Stoker, Tamara, and Keith Rose. “ACS Publications — Ensuring XML Quality.” Presented at International Symposium on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in XML, Montréal, Canada, August 6, 2012. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality Assurance and Quality Control
in XML. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 9 (2012).
International Symposium on Quality Assurance and Quality Control in XML August 6, 2012
Balisage Paper: ACS Publications — Ensuring XML Quality
Tami Stoker has served as the Vendor Relations Manager at the American
Chemical Society for the past four years. She became a Certified Quality Analyst
early in her career and worked in the quality management area for many years,
specializing in business process improvement. Tami resides in Worthington,
Keith Rose is a Lead Programmer Analyst at the American Chemical Society, with
over 25 years of IT experience. He has spent the last five years in the ACS
Publications division working on XML-related projects for both journals and
books. Keith resides in Hilliard, OH.
The benefits of using XML in publishing are widely known but those benefits are
more difficult to attain if the quality of the XML produced by the process is not
consistently at a very high level. This case study outlines the steps that the American Chemical
Society (“ACS”) has taken both in-house and in collaboration with the
vendor to which we have outsourced portions of our publication workflow. In addition
to producing predictable XML, these efforts have also improved our publication
ACS is a professional membership organization, chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1876,
representing over 164,000 professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of
chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry. Primary ACS divisions include Membership
and Programs; Chemical
Abstracts Service, a secondary publisher of chemical-related data,
information abstracts, and databases; and the Publications Division (“ACS Pubs”).
The ACS Manuscript Workflow
The Journal and Book publishing units of ACS Pubs produces over forty STM
peer-reviewed journals focused on various disciplines of chemistry. In 2012, ACS Pubs
expects to publish about 325,000 pages in approximately 40,000 articles
Chemists from around the world document their research results and submit manuscripts
to ACS of their findings for peer review and publication. Once a manuscript has been
reviewed and accepted for publication, ACS receives it in the document format submitted
by the author (Microsoft Word or LaTeX, for example). ACS has standardized on XML
as the
internal manuscript format and uses an “XML-first” approach to facilitate the production
and publication processes. Therefore, before any processing occurs, the author’s
original document is sent to a vendor for conversion into XML, using a DTD that is
customized version of the NLM article DTD. (See ACS Tagsets.)
After the manuscript is converted to XML, ACS staff that have Chemistry or related
scientific degrees (“Technical Editors”) prepare it for publication, editing the paper
for clarity and technical content (see ACS Style Guide) and ensuring
proper markup of content. A proof version of the manuscript is sent to the author
PDF format) for their review and the author’s corrections are applied before it is
published on the ACS
Publications web site and also in print. The composition process of journal
manuscripts (proof, web, and print PDFs) has recently been automated (see ACS Automated Composition), with great success. The high-level of quality of the XML
input to the composition engine is critical to the successful composition results.
This is a simplified narrative of our workflow (see Figure 1). The actual workflow is, of course, much more involved.
Figure 1: ACS XML Workflow Overview
High-level overview of the ACS manuscript workflow.
Why XML Quality is Critical
All of the processing that takes place on the text of each manuscript is performed
after its conversion into XML. Technical Editors use a customized XML editor when
edit the manuscript, and all of the tools which automate the processing of manuscripts
expect and require XML input. The quality of this XML is critical to the successful
completion of each of these tools. A manuscript in XML format must be properly tagged
that it can be parsed. This is easily checked using the DTD. If all required document
elements are present in the XML, and the contents of each of the document elements
valid within their context, then a manuscript has an acceptable quality level for
automation tools. As an example, our tools cannot understand a Publication Year with
value of “next year or maybe the year after”. Documents with invalid tagging or content
require manual intervention to be processed for publication. Given the sheer quantity
XML processed daily at ACS, manual intervention must be a very tiny exception to keep
production costs down and time-to-publication intervals competitive.
To enhance the quality of the XML tagging and contents of each manuscript, validation
tools and tools that perform automatic content and tagging changes (“edits”) were
developed internally by ACS staff. The validation tools are run before the initial
version of the XML content is accepted from the vendor, and again between most workflow
stages. The automatic content and tagging edits are performed before and after the
Technical Editors edit the manuscript.
Validations (Quality Enforced)
There are hundreds of custom validations that are performed on each manuscript.
Validations are typically executed as a manuscript transitions from one workflow stage
to the next. Individual validation checks are collected in logical groups, and those
logical groups of validations are executed by controllers that focus on the workflow
stage of the manuscript.
