Sperberg-McQueen, C. M. “Keyboarding Frege's concept writing: A case study in the use of invisible XML.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2023, Washington, DC, July 31 - August 4, 2023. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2023. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 28 (2023). https://doi.org/10.4242/BalisageVol28.Sperberg-McQueen01.
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2023 July 31 - August 4, 2023
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is the founder and principal of
Black Mesa Technologies, a consultancy specializing in helping
memory institutions improve the long term preservation of and
access to the information for which they are
He served as editor in chief of the TEI Guidelines from
1988 to 2000, and has also served as co-editor of the World
Wide Web Consortium’s XML 1.0 and XML Schema 1.1
Copyright 2023 by the author
Gottlob Frege’s 1879 book
Begriffsschrift (Concept Writing) poses a
number of problems for the would-be digitizer, most notably its
extensive use of a two-dimensional notation not easily reduced
to a linear sequence of characters. With careful study,
however, the notation can be seen to possess a clear internal
logic, and an easily keyboardable serialized form for data
capture can be designed, which makes it easy to transcribe even
complex formulas. Invisible XML supports the key step of
parsing that data capture format and turning it into usefully
structured XML, from which routine stylesheets can generate SVG
images of the two-dimensional formulae and other useful outputs.
This paper describes the use of invisible XML to solve a
problem arising in the preparation of an electronic book version of
Gottlob Frege’s 1879 pamphlet Begriffsschrift
(concept writing). On many accounts, Frege’s work
marks the beginning of modern logic, but the two-dimensional
notation which gives the book its title poses some challenges for
data capture. Most alarmingly, it is not obvious at first glance
where the transcriber should begin and where they should end:
Frege’s notation exploits both dimensions of the writing surface,
but for keyboarding it would be helpful to reduce the
two-dimensional input to a one-dimensional linear sequence.
Invisible XML provides a convenient way to define an ad-hoc language
for transcribing Frege’s formulas.[1]
The first section of the paper provides some background on
Frege’s notation (section “Background”); the second section
defines the problem to be solved (section “The problem”). The
third section describes the use of invisible XML to solve the
problem (section “The solution”). A final section describes
some additional uses of the digitized formulas that go beyond the
initial task and identifies some follow-on work to be done in the
future (section “Extensions and follow-on work”).
Oversimplifying slightly, the consensus of those concerned
with formal logic is that formal logic in its modern form was
introduced by the German mathematician Gottlob Frege in 1879 in
his book Begriffsschrift: eine der arithmetischen
nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens (Frege 1879). The title can be translated as
Concept writing [or: concept notation, or: concept script,
or even: ideographic script]: a formula language for pure thought,
modeled on that of arithmetic. Frege used his notation in
his two-volume work on the fundamental laws of arithmetic (Frege 1893), which attempted to show that numbers and
arithmetic can be derived from purely logical assumptions without
appeal to empirical observation and which influenced the similar
efforts of Russell and Whitehead in their Principia
It must be noted, however, that logicians and historians of
logic appear to cite Frege’s work somewhat more frequently than
they read it. And although late in life Frege thought of his
conceptual notation as his most lasting achievement, he appears to
be the only student of logic who ever used it in published work.
When historians of philosophy describe it, words like
idiosyncratic and
eccentric are deployed, and there are few
efforts to explain the notation and none to use it. This is not
unique to Frege: Russell and Whitehead’s notation is also
increasingly distant from the way logicians now write formulas,
and sometimes needs paraphrase and commentary. But Russell and
Whitehead’s notation mostly looks archaic; Frege’s notation is
completely foreign.
When logicians claim that Frege created modern logic in
1879, they probably have in mind things like his rejection of the
traditional subject + predicate analysis of propositions
(traditional since Aristotle) in favor of an analysis of
propositions in terms of functions and arguments (similar in
crucial ways to the functions and arguments of mathematics, and
for that matter of computer programming), his introduction of an
operator for universal quantification, and his approach of
constructing his logical system on the basis of a very small set
of primitive logical operators (material implication, negation,
and universal quantification). Contrary to his own evaluation of
his work, his notation, like some aspects of the notation of Peano
and Russell and Whitehead, is not regarded as his major
Some time ago the author of this paper conceived the idea of
republishing the book in ePub format (IDPF/W3C 2019), to
make it more readily available to students. The 1879 book is
rather short -- more a booklet than a book -- and its high
historical interest makes it seem an ideal candidate for such a
It is clear on even a casual examination of Frege’s text,
however, that the project is not a quick or simple one. A sample
page from a scan of the copy of Frege’s book held in the
Bibliothèque nationale may make the problem clear.
Figure 1
Some aspects of the page are perfectly familiar in technical
writing and other academic writing: numbered sections (here
§16 at the beginning of the page), displayed formulas with
numbers (here, numbers on the right margin mark formulas 8 and 9),
the mixture of prose text with display material, and even the use
of inline formulas.
But the formulas themselves appear to defy description, and
even more so to defy transcription. We see italic Roman letters
(a, b, c, d) running down the right side of each formula, and they
are connected by a network of horizontal and vertical lines whose
meaning, if they have one, is unclear to the casual
It is perhaps no wonder that the reviewers of Frege’s book
found his notation off-putting. It is not just that it was
unfamiliar. Any new notation is unfamiliar, but mathematics is
full of work which introduces new notations. Not all of them are
rejected as decidedly as Frege’s was. But at a first
approximation, mathematical notation is by and large linear. It
can be written left to right, and when an equation gets too long
to fit on a line it can be broken over two lines in much the same
way as prose. There are non-linear components and other
complications in standard mathemtical notation, of course:
individual symbols may be decorated with subscripts and
superscripts, symbols from non-Latin alphabets can be pressed into
service, new operators of unfamiliar shape may be introduced. But
to a large extent, equations have a left-hand side, an equals
sign, and a right-hand side, and they can be read aloud or
transcribed by starting at the left and working towards the
right. There are certainly mathematical notations which are not
purely linear: matrix notation, summations, integrals, and so on.
Note that all of these are associated with somewhat advanced
mathematics and that all of them create identifiable expressions
which can in turn be integrated into a linear flow. Also,
notations like that for summations and integrals have a fixed
number of argument positions.
nineteenth-century works on logic, like that of Boole, used an
essentially similar linear notation; Boole even borrowed the
conventional notation for addition and multiplication to represent
logical disjunction and conjunction. Frege, by contrast, exploits
the two-dimensionality of the writing surface in ways that are
unfamiliar. His two-dimensional structures appear to have a
variable number of argument positions, and to have more internal
variation than other two-dimensional mathematical notations have.
There is no real opportunity to apply habits acquired in other
reading, no transfer of training. This may or may not explain the
failure of others to adopt Frege’s notation, but it does seem to
represent a problem for the would-be transcriber who would like to
spend an hour or so in the evenings typing in a few pages of the
book, until a usable electronic text is created.[2]
The problem
The problem as it presented itself to the author is fairly
simple to describe: to make an XML version of Frege’s book, how on
earth do we capture the diagrams? And once they are captured, how
do we display them?
One possibility is to treat the formulas as graphics; this
is not unheard of in ebook publication. The quality of the
available images speaks against using extracts from them in that
way: as the reader can observe by consulting the page reproduced
above, not all of the horizontal and vertical lines are registered
clearly in the scan; some are interrupted, and a few have
disappeared entirely.[3] And as users of ebooks will be aware,
treating formulas as graphics leads to a variety of
inconveniences. When the user switches the book to night
mode, or sets a sepia background, or changes the font size,
formulas digitized as graphics often stubbornly refuse to
change; this is particularly distracting when graphics have
been used as a substitute for unusual characters by publishers
who do not really trust Unicode fonts. In a commercial
project, perhaps deadline pressure would force the use of the
formulas-as-graphics approach. But this is not a commercial
project and the author had the luxury of postponing further
work on the ebook until a way could be found to represent the
formulas in a more congenial way.
The requirements and desiderata for the project are these:
There should be a natural XML
representation of Frege’s notation, expressible as an
extension to the TEI vocabulary.[4]
The XML representation should ideally focus on the
meaning of the formula and not on its layout, in order to make
it possible to generate representations of the formulas in
conventional logical form.
It must be possible, from the XML representation, to
generate acceptable SVG representations of the formulas in
Begriffsschrift, suitable for use in an
EPub-conformant electronic book.
Experiment suggested that entering the formulas directly
in such an XML representation would be tedious, time
consuming, and error-prone.
