How to cite this paper
Schmidt, Desmond. “Merging Multi-Version Texts: a Generic Solution to the Overlap Problem.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009, Montréal, Canada, August 11 - 14, 2009. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 3 (2009).
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2009
August 11 - 14, 2009
Balisage Paper: Merging Multi-Version Texts: a General Solution to the Overlap Problem
Desmond Schmidt
Software Engineer
Information Security Institute, Queensland University of Technology
Desmond Schmidt has a BA from the University of Queensland in Classical Greek Language
and Ancient History (1980), a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, in Classical
Greek papyrology (1987). He has worked at the Cambridge Wittgenstein Archive making
an edition of Wittgenstein, as a Computer Associate at the Wellcome/CRC (biosciences)
Institute. In Australia he has worked as a software developer on a commercial license
managment system for Mac OSX, and on the Leximancer data mining application. He currently
works at the Information Security Institute, Queensland University of Technology,
as a software engineer. Since 2002 he has worked with Domenico Fiormonte and the Digital
Variants team developing tools for viewing and editing multi-version texts. He has
recently submitted a second PhD at the ITEE School at UQ entitled ‘Multiple Versions
and Overlap in Digital Text’.
Copyright © 2009 Desmond Schmidt. Used by permission.
Multi-Version Documents or MVDs, as described in Schmidt and Colomb (Schm09), provide a simple format for representing overlapping structures in digital text.
They permit the reuse of existing technologies, such as XML, to encode the content
of individual versions, while allowing overlapping hierarchies (separate, partial
or conditional) and textual variation (insertions, deletions, alternatives and transpositions)
to exist within the same document. Most desired operations on MVDs may be performed
by simple algorithms in linear time. However, creating and editing MVDs is a much
harder and more complex operation that resembles the multiple-sequence alignment problem
in biology. The inclusion of the transposition operation into the alignment process
makes this a hard problem, with no solutions known to be both optimal and practical.
However, a suitable heuristic algorithm can be devised, based in part on the most
recent biological alignment programs, whose time complexity is quadratic in the worst
case, and is often much faster. The results are satisfactory both in terms of speed
and alignment quality. This means that MVDs can be considered as a practical and editable
format suitable for representing many cases of overlapping structure in digital text.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Advantages of the MVD Format
- Operations on MVDs
- Analogies to the Current Problem
- Bioinformatics
- Multiple Sequence Alignment
- de Bruijn and A-Bruijn Graphs
- Anchor-Based Aligners
- Transposition Algorithms
- Discussion
- Collation Algorithms
- Sliding Window Collators
- Progressive Alignment
- Disadvantages of Collation
- A Fast Algorithm to Merge n Versions with Block Moves
- Alignment Without Transposing
- Algorithm 1
- Finding The Best MUM
- Time Complexity of the MATCH Procedure
- Updating the MUM
- Merging the MUM into the Graph
- Adding Transpositions
- Why Detect Transpositions Automatically?
- What Constitutes a Transposition?
- Merging Transpositions into the Variant Graph
- A Simple Algorithm for Detecting Transpositions
- Algorithm 2
- Time Complexity of Algorithm 2
- Experimental Performance of Algorithm 2
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
Over 20 years ago, shortly after the standardisation of SGML in 1986 (Gold90), the problem of overlap was first noticed as a serious difficulty in the encoding
of digital texts in the humanities and linguistics (Barn88). Overlap may be defined as the inability of markup systems to easily represent overlapping
structures by means of paired tags whose primary function is to contain text or other
markup in a strictly nested and ‘well-formed’ way (Bray08, 2.1). Barnard et al. (Barn88, 275) reassured the reader at the time that ‘SGML can successfully cope with the
problem of maintaining multiple structural views’ and that the ‘solutions can be made
practical’. After around 50 papers and theses later it would seem that this early
assessment may have underestimated the extent of the problem. There have been many
surveys of the literature on the subject (Witt02; Maas03; Dero04), but the consensus seems to be that no general solution to the overlap problem is
known or likely (Maas03, 18; Sahl05, 3).
The Multi-Version Document or MVD format has been put forward as a possible general
solution to the overlap problem (Schm09). Although originally conceived as a solution to textual variation, an MVD can also
be used to represent ‘overlapping hierarchies’, since multiple conflicting markup
perspectives of a single linear text can be construed as variant texts in which only
the markup varies. An MVD represents both overlap and variation by replacing the conventional
linear form of text with a directed graph. This graph may take two forms:
As an explicit directed acyclic graph that starts at one point, then diverges and
remerges as required, before ending again at a single point. I call this a ‘variant
graph’. Each arc is labelled with the set of versions to which that arc belongs, and
a fragment of text, which may be empty. Any version can be read by following the appropriate
path through the graph from start to finish. Figure 1 shows a variant graph generated
using the algorithm described in this paper from three versions (labelled A,B,C) of
part of Valerio Magrelli’s Italian poem Campagna romana (Magr81).
As a list of interleaved pairs, consisting of the labels of each arc, and the sets
of versions to which it belongs. The pairs are ordered so that the labels preserve
the order of the text for each version they represent (Figure 2).
These two forms are equivalent and interchangeable. The list form is currently better
for searching, listing, saving and comparing two versions in an MVD, and the explicit
graph for creating and editing an MVD. Conversion between the two forms can be performed
losslessly in essentially linear time. It is hoped that in the future it will also
be possible to edit and create MVDs using the simpler list format.
Advantages of the MVD Format
Because an MVD doesn’t know anything about the format of the text contained in each
arc-label or pair, any technology can be used to represent the content of an individual
version. In this way the complex overlapping structures of the text are abstracted
out into the graph structure, so that the content can be represented using conventional,
and simplified, markup. This allows the reuse of existing markup-based tools such
as XSLT (Figure 3).
Representing a work that contains multiple versions or markup perspectives as a single
digital entity facilitates searching, comparing, editing and transmission of the work
without the need for complex software to integrate a set of separate files.
