Spell-checking sometimes seems harder and less useful in XML
than it ought to be. Conventional open-source
spell-checkers like ispell, aspell, and hunspell have very
poor built-in support for XML markup: at best, they know how
to skip past tags; they don't do well with entity
references; they do not understand how to tell what
languages the document is in by consulting the
attribute, let alone how to use the
markup intelligently to guide the spell-checker. Editing
software aimed specifically at XML sometimes does better,
but even those tools do not always make it as easy as
they might to customize the dictionary or apply specialized
dictionaries to specific parts of the document.
Users of XML in the digital humanities have additional problems. Many digital humanities projects produce transcriptions of pre-existing material (whether manuscript or published), but few use spell-checking technology to check their transcripts for transcription errors. This is due partly to the factors already mentioned, but also partly to the absence of appropriate dictionaries for under-resourced languages and for older forms of languages, and partly to a conceptual difficulty: many projects will normally wish to reproduce misspellings in the exemplar, and not to correct them, and it is not immediately obvious that spell-checking software can be used in such contexts. With some effort, however, both the practical and the conceptual difficulties could be overcome and spell-checking tools could usefully be deployed in DH projects Sperberg-McQueen / Huitfeldt 2019.
In seeking ways in which spell checking could be more convenient and more useful to users of XML, it would be helpful to be able to experiment simply with alternative approaches to the task. This paper reports on a framework for spell checking of XML documents developed in order to support such experimentation. Its possible interest to the document markup community is three-fold: it makes it easier to experiment with ideas for improving spell checking of XML documents; it provides a concrete framework for illustrating the difference made by a change in underlying models of language; and it illustrates some applications of XML technologies that may be of interest to practitioners of those technologies.
In the next section, a simple abstract view of spell checking is presented; this view suggests several areas in which experimentation could be fruitful, and conversely several operations which every experimental spell checker must support. The following section describes the implementation of a framework intended to separate the process of spell-checking into model-dependent and model-independent parts, and provide a reusable implementation of the model-independent parts. The final two sections of the paper discuss related work and future developments of the framework.
An abstract view of spell checking
When the first computer-based spell checking programs were developed, attention was focused primarily on the technical challenges of managing word lists which were rather large by contemporary standards; considerable ingenuity was spent on ways to compress the word list (or dictionary, as it is typically called in spell checking). Later, as interactive spell checkers superseded batch operation and found ways to propose corrections for misspelled words, attention was focused on the user interface and pragmatic concerns. Very little overt attention went to any theory underlying the process, and indeed some people have expressed surprise at the idea that any theory is involved at all.
At a first approximation, what are here referred to as
spell checkers operate
roughly as described by Douglas McIlroy [McIlroy 1982]:
The modern spelling checker consists of a sequence of processes:
Split out the words of the document, one per line. ...
Cull the words for duplicates by sorting them, preserving case distinctions.
Look up the words in the stop list. If a word, or a stem obtained by stripping prefixes and suffixes, is found on the stop list, attach a stop flag.
Look the words up in the spelling list. If the word has a stop flag, accept (that is, discard) it only if it appears verbatim in the spelling list. Accept a word with no flag if it, or any stem obtained by stripping prefixes and suffixes, appears in the spelling list.
Print all remaining words as potential spelling errors.
Although some things have changed, McIlroy's description was until fairly recently not far from the state of the art, and it remains a useful point of reference for understanding spell checkers and identifying variations in practice.
Among the most important variations are these:
Most spell checkers today operate interactively, not in batch mode. Step 2 is consequently dropped.
Most spell checkers propose corrections for words flagged as potential misspellings. Step 5 is consequently replaced by interaction with the user. In the course of this interaction, the user typically has the opportunity to add word forms to a local dictionary so that repeated occurrences will not be flagged.
Some modern spell checkers use more sophisticated affix analysis than McIlroy describes; this affects how steps 3 and 4 operate.
Some but not all contemporary programs use a more sophisticated model of language for detecting potential errors than dictionary lookup; for such programs, steps 2-5 will be replaced by other processes.
Some but not all contemporary programs do not ask the user how to correct flagged forms but change them automatically (and in some cases correctly).
It should be obvious that several kinds of malfunction are
in principle possible in such a system. A correctly spelled
word may be flagged because it is missing from the dictionary;
the obvious solution to this is to make the dictionary larger.
Or an incorrect spelling may not be flagged because it happens
to be the correct spelling of another word
(e.g. intension when
intention is meant); these are often
referred to as real-word errors
. The obvious solution
to real-word errors is to make the dictionary smaller by
eliminating correct forms, when their appearance in the input
is more likely to be an error for a common word than a correct
spelling of a comparatively rare one. The tradeoff between
minimizing erroneous flags and minimizing unflagged errors has
been a concern for decades; McIlroy discusses the tradeoffs at
some length. Since users are apt to be irritated by erroneous
flags and may never notice unflagged errors, the general
tendency seems to favor larger and larger dictionaries.
