Hillman, Tomos, John Lumley, Steven Pemberton, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Bethan Tovey-Walsh and Norm Tovey-Walsh. “Invisible XML coming into focus: Status report from the community group.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022, Washington, DC, August 1 - 5, 2022. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 27 (2022). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol27.Eccl01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022 August 1 - 5, 2022
Tom Hillman has worked as an XML practitioner and
consultant for fifteen years, doing everything from
documentation to IT support and administration to workflows
for digital publishing to conference organization to XML
database management and consultancy.
A Cambridge engineer by background, John Lumley created
the AI group at Cambridge Consultants in the early 1980s and
then joined HPLabs Bristol as one of its founding members. He
worked there for 25 years, managing and contributing in a
variety of software/systems fields, latterly specialising in
XSLT-based document engineering, in which he subsequently
gained a PhD in early retirement. Rarely happier than when
writing XSLT to write XSLT to write XSLT, he spent the next
several years helping develop the Saxon XSLT processor for
Saxonica, including developing the XSLT-based XSLT compiler
now used in SaxonJS. Now in proper retirement for a couple of
years he still likes to 'potter' with XSLT and is currently
working on a JavaScript-based processor for Invisible XML to
attach to SaxonJS.
Steven Pemberton
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
Steven Pemberton is a researcher, author, public
speaker, and occasional broadcaster, affiliated with the CWI,
The Dutch National Research Centre for Mathematics and
Informatics. His research is broadly in interaction, and how
the underlying software architecture can better support users.
He is the chair of the W3C Community Group on Invisible
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is the founder of Black Mesa Technologies LLC,
a consultancy specializing in the use of descriptive markup to help
memory institutions preserve cultural heritage information. He co-edited
the XML 1.0 specification, the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative,
and the XML Schema Definition Language (XSDL) 1.1 specification.
Bethan Tovey-Walsh is a PhD student in Applied Linguistics and Welsh at Swansea
University. She is funded by the CorCenCC corpus of modern Welsh, and created the
part-of-speech tagger now used by the project. She previously worked for OUP as a
architect and as a researcher for the Oxford English Dictionary.
Norm Tovey-Walsh is currently a senior software developer at Saxonica Ltd, working
from his home in Swansea, Wales. Previously, he was employed by MarkLogic Corporation,
Microsystems, Arbortext, and O’Reilly Media (then O’Reilly & Associates).
Invisible XML has had a long incubation process, but in
the last year things have heated up. A W3C Community Group has
been formed, the spec has been improved, and implementations have been released or
are in various stages of
development. This paper gives an overview of iXML in its stable version 1.0 form,
discussion of some of the design decisions that have shaped it, and accounts from
of their practical experiences with iXML.
What if you could see everything as XML? (Pemberton 2013). This
question, posed by Steven Pemberton at the Balisage conference in 2013, marked the
public appearance of Invisible
XML (iXML). Pemberton proposed that documents authored in non-XML formats could be
into the XML ecosystem via an intermediary technology capable of recognizing the explicit
implicit structure of those documents. This would offer the substantial advantages
of the XML
stack for data processing without
requiring that all documents, under all circumstances, be authored in XML.
Since that initial talk, the ideas of invisible XML have
been refined and elaborated (e.g., Pemberton 2016a, Pemberton 2016b, Pemberton 2017, Tovey-Walsh 2022a, Tovey-Walsh 2022b),
and scattered reports of prototype implementations soon appeared.
Interest in iXML grew slowly but steadily, and in 2021 an iXML
Community Group (CG), hosted by the World Wide Web Consortium, was
formed. The main task of the CG has been to collaborate on an
official version of the language in the form of a published
specification. In June 2022, iXML version 1.0 was formally
released on invisiblexml.org. The
CG also aimed to encourage implementation and uptake. At the time
of writing there are six known implementations, in various stages
of completeness.
The release of version 1.0 marks a significant step forward
for iXML. The existence of an official specification offers
a stable target for implementation, and
offers users assurance that they can use the current version of
iXML without fear of arbitrary changes. In this paper
the members of the iXML community group present the completed iXML
version 1.0 to the larger XML community.
We begin with an overview of what iXML is, what it does, and
how it does it. Some of this may be familiar to those who have
been following the development of iXML, but there will be at least
a few new details here for everyone, reflecting the recent work of
the iXML CG. We will then report on some of the new features
recently added to iXML in preparation for the release of version
1.0. Finally, implementors will offer insights into their
practical experiences with iXML, including some which helped to
shape their contributions to the iXML 1.0 specification.
About iXML
One of the key insights which led to the development of iXML was that, in basic terms,
data exists as an abstraction distinct from the form in which it is represented. To
illustrate this distinction, Pemberton (Pemberton 2016a) uses the
example of the number three. Numbers are entirely abstract. They have
no concrete existence per se. (The abstraction three is a property of a
group of three sheep and of a group of three books, but neither of these groups is
three".) A numerical abstraction such as "three" can be represented in a variety of
depending on linguistic and cultural contexts:
3, III, 0011, ㆔, ३, ፫, ૩, ੩, 〣, ೩, ៣, ໓, Ⅲ, ൩, ၃, ႓, trois, drie.