Because the MVD representation is very simple, and is not dependent on markup, it
can provide a general solution to the overlap problem in corpus linguistics and humanities
texts of various types and dates. It can work equally well with plain text and some
binary formats.
The only real disadvantage of the format is the difficulty of producing it automatically,
which is the problem this paper attempts to solve.
Operations on MVDs
The commonest operations that may be performed on MVDs include:
Listing a given version
Comparing two versions
Searching a multi-version text
Finding out what is a variant of what
Creating and updating an MVD
The first four operations can be performed by relatively simple algorithms in linear
time. The fifth operation, however, is considerably more complex and costly. Unless
a method can be found to efficiently perform this operation, the advantages of the
MVD format will be unrealised. In addition, making MVDs editable would represent an
advance over current standoff techniques for representing overlap in linguistics texts
Ide06). In these systems editing the overall representation once created is limited or
difficult. Although this may be an acceptable limitation for linguists, who are commenting
on or marking up an essentially static text, it is a fundamental requirement for humanists
to be able to edit texts that contain overlapping structures (
Mcga01, 17;
An MVD may be created by successively adding versions to an initially empty document.
Updating an existing version can be performed in the same way by first deleting the
version to be replaced. Creating and updating an MVD thus both reduce to the same
operation: that of merging a single version into an existing multi-version document.
Analogies to the Current Problem
The basic problem that underlies this merging operation has already been researched
in other fields, in particular in bioinformatics, text processing and humanities computing.
Since the solutions in these areas work with different data and with different objectives,
none of these algorithms provide a precise match with the current problem. Nevertheless,
examining similar areas of research like this is likely to reveal potential pitfalls
as well as furnish possible components of the required solution.
Biologists have studied the computational alignment of multiple sequences of nucleic
and amino acids for over 40 years. These computations reduce to the finding of insertions,
deletions, substitutions and transpositions in texts with a restricted alphabet of
4 characters for nucleotides or 20 for amino acids. There are in fact three main sub-fields
within bioinformatics that are relevant to the current problem.
Multiple Sequence Alignment
Biologists frequently search databases for similar sequences to newly sequenced genes
or proteins (Lesk02, 177). The results, however, are usually a set of close matches whose interrelationships
may need further exploration. For example, it is often of interest to trace the evolutionary
history of a series of mutation events that gave rise to different versions of a protein.
This is the multiple sequence alignment problem (Edga06).
Two-Way Global Alignment
A multiple sequence alignment is usually built up from a series of two-way alignments,
for which an optimal dynamic programming solution has existed since 1970 (Need70). This calculates a ‘global’ alignment, because it aligns every character in the
two sequences.
In Figure 4 a 2-D matrix representing the alignment of the two strings is filled from
the bottom right-hand corner to the top left-hand corner, one cell at a time. Each
cell is filled with 1 if the letters at those coordinates match, otherwise 0, plus the maximum cell-value of the next row and column down and to the right. Once filled,
the matrix can be used to recover a common subsequence with the highest score by following
matching pairs from 0,0 down and to the right. There may be more than one such optimal
path through the matrix.
Although it is theoretically possible to extend their method to n sequences, the time
and space requirements increase exponentially for n > 2. For this reason only the
2-way alignments of all possible pairs of sequences are normally computed, which are then used to construct a close approximation
to a global n-way alignment. Even this shortcut turns out to be quite expensive, since
the number of possible pairs of n sequences is n(n-1)/2. And the computation of the
alignment for each pair of sequences also costs O(MN(M+N)) time, where N and M are
the lengths of the two sequences. To give some idea of just how costly that is, the
computation of the optimal pairwise alignments of the 36 versions of the Sibylline
Gospel (Schm08), i.e. 630 pairwise combinations, each around 2,500 characters long, took 6.6 hours
on an ordinary desktop computer.
Progressive Alignment
One popular way of aligning multiple sequences is progressive alignment (Feng87). In this method the global pairwise alignments of a set of sequences are scored
for similarity and the results are used to construct a phylogenetic tree, which records
the stemmatic relationships between sequences, to act as a ‘guide’ for the merging
process. The multiple-sequence alignment or MSA (Figure 5) is then built up by starting
with the most similar pair of sequences, adding gaps where needed (and never removed
once inserted), then gradually adding in the other sequences as dictated by the guide-tree.
Modern examples of this approach include CLUSTALW (Thom94) and T-COFFEE (Notr00), although the latter augments the usual progressive technique with iterative refinement.
Disadvantages of Progressive Alignment
Because this method was originally developed to handle short sequences, it doesn’t
take account of transpositions, or repeated segments, which appear to be common features
of longer protein sequences (Pevz04; Delc02; Gu99).
Also, it is a greedy algorithm sensitive to the order in which the sequences are added
to the
MSA. Alignment errors that occur early on get locked in and lead to greater divergences
later (Thom94).
The initial pairwise alignments are particularly expensive to calculate. This limits
the number and length of sequences that can be aligned.
Progressive alignment is based on the concept of edit distance (Leve66). This is a count of the number of insertions, deletions and substitutions of individual
characters that need to be performed to turn one string into another. This can only
ever approximate the real biological processes that gave rise to the differences (Lass02, 13; Lesk02, 168).
Partial Order Alignment
A relatively new technique of multiple sequence alignment called POA or Partial Order
Alignment has been described by Lee et al. (Lee02) and Grasso et al. (Gras04). The roots of their method go back to Morgenstern’s Dialign program (Morg96). In that method, as in MAFFT (Kato02), highly similar regions within two sequences are first identified. They are then
resolved into a non-overlapping set of diagonals in n Dimensions, then added to the
MSA using a greedy strategy. Unaligned regions are then processed recursively. The
difference here is that gaps are no longer explicitly introduced: they are simply
what is left over once the aligned portions have been determined.
POA takes this strategy one step further: it replaces the MSA matrix with a directed
graph. Instead of pairwise alignment they align each successive sequence – in no
particular order – to a partly-built PO-MSA (Partial Order Multiple Sequence Alignment).
