
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies

ISSN 1947-2609

Volume 16: Proceedings of the Symposium on Cultural Heritage Markup

ISBN-13 978-1-935958-12-3

Symposium on Cultural Heritage Markup

Washington, DC

August 10, 2015

These Proceedings were generated using XSLT (versions 1.0 and 2.0) from XML source data provided by the authors. We run off Apache Cocoon as a production server, generating HTML, EPUB and XML from the authors’ source and copying these results onto a static web site for persistence.

The XML schema (DTD) used for these Proceedings was adapted from Docbook 5.0 by B. Tommie Usdin with the assistance of Mark Shellenburger, Dick Hamilton, Norm Walsh, and associates at Mulberry Technologies, Inc.

The XML processing for this site was designed by Wendell Piez, modified and updated by Carter Glass, and run by Tonya Gaylord, who also provided editorial assistance.

EPUB implementation was written by Carter Glass of Mulberry Technologies, Inc.

The software packages we used included Apache Cocoon, oXygen, and Saxon.

There is nothing so practical as a good theory