One might choose Roman numerals for the volume number of a book, binary notation in
mathematical context, "trois" when writing in French, and so on. In each case, however,
basic denotational content is the same: the underlying numerical abstraction
three is shared by all of these representations.
This distinction can be applied to all kinds of data, not only to pure mathematical
abstractions; the abstraction is simply what remains constant regardless of the concrete
details of the representation. We may be obliged or encouraged to represent data in
particular way. An American textbook is likely to use the representation "32℉" to
refer to the freezing point of water where a British textbook would use "0℃", but
temperature in question
is the same. An author might choose to represent a temperature in
The underlying abstraction is the element which remains constant in all of these
What iXML does
iXML takes some input data (an iXML input
stream) and a formal description of the implicit
structure of that data (an iXML input
grammar). It uses the grammar to create an internal
representation of the data, with the structure made
explicit. This internal representation can then in principle be
used for multiple purposes, including creating an external
representation by serializing to a particular markup format.
In this process, the iXML notation plays multiple roles: it
describes the syntax of the input, it describes how the abstract
document that results from parsing should be serialized to XML,
but it also serves as a schema for the abstract document,
describing its structure. What this means is that the abstract
document can be used in different ways, in addition to being
serialized to XML. For instance, it can be converted internally
in memory to the form needed by the parser, or converted
internally into an XDM (Walsh et al., 2017). Nonetheless, after much discussion, the
CG decided that one feature which must be shared by all
conforming iXML processors is that they serialize their output
to XML. This ensures that users can always expect to receive an
XML document as output from any processor they choose, even if
the implementor offers other representations in addition to an
XML serialization. This decision was based on many factors,
including the particular merits of XML as an external
representation format. Most evidently, anyone with access to an
XML document and tools for processing XML can process it as they
choose, or convert the XML into other forms; this is not true in
the same way for the internal representation of the document,
which is accessible only to the programmer who wrote the
iXML processor in question.
External representation formats vary in representational power; more powerful
representation formats are able to represent the features of the underlying abstraction
more detail than less powerful ones. This means that a conversion from a more powerful
representation format to a less powerful one will often entail a loss of information.The
initial task of an iXML processor is to separate data abstractions from their
representations, whether those representations are already explicitly structured (e.g.,
in a
format such as CSV) or only implicitly structured (e.g., using punctuation conventions
natural-language syntax). The second task is to re-represent the data abstractions,
the structural information provided by the grammar to externalize implicit structure.
makes sense to perform this re-representation using a powerful representational format,
order that the final representation is as rich as possible in its encoding of the
implicit in the input.
Although it is by no means the only powerful representation format available, XML
unique features which make it particularly appropriate for the purposes of iXML. The
richness and sophistication of XML are widely acknowledged, including by some who
choose to use alternative representation formats such as JSON (e.g.,
Shatnawi et al., 2021,
Bahta et al., 2019). Even detractors’ criticisms of XML as
“utterly verbose” (Lee et al., 2021) only serve to emphasize one of the main
attractions of XML for re-encoding data representations into a more powerful format:
privileges detail and informativity over the compactness which makes JSON an appealing
alternative in some other contexts. XML and JSON each have strengths and weaknesses
different areas, meaning that neither can be called the outright best choice for all
possible uses (Bourhis et al., 2020). However, XML is a particularly good choice when the
aim is to maximize the depth of information represented, and also benefits from a
particularly mature and stable ecosystem of supporting technologies
(Dou et al., 2020).
A conforming iXML processor always produces an XML document as output
(Pemberton 2022).
We have already mentioned that an iXML processor takes two inputs: the
iXML input stream and the iXML input grammar ,
the latter of which describes the expected structure of the former. If the input grammar
successfully describes the structure of the input stream, the XML document output
by the
processor will be a representation of the input data in XML format, with element names
attributes as defined by the input grammar. If the input grammar does not successfully
describe the input stream, the processor will output an XML document containing a
report. The basic flow of this process is illustrated in fig. 1.
Figure 1: Invisible XML process
The input grammar is a structured representation in the iXML format, which is described
in the iXML specification. In order to generate this structured representation, an
will normally first accept a grammar as a character stream and parse it against the
specification grammar. This process treats a grammar description like any other input
stream, parsing its characters and (provided that the characters form a valid grammar
iXML format) outputting a structured representation of the grammar which can then
be used to
parse the main input stream, as illustrated in fig. 2. The major difference between
process and the parsing of the iXML input stream proper is that no XML serialization
to be produced. The output of this step is an internal representation of the input
Figure 2: Invisible XML process (continued)
The upshot of this is that iXML is, itself, represented using the syntax of iXML.