In their method the initial computation of n(n-1)/2 pairwise alignments is not a preliminary
step, but is instead integrated into the alignment process. Because a PO-MSA contains
far less data than that contained in all possible pairs of sequences, the computational
cost is drastically reduced.
Figure 6 shows their adaptation of the dynamic programming method to the directed
graph structure. Instead of aligning two linear sequences within a flat 2-D matrix,
in the the PO-MSA method the 2-D matrix becomes a complex planar surface corresponding
to the partly merged structure of the directed graph, on the one hand, and the new
linear sequence, on the other. At each join between surfaces the program has to decide
which surface to align with. Regardless of the order in which the sequences are added
to the alignment, each possible pairwise combination of sequences will be considered,
since each new sequence is compared to all those already in the graph.
The speed of the program is impressive, but the quality of the alignments is somewhat
less than could be achieved by traditional progressive alignment techniques (Lass02). Grasso et al. (Gras04) think the cause is partly that the original algorithm still appears to be sensitive
to the order in which sequences are added to the PO-MSA. This is probably because,
unlike the progressive method, each new version is aligned only with those versions
already in the graph, not with those still to be added.
Disadvantages of POA
In spite of its innovative data model, the POA graph and associated software can’t
handle transpositions or repeated segments. The remaining order sensitivity seems
to be an inherent deficiency of this approach.
de Bruijn and A-Bruijn Graphs
The second area in bioinformatics that provides a close analogy to the current problem
is a more radical solution to the multiple sequence alignment problem. It evolved
from the related field of contig-assembly. Starting in the 1980s DNA sequencing machines
were developed which output fragments of DNA, typically 650 base pairs in length (Delc02, 2480). These short segments have to be assembled correctly into longer ‘contigs,’
which is an NP-hard problem. Pevzner (Pevz89), Idury and Waterman (Idur95) and Pevzner (Pevz01) developed a heuristic method in which each DNA fragment was broken up into a series
of short overlapping substrings of fixed length. For example, if all possible substrings
of length 3 are calculated for the string ‘AGTCGTATAC’, then the original string can
be reassembled by overlapping these substrings to form the directed graph of Figure
Each node represents two characters shared by its two adjacent arcs, which are labelled
with the 3-character substrings. The cycles record the repeats ‘GT’ and ‘TA’. In practice
the length of the substrings would be much greater than 3 – around 20 or so (Pevz01, 9751).
This enabled them to reduce the contig-asssembly problem to one of finding an ‘Eulerian’
path through the graph. An Eulerian path is one that visits each arc exactly once,
although Idury and Waterman (Idur95, 295) interpret this to mean a path that may cross the same arc multiple times as
if it were a set of parallel arcs. The problem can then be solved in linear time by
Fleury's algorithm (Aldo00, 202).
The original de Bruijn graph represented all possible strings of length k over an alphabet A and was entirely cyclical (Debr46; Good46). An example is shown in Figure 8, which shows all the 3-character sequences of the
alphabet {0,1}.
Raphael et al.'s approach is to add insertions and deletions to the ‘de Bruijn’ graph,
calling the result an A-Bruijn graph, and to use it as their data representation (Raph04). Although they succeed in representing transpositions (or ‘shuffles’) and repeats,
their method only aligns the highly similar regions of protein sequences, while the
rest is processed separately using progressive alignment techniques.
Disadvantages of de Bruijn and A-Bruijn Graphs
Using directed cycles to represent transpositions leads to complications, as admitted
by Pevzner (Pevz01, 9571). For example, if there are several arcs exiting a multiple arc, which of them
does one take, and in what order? And what if different sequences need to traverse
a multiple arc a different number of times? These complications, although they may
be overcome by careful labeling of the arcs, are unnecessary. A variant graph represents
transpositions without cycles (Schm09) and repeats can be treated as transpositions in the same version.
Also, what can be the advantage in breaking up the text and multiplying the amount
of data by a factor of twenty, then joining it all back up again? Pevzner et al. admit
that this actually throws away information, which has to be restored later (Pevz01, 9748).
The A-Bruijn graph also doesn’t appear to be editable.
It is interesting that biologists have now recognised that a useful way to represent
multiple sequence alignments might be to use a directed graph instead of a matrix,
although they have not yet worked out how best to do this. The mere fact that these
approaches are an active area of research, and resemble the variant graph approach,
provides a vindication of the overall MVD strategy. Many of the same problems described
above will also need to be dealt with when formulating a solution to the current problem.
Anchor-Based Aligners
The third area of bioinformatics that overlaps with the current problem has developed
only recently. As a result of the successful sequencing of entire genomes, biologists
became interested in much larger scale alignments than had been possible via traditional
multiple sequence alignment. The limitation is imposed by the dynamic programming
technique and its essentially O(N2) performance and space requirements per pair of sequences. Also, at the level of
millions of base pairs, relocation, reversal and duplication events have become impossible
to ignore.
This need has been met by the rapid development of fragment based aligners, using
an anchoring strategy, similar to Heckel's (Heck78) algorithm. Anchoring is the process of first identifying the most similar parts
of two or more sequences. Once those have been identified and merged, the program
searches for further alignments in the unmerged portions of the sequences. The early
fragment based aligners worked only with two versions, e.g. MUMmer (Delc02); MultiPipMaker, based on BLASTZ (Schw00); Avid (Bray03) and LAGAN (Brud03a), and do not handle transpositions, reversals and duplications within the two sequences
being compared.
Shuffle-Lagan or SLAGAN (Brud03b) was the first algorithm to add these more advanced editorial operations. However,
the authors decline to define a mathematical model for these events and their costs
(i56). The program is not symmetric: two different results will be obtained if the
two sequences are presented in the opposite order. It is also rather slow; the authors
quote a running time of 25 CPU-days to align the human and mouse genomes (i56).
Mauve (Darl04) handles transpositions, reversals and duplications, and multiple long sequences.
Like the other fragment-based alignment programs, Mauve is based on anchors. The alignment
process is shown in Figure 9.
