Davis, Cornelia. “Programming Application Logic for RESTful Services Using XML Technologies.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, Montréal, Canada, August 2 - 5, 2011. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 7 (2011). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol7.Davis01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011 August 2 - 5, 2011
Balisage Paper: Programming Application Logic for RESTful Services Using XML Technologies
Cornelia Davis is a Senior Technologist in the Architecture group of the
Office of the CTO, focusing RESTful Service Oriented Architectures. Areas of
expertise include XML and Atom, and she frequent speaker on RESTful SOA.
Cornelia holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Computer Science from California State
University, Northridge.
XRX, XForms on the client, RESTful services and XQuery on the server, introduced a
development paradigm that could avoid the use to procedural code in the
implementation of RESTful services. With the standardization of XProc, the XML
pipelining language, and the availability of several XProc engines, we have an even
more powerful mechanism for RESTful services construction. In this paper we briefly
introduce an XML REST Framework that allows a developer to define resources and
provide an XML-centric implementation. Then the main focus of the paper is on how
XQuery, XSLT and XProc together form a powerful set of tools with which RESTful
services can be developed, effectively redifining XRX to stand for XForms, RESTful
services and XProc on the server. We illustrate the benefits each technology brings
to this service construction by incrementally building up a RESTful service for a
patient medical records registry.
The term XRX XRX , stands for XForms XForms on the client, RESTful services and XQuery XQuery
on the server. At its core it is a design approach that uses XML as the model for
application entities, and other XML technologies, specifically XForms and XQuery,
the application UI and for interface to the persistence layer, respectively. At the
extreme, XRX can be seen as a no-transformation approach, where resource representations
accepted and served by RESTful services closely match the form stored in an XML
database; that is, there is no difference between the logical model for entities and
physical one. While our work has been inspired by XRX, and we embrace the notion of
XML-centric implementations, we have found that RESTful services require transformations
and other sophisticated operations that are not particularly well suited to an XQuery
implementation alone.
First, RESTful services must serve resource representations that are hyperlink rich,
containing links to related resources as well as to URLs that can drive application
state. These links are generated only when the resource representation is served
they reflect runtime and deployment contexts such as host names. As such, these links
must be added to the content that is retrieved from the XML database, and while XQuery
is clearly the right technology for database access, it is, at best, awkward when
to insert these hyperlinks.
Another key tenet of the REST architectural style is content negotiation, the ability
for a service to accommodate various formats for the data they serve. For example,
resource representation may be served in some simple XML format (that may indeed closely
resemble that which is stored in the database), and it may alternatively serve an
Atom Atom
entry. Those well versed in the XML-technology stack would likely agree that this
is a
task ideally suited to XSLT XSLT.
When we begin to address the implementation details of our RESTful services we see
common patterns, such as the need to assign identifiers to new resources and the need
return from the service values beyond the resource representation. We have found
rather easy to implement these patterns using XProc XProc.
It is these RESTful services requirements that have driven us to an interpretation
XRX that stands for XForms on the client, RESTful services and XProc on the server.
work has focused on the RESTful services implementation with little attention given
the XForms or other consumer-side user interface.
In this paper we will show the value that various XML technologies bring to the
implementation of RESTful services, with a focus on XProc, XQuery and XSLT. We will
demonstrate each of their strengths by incrementally building up a simple service
implementation that is a part of a larger set of services that implement a patient
medical records registry. This implementation was taken to the IHE Connectathon IHEConnect event in January 2011 where EMC received certification. That
is, the use case presented in this paper is real.
After briefly introducing the IHE XDS IHEXDS registry usecase,
outlining the key principles of REST and also briefly introducing an XML REST Framework
we have constructed, we spend the bulk of the remainder of the paper squarely in the
space. We begin by establishing the base implementation which uses XQuery to write
resource data to the persistence layer, an XML database. We then address the hyperlink
constraint of RESTful services with the construction of an XSLT and build a simple
pipeline to sequence these operations. This solution does not yet address the
generation of identifiers or construction of data elements beyond the resource
representation, which we then add. Finally we bind all of the pieces together within
Spring Framework Spring configurations.
