Dubin, David, Karen M. Wickett and Simone Sacchi. “Content, Format, and Interpretation.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, Montréal, Canada, August 2 - 5, 2011. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 7 (2011). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol7.Dubin01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011 August 2 - 5, 2011
Balisage Paper: Content, Format, and Interpretation
David Dubin is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Graduate
School of Library and Information Science in Champaign, IL. David conducts research
foundational issues of information representation and description.
Simone Sacchi is a Doctoral Student at the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science and research assistant at the Center for Informatics Research in Science and
Scholarship under the NSF granted Data Conservancy Project. His research interests
are in
conceptual foundation of digital curation and knowledge representation.
The connection between notation and the content it expresses is always contingent,
mediated through complex layers of interpretation. Some content bears directly on
encoder's intention to convey a particular meaning, while other content concerns the
structures in and through which that meaning is expressed and organized.
Interpretive frames are abstractions that serve as context for
symbolic expressions. They form a backdrop of dependencies for data management and
preservation strategies. Situation semantics offers a theoretical grounding for interpretive
frames that integrates them into a general theory of communication through markup
and other
notational structures.
The distinction between a digital resource's content and its expressive format is
described in different terms than the content/presentation distinction familiar to
researchers and practitioners. In both cases one understands that the same content
can be
formatted or presented in different ways. But the word “format” typically
connotes a discrete symbolic notation—one that might encode conceptual content,
structural information, presentational instructions, or all three.
“Presentation” is usually understood as patterns of energy or matter that
visually or audibly communicate (via shared graphical or auditory interpretive conventions)
resource structure and content to human minds. Standardized and proprietary digital
formats are the most familiar of these notations.
Proposals for semantic enrichment or digital preservation often focus on methods for
transforming resources from one format into another. Colloquial XML can be transformed
RDF via XSLT Sperberg-McQueen and Miller, 2004, or into horn clause assertions through a
Prolog application Dubin, 2003. But although notations like RDF and first order
logic may admit more expressive distinctions than colloquial XML, such transformations
at best
merely re-express resource semantics in a more convenient form for drawing inferences
or some
other purpose“those semantics aren't inherent in the notation. The connection between
resource and content (i.e., a symbol structure and the content it expresses) is always
contingent: the same symbols might just as easily express different content, or no
content at
all Renear and Dubin, 2007. In the context of some particular assertion event, correct
interpretation of encoded content is typically mediated through many expressive layers.
In the
following sections, we discuss the relationships among content, structure, and presentation,
and situate them with respect to our ongoing research in scientific data management.
This work is part of the Data Conservancy, an ongoing scientific data management project
funded by the National Science Foundation's Office of Cyberinfrastructure Choudhury and Hanisch, 2009. Our aims are to develop formal terminology and identity conditions
for concepts of general importance to the management and use of scientific datasets
observation, data content, version, format, etc.). Our proposed formalizations are
as terminological axioms in the Description Logic ALC Schmidt-Schauß and Smolka, 1991Baader et al., 2003. Although these may later base ontologies that can direct automated
reasoning over data set descriptions, our current aims are merely analytic: we propose,
challenge, and revise the models in the context of reviewing and informing data curation
practices and system design decisions. For example, we suggest that a model separating
abstract propositional content of a scientific assertion from the observation event
that assertion may ease data integration across a series of related studies (e.g.,
of findings):
The reader is invited to imagine simple propositions as standing (as reified RDF
statements do) in subject, predicate, and object relations to entities and properties
in a
scientific domain like chemistry or ecology. But unlike reified RDF, our simple propositions
are completely abstract, requiring no concrete expression. Hayes, 2004.
Propositions standing in the same subject, predicate, and object relations are strictly
identical. On this understanding, different data sets might have exactly the same
propositional content, but differ in the observations or computations that justify
assertions. Similarly, two scientists might appeal to exactly the same observation
events as
justification for very different (or even contradictory) assertions.