In the first stage the program searches for Maximal Unique Matches across all the
versions, the so-called ‘multiMUMs’. The multiMUMs are used to generate a phylogenetic
guide tree. Successive multiMUMs that don’t overlap are then merged into local co-linear
blocks or LCBs (2). These act as anchors and allow the identification of further
multi-MUMs within and between the LCBs. The identification and merging of LCBs then
proceeds recursively (3). Finally, progressive alignment is performed on each LCB
using the guide tree.
The authors don’t say how fast it is, but it must be slower than Shuffle-LAGAN since
it deals with more versions and uses progressive alignment. Its weakest point appears
to be that it has no special data representation for the transpositions, and instead
uses colour and interconnecting lines to adapt the traditional MSA matrix display.
Unlike the dynamic programming techniques considered earlier, fragment based approaches
are able to process much longer sequences. They are also able to identify transpositions.
If the progressive alignment stage is removed, they also have the potential to be
very fast.
Transposition Algorithms
The transposition operation, which is a key part of the current problem, has been
little studied in the fields of source code management (version control) and text
processing. For these purposes simply calculating the insertions and deletions between
two texts at a time, the so-called ‘diffs’ usually suffices. Tichy (Tich84), for example, reports that adding transposition to the standard diff algorithm for
source code management systems only improved performance by 7%. Apart from a couple
of practical algorithms for computing transpositions, most of the work is theoretical.
Heckel's 1978 algorithm is the earliest known (Heck78). It first identifies all the unique lines shared by the two strings, and extends
them on either side as long as they match in both versions. If the order of these
blocks differs in the two versions they are considered transposed, and otherwise aligned.
His method, however, fails if there are no unique lines shared by the two strings.
Tichy (Tich84) proposed a linear time algorithm using a suffix tree for finding what he called
the ‘minimal covering set’ of block moves between two strings. He defines a covering
set to mean that every character appearing in both strings is covered by some block
move. As shown in Figure 10, a minimal set is just a set of such moves of minimal
size. Neither string need be entirely covered by the moves, however, and the moves
may overlap.
On the theoretical side, the complexity of the transposition problem was first investigated
by Wagner (Wagn75). He proved that even the addition of simple transpositions of two adjacent characters
changes the computational complexity of the edit distance problem from quadratic to
The edit distance problem with block moves was then investigated in depth by Lopresti
and Tomkins (Lopr97). They examined variations of the problem in which:
The blocks are disjoint, i.e. they don’t overlap, denoted by D, or if they do by
The blocks form a cover, i.e. the transposed blocks occupy all of the text, denoted
by C or by
if they don’t.
For each of the possible combinations of C,
they examined the cost of computing the string edit distance between two strings
A and B. Using the C,D notation the CD-CD problem is the computation of the string
edit distance for a disjoint cover for strings A and B. They reduce each such combination
to job scheduling – a known NP-complete problem (Gare79). They conclude that the only variations that are not NP-complete are those involving

for one of the sequences. It is clear that the current problem here is
D, which is NP-complete. These results are confirmed by Shapira and Storer (Shap02).
The practical solutions in this section are not much use for the current problem since
they only deal with two versions at a time. Also, since the current problem is NP-complete,
it will not be possible to design an algorithm to calculate an optimal solution with
respect to edit distance. This is not as bad a result as it seems, since:
there is no generally agreed measure of edit distance for transpositions, as there
is for insertions, deletions and substitutions
just as evolutionary events are not precisely modelled by edit distance, so too an
‘optimal’ alignment in a computational sense may not correspond to an optimal alignment
in an aesthetic sense.
A well-designed heuristic algorithm, then, might actually produce better results,
as well as take less time.
Collation Algorithms
The third area of analogous research belongs to the more familiar field of humanities
computing. A collation program is designed to automate a manual task: the comparison
of a number of texts to discover their differences, and output them as an apparatus
criticus (Shil96, 134). These differences could then be used to construct a stemma or phylogenetic
tree, which would in turn be used in the establishment of the one ‘true’ text (Gree94, 359-360). Clearly, this process belongs to the age of print, but even in the modern
digital era there is still a need to compare texts. The current problem can be regarded
as a reframing of that process for the digital medium.
Sliding Window Collators
Froger (Frog68, 230) describes the execution of what was probably the world's first collation program,
running on a Bull GE-55 computer that had only 5K of internal memory. It compared
two texts, one word at a time. If there was a mismatch the program gradually increased
its lookahead to 2, 5, 25, ... words, comparing all of the words with one another
in this window until it found a match, then sliding the window on by one word at a
time. This allowed it to recognise insertions, deletions and substitutions over short
This sliding window design, although later much enhanced, appears to have been the
basis of all collating programs until recently. Its main disadvantages are that it
can’t recognise transpositions, and that it will fail to correctly align inserted
or deleted sections larger than its window size. Computational complexity for each
pair of versions is O(NW2), where W is the sliding window size, and N is the average length of the two sequences.
Typically a modern collation program will compare each version against a single, and
possibly idealistic, base text. Examples include COLLATE (Robi89, 102) and TUSTEP (Ott00).
Progressive Alignment
Spencer and Howe (Spen04) apply biological progressive alignment to medieval texts of the Canterbury Tales
and Parzival. They point out that current automatic collation techniques mimic the
original manual process too closely. In particular they object that comparing each
version against a base text omits important comparisons between individual witnesses.
However, their main objective is to generate a phylogenetic tree or stemma, rather
than to produce an apparatus.
JUXTA (Mcga06) is an open source program, whose collation algorithm is an adaptation of Heckel's
(1978). The adaptation consists in reducing the granularity from a line to a word,
and in calling it recursively on the unaligned parts. JUXTA collates plain text with
embedded empty XML elements as milestone references, like the COCOA references in
COLLATE. JUXTA can also be used to produce an apparatus criticus.
MEDITE (Bour07) is a two-way alignment algorithm based loosely on the fragment based aligners Shuffle-LAGAN
and Mauve. The advantage of this approach, in which the transpositions and matches
are identified first, then substitutions, insertions and deletions, is that a linear
performance can be achieved. The algorithm is basically:
Normalise the two texts in some predefined way, e.g. removal of punctuation, reduction
to lowercase, removal of accents etc.
