Lubell, Joshua. “Metadata for Long Term Preservation of Product Data.” Presented at International Symposium on XML for the Long Haul: Issues in the Long-term Preservation
of XML, Montréal, Canada, August 2, 2010. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on XML for the Long Haul: Issues in the
Long-term Preservation of XML. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 6 (2010).
International Symposium on XML for the Long Haul: Issues in the Long-term Preservation
of XML August 2, 2010
Balisage Paper: Metadata for Long Term Preservation of Product Data
Josh Lubell uses information technology to solve manufacturing
engineering and e-business software interoperability problems. He is
particularly interested in long-term retention of digital data and was
awarded the Department of Commerce Silver Medal for his leadership in
developing ISO 10303-203:2008, a standard for representation and
exchange of computer-aided designs.
Official contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; not subject
to copyright in the United States.
Product data can be usefully defined as structured information about
objects that are produced by industrial and business processes. In
terms of information types, data formats, usage, and lifespan, product
data is both complex and diverse, encompassing 3D image
modeling information, dimensions, tolerances, and other model
annotations, supplementary material such as test analysis, videos,
datasets, and human-readable documentation. Although the metadata
issues in this problem space present some unique challenges, there are
valuable lessons to be learned from the library metadata and packaging
standards and how they relate to product metadata. Extending the
library standards to represent subsets of information from emerging
product lifecycle management standards could help tame the complexity
of long-term archival of product data.
ISO 10303 — also known as STEP (the Standard for the Exchange
of Product Model Data) — defines a product as a thing or substance produced
by a natural or artificial process and product data as a representation of
information about a product in a formal[1] manner suitable for communication,
interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computers.
[ISO10303-1] Despite the breadth of what STEP
considers to be a product, product data is overwhelmingly used in
practice to mean structured information about things produced by
industrial or business processes.
Prior to the digital information age, product geometry was specified
using technical drawings on paper. These drawings were copied using
blueprint and other reproduction methods. [Wikipedia1] The drawings were often archived on microfiche, a
medium which can last as long as 100 or more years. [Wikipedia2] Nowadays many Computer Aided Design (CAD)
systems provide a means for engineers to specify product data through
annotated 3D digital models. Thus the de facto definition of a
product is no longer drawing-based, but rather is model-based.
Product data is complex and diverse, both in terms of information
types and in terms of formats. Therefore, it is not surprising that useful
long-term archiving of product data is difficult. Some reasons why are as
Engineers often want the digital models and systems they
build today to be extensible and reusable by subsequent generations of
technologists. This requirement presents a challenge as a digital product
model may have a longer lifespan than the data formats, application
software and computing platforms used to create the model.
Archived digital product models should be semantically rich enough to
address long-term socio-technical concerns such as forensics (accident
and incident investigation) and environmental issues (carbon
footprint, disposal). For example, the former might require
representation of the rationale behind design decisions, while the
latter might require a product model highlighting any hazardous substances
needed to build a part.
Although content information standards such as STEP are a critical
ingredient for long term archiving, not all relevant content
information can be made available using standards. Standards' representational capabilities
lag behind those of information models implemented in commercial software, as
vendors are constantly adding new enhancements to distinguish their
offerings from the competition. Thus content information may use a mix
of standard and proprietary formats.
Data accuracy is required for product quality and
manufacturability. A small anomaly in an
engineering design can have great economic and social consequences
throughout a product’s lifecycle. The verification and validation of
engineering data requires complex computations.
There are many different data types such as product models, geometry,
and simulation data such as finite element models. In addition, there may be
associated documentation, multimedia, and other information – leading
to a variety of different digital formats. Not only do all these data
types and formats need to be transparent, but the relationships
between the information units that are part of these data types must
also be made explicit. Digital formats can include neutral exchange
standards such as STEP, 3D visualization formats, office document
formats, and proprietary modeling formats.
Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) is a particularly critical
constituent of product data. Loosely defined, PMI can include any sort
of information defining a product’s components for manufacturing,
inspection and sustainment. PMI includes geometric dimensions and
tolerances (GD&T) specified in a formal language whose syntax and
semantics are defined in several American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) and ISO standards. PMI is essential to product
data. Manufacturing cannot take place without it. Today's CAD systems
must support not only the ability to edit and display PMI, but also
must be able to feed GD&T semantics to computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM) systems and other downstream applications. [Srinivasan]
Figure 1
3D visualization of a bracket part with PMI, displayed
in Adobe Reader. [2]
As an example of product data consider Figure 1,
a screen shot of a 3D visualization of a bracket part created from a
digital 3D model developed with a CAD system.