While we have found some prior work on XML-centric application development Wilde, we have found little that addresses how the XML technology stack
addresses the unique needs of RESTful service construction. This is the focus of
Integrated Health Exchange
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) IHE is a consortium that
develops interoperability standards for health care delivery systems. They publish
specifications that address how a wide range of devices and systems should communicate,
allowing them to be easily connected in a variety of settings. It is in one of these
specifications that they define interfaces that medical records registries and
repositories must provide in order to be easily connected to document suppliers and
consumers. A Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) repository stores documents that
make up a patient medical record including such things as images (e.g. x-rays, CT
scans), text files (e.g. doctors notes) and documents of any other format. An XDS
registry augments this content both by associating metadata with the documents stored
the repository and by establishing additional organizational structures, such as folder
hierarchies, around that content. The solution we describe in this paper is a portion
the document registry implementation which earned EMC a certification at the IHE
Connectathon event in January 2011.
The abstractions defined by the IHE for an XDS registry include the
A document entry holds metadata for a
single document.
A folder is a container that may hold
multiple document entries.
An association captures a binary,
unidirectional relationship between document entries, folders, submission sets
and other associations.
A submission set represents a
collection of document entries, folders and associations that together form a
set that, when written to the registry, must be handled atomically.
While submission sets are written as a whole, the individual parts of a submission
set may be consumed in different combinations. For example, within a single submission
set, a folder may have been created and a document entry placed therein, however,
document entry may be accessed independently or even in combination with other document
entries that arrived in different submission sets.
It is the atomicity requirements on the writing of submission sets, and the
granular consumption model, that contribute to making the XDS registry RESTful services
an interesting case-study. We will examine the implementation of the service for
creating submission sets in detail in the subsequent sections of this paper. This
relatively complex operation that may involve the assignment of identifiers,
necessitates validation of some of the input XML against both other portions of the
submission set as well as to content already existing in the database, and requires
the submission set be decomposed for storage in the database.
The REST Architectural Style
Roy Fielding was one of a group of individuals who developed the architecture of the
World Wide Web and in 2000 he formalized the key architectural principles in his PhD
dissertation IHE, coining the term REpresentational State Transfer
(REST). The REST architectural style is characterized by the following four key
Identification and addressability of
resources: All interesting bits of information are identified
with URIs and are usually accessed via URL.
The uniform interface: Interaction with
resources is through a standardized set of operations, with well understood and
agreed upon semantics.
Manipulation of resources through
representations: Clients are not operating directly on resources,
rather resource representations are transfered between the server and the
Hypermedia constraint: Resource
representations include hyperlinks that can be used to drive application state
Each of these principles has played an important role in the success of the World
Web. Resource centricity and the hierarchical, global address space of URLs provides
limitless scale by allowing resources to be continually added to the domain of discourse
while maintaining linear scale through the use of DNS and a cache-rich infrastructure.
Having a uniform interface allows the layered web to perform optimizations as a part
a resource operation. For example, because the HTTP PUT operation is idempotent (meaning
it can be executed 1 or more times with the same result), an actor in the web
infrastructure may perform automatic retries on PUT operations that may have failed to complete. The transfer of resource
representations between the client and server allows those interactions to be entirely
stateless, further providing scale-out characteristics. And having hyperlink-rich
resource representations not only provides a means for relationships between resources
to be presented, it also supports the construction of less-brittle interfaces and
coupling between clients and servers.
The XML REST Framework
We have produced a framework that allows a developer to create a set of RESTful
services with most of the implementation achieved using XML-based technologies. We
found these technologies to be very effective at addressing many requirements specific
to RESTful services. XQuery is used to persist resource state into an XML database.
Content negotiation is straight-forward via the declarative, XSLT programming model,
resource hyperlinks are generated using the same declarative approach. Common patterns
for resource operations are effectively captured in XProc pipelines and processing
composite resources is also well accomplished using this XML pipelining approach.
The only portion of the implementation not done with an XML-based technology is the
interface to the RESTful service. Here we have elected to use Plain Old Java Objects
(POJOs), annotated with information about resource URLs and the uniform interface.
chose to keep this part of a RESTful service implementation in Java primarily for
reasons. First, while there is a technology, Servlex Servlex, that
does provide a capability for producing web applications with only XML technologies,
were concerned that the uptake of the EXPath Webapp EXPath Webapp approach
has been slow and the community activity is marginal. And more importantly, having
RESTful services executing within an environment such as the Spring Framework allows
additional services (such as security) to be wrapped around the core RESTful services
implement; it was unclear how the Servlex technology could be leveraged within
Figure 1 depicts the basic construction of RESTful services using our
Figure 1
XML-Centric Services Implementation
In the next sections I cover each of the blocks shown in this figure.
