Huitfeldt, Claus, and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. “Document similarity: Transcription, edit distances, vocabulary overlap, and the metaphysics
documents.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2020, Washington, DC, July 27 - 31, 2020. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2020. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 25 (2020).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2020 July 27 - 31, 2020
Balisage Paper: Document similarity
Transcription, edit distances, vocabulary overlap, and the metaphysics of
Claus Huitfeldt is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University
of Bergen, Norway. He was founding Director (1990-2000) of the Wittgenstein Archives
at the
University of Bergen, for which he developed the text encoding system MECS as well
as the
editorial methods for the publication of Wittgenstein's Nachlass - The Bergen Electronic
Edition (Oxford University Press, 2000).
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Founder and principal
Black Mesa Technologies LLC
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is the founder and principal of Black Mesa Technologies, a
consultancy specializing in helping memory institutions improve the long term preservation
and access to the information for which they are responsible.
He served as editor in chief of the TEI Guidelines from 1988 to 2000, and has also
as co-editor of the World Wide Web Consortium's XML 1.0 and XML Schema 1.1 specifications.
In recent years, development of tools and methods for measuring document similarity
become a thriving field in informatics, computer science, and digital humanities.
Historically, questions of document similarity have been (and
still are) important or even crucial in a large variety of
situations. Typically, similarity is judged by criteria which
depend on context.
The move from traditional to digital text technology has not only provided new
possibilities for discovery and measurement of document similarity, it has also posed
challenges. Some of these challenges are technical, others conceptual.
This paper argues that a particular, well-established,
traditional way of starting with an arbitrary document and
constructing a document similar to it, namely transcription, may
fruitfully be brought to bear on questions concerning similarity
criteria for digital documents. Some simple similarity measures are
presented and their application to marked up documents are
discussed. We conclude that when documents are encoded in the same
vocabulary, n-grams constructed to include markup can be used to
recognize structural similarities between documents.
In recent years, development of tools and methods for assessing document similarity
become a thriving field in informatics, computer science, and digital humanities.
A plethora of
methods has emerged, typically designed to calculate some quantitative measure of
the similarity
between documents. Such measures may be useful for document version control, authentication,
summarization, information retrieval, and so on. Judgments of document similarity
have also been
(and still are) central in contexts like library cataloguing, accusations of plagiarism
in literature, education, or research), assessment of documentary evidence in criminal
or civil
courts, version control in administrative document archives, authentication of identity
documents, historical study, and literary studies.
What is meant by “similarity”, or closely related words like
“sameness” or “identity” of documents varies widely from situation to
situation. A document which in one context is seen as so similar to another document
that it
constitutes a case of plagiarism, may in another context be judged as too different
to count as a
faithful rendering of the same document. It is only natural, therefore, that also
the methods or
criteria by which we decide whether two documents count as similar should vary from
situation to situation.[1]
Given such variations in what counts as similarity, it may be foolish to seek, as
we do
here, for general principles of document similarity which hold in all contexts; we
however, that the results may justify the search. We begin by trying to determine
what document
similarity is (in section “What is document similarity?”), and then (in section “Some existing measures of document similarity”) turn to a survey of some existing methods of measuring document
similarity quantitatively. There is a noticeable gap between the models of documents
assumed by
those methods and the models underlying most descriptive markup systems, and we suggest
(in section “What to do about marked up documents?”) ways in which the gap might be bridged. With this background in place we can
present the results of some simple concrete tests of various measures as applied to
kinds of document similarity.
What is document similarity?
Similarity and identity
Similarity comes in degrees. In everyday language, the word “similar” is often
related to words like “identical” and “different”, for example when we
say that two things are “so similar that they are in effect identical”, or when we
say that they are so dissimilar that they are “completely different”.
The similarity measures presented later may inform us that documents A and B have
similarity score of 0.89, while documents A and C are only 0.67 similar, measured
on a scale
from 0 to 1. As values, both 0 and 1 may put some strain on our imagination. The value
1 would
indicate complete similarity, and 0 complete dissimilarity.
It may be hard to think of examples of complete
dissimilarity: For any two objects,[2] there are always innumerable ways in which they may be similar. Any two randomly
picked documents, for example, may be similar regarding language, vocabulary, compositional,
linguistic or rhetorical structure, theme, genre, style, plot, narrative, dominant
meter, and so
on. When it comes to digital documents (or digital objects in general) they will at
least be
similar in that there is some specific byte or bit value that they do both contain
-- or not
When we consider digital objects, it may perhaps seem easier to think of examples
complete similarity. For example, two documents may consist of
exactly the same sequence of words, or characters, or bytes, or even bits. But even
then, they
are similar only at a certain level of abstraction. Considered as physical representations
sequences of bits, bytes, characters etc., they will at least be different in that
they occupy
different portions of some physical data carrier.[3]
We observed that similarity comes in degrees. Identity does not, at least not according
the standard philosophical concept of identity: the only way for two objects to be
identical is
for them to share all their properties. And if they do, they are not two objects at
all, but one
and the same object.
As formulated, this assumes that identity is a question of sharing of properties.
Furthermore, it assumes not only the so-called indiscernibility of identicals (x=y
(Fx⇔Fy)), but also the identity of indiscernibles ((Fx⇔Fy) ⇒ x=y).[4] If A and B are identical, “A” and “B” are just two names for
the same object. So the discovery about the relation between the Evening Star and
the Morning
Star was not a discovery that two objects have all the same properties, but that they
are the
same object known under two different names.[5]
Identity is an equivalence relation, i.e. it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
other equivalence relations, however, identity is a relation that every object has
to itself and
to no other object. Some common views are that concrete objects are identical if and
only if
they occupy the same region of space and time, abstract objects if they share all
predicates, and sets if they have exactly the same members.
Like identity, the concept of similarity also has a prominent place in philosophy,
and many
or most attempts to explain what similarity is draw on the notion of identity. While
identity is
similarity in regard to all properties, one might say, similarity is identity with
regard to
some subset of properties.
Unfortunately, this way of defining identity and similarity leads to certain paradoxes.[6] In particular, certain problems with the notion of similarity made Nelson Goodman,
among others, formulate a critique [Goodman] which cast widespread doubt on
the usefulness of the concept of similarity as an analytic tool.
A slightly modified concept of similarity (and identity) which arguably avoids these
paradoxes, and at any rate is more useful for our purposes, is one according to which
is defined as similarity in some respect, where the respect in which some things are
similar is always decided by context [Douven and Decock 2010]. In this conception of identity
and similarity, both relations are intransitive and context-sensitive relations. (In
addition to
being, according to the authors, vague and “somehow” subjective.)
So, on this view, which is also the view on which our discussion is based, in order
to make
a meaningful statement that two objects are similar, or that they are similar to a
extent, it is necessary always to make clear, referring to context, in respect to
which property
the similarity is supposed to hold.
What is a document?
If similarity is always and only to be understood as similarity with respect to some
particular property or set of properties, and if the properties an object can possess
depend on
the nature of the object (as on most accounts they do), then any measure of document
necessarily reflects some underlying model of documents and their properties.
It is common to distinguish documents from texts by saying that a document is a concrete
object instantiating an abstract object, the text. This may itself be seen as an account
statement of similarity: the many copies of a book are similar, and may for some purposes
be considered identical, because they are all instances of the same
abstract object, i.e. the text.
Since abstractions can operate on different levels, i.e. be more or less inclusive,
way of accounting for similarities allows for example bibliographers to distinguish
different items, print-runs, editions, translations etc. of the same work.[7]
The distinction can be (and has been) applied equally well to digital documents, though
with a couple of noticeable differences. When the distinction is applied to traditional
documents, questions are
often raised concerning the status of the text, and how we can interact with abstract
When the distinction is applied to digital documents, questions tend to be raised
concerning the status of the
document side of the equation as well: The notion of a digital document may itself
seem to
involve abstraction.[8]
In our discussion of document similarity, and also of transcription,
we will employ a distinction similar to the one between abstract objects and their
instantiations, namely the distinction between types and their tokens.
This distinction was introduced by Peirce, when he observed that even though there
is only
one word (type) “the” in English, there may be many tokens of that word on any page.
[Peirce] If we loosely call any perceivable pattern on a page a
“mark”, then some of those marks are tokens, namely those which instantiate types.