There are several points worth mentioning about this example.
The visualization can be rotated and otherwise manipulated to maximize
understanding by humans. However, it is not intended for exchange
between CAD systems. It
complements rather than replaces the original CAD model.
The image has PMI callouts, using the standard syntax to specify
GD&T annotations. Even though the visualization lacks the full
semantics of the original CAD model, it is helpful in
communicating how to manufacture the part — arguably more so
than an annotated 2D drawing would be.
The callout at the top of the figure is unstructured text. This is
also part of the product data. In fact, product data can include
arbitrary attachments such as spreadsheets containing analysis
results, video data, and other associated information relevant to the
product. These attachments are important and need to be managed and monitored, even
if CAD and CAM systems do not understand
their data formats.
Manufacturers recognize the need for long-term archiving of digital
product data and the challenges associated with doing so. As a result,
industry-led standardization efforts are beginning to emerge. The most
prominent and farthest along of these is LOTAR (LOng Term ARchiving),
a suite of standards being developed by an international consortium of
aerospace companies. [LOTAR] LOTAR's approach is
based upon the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model
[ISO14721], a framework widely adopted by archivists and
preservationists. LOTAR favors the use of STEP in the archival
process while recognizing the reality that a mix of product data
archival formats must be supported.
Of course the need for archiving information is not unique to product
manufacturers, but in fact applies to many disciplines. For
instance, those of us working in archival of digital products can
learn much from librarians. They were among the first to embrace OAIS
and have implemented numerous tools and standards for digital archives
and repositories. In particular, they have long recognized the
importance of metadata. Metadata is an information retrieval system's
lifeblood. The choice and quality of metadata has a major impact not
only on delivery of data, but also on long-term preservation of that
data. [Gartner] Librarians understand this well and, in fact, have
standardized a multitude of metadata vocabularies, many of them based
on the Extensible Markup Language (XML). [XML]
Engineering-specific Metadata Requirements for Long-term
The linchpin of the OAIS reference model is the information
package, an object containing content (e.g., product model
data) along with the metadata needed to adequately interpret,
preserve, maintain, and access the content. OAIS provides a taxonomy
of metadata types used with information packages. In this paper I
consider the three OAIS metadata types most widely implemented in XML:
Preservation Description Information (PDI): enables
adequate preservation of content (includes chain of
custody, identification, authentication, and contextual
Packaging Information: aggregates and identifies the
constituents of an Information Package
Descriptive Information (DI): supports the
search and retrieval of archived information
Among these metadata types, DI (also called descriptive
metadata) is most closely connected with enabling and
facilitating access to archived data. DI is more domain-sensitive than
PDI or packaging information in that a DI schema for product data is
likely to look very different from a DI schema for library holdings or
archived emails. Because DI is domain-sensitive, and enabling efficient access to
archived product
data is so important, this section focuses on product model-specific DI
requirements. The section “Metadata Vocabularies in the Library and Product Data
Worlds” discusses existing
metadata vocabularies for all three types.
In the following subsections I discuss in depth some factors that
determine descriptive product model metadata. I first present a
classification of types of engineering data archive access I call the
3Rs. [Lubell] I then discuss the
multitude, complexity, and evolution of digital formats for product
model data. Finally, I discuss the mismatch between standards and
Product Models and the 3Rs: Reference,
Reuse, and Rationale
A key challenge in long-term archiving is ensuring that information be
available in the best form for whatever access scenarios the future
might bring. This is particularly true for product data.
When validating engineering knowledge, it is crucial to be able to
replicate the intended behavior of a designed artifact. Successful
validation requires that the information be available in forms
sufficiently supporting retrieval and reuse. The need to know a
designer’s intent becomes important in the context of redesign and
reuse of existing parts. Another important aspect of engineering
archiving is the ability to store the digital objects at different
levels of granularity and abstractions as required by design
decision making tasks. Without the ability to compose different
digital objects for archiving, it would not be possible to maintain
the ability to encode rationale or reuse-based access needs.
I therefore consider end-user needs from the point of view of
reference, reuse, and rationale – the 3Rs – to better understand the
level of granularity and abstractions required in the definition of
digital objects. By end user, I mean entities who are consumers of
OAIS information packages.