But no adjustment in the size of the dictionary can help programs built on the model described to deal with errors like there for their or they're; for that some understanding of the grammar of the text appears to be necessary. Tools with some grammatical awareness are often called grammar checkers to distinguish them from spell checkers. Comparing what grammar checkers do and how they resemble and differ from conventional spell checkers, it is easier to see that both kinds of software follow the same abstract pattern, differing in how the pattern is instantiated.
The common abstract pattern seems to the author to involve four salient parts:
A statistical theory of language, which assigns probabilities to specific tokens or utterances.
Conventional spell checkers model language as a sequence of equiprobable known word forms.[1] The probability of any word form not in the dictionary is estimated at zero.
Other more complex statistical models are of course possible (Charniak 1993). Grammar checkers, for example, clearly have such a model, though the nature of that model is not obvious. It might be a conceptually straightforward Markov model on word forms or parts of speech, or something very different.
A threshold value for reporting errors; tokens or utterances whose probability falls below this threshold are flagged as likely errors.
In conventional spell checkers, the rule is simple: flags are thrown when p = 0.
If the language model assigns different probabilities to different tokens, variations in the threshold will allow a choice between a high threshold (which should minimize erroneous flags) and a low one (which should minimize unflagged errors).
A theory of errors which, given a pair of word forms, provides an estimate of the probability that one is an error for the other.
A common and easily understood model is that errors consist in the omission or insertion of letters, the substitution of one letter for another, or in the transposition of letters. Damerau reports that in a retrieval system, 80% of the descriptors rejected by the system as unknown were misspellings were due to a single insertion, deletion, substitution, or transposition of letters (Damerau 1964). Accordingly, many spell checkers use edit distance to measure similarity between the input form and forms in the dictionary. Other checkers (for example Aspell [Atkinson 2017]) translate the input word into a phonetic representation in the style of Soundex, and suggest words with similar phonetic representations; the translation from orthography to a representation of word sound of course makes the correction model language-specific. It is clear on reflection that edit distance will work fairly well when the most common cause of errors is errant fingers on a keyboard (though a model which accounted for adjacency on the keyboard might be more helpful), while phonetic distance is likely to provide more useful help for bad spellers. A different model based on visual similarity of character sequences might be helpful for detecting OCR errors.
A threshold value for reporting suggestions: if the similarity between the input word and a dictionary word exceeds the threshold, the dictionary word will be suggested to the user as a possible correction.
Conventional spell checkers often provide suggestions whose edit distance from the input word is one. Suggestions based on an edit distance of two are also possible, with sufficiently clever data structures (Garbe 2012, Garbe 2015).
It seems clear that by varying any of these four factors one can change the behavior of a spell checking system. A simple language model that pays attention to the preceding and/or following word (an n-gram Markov model, to give it a technical name) might be able to detect at least some real-word errors. A language model based on character sequences might be able to distinguish between word forms which look normal for the language in question and word forms which do not — though it cannot, of course, reliably determine whether the statistically less probable word forms are foreign words, intentionally deviant spelling, or the result of a cat walking across an unattended keyboard.[2] And error models based on the observed frequency of particular letter substitutions might be able to do a better job of suggesting corrections for OCR errors than current methods.
For these reasons, it seems that it might be interesting and worthwhile to experiment with different language and error models, with an eye toward finding ways to make spell checking more helpful and more powerful in an XML context.
To experiment with different models, however, it does not suffice to implement new ways to assign probabilities to tokens and to calculate similarity measures for possible corrections; it will be necessary to perform the other tasks needed in a full spell checker: tokenize the text, present flagged forms to the user for action, and follow the user's instructions about what to do with the flagged form. For the most part, these seem at this point unlikely to vary much with different language and error models, and building a new user interface for each experiment with a different language model is likely to be an excellent way of bogging things down and making experiment more difficult.
That is the motivation for the framework presented here.
An XML framework for experimentation with spell checking
What is desired is an analysis of the spell-checking process into a set of modules with clean interfaces, such that the model-dependent modules can easily be swapped out and replaced with modules based on different models, while the model-independent modules continue working in the same way.