Build a generalised suffix tree between strings A and B, as described in (Gusf97, 125). This calculates MUMs between the two strings in linear time.
Decide which matches are aligned and which are transposed. Since the number of combinations
of matches generated by step 2 is exponential, a LIS heuristic (Guye97) is used to find a good alignment.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 recursively between each pair of aligned blocks.
Disadvantages of Collation
Collation algorithms have several potential weaknesses. They are mostly slow, and
generally collate plain text, rather than XML. Nowadays transcriptions of documents in linguistics and the
humanities are more likely to be in some form of XML. The problem is that if one collates
XML, then the generated apparatus will contain unmatched tags. Markup will then have
to be ignored, but that means losing valuable information.
The inclusion of COCOA or empty XML references embedded in the text precludes the
use of any other kind of markup, such as structural markup. But references are only
needed for attaching the apparatus to the main text, and this could be done away with
in a purely digital edition.
Comparison needs to be between all versions at once. Currently only Spencer and Howe's
(Spen04) method achieves this.
Transpositions need to be detected, especially when a work is witnessed by many independent
copies. Few of the algorithms do this, and none over n versions.
Taken together, the most advanced algorithm appears to be Bourdaillet's (Bour07). However, it can only consider two versions at a time, and so cannot be directly
applied to the current problem.
A Fast Algorithm to Merge n Versions with Block Moves
The preceding sections have described the various techniques and pitfalls of aligning
n versions with or without block transpositions. As explained at the beginning of
this paper, if the MVD concept is to become a viable solution, some means must be
provided to update an MVD with the text of a new or existing version. This can only
be achieved if a number of conditions are met:
It has to work in ‘real’ time, so that the user doesn’t lose interest in the process.
In other words, the algorithm must terminate correctly in the order of seconds, rather
than minutes, hours or days.
It has to detect transpositions automatically.
It doesn’t have to produce 100% accurate alignments, but it should be accurate enough
for the user not to notice.
It needs to update by aligning the new version with all versions currently in the MVD. Otherwise editing will gradually degrade the quality
of the alignment.
Alignment Without Transposing
Before considering the complications arising from transpositions, the algorithm’s
processing of direct alignments will be described. This will simplify the transposition
case and provide a better overall understanding of how the algorithm works. For direct
alignments the procedure is basically:
Algorithm 1
1. Find the longest MUM (Maximal Unique Match) between the new version and the versions of the variant
2. Merge the new version and the graph at that point, partitioning them both into two halves.
3. Call the algorithm recursively on the two subgraphs, each spanned by one segment of the new
Finding The Best MUM
When comparing two strings, a Maximal Exact Match, or MEM, is a sequence of consecutive
matching characters in both strings that cannot be extended at either end. A MUM,
or Maximal Unique Match, is a MEM that occurs only once in the two strings (Delc02). In Figure 11 ‘the quick brown fox’ and ‘ brown fox jumps over the ’ are both MUMs,
while ‘the ’ is a MEM that also occurs elsewhere.
In the current problem MUMs will be sought between the new version being added to
the graph and the entire graph, the longest of which is the best MUM. They need to
be MUMs and not MEMs because otherwise erroneous alignments would be generated. For
example, choosing arbitrary instances of multiple spaces at the start of lines, or
repeated sequences of markup tokens as points of equivalence would lead to serious
Finding the best MUM is related to the problem of finding the Longest Common Substring
(LCS) between two strings. A naive approach to finding the LCS might look like this:
Examine each character in the first string and compare it with each character in the
second string.
If the two characters are the same, continue comparing successive positions in the
two strings until you get a mismatch.
Store the match in a table. If it was already present, increment its count by 1.
Once all characters in the first string have been used up, the best MUM is the longest
string in the table whose frequency is 1.
Two problems with this naive approach are immediately clear: firstly it is inefficient,
since it will take O(MN) time, where M and N are the lengths of the two strings. Secondly,
the number of strings in the table will be enormous, as many as M2N2. A much faster and more space-efficient way is to use suffix trees.
A suffix tree stores all the suffixes of a given string. In Figure 12 each path from
the root to a leaf spells out one possible suffix of ‘Woolloomooloo’. In the leaves
are stored the start position of each suffix in the original string. A node labelled
λ indicates that at this point in the tree a suffix occurs with no further text, e.g.
for the suffixes ‘oo’ and ‘o’. A suffix tree can be used to find any substring of length M in that string with just M comparisons, however long the string may be.
A suffix tree can be constructed in linear time using Ukkonen's algorithm (Ukko95). The LCS between two strings can also be calculated in linear time by building what
is called a ‘generalised suffix tree’ (Gusf97, 125). A generalised suffix tree represents n strings instead of 1. For two strings
this method constructs a suffix tree from one of the strings in linear time, then
carries on building the same tree with the second string. The leaf nodes are labelled
by the number of the string and the starting index in either or both strings. Any
internal node that has only two leaves as children, one from each string, or any leaf
shared by the two strings, must be the suffix of a MUM. The MUM itself can be recovered
by counting backwards in both strings until a mismatch.
Unfortunately, it is unclear if one can build a suffix tree from a variant graph.
How are the suffixes to be identified, and how can one represent starting offsets
within arcs that belong to multiple versions? In any case the gains from using a generalised
suffix tree appear to be minimal in practice, since its use greatly increases storage
The method adopted here resembles the streaming technique used in MUMmer (Delc02). In this method only one suffix tree is built. The other sequence is then streamed
against it to find matches.
The place of the streamed sequence can be taken by the variant graph, whose characters
can be exhaustively listed by breadth-first traversal (Sedg88, 430f). Each successive character from the graph is traced in a suffix tree built
from the text of the new version, as shown in Figure 13. At the end of an arc, for
example, at node 3, MATCH calls itself recursively on each diverging arc until a mismatch
occurs. At this point the MATCH procedure has detected a raw match, of which there
are likely to be very many. Since all that is wanted is the longest MUM, some filtering
of matches is clearly required.