The 3Rs – reference, reuse, and rationale – define a set of access
capabilities for a designated community. Reference, the most elementary type of access,
is the ability to read the digital object and produce the digital
object for proper reproduction in a given display medium (computer
display, paper, etc.). Reuse is the
ability to refer to and modify the digital object in an appropriate
system environment (software and hardware). Rationale is the highest level of access in
which the end user should be able to refer, reuse, and explain the
decisions about the content of the digital object. The need to know a
designer’s intent becomes important in the context of redesign and
reuse of existing parts.
The primary driver for the 3Rs is the specific retrieval needs of each
of these scenarios. For example, a product data repository intended
primarily for reference may need to be organized differently than one
intended for reuse, where not only the geometric aspects of the
product are sought but also additional information regarding
manufacturing, performance requirements, assembly, and other aspects. In a
similar vein, rationale may require content being organized in a different manner
to support the inclusion of requirements information along with
other performance data on the part or the assembly. Given the range of
uses and perspectives of the end users, their needs will have a large
impact on the process of archiving and retrieval.
Variety of Formats
As discussed in the section “Digital Product Data Archiving Challenges”, many formats are used to
represent product model data. Some are native to a specific software
application. Others are neutral with respect to software
applications. Some are proprietary. Others are open or
standards-based. The selection of the product model data format
depends upon factors such as the type of data defined in the product
model, design stage, and the availability of translators. Because an
archive must capture all of the data required to completely define the
product and associated processes, the archive may need a variety of
data formats, possibly causing redundancies. Good metadata is
essential for helping consumers evaluate the quality of data accessed
from the archive.
Native formats are typically binary, proprietary, and have a
specification not available to the general public. In spite of
long-term access concerns, archiving the native data is done as a
matter of course because it has such a small impact on resources and
because it is universally accepted as a good system management
practice. [Kassel] STEP provides an open alternative
to native formats for long-term retention of product
information. Because STEP is an international standard developed by
consensus, it is less subject to change than a proprietary format.
STEP application protocols (APs) specify information models for a
specific engineering domain. STEP physical files (informally known as
Part 21 files or STEP files) use an ASCII format defined in ISO
10303-21. [ISO10303-21] A STEP processor can be any
software application capable of interpreting and/or generating STEP
physical files, for example a computer-aided design (CAD) tool capable
of importing and exporting STEP files, or a visualization tool that
can import STEP data. The objects represented and exchanged using
STEP, as well as the associations between these objects, are defined
in schemas written in EXPRESS (ISO 10303-11) [ISO10303-11], a product data information modeling
language. Recognizing the popularity of XML as an implementation
method, the developers of STEP later standardized Part 28 [ISO10303-28], specifying an alternative representation of
STEP schemas and data using XML.
Mismatch Between Standards and Implementations
Although open non-proprietary standardized formats are desirable for
long-term data retention, even information represented using
standards-based methods is subject to format change. For example,
consider a long-term archival scenario from the domain of shipbuilding
[Kassel] attempting to maximize the use of STEP to
represent detail design product model data.
Although there are STEP APs that define information models well-tailored to the
ship domain, these APs have not yet been implemented in commercial
off-the-shelf software. Other APs such as AP203
(configuration controlled 3D design) and AP214 (core data for
automotive mechanical design processes) are supported by today’s CAD
software applications, but the information models of these APs cannot represent
some concepts specific to shipbuilding. So how might ship data be archived, given
imperfect state of affairs? Initially, the data is created in a native
format, and the neutral file format is selected as a function of the
quality of the available translators. If the desired translators are
not available, a compromise is made in order to allow the data to be
accessible to the applications used during a specific design
phase where access to this neutrally represented data is required. The evolution from
this point forward could be as follows.
First, geometry is exchanged using any means possible, but most
likely using AP214 or AP203. The non-graphical data can be extracted
separately and saved in a project-specific XML format. The XML often
contains only basic product structure, enabling minimal
exchange of geometric data, graphics, and basic properties. It also has the
greatest potential for minimizing the dependency on a particular CAD
A more desirable long-term solution would be for the product model
software supplier to implement AP239 (the Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS)
standard) [PLCS] to define product structure, the
relationships between objects, and reference data libraries to define
an extensible set of properties. The section “Product Data and Lifecycle Management”
discusses PLCS in further detail.