The RESTful Service Interface
Because we are specifically addressing RESTful services implementations, we must
address more than just the construction and delivery of XML data. In particular,
must be able to accept HTTP requests [1] , parse URLs, read and write headers and return errors appropriately.
Because several frameworks addressing these HTTP-specific needs, such as Spring MVC
Spring MVC, Apache CXF Apache CXF and Jersey Jersey, are already in widespread use, we embrace those and offer an
extended framework that allows an XML-centric implementation to be wired in. These
RESTful services frameworks share common development paradigms where REST resources
implemented as Java classes, operations on the resource are implemented with class
methods, and annotations are used to express RESTful service specifics such as URI
templates and uniform interface operations. The following code snippet shows the
skeleton Java class for the submission sets resource, with a method that will fulfill
the POST operation; this is the operation we will use to create new submission sets.
package com.emc.cto.healthcare;
// … imports omitted for brevity
public class SubmissionSets {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addPatient(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Model model) throws XProcException, IOException, URISyntaxException, TransformerException {
public SubmissionSets() {
It is within this method that we will invoke the XML-based services implementation.
In a later section we will see exactly how the XProc pipeline, which forms the core
the implementation, is bound into this service dispatcher class.
Starting with XQuery
XQuery serves the role of interfacing with the solution’s persistence layer, the
database. Each resource operation of the RESTful service will require one or more
XQueries to map the logical to the physical model. Figure 2 shows a table representing
the logical model at left, a pictorial view of the physical database model on the
and shading that indicates how the logical resources are mapped to physical ones.
Figure 2
Logical to Physical Mapping
The darker shaded objects in the tree structure represent folders and the lighter
shaded objects represent XML documents. The yellow and blue shadings show a
correspondence between entities in the logical model and the physical model. Note
the submission set resource maps to many entities in the physical model, whereas
document entry resource mappings are far more constrained.
For this first stage of the implementation we will assume that the submission set
coming in is entirely valid and has identifiers properly set for each of the elements
within it. The following shows an excerpt of the resource representation supplied
to a
POST operation.
In the XQuery, then, we fundamentally do two things: we split this larger XML document
into several smaller ones and write each of those to the database. The following XQuery
code shows this implementation.
declare variable $input external;
declare updating function local:storeSubmissionset($elem as element()) {
let $docFileName := concat("/SubmissionSets/", data($elem/entryUuid), ".xml")
return if (doc-available($docFileName))
then replace node doc($docFileName)/SubmissionSet with $elem
else xhive:insert-document($docFileName, document{$elem})
declare updating function local:updateTime($folder as element()) {
let $time := replace(substring-before(xs:string(adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(),xs:dayTimeDuration("-PT0H"))),"."), "[-:T]", "")
return <Folder>{$folder/*[name() != "lastUpdateTime"]} <lastUpdateTime>{$time}</lastUpdateTime></Folder>
declare updating function local:storeFolders($elem as element()) {
for $folderRaw in $elem/Folder
let $folder := local:updateTime($folderRaw)
let $docFileName := concat("/Folders/", data($folder/entryUuid), ".xml")
return if (doc-available($docFileName))
then replace node doc($docFileName)/Folder with $folder
else xhive:insert-document($docFileName, document{$folder})
declare updating function local:storeDocEntries($elem as element(), $assocs as element()) {
for $entry in $elem/DocumentEntry
let $entryUuid := normalize-space(data($entry/entryUuid))
let $docFileName := concat("/DocumentEntries/", $entryUuid, ".xml")
let $assoc := $assocs/Association[sourceUuid = $entryUuid and (associationType='TRANSFORM_AND_REPLACE' or associationType='REPLACE') ]
let $oldDocUuid := normalize-space(data($assoc/targetUuid))
return if (doc-available($docFileName))
then replace node doc($docFileName)/DocumentEntry with $entry
else (
xhive:insert-document($docFileName, document{$entry}),
if ($oldDocUuid)
replace value of node doc("DocumentEntries")/DocumentEntry[entryUuid=$oldDocUuid]/availabilityStatus
else ())
declare updating function local:storeAssociations($elem as element()) {
let $time := replace(substring-before(xs:string(adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(current-dateTime(),xs:dayTimeDuration("-PT0H"))),"."), "[-:T]", "")
let $res := for $association in $elem/Association
let $docFileName := concat("/Associations/", data($association/entryUuid), ".xml")
let $sourceFileName := concat(normalize-space(data($association/sourceUuid)),".xml")
return (if (doc-available($docFileName))
then replace node doc($docFileName)/Association with $association
else xhive:insert-document($docFileName, document{$association}),