The first iteration of our design is simple. We are working
with small, arcane (or at least highly specialized), non-trivial
datasets encoded in XML (SANDs, to use the term introduced for
such datasets by Josh Lubell [Lubell 2014]), so it is
convenient to handle the user interaction through an XForm. A
suitable customization of an XML editor could also be used. At
this level of abstraction, our workflow looks like this:
Figure 1 Figure 2
Two limitations of the framework described here should be borne in mind. First, its primary aim is to make it simpler for the author and others to experiment with different models of language, different thresholds for error signaling, and different strategies for identifying possible corrections. The framework is intended to make that experimentation more convenient by separating user interface concerns from the actual identification of errors and possible corrections, so that the same interface can be used with different back ends. In consequence, convenience for swapping out back ends has been valued more highly than efficiency or polished user interfaces. Simplicity of implementation has similarly been decisive in many design choices.
Second, one class of users for whom alternative forms of
spell checking are expected to be useful are projects working
to transcribe a body of material, in which spell checking is a
distinct step in the quality assurance process, and in which
it is desirable to be very careful with the data.
In some cases (including the kinds of experiments the
author is interested in making), it may be desirable either to
keep a log of all changes made to the text, or to enable
review of proposed changes before they are made. In these
cases, it will be useful to have the XForm modify not the main
text but a separate list of proposed changes, which can be
checked, modified as necessary, and then applied to the XML in
a batch process. With this refinement, the workflow looks
like this:
Figure 3
The workflow shown makes sense in projects for which a certain amount of overt process and record-keeping is appropriate, and where keep a log of all spelling corrections made sounds like possibly a good idea, rather than a crazy notion of no imaginable interest. For casual use — if for example one wants a quick spell check on the minutes of a meeting, before sending them out — the process shown would be far too cumbersome. It is possible, of course, that experiments with this framework might show ways in which spell-checking could be more effective and useful in XML contexts, and that might motivate the development of more convenient interfaces for lighter-weight spell checking. But that is a faint possibility for the future, not something that will appear on anyone's desk soon.
To keep the implementation simple, and to allow manual intervention at multiple points in the work flow, both the path from native XML to the XForm and the path from the XForm to the corrected native XML have been subdivided into pipelines of relatively simple processes.
The initial refinement is to split the preparation of the XForm into three steps:
A tokenizer identifies the tokens which should be treated as words and spell-checked; it marks those tokens for the use of later steps.
A batch spell-checker checks the tokens indicated in the input, ignores everything else, and flags any tokens it identifies as likely errors. It may optionally also propose possible corrections and supply annotation of various kinds (e.g. a probability that the token indicated is in fact an error, or similarity scores for the possible corrections).
A form generator translates the tokenized and flagged text into an HTML+XForms document. If there is already a stylesheet for rendering the input vocabulary into HTML, it is convenient to import it so the document rendering in the XForm is as much like the usual form as possible. Some adjustments will of course be needed if the introduction of new markup in the document causes problems for the stylesheet. The form generator handles the markup specific to spell checking and provides the required XForms infrastructure.
The task of the tokenizer is to identify each word of the
text, without disturbing any existing element markup.[3] Concretely, the
tokenizer should retain the existing markup as is, replacing
some or all text nodes with sequences of
application-specific elements denoting words and non-words,
interleaved with whitespace. It is a requirement that
information about the location of whitespace in the input be
retained, so that a de-tokenizer
reverse the process and restore the original XML — or
rather, in view of the necessary disturbances to entity
structure, to create output equivalent to the input from
which the tokenizer started, except for any corrections and
related changes.
A generic tokenizer which breaks words at whitespace and
separates words from adjacent punctuation will work
reasonably well on documents written in conventional
alphabetic scripts, in which all words to be checked are in
the text nodes of the documents and all language shifts are
recorded using the xml:lang
attribute; in many
cases, however, it will be desirable to make some
data-specific modifications to the tokenization algorithm.
Simply substituting a tokenizer written for a particular
body of material is a simple approach; less drastic methods
of customization would be desirable, but it is not currently
clear what they should be. Importing the default tokenizer
and overriding its variables and templates is of course an
obvious possibility.
The initial proof-of-concept tokenizer makes some simplifying assumptions:
Any element boundary coincides with a word boundary. Or equivalently: no word crosses any element boundary, and no word contains word-internal markup.
All word tokens are delimited by whitespace or element boundaries, and any whitespace constitutes a token boundary. Equivalently: no words contain whitespace, and no whitespace-free character sequence contains multiple words.[4]
Any whitespace-delimited token containing only punctuation characters is a non-word. For practical purposes punctuation characters may be defined as characters in the Unicode punctuation class, matched by the XSD regular expression
) Equivalently: all words contain at least one non-whitespace, non-punctuation character.[5] -
In a token containing both punctuation and non-punctuation characters, leading and trailing punctuation is not part of the word but a word-adjacent non-word. Internal punctuation, however, forms part of the word to be spell-checked.[6]
Every text node may contain words to be checked; every text node should be tokenized.