Each token instantiates one and only one type within a given repertoire of types,
tokens of one repertoire (e.g. the letters of the alphabet) may combine to form composite
of composite types (e.g. English words, sentences or documents). One and the same
token may
instantiate types within different type repertoires (such as “I” which may be a
token both of the Latin letter I, the English first person singular pronoun, and a
There is no requirement that different tokens of the same type be perceptually similar.
example, type identical tokens of handwritten, typewritten, printed or digital documents
look very different. Nor is it always easy to identify features possessed by all tokens
of a
type. If there are any properties shared by all instances of lowercase G,
for example, in all fonts and all standard forms of handwriting, for instance — other
being an instance of lowercase G —, they are not immediately obvious.
Two further questions demand brief discussion: what are documents made of? and how
those constituent parts organized to make up the document? We do not seek to settle
questions here, only to identify several different possible answers, each of which
leads to a
different model of documents, and thus to a different set of possible properties and
a different
concept of document similarity.
In ways which we hope will become clear in what follows, different measures of document
similarity may model documents as being made up either of tokens or of types; since
tokens are
concrete objects and types are not, strictly speaking one should perhaps distinguish
token-based measures of document similarity and type-based measures of text similarity.
Whether taken as types or as tokens, the constituent parts
of a document may be identified as the characters, or words
(or whitespace-delimited character sequences, with or without removal
of punctuation), or nodes of various kinds appearing in the document.[9]
Existing similarity measures appear to postulate several different organizational
principles for documents, and others are familiar from the literature on the theory
practice of markup. Documents may be modeled as sequences of tokens or types, as sets,
bags, as ordered or unordered trees, or as directed graphs or hypergraphs. This is
not a
complete catalogue, but it may be enough to go on with.
Transcription and t-similarity
A different approach to the question of document similarity might start from purely
practical considerations. For centuries, documents were reproduced by transcription,
with the
implicit requirement that the transcript be similar to the exemplar in whatever respects
necessary for the purpose at hand. Historically, and up until our own time, one of
the reasons
for transcription has been to provide better access to unique manuscripts and rare
books which
could otherwise only be consulted by visiting the source library or archive, or by
transportation of the document itself. In such cases, the transcript would be more
than the original; it might also be easier to read than the exemplar and thus provide
access for
a wider audience. Transcription was often the first step towards a printed edition
of the
source, which would thus have been made available to an even wider audience.
Transcription, as it is practised in textual criticism, often as part of the preparation
a documentary or critical edition of some body of documents, is sometimes described
as the
attempt to reproduce a particular document as faithfully as
In scholarly contexts, transcripts were (and still are) important because for some
they can serve as substitutes for the exemplar, i.e. the original document. No transcript
preserve all properties of the exemplar. But in order to be usable as a substitute
for the
exemplar in any given context, the transcript must reproduce with complete accuracy
properties of the exemplar relevant to that context. With respect to any given context,
therefore, transcription preserves similarity of documents with respect to some particular
property or properties. For this reason, transcription seems well positioned to shed
some light
on the nature of document similarity with respect to a particular property.
Our earlier work on the logic of transcription has led us to believe that the essential
property of transcripts is that as a general rule transcripts do not reorder, correct,
amend, or
normalize the text of the exemplar in any way. Generalizing or oversimplifying slightly,
might say that they do not add anything to or remove anything from the exemplar. Thought
of in
this way, transcription should be the archetype of document similarity. If a document,
T, is a
transcript of another document, E, then for the relevant purposes (and with respect
to the
relevant properties) T is as similar as possible to E.
One might perhaps have thought that digital text technology, with the availability
cheap, high quality facsimiles, would have made transcription obsolete. What can be
a more
faithful reproduction, and thus more similar, to the exemplar than a high-quality
image? Indeed,
digital facsimiles are of tremendous value to textual scholarship, and in many cases
they can
reduce the need for transcription.
However, a transcript is usually not primarily a reproduction of the visual appearance
of a
document, but of its textual content. Manuscripts with difficult handwriting and archaic
idiosyncratic spelling may be hard to read for non-specialists. A digital image cannot
analysed and searched in terms of linguistic criteria, but a transcription can. So
one might say
that digital facsimiles provide visual similarity, but do not necessarily provide
the kinds of
accessibility and processability we may desire. Achieving a form of similarity compatible
ease of reading, searching, and textual manipulation is a prime concern of transcription.[11]
Optical character recognition comes closer to the aims of transcription. Today most
and many hand-written documents can be OCR-read with considerable degree of accuracy,
and many
projects use OCR as part of the preparation of transcripts. It is hard to predict
how close
OCR-readers may come to human readers on all kinds of documents. As things stand today,
they can
at least often serve as efficient tools in preparing a transcription.
Transcription of difficult source material requires exceptional reading skills so
far found
only in human experts. And all transcription requires knowledge of the linguistic,
and cultural context of the document in question. When visual evidence is inconclusive,
as it
often is, disagreements about what is the correct transcription of a particularly
passage in a manuscript are settled by arguments as to what is the most probable interpretation
of the text in question.
We said above that a transcript T of an exemplar E is similar to E, in some very strict
sense of similarity. A more precise and formal account of this relationship, which
we may call
t-similarity, can be given very briefly, in terms of the type-token distinction already
If T is a transcript of E, then T and E are tokens of the same type.[12]
T-similarity is not designed to capture every aspect of the relation between T and
E, but
only the specific kind of similarity that must hold between them. Whereas transcription
is an
irreflexive, asymmetric, and intransitive relation, t-similarity is
(under appropriate assumptions) an equivalence relation,
i.e. it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.[13]
The brief, general definition of t-similarity just given conceals considerable underlying
complexity. In all but trivial cases, a transcript instantiates a composite type,
which may
contain tokens of e.g. letters, words, sentences, quotations, cross-references, notes,
comments, some of which are sequentially and/or hierarchically ordered, others only
ordered etc.
A somewhat more detailed formulation of t-similarity may be given as follows: If T
and E
are t-similar, then, with certain well-defined exceptions, the following rules apply:
Reciprocity: There is a one-to-one relation between the tokens in
an exemplar E and tokens in its transcript T.
Purity: Every token in T transcribes something in E.
Completeness: Every token in E is transcribed by something in
Type similarity: corresponding tokens in E and T are tokens of the
same type.
We said earlier that typically, transcriptions do not reorder, correct, amend, or
the text of the exemplar in any way. The four rules just stated are a way of making
statement precise. Note that if transcription is taken (as it often is) to be the
task of
creating an artifact which is as similar as possible to its
exemplar (at least, for the kinds of purposes for which transcription serves), and
if these four
rules capture the essential properties of transcription, then it follows that these
properties of reciprocity, purity, completeness, and type identity provide an explicit
of what it means for one document to be as similar as possible
to another (again, within the limits imposed by the context within which transcription
If the description of transcription just offered were entirely true, without qualification,
we would need to say no more about transcription. In reality, of course, as could
perhaps be
expected, it is not true without qualifications.
Transcripts usually include material not found in the exemplar, such as page numbers
explanatory notes. Some transcripts omit material found in the exemplar: deletions,
remarks or insertions in a different hand. Different transcribers apply different
criteria for
type identity: some normalize spelling or expand abbreviations, some preserve allographic
variation where others do not, while yet others preserve type identity not on letters
but only on
the word level. Sometimes such deviations from t-similarity are marked, often not.
Differences between transcripts may mean that the transcribers disagree about the
of the exemplar: when one transcript of the manuscripts of the nineteenth-century
German writer
Ludwig Büchner renders a word as Woyzeck and another as
Wozzeck, it signals a disagreement about how to read Büchner's handwriting.[14] However, differences between transcripts may also simply indicate that the two
transcripts follow different transcription practices. If one transcript shows an abbreviation
where the other shows a word fully spelled out, it does not mean the two transcribers
about what is on the page, only that they have reached different conclusions about
how best to
make the transcript useful. (Are we trying to support simple textual searches? Abbreviations
need to be expanded. Are we trying to make it possible for students of paleography
to find
occurrences of particular short forms? Abbreviations may need to be carefully recorded.)
presence, in cultural practice, of different transcription practices does not mean
that there
are no facts of the matter, or that transcripts cannot agree or disagree about those
facts, or
that transcripts cannot simply be right or wrong. But it does mean that understanding
logical implications of a given transcript requires a hermeneutic attempt to understand
transcription's practice.
Often transcripts come with descriptions of their conventions in the form of legends
statements of practice. Typically such statements describe deviations from what is
assumed to be
general norms of practice, or norms within an implied community of practitioners.