On the content of digital resources
In the context of our research on scientific data, we view resource
“content” as propositional in nature. A proposition is an
abstract thing which can be the object of propositional attitudes (such as belief
or doubt)
and the bearer of truth values. We consider propositions to be the language independent
entities that are the meanings of those sentences (or other symbol structures) that
them. Artistic and literary resources may have forms of non-propositional content
that are
inseparable from the expressive choices of their creators, but artistic and literary
are not our focus in this study.
Specifically, we are concerned with two kinds of propositional content:
Conceptual Content
Conceptual content is the distinct intellectual contribution supplied by the digital
resource, which in our study concerns entities, properties, and relations in a
scientific domain. This type of content corresponds, roughly, to the
“work” entity type in the FRBR model IFLA, 1998, or, with a
slightly different connotation, the “Deliverable Unit” in the PLANETS
model Sharpe, 2009. Conceptual content is typically considered the main
preservation target, though on our account such content, being abstract, is not subject
to corruption and so isn't literally preserved.
Structural Content
The second kind of propositional content concerns abstract structures in and through
which conceptual content is expressed and organized. The paragraphs, chapters, and
footnotes of conventional documentation are among these structures, as well as database
relations, spreadsheet rows, and lines and arcs of vector graphics. Examples of
structural content would include the fact that a particular text string is a paragraph,
or that an arc has particular coordinates in an abstract display plane.
The digital data resources that concern us are encoded symbol structures that express
scientists' claims, with our analysis aimed at supporting format migration, digital
preservation and data integration. Abstract symbol structures and propositions do
not undergo
changes of state Renear and Wickett, 2009, and so the problem is one of maintaining a
connection between conceptual content and the structures that express it. This is
easier when
structural content is directly encoded within a digital resource as, for example,
with XML
declarations, PostScript prologues, and other forms of metadata. In the following
sections we
consider the connections between the propositions expressed through these technologies,
the chain that links the bit level to the conceptual level.
Data Expression and Interpretive Frames
By the account in the earlier section, data content are a subset of abstract propositions,
obtaining their status in virtue of their systematic assertion by a researcher. But
digital data resources that concern us are encoded symbol structures that express
content. Our problem is the contingent nature of this connection: data express their
conceptual content not simply in virtue of their arrangement and structure, but always
reference to what we call interpretive frames. These are abstractions
that frame the interpretive context for symbolic expressions:
Data ≡ SymbolStructure ⊓
At the risk of understating their complexity, one can think of interpretive frames
functions or mappings between structural propositions at different expressive levels,
or from
structural propositions to conceptual propositions. Examples of interpretive frames
the grammatical rules expressed by an XML Schema, coded character sets such as ASCII,
convention of writing numbers as strings of Arabic numerals with ten as the implied
base, the Hierarchical Data Format standard, and all dialects of the English language
as they
are spoken today. Interpretive frames also include any systematic expressive choices
that may
be local to a particular digital resource, such as a correspondence between successive
rows of
a spreadsheet and the order of transactions in a scientific experiment.
In pointing to contingent interpretations as “our problem,” we don't mean
that to suggest encoding standards, markup technologies, or even common data management
practices are seriously flawed. While we're motivated by practical problems, such
under-documented spreadsheets, in highlighting the complexities of interpretation
we don't
mean to suggest that effective tools and solutions are lacking. But discussions of
methods tend to foreground regularity in a resource's primary expressive structure,
neglect the interrelationships among interpretive frames at different levels of abstraction.
Working Example
The following digital image can serve as an example of the distinctions we wish to
The resource Fisher5 is an Encapsulated PostScript file Adobe Systems, 1990 Its prologue
consists of reusable functions, written to draw box-and-whisker plots from frequency
distribution parameters. The final lines of the file lay out the parameters for the
Displayed in an appropriate document viewing application, the file's presentation
like this:
Figure 3
The following propositions comprise Fisher5's conceptual content:
A certain frequency distribution is called “Anderson/Fisher Sepal Width
The minimum value of that distribution is 2.0.
The maximum value is 4.4.
The median of that distribution is 3.