So there should be an input language, comparatively
easy to keyboard,[5] which can be translated mechanically into the
appropriate XML. The input language will be used only for
Frege’s concept notation, so it can be simple and
The translation from the language used for keyboarding
into the desired pure representation may be
done in a single step or in multiple steps; there may thus be
multiple XML representations, some closer to the data-capture
format and some closer to a general-purpose representation of
logical formulas.
It is neither a requirement nor a desideratum to have
just one XML representation; equally it is not a requirement
or a desideratum to have more than one.
Brevity in the input language is helpful but less
important than clarity and simplicity: the keyboardist should
be able to focus on transcribing the formula, not on trying to
remember the rules for the input language.
The solution
In order to make a usefully processable representation of
Frege’s notation, the first task is to understand it better. Then
the task of representing it in a keyboardable form can be
Before proceeding to a discussion of the use of invisible
XML in this project, therefore, it will necessary to spend some
time outlining the meaning of Frege’s notation, for several
reasons. Without some understanding of the notation, it will be
hard for the reader to understand the examples or the design of
the invisible-XML grammar. And as mentioned above, it’s safe to
assume that with few exceptions almost no one now living is
actually familiar with Frege’s formula language. And finally, the
author has developed such a strong enthusiasm for Frege’s notation
that he cannot resist the temptation to explain it and show other
people some of its virtues. Those who do not find questions of
notation and two-dimensional layout interesting are given
permission to skim.
Understanding the notation
Survey of the notation
The fundamental goal of the notation is to make explicit
the logical relations among ideas. In that regard it is
similar to the philosophical language often imagined by
Leibniz, who hoped by that by relating each complex content to
the primitive ideas from which it was compounded it would be
possible to achieve greater clarity and more reliability in
reasoning. Unlike Leibniz, however, Frege does not appear to
contemplate an alphabet of all possible primitive ideas.
Instead, he assumes that those ideas will be expressed in a
suitable form developed by the appropriate discipline, and
that the concept notation will be used to express logical
connectives. In the foreword to the 1879 book, Frege mentions
the symbolic languages of arithmetic, geometry, and chemistry
as examples. Part III of the book is devoted to developing
some ideas relevant to the foundations of mathematics, using
in part standard mathematical notation (e.g. for function
application) and in part notations invented by Frege and not
(as far as I can tell) part of
Begriffsschrift proper. In Parts I and
II, however, when introducing his notation and developing some
general logical rules (what he refers to as laws of
pure thought), Frege uses uppercase Greek and
lowercase italic Latin letters to represent primitive (and
atomic) propositions.
A full presentation would probably exceed the patience of
the reader, but the essentials of Frege’s notation as
presented in 1879 can be summarized fairly simply.[6]
We introduce the major constructs of the notation, with
Basic statements. The
basic units of a formula are sentences which can be judged
true or false, more or less what modern treatments of logic
would call propositions.[7]
As noted, Frege does not specify a language or notation for
these; in practice, most of the formulas in the book use
variables to represent the basic statements: uppercase Greek
letters (e.g. Α, Β, Γ)
in the initial presentation of the notation, later often
lowercase italic Latin letters (a, b, c,
...). Some basic statements take the form of
function applications, or predicates with one or more
arguments; here, too, both the functors and the arguments are
typically represented by variables
(e.g. Φ(Α),
Β), and later
Ψ(a) and
similar). It should be noted that applying the notions of
function and argument in logical contexts was one of Frege’s
most important and far-reaching innovations. Equivalence
claims of the form (Α ≡ Β)
also appear as basic statements. (As may be seen,
basic statements are not necessarily
Affirmation. Given a
proposition (e.g. Α), it is
possible to signal explicitly that one believes the
proposition to be true. In Frege’s notation, this is signaled
by a horizontal line to the left of the proposition, with a
vertical stroke at its left end.
Figure 2
To denote the proposition without expressing any view of
its truth, the vertical stroke (the affirmation
stroke) is omitted.
Figure 3
The horizontal line (content stroke) can be
rendered roughly as the proposition that ....
(In Frege 1893, Frege dropped the name
content stroke and explained the
horizontal line as a function which maps a proposition, or a
truth value, to a truth value. This change has implications
for what we would call the type system which are interesting
but which cannot be pursued here.)
Note: In some discussions, the affirmation stroke is
glossed as a claim that the statement is
provable, not simply that it is true,
perhaps because a speaker’s attitude towards the truth or
falsity of a statement is in general a psychological question
with little direct relevance to the actual truth or falsity of
the statement.
Conditionals. The main
logical connective of the Begriffsschrift
is what is sometimes called material
implication, in logic textbooks written variously
as ⇒ and ⊃ (or with other symbols). The
sentence Β ⇒ Α is false in
the case that Β is true and Α false, and otherwise
it is true. Frege renders this thus:
Figure 4
As can be seen, the antecedent Β is written directly
below the consequent Α, and each has a content stroke.
The two content strokes are joined by a vertical line (a
conditional stroke) and a sort of T junction,
and the conditional has its own content stroke to the left of
the T junction. The horizontal line across the top of the
formula is thus divided into two parts: the part to the right
of the conditional stroke represents the proposition
that Α, and the part to the left represents
the proposition that Β implies
Composition of
conditionals. Conditionals can be combined, by
joining the content strokes of the antecedent and consequent
with a new conditional stroke. We can thus combine
Β implies Α with a third
proposition Γ, to form a compound conditional. The
identity of the antecedent and consequent will be evident from
the position of the conditional stroke which joins them. Thus
Figure 5
is visibly a conditional whose antecedent is Γ and whose
consequent is Β implies Α, or in
linear notation ((Γ ⇒ (Β ⇒
Α)), while
Figure 6
has the nested conditional as the antecedent and Γ as
the consequent, in linear notation ((Β ⇒
Α) ⇒ Γ).
Inference. Frege
describes one and only one rule of inference, which
corresponds to the traditional inference called
modus ponens. From (the truth of) a
conditional and the antecedent of that conditional, we can
infer the consequent of the conditional. In principle, one
can write out an inference step by listing the two premises,
then drawing a horizontal rule and writing the conclusion
below the horizontal rule. Writing out an inference in full
thus entails writing both the antecedent and the consequent of
the conditional premise twice; to save trouble, Frege allows
theorems already proved (and given numbers) to be used as
premises by reference: the number of the theorem is given to
the left of the horizontal rule. In practice, Frege also
makes use of a rule allowing consistent substitution of new
terms for variables in a theorem, giving tables of
substitutions in the left margin of an inference. A typical
example may be seen at the bottom of the page given
Negation. In Frege’s
notation, negation is indicated by a short vertical stroke
descending from the content line. To the right of the stroke,
the content line is that of the proposition being negated, and
to the left it is the content stroke of the negation. (In
Frege 1893, negation is simply a function
that maps each truth value to its opposite.) The denial of a
proposition Α, or equivalently the proposition
that Α is false, is represented thus:
Figure 7
To assert that Α is false, we can add an affirmation
Figure 8
quantification. Logic has dealt with quantifiers
like all, some,
not all, and none
since Aristotle. Since the introduction of algebraic
notation, mathematics has used formulas like
x × (y +
z) = x ×
y + x ×
z) with the understanding that
such formulas are to be understood as holding for all values
of the variables x,
y, and z.
One of Frege’s important innovations in logic was to
introduce notation explicitly introducing a variable like
x, with the meaning for all values
of x, it is the case that ...,
with an explicitly understood scope for
the binding of x, which was not
necessarily the entire formula. The rules for working with
variables of limited scope are subtly but crucially different
from those governing variables whose scope is the entire
formula — different enough that Frege uses distinctive
typographic styling for the two kinds of variables. Variables
written as letters of the Latin alphabet (invariably in
italic) are implicitly bound throughout the entire formula,
while variables written in Fraktur have meaning only within
the scope of an explicit universal quantification.[8]
The conventional formula (∀
can thus be written as:
Figure 9
Since the explicit universal quantifier immediately follows
(i.e. is immediately to the right of) the affirmation
stroke, the formula just given is equivalent to a formula
using an implicit universal quantification for
Figure 10
Other topics. The
summary just given reflects Frege’s account of the notation as
given in Part I of Frege 1879, but omits some
further development given in passing in Parts II and III of
the book. The major omissions are:
formula numbers provided for theorems
the labels on premises given explicitly to show the
formula number of the premise
tables showing how premises used in an inference are
derived by substitution from the formula whose number is
a notation allowing new notations to be defined in
terms of pure Begriffsschrift
several uses of that notation to introduce compound
symbols meaning property F is
inherited in the f-series,
y follows
x in the
y appears in the
f-series beginning with
(i.e. y is either identical to
x or follows x
in the f-series) the
operation f is unambiguous
(i.e. f is a function).