For instance,
here is the rule for rule:
The entire processing cycle includes a bootstrap phase which produces the structured
representation of iXML:
Figure 3: Invisible XML bootstrapped process
A Simple Example: Dates
To illustrate the basic functioning of iXML with a necessarily simple example, imagine
the input stream is a date of the form
29 June 2022
We describe the format as a series of rules in iXML. Some rules have only one form,
with items separated by commas. Some rules have several alternative forms, separated
Note that since a month in the new format has a different syntax from a
month in the original one, it has to have a different name. Processing the
input with this description gives:
As this shows more clearly, all characters in the input end up in the serialization
default, and tags are effectively just placed around parts of the input to expose
However, characters which do not interest us can be omitted from the serialization
in the
same way as rules:
We can specify that the input consists of one or more dates:
dates: date+.
but in this case they have to be right next to each other, with no intervening spaces.
Better, then, to allow any number of spaces after a date:
dates: (date, " "*)+.
Another possibility is specifying a separator, in this case
consisting of a comma and a single space:
dates: date++", ".
for input like:
29/06/2022, 31 December 2022, 1/1/2023
For input consisting of dates on separate lines, you can use
dates: (date, cr?, lf)+.
-cr: -#d.
-lf: -#a.
Rules can be specified as producing attributes rather than elements. In this case,
text resulting from application of the rule becomes the value of the attribute:
A conforming iXML processor must serialize one valid parse to XML as output, and
also report that the parse was ambiguous. For example, processing the input
04/10/2022 using Pemberton’s ixampl implementation
The input from line.pos 1.1 to 1.11 can be interpreted as 'date' in 2 different ways:
1: us[:1.11]
2: world[:1.11]
<date ixml:state="ambiguous" xmlns:ixml="http://invisiblexml.org/NS">
The CG chose not to specify how processors should choose
which parse tree is represented in the output. This decision was
largely motivated by a desire to avoid interfering
unnecessarily with implementation choices. In very simple
terms, the recognition of ambiguities may vary depending on the
parsing technique used. A fuller discussion of the difficulties
with ambiguity is given below, explaining in detail the
reasoning behind the CG's decision.
What's New
Significant changes
In the last year, the working group has mostly been polishing the
language and improving the specification. However, there have also been
three significant changes to the language.
Firstly, the syntax for separators has changed from
date+", "
date++", "
This change was made to improve usability. Given the prior syntax, if an author
accidentally omitted a comma, turning
input: word+, "!".
input: word+ "!".
the result was still syntactically valid. This kind of mistake was felt to be difficult
to locate, particularly in large grammars.
The second major change is the introduction of a method for inserting text. While
it was
previously possible to exclude characters that were
part of the input from the XML output (using
-"..."), there is now a symmetrical
notation for adding new characters to the output, using +"...".
would serialize numbers like 123 as
+123, and numbers like (123)
as -123.
The third change deals with character sets. The notation
["0"-"9"] matches any
single character in the range. Similarly, the notation
~["0"-"9"] matches any
single character not in the range. Originally such a character set
was not allowed to be empty, since this was thought
to have no useful purpose, so
[] was disallowed. However we realized that
~[] did have a useful meaning ("match any
single character"), and consequently empty character sets
are now allowed.
Updates to the specification
Changes to the spec since the community group began its
work have tended to make the text more explicit and
complete. The specification now mentions several possible parsing
algorithms, for example, in addition to Earley parsing. Most prominently, perhaps,
the group has added explicit
rules for conformance of grammars and processors, a few of which have already been
Conforming grammars must match the iXML
specification grammar.
In addition, various non-structural requirements are
Nonterminals which are to be serialized as XML
element or attribute names must be legal XML names.
Character data to be written to the output must be
legal XML characters (although the input may include
non-XML characters).
Hexadecimal numbers used for encoded literals must
fall within the Unicode character range.
Character classes used in character-set expressions must
be classes defined by Unicode.
Character ranges must be well formed (that is, their
starting point must not follow their ending point).
The output to be produced must be
well-formed XML.
Note that it is not always feasible to prove that a
grammar will produce well-formed output for all possible
inputs; some errors may be detected only dynamically, in
the presence of input which would cause ill-formed output
if serialized in the normal way.
Explicit rules for conformance of grammars have also been
added. Processors must accept all conforming grammars, detect
errors in non-conforming grammars, produce a parse tree for any
input stream which is recognized by the supplied input grammar,
not produce parse trees for input streams which do not match, and
so on.
Some effort has gone into clarifying the behavior of
processors in cases where the input is ambiguous; to our surprise,
a crisp definition of ambiguity
in the iXML context has proven elusive: depending on the internal
structure of the processor, ambiguity may or may not be flagged
for a given input grammar and input stream.[1]
In addition to the specification, the community group
is working to develop infrastructure useful to implementors
and users of iXML. A collection of sample iXML grammars has been started on the
community group's github site (Invisible XML CG, eds., 2022) and the group plans to use it to
provide iXML grammars representing published notations. This repository can serve
both as a library of useful grammars, for notations of broad
interest, and as illustrations of iXML usage. Among the
grammars currently available are:
XPath 3.1.