Those general
norms themselves are usually not stated explicitly, perhaps because they seem to be
too obvious
to allow mention without offence to the reader. What such statements of practice seem
describe, in addition to deviations from norms of the community, are exceptions from
our account
of t-similarity.
We believe, that is, that the three properties of t-similarity (purity, completeness,
identity) constitute a sort of “default” transcriptional implicature, a core of
tacit assumptions underlying all transcription.
Furthermore, we believe that deviations from this default implicature can usefully
be described
in a systematic way simply by making explicit a distinction often implicitly made,
“normal” and “special” tokens in transcript and exemplar.
Special transcript tokens are tokens which transcribe no token in the exemplar. Special
exemplar tokens are tokens which are not transcribed by any token in the transcript.
suitably formulated rules for the interpretation of special transcript and exemplar
tokens, a
fully operationalized account of the t-similarity between transcript and exemplar
can be given.
This allows us to judge, in the case of differences between transcripts of the same
exemplar, whether they differ only because of differences in transcriptional policy,
or because
one makes statements on matters about which the other is silent, or whether they actually
different claims about the exemplar.
In what follows, where we present some formal methods for measuring similarity, we
argue that our theory of t-similarity may provide a rationale, or a common theoretical
underpinning, for the various methods discussed. They may all be understood to measure,
in some
way or other, similarity between any pair of documents in terms of their t-similarity,
by counting how many additions, omissions and substitutions are required to account
for the
difference between them. The different methods vary, however, in their underlying
model: they model documents as simple or composite tokens or of various types, organized
as e.g.
sequences, bags, sets or graphs.
Some existing measures of document similarity
This section describes some important measures of similarity which can be and often
applied to problems of document similarity. The survey is by no means complete: we
pass in
silence over the large topic of statistical methods developed in the course of decades
research in information retrieval and also over the machine-learning methods which
enjoy wide popularity; neither the time at our disposal nor the current state of our
allows us to address them.
Instead, we limit ourselves to some conceptually simple measures, for which it is
at least in principle to identify clearly the properties with respect to which document
similarity is being measured.
The theory underlying these approaches has been a topic of discussion among mathematicians,
computer scientists, and students of information theory for the last seventy-five
years or so,
and there is a huge body of scholarly work, bristling with mathematical formulae,
which you will
be relieved to hear we have no intention of attempting to summarize here. Because
it makes
slightly better sense mathematically to view things this way, rather than talking
about document
similarity, they talk about document dissimilarity, or
(as it is normally called) distance. All the measures discussed in the
following are carefully defined to serve as what mathematicians call metrics, or distance
measures. So they have several properties worth bearing in mind, and easily understood
by analogy
with distance in the everyday world.[15]
For any points A and B, the distance between A and B is a non-negative number.
For any points A and B, the distance between A and B is zero if, and only if, A and
B are
the same point.
This is the mathematical realization of the identity of indiscernibles, which we
mentioned above.
For any points A and B, the distance between A and B is the same as the distance between
B and A.
That is, distance measures are symmetric. There are real-life cases where this is
true: in the Alps, the walking distance from village A to village B is not the same
as the
walking distance from B to A. In a city with many one-way streets, distance can also
non-symmetric. Quantitative measures for such asymmetric distances sometimes carry
endearing name quasimetrics.
For any three points A, B, and C, the distance between A and B is less than or equal
the sum of the distances from A to B and B to C.
This is called the triangle inequality, because it guarantees that
we can draw a triangle in the Euclidean plane with the same relative distances among
points. The triangle inequality is important for certain kinds of reasoning based
on distance
measures, and notable because not every intuitively plausible idea for a distance
turns out to obey it.
As mentioned earlier, similarity measures are usually given in terms of a decimal
between 0 and 1. The higher the number, the greater the similarity. Some measures
(e.g. the
Levenshtein distance we will discuss below) are originally defined not to give values
between 0
and 1, but as integer values counting a number of operations required to convert one
sequence or
set of a specific length to another. In such cases, we may “normalize” the measured
value by dividing it by the length of the longest sequence. So if the distance measure
two sequences of lengths 10 is 3, we can normalize the value by dividing it by the
length of the
longer sequence, i.e. 0.3. Furthermore, we can convert a normalized distance measure
to a
normalized similarity measure by subtracting its value from 1,
so e.g. a normalized distance of 0.3 corresponds to a normalized similarity of 0.7.
In the following, all measures will, unless otherwise stated, be given in the form
normalized similarity measures, irrespectively of how they are originally defined.
Sequence-based similarity measures
What sequence-based methods for identifying or measuring similarity between documents
in common is, as the term indicates, that they operate on representations of documents
sequences of types, usually sequences of letters or words. The
Hamming distance is one of the first sequenced-based similarity measures implemented
while file comparison tools like diff are probably among the most widely used sequence-based
methods. We will not go into detail about these here.[16]
An extremely influential distance measure was investigated in 1965 by the Russian
Vladimir Levenshtein and is known for him as the Levenshtein distance. The
Levenshtein distance is the minimal number of primitive operations needed in order
to transform
one string into another. For this reason, it and similar distance measures are sometimes
to as edit distance measures. (As with all string distance measures, we can
apply the Levenshtein distance equally well to sequences of words, or sequences of
any other kind
of item, but it simplifies the discussion and shortens the examples to talk primarily
sequences of characters.) In the Levenshtein distance, the primitive operations allowed
insertion of a character
deletion of a character
replacement of a character by another
The algorithm for calculating the Levenshtein distance is slightly difficult to
follow, and is rather expensive (which is why practical file comparison programs typically
do not
try to apply it in its pure form), but some examples should serve to illustrate the
measure; we
include the Hamming distance, to ease comparisons.[17]
Table I
Levenshtein distance
Hamming distance
Levenshtein similarity
Hamming similarity
plagiarism, plagiarsim
nationals, anational
Ruhrgebiet, Ruhegebete
Merkel, Markle
As may be seen, the Levenshtein distance is lower than the Hamming distance for the
second and third pairs — and for the second pair, much lower.
Few discussions of edit distance spend much time on any justification for the choice
primitive operations, but some reflection should make clear that the three operations
suffice for changing any string into any other string.
More than that, they correspond directly to three of the properties identified above
characteristic of error-free transcriptions and thus of maximally similar
documents: purity is the absence of insertions; completeness is the absence of deletions;
identity is the absence of character replacements. We suggest that this explains why
Levenshtein distance is universally and intuitively accepted as a measure of similarity.
Two strings of tokens are maximally similar and have a Levenshtein distance of zero
when they instantiate exactly the same sequence of types. In a sense, the Levenshtein
operates by counting the number of violations in the two strings of the properties
of purity,
completeness, and type identity.[18]
A suggestive variant on the Levenshtein distance is the Damerau/Levenshtein distance,
for Fred J. Damerau (and Vladimir Levenshtein), who in 1964 published a study of spelling
correction in which he wrote that 80% of the typographic errors in the materials he
consisted of a single inserted letter, a single dropped letter, a single changed letter,
or a
single transposition of two adjacent letters.[19]
We find the Damerau/Levenshtein distance suggestive in part because its difference
from the
Levenshtein distance lies in a tacit (and partial) recognition that there are two
distinct levels
of object to consider here: the identity of the sequence, and the identity of its
characters. This seems to us plausible and suggestive for considerations of document
as distinct from string or sequence similarity. (We distinguish document similarity
from string
similarity because we do not believe that documents can be satisfactorily viewed as
unidimensional sequences of items — whether the items are paragraphs, sentences, words,
characters). As mentioned above, our work on transcription similarity has found it
helpful to
consider not a single level of types and tokens, but many levels of composite types
and tokens,
containing and organizing lower-level types and tokens, down to a level at which analysis
Once we explicitly recognize that multiple levels of type and token are involved in
documents, we can easily understand some alternative similarity measures as selectively
certain types and tokens and basing the measure on others. Other similarity measures
variations on the concept of type identity (or type similarity), often by assigning
weights to different types and tokens.
Set- and bag-based similarity measures
Perhaps the simplest alternatives to the sequence measures just discussed are measures
that ignore the fact that the items in question (characters, or in many application
word types)
form a sequence at all. If we pay attention only to which types appear in the sequence,
the sequence in which they appear, then we can apply measures designed to quantify
similarity between sets.
