Beuchelt, Gerald, Harry Sleeper, Andrew Gregorowicz and Robert Dingwell. “hData - A Simple XML Framework for Health Data Exchange.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009, Montréal, Canada, August 11 - 14, 2009. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 3 (2009).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009 August 11 - 14, 2009
Balisage Paper: hData — A Simple XML Framework for Health Data Exchange
Gerald Beuchelt is a Lead Software Systems Engineer at the MITRE Corporation.
He is focusing on advanced web services and identity management technology and
their application in the context of complex government programs such as Health
Care. In this role he is actively engaged with the identity and privacy
management communities.
Andy is a Lead Software Engineer at The MITRE Corporation where he has worked
for the past nine years. He has worked on applications ranging from speech
recognition systems to web applications throughout his career. Andy is an active
member of the open source community, contributing code to several projects
including Ruby on Rails. He is the technical architect of Project Laika, an open
source Health IT testing framework, and has been focusing on open source in
health over the past two years.
Harry Sleeper is a Senior Principal Engineer at the MITRE Corporation. He is
involved in Project Laika, hData, and Medicare health information services. He
leads the Open Services department in Bedford, MA, which is focused on matching
open source technology solutions with critical U.S. national problems.
Health data interoperability issues limit the expected benefits of Electronic
Health Record (EHR) systems. Ideally, the medical history of a patient is recorded
in a set of digital continuity of care documents which are securely available to the
patient and their care providers on demand. The history of electronic health data
standards includes multiple standards organizations, differing goals, and ongoing
efforts to reconcile the various specifications. Existing standards define a format
that is too complex for exchanging health data effectively. We propose hData, a
simple XML-based framework to describe health information. hData addresses the
complexities of the current HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). hData is an
XML design that can be completely validated by modern XML editors and is explicitly
designed for extensibility to address future health information exchange needs.
hData applies established best practices for XML document architectures to the
health domain, thereby facilitating interoperability, increasing software developer
productivity, and thus reducing the cost for creating and maintaining EHR
In Section “Background”, we discuss the motivation for addressing the
problem space of health data exchange formats. We briefly revisit the history of the
work in the field and outline problems with the currently accepted approach. In Section
“Introducing hData”, we introduce a modern XML best practices approach to
organizing health data for electronic consumption. Section “HITSP Alignment”
outlines how our approach can be aligned with the existing work in the field of
electronic health records. Finally, in Section “Conclusions”, we conclude with
a brief review.
Electronic Health Data Exchange
Electronic documentation of health care data is currently at the heart of the U.S.
national discussion on healthcare reform. While there is no universally accepted
definition of an Electronic Health Record (EHR), we follow the common approach of
referring to the entirety of the electronic data about a single patient as the
complete EHR, while the data stored in a single system is referred to as the
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) [1] [2].
Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR Systems) have existed since the 1960s with the
introduction of MUMPS [3] and have benefited from the
information technology advancements of the last 40 years. However, health data
exchange interoperability and other usability issues have plagued system-wide
adoption [4] and have thus limited the expected benefits. As of
2009, adoption rates in the U.S. have been as low as 11% for hospitals [5] while only 17% of all U.S. physicians have access to an EHR
System [6].
For achieving quality outcomes and economic efficiencies, summary of care
information plays a special role. Ideally, the entire relevant medical history of
patient is recorded in a set of summary of care documents securely available to
patients and their clinicians on demand. This way, the entire care team gets the
same exact and complete picture of the patient’s health data, without costly
repeated examinations, duplicate lab tests, and partially reported conditions or
results (reported to one physician, but absent from another physician’s
The Path to HITSP C32
Health Level Seven (HL7) is a health standards organization whose work focused on
health data standards by creating the clinical document architecture (CDA) [7]. The CDA was created with complete coverage of edge cases in
mind: using the CDA, one can expect to address nearly all documentation needs in any
health care system. Consequently, this approach made the schema extremely flexible
but overly complex, hard to implement in an interoperable design, and difficult to
manage. In the meantime, the Massachusetts Medical Society and others created a
simpler continuity of care record (CCR), not based on the CDA. Eventually, another
standards organization, ASTM International, adopted the CCR as its proposed
continuity of care record standard [8].