URI and IRI.
ISO 8601 dates.
The Oberon programming language.
ABNF (Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications),
the grammar notation defined by RFC 5234 and used in IETF
ISBN (International Standard Book Number); the
grammar checks the correct calculation of the check digit in
ISBN-13 numbers.
For implementors, test cases are needed. So far, a collection
of a few hundred test cases has been built, ranging from toy
grammars describing fragments of CSS or other well known notations,
to larger grammars, to very small grammars aimed at finding
and exposing errors in the logic of pursuers. The test cases can be browsed
the Web.
Some stylesheets for manipulating iXML grammars may be found
in the Gingersnap
project; they have been used, inter alia, to generate test
cases for iXML, to measure test suite coverage, and to generate
Relax NG schemas describing the XML documents generated by iXML
What next?
With the publication of the 1.0 specification of iXML this
past June, iXML has passed a major milestone. The availability of
useful iXML processors allows people outside the community group
to experiment with iXML to solve real-life problems and to build
applications using iXML.
If you have been waiting for iXML to mature a bit before
looking into it, then: the time is now.
The progress of
iXML implementations is possibly the most important practical development we can report.
are now several publicly available implementations of iXML
1.0, as well as others announced as being in development (Invisible XML CG, eds., 2022). Two
of these, JayParser and Aparecium, are prototype or proof-of-concept implementations.
have served the purpose of demonstrating that iXML is implementable within the
standard XML technology stack, but they both share a common characteristic of prototype
implementations: they tend to be resource intensive. That is to say, they run slow
and take a
lot of memory. Both implementors have hopes of improving the situation, but for now
implementations are useful mostly for demonstrating what might be possible. For practical
work, less resource-intensive implementations are needed. Fortunately, there are currently
three of these, which run two or three orders of magnitude faster than the proof-of-concept
The following sections are authored by individual implementors.
Some are brief introductions to implementations released or in development;
others are longer and more substantive.
All six implementors have also been involved in the CG, and
found that practical experience of implementing iXML was a
significant asset in the work of refining the
The first implementation of iXML was created by Steven
Pemberton to support the development of the language; it is
further described in Pemberton 2016b
and Pemberton 2022b.
It is written in the interpreted Very High Level
Language ABC (Guerts et al., 1990). It is offered as a
RESTful web-service application, by submitting a grammar and
input either via (a
webpage) or via a command-line interface.
Details of how to access the web service are kept up to date in
the iXML tutorial (Pemberton 2022c).
It was deployed successfully at Declarative Amsterdam
2021 with multiple simultaneous users, and has been used on
grammars the size of the XPath grammar.
Tomos Hillman's JayParser (Hillman 2020) implements an Earley parser in
XSLT, with the goal of making it easy to integrate ixml
processing in an XSLT work flow. Its current main challenge is that it makes exuberant
of memory, which means that it is limited to using small sample
grammars to parse very very small inputs.
Hywel is a Python implementation of iXML being developed by Bethan
Tovey-Walsh. There
is, as yet, no publicly available version of Hywel, although a version 1.0 is tentatively
promised for late 2022. The implementation aims to be of particular use for linguistic
such as part-of-speech tagging. Optimizing Hywel for use with large inputs and large
grammars is therefore currently the primary
obstacle to its release as a useful tool. The pragma syntax developed by Hillman
and Sperberg-McQueen (Hillman et al., 2022), will form an
integral part of Hywel's natural-language-processing architecture.
Aparecium (Sperberg-McQueen 2019) provides an XQuery
implementation callable as a library function: a call to
aparecium:parse-string($input, $grammar) takes a
string to be parsed and a string containing an ixml grammar and
returns the parse tree in XML (or, in cases of failure, an XML
document describing the failure). Alternative functions in the
API allow the input and grammar to be given as URIs instead of
Using Aparecium to load a non-XML resource for
processing in an XQuery module is almost as simple as calling
the doc() function to load an XML resource. If you
want to query a collection of electronic business cards in vCard
format, for example, and return all the cards of your contacts
at Amalgamated Interkludge, the module might look something like
Aparecium is usable for inputs of a few tens or hundreds
of characters but currently suffers from non-linear performance
even on deterministic grammars: doubling the size of the input
quadruples the time required to parse the input (or worse).
This is not inherent in the Earley parsing algorithm used, so
the developer hopes to improve the situation by focused
attention to performance issues, sometime in the near
future. Real soon now.
jωiXML is An InvisibleXML processor for a
JavaScript/SaxonJS environment. The impetus for its development was
that, being involved in the InvisibleXML community group, I felt
that I didn't understand some of the issues sufficiently to make
good contributions, particularly those associated with
ambiguity. And in such a circumstance a tactic I often use is to
learn by building my own implementation. I had some experience in
building hand-written parsers when further developing the XPath
expression compiler for SaxonJS (Lumley 2017a). I
also value highly using an environment where I can see a lot of the
'innards working', with my preference being to use SaxonJS in the
browser to provide the interface for control and display with an
additional JavaScript module to contain the main code. The Chrome
browser has a sufficiently useful Javascript debugger to be able to
focus on areas of concern.