Like Levenshtein distance, the measures discussed in this section can be thought
of as
counting exceptions to t-similarity (i.e. additions, omissions and substitutions).
difference is that the Levenshtein distance counts changes to sequences, and these
count changes to sets or bags of types or tokens.
A widely used measure for set similarity is Jaccard similarity.[20] It counts first the number of items that appear in both sets (the cardinality of
their intersection), and then the number of items that appear in either or both (the
of their union), and then divides the one by the other. In a formula: |A∩B| / |A∪B|.[21]
An obvious refinement to this approach is to keep track not just of which character
appear in the two strings, but how often they are used: that is, to treat the string
as a set of
character occurrences, or as is more commonly said, a bag of
characters.[22] This may allow us to register the difference between strings in which a particular
character occurs frequently from documents in which it is used only once.[23]
Applied to our examples, the Jaccard set and bag measures produce the following results:[24]
Table II
Jaccard set
Jaccard bag
plagiarism, plagiarsim
nationals, anational
Ruhrgebiet, Ruhegebete
Merkel, Markle
commas, come
actresses, recast
thread, hair
As was perhaps to be expected, Levenshtein similarity is more sensitive to the order
of the
characters in the strings than either of the Jaccard measures, but the Jaccard bag
deviates less from Levenshtein than the set measure. It can also be observed that,
with a small
exception for the third and a big exception for the sixth pair, the Jaccard measures
give the
same relative ranking of similarities as the Levenshtein measure.
In addition to the Jaccard similarity, many other similarity measures can be applied
sets and bags. We list here all the ones we have considered in this work. In the following
formulas, A and B are the two collections being
compared, |A| is the cardinality of A, and min(X, Y)
is the smaller of X and Y.
Jaccard similarity: |A ∩ B| /
|A ∪ B| (size of intersection over size of
union). May in summaries be labeled Js (for sets) or Jb (for bags).
Symmetric subsumption similarity[25]: (|A ∩ B| /
|A| + |A ∩ B| /
|B|) / 2 (average of size of intersection over size of the two
collections). Labeled as Hs, Hb.
Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity[26]: |A ∩ B| /
min(|A|, |B|) (size of intersection over size of
smaller collection). Labeled as Os, Ob.
Dice/Sørensen similarity[27]: 2 * |A ∩ B| /
(|A| + |B|) (twice the size of the intersection,
over the sum of the sizes of the two collections). Labeled Ds, Db.
Cosine similarity[28]: |A ∩ B| /
sqrt(|A| * |B|) (interprets each set or bag as a
vector and calculates the cosine of their angle in an n-dimensional
Euclidean space). Labeled Cs, Cb.
In the interest of completeness, we provide an overview of the values of these various
similarity measures applied to the earlier examples of pairs of strings here (for
the column gives Levenshtein similarity values):
Table III
plagiarism, plagiarsim
nationals, anational
Ruhrgebiet, Ruhegebete
Merkel, Markle
commas, come
actresses, recast
thread, hair
Until now, we have been dealing with examples of similarity measures applied to strings
analyzed as sequences, sets or bags of character types. It should be observed, therefore,
the various similarity measures may behave differently when applied to strings analyzed
sequences, sets, or bags of strings or word types.
Calculating sequence-based measures like the Levenshtein similarity requires time
and space
proportional to the product of the lengths of the two sequences. For documents of
normal length,
that can make sequence-based measures prohibitively slow. From a practical point of
view, set-
and bag-based measures are attractive because they are relatively straightforward
to calculate.
Perhaps surprisingly, however, simple measures of this kind can and do produce useful
as will be illustrated below.
In any sufficiently long documents written in an alphabetic script, it is likely
every letter of the alphabet will at some point make an appearance, so that any two
will have a very high set similarity measure on characters. And any pair of naturally
documents in the same language will normally share many high-frequency words, so that
no two
documents are likely to have a very low bag similarity measure on characters.
But if we take word types, not letter types, as the members of the two sets, we get
comparison of the vocabulary of the two documents, of the kind that has long been
used by
literary historians to compare and contrast authors or works and even to trace literary
On the principle that a book about a given topic will use terms related to that topic
frequently, and terms related to tangential topics only rarely, the idea of comparing
using the bag of words model was early examined by developers of information retrieval
But since the meaning of a document depends critically upon the meanings of its sentences,
and the meaning of a sentence depends, in many languages (notably English, but not
only in
English), upon the order of its words, it may seem unlikely that a similarity measure
systematically throws away information about the order of words has any chance of
useful results.
Sequence information without sequences: n-gram similarity measures
One way to make set- and bag-based measures at least partly sensitive to the sequence
which items appear is to model a document not as a set or bag of words or characters
but as a
set or bag of word or character n-grams.
To illustrate this approach, let us consider the sequence abcdefghij and three other sequences derived from it:
axbcdefghi, obtained by inserting an x and deleting the j.
fghijabcde, obtained by moving the last five characters
of the sequence to the front.
jciafgdhbe, a random permutation of the original
The Levenshtein and Jaccard measures for the three pairs are:
Table IV
abcdefghij, axbcdefghi
abcdefghij, fghijabcde
abcdefghij, jciafgdhbe
As may be seen, the Jaccard measure is unaffected by the permutations of the letters,
the Levenshtein measure is unaffected by ways in which the variants preserve portions
of the
original sequence.
If we consider not the set of letter types but the set of letter pairs in the strings,
however, or the set of letter triples, or subsequences of length n (n-grams), we can
get rather
different results for these sequences:
Table V
Js (1-grams)
Js (2-grams only)
Js (3-grams only)
Js (1- and 2-grams)
Js (1-, 2- and 3-grams)
abcdefghij, axbcdefghi
abcdefghij, fghijabcde
abcdefghij, jciafgdhbe
As may be seen, including all the n-grams of length n or shorter will produce a higher
similarity score than excluding the shorter n-grams. If there are any principled reasons
choosing a particular value for n, we do not know what they are; of course, larger
values of n
also lead to larger sets and slower computations.
What to do about marked up documents?
The preceding discussion has discussed a number of useful measures for the similarity
sequences, and sets, and bags (and has left many others unmentioned). All of these
may be applied
to the problem of document similarity by modeling documents as sequences, or sets,
or bags, of
one kind of thing or another: characters (quite frequent for application of edit distance
words and strings), words, word stems, or units of semantic content created by abstracting
from the words present in the document, using information about word distributions
in larger
Strikingly, painfully absent from this list are measures of document similarity based
on, or
even passably compatible with, any conception of documents that models them as more
structures. It has been some time since users of descriptive markup were able to take
the idea that documents are in general best modeled as one-dimensional sequences of
words or
characters. If we translate documents down into such less expressive models for purposes
similarity measurements, we are, it would seem, giving up any chance of using the
markup in our
documents to guide the measurement of similarity, any chance of measuring the similarity
difference of document structure, to the extent that that structure is expressed by
There has almost surely been research on measuring the similarity of structured documents;
we cannot believe there has not been. But we have not found it. Web searches turn
up lots of hits
for searches like “graph similarity”, but we have not found any which are concerned
with similarity of the graphs we use to represent documents, whether the directed
graphs of XDM
or the directed graphs of GODDAG or the hypergraphs of TAG.
We would have liked to continue our survey of methods for calculating document similarity
considering methods which attend to tree and graph structures at least as carefully
as the
edit-distance measures for strings attend to the sequence of characters. But we cannot
do so,
until we either find work on this topic that we have not yet found, or until such
measures are
invented. Perhaps the best we can do is to identify what seem to us some possible
lines of
approach which might allow some progress towards document similarity measures which
are sensitive
to document structure. The following paragraphs attempt to sketch out those lines
As a short example, consider William Blake's poem The sick rose:
O Rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
If we wish to measure the similarity of this text to some other text by calculating
the Levenshtein distance, or any other edit distance, between the two, we can reduce
Blake's poem
to a sequence of 172 characters, or to a sequence of 34 words.[29]
1) As a first line of approach, perhaps a more markup-aware similarity measure can
be had by
simply including the start- and end-tags of elements in the sequence. Depending on
our vocabulary
and our markup practice, that might produce a sequence of 60 tokens (34 words, 11
start-tags for
poem, stanza, and line, 11 end-tags), or more (start- and end-tags for word elements,
example). Perhaps we should insert attribute-value pairs separately into the sequence
(as in the
line-oriented output from the old SGML parser sgmls). Perhaps we should treat each
sequence of
data characters (each text node, to shift into XDM terminology) as an item in the
sequence, so
that (in a simple case with no line-internal markup) each line in the poem becomes
a token.[30]
2) A second line of approach is similar: in applying set- and bag-based measures of
similarity, we need not restrict ourselves to words or characters. We know we can
model Blake's
poem as a bag of words. We can equally well model it as a bag of nodes; text nodes
can be used
whole or broken up into words,[31] which in the case of Blake's rose might give us a bag with 19 members (eight text
nodes, one for each line, eight line elements, two
stanza elements, one poem element), or one with 45
members (34 words, 11 element nodes) — or perhaps a different count. Whether it is
useful to constitute the bag or set one way or a different way is, of course, a practical
question to be settled by experiment.