HL7 reconciled its standards with ASTM by taking the data elements found in the
CCR and encoding them in the CDA, with the resulting standard being called the
Continuity of Care Document (CCD). As part of the U.S. national initiative in Health
Information Technology (HIT), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
its affiliated Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) recommended
that the CCD be used as an input standard for creating a national continuity of care
standard. The result was initially published as the HITSP Construct 32 standard
(C32) [9]. The module content and supporting vocabularies were
recently migrated to HITSP documents C80 [10] and C83 [11]. As a result, the latest HITSP C32 is essentially only a
reference to C80 and C83. The entire document suite has been significantly expanded
and has grown more complex.
Criticism of the CDA and C32
There are several shortfalls in the CDA, C32, and related standards. Most of these
were experienced firsthand when we implemented “Laika,” an open source C32
compliance testing tool set ( Four of the key
issues are described below.
Repeated use of overly abstract data
structures: The HL7 CDA defines a number of very generic
objects that are used to represent information in a given document.
Differing information, such as medications and conditions, are represented
using the same XML elements with very subtle changes in their nesting and
attributes. This makes a CDA document difficult to process.
Underspecified implementation, including lack of a
normative schema: While there is an XML schema for the HL7
CDA, a final schema does not exist for the HITSP C32 or other CDA-based
documents due to their use of attributes for selecting templates. Thus,
defining schemas for these documents is impossible. As a result, CDA-based
constructs such as HITSP C32 cannot be automatically validated by XML
parsers; standard object mapping tools, such as XML Beans or JAXB, cannot be
Ambiguous data types: Data can be
represented in multiple ways in a CDA document. Consumers of CDA documents
must, therefore, write software that handles any of the numerous
permutations of these data types. This leads to bloated software, or more
likely, software that does not implement the full specification and
experiences interoperability problems when it receives data in an unexpected
Steep and long learning curve: Mastery of
the CDA and its many specifications and constructs takes an experienced
software engineer many months to achieve. Once learned, it is very
cumbersome to employ in robust software applications and services. These
difficulties drive up the cost and time to develop and maintain health care
software, thus reducing the pace of innovation.
While we are not aware of any widespread operational deployment of CDA or C32 for
health information exchanges, work on these standards has created useful medical
domain expertise in the health industry. HITSP has recognized the complexity of the
existing CDA-based standards and has completed an effort to “streamline” the
standards and the documentation on how to use them [12]. At the
heart of this effort lies the definition of HITSP Capabilities and Service
Collaborations. The Capabilities are essentially profiles of existing HITSP
Constructs which then map to requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act (ARRA) [13] (see for an overview of the
HITSP Constructs and [14] for the EHR Centric Interoperability
Specification). The HITSP architecture approach after the Spring 2009 Tiger Team
review is described in [15]. While this document reordering may
provide some help, exchanging continuity of care information will still take place
in the same overly complex format.
Additionally, the entire existing HITSP framework does not always deliver a
comprehensive, interoperable set of specifications, thus exacerbating
interoperability problems. For example, the latest revision of the HITSP C19
Construct [16] references Integrating the Health Enterprise
(IHE) IT Infrastructure Technical Framework (ITI-TF) Volume 2 [17]and relies on ITI-TF 2, section 3.40, “Provide X-User Assertion” for exchanging
user attributes. Section 3.40 is a very loose profile of using restricted SAML 2.0
assertions [18] with WS-Security [19] and
WS-Trust 1.3 [20]. It is unclear why WS-Trust was chosen over
the SAML 2.0 protocol, especially since WS-Trust does not define use case profiles,
processing rules, or static conformance rules. IHE failed to provide complete use
case profiles and processing rules in its specification. Omissions like these invite
vendor-specific interpretations of the underlying standards and—in the absence of
coordinated, point-to-point interoperability certification testing—will lead
invariably to non-interoperable solutions.