Some validation requests occur independently of workflow transitions. The vendor who
converts the manuscript from the author’s original document format into XML executes
some of our content validations before sending us the converted manuscript. Technical
Editors may execute our validations directly within their XML editor (Arbortext) to
check the validity of a manuscript before they attempt to promote it. Because validation
requests come from a variety of sources, a web service was developed as a common entry
point for execution of validations (Figure 2).
Figure 2: ACS Manuscript XML Validation Architecture
Validations may be called “on demand” by individual users or by workflow
tools. The particular Validation Controller is specified as a parameter to the
web service request.
Validation violations, which indicate invalid XML tagging or invalid content, are
categorized into three severities: warnings, errors, and fatal errors. Severe validation
violations may prevent a manuscript from proceeding to the next workflow stage, which
would require manual intervention. This is dependent on the particular stage, however.
Violations that would halt processing at one point might be tolerated at a different
point, particularly if a following stage of processing will involve staff interaction
with the manuscript.
When a violation is detected, details are enclosed in a “processing-comment” element
that contains a custom message for the violation. See the example: Violation Message. That element is inserted into the manuscript XML. If
possible, it is inserted close to the location where the violation occurred. If the
violation is not location-specific within the XML, the message element is placed close
to the top of the XML document. Validation violation messages are interpreted by staff
who take the appropriate corrective action. Violation messages are removed automatically
when a manuscript “passes” validations and moves along in the workflow.
If a severe violation exists in the new converted manuscript XML that is sent from
vendor, it is automatically rejected back to the vendor. Both the vendor and ACS receive
notifications of the rejections so that we can track any chronic issues and also ensure
that the violations are corrected and the manuscript is resent.
ACS utilizes Documentum, a content management system, to store and process
manuscripts. Documentum includes a Java API for custom application integration. ACS
content validations are implemented using a few different technologies, including
and Groovy. Implementing validations in Java and Groovy allow for validation of the
manuscript content against data stored in the Documentum database, and the behavior
some validations change in subtle ways depending on manuscript attributes that are
stored in the Documentum database. Validations written in Groovy may be developed
quickly and deployed into production without incurring down-time.
The framework and validations that were implemented using Groovy were inspired by
of the main concepts of Schematron,
such as the use of XPath
expressions and assertion style programming. Individual validations that had no
dependency on information stored in the content management system could have been
implemented using Schematron. However, many validations did have that dependency,
there was a desire for a consistent approach in validation code.
Example 1
When a manuscript is ready for publication in an issue of a journal, a check is
performed to ensure that //date[@date-type=’issue-pub’] is present in
the content XML. If it is present, it is also checked to ensure that it is a valid
date. If it is present and contains a valid date, then it is checked to ensure that
it matches the “issue publication date” value stored in the Documentum database for
that particular manuscript.
Example 2
We validate that the element <journal-id> is present as a child
of the <journal-meta> section (which must also be present), and
that the <journal-id> contents must be two characters in length.
The XPath expression that finds elements matching that condition is
//journal-meta/journal-id[string-length(.)=2]. If there are no
elements that match that expression then a violation message is inserted into the
tagging and the overall validations result is a fatal error.
Validation code (Groovy)
xmlTestXPath(vid: 'journal-id',
desc:'Journal Id must be present and be 2 characters long',
Violation message
<tep-common:processing-comment category="Validation" error-code="exact-string-length"
type="fatal">Journal Id must be 2 characters long.</tep-common:processing-comment>
Automatic Edits (“Hands-Free” Quality)
At two different times during the processing of a manuscript, content and tagging
changes are automatically applied to the XML document. The first time (“pre-edit”)
occurs between the stages when the manuscript is converted into XML and when the
Technical Editor edits it.
Pre-edits are commonly applied content corrections and tagging enhancements. For
example, commonly misspelled (mispelled?) words are automatically corrected. Another
simple example is that <title-group> elements are added if they are
The goal of these automatic edits is twofold: to reduce the amount of time Technical
Editors spend manually making common changes, and to increase quality by lowering
chances that instances of errors slip through the manual editing process. (Humans
catch every mispelled word!)
Automatic edits are also applied after the Technical Editors complete the manual
editing process. These edits (“post-edits”) do not typically alter the element contents,
but target the element tagging. Tagging is normalized (extraneous attributes removed,
etc.) and the manuscript is prepared for future stages, such as web and print
The automatic edit process itself is complex, and is accomplished using a combination
of technologies. Many edits are implemented in Java after the XML document has been
parsed. Some edits are implemented using XSL templates. We have developed thousands
individual edits, and continue to add them to our collection.