Any match shorter than a minimum length (typically 3-5) can be discarded. The user,
however, may set this to 1 for a finer-grained alignment.
Many matches are not unique in the suffix tree. Any match that terminates in an internal
node shares a path with some other suffix in the tree, and can be discarded. This
also cuts out most short matches that pass the first filter.
Most remaining matches are not maximal. This can be tested for by comparing the two
characters immediately preceding the match in the new version and the variant graph.
If they are the same, the match is not maximal and can be discarded.
Candidate MUMs surviving these tests are passed to the UPDATEMUM procedure. Experimental
data suggests that, with a minimum match length of five, only about 15% of matches
that make it through the three filters are not MUMs.
Time Complexity of the MATCH Procedure
The cost of scanning for matches between the graph and the new version is O(M(1+
)), where M is the number of characters in the graph, and
the average length of a match in the suffix tree. In the case that the graph and
the new version have no characters in common, exactly M comparisons will be made.
On the other hand, in the worst case that the graph and the new version are identical,
the program will require NM/2 comparisons. So the time complexity lies between quadratic
and linear, depending on the number and distribution of differences between the graph
and the new version.
Updating the MUM
The candidate MUMs, and their frequencies, are stored in a hashtable. When a new candidate
MUM arrives from the MATCH procedure, and is already present in the table, its frequency
is incremented, otherwise it is added to the table with frequency 1. After the scan
of the variant graph is complete, the longest match in the table whose frequency is
still 1 will be the best MUM. The cost of each update to the hashtable is constant,
and the cost of the final searching through the entries to find the best MUM is an
additional linear cost for the whole operation, which has no effect on the time complexity
of the algorithm.
Merging the MUM into the Graph
Having found the longest MUM, the next step is to merge the new version with the variant
graph at that point. In fact, before searching for the MUM the new version has already
been added to the variant graph as a special arc connected to the start and end-nodes, as shown in Figure 14.
Definition 1
A special arc represents a new version as yet unassimilated into the variant graph, and is distinguished
in some way from other non-special arcs. In all other respects a special arc is still
part of the graph, and does not violate its definition because it is part of the unique
path of the new version. In Figure 14 the C-arc is a special arc, and is drawn in
grey to indicate its status. A special arc is associated with a MUM, which represents
its best fit to the variant graph. In Figure 14 the longest MUM, marked in bold, is
‘</l><l>d’un antico acquedotto di sguardi,</l><l>la sua curva sacra e ’ (‘</l><l>of
an ancient aqueduct of glances,</l><l>its curve sacred and ’), taken from the B-version.
It can be merged with the rest of the variant graph by splitting the special arc and
the graph at each end of the MUM, then adding new nodes as required, and finally connecting
the new arcs to the right nodes. The result is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 16 shows that there are now two subgraphs on either side of the newly aligned
section, and two subarcs left over from the special arc. The terms ‘subarc’ and ‘subgraph’
need to be defined because they will be used in the discussion that follows.
Definition 2
A subgraph refers to either the entire graph, minus any special arcs, or to any subgraph thereof
that conforms to the definition of the variant graph. It has distinguished start and
end-nodes and a set of versions over which it ranges.
Definition 3
A subarc is a special arc left over after the merging of another special arc. In Figure 16
‘<l>Questa è la ultima porta’ and ‘solitaria:</l>’ are both subarcs.
Algorithm 1 can now be called on the subarcs and their corresponding subgraphs. This
process of alignment and recursion will continue until the length of a subgraph or
subarc falls below the minimum, or no further MUMs can be found. In Figure 16, the
right subgraph and its subarc can be merged by the shared MUM ‘a:</l>’ and on the
left by ‘<l>Questa è la ultima ’. Once those merges have been carried out, however,
no further merges of more than one character are possible.
One Small Problem
In the subgraphs of Figure 16, the right subgraph no longer contains a complete A-version.
Since the A and B versions on the right are not parallel, it is impossible to tell
which portion of A corresponds to the remaining part of the C-version. This is not
ideal and does lead to some misalignments. For example, if the text of version C had
ended with ‘magic’ instead of ‘solitari’, then, after merging, ‘magic’ would occur
twice in the graph, as shown in Figure 17. Order sensitivity has not been entirely
banished, as in the POA algorithm.
One solution is to optimise the graph subsequently. Anomalies like these can be merged
away by reconsidering all combinations of arcs between shared endpoints once the first
pass of the algorithm has produced a rough version of the graph. In this way the two
‘magic’s could be identified as identical variants of one another and merged. In bioinformatics
such iterative refinement techniques have produced high quality alignments, for example
TCOFFEE (Notr00) DIALIGN (Morg96) and MAFFT (Kato02). However, this problem does not so often arise in practice, and its solution is
left open for future work.
Adding Transpositions
The addition of transpositions adds some complications to the simple algorithm just
described. This section investigates why it is necessary to compute them at all, rather
than simply identify them manually. It also describes how transpositions can be distinguished
from random alignments between versions, and how they can be efficiently computed
by a slight extension to the direct alignment algorithm.
Why Detect Transpositions Automatically?
In texts written by the author evidence of actual transpositions could refute any
computational heuristic. Figure 18 shows a clear case of transposition. What need
could there be to calculate the presence of transpositions when their existence can be precisely verified in
this way?
Firstly, even in manuscripts written by the author, the presence of a transposition
may not always be immediately obvious. The author may choose to completely rewrite
the sentence or to indicate the transposition by some other means, such as insertion
and deletion, as in Figure 19.
Secondly, in the case of multiple drafts, or multiple witnesses of the one text, the
discovery of transpositions between physical versions is extremely difficult using any manual method. Even in the case
of original manuscripts with corrections by the author, a good automatic method could
produce the correct result most of the time. In that case, the editor would only be
obliged to manually intervene in a small number of cases. Exactly how such a manual
intervention would work is left for the moment as an open question.
