A big set of business functionalities and complexities is often hidden inside a XSLT code base. As time goes by, it is very difficult to remember the background of why certain functionality was built in and why the said functionality was translated into the XSLT code in a way that it was coded. Here is where the documentation of the code comes in very handy to revisit the history of the code and the business functionalities that governed the code.
As a common practice, most developers tend to write the business within the comments in the XSLT file itself. These are OK, if the comments are small, but not so legible, if we have to write some background information. We benefit more from documenting why certain functionality was implemented, or coded in a particular way in an XSLT stylesheet, than from the typical “what the code does” comment. K7: XSLTDocEngine is a personal project (non-commercial) to create XSLT stylesheet documentation from both inline stylesheet comments and documentation living outside the stylesheet. The external documentation lives in XML files, written in a variant of DocBook, which are populated by XSLT analysts. The framework that generates the HTML documentation files pulls information from these files and puts them in the appropriate place in the documentation (for example, the documentation regarding a specific function will be pulled from the external document config file, into the body of the function documentation).
Although this presentation has some parts that describes the generation of the HTML documentation out of XSLT files, the HTML documentation will be used to highlight some of the techniques that I had devised to make documentation more effective.
The following topics will be the focus of this presentation.
Keeping the XSLT documentation out of the XSLT file
Code quality check based on predetermined set of rules
Hyperlinking variables and functions to their definitions
The above features will be shown using the HTML Documentation Pages that K7: XSLTDocEngine creates. Specifically, the HTML Documentation will
Hyperlink all imported/ included XSLT files
Document every template and function
Document variable definition
Hyperlink the variables, functions and templates to where they are defined. This will help in easy lookup, when the XSLT file is big and searching for variable definition is time consuming.
To summarize, we need a code documentation system, which can
• Allow for extensive verbose documentation, keeping the code legible
• Provide brows ability in the code by linking the variables to their definitions
• Provide Code Violation reports, for better code management
Although there are other XSLT Documentation tools available, some of the features mentioned above, are special in K7: XSLTDocEngine.
While the HTML document is used to display some important documentation techniques, the HTML document itself is not the focus of the presentation. The look and feel can be a lot better and a lot of advanced UI APIs can be used to make documentation look sleeker.
Document Generation Process
The following illustration shows the document generation process
Figure 1: Hyperlinking Imported and Included templates

K7: XSLTDocEngine works in three parts:
1. Doc Config XML: Create the XSLT doc config xml for every XSLT file in the code base
2. XSLT HTML Doc: Create the XSLT doc HTML
3. Code Violations Report: Create Code Violations report, organized with files and folders. It also reports where the code violations occurred and number of code violations in each file.
Doc Config XML
Objective: Allow for extensive verbose documentation, keeping the code legible
The following sections describe how the above objective is achieved.
A script first creates skeleton document config XML files for additional documentation of Stylesheets,
Templates, Functions and Variables.
What are document config XML files?
document-config XML files are the placeholders for the documentation of the XSLTs. The documentation in these sections will be written using variant of docbook xml format. If the analyst wanted to write some history about some function or template, then this is the place. A script runs through all the XSLT files in the XSLT codebase and creates skeleton XSLT documentation config files with file name convention of xsltfilename.doc.stub.xml. The contents of this file will essentially have sections to document every template in the XSLT, every function in the XSLT and every variable in the XSLT.
Where will this file be used?
These XSLT doc config files will be used by the XSLT file that creates the document HTML Files. While documenting the templates, it will check if there was a documentation defined in the config xml file. If the analyst has defined a documentation, then the Documentor XSLT will pull the documentation information into the HTML it produces.
Why shouldn’t I write documentation within the XSLT itself
Mainly, because writing big stories within the XSLT makes the XSLT big and sometimes obstructs the reader from following the code. In addition, this step ensures separating the code from its documentation. Documentations here can be verbose
Example of doc config file:
Figure 2: Hyperlinking Imported and Included templates

This is the actual documentation of each XSLT in the code base. A script runs the Documentation XSLT through all the files in the code base and creates doc HTMLs for all the XSLT files in the codebase
➢ Within each Document HTML the following will be taken care of.
