Balisage Series on Markup Technologies

ISSN 1947-2609

Volume 14: Proceedings of the Symposium on HTML5 and XML

ISBN-13 978-1-935958-10-9

Symposium on HTML5 and XML

Washington, DC

August 4, 2014

Chair: Robin Berjon

Despite a decade of efforts dedicated to making XML the markup language of the Web, today it is HTML5 that has taken on that role. While HTML5 can in part be made to work with an XML syntax, reliance on that feature is rare compared to use of HTML5’s own syntax.

Over the years, the competition between these two approaches has led to animosity and frustration. But both XML and HTML5 are now clearly here to stay, and with the upcoming standardization of HTML5 in 2014 it is now time to take stock and see how both technologies — and both communities — can cooperate constructively.

There are many environments in which these two markup languages are brought to interact. Additionally, there is much that they can learn from one another. We are looking forward to sharing experiences and ideas that bring the two together.

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