(: if new doc placed into existing folder, update the lastUpdateTime of that folder :)
if (doc-available(concat("/Folders/", $sourceFileName)))
then replace value of node doc(concat("/Folders/", $sourceFileName))/Folder/lastUpdateTime with $time
else (),
(: if the new doc replaces another we need to create an assoc between the new doc and all of the folders
that the orignal doc is in :)
if ($association/associationType = "REPLACE")
then local:addAssocsForReplacementDocToFolders($association)
else ()
return $res
declare updating function local:addAssocsForReplacementDocToFolders($association as element()) {
let $orgDocUuid := normalize-space(data($association/targetUuid))
let $newDocUuid := normalize-space(data($association/sourceUuid))
let $newAssocs := for $assoc in doc("Associations")/Association[targetUuid=$orgDocUuid and associationType = "HAS_MEMBER"]
let $folder := doc("Folders")/Folder[entryUuid=$assoc/sourceUuid]
let $newAssoc := if ($folder)
then <Association><targetUuid>{$newDocUuid}</targetUuid>
else ()
return $newAssoc
return local:storeAssociations(<associations>{$newAssocs}</associations>)
let $compoundsubmissionset := if (not(empty(.)))
then .
else xhive:parse($input)
return (local:storeSubmissionset($compoundsubmissionset/CompoundSubmissionSet/SubmissionSet),
This implementation is relatively crisp and XQuery serves the needs rather well,
however there are RESTful service requirements that this implementation has not yet
Notice that the XQuery responds with XML that represents the resource that has been
newly created. This forms the basis of the resource representation that will be
returned by the RESTful service, however, it is not yet complete. The hypermedia
constraint in RESTful services Hypermedia Constraint requires that resource
representations contain hyperlinks to other resources, as well as hyperlinks that
otherwise drive the state of the application. In the case of a submission set, for
example, the representation should contain links to the documents and folders comprising
While it is possible to achieve this augmentation of the XML using XQuery, we prefer
XSLT for two primary reasons. First, implementations of RESTful services using the
approaches described in this piece, follow a Model-View-Controller pattern and we
intentionally have the XML returned from the XQuery represent the application model
objects. The hyperlinks presented in a resource representation are the responsibility
the controller portion of the implementation, so having hyperlinks inserted as a part
the XQuery that interacts with the database would conflate the responsibilities of
model and the controller. Of course, a separate XQuery could be used for hyperlink
insertion, yet this brings us to the second reason for a different choice, and that
simply that we prefer the declarative approach that XSLT affords.
Inserting hyperlinks into an XML document involves two things; one must define the
points of insertion and then express what is to be inserted, and the
<xsl:template> is ideally suited to the task. Our XML REST Framework aims to make
this task easy, even for the non-XSLT expert, by providing a simple XSLT template
traverses the document tree seeking those points of insertion, and by providing samples
of the <xsl:template> definitions that insert links.
The following code snippet shows the simple recursive template that simply copies
each of the source nodes into the result tree and applies a template with an
“insert-here” mode at each element node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xmlns:xdt="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-datatypes"
xmlns:pat="http://www.emc.com/cto/PMR" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
The templates in this xslt simply traverse the input XML and for each element apply any insertion templates
that are defined for the particular type of object
<xsl:template match="*">
<!-- bring all attributes over -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
<!-- insert any hyperlinks -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="inserthere" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()" />
<xsl:template match="@*">
<xsl:copy />
<xsl:template match="text()" mode="inserthere" />
The RESTful services developer then need only define the <xsl:template> definitions for the elements that
should have child link nodes inserted. The following stylesheet inserts hyperlinks
into the submission
set resource representation that is returned from the creation (POST) operation.
Another type of translation that is often needed for RESTful services provides support
for additional media types. In general, the media type for the content returned from
XQuery will be application/xml or text/xml, and this may be directly returned by the
RESTful service. Other XML formats, such as application/atom+xml, are also in widespread
use and therefore a RESTful services framework that makes it easy to perform such
transformation is valuable. Just as with the insertion of hyperlinks, such
transformations are well executed with an XSLT stylesheet. Note that JSON is gaining
popularity as a media type for resource representations. Our recommendation is to
the application model entities in XML and perform the transformation to JSON, again,
XSLT transformation, at the outer edge of that implementation.