Assuming future vendor support, the ideal long-term solution would be
to employ implementations of AP214 for general purpose geometry and
PLCS for configuration management and product structure. This approach would be further
enhanced by defining application-specific product model data using APs with a more
specific scope, such as the shipbuilding APs.
In summary, even with a policy favoring STEP for representing product
information, the detail design data may manifest itself in many
different formats, each conforming to a different AP, or in some
cases not conforming to STEP at all. Over the life of the product,
format choices will evolve as a function of the product model
complexity, the quality of the translators, and the evolution of the
standard itself. Therefore, the goal of a single standard to represent
product model data may not be realistic, and we should be prepared to
encounter multiple formats over the lifecycle of a product.
Metadata Vocabularies in the Library and Product Data
So far I have discussed product data's diversity and complexity, the
importance of metadata in archival systems in general, and why
Descriptive Information (DI)
in particular is key to ensuring the long-term usability of product
data. Now I attempt to answer two questions:
How should we go about defining metadata vocabularies needed for
product data archival information systems?
Can the metadata vocabularies developed for digital
libraries help?
Digital Library Metadata Standards
I begin by addressing the second question, surveying some of the more
widely adopted XML-based metadata vocabularies for digital
libraries. The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)
[METS] specifies an XML schema [XSchema] for encoding packaging information and is extensible
such that other vocabularies can be incorporated for encoding PDI and
DI. METS Profiles, detailed and unambiguous descriptions of classes of
METS instances, are used to document METS schema extensions and
customizations. The PREMIS (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) data dictionary and XML schema
[PREMIS] define a vocabulary suitable for
representing PDI. METS and PREMIS are often combined to create a more expressive schema,
though there are some inconsistencies and overlaps. [Guenther] Dublin Core (DC) [DCMI] and the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)
[MODS] are both vocabularies for descriptive
metadata and are easy to integrate with METS. MODS offers more
precision than DC, but DC is more widely used. [Gartner]
An additional advantage of DC is that it is encoded using the Resource
Description Framework (RDF). [RDF] RDF's simple,
modular data model facilitates extensions to DC. The wide variety of
software tools available for RDF can be used to edit, process, and
query DC metadata. Most important, it is easy to merge and harmonize
RDF metadata from heterogeneous sources. The importance of this last
benefit will become clearer later on in this paper.
Given the variety and widespread adoption of digital library metadata
vocabularies, it would seem that these vocabularies could be helpful
for encoding the packaging information, PDI, and DI needed for a
product data information package. But there is one big caveat, and
this is that the DI requirements for product data archives differ
significantly from those of digital libraries, as previously discussed
in the section “Engineering-specific Metadata Requirements for Long-term
Archiving”. Not surprisingly, product data-specific
distinctions such as the 3Rs, product model evolution, and changing
data formats are outside the scope of the digital library metadata
In the next subsections, I will try to answer the first
question by looking at two potential metadata sources unique to the
world of product data: technical data packages (TDPs) and product data
and lifecycle management (PDM/PLM) information. A TDP defines and aggregates the
information objects needed to support a specific activity in a
product's lifecycle, and is analogous to OAIS packaging
information. PDM/PLM information is highly detailed metadata used to
integrate people, data, processes, and business systems and
provide a product information backbone for companies and their
extended enterprise. [PLM]
Figure 2
Metadata sources for OAIS Information Packages in the
digital library world versus the product data world.
But first let us review our discussion so far regarding OAIS and
metadata. As shown in Figure 2, an OAIS
information package is a container bound via packaging information,
inside of which is content as well as PDI providing the administrative
metadata needed for long-term preservation of the content. DI is
domain-sensitive metadata used to facilitate information retrieval
from the archive. XML metadata standards for digital libraries (shown
as hexagons) provide vocabularies for representing packaging
information, PDI, and DI. However, the digital library vocabularies
for DI do not address product data-specific retrieval concerns.
Technical Data Packages
The United States Department of Defense defines a Technical Data Package (TDP) as
follows in
MID-STD-31000 [MID-STD-31000]:
A technical
description of an item adequate for supporting an acquisition
strategy, production, and engineering and logistics support. The
description defines the required design configuration or performance
requirements, and procedures required to ensure adequacy of item
performance. It consists of applicable technical data such as models,
drawings, associated lists, specifications, standards, performance
requirements, quality assurance provisions, software documentation and
packaging details.