These all have substantive interest, and some of them pose a
challenge for the task of generating suitable SVG to display
them, but the only serious problem they pose for the design of
the data capture notation is understanding the meaning of the
new notations well enough to provide plausible linear forms
for them.
One of the frequent criticisms of Frege’s notation is
the observation that any formula typically takes more space on
the page as Frege writes it than it would take if written in a
more conventional linear style. The simple formula
Β implies
Α (or equivalently
Β only if
Α) would be written by
Russell and Whitehead as Β ⊃
Α. The formula takes two lines in Frege’s
notation (with or without the affirmation stroke):
Figure 11
The sixth axiom of Principia Mathematica
takes one line in the notation
(q ⊃ r) ⊃ [(p ∨ q) ⊃ (p ∨ r)]
but expands to take six lines in
Figure 12
It is easy to see why Frege’s contemporaries and successors
have judged the notation unpromising and wasteful of
It should be noted, however, that Frege regarded
formulas like these as artificially simple. His expected
application of the notation was to construct proofs related to
the foundations of mathematics, in which the conditions of
validity should be explicitly stated; a typical formula chosen
at random from the Grundgesetze may
involve eight or ten or more basic statements, each
represented not by a single variable but by a mathematical
formula of five or ten characters.
For such formulas, the comparison of Frege’s notation
and linear notation is more complex. Consider, for example,
the following formula from page 32 of
Frege’s book:[9]
Figure 13
In conventional logical notation, this would be written in
much less space:
((b ⇒ a) ⇒ ((c ⇒ (b ⇒ a))
⇒ ((c ⇒ b) ⇒ (c ⇒ a)))) ⇒
(((b ⇒ a) ⇒ (c ⇒ (b ⇒ a)))
⇒ ((b ⇒ a) ⇒ ((c ⇒ b) ⇒
(c ⇒ a))))
But now consider another formula of similar size. Is this the
same as the previous formula, or different?
((b ⇒ a) ⇒ ((c ⇒ (b ⇒ a))
⇒ ((c ⇒ b) ⇒ (c ⇒ a)))) ⇒
((b ⇒ a) ⇒ (c ⇒ ((b ⇒ a)
⇒ ((b ⇒ a) ⇒ ((c ⇒ b) ⇒
(c ⇒ a))))))
Different readers may experience different results, but I
expect many readers will find it hard to tell without careful
examination and the counting of parentheses whether the
conventional linear formula just given is the same as that
given earlier, or different.
Many readers, on the other hand, may find it easier to
detect the difference (a change in parentheses) by comparing
the equivalent formula in Frege’s notation to the one above:
Figure 14
A quick look at the horizontal lines across the top of the two
formulas shows that they have different numbers of what might
be called top-level conditionals.
As this example illustrates, Frege’s notation provides a
compact visual representation of the structure of the formula,
analogous to that provided by a parse tree for any string
described by a suitable grammar, and also at least roughly
analogous to the structure made explicit in the element
structure of an XML document.
In fact, Frege’s notation is not just
like a parse tree. It can be most easily
read as a parse tree, for a particular
logical syntax, with the root drawn at the upper left instead
of the top center, and the leaves written vertically in
sequence down the right-hand side of the diagram instead of
horizontally across the bottom. Compared to linear notations,
parse trees do take more space. Compared to other parse-tree
notations, Begriffsschrift is noticeably
more compact than most.
Consider the conventional linear representation for
Frege’s theorem 2:
(c ⇒ (b ⇒ a)) ⇒ ((c ⇒ b)
⇒ (c ⇒ a))
A parse tree for this expression, drawn more or less
conventionally, might look like this:
Figure 15
If rotated 45 degrees counter-clockwise, it might look like
Figure 16
Arranging all the leaves vertically on the right we have:
Figure 17
And if we now replace diagonal lines with vertical and
horizontal lines, we have something that bears a striking
visual resemblance to Frege’s notation:
Figure 18
The actual form of this expression in
Begriffsschrift is:
Figure 19
The shape of the tree is identical; the only change is that
the internal nodes denoting conditionals are not labeled.
They need no labels: since there is only one binary operator
in the language, any internal node in the tree with two nodes
is a conditional. Negation and universal quantification are
unary operators and have only one child; so also affirmation
(which in any case occurs only as a sort of annotation on the
root of the tree).
Writing the leaves top to bottom instead of left to
right also has the effect of reversing the order of the
children of conditional nodes, which works out conveniently
here since Frege writes the consequent before (above) the
antecedent. His practice gives visual prominence to the
consequent of the sequence of conditionals, which is likely to
be of more interest for the argument being developed than the
Like any parse tree, Frege’s notation makes the
structure of an expression much easier to perceive than a
linear notation with multiple levels of nested
The relation between Frege’s notation and parse trees
appears to have passed unnoticed (or at least unmentioned)
until recently, but has now been independently observed and
usefully discussed by Dirk Schlimm (Schlimm 2018). For what it is worth, the author’s
experience suggests that it is much easier to learn to
understand Begriffsschrift formulas
fluently by reading them as parse trees than by attempting to
translate them mentally into conventional notation.
Using ixml to define the data capture language
One obvious natural representation of Frege’s notation
would be an XML vocabulary for the representation of
conventional first-order logic, with elements for propositional
variables and other basic statements, and for the various
logical operations: negation, conjunction, disjunction, material
implication, and quantification. In transcribing Frege, only
basic sentences, material implication, negation, and universal
quantification would be used. The representation is natural
enough, but the idea did not survive contact with even simple
examples: even for a user with long experience editing XML
documents, data entry was very cumbersome.
A second possibility was to record each formula not in XML
but in an easily keyboardable representation of conventional
logic. Formula 2 (used as an example in the discussion of parse
trees above) might be represented as (c implies (b
implies a)) implies ((c implies b) implies (c implies
a)). A post-processing step would be needed to
parse this into the XML form, but the syntax is not very
complicated and writing a parser would be an interesting
exercise. This approach worked a little better than direct
entry of the XML, but it was found cumbersome and error prone.
Transcribing the antecedent of a conditional before the
consequent requires reading Frege’s formulas bottom to top, as
it were, and the correct placement of parentheses was a constant
The key step towards a simpler notation came with the
realization that Β implies Α can also
be verbalized as if Β, then Α, and
the order can be reversed to put the consequent first if we just
say Α if Β. And indeed
Alpha if Beta is the form taken by
the formula
Figure 20
in the data capture language developed for this project. (It
will be convenient to give the language a name; in the remainder
of this paper it will be referred to as kB for
keyboardable Begriffsschrift.)
Perhaps the easiest way to introduce kB is to give the kB
equivalents for the examples given in the survey above, and to
introduce the key ixml definitions for each construct. (The
full ixml grammar is given in an appendix.)
Variables. Uppercase
Greek letters may be entered directly or spelled out:
Α, Β, Γ can be entered as
Alpha, Beta, Gamma. Variables
spelled with italic Latin letters have an asterisk before the
letter itself (so F and
f are spelled
*F and
*f); for lower-case letters, the
asterisk is optional.[10]
Fraktur letters may be written directly (using the
mathematical Fraktur characters of Unicode / ISO
10646) or with a preceding f or
F: 𝔣 and 𝔉 are written
ff and
In each case, the translation of the string into the
appropriate character sequence is handled by marking the data
capture form using -
(hide) and inserting the form that should occur
in the XML produced by the ixml parser. So the rule for
upper-case Greek letters takes the form:
The first line of the production rule accepts any upper-case
Greek character typed by the user; the later lines accept the
names of the characters, written with an initial capital,
suppress the string typed by the user and insert the appropriate
Greek character.
The rules for Fraktur and italic are handled similarly:
These simple short-forms are possible without conflict because
no variable name in Frege’s book is more than one character
long. So using fa to denote Fraktur
a or 𝔞 does not
conflict with any other possible uses. This is an advantage of
devising an input format for such a specialized usage.
These various forms are gathered together as varying
possible expansions of the nonterminals var
and bound-var.
The distinction between the two non-terminals is not strictly
necessary but it may make it easier to check that no Fraktur
variables are used outside the scope of their quantifier.
Function applications.
Function applications are written in the obvious way. In
Frege’s book, no concrete functions actually appear in any
formulas (other than the identity function ≡, which is
written with infix notation): all function applications use
variables both for their arguments and for the function name.