3) A third line of approach takes the previous idea one step further. An undirected
graph is
a pair of sets: one set is the vertices of the graph, and the other is a set of pairs
members are vertices. For directed graphs, one set is the set of nodes, and the other
set is a
set of ordered pairs whose members are nodes. Alternatively, we can in each case speak
of one set
of vertices or nodes, and a relation on them.
If we are seeking a way to compare the similarity of document structures we have modeled
graphs, and graphs are simply pairs of sets, then perhaps all we need to do is apply
measures for similarity of sets to the sets which make up the graphs. (And maybe all
that work on
graph similarity is relevant to documents, after all.)[32] This is, mutatis mutandis, analogous to the grouping of character and word tokens
into types. For our experiments, we have often treated identity of the element type
name [or:
generic identifier] as a necessary and sufficient condition for node equivalence,
but other
criteria might be used; we have also experimented with treating all XDM nodes of the
same type as
equivalent (so any two element nodes are equivalent, any two attribute nodes equally
so, and so
Of course, the graphs used in document modeling tend to impose orderings on their
nodes: the
element structure of XML defines an ordered tree, not an unordered one, and similar
apply to Goddags and to TAG models. But it has been observed that the full XPath data
model can
be applied to any set of objects to which we can apply two primitive relations which
satisfy a
short list of conditions; the simplest case to imagine is that one relation defines
first-child relation of XDM, and the other a relation one might call
next-sibling. All the axes of XPath can be defined on the basis of these
two primitive relations.[33]
As we observed in our discussion of t-similarity, our model of transcription assumes
existence of composite tokens instantiating composite types; that model of simple
and composition
types and tokens is explicitly motivated by considerations of document structure [Huitfeldt, Marcoux and Sperberg-McQueen] If as suggested earlier one way to interpret Levenshtein distance
is to say that it counts the number of violations of the rules of purity, completeness,
and type
identity between corresponding tokens within a sequence, then perhaps we can go beyond
sequence by extending the principle to all types and tokens in the documents being
compared: how
many tokens at any level lack a corresponding item in the other document? How many
tokens differ in type? Of course, finding the minimal number of violations to count
is largely
dependent on the quality of the correspondence established between the tokens of the
documents; different correspondences need to be explored. A similar problem applies
to sequence,
and the algorithm for calculating Levenshtein distance can be seen as exploring all
alignments of the two strings. Perhaps an analogous technique can be applied here.
Or perhaps the
greater structural complexity of graphs will make it harder to do so without a combinatorial
4) Yet another line of approach is to step back and think about the relation of Levenshtein
distance to sequences. Levenshtein distance measures a distance between two sequences
of objects,
and it does so very effectively. But neither in the high-level description of what
the distance
measures nor in the low-level definition of the primitive operations are sequences
mentioned. Could we define a structure-sensitive measure of document similarity analogously,
specifying a set of minimal graph-editing operations and defining the distance measure
as the
minimal number of editing operations needed to transform one document into the other?
That is, perhaps, a silly question. Of course we can. What is not clear to the authors
the moment is whether one can do so in such a way as to produce a measure of document
useful in practice. That involves selecting primitive operations that make intuitive
sense and
produce distance measures that correspond at least roughly to our intuitions, and
it involves
defining the measure in detail in such a way as to make it computable, preferably
at an
acceptable cost.
Further work is needed in this area. In the experiments reported below, we have begun
explore, although only to a very modest extent, some of the lines of approach sketched
Some simple experiments
It may be informative to examine the performance of various measures on simple tasks.
have created several test beds, small collections of documents with certain known
relations among
them. We list the collections here, since some of them will be referred to more than
once in what
Testbed 1 consists of 12 articles downloaded from Wikipedia, whereof
two sets of three articles and one set of two articles are earlier and later versions
of the
same document.[34]
The articles are further subdivided into 312 paragraphs and 1300 sentences.
Testbed 2 consists of 16 paragraphs from the Wittgenstein Nachlass,
all rather short.[35]
Testbed 3 consists of 7 articles from the
Balisage Proceedings, none of them genetically related. Three of the articles are
by the Balisage website to be related to the same topic, “DITA”.[36]
Testbed 4 consist of 31 short songs, quatrains, clerihews, and
limericks encoded in TEI; some examples involve overlapping hierarchies and are encoded
a variety of markup idioms such as Trojan horse, fragmentation with virtual elements
Identifying genetically related documents
A simple use for document similarity measures, and one of those which first raised
interest in the topic, is that of finding genetically related texts or portions of
Wittgenstein's Nachlass consists of roughly three million word tokens distributed
roughly 54,000 paragraphs. Many of the paragraphs are earlier versions or later revisions
other paragraphs. It is reasonable to expect that these paragraphs are similar in
particular respect, and it is a matter of some practical interest to find a similarity
which will assign a high similarity score to pairs of paragraphs which are genetically
in this way, and lower similarity scores to paragraphs unrelated by origin or topic.
A number of methods have been employed in order to identify such pairs; the application
the bag of words model is one of the simplest of these. It has turned out to give
interesting results.
Consider the following three short paragraphs from Wittgenstein's Nachlass:
Der Begriff „und so weiter‟ ist äquivalent mit dem Begriffe der
Der Begriff der Operation ist äquivalent mit dem Begriff „und so
Der Satz ist der Ausdruck der Übereinstimmung und nicht Übereinstimmung mit den
Wahrheitsmöglichkeiten der Elementarsätze.
We expect any reader will note (even if they do not read German) that the first
two paragraphs are similar, and the third is not very similar to either. And although
they work
on such a simple level, the Jaccard similarity measures are effective here: in the
and set-of-words models, the Jaccard similarities are
as given in the following table.
Levenshtein distances measured on characters and on words (after
punctuation) are given for comparison.
Table VI
Js (words)
Jb (words)
L (words)
L (characters)
1, 2
1, 3
2, 3
And indeed paragraph 2 is a re-working in Manuscript 104 (the so-called
‘Proto-Tractatus’ of paragraph 1, which appears in Manuscript 103; paragraph 3 is
also from Manuscript 104, but occurs in a different context and is not directly related
paragraphs 1 and 2.[37]
Calculating pairwise similarity for several paragraphs can produce useful visualizations,
which (in our testing so far) produce plausible clusterings. If we plot each paragraph
testbed 2 as a point and place them on the Cartesian plane so that the similarity
of any two
paragraphs is at least roughly reflected in their distance, we get a display of their
similarity on sets (Js) like the following:
Figure 1: 16 paragraphs from Wittgenstein Nachlass, Jaccard measure on sets
Here, links connect documents with highest similarity (black for higher, gray for
lower scores).[38]
The Symmetric subsumption measure on bags (Hb) produces a similar clustering, as shown
the following diagram:[39]
Figure 2: 16 paragraphs from Wittgenstein Nachlass, Symmetric subsumption measure on bags
The tests done so far indicate that indeed, the higher the score, the more likely
that the
paragraphs are revisions or earlier versions of each other. For testbed 2, all set-
bag-based measures, whether calculated on single words, bigrams or trigrams, give
roughly the
same results.
As may be seen, the set and bag method has turned out to have interesting results.
How can
that be?[40]
An important part of the explanation is that we are comparing relatively short texts.
mean size of paragraphs in the Wittgenstein Nachlass is 58 tokens, and the mean number
of types
is 41. For any given set of 58 word tokens distributed over 41 word types, the number
of ways in
which they can be sequenced is astronomic, but the number of ways they can be sequenced
into a
meaningful sequence of words is severely limited.