All words to be checked appear in text nodes; there are no words in attribute values, comments, or processing instructions that need to be checked.
The initial tokenizer replaces text nodes with sequences
of the following elements (the prefix scx
assumed bound to the appropriate application-specific
for words -
for sequences of punctuation characters -
for words with internal punctuation (this makes it very slightly simpler to provide special handling for them in later steps) -
for whitespace, translated usingstring-to-codepoints()
into a whitespace-delimited sequence of decimal numerals representing the sequence of Unicode code points in the input
proposed by Bański, Haaf, and Mueller 2018 is used whenever
any of the elements listed abuts an adjacent token without
A simple example may be helpful. As test data, entries from Liam Quin's web edition of Alexander Chalmers's Biographic Dictionary of 1811-1817 are used.[7] In the source XML, one article in the test data reads, in part:
<entry id="gainsborough-thomas" born="1727" died="1788" vocation="an admirable English artist" ><title><csc>Gainsborough, Thomas</csc></title> <body><p>, an admirable English artist, was born in 1727, at Sudbury, in Suffolk, where his father was a clothier. He very early discovered a <!-- -->propensity to painting. Nature was his teacher, and the woods of Suffolk his academy, where he would pass in <!-- -->solitude his mornings, in making a sketch of an antiquated tree, a marshy brook, a few cattle, a shepherd and his flock, or any other accidental objects that were presented. ... Finding the danger of his situation, he settled his affairs, and composed himself to meet the fatal moment, and expired Aug. 2, 1788. He was buried, according to his own request, in Kew Churchyard. </p> <p>Mr. Gainsborough was a man of great generosity. If he selected for the exercise of his pencil, an infant from a cottage, all the tenants of the humble roof generally <!-- -->participated in the profits of the picture; and some of them iVequently found in his habitation a permanent abode. His liberality was not confined to this alone: needy <!-- -->relatives and unfortunate friends were further iucumbrances on a spirit that could not deny; and. owing to this <!-- -->generosity of temper, that affluence was not left to his family which so much merit might promise, and such real worth deserve. ... </p> ... </body></entry>Here and elsewhere I have shortened some lines to simplify the display, by introducing line breaks inside tags and comments with line breaks inside text nodes. After tokenization with the simple tokenizer, the beginning of the article has the following form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../src/chalmers-html.xsl" ?> <entry xmlns:scx="" id="gainsborough-thomas" born="1727" died="1788" vocation="an admirable English artist"> <scx:s n="1">10 32 32 32 32</scx:s> <title> <scx:s n="1">10 32 32 32 32 32 32</scx:s> <csc> <scx:w join="both">Gainsborough</scx:w> <scx:pc join="left">,</scx:pc> <scx:s n="2">32</scx:s> <scx:w join="right">Thomas</scx:w> </csc> <scx:s n="1">10 32 32 32 32</scx:s> </title> <scx:s n="1">10 32 32 32 32</scx:s> <body> <scx:s n="1">10 32 32 32 32 32 32</scx:s> <p> <scx:pc join="left">,</scx:pc> <scx:s n="2">32</scx:s> <scx:w>an</scx:w> <scx:s n="4">32</scx:s> <scx:w>admirable</scx:w> <scx:s n="6">32</scx:s> <scx:w>English</scx:w> <scx:s n="8">10</scx:s> <scx:w join="right">artist</scx:w> <scx:pc join="left">,</scx:pc> <scx:s n="10">32</scx:s> <scx:w>was</scx:w> <scx:s n="12">32</scx:s> <scx:w>born</scx:w> <scx:s n="14">32</scx:s> <scx:w>in</scx:w> <scx:s n="16">32</scx:s> <scx:w join="right">1727</scx:w> <!-- ... --> </p> </body> </entry>Since the whitespace of the original has been preserved using
and the join
attribute, there is no information loss in indenting
this document to show the XML structure.
Checking word forms and proposing alternatives
The actual checking of words and the identification of
possible corrections depends crucially on the language and
error models chosen; for the framework to make
experimentation with different models possible, therefore,
it must be simple to swap out implementations of this step.
The only requirement is that they accept as input documents
in arbitrary XML vocabularies with embedded scx:w
, and scx:pc
elements, and produce as
output a near-identical copy of the input in which some
elements have been wrapped in
elements, whose structure is described
To ensure that models are relatively easy to swap in and out, two different implementations of this step are being prepared at the outset. (In the course of the planned experimentation, of course, more should follow.) One uses a pre-existing external spell checker, augmented with XSLT steps; the other (full disclosure: not yet implemented at paper submission time) uses XQuery and XSLT to do the same job in a different way.