Introducing hData
As an alternative to the CDA framework, we propose hData, a simple XML framework for
the creation, storage, and exchange of health data. The hData specification [21] contains three components:
hData Record Format (HRF): The HRF describes an abstract architecture of how
data is stored in multiple XML documents and organized in a hierarchy. It also
contains a concrete schema for the HRF metadata. Records conforming to the HRF
are called hData Records (HDRs).
HRF Serialization: Within EHR Systems, hData Records may be persisted in
different ways. The hData specification describes a portable scheme to create an
archive of the individual documents that make up the HDR.
hData RESTful API (HRA): When the HRF is represented as a web resource, this
RESTful specification allows for modification of section documents, creation of
new data, record transport, and management of the entire record through a simple
RESTful Web API.
Beyond the above technical specification, hData uses hData Content Profiles (HCP)
specify the actual content included in a particular hData record. It is important
note that the HRF determines the format of the record but does not determine the medical
data that needs to be contained within an HDR. The HCPs determine what data must be
contained within an HDR for a particular purpose. As such, a given HDR will always
conformant with the HRF and may satisfy one or more HCPs.
The data elements defined in the NQF-35 hData Content Profile [22] address the immediate issues of continuity of care interoperability, but its scope
goes well beyond this application. By including all of the National Quality Foundation’s
(NQF) 35 data elements (NQF-35) derived from the NQF Health Information Technology
Expert Panel (HITEP) [23] the NQF-35 HCP is suitable as a general
purpose electronic health record format. Any hData implementation must minimally support
the NQF-35 hData Content Profile. Please visit for
more information on the hData Content Profiles and the NQF-35 HCP specification.
Separating the hData Content Profiles from the technical container and communication
specification serves the interests of both the health care and technical communities:
the HCPs should be defined and managed by medical domain experts, while the data
organization issues can be better addressed by data management experts. By separating
the problem areas and creating two distinct specification sets, the respective
communities and their standardization organizations can employ their own expertise
follow their own time lines.
While the hData technical specification and the NQF-35 hData Content Profile make
the core of the hData framework, additional hData Content Profiles can be created
extend the functionality of the HRF (e.g., a lab report or an immunization record
could be easily added). Going forward, we will develop other HCPs that cover specific
use cases. In addition, in Section “The Road Ahead”, we briefly discuss
possible access control, identity management, and privacy management extensions for
hData that use the hData RESTful API.
Please visit for more information on the hData Content Profiles and our initial HCP
example. The data elements defined in the NQF-35 hData Content Profile address the
immediate issues of continuity of care interoperability, but its scope goes well beyond
this application. By including all of the National Quality Foundation’s (NQF) 35 data
elements (NQF-35) derived from the NQF Health Information Technology Expert Panel
(HITEP), the NQF-35 HCP is suitable as a general purpose electronic health record
hData Overview
The hData Record Format (HRF) follows the approach taken by the Open Document
Format (ODF) [24] and other modern XML file formats: at the
core of the document is a “root” document containing metadata describing the actual
medical data documents, which are located within a hierarchy of sections. These
individual XML documents are referred to as “section documents” and are located
within a section. Any given section can only contain section-documents of one type
or other sections. These sections can easily be represented as a file folder
hierarchy on disk or within a ZIP file, or as web resources.
The hData Record Format was created with extensibility in mind. Since we do not
expect to be able to address all potential use cases with a single HCP, hData can
extended by defining new sections for additional XML documents to deliver additional
functionality with almost no limitations to the format of the extensions. While
highly desirable, we do not expect that all consumers of hData will be required or,
indeed, will be capable of parsing all documents, so extensions must be marked as
mandatory or optional.