But even on longer documents, the bag of words and set of words models are effective
identifying genetically related texts. In fact, somewhat to our surprise, also when
applied to
testbed 1 (the Wikipedia articles), almost all of the set- and bag-based similarity
identify the same seven document pairs as most similar to each other, namely those
document pairs which were genetically related.
Here, for example, is a plot of the Dice similarity measure on bags. As may be seen,
strongest similarities detected are those of genetically related documents: versions
a, b, and c
of the article on Gottlob Frege, versions a and b of the article on Niklas Luhmann,
and versions
a, b, and c of the article on Ludwig Wittgenstein. The articles on Niklaus Wirth,
Donald Knuth,
and other topics are all isolated.
Figure 3: 12 Wikpedia articles, Dice measure on bags
The Cosine similarity measure calculated on sets of bigrams produces essentially the
Figure 4: 12 Wikpedia articles, Cosine measure on sets of bigrams
Identifying thematically related documents
Often document similarity is used for information retrieval: given an article on a
particular topic and a request to find other articles on the same topic, similarity
measures can
be used to seek those articles, without any digressions through the difficult thickets
controlled subject vocabularies and the like, which is helpful since indexers and
makers of
controlled vocabularies find it difficult to keep up with the pace of publication
in science and
On testbed 3, our sample of 7 documents from the Balisage proceedings series, we ran
variety of tests to see if any would put the three papers indexed as being about DITA
The results were not encouraging. On the assumption that inclusion of punctuation
and case
sensitivity and the most frequent word forms, while possibly important for identifying
similarity, might have the opposite effect for thematic similarity searches, we omitted
punctuation, used cased-insensitive indexing and a stop-list containing all word forms
in 6 or 7 of the 7 documents. The results were still not very convincing. Here, for
example, is
the plot of the Jaccard similarity on bags:
Figure 5: 7 Balisage articles, Jaccard measure on bags
As may be seen, K1 and K2 are indicated as more similar to each other than to the
other documents. But their assumed similarity to CU (the “DITA”-papers are CU, K1,
and K2) is not reflected, and none of the documents are noticeably closer to each
other than to
the others.
Several measures identified the similarity between K1 and K2, but only two measures
(specifically the Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity on sets and bags) did assign the
similarity measure to the two pairs K1-K2 and K2-CU, thus placing the three DITA documents
in a
cluster, as shown here for the Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity on bags:
Figure 6: 7 Balisage articles, Szymkiewicz-Simpson measure on bags
Notice, however, that this is the only of the 10 set- and bag-based measures in which
there is a visible gap in the range, with pairs of thematically similar documents
above the gap
and pairs of thematically dissimilar documents below it.[41]
Identifying similar markup
In order to experiment with similarity measures on documents encoded in different
vocabularies, we took three copies of each document in testbed 3 from the Balisage
web site (the Balisage XML, the XHTML found in the epub version of the paper, and
the HTML
served to browsers) and translated them into six other formats using Libre Office
(saving as
Flat XML ODF document, docbook.xml, and Open Office
XML) and Microsoft Word (saving as Word XML, Word 2003 XML
document, and Strict Open XML document).
Applying the various methods for set- and bag-based measures directly on these variously
marked up documents, however, did not provide useful results, as exemplified by this
plot of the
Jaccard similarity on bags:
Figure 7: 7 Balisage articles, each in 9 formats, Jaccard measure on bags
There are no useful clusters here, no groups of documents clearly closer to each other
to documents outside the group. Many of the adjacent pairs are indeed versions of
the same
paper, but not all, and the versions of a given paper do not form identifiable clusters.
It appears (but it is hard to think of good ways to test this hypothesis) that what
happened here is that the frequent occurrence of particular element type names (and
names?) has caused documents using the same XML vocabularies to be classed as similar,
of the high frequency of common items for things like paragraphs and titles. This
does not
completely swamp the effect of the text nodes, but it does obscure it.
In order to try to separate the effect of the documents' character data content from
effect of the markup itself, we created various derived forms from each XML document,
the documents in various ways to emphasis different aspects of the markup structure
in the
documents. In all of them, comments, processing instructions, teiheader, script and
elements as well as attribute-value pairs were filtered out. In the discussion below,
we will
refer to the various derived forms using the following labels:[42]
m: Both element nodes and text nodes are included in
the bag or set used to model each document.
e: Element nodes are included in the bag or set used to
model each document; text nodes are leveled to the same dummy value. (So the model
distinguishes between presence and absence of text nodes, but not between different
p: The set and bag models are populated using
parent-child pairs (e.g. body/div, div/h1, div/p, etc.) — a simple application of
In retrospect, the results were perhaps predictable; we confess nevertheless to having
surprised by them.
For example, the Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity measure on sets of the p transform
the following plot:
Figure 8: 7 Balisage articles, each in 9 formats, transform p, Szymkiewicz-Simpson measure on
The clusters correspond almost exactly to the nine differently marked up versions
the seven documents. Similar plots were produced by several of the set- and bag-based
measures using transforms p and e.
It is reassuring, in its way, to find that when similarity measures are applied to
sets or
bags of element type names, the measures successfully classify documents by the vocabulary
to mark them up. It is, however, not a particularly compelling use case for quantitative
measurements of document similarity to use them to do what can be done easily by just
the root elements and namespace declarations of the various documents.
Identifying structurally similar documents
Our final experiment involved a collection of 29 short documents and document fragments
in TEI, consisting of
some limericks (with five lines per line group, and one line group per poem)
some clerihews and other poems with the same structure (four lines per line group,
line group per poem)
some other verse (a song with words by Oscar Hammerstein and two parodies, with two
groups of four lines each and one of five lines)
a short prose text
some short fragments of verse drama from the MLCD Overlap Corpus, tagged in various
ways: several versions of a couple of lines from Henrik Ibsen's Peer
Gynt, and several versions of some lines from Cyrano de Bergerac's
Since all of the documents are using the same parent vocabulary, we hoped it might
possible to use markup-sensitive similarity measures to detect useful groupings of
documents. Jaccard similarity on bags on the e transform produces the following plot:
Figure 9: 29 TEI documents, transform e, Jaccard measure on bags
As can be seen, there are links between the verse and drama versions of Peer Gynt
Agrippine, the four songs form a separate cluster, the limericks seem to form a sub-cluster
within the other poetry cluster, and the only prose text in the collection does not
come out as
similar to any of the other documents. (On the other hand, it is surprising that the
same goes
for the Horse3 versions of Peer Gynt and Agrippine.)
A Jaccard similarity on bags, with text nodes leveled and with n-grams of length 1
to 5
shows slightly different clustering: here, the versions of Peer Gynt cluster with
each other, as
do the versions of Agrippine (with a few strays), but again all the non-dramatic verse
is in a
single cluster.
Figure 10: 29 TEI documents, transform e, Jaccard measure on bags of 1-5-grams
A similar plot for the same model with text nodes not leveled clusters versions of
same or similar texts more tightly (as might be expected), without completely dissolving
markup-based clusters:
Figure 11: 29 TEI documents, transform m, Jaccard measure on bags of 1-5-grams
Since the introduction of writing, transcription has been the method by which documents
been produced which are “as similar as possible”, or even “so similar as to be,
for practical purposes, identical” to other documents. From a philosophical point
of view,
of course, no document can be identical to any other document, and whether a given
kind or degree
of similarity suffices for particular purposes will invariably depend upon the purposes.
purposes that depend upon the linguistic content and meaning of a document, transcription
to provide an effective culturally developed standard of maximal similarity.
Our earlier work on transcription has led us to postulate that in principle an error-free
transcription possesses the property of t-similarity with its exemplar. T-similarity
can be
decomposed into the properties of purity, completeness, and type identity with the
exemplar. That
is, a t-similar transcription neither adds nor omits nor changes any of the types
present in the
exemplar, whether atomic or composite. The basic rules of t-similarity may be seen
to provide a
rationale, or a common theoretical underpinning, of the various similarity measures
we have
Standard similarity measures for sequences exhibit concern for precisely the addition,
omission, or replacement of members of the sequence, and can be interpreted as measuring
similarity between two sequences by counting the number of points at which the two
sequences fail
to be perfectly t-similar. Many different similarity measures can be constructed by
composite tokens (e.g. the sequence of words in a document, or the arrangement of
words into
paragraphs and paragraphs into sections, etc.) either selectively (as sequence measures
higher-level types) or comprehensively (as bag and set measures ignore all composite
types and
work only with word types or word occurrences).