At this point we have seen the value in XQuery to interface with the underlying XML
database, and XSLT for the insertion of hyperlinks and support for alternate media
types. The next question to answer, then, is how to tie these two things
XProc – the XML Pipelining Language
In May 2010 the XML Processing Model Working Group of the World Wide Web
Consortium standardized XProc, an XML Pipelining language. XProc is a high-level
programming language in which XML processing steps are wired together in such a way
the outputs of one step are routed to the inputs of another step; all content flowing
between steps is XML. An XProc Engine executes a pipeline, accepting external inputs
and producing zero or more outputs. The XProc language includes several dozen processing
steps that when used together allow for sophisticated capabilities to be implemented
with very few lines of code.
Before looking at some of these more complex examples, let us first look at a very
simple pipeline that ties together the two solution components we previously
discussed – the XQuery for database access and the XSLT for hyperlink insertion.
Figure 3 shows a pictorial representation of this pipeline.
Figure 3
Base Resource-creation Pipeline
In this case where we are creating a submission set, the source document passed into
the pipeline is the submission set representation. A second input to the pipeline
the base URL, a parameter that reflects the deployment particulars of the service
as hostname), is used in the later XSLT step. The source document is passed into
XQuery, which, as we saw above, splits the input document and writes several XML
documents to the XML database; the XQuery step produces an XML document as the
response. The XSLT step then accepts the result from the XQuery, as well as the base
URL that was passed into the pipeline, and generates a hyperlink rich XML document
the output.
Getting More Sophisticated
Recall that earlier we made some simplifying assumptions; one being that the XML
document supplied to the XQuery would be valid, including having identifiers already
assigned to the various portions of the submission set. While the IHE specifications
do require that all recorded document entries, folders, submission sets and
associations have UUIDs assigned, they allow for a case where the registry receives
a submission set containing only locally scoped identifiers (within the submission
set). In this case, the registry implementation responsible for assigning UUIDs. The
following shows and example of such a resource
In our implementation we use XProc to replace the local identifiers with UUIDs and
to do so we need only loop over each of the non-UUID identifiers and invoke the UUID
XProc step. Our main XProc pipeline will now include a step which performs this
insertion, and the output, which fulfills that validity constraint, will be wired
the XQuery step. The following XProc step definition shows the recursive application
of the UUID step.
Figure 4 shows how this step is wired into the original pipeline.
Figure 4
Pipeline Augmented with Content Enrichment Step
To complete the pipeline for the submission set creation operation we also include
some additional validation steps (which, for brevity, we will not show here), as
well as some steps that produce a multi-part response.
Multi-part Responses
Because we are implementing our RESTful services almost exclusively in XProc pipelines,
pipelines must accommodate the need to generate more than just a single result. For
example, a best practice in RESTful services is that resource creation operations
return not only the resource representation, but also a URL to the newly created
resource; this URL is to be returned in the HTTP Location header. Furthermore,
RESTful services MUST respond with a status code indicating success or failure, and
since that outcome is largely determined in the XProc pipeline, that status
information must similarly be returned.
Fortunately, XProc provides for multi-part responses with multiple output ports,
where any output port can carry more than one value. We implement the pipelines for
our RESTful services in a consistent manner, providing three output ports: the
primary contains the resource representation, another called “headers” contains
key/value pairs and one called “error” outputs an XML document that carries
information on any errors that occurred during the processing of the pipeline. The
following is the final implementation of our submission set creation pipeline,
including error handling and the creation of the location
<p:declare-step name="main"
<p:input port="source"/>
<p:input port='xqueryscript' />
<p:input port="stylesheet"/>
<p:input port="stylesheetParameters" kind="parameter"/>
<p:input port="xqueryParameters" kind="parameter"/>
<p:output port='result' sequence='true' primary='true'>
<p:pipe step='checkXquery' port='result'/>
<p:output port='error' sequence="true">
<p:pipe step='checkXquery' port='error' />
<p:output port='headers' sequence="true">
<p:pipe step='checkXquery' port='headers' />
<p:import href="classpath:replaceNonUuids.xpl"/>
<!-- This pipeline will assign identifiers whereever needed and then will
execute the xquery against the source passed in. Finally, it will
take the result and enhance it with hyperlinks to related resources.