Finally, the NQF-35 hData Content Profile aims to enhance EHR data quality by
enforcing strict rules on the non-narrative parts of the record to allow automated
machine processing. C32 and related formats often use narrative fragments within
fields that are intended for machine consumption, thus breaking interoperability.
For example, dates can be specified through descriptive terms such as “a week ago”.
While there is a requirement to capture the fact that a date is ambiguous, resorting
to unstructured text creates significant interoperability issues and makes machine
parsing of EHRs unnecessarily complex. By restricting common data types to
well-established type definitions, hData lowers the interoperability barrier and
simplifies the creation of health care software.
Record Organization
Data in the hData Record Format is stored in a set of linked standalone XML
documents. Each data point in a patient’s record is captured in an independent
standalone XML document. The collection of these documents, along with some
organizational metadata, constitutes an hData Record that conforms to the HRF
specification. There is no constraint on the XML schema used in each of these
individual documents: existing data (e.g., legacy data, machine generated lab
results, etc.) can be integrated into an HDR without loss of fidelity by adding a
section for the legacy data XML documents. Non-XML data can be wrapped either
through simple transforms where possible, or by encoding the data in a form suitable
for XML storage (e.g., by using BASE64 encoding for binary data).
1: HRF Structure
These independent documents are linked and organized in a hierarchy: a “root”
document contains metadata about the structure and content of the collection. In
particular, the following metadata resides in the root document:
Unique document identifier, creation date, and
modification date: The document identifier should not be tied
to a particular resource or document location, but must instead guarantee
uniqueness over all other hData documents. The identifier should not be
overloaded with any semantics. Valid choices for the document identifier
could be a UUID [25], or a URL that uses the root of
the EHR System operator and a unique identifier for the document itself.
Extensions: : Since hData is extensible,
all contained types of section documents, identified by an XML namespace,
must be registered in the extensions section. Once the universal resource
indicator (URI) for a section document is registered in the
Extensions node of the root document, this type of section
document can be used in any Section node. To assist hData
parsing, extensions are marked mandatory or optional. Optional extensions
can be ignored. If mandatory extensions cannot be parsed, the system must at
least notify the user that critical portions of the document will not be
Section definitions: Sections can contain
data documents of a single type or other sections (sub-sections). The type
of section document, identified by a URI, must in turn be registered in the
extensions node of the root document. The hData Content Profile defines a
standard section layout that can be extended by the implementer. Note that
there can be many sections that may contain the same type of documents,
(i.e., the relationship between section document types to sections is
one-to-many). It is helpful to think of sections as “directory folders”
containing individual XML documents (“files”) and other sections
(“folders”). Figure 1 illustrates the
hData Record Format structure.
There is no restriction on the content of the section, with the exception that the
“section documents” must be expressed in XML and have a type registered as an
extension in the root document. Figure 2 contains a
very simple example of a root document.
The data represented by an hData Record should be simple to exchange from one EHR
System to another. The hData Record Format lends itself ideally for RESTful
applications: the same hierarchy that can be represented in a file folder structure
can transfer directly to a URL hierarchy. With this representation in mind, we
define a RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) to edit the patient hData
Record through HTTP at the section and section document level. This approach is much
more efficient than the complex IHE XDS protocol [26] currently
proposed for sharing CDA-based health data.
By using the HTTP GET verb, any part of an HRF document can be read: the root
document is directly accessible through the base URL of the HRF. The root document
contains all necessary metadata to access the medical information contained in the
HRF document, including a list of all mandatory and optional document types a parser
must implement. Each section is accessible as a sub-resource, identified by its
path-segment, which in turn is used to compute the absolute URL to the section
resource. A GET operation on the URL of a section (or sub-section) resource returns
an Atom 1.0 feed of all documents or a feed of its sub-sections. The returned
results can be filtered by using HTTP headers, such as TE (Transfer Extension)
headers [27], or other appropriate query parameters. For
example, a GET on /immunizations with If-Modified-Since set to a
specific date, would only return immunizations that have been administered since a
given date.