Every import and include is hyperlinked to the corresponding documentation HTML
Table of contents will be created for easy navigation to
Named Templates
Matched Templates
Global Variables
Version Control
If a certain variable, template or function is used within an XPATHS or anywhere in the code, then it will be hyperlinked to the place in the XSLT documentation, where the variable is defined. This will provide better code navigation and browsability
The documentation of the Templates, Functions and Variables will include the documentation added in the external document config file
Summary of process flow
“Doc config file generator” (batch file) runs on all the XSLT files and creates doc-config-xml files. The file naming convention will be “xsltfilename.doc.stub.xml” within the doc.config folder. The batch file runs the DocumentConfigStubCreator.xsl
The analyst opens this file in an XML editor and fills in the information regarding the XSLT file, its functionality and any important background information that may be important for understanding the context of why the template of function was written. This file is generated in a variant of docbook schema. Once the necessary information has been added to the doc-config xml, it is then saved without the “stub” in the filename for example: xsltfilename.doc.xml. This renaming is done to avoid any accidental overwriting of the edited file.
HTML file generator scripts is then run on the XSLT codebase, which runs the XSLTDocumentationBuilder.xsl.
DocumentationBuilder.xsl does the following:
Creates a HTML file for the XSLT file
Within each HTML file, it creates individual sections for variables, templates, functions, import/include sections.
While documenting the functions templates and variables, DocumentationBuilder.xsl hyperlinks all the variables to where they are defined.
Since the DocumentationBuilder.xsl knows the XSLT it is currently documenting, it also has a handle to the previously generated doc-config-xml file of the XSLT file being processed.
While processing the functions and templates within the XSLT file, DocumentationBuilder.xsl looks into the external doc config XML file for a template or function with the same name as the one it is currently processing
If it finds one, then it brings the contents of the external doc config XML file into the HTML documentation.
Example Document HTML pages
Some examples of the document HTML pages created out of the K7: XSLTDocEngine are in the link
You can see how the documents are arranged. You can also get some insight into some of the functionalities described above.
The following images show some of the features mentioned above.
Bringing in Code documentation into the HTML, from external document config file
Hyperlinking global variables and functions to where they are defined.
Code Violations Report
As with any development team, increase in team size brings complexity of code management and introduces inconsistencies in the code base. Some of these inconsistencies and bad coding practices creeps in the code base are:
Namespaces that are declared but not being used in the code
Choose expressions with just one condition
Variables that are never used
XPaths or parts of XPaths that are repetitively being called in the stylesheets, without effective use of variables.
Inconsistent naming conventions
These are some of the issues that can be caught in the code violations report.
To address the above issues, the Code Violation Report Generator goes through every file in the code base and creates an index HTML with File name and number of code violations. The code violations are caught using XSLTs with rule set defined to address the code violations.
Each file in the above report is also hyperlinked to corresponding Code-Violations html, which would give more detailed information on what the code violations are and what needs to be done to fix them.
Files used in documentation process
create-doc-config.bat : Runs on the XSLT codebase and applies DocumentConfigStubCreator.xsl on the XSLT files in the codebase
DocumentConfigStubCreator.xsl: Creates the document config xml.
create-html-documentation.bat: Runs on the XSLT codebase and applies XSLTDocumentationBuilder.xsl on the XSLT files in the codebase
XSLTDocumentationBuilder.xsl: Creates the actual HTML documentation files.
Running K7: XSLTDocEngine
Following are the steps to run K7: XSLTDocEngine
1. Run create-doc-config.bat: This will create a folder with all the skeleton document config xmls for every XSLT in the codebase. This is a onetime process. There are options in the script to run selected set of files only, for any future newly added XSLT files
2. Run create-html-documentation.bat. This will create HTMLs for every XSLT in the codebase
The process described in this paper is currently being used and roughly, 600 to 800 XSLTs are auto generated and maintained. Taking large chunks of documentation out of the XSLTs and into a config file has given the developers the freedom to start writing extended stories about certain functionalities.
The Code Violations are being chased regularly, to make sure the coding standards are followed
The Triage Analysts are finding it extremely useful to browse through documentation files, instead of going through the code.
As with any process, the single most important thing that will make system work is the discipline and resolve to keep following the best practices.
For the illustration of functionalities described in the paper, I needed some example XSLT functions and found them in the following resources.
XSLT functions written by Simon de Turck, posted at
XSLT functions posted at