What Constitutes a Transposition?
The edit cost of a transposition in biological sequences is considered to be constant,
e.g. Lopresti and Tomkins (1997). If this was also true of documentary texts then
even single characters that matched at the start and end of a long document would
have to be considered as potential transpositions, but intuitively that isn’t likely.
A metric for assessing the validity of transpositions may instead be modelled as a
threshold rather than as an edit cost. Whether a match is a transposition or not seems
to be a function of the match's size and the distance between its two halves. Over
what ranges those quantities of size and distance may vary can be determined by experiment.
A sample of 49 real cases of transposition were manually identified in a wide variety
of texts:
The Vienna Edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Nedo99)
The Sibylline Gospel (Schm08)
Some texts taken from the plays of Henrik Ibsen by Hilda Böe (Boe08)
The Refrains of the 16th century Flemish poetess Anna Bijns (Vand08)
The plays of Aeschylus (Page72)
The Ulysses of James Joyce (Gabl84)
The results are shown in Figure 20. ‘Size’ means the length of the transposed text
and ‘distance’ is the distance in characters between the insertion and deletion points
before the transposition was carried out.
It is clear from this graph that real transpositions are mostly short-range affairs.
(Not considered here are 'transpositions' produced by the reordering of entire works
within a single manuscript, as in Spen03.) An approximate heuristic is d < |m|φ, where d is the distance between the two halves of the match, |m| its length, and
φ is the golden ratio, approximately 1.618034. This ratio is relevant for two reasons:
it has been used in the arts since classical times, particularly in architecture,
and also it expresses a ratio of relative length: (a+b)/a = a/b = φ. All 49 examples
meet this simple criterion. Using such a threshold yields the double benefit of decreasing
the amount of calculation while increasing accuracy.
Merging Transpositions into the Variant Graph
Before describing the algorithm it is necessary to explain the difference between
merging a direct alignment with the variant graph and merging a transposition. Conceptually
a direct alignment and a transposition are very similar: both identify aligned parts
in the new version and the variant graph, but in the transposition case the two halves
of the alignment are not opposite one another.
In Figure 21 ‘parrot’ has been identified as a transposition between versions B and
C. Merging has been carried out so that the two instances of ‘parrot’ in versions
B and C have been separated from their arcs by the addition of new nodes. This creates
two new subarcs ‘the raucous’ and ‘swiftly’ on the left, which are both opposite the
same subgraph ‘the dog’. The source instance ‘parrot’ in version B may still participate
in further transpositions or even in a direct alignment, for example, if the C-version
read ‘a surprised parrot’ instead of ‘a surprised lorikeet’. There is no harm in this,
and in fact this is one way to detect repetitions. Apart from the addition of a node
or two, merging a transposition does not materially change the structure of a variant
graph. All that happens is that one half of the match is marked as the parent (in
this case the B-version), and the other as the child (version C).
A Simple Algorithm for Detecting Transpositions
The place to look for transpositions of a special arc is thus anywhere except in its opposite subgraph and any arcs parallel to it. But in order to apply the threshold
formula derived above to restrict the range of that search, there needs to be some
accurate and reliable way to specify the distance between the two halves of a transposition.
In Figure 22 the special arc, shown in grey, spans its subgraph, which is shown in
the context of the overall graph. The special arc contains two matches, shown as thicker
lines. The distance between the two halves of each match is measured backwards or
forwards, following the shortest path, from the end of the match in the special arc
to the start of the transposed text in the graph. The objective here is not to solve
the shortest path problem optimally – in fact, the very idea of using a shortest path
is itself a heuristic – but simply to provide a fast way to estimate distance. A simple
breadth-first traversal combined with a greedy calculation of the shortest path to
any node from its immediate predecessors provides the appropriate linear performance.
This measurement process also suggests an algorithm. To find what transpositions are
possible for any special arc one only has to look to the left and right of the immediately
opposite subgraph of a special arc, as far as the threshold formula allows. For any
special arc A there is no point looking further than |A|φ bytes to the left or right. Of course, any match m that is found, where |m| < |A|
also has to pass the threshold formula. Algorithm 2 uses this technique to modify
Algorithm 1 to include transpositions, and also adds a bit more detail from the above
Algorithm 2
1. Set currentArc to a special arc made from the new version
2. Set currentGraph to the variant graph
3. Attach currentArc to the start and end of currentGraph
4. Compute the bestMUM between currentArc and currentGraph
5. Create a priority queue specials of tuples {Arc,MUM,Graph}
6. WHILE bestMUM is not NULL DO
7. Merge bestMUM into currentGraph.
8. FOR each subarc created by the merge DO
9. Compute the directMUM, leftTransposeMUM and rightTransposeMUM
10. Set MUM to the best of the three
11. IF MUM is not NULL THEN
12. Insert {subarc,MUM,subgraph} into specials; keep it sorted
13. END IF
15. POP {currentArc, bestMUM, currentGraph} from specials;
Algorithm 2 creates a priority queue of triples Ai,Mi,Sj, where Ai is a special arc, Mi is its best MUM with the graph, and Sj is its opposite subgraph. It has a j subscript, not i because, as explained above,
more than one special arc may share the same subgraph. The queue is kept sorted on
decreasing length of MUM (line 12). In line 7 the longest MUM is used to create 0-2
new subgraphs and subarcs. Each new subarc, together with its subgraph and its best
MUM, are added to the specials queue. When the queue no longer contains a valid MUM the program terminates.
The calculation of the two transpose MUMs uses the same process as the direct MUM,
except that the variant graph is searched backwards on the left hand side from the start node of the subgraph, and forwards from its
end node, as shown in Figure 22. The best such MUM found is recorded as the left or
right transpose MUM for the special arc. In choosing the best of three in line 10,
if a transpose MUM and a direct MUM are of the same length, the direct MUM is preferred.
This algorithm is admittedly naive, but it is easy to implement. In reality transpositions
are often composed of imperfectly matched sections, that is, literal matches interspersed
with small variants, deletions and insertions. Refinement of the algorithm to allow
for such fuzzy matching is left for future work. For the moment, this simple atomic
approach to transposition produces satisfactory results.