Further variants (which we have not discussed here) can be constructed by weighting
different additions, omissions, and changes differently; for subject-matter retrieval,
example, the replacement of one synonym by another should ideally not lead to a lower
measure. Yet more variants can be created by increasing ingenuity in the calculation
of different
weights for different substitutions, based for example on distributional semantics.
We can if we wish make similarity measures sensitive to markup structures by defining
or tree-edit similarity measures analogous to the sequence edit distances like Levenshtein
distance and Damerau/Levenshtein distance. There is useful research being done on
this topic.
Unfortunately for those with short-term needs for practicable solutions, the calculation
of edit
distances on trees and graphs appears to be expensive and the distances measured do
not appear
always to correlate with our intuitions about the relative similarity of various pairs
of marked
up documents.[43]
For some applications, including the detection of genetic or thematic relations among
documents, markup sensitivity appears not to be needed. When it is needed, some sensitivity
markup can be achieved by using bag and set similarity measures on documents modeled
as bags or
sets of n-grams, where various markup constructs (element nodes, attribute nodes,
etc.) and
various adjacency relations (parent/child, adjacent sibling, ancestor/descendant,
etc.) are used
to create the n-grams. If the markup is of particular interest, it can be helpful
to filter out
the words of the text, so that the markup items are the only members of the set or
Applying document similarity measures to documents encoded in different vocabularies
unlikely to reveal much beyond the fact that the documents use different vocabularies.
But when
documents are encoded in the same vocabulary, n-grams constructed to include markup
can be used
to recognize structural similarities between documents.
As we have seen, simple measures may be surprisingly effective. But until we have
ways to quantify similarity between trees and graphs that go beyond standard similarity
operating on tokens and types of their serializations, document similarity will remain
an open
[Damerau 1964] Damerau, Fred J. 1964. “A technique
for computer detection and correction of spelling errors”. Communications of
the ACM 7.3 (March 1964): 171-176. doi:
[FRBR] International Federation of Library Associations.
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. IFLA Series on
Bibliographic Control 19. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1998.
[Goodman] Goodman, Nelson. “Seven strictures on
similarity”. Problems and Projects. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1972.
[Huitfeldt] Huitfeldt, Claus. 2006. “Philosophy
Case Study”. In Electronic Textual Editing, ed. Lou Burnard, Katherine
O'Brien O'Keeffe, and John Unsworth. New York: MLA 2006, pp. 181-96.
[Jaccard] Jaccard, Paul. “Distribution de la flore
alpine dans le bassin des Dranses et dans quelques régions voisines”. Bulletin de
la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 37 (1901): 241-272. doi: [Not
[Levenshtein] Levenshtein, Vladimir I. “Binary
codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals”. Soviet Physics
Doklady 10.8 (1966): 707–710.
[Peirce] Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders.
“Prolegomena to an apology for pragmaticism”. The Monist 16
(1906): 492-546. doi: Reprinted vol. 4 of C. S. Peirce, Collected papers, ed.
Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
[Van der Meulen and Tanselle] Van der Meulen, D. L. and
Tanselle, G. T. “A system of manuscript transcription”. Studies in
Bibliography, 52: 201–12 (1999).
[Wittgenstein] Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The
Bergen Electronic Edition. Oxford University Press, 2000,
[1] Most or all legal systems have rules for authentication of copies of passports and
legally important documents. Typically, these rules require a person in some professional
to confirm having seen both the copy and the original, and to testify (in writing)
that the one
is a true copy of the other.
See : “Take the photocopied document and
the original and ask the person to certify the copy by: writing Certified to be a
true copy of
the original seen by me on the document; signing and dating it; printing their name
under the
signature; adding their occupation, address and telephone number”.
In less rigidly controlled situations, however, we may be content to conclude from
identity of the name, the time stamp and the size of two computer files that they
are copies of
the same document. The identity of these features are of course neither necessary
sufficient conditions for document identity. File comparison tools may automatically
that two document files both exemplify the same sequences of bits. This is usually
sufficient, though far from always a necessary condition for the effective identity
of the two
[2] We use the word “object” in a very wide sense. Objects may be physical,
concrete, continuous, dispersed, singular, plural, universal, abstract, and so on.
In general,
anything to which one may attribute a property is an object.
[3] It should perhaps be noted that Leibniz postulated that difference in physical location
alone cannot suffice to establish a claim that two things are in fact distinct things;
this is
part of his doctrine of the identity of indiscernibles (see next note). We are unable
to follow him in this postulate or to provide a principled reason to reject it.
[4] Here the expressions x=y ⇒ (Fx⇔Fy)
and (Fx⇔Fy) ⇒ x=y are to be understood as
holding for all objects x and y and all predicates F. The
identity of indiscernibles, also known as “Leibniz's
law”, has been (and still is) disputed. The
indiscernibility of identicals, by contrast, is generally
accepted, perhaps because it appears to follow from the law of
excluded middle.
[5] It may be objected that, thus construed, identity is not a relation between objects
[6] Some famous examples: The ship of Theseus, paradoxes of personal identity and of
[7] A recent attempt to provide a reference model for some of the many different meanings
commonly attached to words like book is given by FRBR.
[8] When we relate to digital documents, there is a sense in which we relate to physical
objects, e.g. particular portions of data carriers with certain patterns of electromagnetic
properties. But we rarely think of them in those terms, probably because they are
not directly
perceivable. What is directly perceived, like a book, is what we see on the screen
(or hear
from the loudspeakers). Alternatively, we may see it this way: a computer automatically,
instantly and reliably creates new physical copies of the document, so we do not need
to think
about the relation between the physical representations on disk, in cash, or in screen
or the pixels on the screen, the projector etc.
That may be why people sometimes say about digital objects (document files), not that
they are documents, but that they represent (or even instantiate) documents, which
seems to
suggest that the digital document itself is an abstract object with physical instantiations.
Note, for comparison, that we do not (normally) say that a book instantiates or is
instantiated by a document, -- the book is the document, it is a physical object and
cannot have instantiations.
The transition from traditional, “physical” to “digital”
documents challenges our ideas about documents and text in ways we may still not quite
been able to make out. We tend to think of physical documents like books as directly
perceivable and stable objects, in contrast to digital documents which cannot be directly
perceived unless they are displayed on paper or screen, and which seem to be transient
as they
vanish when we turn off the device or look different when we adjust some parameters.
But our
access to the textual content of a book, too, requires us to pull it off the shelf
and open
it, it may have changed or even have been replaced since we last opened it, we depend
on light
for its readability, and so on... Considered as a perceivable and relatively stable
portion of
physical reality it fares no better than the digital document, at least in principle,
admittedly we rely on less robust and universally available technology in the one
case than in
the other.
[9] It should be noted at this point that nodes as defined by the XPath data model XDM
always tokens in nature; XDM defines no way to group tokens as being of the same type
Peirce's sense (XDM nodes do have types, but none of the various types attributed
to them is
a type in Peirce's sense). It follows that any similarity measure intended to apply
to nodes
in an XML document must define its own ways of reducing node tokens to types; it is
far from
obvious at this point which ways will work best for which purposes.
[10]by transcription we mean the effort to report—insofar as typography
allows—precisely what the textual inscription of a manuscript consists of. [Van der Meulen and Tanselle, p. 201]
[11] A replica of a clay tablet may itself be a clay tablet, and thus very similar to the
original tablet. Even the most accurate and faithful transcription of a clay tablet,
on the
other hand, will in most respects not be similar to the original clay tablet at all,
certainly not look like one. Transcription is about another kind of similarity.
[12] As already explained, although the type-token distinction is usually applied primarily
lower-level linguistic units like letters or words, the distinction also applies at
levels, such as sentences, paragraphs, or whole documents, which are then seen as
tokens of composite types.
[13] T-similarity as such only says something about the similarity relation between documents.
It does not capture other salient facts of the relation between transcript and exemplar,
example that E must precede T in time, that E has served as evidence for T, that T
has been
made on the basis of E and with certain intentions and aims, etc. It is also immaterial
t-similarity whether the documents in question are hand-written, printed, digital,
or carved
on clay tablets.
Like any formally defined similarity, t-similarity is
context-dependent: the claim that two documents are t-similar
entails assumptions about the type system(s) used and various
details of the transcription's practice. In consequence, the
reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity of t-similarity hold only
under certain circumstances, the details of which would take us
too far afield in this paper. The main point, however, still
holds: t-similarity is not the same relation as transcription.
