from Christopher R. Maden

I first became aware of CMSMcQ when working on an e-edition of TEI P3 in DynaText (or maybe DynaWeb). While I was mostly corresponding with Lou Burnard, I began to be aware of the several looming intellects behind the specification. A short time later, as I was getting involved in the XML standardization effort, I got to witness his intellectual scalpel in full force.

I don’t remember when I actually first properly met him. I surely heard talks at SGML’XX and its successors... but at some point between Markup Technologies and Balisage, I feel I got to know him, at least a little, and he was a thorough delight on every axis and by every measure. I won’t further abuse the startlingly accurate clichés already entered into the litany here.

Later, when I was working at the University of Illinois, I got the delight of hearing from library science students who were taking classes with him, and sharing their enthusiasm about his amazing presentations and personality as they met him for the first time.

Balisage has been inconvenient to attend for me the last few years, and regret for those decisions will weigh heavy for some time to come.

Michael will live on in our memories and, for far longer, in technical specifications that will be foundational yet unseen for generations, like the tunnels under Chicago.