Using an external spell checker
To use an off-the-shelf spell checker like ispell (Kuenning 2018), aspell (Atkinson 2017), or hunspell (Németh 2018), it is only necessary to provide it with a stream of checkable tokens, and then to parse its output and integrate it into the XML document.
From the tokenized text create an alpha text. Following Huitfeldt 2006,
an alpha-text is a set of strings derived from a transcription according to a language-specific procedure
with the expectation that each such string should be a well formed and thus correctly spelled word in the language. An XSLT stylesheet that reads the flagged input document and dumps the contents of thescx:w
elements, one per line, is an acceptable way to do this. -
Use any off-the-shelf spell checker that can be invoked in batch mode to identify the not-in-dictionary forms and the corresponding suggestions.
Hunspell, ispell, and aspell all have batch modes in which they accept input and signal, for each word, whether they believe it is correctly spelled or not.[8]
Parse the report in XSLT / XQuery and merge the information into the tokenized version of the document.
For the Chalmers article on the painter Thomas Gainsborough, the hunspell output includes the following two flags (for the text shown above in the image of an XForm):
& iVequently 1 6695: equivalently & iucumbrances 2 7822: encumbrances, encumbrance
The leading ampersand signals that the word is not found in the dictionary, but some similar words are, so hunspell has suggestions. The input word form is followed by the number of suggestions made, the position of the word in the input, a colon, and the suggestions found by hunspell.[9]
After the hunspell report is parsed and integrated into the XML document, the two words and their immediate context have the following form.
<scx:s>10</scx:s> <scx:flag id="f-009" src="hunspell"> <scx:w>iVequently</scx:w> <scx:raw>& iVequently 1 6695: equivalently</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>iVequently</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>equivalently</scx:alt> </scx:flag> <scx:s>32</scx:s> <scx:w>found</scx:w> ... <scx:w>further</scx:w> <scx:s>32</scx:s> <scx:flag id="f-010" src="hunspell"> <scx:w>iucumbrances</scx:w> <scx:raw>& iucumbrances 2 7822: encumbrances, encumbrance</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>iucumbrances</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>encumbrances</scx:alt> <scx:alt>encumbrance</scx:alt> </scx:flag>It may be seen that the original word is retained (
) and has been augmented with
the full matching line of output from hunspell
(for debugging purposes),
the word form as reported by hunspell
) — these will normally
be the same —
and hunspell's suggested alternatives
Using an internal (XSLT / XQuery) spell checker
An alternative implementation of this step uses XSLT and XQuery to perform the spell checking. To implement a more or less standard word-out-of-context check against a word list, the following steps suffice:
Load one or more dictionaries; these can take the form of simple whitespace-delimited word lists and be dealt with in XDM 3.0 programming as a sequence of
, or they may be constructed more elaborately to speed search. -
Look up each
token in the dictionaries. If the word form is found, move on; if not, flag it. -
If it is desired to propose alternative forms as possible corrections, search the dictionary for similar forms. (This is likely to require an index of some kind. See Garbe 2012 and Garbe 2015 for a helpful approach.)
Emit the flags in the form shown above.
Building the XForm
Many variations are possible, but the initial version of the SCX framework seeks to construct an XForm for working with the flags thrown by the spell checker that is as simple to use (and as simple to construct!) as possible.
The basic display of the document should be an HTML rendering with which the intended users are familiar and comfortable; for that reason, where possible the form generator should import a data-specific XSLT stylesheet that produces appropriate HTML.
A sample entry in the test data, for example (the article
on Gainsborough), might look like this in a default HTML
rendering. (It should be noted however that this is not the
standard rendering in Quin's edition of the text.)
Figure 4
Within the XForm itself, the text of the document (in the running example: the entry on Gainsborough) is displayed read-only. The XML instance on which the form operates contains a wrapper and the flags found in the spell-checker output, as seen in the next example.
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>Gainsborough Thomas</title> <xf:model id="xf-model"> <xf:instance id="flaglist"> <scx:flaglist> <scx:wordform id="wordform-f-012" action="undecided"> <scx:raw>& Sudbury 1 32: Bradbury</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>Sudbury</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>Bradbury</scx:alt> <scx:flag id="f-012" action="follow-wordform" src="hunspell"> <scx:w join="right">Sudbury</scx:w> <scx:bogon>Sudbury</scx:bogon> </scx:flag> <scx:flag id="f-095" action="follow-wordform" src="hunspell"> <scx:w join="right">Sudbury</scx:w> <scx:bogon>Sudbury</scx:bogon> </scx:flag> </scx:wordform> <scx:wordform id="wordform-f-107" action="undecided"> <scx:raw>& Gravelot 4 32: Grave lot, Grave-lot, Gravel, Cotgrave</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>Gravelot</scx:bogon> ...As may be seen, the
elements in the
input all been given IDs for ease of reference and grouped
by word form. Both the word form and the individual flags
have an action
attribute to record the user's
instructions about handling the case; two levels are
needed because user instructions may relate either to the
word type or to the individual tokens of that type.
