Balisage Paper: Dynamic Style

Implementing Hypertext through Embedding Javascript in CSS

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2018
July 31 - August 3, 2018

The materials listed below were provided by the speaker as supplements to a presentation at Balisage. These materials may include the slides or visuals used in the presentation; supplementary material, such as code samples or a demonstration application; and/or the paper accompanying the presentation (if it has not been provided in XML). These materials have been zipped for easy download and are identified by a brief description of the contents. The materials themselves are untouched, that is, they have not been tested or edited by Balisage: The Markup Conference or by Mulberry Technologies, Inc. As such, they are included on this website AS IS, i.e., as provided by the speaker, with no warranties, express or otherwise, made by Balisage or Mulberry.

Slides and Materials


Berners-Lee, Tim. April, 1997. URI References: Fragment Identifiers on URIs. Cambridge, MA: World Wide Web Consortium.


Bos, Bert, et al. 07 June 2011. Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1). W3C Recommendation (edited in place 12 April 2016 to point to new work).


Boyer, John and Marcy, Glenn. 1989. Canonical XML Version 1.1 W3C Recommendation 2 May 2008. Cambridge, MA: World Wide Web Consortium.


Cailliau, Robert and Helen Ashman. 1999. Hypertext in the Web - a History. ACM Computing Surveys 31(4). doi:


Çelik, Tantek, et al. 30 January 2018. Selectors Level 3 W3C Candidate Recommendation.


DeRose, Steven and Andries van Dam. 1999. Document structure and markup in the FRESS hypertext system. Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 1(1), January 1999: 7-32. doi:


ECMA International. June 2018. Standard ECMA-262: ECMAScript® 2018 Language Specification. 9th edition. See also ISO/IEC 16262 and Javascript.


W3C Editor (unnamed in draft). 21 June 2018. CSS Generated Content Module Level 3: Editor’s Draft.


Etemad, Elika J. and Dave Cramer. 2 June 2016. CSS Generated Content Module Level 3 W3C Working Draft.


Garrett, Jesse James. February 18, 2005. Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications.


Gettier, E. L. 1963. Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? Analysis 23: 121-3. doi:


jQuery. Home page:


Nelson, Ted. 1981. Literary machines. Sausalito, California: Mindful Press.


Wall, Larry, Christiansen, Tom, and Schwartz, Randal. 1996 Programming Perl. 2nd Edition. Boston: O’Reilly. ISBN 13:9781565921498.

Author's keywords for this paper:
Hypertext; Hypermedia; FRESS; CSS; Javascript