Modifications of the HDR are implemented analogously. New section documents can be
added or modified through PUT or POST operations; DELETE works in the same fashion,
although we recommend well-defined auditing processes when deleting data from an
HDR. Again, HTTP headers can be used: ETags are highly useful for PUTs. For example,
a new allergy can be added to the document by PUTting an allergy document into the
/adversereactions/allergies section in the document hierarchy.
Existing EHR systems (such as the U.S. Veterans Administration’s VistA) can be
retroactively equipped with hData capabilities without having to re-architect the
underlying EHR system.
HITSP Alignment
C32 Interoperability and the L32
In order to maintain interoperability with existing EHR implementations that use
the C32, we also introduce a mechanism to map between hData and a tightly profiled
version of the HITSP C32 standard, called the “Lightweight C32.” The “Lightweight
C32,” or L32 for short, is a specification that bridges between CDA-based
architectures and hData. There are two “modes” for L32: native and compatibility.
Both remove some of the ambiguity found in the HITSP standard. A native mode L32
document can be easily validated against the new L32 XML Schema, which is not
compliant with the C32 and CDA standards. This is due to the use of xsi:type
attributes in the L32 that facilitate the creation of a more concrete schema. For
L32 documents in compatibility mode, these xsi:type attributes can be added via XSLT
to provide compatibility with the C32 standard. Conversion between native and
compatibility mode is performed through a simple XLST transform.
L32 provides a simpler path to generate a document that will be C32 conformant,
and satisfies the requirements of current and proposed EHR legislation in the U.S.
L32 is currently under development; more information is available on the Project
hData home page at
Mapping between hData and L32 is achieved through a simple XSLT/XProc process.
This transformation is necessary since C32 or its descendants are required in
regulated U.S. EHR Systems. Using this approach, new systems can fully focus on
leveraging the simplicity and precision of hData, thus eliminating the need to
maintain the complex organizational knowledge and skills required for consuming or
producing C32 or other CDA-based constructs. Existing systems can leverage the
constrained C32 profile and the hData conversion tools to ensure that their
continuity of care documents are interoperable. Since hData is capable of providing
all functionality for a CDA-based document system through extensibility, the hData
format allows for a natural evolution away from the CDA-based document formats.
The L32 alignment approach should not be mistaken for a solution in and of itself.
The L32 maintains the cumbersome CDA legacy, and cannot address any of the problems
deriving from its monolithic form. L32 is intended to ease the transition from HITSP
C32, not to address all of the requirements for a comprehensive EHR health data
standard. As such, L32 is limited to the continuity of care sections of the NQF-35
hData Content Profile.
HITSP Harmonization Framework
While hData introduces a new approach to the data format and replaces significant
portions of the existing CDA architecture, it still fits conceptually into the HITSP
architectural framework [15]. The extensive existing work on
defining code systems, data standards, data dictionaries, data exchange content, and
use case scenarios can be leveraged with hData through its simple extension
mechanism. hData Content Profiles, if hData is eventually adopted, will rely heavily
on the medical domain knowledge that HITSP and its members have been working on
successfully for many years.
In fact, individual HITSP constructs (including CDA-based documents such as the
C32) and other legacy EHR formats, could be included in their own section within an
HDR. While this is not the intent of hData, this approach offers an easy migration
path away from CDA-based health data exchange.