Time Complexity of Algorithm 2
There are three operations that have greater than constant cost:
Calculation of Direct Align MUMs (lines 4, 9). Since Algorithm 2 subdivides and recurses
into smaller and smaller sections of the graph without recalculating MUMs except where
a merge has been made, this process is essentially linear. The speed of the merge
operation is thus governed by the cost of calculating the best MUM, which is O(MN).
Calculation of Transpose MUMs (line 9). The same observation applies to transpose
MUMs, and its cost is likewise governed by the cost of computing the best MUM.
Keeping the specials Queue Sorted (line 12). Using a red-black tree the cost is only O(log Q), where Q
is the queue length (Sedg88, 218f). This has no impact on the overall time complexity because it is always much
cheaper than the cost of computing MUMs.
Thus, summing the direct alignment, transposition and sorting costs, the time complexity
of merging one version into a variant graph using Algorithm 2, with block transpositions,
is O(MN) in the worst case.
Experimental Performance of Algorithm 2
Algorithm 2 has been written up as a test program called MergeTester (, and has been run on a wide variety
of multi-version example texts. The parameters measured are: author, title, average
version size in kilobytes, number of versions, approximate date of manuscripts, total
time to merge all versions in seconds and average time to merge one version after
the first. Times were computed on a 1.66GHz processor. The test program was single-threaded.
Performance of Algorithm 2 on Example Texts
Table I
Author |
Title |
Size |
# Versions |
Date |
Total Time |
Time Per Version |
Galiano |
El mapa de las aguas |
36.0 |
3 |
1993 |
8.0 |
4.0 |
Chedid |
La robe noire |
1.3 |
2 |
1996 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
Bijns |
Refrains |
15.4 |
3 |
16th C. |
5.0 |
2.5 |
Huygens |
Ooghentroost (fragment) |
3.4 |
6 |
17th C. |
2.0 |
0.4 |
Cerami |
La donna serpente |
12.0 |
9 |
1991 |
7.6 |
1.0 |
Cerami |
Le visioni del calvo |
12.0 |
5 |
1991 |
2.9 |
0.7 |
Cerami |
L'uovo di colombo |
12.0 |
8 |
1991 |
3.0 |
0.4 |
Cerami |
Nascosti tra la folla |
12.0 |
7 |
1991 |
4.9 |
0.8 |
Cerami |
Paul Newman |
10.0 |
8 |
1991 |
5.7 |
0.8 |
Cerami |
Una donna alta |
12.0 |
11 |
1991 |
16.3 |
1.5 |
Magrelli |
Campagna romana |
0.6 |
15 |
1981 |
0.8 |
0.05 |
ANC Corpus |
Adams Elissa |
3.4 |
5 |
20th C. |
7.0 |
1.7 |
Anon |
Sibylline Gospel |
3.0 |
36 |
4th-12th C. |
28.4 |
0.8 |
Malvezzi |
El Rómulo |
98.2 |
5 |
17th C. |
68.0 |
17.0 |
Alignment Quality
As pointed out in Darling et al. (Darl04, 1398), anchor-based alignment techniques that detect transpositions are very difficult
to assess objectively. For multiple sequence alignment programs the manually aligned
Baslibase archive (Thom99) has been used as a measure of alignment quality. No such benchmark also exists for
texts aligned with transpositions and repeats. Visual inspection is subjective, very
difficult, and likely to miss many errors. All that can be said at this stage is that,
with the exception of the Malvezzi texts (see below), all of the alignments appear
to be of good quality, with few missed transpositions or misalignments.
The problem of how to merge n versions of a text into a variant graph is closely related
to applications in biology that seek to compare genetic or amino acid sequences. Their
output has traditionally been either a set of aligned sequences or a phylogentic tree
showing the interrelationships between versions. Transpositions were not considered.
Like the biologists, humanists have also developed programs to ‘collate’ or compare
versions to find differences, originally with a view to constructing the apparatus
criticus of the print edition (a kind of alignment), and also a stemma (a kind of
phylogenetic tree). Recently they have also tried to apply biological techniques to
their texts.
The biologists have recently realised the importance of transpositions, and have tried
to create new methods for genome comparison that includes them. Some of these new
techniques seek to replace the traditional matrix representation of a multiple sequence
alignment by a directed graph. Their graph models, however, are much more complex
than the variant graph, although they represent practically the same information.
They are also very slow to construct if they attempt to align individual characters.
None of the biological programs can be directly applied to the different requirements
of humanities and linguistics multi-version texts.
The inclusion of transpositions renders the problem of calculating an optimal alignment
between multiple versions intractable. But an optimal alignment is not really necessary.
Instead, a heuristic method for aligning n versions with block transpositions has
been described, which has O(MN) performance in the worst case, and is often much faster.
It uses a novel technique for filtering transpositions via a simple threshold formula,
which reduces the amount of computation while increasing accuracy. In texts of typical
length of around 50K it can add or replace a version in a variant graph or multi-version
document in a few seconds.
Although this represents a ‘first cut’ at solving a difficult problem, results are
encouraging enough to demonstrate the viability of using variant graphs or MVDs to
overcome the long-standing problems of how to represent ‘overlapping hierarchies’
and multiple versions in humanities texts.
This work, although independent research, is supported by the Italian project CoOPERARE
(Content Organisation, Propagation, Evaluation and Reuse through Active Repositories),
Project of Research in the National Interest (PRIN), 2008-09, whose Rome research
unit is directed by Domenico Fiormonte.
The example texts of Angel Garcia Galiano, Vicenzo Cerami and Valerio Magrelli were
provided by Digital Variants. The texts of Huygens and Anna Bijns were supplied by Ron Van den Branden of the
CTB in Belgium. The Malvezzi texts were supplied by Carmen Isasi of the University of
Deusto, Spain, and the Sibylline Gospel texts by Nicoletta Brocca of the University
of Venice Ca' Foscari.
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