In the running text, each flag in the input produces an
element that links to the appropriate
flag in the XForms instance document and displays the value
of the scx:w
element there. CSS styling is used to
signal the presence of the flag, as shown above.
The flags also produce an XForms interaction widget
to allow the user to signal their wishes with respect to
each flagged token. As already shown, these widgets
have buttons labeled Accept
In the example shown, the place name
Figure 5Kew
is correct, not a misspelling. When the user clicks on
, several different actions are offered,
each of which accepts the form in a different way:
Add the form Kew to the dictionary. Since the form is capitalized, only capitalized occurrences of the form will be accepted.[10]
Add the lower-case form kew to the dictionary. Both lower-case and initial-capital forms will be accepted.
Mark this token as not to be corrected but do not add the word type to the dictionary.
Mark this word type as not to be corrected but do not add it to the dictionary).
Mark this token as not to be corrected and also as not to be spell checked in future. Do not add the word type to the dictionary.
) which will signal on
future runs of the spell checker that this form is not
expected to conform to conventional spelling and should
not be spell checked. (The de-tokenizer will be responsible
for taking appropriate action and producing appropriate
Once the user has clicked the button to Figure 6Add
to dictionary
, the menu of options is closed (it may
be reopened by clicking on the remaining Reconsider
button) and the display of the word in the text changes
to show that it has been accepted as correctly spelled.
The words Figure 7iVequently
, on the other
hand, are OCR errors and should be corrected. Clicking
on Change
opens a menu with a different set of options.
A text input area allows the user to specify the correct spelling. As shown in the figure, it initially has the current incorrect spelling.
The first button in the menu instructs the system to accept the spelling currently in the text input area.
Further buttons offer the corrections suggested by the spell checker; in the example, the word
As the user types the correct spelling into the text
input area, the label on the first button changes to match:
Figure 8
Clicking on the appropriate button, and going through an
analogous process for the other flag[11]
produces a screen in which the corrections made are
recorded visually:
Figure 9
The result of these interface actions may be seen
in the corresponding scx:flag
elements in the
XML instance being edited by the form:
<scx:wordform id="wordform-f-385" action="add"> <scx:raw>& Kew 15 19: Sew, New, Dew, Mew, Few, Pew, Hew, Yew, Kev, Lew, Jew, Chew, Skew, Knew, Ken</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>Kew</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>Sew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>New</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Dew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Mew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Few</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Pew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Hew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Yew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Kev</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Lew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Jew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Chew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Skew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Knew</scx:alt> <scx:alt>Ken</scx:alt> <scx:flag id="f-385" action="follow-wordform" src="hunspell"> <scx:w>Kew</scx:w> <scx:bogon>Kew</scx:bogon> </scx:flag> </scx:wordform> <scx:wordform id="wordform-f-428" action="undecided"> <scx:raw>& iVequently 1 19: equivalently</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>iVequently</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>equivalently</scx:alt> <scx:flag id="f-428" action="replace" src="hunspell"> <scx:w>frequently</scx:w> <scx:bogon>iVequently</scx:bogon> </scx:flag> </scx:wordform> <scx:wordform id="wordform-f-451" action="undecided"> <scx:raw>& iucumbrances 2 19: encumbrances, encumbrance</scx:raw> <scx:bogon>iucumbrances</scx:bogon> <scx:alt>encumbrances</scx:alt> <scx:alt>encumbrance</scx:alt> <scx:flag id="f-451" action="replace" src="hunspell"> <scx:w>incumbrances</scx:w> <scx:bogon>iucumbrances</scx:bogon> </scx:flag> </scx:wordform>
Careful inspection will show the reader that the
only changes are to the action
where the value undecided
has been
replaced by add
(i.e. add to dictionary)
and replace
(i.e. change the text),
and to the scx:w
element, which now contains
the form to be inserted in the document to replace
the flagged form. (In case the flagged form must be
referred to, it is still present as the value of
Making the corrections
The first electronic spell checkers were batch programs: the user invokes the checker on a document, and the checker produces a list of word forms that are likely in error. Guided by this list, the user can then open the document in the editor of choice, find the offending forms, and correct them. But as soon as it was feasible, spell checkers began working interactively, within text editors, checking word forms, offering corrections interactively, and making corrections immediately.
In the majority of cases, it would be technically
unproblematic to make changes interactively in the XForms
interface. But in any multi-year editorial project, the
moment will arrive when someone looks at some part of the
material and says How on earth did that get
into the data?