The upper and lower hinges are 3.3 and 2.8, respectively.
The distribution has four outliers, one each at values 2.0, 4.2, 4.1 and 4.4.
2.2 and 4.0 are (respectively) the lowest and highest values that lie within 1.5
midspreads of the hinges.
Structural content would include (among other things):
Fisher5 is an Encapsulated PostScript File
The bounding box coordinates for this resource are 175,655 and 487,745.
the octet 0x6d at offset 0x622 is a Latin lower case letter m.
“/med” is a PostScript label
“/med” names a parameter to the function “box.”
“/med” identifies the median of a distribution.
ASCII, PostScript, John Tukey's graphical convention for distribution summaries, and
special-purpose language for encoding box plots are among the interpretive frames
that connect
the listing above to the conceptual propositions it expresses.
Among the format migration options to be considered for Fisher5 in a preservation
are keeping the resource in its original PostScript expression, transformation into
PDF, or conversion into a raster PNG file. Strictly speaking, all three options preserve
conceptual content for human beings able to display the file using viewing software,
that those viewers have an understanding of Tukey's box plot conventions. The current
PostScript file encodes conceptual content in a declarative notation: median, range,
and outliers are expressed in the scale of the original data, not the PS/PDF display
coordinates. Those declarations would disappear in a translation from PS to PDF (usually
understood as a lossless transformation). On the other hand, syntactically correct
offers no guarantee of page independence (or, for that matter, halting). This PostScript
uses a non-embedded font that may not be as commonly available in the future as it
is today.
And the undocumented Postscript-based box plot markup language will be unfamiliar
to people
who might have an interest in extracting the data.
It would be relatively easy to transform box plot markup language into RDF, preserving
of the conceptual propositions listed above, and avoiding the shortcomings of PostScript,
and PNG. Such an RDF re-expression could also include structural information, such
as that
Fisher5 is a box-and-whisker plot. But unlike a PDF or PNG translation, the resulting
would not express a box plot, and the advantages Tukey's notation offers for rapid
assessment and comparison would not be available. We don't mean to suggest that this
is a
dilemma, or that no better migration options than these four are available (SVG might
the best of all of them, for example). But interpretive frames would form a backdrop
dependencies for any such solution.
Situation Semantics and Interpretive Frames
The usefulness of frameworks based situation semantics Barwise and Perry, 1983 for
understanding the assignment of meaning to XML structures has been argued for by Wrightson
Wrightson, 2001Wrightson, 2005 and Wickett Wickett, 2010. Barwise and Perry use
situation semantics to model the meaning of indicative sentences as a relation between
a situation[1] in which the sentence was uttered (the discourse
situation) and a situation that the sentence describes (the described situation). The framework proposed by Wickett focuses on treating
metadata records encoded in XML as a kind of utterance and, following Barwise and
examining how specific elements of XML documents contribute to inform consumers of
resource situations that were used assign meaning to the document as a whole. Situation
semantics can be used here to give a theoretical grounding for interpretive frames
integrates them into a general theory of communication through markup and other notational
In the case of data encoded in XML documents, we can also consider the document to
be a
series of indicative statements. In general a discourse situation gives an assignment
for a
speaker, an addressee, a (space-time) discourse location, and an expression. In terms
of the
framework (axioms) for encoding presented above, the speaker is the agent that commits
to an
expression, the discourse location is partially given by the assertion event, and
expression is the symbol structure that is the primary expression for the systematic
indicated in an assertion event. The role of the addressee and the end-point of the
location are left open until the document is viewed by some consumer of the data,
only at this
point will we have a complete discourse situation.
The described situation for data is a situation in which the real-world entities referred
to by the symbol structures have the properties indicated by the relevant set of claims.
other words, the described situation is one in which the propositions that are the
of the assertions (and therefore are data content) are all true. Since the described
may not come to pass, we allow for data that is in error, by referring to things that
do not
exist or assigning properties to things incorrectly.