The overall architecture would be a parser written in JavaScript
consisting of three main parts —; a set of classes representing the
main productions of the iXML grammar
(Rule, NonTerminal, Charset
etc.), a parser that would take the text of an input grammar and
construct the internal 'parse tree' from linked instances of those
classes and a 'grammar' object which, loaded with a set of rules from
such a parse tree, can then parse input text strings and, if the parse
is successful, generate the declared XML result tree. This JavaScript
would be loaded into a web page whose dynamic activity was controlled
by an XSLT program compiled for SaxonJS execution. Thus all the
complexity of detailed display, control, loading grammars, running
test suites and so forth is handled at a high level, using the XSLT
mechanisms we are comfortable with.
Communication from the XSLT with the parser was handled by two
actions — jwl:compileGrammar($grammarSource as xs:string)
which invokes the JavaScript-defined 'grammar factory' and
parses/compiles the supplied iXML (or also XML form) grammar,
returning a Grammar JavaScript object. Parsing an input
then involves invoking the parse() method of that
Grammar, by the SaxonJS invocation function
ixsl:call($grammar,$input as xs:string) and currently the
return value is a map containing parsing success, result trees, timing
information and the internal parsing states (used for debugging —; see
One approach for designing the 'grammar parser' of an iXML
processor is via a bootstrap, using the XML version of the iXML
specification grammar, parsable with current XML readers, to
initialize the parsing engine to accept an iXML grammar. This is then
used to parse the application grammar, which being collected, is used
to re-initialize the engine to parse future selected application
Two drawbacks of this process are that firstly it requires a
moderately performing parsing engine (e.g., an Earley parser) to run
before anything concrete can happen and secondly parsing an iXML
grammar with a generic engine will perforce be slower, though more
flexible, than one purpose-written. For these reasons I chose to write
my iXML parser directly in JavaScript, generating the internal class
tree describing productions. In fact this was probably the easiest
part of the whole development, aided by the fact that the changes made
to the iXML specification over this period were relatively
I then turned to writing the Earley parser, choosing to 'build
my own' rather than taking an off-the-shelf version, partly as a
learning exercise. To do this, the example given in the Wikipedia
article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earley_parser#Example)
which parses an arithmetic expression against a simple grammar was my
first target. This was exceptionally useful as I had a view of the
expected internal states through the Earley parse of a simple
arithmetic expression and could ensure that my implementation
generated similar information, as shown below:
Figure 4: Wikipedia Earley states
Figure 5: jωiXML Earley states
Once this example was working and all the parse states seemed to
correspond, I turned to generating the resulting parse tree, which
involved i) adding 'derivation pointers' between the Earley states and
ii) building a 'bottom-up' traversal from the completion states
through the derivation tree, generating sequences of text, attribute
and element nodes (in a browser-supported DOM tree) according to the
'mark' properties of the non-terminal rules and references and
attaching them to parent elements on the return.
This simple example did not handle any optional or multiple
constructs (?,*,++Sep etc.), so
the next step was to transform the supplied grammar, canonicalizing
any such forms using the substitution rules described in the iXML
specification —; this was not tricky, but the browser interface was
expanded to be able to view the compiled grammar in various formats.
However this opened a Pandora's box of plentiful opportunity for
ambiguity, which required complex (and hard-to-debug) code to
back-propagate and combine ambiguities — even now there are occasional
internal errors triggered by incorrect combination. And there were
also possible infinite ambiguities to be handled :-(.
Working this up through a series of increasingly larger and more
complex cases, a significant landmark was the first time it was
possible to parse the iXML grammar with itself — taking around
250–300ms it was reasonably quick. At this point it was worthwhile
starting to do some more systematic testing so a testdriver, again
operating in the browser, written in XSLT and driven from the
test-suite files in the InvisibleXML repository was
The next step was to make the engine more easily usable, so the
design expanded to allow grammars and input to be loaded and edited
(entirely within the browser) through editable text areas, drop-down
selectors that could load tests and samples from the InvisibleXML
repository and selectors from the user's local filestore. Finally it
was placed publicly at https://johnlumley.github.io/jwiXML.xhtml
Figure 6: jωiXML processor browser interface
The XPath3.1 grammar
One of the goals of the InvisibleXML Community Group is to show
that the technology can have a role as a lightweight front-end parser
for XML workflows even on an industrial scale and as such various
larger and more complex grammars have been constructed and tested. One
that I have had much experience of is that of XPath 3.1, used
extensively within an XSLT compiler, so it was natural to see how a
modification of the EBNF (https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#id-grammar) into iXML
would work.