By convention, Frege writes function names with upper-case
variables (Greek, italic Latin, or Fraktur); arguments use
upper-case Greek, lower-case italic Latin, and lower-case
Fraktur. So
Β), and later
Ψ(a) are encoded
in kB as Phi(Alpha),
Psi(Alpha, Beta), and
Affirmation. In kB, the
presence of an affirmation stroke is signaled by the keyword
yes at the beginning of the formula.
The absence of the affirmation stroke may optionally be
explicitly signaled using the keyword
So yes Alpha is the kB
encoding of
Figure 21
And the formula
Figure 22
can be encoded either as maybe Alpha
or just as Alpha.
Conditionals. In kB, the
keyword if takes the consequent as
its left-hand argument and its antecedent as its right-hand
argument; it is thus the converse of conventional implication
(⇒ or ⊃). The formula
Figure 23
is transcribed
Alpha if Beta
So in kB the left-right order of basic statements matches their
top-to-bottom order in Frege’s notation.
Composition of
conditionals. The kB if
keyword is left-associative, so the formula
Figure 24
is transcribed in kB as:
Alpha if Beta if Gamma
Parentheses are used for the case where the antecedent itself is
a nested conditional: the formula
Figure 25
is transcribed
Gamma if (Alpha if Beta)
As an empirical matter, in Frege’s formulas nested conditionals
more frequently occur in the consequent than in the antecedent
of other conditionals, so making if
left-associative saves a considerable number of parentheses. A
similar saving could be achieved in conventional notation for
these formulas, if the material implication were taken to be
right-associative. In practice, definitions of conventional
logical syntax typically require parentheses for all nested
The rules used in ixml to make conditionals
left-associative interact with other operators and will be
discussed below.
Inference. The simple
form of an inference simply lists both premises and the
conclusion. Frege gives this example:
Figure 26
The kB transcription of this is:
we have: yes Alpha if Beta
and: yes Beta
from which we infer: yes Alpha.
For the case where either premise becomes long and complicated,
an optional comma is allowed after it to help the human reader
understand the structure of the formula more easily.
In practice, Frege’s inferences typically replace one of
the premises with a numeric reference to that premise which
appears parenthetically to the left of what may be called the
inference line (the horizontal rule separating premises from
conclusion), followed by either one or two colons. One colon
means the elided premise is the first premise in the
modus ponens, a conditional; two colons
means the elided premise is the second one, which matches the
antecedent of the first premise. Here is Frege’s example of the
second form, assuming that formula XX
asserts the truth of Α:
Figure 27
The kB representation uses the keyword
via to introduce the elided premise:
we have: yes Alpha if Beta,
from which via (XX)::
we infer: yes Alpha.
Further elaborations allow multiple inference steps each
of which elides one premise. Overall, the rules for inferences
are thus the most complex seen so far:
The nonterminal sep identifies a separator:
either whitespace or a comma followed by whitespace:
-sep: ss; (-',', s).
The XML being produced by all of these grammar rules
follows naturally from the rules of invisible XML, but perhaps
an example should finally be given. This is the XML produced by
the sample inference shown just above.
Negation. In keeping with
the general trend of trying to let the transcriber keep their
fingers on the keyboard characters, kB uses the keyword
not to encode negation, in
preference to other symbols often used for negation
!, ...). The negation
Figure 28
is encoded
not Alpha
and the formula
Figure 29
is encoded
yes not Alpha
Since negation is a unary operator, it must be
right-associative (unless we want double negation to require
parentheses, which we do not). But its binding strength
relative to other operators interacts with the rules for those
other operators and so the ixml rules for negation will be
discussed and given below.
Universal quantification.
The conventional formula (∀
can be written as:
Figure 30
In kB, it is written using the keywords
all and
yes all fa satisfy Chi(fa)
Associativity and
binding. In order to define rules for conditionals,
negation, and universal quantification which work acceptably, it
is necessary to consider how they interact. In technical terms,
we must consider the binding strength and associativity of the
relevant operators. In less technical terms, we must decide
what structure should be inferred when ... if
..., not ..., and
all ... satisfy ... occur together
without parentheses to show the desired structure. For some
examples, the desired structure seems obvious; there may not be
any plausible alternative:
not not Alpha
not all fa satisfy Phi(fa)
all fa satisfy not Phi(fa)
not all fa satisfy not Phi(fa)
all fa satisfy all fd satisfy Phi(fa, fd)
all fa satisfy not all fd satisfy not Phi(fa, fd)
not all fd satisfy not all fa satisfy Phi(fa, fd)
Alpha if not Beta
Alpha if not all fa satisfy Phi(fa)
Beta if all fa satisfy not Phi(fa)
Gamma if not all fa satisfy not Phi(fa)
If these examples are legal, it is obvious what structure they
must have; the only alternative would be to require that
explicit parentheses be used:
not (all fa satisfy (Phi(fa)))
all fa satisfy (not (Phi(fa)))
not (all fa satisfy (not (Phi(fa))))
These parenthesized forms should of course be allowed, but
ideally not required.
For some combination forms, we have already decided how
they should be parsed. Nested conditionals should be handled as
described above, so
Alpha if Beta if Gamma
should be equivalent to
(Alpha if Beta) if Gamma
and not to
Alpha if (Beta if Gamma)
A more serious design question arises with the possible
interactions of conditionals with the other two operators. How
should examples like these be parsed?
yes not Alpha if Beta
all fa satisfy Phi(fa) if Gamma
In most programming languages, and in most forms of symbolic
logic, negation is held to bind more tightly than the
conditional, so yes not Alpha if
Beta should probably be interpreted as
yes (not Alpha) if Beta
Figure 31
and not as yes not (Alpha if Beta)
Figure 32
So for negation and conditional, a simple rule seems
possible: conditionals can govern unparenthesized negations in
both antecedent and consequent, but negation never governs an
unparenthesized conditional.
For conditionals and universal quantification, both
possible rules seemed plausible. On the one hand, the syntax may
be easier to remember if the rule for quantifiers and the rule
for negation are the same. So perhaps all fa
satisfy Alpha if Beta should be parsed as
(all fa satisfy Alpha) if Beta). On
the other hand, quantifiers tend to be introduced late in the
exposition of any syntax, and operators introduced late
typically bind loosely. So perhaps all fa satisfy
Alpha if Beta should be parsed as
all fa satisfy (Alpha if
If one form of construct were dramaticaly more common than
the other, it would be natural to encode the more common
construction without parentheses. But a brief examination of
examples suggested that in Frege’s formulas, the number of
quantifiers which govern conditionals and the number of
quantifiers which appear in the consequent of conditionals were
roughly comparable. So neither choice will save a dramatic
number or parentheses.
A third possibility was also considered: if it is this
hard to choose the relative binding strength of all
... satisfy ... and ... if
..., then perhaps parentheses should be required
either way, and the construct all fa satisfy Alpha
if Beta should simply be a syntax error.
In the end, the arguments of simplicity won. In this case,
simplicity took two forms. First, making universal
quantification behave the same way as negation seemed to be
simpler to remember; the rule is simply that neither unary
operator governs an unparenthesized conditional. And second,
making the two unary operators behave the same way made the
formulation of the grammar easier.
The basic requirement is that in some contexts, any
proposition should be allowed, while in other contexts,
unparenthesized conditionals are not allowed but any other
propostion is syntactically acceptable. We thus define rules
for three kinds of propositions.
The nonterminals not and
univ are defined below. The nonterminal
leaf covers all basic statements (the name
leaf is shorter than
basic_stmt). Here, too, the nonterminal
could be hidden, but it turns out to be convenient to have a
single element type as the root of every basic statement.
With the help of the two nonterminals
proposition and
prop-no-ifs, we can now define the various
mutually recursive compound operators. Conditionals have a
consequent and an antecedent. These could be marked hidden to
make the XML syntax simpler, but it’s convenient for some
purposes to be able to select consequents using an XPath
expression like ./consequent rather
than ./*[1].
Using proposition as the definition of
consequent and
prop-no-ifs as the definition of
antecedent has the effect of making
conditionals left-associative.
Since negation never binds a non-parenthesized
conditional, its definition uses
not: -'not', s, prop-no-ifs.
The ixml rule for universal quantifiers also uses
prop-no-ifs, for the same reason.