At such times it is convenient to have
records of changes that have been made. And in order to
minimize the number of such what-on-earth moments, it may
be thought convenient to have the XForm produce not a
modified version of the input text but a list of changes to
be made, with enough contextual information to enable
systematic review by a second (or third, or
nth) pair of eyes. In such a case, it
will be only after such review that the changes are made.
So our XForm does not edit the document itself; it edits a list of change proposals.
And the real work is done by a batch editor.
We make it easy for ourselves: we are not implementing a
generic batch editor along the lines of sed for text files,
but only an editor capable of reading (a) the XML document
with tokens marked (and supplied with IDs) and (b) a change
list that identifies which tokens to replace, and how.
Since the scx:flag
elements in the change list have
IDs corresponding to specific scx:flag
elements in
the output of the spell checker (from which they were, after
all, copied in the first place) it is easy to match
instructions in the edit list to flags in the document being
processed, and when appropriate to replace the
elements. At the same time, the corrector
can remove the flags, which have now served their purpose,
leaving only the corrected text, and in some cases an
attribute to signal that a particular token should be
tagged as non-checkable.
The output of the batch corrector is, except for the
corrections and the occasional attribute-value specification
, essentially the same
as the tokenized text used as input to the spell checker.
In order to produce a document in the original
markup with the desired corrections, then, all that remains
is to strip out the spell-checking markup, and optionally
to mark some tokens as non-checkable. This simple task
is performed by the de-tokenizer, which also strips out the
elements marking punctuation and
reconstitutes the whitespace-only nodes of the original
input from the scx:s
elements of the tokenized
The technique of reifying the whitespace of the original, in order to use conventional indentation in the intermediate texts and make them more legible, before restoring the original whitespace in this final step, may be applicable in other tools as well. Certainly, it made it much easier to preserve the whitespace of the original at the same time as preserving the sanity of the programmer deciphering intermediate document forms, than a constant struggle with the whitespace-handling options of the XSLT and XQuery processors would have been.
After the elaborations described, the workflow now
takes the following form:
Figure 10
Future work
In the immediate future, work on the framework will focus on improving its capabilities and using it with a wider variety of test material. Points of concern include the following.
When shifts of language are signaled by the
attribute, the spell checking step must be able to use a dictionary for the appropriate language. (This is already the way spell checking works in Oxygen.) -
More generally, different kinds of material may require different dictionaries. A TEI encoding of an eighteenth-century English text may want an eighteenth-century dictionary for the transcribed text (or, quite likely, a project-specific dictionary built to track the author's spelling habits) and a dictionary of current English for the notes and metadata. In the case of Chalmers, it's clear that many abbreviated forms are used in bibliographic references which do not appear in the main text; it would probably be useful to build a specialized dictionary for bibliographic references, to avoid having entries for those specialized abbreviations cluttering the main dictionary (and possibly causing actual errors to be missed).
Conventional spell checkers allow the use of multiple dictionaries for the same language: a main system dictionary with common words, and specialized domain dictionaries for words common in particular kinds of document. The framework presented here should make that practice similarly easy.
Some spell checkers (e.g. hunspell) allow the user's personal dictionary to contain
entries, identifying forms which should always be flagged. The framework should support such entries.A user might for example include the forms use and sue, or the form manger; the latter is a perfectly reasonable English word, but if the form occurs in contemporary business documents it is likely to be a typo and should be flagged. Individual forms which are frequent errors for a particular typist or a particular data flow can also be flagged in this way.
For projects whose goals are the accurate transcription of a particular source text, as distinct from the production of orthographically conventional texts, it will be convenient to allow the user, when considering what to do about a particular flag, to consult an image of the page being transcribed. It would also be convenient to be able to consult a list of passages where the form in question, and competing forms, are found in the current version of the text corpus. The frequency of a particular form, and the relative frequencies of its being a correct or an incorrect transcription, can affect the decision on whether to add it to the dictionary or not.
For long-running projects, examination of the change logs may help show patterns of error in the uncorrected data, which could in principle be used to guide the assignment of probabilities to corrections: if (as in some OCR) the sequence
is a common misreading ford
(or vice versa, or both ways), then a distance measure on word forms could assign a smaller distance to that pair of sequences than to others. Such elaborate weightings may be too expensive for interactive spell checkers, where response time is important, but in a batch process a better ranking of proposals may be worth the extra run time for the batch spell checker.Tools for aggregating edit lists, gathering appropriate statistics, and calculating such variant versions of edit distance should be developed.