Generally the transcription was fairly straightforward, with a
few additional pseudo-productions needing to be added. For example, to
allow (variable) operators to be projected as attributes in the
resulting parse tree (e.g., ("+"|"-") becoming
@AddOp: s?,'+',s?; s,'-',s.) This worked pretty well and
the resultant grammar parsed sample XPath expressions of moderate
complexity successfully.
One of the problems with the XPath grammar is its
depth —; the production for a simple integer has
to go though 21 earlier productions to be reached and hence for many
minor expressions the full parse tree is very large but with large
sections that are very thin. One of the
techniques to reduce these trees is to mark some rules such that if
the element generated would only have one child, and no attributes,
then ignore it in the serialization. Using a pragma mechanism to mark
such rules, a simple parse of the grammar to its XML form, followed by
an XSLT transform to change such rules (and references) and final
serialization back to iXML can achieve this, making it a much more
practical tool.
The next stage was to stress-test it by attempting to parse all
the ~22,000 XPath expressions contained in the QT3 test-suite. A
simple XSLT program was written and ran successfully, taking around 10
minutes to complete the task, finding initially a few hundred failures
and then finally only 11. But in that process of refining the grammar
against the samples, some possibly significant constraints to avoid
extensive (and potentially exponential) ambiguity propagation have
arisen, illustrating the limitations of the context-free grammar
supported by iXML. These include:
XPath defines some (binary) operators the character
sequences of which could occur in a name (an
NCName), such as eq or div
and do not require to be surrounded by
whitespace in situations in which they are unambiguously
(according to XPath rules) acting as operators, such as
5div6 .
Such rules rely on having a tokenizer or lexical scanner
upstream of the parser (where rules like if it can be part
of a name, make it part of the name are easy to
implement). Invisible XML, by contrast, does not require or assume
a separate lexical scanner, and in writing an iXML grammar we must
make whitespace before and after such operators either optional or
required; we cannot, when writing a context-free grammar, make the choice
depend on the context. If we make the whitespace around such
operators optional, we are likely to encounter the ambiguity of
It this an operator or part of a name?. The worst
culprit is - (minus/hyphen) which whilst not a
letter, can appear within NCNames and letting that
have both roles typically causes exponential ambiguity growth with
many large XPath expressions.
To remove ambiguity, XPath also mandates some
extra-grammatical constraints, which again are out of scope
for iXML.
Some names for function calls (element,
if) are reserved as they conflict with node types or
language construct keywords. Occurrence indicators
(?,*,+) in possibly ambiguous cases have to bind to
the closest SequenceType production rather than acts
as possible arithmetic operators — there are a few other similar
restrictions. Such extra-grammatical constraints are, in the
nature of the case, outside the scope of an invisible XML grammar.
Another area requiring care (applicable to other grammars) is to
ensure that optional whitespace doesn't get double
accounted, such as being defined both in a non-terminal
production and in the reference to it. But all these restrictions
aside, this has demonstrated that large and complex grammars can be
supported with iXML.
NineML is a family of grammar parsing tools (and related
projects). The number "Nine" in the name is a play
on the "ix" of "ixml" reinterpreted as a Roman numeral; another illustration of Pemberton's
(Pemberton 2016a) point
about the numerical abstractions behind written numeral formats. Initial development
of NineML has focused on a set of tools designed
to run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It currently consists of
five related projects.
A JVM API for building a grammar parser.
A JVM API for processing Invisible XML documents.
A command-line tool for parsing documents with Invisible XML grammars.
A set of Saxon extension functions that make Invisible XML processing possible
within XSLT or XQuery transformations.
A set of XProc 3.0 steps that make Invisible XML processing
possible with XProc pipelines.
(It’s Java-based. There are coffee puns. That’s just how it is.)
CoffeeGrinder is a Java API for building grammars and using
those grammars to parse inputs. A grammar is constructed with API calls to a
SourceGrammar object:
ParserOptions options = new ParserOptions();
SourceGrammar grammar = new SourceGrammar(options);
NonterminalSymbol S = grammar.getNonterminal("S");
NonterminalSymbol A = grammar.getNonterminal("A");
NonterminalSymbol B = grammar.getNonterminal("B");
TerminalSymbol a = new TerminalSymbol(TokenCharacter.get('a'));
TerminalSymbol b = new TerminalSymbol(TokenCharacter.get('b'));
grammar.addRule(S, A);
grammar.addRule(S, B);
grammar.addRule(A, a);
grammar.addRule(B, b);
This grammar is equivalent to the following Invisible XML grammar:
S = A | B.
A = 'a'.
B = 'b'.
At this level in the NineML stack, a SourceGrammar is
a much simpler abstraction than an Invisible XML grammar. There are no
built-in features for repetition or separators, for example, and alternatives
have to be spelled out explicitly as the example shows for S.
The grammar does support character classes and ranges, so it isn’t necessary
to spell out every possible matching terminal literally.