As the MIL-STD-31000 options
selection worksheet in Figure 3 shows, a TDP provides
packaging and administrative information as well as some DI such as
whether the product model data is conceptual, a more detailed design,
or sufficient for manufacturing (e.g., box 1.A.).
Figure 3
Technical Data Package option selection worksheet from
The options selection worksheet and accompanying instructions in
MIL-STD-31000 imply a schema for TDP metadata. Instances of the
implicit schema can be thought of as contracts between various parties
in a product's lifecycle specifying the TDP contents needed for the
lifecycle activity. The TDP metadata and contents vary depending on
the activity, actors, and lifecycle stage. For example, consider a TDP
supporting procurement by an aircraft manufacturer of a jet engine
from a tier 1 supplier versus a TDP supporting maintenance of the
aircraft. The procurement TDP might require a 3D model (or
visualization) specifying PMI needed for the supplier to manufacture a
jet engine compatible with the aircraft design. The TDP supporting
maintenance, on the other hand, might require technical manuals and
troubleshooting documentation.
From an OAIS viewpoint, a TDP is an information package that may
contain any
content and metadata necessary for a product to be designed,
manufactured, purchased and/or maintained. Recalling Figure 2, the library metadata standards
collectively can represent much of an information package's metadata. But can
these standards also represent TDP metadata? To answer this question,
consider the following four top-level elements of the METS
schema. <dmdSec> defines an information package's DI (represented with
embedded Dublin Core or MODS). <admSec> defines the information
package's PDI (with embedded PREMIS markup). <fileSec> specifies the
locations and grouping of files comprising the information
package. <structMap> defines the information package's lexical
structure and relates it to the files in <fileSec>.
Now consider the TDP option selection worksheet in Figure 3. Table I shows how the
numbered sections of the worksheet could map into the top-level METS
elements. The table is a first step toward demonstrating the
feasibility of using library standards to encode TDP metadata. As
mentioned in the section “Engineering-specific Metadata Requirements for Long-term
Archiving”, DI is the most
domain-sensitive component of information package metadata. Looking at
the TDP metadata, it indeed seems to be true that the DI (e.g.,
TDP level, applicability of PMI standards) is more unique to product
data and more challenging to encode using library standards than the
non-DI metadata (e.g., CAGE codes, document numbers).
Table I
Possible mapping of TDP metadata to top-level
METS elements.
METS section
TDP metadata
Descriptive Metadata (<dmdSec>)
TDP Level, Drawing Formats, Applicability of Standards
Administrative Metadata (<admSec>)
Type and Format, CAGE Code[3] and Document Numbers
File Section (<fileSec>)
[locations of required TDP elements and associated lists]
Structural Map (<structMap>)
TDP Elements Required, Associated List
Given the preceding discussion, it stands to reason that success using
the library standards approach to represent TDP metadata hinges on
being able to extend library DI standards (MODS or Dublin Core) such
that they can be used within a METS instance to specify TDP
descriptive metadata. Because Dublin Core is encoded in RDF and has
provisions for defining application profiles (context-specific
extensions to the basic DC metadata terms) [DCAP],
it appears to be the strongest candidate for representing TDP DI.
Thus the discussion in this section suggests that using METS and
Dublin Core is a promising approach for
encoding a TDP in a manner interoperable with digital repository
frameworks and other software applications supporting library metadata
standards. By creating TDP-specific application profiles for METS and
Dublin Core, these standards can represent
the TDP metadata elements specified in MIL-STD-31000.
Product Data and Lifecycle Management
Product Data Management systems have evolved over the years from
simple file managers for engineering drawings into complex software
suites satisfying a wide variety of functions. Currently supported
capabilities include version control of product models,
management of design modifications, and management of engineering and
business processes. A thorough discussion of PDM systems would require
a paper all its own, and those who wish to learn more are encouraged
to read Srinivasan's chapter in Advanced Design and
Manufacturing Based on STEP [Srinivasan] for a detailed introduction to
PDM and PDM standards. Suffice it to say that the information used in
PDM systems is essentially product metadata. Because of the
complexities of product data, PDM systems must provide very rich
vocabularies for describing parts, people, resources, documents,
activities, and other entities involved in the design, manufacturing,
and support of products.