The xquery and xslt are both passed into the pipeline. -->
<!-- Replace local identifiers with uuids. -->
<emc:replaceNonUuids name="replaceNonUuids">
<p:input port="source">
<p:pipe step="main" port="source"/>
<!-- execute xQuery against the input source -->
<p:xquery name="xquery">
<p:input port='source'>
<p:pipe step="replaceNonUuids" port="result" />
<p:input port="query">
<p:pipe step="main" port="xqueryscript" />
<p:input port="parameters">
<p:pipe step='main' port='xqueryParameters'/>
<!-- check the result of the xQuery to make sure there was no error -->
<p:choose name="checkXquery">
<p:variable name="error" select="/error/code">
<p:pipe step="xquery" port="result" />
<!-- in case of error, return error xml out of pipeline -->
<p:when test="$error">
<p:output port="error">
<p:pipe step="genError" port="result" />
<p:output port="result" sequence='true' primary="true">
<p:empty />
<p:output port="headers" sequence='true'>
<p:string-replace name="genError" match="/error/code/text()">
<p:input port="source">
<p:with-option name='replace' select="$error" />
<p:output port="error" sequence="true">
<p:empty />
<p:output port="result" sequence='true' primary="true">
<p:pipe step="xslt" port="result"/>
<p:output port="headers" sequence='true'>
<p:pipe step="locXML" port="result"/>
<!-- insert hyperlinks -->
<p:xslt name="xslt">
<p:input port='source'>
<p:pipe step='xquery' port='result'/>
<p:input port='stylesheet'>
<p:pipe step='main' port='stylesheet'/>
<p:input port='parameters'>
<p:pipe step='main' port='stylesheetParameters'/>
<!-- generate the URL for the newly created resource -->
<p:variable name="baseU" select="/c:param-set/c:param[@name='baseURL']/@value">
<p:pipe step="main" port="stylesheetParameters"/>
<p:string-replace name="locXML" match="/Location/text()">
<p:input port="source">
<p:with-option name='replace' select="concat('"',$baseU, '/', //entryUuid/text(),'"')">
<p:pipe step='xslt' port='result'/>
XProc’s support for multiple outputs is a good fit for the requirements of RESTful
services and avoids having the developer design a multi-part model
XProc and Transactions
One might note that while in our current implementation we have split our
submission set into more fine-grained parts within the XQuery, that we could also
have done so in the XProc pipeline. Doing the split as a step in the XProc pipeline
could result in greater reuse of portions of the implementation and code that is
easier to produce and maintain. But then what would come of our requirement for
atomicity in the construction of the submission set, if pipeline were to execute
several updating XQuery steps?
Fortunately, the Xproc engine that we are using in house provides transaction
boundaries at the start and end of a pipeline. This allows us to construct
pipelines that execute multiple XQueries, yet have them succeed or fail as one
single unit. This powerful capability is quite welcome in the construction of
RESTful services where compound resources are common.
Binding HTTP Processing to the XML-Centric Implementation
At this point we’ve seen how an XProc pipeline allows us wire up a set of steps to
provide the core implementation of our RESTful services. The XProc pipeline accepts
inputs and returns a multi-part response, including what can be thought of as a body,
headers and error/status information. What remains is how an XProc pipeline is bound
the Java classes we’ve created for each of our resources, as well as how to bind
portions of the HTTP request/response to the pipeline inputs/outputs.
To bind an XProc pipeline to a resource (Java) method we inject the XProc pipeline
into the method via a Spring configuration. Each method in the Java class will have
XMLProcessingContext object associated with it, which encapsulates the pipeline as
as any design time bindings to the pipeline. To understand why design time bindings
valuable, consider that the pipeline for most GET operations will be very similar;
XQuery will be used to obtain XML from the database and an XSLT will be applied to
results. The only thing that differs from one GET operation to another is the specific
XQuery and the specific XSLT stylesheet; hence, we will parameterize a single GET
pipeline with those values and reuse that pipeline over many resource implementations.