The Road Ahead
The hData technical specification described so far is not sufficient to build a fully
featured EHR system or to fully enable emerging EHR technologies [28]. We intentionally restricted the scope of the hData specification to the data
architecture to avoid the complex interdependencies seen in the CDA and the
specifications that build on the CDA. Going forward, hData needs to address the
challenges of the complex interactions of the health care industry as well as the
requirements of health regulation. In this section, we briefly outline the near-term
roadmap for hData by addressing three crucial problems:
Access Control: Access to an HDR must sometimes be restricted to a subset of
the data contained in the HDR. The HRF offers a natural fine granularity for
access control at the level of individual section documents. Access to
individual section documents, as well as entire sections, can be restricted
through Access Control Lists (ACLs) or section path-based patterns.
Identity and Privacy Management: By using access control features, access
authorization can be made identity aware, i.e., access to individual sections or
section documents is granted based on the identity of the requesting entity.
Building on such an identity management framework, access to HDRs can be managed
to preserve privacy along the lines of HIPAA and ARRA, but also other generally
accepted privacy guidelines such as the OECD Privacy Principles [29].
Discovery and Patient Empowerment: Ultimately, we see a strong need for
empowering patients who should have easy access to their complete EHR. In
addition, every patient should also be enabled to share their complete or
self-selected EHR data with anyone they choose.
Access Control and Identity and Privacy Management
The hData specification does not include any access management components. We have
consciously decided to focus on data modeling first, and to create hData Content
Profiles for additional functionality later. At the same time, the overall
architecture is well-suited for fine-grained access control that allows for privacy
and addresses confidentiality needs:
Section documents are the basic units of data storage. Since these
documents are self contained, any access management system that uses this
document architecture already has a granularity that cannot be achieved with
any CDA-based document format.
The hierarchical organization of the sections also makes it easy to grant
access to sections or sub-trees of sections by hierarchy. This enables a
variety of interesting applications, such as anonymization through blocking
access to the /patientinformation section.
The web resource-based representation of hData Records lends itself to
defining access policies based on URL patterns, which is readily supported
today by several vendors and open source software projects.
There are a variety of potential ways to define identity, privacy, and access
management profiles for hData, including Access Control Lists (ACLs), policy agents,
or even Simple Object Access Protocol- (SOAP-) based identity web services. At this
time we are focusing on demonstrating a RESTful protection scheme, which works with
the hData RESTful API. It builds on the “ProtectServe” protocol that has been
presented by Eve Maler et al. [30]. ProtectServe has been
submitted to the User-Managed Access Working Group of the Kantara Initiative [31] for public review and standardization.
Enabling Patient-Centric Electronic Health Records
As indicated in Section “Background”, a complete EHR is the collection
of all individual EHRs and EMRs across all health service providers that hold health
data about a patient. Within the health community, there are many EHR Systems
operated by different actors, such as health providers, government entities,
insurance companies, and others. Currently, patients have very limited electronic
access to their digital health data stored by other actors, and even less active
control over who can access their health data. Since hData implements RESTful
patterns, access to hData Records for patients can easily be implemented by giving
patients access to their data over the internet. Simple stylesheets can be used to
display the contained data in a human-readable form.
In addition, hData web resources can be made discoverable through web-centric
protocols such as the proposed XRD 1.0 protocol [32]. By using
discovery mechanisms, patients can effectively link their HDRs in different EHR
Systems and create a more complete picture of their health data. By using a
ProtectServe-like authorization scheme, the patient is empowered to authorize access
to their records based on the identity of the requestor.
3: Notional hData use case
A combination of XRD discovery and ProtectServe authorization management is
illustrated in a simple use case in Figure 3 that
illustrates the following steps:
Prior to any interaction, the patient or service provider configures the
Discovery and Authorization Service (DAS). This includes registering
existing HDR endpoints and, optionally, pre-configuring HDR default access
When requesting the medical services of a new provider (e.g., a
specialist), the patient interacts with the EHR System of the specialist by
pointing the provider’s EHR System to the patient’s DAS.
At the DAS, the patient selects the applicable HDR endpoints that he wants
to share with the specialist. This step is necessary, since the patient may
choose not to share some HDRs (e.g., mental health data). At this stage, it
is important for the DAS to present the patient with reasonable default
privacy choices, and to warn the patient of potential risks when disclosing
information beyond the default selections.
