in
other representations, if required.
The motivation for implementing using pure XML technology was to avoid dependence
on third-party Java packages and achieving this is
probably the main advantage offered by the methods outlined in this paper.
There is a large body of ADL archetypes and templates available in public repositories
and the next step in this work will be to test the
translator against a sample of these test cases, which will inevitably lead to refinement
and improvement of the first version described here.
Although the translator described here is sufficient to generate valid OWL/XML information
models for cityEHR in a practical subset of ADL
archetypes, it is envisaged that more thorough testing will lead to additional refinement,
especially of the semantic analysis stage, in order
to accurately translate any published ADL archetype.
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