In spell checking aimed specifically at XML documents, it would also make sense to consider possible errors in markup. When a word in Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary is not recognized as correctly spelled English, the reason may be that it is in fact correctly spelled Latin, French, or Italian. The correct way to handle it may be a change to the markup: insertion of an appropriate
value, and if necessary a phrase-level element to carry it. Erroneous omission of such markup for changes of language may mean, for example, that a Latin phrase likeComtnentaria in Libros Feudorum
is checked against an English dictionary and the correctly spelled words libros and feudorum are wrongly flagged. (For the word Comtnentaria, meanwhile, a spell checker is more likely to find a plausible correction in a Latin than in an English dictionary.)An XML-aware spell checker might be written to propose such corrections. If for example an element has a high rate of errors against the dictionary for the language of the surrounding text, the spell checker might propose supplying an
attribute-value pair on the element. A sufficiently aggressive checker might try the contents of the element against dictionaries for the other languages known to be in the document and propose a specific language value. (At the moment, this remains speculation.) -
Even if the spell checker does not make an appropriate suggestion, it is desirable to provide the user with the ability to make corresponding changes, or failing that to add a note describing a change to be made manually.
It appears to be impossible to show a sufficiently large quantity of text to a user in read-only form without having the user notice something that needs correction. For pragmatic reasons, therefore, it would be helpful if the XForm included a way to attach arbitrary notes or comments either to arbitrary locations in the text or to individual paragraphs or text nodes.
The main point of the framework presented here is to make it easier to experiment with alternative instantiations of the spell checking process: alternative statistical models of text, alternative thresholds for likely errors, alternative ways of finding candidate correction proposals and measuring their distance from the form present in the input, and alternative distance thresholds for choosing which alternatives to present.
So the most interesting future work is not the further development of the framework, but its use in exploring alternative language models (character n-grams, word n-grams, part-of-speech tagging, ...) and alternative word-similarity measures (for finding plausible corrections: Levenshtein distance, Damerau/Levenshtein distance, phonetic distance measures, other distance measures).
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[1] There are exceptions; hunspell offers to flag rare words, which suggests that its internal model can distinguish at least two levels of probability for known forms.
[2] The idea of a spell checker based on the frequency of different character sequences is not new; it was suggested as an exercise in Gazdar/Mellish 1989a and Gazdar/Mellish 1989b.
[3] Since XSLT is used to implement the tokenizer, any existing entity structure will be lost; this would have horrified or at least disappointed many SGML users, but XML users are so used to using XSLT that there is rarely any non-trivial entity structure in the first place. So we can sigh and move on.
[4] The whitespace assumptions mentioned are usually true for many languages including English and other widely spoken languages written in alphabetic or syllabic scripts; they do not, however, match reality perfectly. It is well known, for example, that some widely spoken languages, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, are conventionally written without whitespace between words.
Even English has some common
forms which violate these whitespace assumptions:
segments which serve linguistically as single words may
be written with segment-internal whitespace
(e.g. in spite of
, which
does not accept otherwise normal transformations: the
superficially similar in lieu
can incorporate its object, taking
the form in lieu thereof
cf. *in spite thereof
Conversely, multiple words may be written together
without whitespace (e.g. you're
, in which two tokens are used
to write five lexical words). Of course, for pragmatic
reason a spell checker may choose to treat
in spite of
as three words
and outtasite
as one, if
only because when words are written together in this way
their orthography often changes, so
outtasite will in any case
require its own entry in the word list.
[5] For some data, it may be preferable to
assume that all words contain at least one
); this
will matter for numerals and may matter for text
prepared by optical character recognition.
[6] The assumptions concerning leading, trailing, and
word-internal punctuation work reasonably well with most
punctuation, with contractions like
, and with words
with required word-internal hyphens; they work less well for
syntactically determined hyphens (like the hyphen between
in the
preceding clause), and forms with required leading or
following punctuation (e.g. the leading apostrophe in
it is
, or the trailing
full stop in standard abbreviations like
). Spell checkers
may vary in how they treat forms like
or possessives,
though the ones consulted for this paper appear mostly to
strip trailing full stops and possessive forms.
One motivation for allowing internal punctuation is that in the test data used here, internal punctuation is often an OCR error for a letter; treating it as forcing a word boundary, as standard spell-checkers often do, will complicate the search for corrections.
[7] The author is grateful to Liam Quin for allowing the use of the data, for his help understanding the data, and for many discussions on spell checking and other topics.
[8] All three also have run-time flags to make them ignore XML markup, which will work reasonably well for monolingual texts but offers no good way to exclude some elements from spell checking.
[9] The example shows clearly, for what it is worth, that hunspell does not limit its suggestions to dictionary forms within an edit distance of one from the input form.
[10] The rules for handling capitalization can of course vary from spell checker to spell checker, but the behavior described is common.
For the form iucumbrances
hunspell not implausibly suggests
. In this case,
however, Chalmers uses what is now regarded as an archaic