A note on whitespace
handling. The handling of whitespace is one of the
trickiest and least expected problems confronted by the writer
of invisible-XML grammars. Even those with long experience
using and writing context-free grammars may be tripped up by it,
partly because most practical tools for parser generation assume
an upstream lexical analyser or tokenizer which can handle
whitespace rules, and most published context-free grammars
accordingly omit all mention of whitespace. Because ixml does
not assume any upstream lexical analyser, whitespace must be
handled by the grammar writer.
If care is not taken, then either whitespace will not be
allowed in places where it should be allowed, or it will be
allowed by multiple rules, introducing ambiguity into the
grammar. (In this case, the ambiguity is usually harmless,
since the position of whitespace seldom affects the intended
meaning of the input. But there is no way for the parser to
know when ambiguity is harmless, so it will warn the user.) On
the other hand, if care is taken, then
whitespace handling can begin to consume all too much of the
grammar writer’s thoughts. It would be convenient to have a
relatively simple systematic approach to the handling of
whitespace. So far, there appear to be two such, although
neither has (as far as the author is aware) been described in
writing. They may be called the token-boundary
approach and the whitespace floats upward
Both typically assume some nonterminal for whitespace,
which for concreteness I’ll call s. I
assume s matches zero or more whitespace
characters, so whitespace is usually optional; if whitespace is
required, the paired nonterminal ss can be
The two approaches can be simply described.
The token-boundary approach to
whitespace allows s at the end of every
token in the grammar.
This may sound unhelpful, since ixml does not assume a
separate tokenizer and does not identify tokens as such.
Tokens may nevertheless appear in ixml grammars, identiable
as units within which whitespace is not allowed, and between
which whitespace (usually) is
In the grammar for kB, for example, the nonterminals
italic, etc. can be regarded as
defining tokens. So in a grammar using this approach to
whitespace handling, italic might have
been defined as
-italic: (-'*')?, ['a'-'z'], s.
Note that whitespace is not allowed at the beginning
of a token; any whitespace occurring before an occurrence of
italic will belong to whatever token
precedes the italic variable in the input. This rule avoids
ambiguity caused by whitespace between two tokens being
claimed by both.
Quoted and encoded literals are also usually tokens in
the sense intended here. So in a grammar using this
approach, conditional might be defined:
conditional: consequent, -'if', s, antecedent.
The s must
be supplied, in order to allow whitespace after the
The specification grammar of ixml (that is, the
grammar for ixml grammars, as given in the specification) is
a good example of the token-boundary approach. The approach
has the advantage that any rule not itself defining a token
does not need to worry about whitespace, with the possible
exception of the top-level rule, which must mention
s as its first child, in order to allow
leading whitespace in the strings recognized by the
The whitespace-floats-upward
approach to whitespace can perhaps best be understood as an
application to ixml of a principle followed by many users of
XML and SGML, which is that whitespace occurring at the
boundaries of phrase-level elements belongs outside the
phrase-level element, not inside it. Following this
principle, many users would encode the beginning of this
paragraph as
On this principle, the whitespace before and after a
term (or a token) is not strictly speaking part of the token
and should be outside it, not inside it.
So in the whitespace-floats-upward approach, the basic
rule is that as a rule no nonterminal
begins or ends with whitespace, and if whitespace is needed
at the boundaries of any nonterminal, the parent should
provide it. This approach thus has the disadvantage that
s is mentioned in many high-level
nonterminals, which can distract readers who have not yet
learned to read past it. Another drawback is that rules
with optional children become more complex: instead of
writing xyz? for an optional child, one must
write (xyz, s)? in the simple case, and complex
cases can become tedious.
The grammar given here uses this approach.
Relation to other work
For a notation routinely declared dead, the
Begriffsschrift has inspired a surprising
number of tools and electronic representations.
The programming language
Gottlob. There is an imperative programming language
named Gottlob whose notation is inspired by Frege (Dockrey 2019, see also Temkin 2019) and
which has an in-browser code editor which assists the user in
constructing formulas. Parts of the code really do look like
bits of formulas from Frege’s book. Unfortunately, the notation
of the programming language deviates from Frege in ways that
make using the editor a slightly painful experience for anyone
who has internalized those rules.[11]
The editor offers an export mechanism but the output is a mass
of Javascript which is not really suitable for further
processing (at least, not by this author). The imperative
nature of the language is also a barrier: a purely declarative
language in the style of a theorem prover or Prolog would suit
the notation better.
TeX libraries for typesetting
Begriffsschrift. There appear to
be at least four TeX macro libraries for typesetting the
notation; all are available from CTAN, the standard archive for
TeX libraries. The first three appear to be genetically
Josh Parsons appears to have developed
begriff.sty in 2003 or so, with later
changes and additions by Richard Heck and Parsons (Parsons 2005). It satisfies the basic requirement
(i.e. it can be used to typeset formulas written in Frege’s
notation), but it has the reputation of being a little
awkward. For example, it requires the user to align the
formulas on the right manually.
Quirin Pamp’s frege.sty started
from Parsons’s package but eventually reworked it to the
point of incompatibility. It aligns the style more closely
with that used by Frege’s typesetters.
Marcus Rossberg developed
grundgesetze.sty beginning in 2008 for
use in an English translation of Frege’s
Grundgesetze (Rossberg 2021). It is based on Parsons’s library,
but seeks to match the typographic style of Frege 1893 rather than Frege 1879.
These all differ from the current work in two important ways.
First, because they use TeX to render the formulas, they can be
used to generate PDF or printed pages, but they can be used to
help produce an ebook conforming to the EPub standard only if
the formulas are to be presented as graphics, not if live text
is desired. Second, although the authors have made a certain
effort to give mnemonic names to the macros, their fundamental
concerns appear to be typographic. Also, the context in which
they are working imposes certain limitations on them, and the
TeX formulations for formulas are not notable for their
As an example, consider the following formula, used as an
example in Rossberg’s documentation (If
F(a) holds, then there
exists some 𝔞 such that
Figure 33
Using the macros of grundgesetze.sty and
the native facilities built into LaTeX, this can be rendered
{\GGnot \GGquant{\mathfrak a} \GGnot F \mathfrak a}
This formulation has the drawback, however, that it does not
align the basic statements of the formula vertically on the
right. That can be done by specifying an overall formula width
and marking the basic statements as such using the
\GGterm{} macro:
In kB, this formula becomes yes not all fa satisfy
not *F(fa) if *F(a). I will leave to others to
judge if it is more easily understood: familiarity will make
almost anything easily readable. But it is certainly shorter
and almost certainly easier to type. In a large general-purpose
ecosystem like TeX or LaTeX, short, convenient codes must be
reserved for phenomena common across many texts, and the content
/ markup distinction must be maintained. The result is a
notation that fits fine within TeX, but is a little daunting to
the prospective typist.[12]
Reacting in part to the perceived shortcomings of the
earlier macro libraries, Udo Wermuth developed yet another set
of macros, gfnotation (Wermuth 2015). He provides both a low-level language to
allow fine-grained control over the typesetting of a formula and
a terser higher-level short-form language. As an
example consider the formula:
Figure 34
In the short-form language, this formula is produced by the TeX
code ..\gA.{*.a.{f(\da)}}. It must
be admitted that this is shorter than the formulation
Alpha if all fa satisfy f(fa)
suggested by the work described above. It may be suspected,
however, that a reader will reach fluency in reading kB than in
reading Wermuth’s short-form.
Etext versions of Frege.
Some traces in sources like Wikipedia suggest that there have
been some efforts to transcribe Frege 1893 in
electronic form, and the author has vague memories of having
seen at least a partial transcript online, but the links all
appear to be broken and the author’s belief that there was such
an electronic text cannot be substantiated.
Pamp (Pamp 2012) writes of a plan to
transcribe Frege 1879 and include it with his
macro library as an illustration of the usage of the library,
but the current version of the library contains no file matching
that description.
Extensions and follow-on work
The invisible-XML grammar described here makes it possible
to produce without great effort reasonably perspicuous XML
representations of formulas in Frege’s notation. But that XML
representation has value only to the extent that it can be used to
do interesting and useful things with the formulas. The following
sections describe some things it should be possible to do.
Generating SVG
To present Frege’s formulas in an EPub in their original
form, the appealing representation is to use SVG. The
representation of Begriffsschrift in SVG
is relatively straightforward, once the rules for laying out a
formula are well understood. (The layout rules are worth some
discussion, perhaps, but that discussion must be left to
another document.) For each construct (basic statement,
conditional, negation, and univeral quantifier) a simple
pattern specifies what lines are to be drawn and where any
sub-formulas are to be written. For each element in the input,
the appropriate pattern is written to the SVG document as a
definition; sub-formulas are not expanded in place but instead
their definitions are referred to.[13]
Frege’s inference chains complicate things very slightly.