In Situations and Attitudes, Barwise and Perry discuss resource
situations, the situations that the actors participating in a discourse situation
have access to and use to identify and assign referents for the expressions that make
up an
utterance. Interpretive frames, as presented above, are a particular kind of resource
situation. One kind of interpretive frame is the resource situation that govern the
between symbol structures and the things they refer to. This mapping was discussed
by Barwise
and Perry (and Wickett) as the speaker's connections. This
interpretive frame assigns things like identifiers to individual plants in laboratory
or assigns one column of a spreadsheet to a particular property of those plants. The
preservation of meaning (in translation or simply within a single discourse situation)
requires that the connections established by the addressee of an utterance are the
same as
those intended by the speaker.
XML documents, and digital objects in general, operate as communicative artifacts
virtue of a chain of computational structures that provide a background in which bitstreams
can be understood as encoding symbolic structures. These interpretive frames are pointed
to by
things like standards for character encoding and by the various standards and specifications
for hardware and software that allow us to create files and share them across systems.
and Perry discuss how in natural language utterances, expressions that occur at one
point in a
discourse situation can supply a setting that influences how
expressions that occur at another point in the discourse situation are understood.
We can
understand the interpretive frames that govern things like character encodings as
situations that supply the necessary settings under which bitstreams can be interpreted
Discussion and Implications
One of the goals of the Data Conservancy project is to support interoperability of
scientific data products. An interoperable data product is one for which given any
(consumer of the data product), the set of connections that link the symbol structures
referents (objects of study, properties, values, etc.) are the same as those intended
by the
agent that indicated those symbol structures in the original assertion event. Representing
structural propositions directly, either by asserting them (as with metadata annotations)
expressing them via encoding technologies like XML is one part of our strategy for
helping to
achieve this goal. Documentation of interpretive frames that connect propositions
at different
abstraction levels is another part of that same strategy.
We can see an application of these ideas in the OAIS Reference Model, which requires
inclusion of “representation information” as part of an Archival Information
Package. This representation information is intended to give “information necessary
render and understand the bit sequences constituting the Content Data Object” Lavoie, 2004. However, it is important to draw a distinction between an interpretive
frame and documentation of the frame. While OAIS representation information is necessary
can provide documentation of important aspects of the interpretive frames against
which some
data object is created, it must itself be in the form of a symbolic structure. On
our view,
interpretive frames are abstract mappings that correspond roughly to a situationBarwise and Perry, 1983. Therefore documentation can express elements of an interpretive
frame, but a document cannot, by itself, be an interpretive
Document markup solutions already do a better job than other notations in explicating
structural content, and connecting it to appropriate interpretive frames. XML documents
by declaring what they are, which encoding governs the interpretation of bit patterns,
(typically) what schema provides a syntax for the document. XML metadata applications
numerous other forms of documentation and linking to bridge interpretive gaps. Most
of the
observations we offer here can be found stated either directly or indirectly by proponents
semantic documentation and enrichment frameworks like Formal Tag Set Definition and
Intertextual Semantics Marcoux et al., 2009. But professional and research literature
on markup semantics tends to foreground the role of markup itself in licensing inferences
Sperberg-McQueen et al., 2002Sperberg-McQueen and Miller, 2004Sperberg-McQueen, 2011. Archiving standards like OAIS give an impression that
“representation information” can supply needed interpretations, rather than
simply document encoding choices. We recommend a different emphasis.
In our work with scientific data, the author/researcher's assertion event—rather
than the resulting expression structure—seems to us the locus at which key identities
are established. According to our axioms, it is these assertions that make propositions
data content, and supply symbol structures with their contingent meanings. The encoder
of a
data set can be likened (as Wendell Piez has suggested) to the player in a nomic game
Piez, 2009, accepting some responsibility for creating the constitutive rules that
govern his or her choices.
This research was supported by NSF Grant OCI-0830976. The authors wish to thank Allen
Renear, the GSLIS Research Writing Group, and the anonymous reviewers of a prior Balisage
submission for suggestions that have improved this paper.
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[1] The technical notion of a situation is close to our intuitive one: a situation occurs
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