Since PDM is such an integral part of product development, STEP not
only supports the exchange of 3D product geometry and PMI but also
supports the exchange of PDM information as well. Ongoing growth of the
capabilities of PDM systems has resulted in the emergence of newer
standards that build upon the STEP information model for PDM. The
newest of these standards is the Product Lifecycle Support (PLCS)
suite of data exchange specifications [PLCS] from
the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS) and based on STEP AP239.
PLCS has a number of appealing characteristics as a source of DI for
product data:
Its scope covers the entire product lifecycle, including later stages
such as maintenance and disposal. Therefore, PLCS can represent
product metadata for a wide variety of access scenarios spanning the
3Rs (discussed in section “Product Models and the 3Rs: Reference,
Reuse, and Rationale”).
PLCS embraces implementation technologies popular with software
developers such as XML and semantic technologies based on RDF.
PLCS has a Reference Data Library (RDL), a managed collection of
classes and individuals defining an extensible controlled vocabulary
for representing business-specific concepts. The RDL is encoded in the
the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [OWL]. Because the
RDL is an OWL ontology, it can be browsed, queried, and processed
using the many software tools developed for the semantic web.
Figure 4 shows the reference data class representing a
CAGE code, its ancestors, and its siblings. PLCS models
CAGE_code and its siblings (DUNS_code and
NCAGE_code) as subclasses of
Organization_identification_code, which is a subclass of
Identification_code, which in turn is a subclass of
Identifier_type. To keep the size of the example
manageable, Figure 4 hides the numerous siblings of
Identification_code and of
Identifier_type. This example illustrates only a tiny
subset of PLCS. The standard RDL contains hundreds of classes and
covers a wide variety of PDM/PLM concepts such as assemblies,
bills of material, work breakdown structures, maintenance procedures
and more. And the RDL continues to grow as new PLCS data exchange
specifications get standardized.
Figure 4
Portion of the PLCS RDL showing CAGE_code, its
ancestors, and its siblings.
The PLCS RDL provides a comprehensive and fine-grained source
of product metadata. But DI need only be sufficient for facilitating
access to an archival information system. Therefore DI should be
coarser-grained and less encompassing than PLCS. The good news is
that, thanks to the RDL being encoded in OWL — a language built
upon RDF — reference data subsets can easily be extracted and
combined with DI represented using Dublin Core. The challenge is
determining the subsets to extract. Analysis of access use cases
similar to those discussed in section “Engineering-specific Metadata Requirements for Long-term
Archiving” can guide the
selection of the RDL subsets.
Summary and Moving Forward
In this paper, I explained why it is difficult to archive product data,
discussing requirements and challenges unique to engineering. Next, I
surveyed some of the more widely used metadata standards from the
digital library community and argued that, although they could be
useful in a product data archival system, they need augmentation in
order to represent product data Descriptive Information. I then
discussed two sources of product metadata — the options
selection worksheet for Technical Data Packages and the PLCS Reference
Data Library. While TDP metadata is of a top-down nature and maps well
to METS, the PLCS RDL is extremely detailed and is more
bottom-up. However, useful DI should be extractable from the RDL by
considering potential long-term access scenarios. This RDL subset
can then serve to enrich the more generic Dublin Core metadata terms
standardized by Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. [DCMI]
The next step is to test the effectiveness of these ideas by developing
a METS profile for TDPs and implementing a product data ingest and
access prototype. The prototype should support one or more access
scenarios, with the scenario's data requirements determining the subset to be
extracted from the RDL. The METS descriptive metadata (<dmdSec>) section
should contain RDF-encoded Dublin Core combined with the RDL subset,
using semantic technologies to merge and harmonize the
information. If successful, the METS profile and prototype implementation
could benefit developers and implementers of product data archival standards.
I am grateful to Paul Witherell and Barbara Guttman for their
meticulous and helpful reviews of an earlier draft of this paper. Any
remaining mistakes are my sole responsibility. I also wish to thank my
colleagues in the NIST Design and Process Group for many
thought-provoking discussions about long-term archiving, information
modeling, and engineering design.
[ISO10303-1] ISO
10303-1. Industrial automation systems and integration —
Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and
fundamental principles. First edition 1994-12-15.
[ISO10303-11] ISO
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methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual.
[ISO10303-21] ISO
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Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange
[ISO10303-28] ISO
10303-28:2007. Industrial automation systems and integration —
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Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schemas and
data, using XML schemas.
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[Srinivasan] V.
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imply approval or endorsement by NIST, nor does it imply that such
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