[14] Alban Berg's opera is called Wozzeck because that was how the name
was read by the editor who first published the material. Later editors, guided in
part by
documentary records concerning the historical figure who inspired Büchner's play,
have read
the name Woyzeck.
[16] Diff is strictly speaking not a similarity measure, but a tool for identifying
modifications necessary in order to transform one document to another. A count of
the number of
modifications identified may however be used as a similarity measure. In practice,
programs make some compromises in the interests of speed of execution, so the sets
of changes
they show are not guaranteed to be absolutely minimal.
The Hamming distance, defined in 1950 by the Bell Labs researcher
Richard Hamming, was designed to find ways of ensuring that messages encoded in a
way would be sufficiently dissimilar to ensure that they would not be mistaken for
each other
even if the encoding were damaged in transmission. For any strings of characters A
and B, with
the same length, the Hamming distance between them is the number of positions in the
string at
which A and B have different characters. The Hamming distance does often not match
intuitive sense of how similar two sequences are, and it is undefined for strings
of unequal
length. (In practice, if people want to compute Hamming distances
for strings of different lengths, they pad out the shorter string
with some character not present elsewhere.)
Therefore, it seems ill suited for measurement of document similarity.
[17] As explained above, by “similarity” we mean “normalized
similarity” when we say, for short, “Levenshtein similarity” and
“Hamming similarity”. We use pairs of strings of equal length as examples here,
because the Hamming distance is not defined for strings of unequal lengths.
[18] This account also suggests why the Hamming distance seems less satisfactory as an
of similarity: it does not recognize the categories of impurity and incompleteness
and deletions], only that of type difference [replacement or substitution].
[19] As can be seen from the Merkel / Markleplagiarism / plagiarsim examples, the Levenshtein
distance treats transpositions like le / el as
adjacent substitutions; when the two letters are the same, however, the Damerau/Levenshtein
distance counts only one change, not two. (So the Damerau/Levenshtein similarity for
Merkel / Markle is 0.67, compared to a Levenshtein
similarity of 0.5; for plagiarism / plagiarsim it is
0.9, compared to 0.8.)
[20] Also known as the Jaccard index or the Jaccard similarity
coefficient (coefficient de communauté), defined by the
scholar Paul Jaccard in 1901 [Jaccard].
[21] For example, if we wish to measure the similarity of the words
Merkel and Markle, we have A = {e, k, l, M, r}, B =
{a, e, k, l, M, r}, A∩B = {e, k, l, M, r}, A∪B = {a, e, k, l, M, r}, and thus a
Jaccard similarity of 5/6, or 0.83. The details
for the other entries in the table below are left as an exercise for the reader.
[22] A bag of objects is like a set in that it is unordered, but unlike a set in that one
the same object can occur more than once. Bags are sometimes called multisets. A bag
is also
like a sequence, in that a given type may occur more than once; but like items shaken
in a bag, the members of a bag of characters do not have any meaningful order.
[23] The method of counting the members of the intersection and union must be adjusted
account for the shift from sets to bags: the intersection contains the lower count
for each
type present in both inputs, the union contains the higher count for any type present
either or both.
[24] In this case, we have padded the shorter string to the same length as the longer before
calculating a normalized Hamming distance.
[25] We have not been able to find this measure in the literature we have consulted so
but we guess the likelihood is low that it hasn't been thought of before. The authors
be grateful for references.
[26] See Sometimes called the overlap
coefficient or index. We sympathize with readers who have reported that they find
the term
“overlap” misleading: the Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity is 1 whenever one of
the two collections is a sub-collection of the other.
[29] In some language corpora it would be represented as a sequence of 38 tokens (34 words
4 punctuation marks). (These figures assume that we are leaving the title and author
attribution out of the comparison, which often goes without saying, but should probably
[30] Treating each text node or verse line as a token may seem far-fetched at first glance,
it would quite possibly be the best basis for comparing the similarity of two sonnets
Raymond Queneau's book One hundred billion poems. Similarity measures
often vary with context!
[31] Some word tokens may be split over markup boundaries, but for purposes of constructing
set or bag in question here, that need not trouble us: we can include both the uninterrupted
word and the interrupting markup as elements of the bag.)
[32] We cannot, for this purpose, usefully use nodes as defined by XDM: since no XDM node
occur in more than one document, it follows that the intersection of the node sets
of any two
documents will be empty, which means that most set-based similarity measures will
return a
value of zero. But we can abstract away from node identity a little bit by defining
equivalence relation on nodes (whose equivalence criteria can be chosen to taste)
and working
with the resulting equivalence classes.
[33] Actually, there are many pairs of relations that can be used: one could take document
order and preceding-sibling, or previous-node and descendant. The key observation
is that for
an ordered tree, a set of nodes and two relations on those nodes suffice. That suggests
performing similarity measurements on XML documents by applying set- or bag-based
measures to
the set of nodes, and the set of pairs in the three defining relations.
CL: Ashley M. Clark: “With One Voice: A Modular Approach to Streamlining
Character Data for Tokenization”
CU: Autumn Cuellar and Jason Aiken: “The Ugly Duckling No More. Using Page
Layout Software to Format DITA Outputs”
HU: Claus Huitfeldt, Yves Marcoux, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen: “Extension of the
type/token distinction to document structure”
K1: Eliot Kimber: “DITA Grammar Customization. Enabling controlled grammar
extension for loosely-coupled interchange and interoperation”
K2: Eliot Kimber: “Hyperdocument Authoring Link Management Using Git and
XQuery in Service of an Abstract Hyperdocument Management Model Applied to DITA
MA: James David Mason: “Do we really want to see markup?”
SP: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen: “Thinking, wishing, saying”
CU, K1, and K2 are classified by the Balisage website to be related to the
same topic, “DITA”.
[37] The sigla of the three paragraphs are: 1) Ms_103,83r[3], 2) Ms_104,118[6], and 3)
[38] The red links connect documents with similarity 1.0, black bold links connect documents
with similarity greater than 0.9, black unbolded links 0.8, solid gray 0.7, dashed
grey 0.5,
and dotted grey 0.3. Distances between documents not connected by links are used for
purposes, but the links are not drawn.
The layout is performed by the Graphviz neato layout engine, which
accepts suggested lengths for edges connecting nodes in the graph, and adjusts them
as needed
using a physical model involving springs, which performs a kind of multidimensional
The distances cannot be guaranteed accurate, since there is no guarantee that the
measure used describes a two-dimensional Euclidean space. But as may be seen Graphviz
does a
creditable job.
[39] The careful observer will note that more connections are shown in the second diagram
in the first: this reflects partly the fact that the symmetric subsumption measure
will always
be higher than the Jaccard measure, and partly that the one measure is a set measure
and the
other a bag measure.
[40] And how can we be certain of these results? In the case of the Wittgenstein Nachlass,
have considerable independent evidence on the genetic relationships between a very
number of paragraphs.
[41] In this case, the range for all 21 pairs is 0,1114-0,2925, and the values of the three
first pairs are 0,2925, 0,2625, and 0,2198. The corresponding values for the
Szymkiewicz-Simpson similarity on sets are: range 0,2081-0,4226, three first pairs
0,3123, and 0,2988.
[42] We illustrate here by showing transforms m, e, and p for the following document:
[43] This is not terribly surprising, perhaps, given that the same problem arises for sequence
measures, as illustrated by the pair abcdefghij,
fghijabcde, created by selecting a single contiguous substring and moving
it, but assigned a normalized Levenshtein distance of 1, and a normalized Levenshtein
similarity of 0.
Damerau, Fred J. 1964. “A technique
for computer detection and correction of spelling errors”. Communications of
the ACM 7.3 (March 1964): 171-176. doi:
International Federation of Library Associations.
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. IFLA Series on
Bibliographic Control 19. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1998.
Huitfeldt, Claus. 2006. “Philosophy
Case Study”. In Electronic Textual Editing, ed. Lou Burnard, Katherine
O'Brien O'Keeffe, and John Unsworth. New York: MLA 2006, pp. 181-96.
Jaccard, Paul. “Distribution de la flore
alpine dans le bassin des Dranses et dans quelques régions voisines”. Bulletin de
la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 37 (1901): 241-272. doi: [Not
Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders.
“Prolegomena to an apology for pragmaticism”. The Monist 16
(1906): 492-546. doi: Reprinted vol. 4 of C. S. Peirce, Collected papers, ed.
Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,