Example 1
Label and head elements whose content is enclosed entirely inside certain
formatting tagging will have that formatting tagging stripped. This is implemented
in Java instead of XSL so that the list of formatting tagging can be supplied in
dynamic properties.
<label><bold>Label 1</bold></label>
<label>Label 1</label>
Example 2
This code adds a processing comment to the document XML that contains the page
count of the manuscript. This is one example of an addition to the content XML that
requires retrieval of information from the Documentum database.
* Add a processing comment to the document to let the TechEd know what
* the current DOTS page count is for the document.
* @param doc ACS Journal DOM Document
public void addPageCountProcessingComment(Document doc)
try {
String mscNo =
acsJournalUtil.xpathFindString(doc, ACSJournalUtil.XPATH_DOCUMENT_ID_OLD_9);
String pageCount =
dotsMetaDataService.getAttribute(mscNo, DOTSMetaDataService.PAGECNT_TAG);
int pageCountNum = Integer.parseInt(pageCount);
if (pageCountNum == 0) {
acsJournalUtil.addProcessingComment(doc, null,
getMessageForId(STANDARD_EDITS_PAGE_COUNT_ZERO, pageCount));
} else {
acsJournalUtil.addProcessingComment(doc, null,
getMessageForId(STANDARD_EDITS_PAGE_COUNT, pageCount));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Unable to determine DOTS page count.", e);
acsJournalUtil.addProcessingComment(doc, null,
Vendor XML Quality
ACS outsourced the conversion and composition of its journals approximately five years
ago, creating the need for someone to manage vendor relations. Initially, the job
position didn’t include quality metrics experience but over time, metrics experience
proved necessary. Ensuring vendor quality ultimately was implemented in three ways:
vendor scoring, vendor validations, and vendor manual rejections.
Vendor Scoring
Measuring the quality of the XML was the first problem undertaken. XML standards,
or conventions, had already been established with the vendor. For example:
For elements that allow text, any deterministic leading and trailing white
space within element content should be avoided or moved outside of the tag. […]
the pink spaces below should be omitted, and the blue spaces should be relocated
into the adjacent text:
With a few exceptions, this largely boiled down to following the author submitted
authority document. After the source document is converted to XML and returned to
ACS, Technical Editors are responsible for editing the paper according to
established standards. After consideration of many options, it was determined that
the “goodness” of a paper was tied to the time it took the Technical Editor to fix
any mistakes that happened in conversion; time that was very costly. Moreover, this
added the element of the criticality of an error, rather than just the number of
errors. A small team of ACS staff members worked to devise the Conversion Scorecard
where the Technical Editor could record the minutes they took to fix problems while
they were editing the manuscript. This process allowed ACS to integrate scoring into
the existing editing process to make the data collection process as efficient as
possible. Following is a sample section from the Conversion Scorecard.
Table I
Minutes to fix equations that were not
keyed that should have been?
Minutes to fix equations that were not
MathML that should have been?
Minutes to make the paper match author copy (beyond 2 items above)
Equation Subtotal
The scoring methodology having been determined, the next issue was how to apply
that to the approximately 40,000 manuscripts received by ACS for publication in a
year in an efficient yet statistically valid manner. One important factor was that
even with the scorecard, scoring was somewhat complicated. For the scores to be
valid, the same criteria had to be applied in deciding if something was an issue.
Also, two Technical Editors had to apply very similar resources to fix the same
issue in two different papers. In order to maintain this consistency, a small team
of scorers was selected who could be trained to use the same standards and then
monitored to ensure that they were recording time in a similar manner. Six of our
most effective and efficient Technical Editors were selected, trained, and then
evaluated to ensure their scoring was uniform by having them independently score the
same set of manuscripts.