The original plan was to generate an SVG image for each
inference chain, but for ebook publication that is unlikely to
produce acceptable results. Ebook readers must break the book
into pages for display, and long inference chains will not fit
comfortably on any reasonably sized page. Frege’s typesetters
allow page breaks to occur below the inference line, so that the
premises occur on one page and the conclusion on the next. In
order to provide similar flexibility to ebook readers, it seems
best to render each premise and the conclusion in separate SVG
images, and to position them and the inference line using CSS.
It is not currently clear whether it will be better to handle
formula numbers by including them in the SVG for the numbered
formula or to supply them outside the SVG.
At the time this paper was submitted, SVG generation was
working for all parts of the notation described in this paper
(which is everything presented by Frege in Part I of the book).
Apart from the scan of the sample page of Frege 1879, the images in this paper were all
generated by an XSLT stylesheet from the output of the ixml
processor. The complications and elaborations introduced in
Parts II and III are not yet supported by the SVG
Generating first-order logical formulas
It is not an essential part of the project, but once
Frege’s formulas are in a suitable XML format, it is
straightforward to translate them into other syntaxes for
symbolic logic. This can help explain the meaning of a formula
to readers familiar with conventional symbolic logic but not
conversant with Frege’s notation,[14]
and indeed a recent edition of Frege 1893
performs that task for the entire book, on the theory that
Frege’s mathematical work is worth studying that that no one can
be expected to learn to read
Begriffsschrift in order to do so.
A translation into a conventional linear notation can can
also be used to process Frege’s formulas with other software.
By translating Frege’s theorems into the input syntax of
automated theorem provers (e.g. that described in Sutcliffe/Suttner 2022 and Sutcliffe 2022, which is
accepted as input by a number of programs), it is possible to
check to see whether those propositions are theorems in the
logic supported by the theorem provers. This is not likely to
be of much interest as a check on Frege, since his 1879 book
does not suffer (as far as I know) from the paradox found by Russell in Frege’s
later work. But the exercise does provide a form of mechanical
check on the correctness of the transcription: any theorem from
the book which is not proven as a theorem by an automated
theorem prover is likely to suffer from transcription
So far experiments with the proof assistant ACL2 and the
automated theorem prover E have been successful.
Follow-on work
One possible follow-on to the work described here is work
on using an extension of Frege’s notation to display formulas in
conventional symbolic logic. When conventional linear notation
is used, the presentation of long formulae can be challenging:
how can line breaking and indentation be used to make the
structure of the formula easier to see, and make the formula
itself easier to understand?
As discussed above, Begriffsschrift
can be read as a parse tree for a conventional symbolic
representation of a formula which uses only basic statements,
negation, conditionals, and universal quantifications. Linear
formulas not limited to those operators can also be represented
using a parse tree drawn in Frege’s style, if we are content to
label nodes with their operators.
More work is needed, but experiments thus far have been
Another possible follow-up is the automatic generation of
alt-text descriptions of formulas in Frege’s notation, to
improve the accessibility of digital versions of Frege’s
Lessons learned
Some points illustrated by the work described here may be
worth calling attention to.
It is much easier to work with information if you
understand it. It is much easier to design a shorthand
representation for information if you understand it.
Even a superficial understanding may help. At first
glance, the two-dimensional notation devised by Frege seemed
impenetrable to this author, but a little study, given
particular focus by the task of data entry, made it possible
to develop a terse and (I think) easily comprehensible
linear representation of the notation.
Context-free grammars allow much more convenient data
entry formats than regular expressions.
By bringing the full power of grammars to bear, we can
devise a data format to handle more complex expressions than
would be possible with regular expressions. By exploiting
ixml’s notation for grammars, we can annotate the grammar
and explain it to the maintenance programmer (that is,
ourselves in a few months’ time) better than is typically
feasible with regular expressions.
Compact notations defined by context-free grammars may
be both more compact and easier to keyboard than
corresponding XML. This is particularly helpful for what
Josh Lubell calls SANDs (specialized arcane non-trivial
data) with high information density (and, in a useful XML
representation, a high tag-to-content-character ratio). It
is likely to be expecially helpful when the data format in
question is recursive.
Like various tag minimization features of SGML,
invisible XML makes it feasible to use much deeper nesting
of elements and a much higher markup-to-content ratio than
is usual in tag sets designed for manual application.
The extra tags can make later processing simpler, and
can make the XML representation of the information denser
and harder to read without custom display options for
selective hiding of markup.[15]
Small things can make a big difference in the
development and use of an ixml grammar.
Invisible-XML deletions and insertions make it
possible to perform simple transliteration while parsing, as
illustrated here by the treatment of Greek and of Fraktur.
And a simple systematic approach to the definition of
whitespace (here, the
whitespace-floats-upward approach) can
minimize the whitespace-related troubles of grammar
Like a schema, an ixml grammar does not need to
enforce every rule.
If downstream software will break when a rule is not
followed, that rule is probably worth enforcing. But often
the grammar can be slightly simpler if it allows some
constructions that don’t actually occur in practice, by not
enforcing some exceptions as special cases.
In Frege’s notation, for example, both explicitly bound
variables (typeset in Fraktur) and implicitly bound variables
(italics) can be used as function arguments, but Fraktur
variables are never used to stand for basic statements (as
propositional variables), only italic variables. Frege also
uses upper-case Greek variables as function arguments, but
only within tables of substitutions, where they have a special
meaning. The grammar is much simpler if it does not try to
enforce these conventions. A more complex grammar would make
it easier to catch some transcription errors, but those errors
are not actually very common. Making the grammar simpler
makes it easier to avoid errors in the grammar. In this case,
the tradeoff is clear. Several other examples of regularities
found in Frege but not enforced by the grammar are noted in
the kB grammar.
Even if the grammar does not enforce every rule, it may
be necessary to write escape hatches into it.
Because he is presenting a new notation, Frege from time
to time discusses the notation and alternatives he has
considered and rejected. At the beginning of the book, for
example, he shows examples of content strokes and affirmation
strokes which are accompanied by no basic statements and thus
have nothing whose content and affirmation they can denote.
After showing how the conditional and negation together can be
used to express the logical operators AND and OR, he shows how
an alternative notation based only on conjunction and negation
could similarly be used to express the conditional. And
towards the end of the book, he illustrates why certain
subexpressions in a particular notation must be subscripted,
by showing a similar expression in which they are not
subscripted and discussing the problems that would arise in
that case.
Such examples of syntactically invalid forms have been
ignored in the discussion here, but if an ebook is to be
produced they must be handled one way or another. Either kB
must be extended to include ways to express these negative
cases, or they must be routed through a different secondary
workflow. (Re-organizing kB to focus on typographic form and
not on meaning is also theoretically an option, but it would
involve giving up on most of the requirements and desiderata
identified above.)
Appendix: ixml grammar in full
For reference, the full ixml grammar for the data capture
language kB is given below.
{ Gottlob Frege, Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetisschen
nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens (Halle a.S.:
Verlag von Louis Nebert, 1879. }
{ Revisions:
2023-04-18 : CMSMcQ : allow page breaks in inferences.
2023-04-05 : CMSMcQ : move on to Part III.
2023-04-05 : CMSMcQ : move on to Part II.
. allow braces for parenthesized propositions
. support formula numbers
. unhide conclusion/formula
. allow tables of substitutions
2023-04-01 : CMSMcQ : add italic caps (*F)
2023-03-31 : CMSMcQ : tweaks (make functor an element)
2023-03-29 : CMSMcQ : tweaks (hiding, Greek, Fraktur)
2023-03-28 : CMSMcQ : everything in Part I is now here
2023-03-27 : CMSMcQ : started again from scratch
2020-06-23 : CMSMcQ : made standalone file
2020-06-03/---06: CMSMcQ : sketched a grammar in work log
{ Preliminary notes:
The grammar works mostly in the order of Frege's presentation, and
top down.
We follow the basic principle that no nonterminal except the
outermost one starts or ends with whitespace.
{ ****************************************************************
Top level
{ What we are transcribing -- an inline expression that needs special
attention, or a typographic display -- can be any of several things:
- a formula expressing a proposition, either with an affirmative
judgement (nonterminal 'yes') or without (nonterminal 'maybe'),
- the declaration of a new notation, or
- an inference (one or more premises, and one or more inference
steps, or
- a basic formula without a content stroke (perhaps not strictly
to be regarded as a full formula in Frege's notation, but in
need of transcription).