The following excerpt from a Spring configuration file shows the injection of XQueries
and XSLTs into the XMLProcessingContext for the createSubmissionSet operation, and
injection of that XMLProcessingContext into the resource
Finally, we must bind additional XProc parameters at run time, using the Java-based
framework to access parts of the HTTP request and supplying those values to the pipeline
in the Java method. Following the execution of the pipeline the results are mapped
to the HTTP response. This is done by our framework in a Spring MVC view that knows
to convert the multi-part pipeline output into an HTTP response; this relieves the
services developer of these concerns. The following code shows the full implementation
of the method corresponding to the POST operation on the submission sets
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addPatient(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Model model) throws XProcException, IOException, URISyntaxException, TransformerException {
try {
PipelineInputCache pi = new PipelineInputCache();
// supply http body as the source for the resource Create pipeline
pi.setInputPort("source", request.getInputStream());
// supply current resource URL as the base URL to craft hyperlinks
String baseUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString();
if (baseUrl.endsWith("/"))
baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.length()-2);
pi.addParameter("stylesheetParameters", new QName("baseURL"), baseUrl);
PipelineOutput output = m_addSubmissionSet.executeOn(pi);
model.addAttribute("pipelineOutput", output);
return "pipelineOutput";
} finally {
Our experience implementing an XDS Registry using the XML REST Framework shows that
the XML Technology stack not only provides capabilities adequate for implementation
sophisticated RESTful web services, but also results in an elegant solution that is
arguably easier to construct and maintain than a purely Java-based counterpart. We
not done any quantitative analysis comparing developer productivity between the two
approaches, or comparing the use of our framework to other XRX-based approaches, however
we do have some anecdotal evidence that supports this claim. In one instance, a
development team was able to complete the work for two project sprints within the
frame of a single sprint; they credited the XML-centric approach to RESTful services
construction for that acceleration. Some work has been done by Syntactica to quantify
the productivity gains of an XRX-based approach XRX Value.
While there is clearly some overlap between the capabilities in XQuery, XSLT and
XProc, there is a clean mapping from requirements on RESTful services to the tools
best address them. Limiting an XQuery to interactions with the database results in
queries that are simple to write and unit test, and effectively encapsulates the logic
that creates application model objects (XML structures). The controller portion of
implementation is implemented with XProc pipelines and XSLT stylesheets. With its
mechanism for identifying insertion points, and a powerful language for expressing
should be inserted, XSLT is ideally suited to perform hyperlink insertion. It is
the de facto standard for doing XML to XML[2] transformations. The new XProc standard which defines a high level language
for wiring together a set of XML-centric steps, provides a means for addressing many
the requirements presented by RESTful services: implementations of compound resources,
multi-part data model and a large set of out of the box XML processing steps.
One of the most significant, positive results of our work has been that with the
availability of our XML REST Framework we have enabled developers to more readily
understand the important elements of RESTful services. Rather than simply providing
guidance in the form of a reference architecture, providing a set of tools and
samples along with that guidance has proven very effective.
We have employed our XML REST Framework in several projects within EMC with a good
deal of success. The biggest barrier, however, continues to be a reluctance by
developers to embrace XML as the development model. The XML-based approach that we
espouse in this paper, while quite powerful, still suffers from a lack of tooling
even more importantly, a learning curve issue. Most developers are quite familiar
Java programming approaches, IDEs, testing frameworks, and so on, and have limited
experience with the XQuery and XSLT. Most have never heard of XProc. While the XProc
processing model is powerful and conceptually allows pipelines to be easily expressed,
the syntax is unwieldy and will turn most developers completely off. It would behoove
us in the XML community to address these issues to expand the utilization of XML
technologies in such development scenarios.
One of the things we have found most useful in this XML-centric approach to RESTful
service construction is the use of XProc to operate on compound resources. We noted
a section above that the XProc implementation we are using in our work creates
transaction boundaries at the beginning and end of a pipeline. This feature does
exist in all XProc engines, limiting the generality of the approach we describe
Future Work
Our work in this area continues. We are exploring the use of XProc as the core engine
the View portion of a Spring MVC implementation. We are exploring the use of finite
state machines (FSM) to model application flows and are building an engine that
interprets these FSMs, inserting hyperlinks in the resource representations. We are
investigating how other elements of RESTful service implementations (such as feed
and eTag eTags support) can be integrated into the framework so as to
continue lessening the load on the services developer.
The XML REST Framework is available, along with a sample application, from the EMC
Developer Network XMLRESTFW. The distribution includes
all source code.
[1] Note that while REST is an architectural style that does not require HTTP, in
practice most RESTful services are offered over HTTP and we will focus on those
[2] Note that JSON resource representations are increasingly popular. The
approach we describe in this paper does not preclude such representations and
XSLT is also an excellent choice for XML to JSON transformations.