To parse an input, create a parser and call parse() on
the input:
GearleyParser parser = grammar.getParser(options, S);
String input = "a";
GearleyResult result = parser.parse(input);
if (result.succeeded()) {
System.err.printf("\"%s\" matches the grammar", input);
} else {
System.err.printf("\"%s\" does not match the grammar", input);
The output from a parse is a “parse forest”. The parse forest is
a data structure that represents all of the possible parses of the input with the
grammar. This includes all of the ambiguous parses and even
“infinitely ambiguous” parses in the case of grammars that contain
There are a variety of APIs for walking the forest to extract
one of the parses.
By default, CoffeeGrinder uses an Earley parser (Scott 2008). It is in the nature of Earley parsers that for
some grammars and some inputs they make a very large number of predictions that are
ultimately unused. This can cause memory and performance issues.
Recently, a GLL parser (Scott 2019) has also
been added. (Credit to Dimitre Novatchev for suggesting that a GLL
parser might have better performance.)
Unlike an Earley parser which applies a particular “predict,
scan, complete” algorithm to its input, the GLL parser begins by
compiling the grammar into a “program” that is then executed to parse
the input.
The GLL parser is orders of magnitude faster than the Earley
parser for some inputs, but for most cases where the results are
comparable, the GLL parser seems to be a little bit slower. The GLL
parser does generally produce a smaller parse forest, but it is less
well tested and has a few small issues with particular kinds of
ambiguous grammars.
It’s worth pointing out that no effort has been made to optimize
the GLL parser and there are several interesting avenues to explore,
including the possibility that the grammar might be “compiled down” to
Java bytecode so that the JVM’s “hotspot” compiler could optimize
Like CoffeeGrinder, CoffeeFilter is a JVM API. Typical use would
look something like this:
ParserOptions options = new ParserOptions();
InvisibleXml ixml = new InvisibleXml(options);
String grammar = "S = A|B. A = 'a'. B = 'b'.";
InvisibleXmlParser parser = ixml.getParserFromIxml(grammar);
String input = "b";
InvisibleXmlDocument document = parser.parse(input);
String xml = document.getTree();
The InvisibleXml object provides a parser, this step transforms
the Invisible XML grammar into a grammar that can be understood by
CoffeeGrinder. This process introduces new rules and new
nonterminals (along the lines suggested in the “Hints for Implementors” in the
Invisible XML specification).
A parser can, in turn, be applied to an input, returning a
document. Methods on the document allow you to retrieve one or more
trees in a variety of ways.
CoffeePot is a command-line tool. It reads an Invisible XML
grammar and an input and produces a serialized result. It will accept
grammars in either text or XML form. It can be configured to cache
parsed grammars which makes the process run a little faster. The input
to be parsed can be provided directly on the command line or via a
file or URI reference.
Consider the following small data file, capitals.txt,
describing the latitude and longitude of some capital cities.
Using --pretty-print makes the output easier to read; using
--log:info tells us a little bit about the processing. Default values for
both of these options (and many others) can be specified in a configuration file.
In practice, you’d probably also use -o: (or --output:) to
write the XML into a file.
Conformant behavior for an Invisible XML processor is to produce XML.
In some environments, at least for simple data like this, JSON may be a more convenient
format. CoffeePot will do that for you:
Producing different output formats is intended to emphasis the fact that
Invisible XML is about data abstractions. There are no plans to support any sort
of arbitrary transformations of the output (move these columns around, for example).
We have better tools for that.
CoffeeSacks provides a library of functions that you can call
from XPath using Saxon. The functions allow you to parse a grammar, parse
an input against the grammar, and manage the environment in which
the functions operate. Basic usage is:
The RegisterCoffeeSacks function makes the functions available
from XPath. You can then call cs:grammar() to parse the grammar
and cs:parse-uri() (or cs:parse-string()) to parse
the input against the grammar.
Like CoffeePot, the default output is XML, but it is possible to persuade
the parse functions to return a map{} analogous to JSON.
This will parse the same capitals.txt file with the
Invisible XML grammar and produce a transformed result. A namespace has been
added, the rows have been sorted, and some elements have been renamed:
Of the various libraries, it’s currently the least well developed.
[Bahta et al., 2019]
Bahta, Rahwa and Mustafa Atay.
Translating JSON Data into Relational Data Using
Schema-oblivious Approaches. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3299815.3314467. At
ACM Southeast Conference – ACMSE 2019 – Session 2: Short Papers. Kennesaw, GA, USA.
April 18-20, 2019.
ISBN: 978-1-4503-6251-1.
[Dou et al., 2020]
Dou, T., Kaszubowski Lopes, Y., Rockett, P. et al.
GPML: an XML-based standard for the interchange of genetic programming
trees. Genet Program Evolvable Mach 21, 605–627 (2020).
[Grune/Jacobs 1990/2008]
Grune, Dick, and Ceriel J. H. Jacobs.
Parsing techniques: a practical guide.