If there are other kinds of expressions, I've missed them so far.
After any of these, we allow an optional end-mark.
-begriffsschrift: s,
; inference
; notation-declaration
; mention
s, (end-mark, s)?.
{ ****************************************************************
{ A formula is one sequence of basic statements with a logical
superstructure given by content strokes, conditional strokes,
negation strokes, and possibly an affirmation stroke.
As mentioned in §6 but not shown in detail until §14, formulas can
be numbered (with a label on the right), and when used as a premise
they can be (and in practice always are) numbered with a label on
the left, to show where the formula was first given. Call these
right-labels and left-labels.
Only one label ever appears, but we don't bother trying to enforce
that. If two labels appear, there will be two @n attributes and the
parse will blow up on its own.
For that matter, only judgements carry numbers, so unless the
formula's child is 'yes', it won't in practice get a right-label.
But that, too, we will not trouble to enforce.
formula: (left-label, s)?, (yes; maybe), (s, right-label)?.
{ A right-label of the form (=nn) assigns a number nn to this formula;
it occurs when the formula is a theorem. }
-right-label: -'(', s, -'=', s, @n, s, -')'.
{ A left-label of the form (nn=) identifies a fully written out
premise of an inference as a theorem given earlier. Left-labels do
not appear in Frege's presentation of inference steps in Part I, but
they appear on all fully written out premises in Parts II and III.
Note that left-hand labels may have tables of substitutions, which
are defined below with inferences.
-left-label: -'(', s, @n, s, (substitutions, s)?, -'=', s, -')'.
{ In left- and right-labels, the number becomes an @n attribute on the
formula. }
@n: ['0'-'9']+.
{ ................................................................
{ §2 The content stroke (Inhaltsstrich). }
maybe: (-'maybe', s)?, proposition.
{ §2 The judgement stroke (Urtheilsstrich). }
yes: -"yes", s, proposition.
{ Frege speaks of content which may or may not be affirmed; in effect,
we would speak of sentences to which a truth value may be attached.
I think the usual word for this is 'proposition'.
A proposition can be a basic proposition (leaf), or a conditional
expression, or a negation, or a universal quantification. For
technical reasons (operator priorities, associativity) we
distinguish the set of all propositions from the set of 'all
propositions except unparenthesized conditionals'.
-prop-no-ifs: leaf; not; univ; analytic; parenthesized-prop.
-proposition: prop-no-ifs; conditional.
-parenthesized-prop: -'(', s, proposition, s, -')'
; -'{', s, proposition, s, -'}'.
{ The simplest binding story I can tell is roughly this:
The 'if' operator is left-associative. So "a if b if c" = ((a if b)
if c).
This allows a very simple transcription of formulas with all
branches on the top or main content stroke, and allows the simple
rule that parentheses are needed only when the graphic structure is
more complicated (for conditionals not on the main content stroke
and not on the main content stroke for the sub-expression), or
equivalently: parens are needed for conditionals in the antecedent,
but not for conditionals in the consequent.
A very few glances at the book show that when conditionals nest,
they nest in the consequent far more often than in the antecedent,
so this rule coincidentally reduces the need for parentheses.
For negation and universal quantification, right-association is
natural. But should "not Alpha if Beta" mean ((not Alpha) if Beta)
or (not (Alpha if Beta))? By analogy with other languages, negation
is made to bind very tightly: we choose the first interpretation.
So we say that the argument of 'not' cannot contain an
unparenthesized 'if'.
For universal quantification, the opposite rule is tempting: unless
otherwise indicated by parentheses, assume that the expression is in
prenex normal form. That would make "all ka satisfy P(ka) if b"
parse as (all ka satisfy (P(ka) if b)), instead of ((all ka satisfy
P(ka)) if b).
But I think the rule will be simpler to remember if both unary
operators obey the same rule: no unparenthesized conditionals in the
So "all ka satisy P(ka) if b" should parse as a conditional with a
universal quantification in the consequent, not as a universal
quantification over a conditional. Preliminary counts suggest that
the quantification may be slightly more common than the conditional,
but both forms are common, as are cases where a quantifier governs a
conditional which contains a quantifier.
So we want a non-terminal that means "any proposition except
a conditional'. That is prop-no-ifs.
{ ................................................................
Basic propositions (leaves)
{ The expressions on the right side of a Begriffsschrift formula
are basic propositions. We call them leaves, because they are
leaves on the parse tree.
They are not necessarily atomic by most lights, but they are
normally free of negation, conjunction, and other purely logical
For the moment, we distinguish four kinds of basic propositions:
expressions (variables and function applications), equivalence
statements, introduction of new notation (a special kind of
equivalence statement), and jargon (material in some format
not defined here).
leaf: expr; equivalence; jargon; -new-notation; ad-hoc.
{ In addition, we define one ad-hoc kind of leaf, to handle
some otherwise ill-formed formulas.
ad-hoc: nil.
nil: -'nil'.
{ A 'mention' formula is a basic statement with no content stroke.
The name reflects the fact that these formulas appear (§10, §24)
as objects of metalinguistic discussion, typically in sentences
of the form "[formula] denotes ..." or "the abbreviated form
[formula] can always be replaced by the full form [formula]".
The keyword 'expr' used here is intended to suggest reading a
formula like "expr a" as "the expression 'a'".
mention: -'expr', s, leaf.
{ ................................................................
{ Expressions are used for basic statements, function arguments,
either side of an equivalence, and the left-hand side of a
The most frequent form of expression in the book is a single-letter
variable: upper-case Greek, lower-case italic Roman, later also
lower-case Greek and upper-case italic. These are often used as
basic statements; today we would call them propositional variables.
Bound variables are syntactically distinct from variables with
implicit universal quantification (bound variables are Fraktur,
others italic). We carry that distinction into the syntax here, just
in case we ever need it.
Bound variables do not, as far as I know, ever show up as basic
statements, but I don't see anything in Frege's explanations that
would rule it out. He says explicitly that a variable explicitly
bound at the root of the expression (a bound-var) is equivalent to
an implicitly bound variable (an instance of italic or Italic).
Some basic statements have internal structure which we need to
capture (either to be able to process the logical formulas usefully
or for purely typographic reasons). So what we call leaves are not,
strictly speaking, always leaves in OUR parse tree.
-expr: var; bound-var; fa.
{ Details of variables are banished down to the 'Low-level details'
section at the bottom of the grammar. }
var: Greek-letter; greek-letter; italic; Italic.
{ In the general case, the leaf expressions may come from any notation
developed by a particular discipline. To allow such formulas
without changing this grammar, we provide a sort of escape hatch,
using brackets ⦑ ... ⦒ (U+2991, U+2992, left / right angle bracket
with dot). For brevity, we'll call the specialized language inside
the brackets 'jargon'. }
jargon: #2991, ~[#2991; #2992]*, #2992.
{ ................................................................
{ §5 Conditionals are left-associative. Since the consequent is
always given first and the antecedent second, we could hide those
nonterminals and just rely on the position of the child to know its
role. But it feels slightly less error-prone to keep the names;
it makes a transform that shifts into conventional order easier
to write and read.
conditional: consequent, s, -'if', s, antecedent.
consequent: proposition.
antecedent: prop-no-ifs.
{ ****************************************************************
{ §6 Inferences. In the simple case we have multiple premises
and a conclusion. More often, one of the premises is omitted.
(Oddly, never both premises, I do not understand why not.)
There may be more than one inference step.
inference: premises, sep,
-premises: -'we have:', s, premise++(sep, -'and:', s).
premise: formula.
conclusion: formula.
{ An inference step may also refer to further premises by number.
These are NOT given explicitly, only be reference.}
infstep: -'from which', s,
(-'via', s, premise-references, s)?,
-'we infer:', s,
(pagebreak, s)?,
{ Page breaks sometimes occur after the inference line;
we encode them just after the "we infer:", but n.b.
the replacement table for the premise ref is printed after
the page break, though transcribed before it. }
pagebreak: -'|p', s, @n, s, -'|'.
{ ................................................................
References to premises
{ References may refer to the first premise of Frege's modus ponens
(the conditional) or to the second (the hypothesis). I'll call
these 'con' for the conditional and 'ant' for the hypothesis or
antecedent. If there are standard names, I don't know what they
As far as I can see, 102 is the only formula that actually uses
multiple premises by reference in a single inference step. It uses
no substitutions. In Frege's book, then, a premise reference
can EITHER have multiple references without substitutions or a
single reference with optional substitutions.