A custom XRD is generated for the specialist and sent to the specialist’s
EHR System.
The specialist’s EHR System can now contact the HDR endpoints contained in
the custom XRD and initiate a ProtectServe session and provide access to the
patient’s authorized HDRs.
Since all protocols for this exchange are completely open and no additional
knowledge beyond the location of the HDR endpoints is necessary, a patient can
choose to implement their own DAS, making the system truly patient-centric. At the
same time, we expect that either existing actors in the medical community such as
health providers, government entities, insurance companies, or emerging service
providers similar to Google Health or Microsoft HealthVault will offer DAS to
hData is a new approach to address the current complexities of electronic health data
exchange. The hData design avoids many of the problems of the CDA outlined in Section
“Criticism of the CDA and C32” :
Repeated use of overly abstract data
structures: The structures defined in the HRF are extremely
simple, and the use of hierarchical storage for individual section and
section documents is well-understood in the software developer community.
Underspecified implementation, including lack of a
normative schema: The hData technical specification comes
with a small normative W3C XML Schema for the metadata root document. The
NQF-35 hData Content Profile defines a normative W3C XML Schema for the
National Quality Foundation’s 35 data elements. By providing clearly defined
XML schemas, the hData framework guarantees automated XML tool support which
simplifies software development.
Ambiguous data types: All hData
constructs have a single representation that can easily be processed by
machines and humans.
Steep and long learning curve: hData can
be learned and used in a software system in days, not weeks or months,
reducing the cost and time to develop health care software. This will
accelerate the innovation of EHR technologies.
In addition, hData is designed so that implementation is simple, fast, and cheap.
Through its simple extensibility model, hData can address the needs of summary of
documentation and can also be profiled as a comprehensive EHR data container. hData
highly portable through its simple serialization format and its RESTful API. hData
extremely flexible, can be validated completely by modern XML parsers, and is capable
addressing both current and future health data exchange needs.
By going beyond the outdated monolithic document architecture, hData enables new EHR
technology features such as fine-grained updates of individual portions of a patient’s
record, fine-grained access control on all health data, and simple integration with
existing and emerging identity and access control management systems.
We would like to thank Beth Halley, Joy Keeler, Michael Macasek, and Mary Pulvermacher
for their insightful comments.
[1] D. Garets and M. Davis, "Electronic Medical
Records vs. Electronic Health Records: Yes, There Is a Difference," 2006.
[21] G. Beuchelt, R. Dingwell, A. Gregorowicz, and H.
Sleeper, "hData Specification," MITRE Corporation, 2009.
[22] G. Beuchelt, R. Dingwell, A. Gregorowicz, and
H. Sleeper, "NQF-35 hData Content Profile," MITRE Corporation, 2009.
[23] National Quality Foundation, "Health Information
Technology Expert Panel Report: Recommended Common Data Types and Prioritized
Performance Measures for Electronic Healthcare Information Systems," 2008.
[24] OASIS Standard, "Open Document Format Version
1.0," 2005.
[25] P. Leach, M. Mealing, and R. Salz, "A
Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace," RFC 4122, 2005.
[27] R. Fielding, et al., "Hypertext Transfer
Protocol -- HTTP/1.1," IETF RFC 2616, 1999.
[28] D. C. Kibbe and B. Klepper. (2009, May) The
Health Care Blog. [Online].
[29] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, "OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of
Personal Data," OECD Recommendation, 1980.
National Quality Foundation, "Health Information
Technology Expert Panel Report: Recommended Common Data Types and Prioritized
Performance Measures for Electronic Healthcare Information Systems," 2008.
D. C. Kibbe and B. Klepper. (2009, May) The
Health Care Blog. [Online].
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, "OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of
Personal Data," OECD Recommendation, 1980.