With the small scoring team in place, the next determination was to find the
smallest sample of manuscripts that could be scored and still give a very high
degree of confidence that the sample was representative of the entire manuscript
population. A sampling technique which was developed in-house by a Quality
Management team in another division of ACS was used. That team started with standard
sampling protocols taught in any statistical course, then created and tested a
technique used to prove that scoring a relatively small number of items from a huge
population was statistically representative of the entire population. The technique
consisted of randomly selecting approximately 10% of the manuscripts submitted in
month, or 60 manuscripts. From that group of 60 manuscripts, 40 manuscripts were
randomly selected. From that sub-sample of 40, 20 manuscripts were randomly
selected. That sub-sub sample was then scored. The overall standard mean score and
the standard deviation for the sub-sub sample was determined. Then the remaining 20
manuscripts were scored (those not included in the first sub-sub sample). The
overall standard mean and standard deviation for this set was then determined. In
looking at the standard deviation from the two sets and the mean scores, it was
determined with a confidence of 90% (which is standard for non-life threatening
applications), that the mean score for a random sample of 20 manuscripts was within
11% of the score for the entire population. The width of this interval was deemed
Given this number, open source “random selector” code was used to select 240
numbers from 1-40,000, which was 20 manuscripts per month for 12 months. The 240
random numbers were entered in a table. When a manuscript was submitted to the
workflow with a sequential number that matched a number in the table, that
manuscript was flagged. For example, if 1253 was a number in the table, when the
1253rd manuscript of the year was submitted, then a scoring attribute for that
manuscript was updated in our workflow system and an email was sent to the scoring
team telling them the manuscript was ready to be scored as soon as it returned from
When ACS first started scoring, the average number of minutes to fix a manuscript
was 9.5. Today the number is between 1 and 2 minutes per manuscript. This
significant improvement was achieved by a collaborative effort with the vendor to
focus on the same issues and apply continuous improvement to those issues. This
conversion score is reported weekly both internally and to the vendor. One of the
real advantages of the reporting is that it is immediately obvious if there has been
a change that affects the quality.
Vendor Validations
Another way the quality of our converted XML is ensured is by allowing the vendor
to call our web service to run the ACS validations program. As mentioned earlier,
ACS has a robust validations system that is applied to manuscripts at many points
throughout the production workflow, including when manuscripts are returned by the
vendor. Rather than waiting until a manuscript is returned to run those validations,
ACS opened up the validations via web service to the vendor, significantly reducing
the number of manuscripts ever sent to ACS which have validation errors. This also
helped the vendor to meet turnaround time SLOs.
The validations check against our DTD but also against established conversion
conventions. Following is an example of a validations error the vendor might see
upon executing the validations service:
Validation failures were detected for np200906s
Journal: np
Msc Type: r-Review
FATAL: The content of element type "metadata" must match
Vendor Manual rejections
Because ACS edits XML that is relatively complex, understandably some errors that
are difficult to catch with validations are introduced during technical editing.
These errors often interfere with good composition. These mistakes were originally
addressed via emails between ACS and the vendor. This caused problems when emails
were lost or sent to out-of-office staff. There was also no enduring record of the
problems being addressed. Working with the vendor, a way was implemented to reject
incorrect tagging that affected composition. For example, a table attribute might
have been set to be anchored instead of as float which resulted in poor rendering
the composed output. Code was installed at ACS and also at the vendor’s site which
allowed the vendor to reject a composition request with a meaningful error code. Now
when the ACS workflow system receives an error code, four things happen:
the specific instructions that the vendor entered at the time of the
rejection is entered in the ACS workflow system as a note attached to the
manuscript. For example, “Figure 1 appears in the document but is not
the code is looked up in a table and general instructions present in the
table for that error code are found
these instructions, both specific and general, become the text of an email
sent to the appropriate ACS staff member
the manuscript is auto-routed in the workflow system to the appropriate
stage to be corrected by either a Graphics Editor, a Production Assistant,
or a Technical Editor, depending on the error to be corrected
Not only did this improve publication time but it improved the quality of the work
done by ACS staff by giving immediate feedback on errors committed. The rejections
are also parsed periodically to help guide other efforts to improve throughput and
The steps taken by ACS to measure, auto-correct, and validate our XML have made a
positive difference in all aspects of the workflow. Technology is evolving daily and
think that efforts to ensure XML quality are complete is to already be behind. For
example, we have made over 30 changes to our validations and pre-edits alone since
beginning of the year. ACS is committed to continually monitoring and improving the
processes we have put in place to ensure the quality of our XML.
O'Brien, Dan and Fisher, Jeff.
“Journals and Magazines and Books, Oh My! A Look at ACS' Use
of NLM Tagsets.” JATS-Con Proceedings 2010.
Edited by Coghill, Anne M.
and Garson, Lorrin R. “The ACS Style Guide: Effective
Communication of Scientific Information, 3rd ed.” 2006. ISBN: