Upconversion is (really not!) difficult
Figure 1

Eadwine at his desk (Wikimedia Commons)
Pulling meaning out of information may involve interpretation, enrichment, reduction, refactoring
This is endless!
We begin by acknowledging we will never be finished
… Dealing with upconversion in general ...
… While we may be finished with a particular conversion problem
Why convert to/from HTML?
Figure 2

Matterhorn (Wikimedia Commons)
Because it's there
Making peace with HTML as a carrier format
What does it mean, 'carrier format'?
Figure 3

Canal dredging equipment, schematic (Wikimedia Commons)
Especially to be distinguished from "hub format"
"Carrier" format may help get data in/out
Represents an expedient means
Facing a specific interface (internal or external)
Four uses for data formats
Figure 4

Distinguishing among these four different uses for a data format, may be helpful.
Application format
System hub format
(Abstracted from processes; generalized)
Control format
(Further generalized and externalized)
Carrier format
(Commonly a form of an application or hub format, i.e. an application of an application)
Application |
A data format may provide for functionalities in processing, either directly or via indirect bindings or programming. "Display on the web" broadly is an application of HTML. But HTML archived for long-term storage (and hence tomorrow's processor) is not aiming (or not aiming only) at this use. The great attraction of electronic data formats is in their fungibility, which can permit them (in principle and often actually) to be represented and re-represented in and for other applications. Thus even hard-core "application profile" formats such as SVG or XSL FO (formatting objects), must maintain a balance between supported functionalities, and abstract specifications. |
Hub |
The design, specification, application and use of a hub format is different from an application format. In theory and practice, hub formats have enabled data reuse and re-publication by providing for "downhill conversion" into one or more application formats. The entire reason we conceive of "uphill conversion" at all is because we envision a hub format in which encoded information is "high value" – both "clean" and "dense", meaning both more expressive and more efficient, parsimonious, integral and communicative. If such a format is identified with an application, then so must our data be. When this becomes a problem (as it inevitably does sooner or later), the way to insulate and protect data from "application rot", likewise, is to take care that the representations (in and of its encoding) be abstracted away from application requirements. A hub format provides a safe home, as it were. Historically, the broadly descriptive formats including TEI, JATS, DITA and Docbook were all developed to serve this role, in information systems of various sizes and scales of complexity. But plenty of systems exist that have their own private hub format of one form or another. Indeed, XML itself is only one of many ways a hub format can be defined and managed. |
Carrier |
However, just because we have a hub format, doesn't mean we have to use it for every purpose: on the contrary, the opposite must necessarily be the case. Just as we expect to translate data "out of" or "down from" our hub into application formats, we might suppose that data on the way "in" or "up into", might require something that doesn't impose (or, at any one stage, doesn't yet impose) all the rigors of the hub. Similarly we may have formats or data encoding regimens that serve for nothing but a communicative purpose (for example, between two systems that have their own hub format). That's a carrier format. It isn't difficult to produce an artificial carrier format or indeed to adapt a hub format (typically by relaxing it) to this purpose. It is also possible (and frequently easier) to adapt something. Note that, somewhat confusing, someone's carrier format, may be someone else's application format. That is, what is a carrier for you (internally) becomes for them, an interface that they have to target (externally). Thus it's typical to try and cheat, using an application format as a carrier format and vice versa. That is what we are doing here. |
Control |
Finally, it should be noted that actual control over a data set may be exerted, even without a fully specified hub format – inasmuch as control mechanisms may take other forms than the classic constraints over markup languages (which focuses validation on element type names, containment as represented syntactically, and attribute flags. Sometimes the hub format or essential aspects or elements of the hub are better regarded as a projections of other, further abstracted models or taxonomies. It is frequently difficult, when considering a system especially that has grown over time, to determine exactly where the control points actually are. Especially since where they are actually controlled (operationally) and where they are nominally dictated, are often two different things. Documentation, it is sad to say, is more often than not out of date. These entanglements are all reasons, it may be, not to rely on a hub format to do every job in the world. Imposing a requirement that a process artifact (even a temporary one) conform to a hub format (designed for another purpose) may be an arbitrary imposition as often as it's a neat trick. Better to keep the hub format for the good data, the controls in place – and with the data that is not so good or not yet so good, don't make such demands. |
History of these projects
Figure 5

TEI transcription of translated tract
Figure 6

Started with editorial work from plain text sources
Gustav Fechner (Life After Death: a Manual)
Aiming for "functional facsimile" of 1904 print edition
Chas. Woodbury (Talks with Emerson, 1890, with new annotations)
Demonstrated that XSLT pipelines are capable
In XSLT: 2.0 grouping, temporary trees/pipelining, regular expressions ...
Specification of requirements becomes the hard part not implementation
Moved on to HTML sources (mainly because they are widely available)
Can save work as compared to plain text (piggybacking on earlier editors)
Still present formidable obstacles
See, e.g., BITSLab examples
More recently, XSweet with Coko Foundation
Developing pipelines producing HTML from Word
.For example, Epigram Microphone by Mark Scott
Requirements of agility
Figure 7

What you get asking for "agility". HMKC Spring 2007 Agility Trial: photo author Ron Armstrong from Helena, MT, USA. Wikimedia Commons.
Agility implies less time spent up front in design
(We improve our design in use, rather than stall ourselves designing it)
And it's a huge plus if developers already know the language we propose to use!
Maybe we don't have a hub format yet (much less a control infrastructure)
We still want to move data across the system!
HTML appears to be a reasonable way to do this
Remains relatively transparent throughout
We can nail things down later
Question of the moment (say): if docx is my source, and BITS is my target, is HTML a reasonable way station?
(Epigram Microphone)
Faking it with HTML
Figure 8

Some XHTML on the way to BITS
Actually, it's still XML
Even if not formally (valid as) XHTML
So our XML toolkit can still manage
In other words - going with wf/HTML has implications in detail
(viz: roles of
)But it's not fundamentally different from any other tree-shaped XML-based format
What makes HTML weirdly capable for this
Figure 9

More cute animals courtesy of Public Domain Pictures.
HTML can be perfectly nutritious
May be flat (soupy or sloppy): any structure is a bonus
i.e., because HTML does not enforce structure, it can tolerate any or no structure
Yet a rough distinction between wrappers, blocks and inlines can be observed
(The stuff of any sort of content objects)
Everything comes down to
, andspan
, with a little synonymy e.g.b
and i elementsPlus, shifts in register can be more important than the registers themselves
Semantic labels can (and frequently are) hidden away in (overloaded)
We also have a wide-open garage door escape hatch for presentation info: CSS
HTML as liminal zone
Figure 10

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel, 1559. Wikimedia Commons
HTML is in between
The opaque chaos of uncontrolled data sources
(Wherein information is present, but latent)
And the transparent order of highly controlled data resources
(Let's say, the targets of an uphill data conversion)
On our way from here to there
We can express (only) what we know, when we know it
As we go, we can enrich semantics step by step
Enriching description, enunciating regularity, reducing noise
HTML did not start this way – but it has evolved in the direction of this capability
(HTML is a hub format that was broken on the wheels of its applications.)
HTML Typescript
Figure 11

Sir James Cantlie (1851-1926), Lecture on Hong Kong. Typescript with holograph corrections, etc., London, 1898. Page 19: a more or less random typescript page from Wikimedia Commons
HTML can present rough-but-capable representation of "what an author wrote"
Analogous to a "typescript" in print-oriented production
Represents a work in progress, not a finished work
Its lack of (final) production values is part of the point
Offers a site of analysis, negotiation and preparation for the next stage of production
By analogy - a downstream consumer is apt to be happier to consume HTML than most any other format even a "better" one ...
Cf Adam Hyde, https://www.adamhyde.net/typescript-redistributing-labor/
Halfway there is not nowhere
Figure 12

Sulphur Mountain Resort (interior), Banff. By Tony Hisgett. Wikimedia Commons.
"Mountain chalet" theory of upconversion
("When climbing a tall peak it's nice to have a mountain chalet halfway up")
The shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line
"Many steps are sometimes easier than one"
Pipelines and processing
Figure 13

"Before" - Word (OOXML) source
Figure 14

"After" - pulled into (reasonably clean) HTML
Having a carrier format in place early is helpful
At least data transmission is possible even while other aspects are tbd
Pipelines permit handling complex problems!
By breaking down into simpler problems
Freeing up order of development priorities
"Try it the other way around"
Early HTML production is an example of this
Or, performing header promotion, and only then structural induction
A system is no longer all-or-nothing
Many of the more challenging problems in data conversion are much more tractable when broken into parts or phases, than they are when conceived as single operations. Having an nominal carrier format already designed – even before other parts of a system are yet fully mature – is really helpful when we turn to building tools and processing, since one aspect of that problem at least (namely, what sorts of tags to use to express things), has been reduced, making it possible to focus on the more essential parts (what is the information being represented and processed).
Thus, even when HTML solves no problems for a conversion pipeline, it can expose them. This is itself is really useful.
So for example, a huge problem in data conversion is structural inferencing – how
determine appropriate structures latent in unstructured data: in transformation terms,
allocating contents to structures properly in a result, even when the input is "soup".
It is
convenient, though not essential, that HTML can be used easily to represent data in
forms, before ("soupy") and after ("structured"), using HTML div
elements to represent the structure.
It's getting from one form, to the other, that is the problem. Producing the soup from the structure is easy: that's why we call it "down". But to get structure from the soup is comparatively difficult, and solutions tend to be accordingly brittle, partial and limited. The process requires two distinct operations, not just one. First, the "signaling elements" that are taken to represent structural boundaries (in this case, section titles or other section demarcators), must be recognized. (For most purposes in structured documentary data, section titles serve as effective signals regarding at least some salient document structures. But this is not always the case.) Only once this has occurred (logically or temporally) does it become possible to render the structure itself. And rendering the structure is only possible if the signals line up.
This two-phase approach plays out easily in HTML: in the first phase, paragraphs that are "actually headers" can be promoted to h1-h6. In the second phase, the section structure is built up from the headers. Each of these is significantly easier, when it can be isolated from the other.
What's more, we can explain it this way, and anyone familiar with HTML can understand it. We don't need to educate them in a new data representation to make our methods explicable.
Pipelines, meta-pipelines, pipelines of pipelines
Figure 15

See maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com (for real)
Examples of complex pipelines
Aggregation, splitting
Data analytics / synoptics
Metadata integration
Metadata-driven resource architectures
HTML tweaking
Arbitrary tweak of HTML @class / @style - add/remove
Configured for runtime w/ XML driver
Header promotion by induction
Filter paragraphs by formatting properties, reduce, count and sort them
Assign header level categories based on combinations of properties
Produce an XSLT from this (result of analysis) for this particular instance (or family member)
Apply this XSLT to original document to match and produce headers
A so-called "meta-pipeline" or "meta-transformation", loosely, might be any application of a transformation technology that is anything but the simple three-part source/transformation/result arrangement. Yet even within a simple architecture, pipelines will typically be made of pipelines, and transformations will include multiple "logical" and even "temporal" steps or stages, within both their specification(s) and their execution. More complex arrangements are possible and sometimes useful. These include not only pipelines of transformations in sequence (each one consuming the results of the precedent one) but also pipelines with extra inputs, spin-off results, or loops, wherein (for example) logic is produced in one branch that is then used to transform the results of another branch.
Because XSLT is syntactically homoiconic (canonically expressed in the same notation that it reads and produces, i.e. XML), it is a straightforward exercise to construct a pipeline whose transformation is itself generated dynamically. This is useful if we don't know what XSLT we will want, until runtime. If we can specify inputs to produce a transformation programmatically, we can delay its actual production until we have the data.
An example is the header promotion transformation as described above – a transformation of HTML data in which paragraphs (p elements) can be mapped into h1-h6 based on properties either assigned to them (in the data) or accessible and measurable. This is not a trivial operation, but it can be achieved using pipelines in and with XSLT.
The difficulty is that such a transformation depends on an assessment of which properties assigned to which paragraphs, separately and together, warrant promotion for that (type) of paragraph. The particulars of this assessment may only be fully discovered in view of the data itself. So a pipeline has to "inspect" and "assess" the data itself before it can produce its set of rules for handling it.
Thus, in a pipeline, header promotion can proceed in three steps: in the first step,
analysis of the data is conducted in which candidate (types of) block-level or
elements are selected and bound to (different levels of) header elements.
In a second step, this analysis (result) is fed to a generic "meta-transformation"
XSLT that
produces a one-time use XSLT specifically for the data set. The third step is the
application of this one-time custom-fit XSLT to the data, matching elements appropriately
produce headers from the p
elements as directed.
As noted, HTML's lack of any kind of structural enforcement over its element set, is very advantageous here. A header promotion transformation can litter the result file with h1 - h6 elements, all without (much) concern either for formal validation or for predictable behavior in tools.
To be sure, such raw data may not be ready to bring into a structured environment,
will not permit such a free representation: but then, that is the point. The inference
or section boundaries, once headers are in place, is another fairly
straightforward operation – when the data warrants it.
Other similar examples of pipelines, metapipelines and multi-stage pipelines can be mentioned, including pipelines
Producing diagnostic outputs (document maps, error reports etc. etc.)
Referencing external (exposed) configurations or "drivers" to simplify operation
Enriching data sets (e.g. content type inferencing) by reference to rule sets, external authority files, or other criteria
Murky worlds
Figure 16

From The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
Laurence Sterne, 1759.
Notice we leave aside issues having to do with (for example) fine points of HTML alignment
List structures, lists inside paragraphs ...
This is because we aren't validating!
"Valid is in the eye of the beholder" and formal HTML validation buys us nothing
Instead, we promiscuously mix tag sets
Regression testing as we proceed permits this to occur as a "shaping"
End point is when our target data is strong not when process is (ever) finished
We may well introduce other data enhancements along the way
This is upconversion, the task is endless
One interesting and unexpected consequence of distinguishing our temporary carrier format from our long-term hub format, is that it becomes possible to mix them on the way from one to the other. This may be regarded as cheating - certainly it feels a little different to write XSLTs that expect tagged inputs to be mixed, and to behave accordingly. Yet since the entire purpose of such XSLT is to clean up such tagging (i.e. to reduce the use of the uphill carrier format in favor of the hub format), this isn't actually a problem. It's something we can get used to.
In such murky worlds, the introduction of ad-hoc validation steps for even intermediate results, is sometimes useful. For example, a Schematron can tell whether an HTML file's headers (h1-h6 elements) are in "regular order", thus susceptible to serving as markers of a regularly-nested div or section structure. (One implementation of a rule enforcing regular order is that each header be either an h1, or not more than one level below the immediately preceding header. So an h4 can directly follow an h5 or h3, but not an h2.) Naturally, much emphasis is placed on assigning and managing values to @class and thereby abstracting semantic categories away from the literal code.
Work on validating profiles of HTML is critical to this. Schematron is one option. So is Gerrit Imsieke's Epischema https://www.xml.com/articles/2017/04/29/epischemas/. In any case, when the goal remains clear – both valid and optimal expression in the target language – much remains forgiveable along the way. The relevant principle here is "Validation is in the eye of the beholder".
Another consequence of the "murky worlds" is that it becomes possible to implement features such as "passive upconversion". For example, a system that produces JATS from arbitrary HTML can easily be "sensitized" to produce certain JATS elements as soon as their names are found on HTML inputs, assigned via @class. This makes the implementation of mappings from any HTML into these JATS elements, as easy as seeing to it that the appropriate class value is provided in an HTML → HTML transformation – something relatively easy to configure and implement. (Especially using another meta-XSLT.)
Higher level logics
Figure 17
Some approaches to pyramid construction. SVG by Althiphika (CC BY-SA 3.0), https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17788820, based on http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/pyramidlifts.htm
Sometimes it turns out if we reverse the order of operations (assumptions), things can be easier
Operative principle is "try it the other way around"
For example, if we have prior knowledge as to document structure, a
can be (much) easier to execute than an induction -
HTML early is another example of this
Refactor, break the problem apart and "conquer in detail"
The last mile problem
Figure 18

A search on a popular search engine for "last mile problem" yields among other things this photo of the Esopus Meadows Lighthouse (Esopus New York). By John Hirth, CC-BY-SA.
Of course we are not interested in HTML (even clean) but (say) JATS, TEI or DITA
But many problems of going to SADF (standard average document format
Flynn) can be addressed in an HTML target, making subsequent conversion easy
E.g. header promotion, list induction
When this is not the case – we'd have had a problem anyway
Can this be scaled up? Perhaps not without process controls up front
(When is it better than a screen scrape: tipping point at ca. 30 MS pp?)
The case against HTML on the way up hill
Figure 19

Balloons over Cologne, 2010. Photo by the author.
Scaling problem?
XSweet is designed on the assumption that the problem splits into tractable and irreducible aspects
So XSweet addresses tractable problems
creating clean/vernacular HTML-something from Word
While setting irreducible aspects aside
mapping arbitrary, implicit, local semantics into controlled content objects
Is this analysis correct?
The flip side is that HTML-first offers a pipeline that is transparent and traceable throughout
Semantic inadequacy of HTML?
A carrier format can afford to be embarrassed about its syntax and even its semantics, if the job gets done
In practice, extending CSS (slightly) has proven to be all that is ever needed
Fechner, Gustav. Life After Death: A Manual. Translated by Mary C. Wadsworth (1894); edited by Wendell Piez. http://piez.org/wendell/projects/buechlein/
Gerrit Imsieke. Epischema – Schema Constraints That Facilitate Content Completion. https://www.xml.com/articles/2017/04/29/epischemas/
Haupt, Stefanie, and Maik Stührenberg. “Automatic upconversion using XSLT 2.0 and XProc: A real world example.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2010, Montréal, Canada, August 3 - 6, 2010. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2010. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 5 (2010). doi:https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol5.Haupt01.
Hyde, Adam. HTML Typescript – redistributing labor. https://www.adamhyde.net/typescript-redistributing-labor/
Piez, Wendell. “Framing the Problem: Building customized editing environments and workflows.“ Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016, Washington, DC, August 2 - 5, 2016. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 17 (2016). doi:https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol17.Piez01.
Piez, Wendell. (Lead developer.) XSweet. Producing HTML for editorial workflows. https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wendell/XSweet
Scott, Mark. Epigram Microphone, 2017. (NLM BITS format produced via XSweet from Word .docx format. http://www.pausepress.net/EpigramMicrophone
[Woodbury1890] Woodbury, Charles. Talks with Emerson. 1890. Edited by Wendell Piez. http://pausepress.net/TalksWithEmerson.xml