First edition New York et al.: Ellis Horwood, 1990.
Second edition [New York]: Springer, 2008.
[Hopcroft/Ullman 1979]
Hopcroft, John E., and Jeffrey D. Ullman.
Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation.
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1979.
[Hillman et al., 2022]
Hillman, Tomos, et al.
Pragmas in Invisible XML as an extensibility mechanism.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022,
Washington, DC (Virtual Event), August 1–5, 2022.
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 27 (2022). doi:https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol27.Sperberg-McQueen01.
[Scott 2019] Scott, Elizabeth,
Adrian Johnstone, and L. Thomas Van Binsbergen. Derivation representation
using binary subtree sets. Science of Computer Programming 175, 63-84 (2019).
[Shatnawi et al., 2021]
Shatnawi, Hazim and H. Conrad Cunningham.
Encoding Feature Models Using Mainstream JSON Technologies. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3409334.3452048. At
ACM Southeast Conference – ACMSE 2021 – Session 1: Full Papers.
Virtual Event, USA. April 15-17, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-4503-8068-3.
[Sperberg-McQueen 2019]
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M.
Aparecium: An XQuery / XSLT library for invisible
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2019, Washington,
DC, July 30 – August 2, 2019.
In Proceedings of Balisage: The
Markup Conference 2019.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies,
vol. 23
[1] The technical background may be summarized briefly.
In the case of grammars in Backus / Naur Form (BNF) or
similar notations, formal language theory defines ambiguity as the
existence of more than one leftmost (or rightmost) derivation of a
sentence; sometimes it is defined as the existence of more than
one production tree, which amounts to the same thing. Extended BNF notations like
the one used by Invisible XML generate the same set of languages
as BNF grammars, but derivation works differently, and the
authorities we have consulted define neither derivation nor
ambiguity with respect to EBNF grammars.
Note also that ambiguity is a property of a sentence parsed
with a given grammar; the same sentence might be unambiguous with
respect to a different grammar for the same language. Some iXML
processors work by translating the input grammar into an
equivalent BNF grammar and then using algorithms defined for BNF
grammars to parse the input. In many cases, more than one BNF
grammar will be equivalent to the input iXML grammar; a sentence
may be ambiguous against one of those grammars but not against
We do not wish to require a particular translation from EBNF
to an equivalent BNF, and so we face the situation that some
implementations will encounter ambiguity in the raw parse trees of
a sentence where others do not. We have therefore found ourselves
obliged to allow some variation in results among conforming
processors as regards the detection of ambiguity.
For a formal definition of ambiguity, see Hopcroft/Ullman 1979 section 4.3, or Grune/Jacobs 1990/2008 section 3.1.2.
Of particular interest here is the discussion of extended
notations for context-free grammars in section of Grune/Jacobs 1990/2008.
[2] The example assumes an ixml grammar like
the one for parsing vcards which was posted earlier this year on
the xsl-list mailing list.
Bahta, Rahwa and Mustafa Atay.
Translating JSON Data into Relational Data Using
Schema-oblivious Approaches. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3299815.3314467. At
ACM Southeast Conference – ACMSE 2019 – Session 2: Short Papers. Kennesaw, GA, USA.
April 18-20, 2019.
ISBN: 978-1-4503-6251-1.
Bourhis, Pierre, et al.
JSON: Data model and query languages.
Information Systems. Volume 89 (2020). ISSN 0306-4379.
Dou, T., Kaszubowski Lopes, Y., Rockett, P. et al.
GPML: an XML-based standard for the interchange of genetic programming
trees. Genet Program Evolvable Mach 21, 605–627 (2020).
Grune, Dick, and Ceriel J. H. Jacobs.
Parsing techniques: a practical guide.
First edition New York et al.: Ellis Horwood, 1990.
Second edition [New York]: Springer, 2008.
Hillman, Tomos, et al.
Pragmas in Invisible XML as an extensibility mechanism.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022,
Washington, DC (Virtual Event), August 1–5, 2022.
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 27 (2022). doi:https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol27.Sperberg-McQueen01.
Lee, Junhee, et al.
SJSON: A succinct representation for JSON documents.
Information Systems. Volume 97 (2021). ISSN 0306-4379.
Scott, Elizabeth,
Adrian Johnstone, and L. Thomas Van Binsbergen. Derivation representation
using binary subtree sets. Science of Computer Programming 175, 63-84 (2019).
Shatnawi, Hazim and H. Conrad Cunningham.
Encoding Feature Models Using Mainstream JSON Technologies. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3409334.3452048. At
ACM Southeast Conference – ACMSE 2021 – Session 1: Full Papers.
Virtual Event, USA. April 15-17, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-4503-8068-3.
Sperberg-McQueen, C. M.
Aparecium: An XQuery / XSLT library for invisible
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2019, Washington,
DC, July 30 – August 2, 2019.
In Proceedings of Balisage: The
Markup Conference 2019.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies,
vol. 23