-premise-references: premise-ref-con; premise-ref-ant.
premise-ref-con: -'(', s, ref++comma, s, -'):'.
premise-ref-ant: -'(', s, ref++comma, s, -')::'.
ref: 'X'+; @n, (s, substitutions)?.
{ ................................................................
Substitution tables
{ For premise references, a substitution table may be specified. }
substitutions: -'[', s, -'replacing', s, subst++sep, s, -']'.
{ A single substitution has left- and right-hand sides separated by
'with'. To make substitution tables easier to read and write, each
substitution must be enclosed in parentheses. I don't know good
names for the two parts, so we are stuck with awkward ones.
- oldterm, newterm
- del, ins / delete, insert / delendum, inserendum
- tollendum, ponendum / take, give / pull, push
The Biblical echoes dispose me right now to take and give. One hand
gives and the other takes away.
subst: -'(', s, taken, s, -'with', s, given, s, -')'.
{ A quick survey suggests that 'taken' is always an expression
(variable or function application), while 'given' can be arbitrarily
complex. }
taken: expr.
given: proposition.
{ ****************************************************************
Formulas (cont'd)
{ ................................................................
{ §7 Negation }
not: -'not', s, prop-no-ifs.
{ §8 Equivalence sign.
It looks as if we are going to need to parse the leaves. Frege
refers to "Inhaltsgleichheit", which for the moment I am going to
render as "equivalence". In Part I, at least, the only use of
equivalences is for variable symbols. But in Part II, things get
more complicated. So we allow equivalences between parenthesized
propositions on the left and variables on the right. In this case,
Frege normally brackets the entire equivalence.
For now (we are at the end of Part II), we do not allow
parenthesized propositions in the right hand side, and we require
outer brackets. Both of those restrictions feel a little ad-hoc,
so they may be relaxed later.
equivalence: simple-equiv; bracketed-equiv.
-simple-equiv: expr, s, equiv-sign, s, expr.
-bracketed-equiv: -'[', s,
parenthesized-prop, s, equiv-sign, s, expr,
s, -']'.
equiv-sign: -'≡'; -'equiv'; -'EQUIV'; -'=='.
{ ................................................................
Functions and argument / function application
{ §10 Function and argument.
Frege does not distinguish, in notation or prose, between what I
would call "function" and "function application". The nonterminal
'fa' can be thought of as an abbreviation for 'function application'
or for 'function and argument'.
fa: functor, s, -'(', s, arguments, s, -')'.
{ It would feel natural to make functor an attribute, but I want the
distinction between var and bound-var to be visible, to simplify the
task of deciding whether to italicize or not. }
functor: var; bound-var.
-arguments: arg++comma.
arg: expr.
{ ................................................................
Universal quantification
{ §11 Universal quantification. }
univ: -'all', s, @bound-var, s, -'satisfy', s, prop-no-ifs.
bound-var: fraktur; Fraktur.
{ ****************************************************************
{ §24 Elaboration of equivalence as a method of introducing a new
notation. In §8, Frege mentions that one reason for specifying an
equivalence is to establish a short form to abbreviate what would
otherwise be tedious to write out. In §24 he gives more details.
1 In place of the affirmation stroke there is a double stroke, which
Frege explains as signaling a double nature of the statement
(synthetic on first appearance, analytic in reappearances).
2 The proposition is an equivalence, with standard notation on the
left and a new notation on the right.
For purposes of data capture, we transcribe the new notation as a
function application, in which the functor is a multi-character
name. For the notations used by Frege in the book, we define
specific functors here. As a gesture towards generality, we also
define a generic new-notation syntax (functors beginning with
notation-declaration: -'let us denote:', s, proposition, sep,
-'with the expression:', s, new-notation, s,
{ When the notation declaration is actually used as a premise, it
becomes an analytic statement and a normal kind of proposition. It
will never be a conclusion or an axiom, only a premise. }
analytic: proposition, s, equiv-sign, s, new-notation.
{ The new notation can be known or unknown. }
new-notation: known-notation; unknown-notation.
{ A known notation is one Frege introduces. (We know it because we
have read ahead in the book.) We define these here for
convenience: better syntax checking, and the opportunity for
custom XML representations. }
-known-notation: is-inherited
; follows
; follows-or-self
; unambiguous.
{ The first notation Frege defines means 'property F is
inherited in the f-series', where F is a unary predicate
and f is a binary predicate such that f(x, y) means
that applying procedure f to x yields y. He also wants
two dummy arguments with Greek letters, and from his
examples it appears that a fifth argument is needed in
order to specify the order of the two greek arguments in
the call to f(). It's possible that there are typos in
those examples, since the order of arguments never
varies otherwise. }
is-inherited: -'inherited(', s,
property, comma,
function, comma,
dummy-var, comma,
dummy-var, comma,
order-argument, s,
{ Frege generally uses an uppercase letter for the property, and a
lowercase letter for the function. But variations occur. }
property: Italic; Greek-letter; Fraktur; conditional;
follows; follows-or-self.
function: var.
{ Frege explains that the small greek letters are dummy variables (but
I cannot say I understand the explanation very well. }
dummy-var: greek-letter.
{ If a greek letter is used for the order argument, it means that that
is the letter given first in the call to the binary function; the
other dummy variable comes second. If a number is used, it means
the first/second dummy variable is given first. }
order-argument: greek-letter; '1'; '2'.
{ Frege describes the second notation as meaning 'y follows x in the
I think it may be clearer to say that (x,y) is in the transitive
closure of relation f. The conventional English term for the relation
defined here is apparently to say that y is the f-ancestor of x, which
like "ancestral" uses Frege's genealogical metaphor backwards. }
follows: -'follows-in-seq(', s,
(var | ^bound-var), comma,
(var | ^bound-var), comma,
function, comma,
dummy-var, comma,
dummy-var, s,
{ The second notation means 'y follows x in the f-series, or is the
same as y'. }
follows-or-self: -'follows-or-same(', s,
(var | ^bound-var), comma,
(var | ^bound-var), comma,
function, comma,
dummy-var, comma,
dummy-var, s,
{ The fourth notation means 'f is unambiguous', i.e. in modern terms f
is a function. }
unambiguous: -'unambiguous(', s,
function, comma,
dummy-var, comma,
dummy-var, s,
{ As a nod towards generality, and to enable this grammar to
be used with other new notations, we also define a rule
for 'unknown' notations. For historical reasons, I'll use
the name 'blort' to denote an unknown notation.
-unknown-notation: blort.
{ In kB, a blort is written like a function call in a conventional
programming language: it has (what looks like) a function name and
then zero or more arguments wrapped as a group in parentheses. The
one constraint is that the function name has to begin with an
underscore. For example: _foo(arg1, arg2, delta, alpha).
For now we allow all the same kinds of arguments as in 'fa', and
also lower-case Greek. If more is needed, rework will be needed.
blort: @name, -'(', s, blarg**comma, -')'.
@name: '_', [L; N; '-_.']+.
{ A blarg is (of course) an argument for a blort. Frege uses small
Greek letters for these, as well as italics. I don't think he uses
any upper-case Greek, but I won't rule it out. }
blarg: expr; dummy-var.
{ ****************************************************************
Low-level details
{ ................................................................
Whitespace, separators
{ Whitespace is allowed in many places }
-s : whitespace*.
-ss: whitespace+.
-whitespace: -[#9; #A; #D; Z].
{ A 'separator' is just a place where a comma may or must occur.
Whitespace is not allowed before the comma. There are rules. }
-comma: -',', s.
-sep: ss; (-',', s).
-end-mark: -".".
{ ................................................................
Variables: Greek letters
{ Upper-case Greek letters can be entered directly, but may also be
spelled out. }
-Greek-letter: [#391 - #03A9] { 'Α'-'Ω' }
; -'Alpha', + #0391 {'Α'}
; -'Beta', + #0392 {'Β'}
; -'Gamma', + #0393 {'Γ'}
; -'Delta', + #0394 {'Δ'}
; -'Epsilon', + #0395 {'Ε'}
; -'Zeta', + #0396 {'Ζ'}
; -'Eta', + #0397 {'Η'}
; -'Theta', + #0398 {'Θ'}
; -'Iota', + #0399 {'Ι'}
; -'Kappa', + #039A {'Κ'}
; -'Lamda', + #039B {'Λ'}
; -'Lambda', + #039B {'Λ'}
; -'Mu', + #039C {'Μ'}
; -'Nu', + #039D {'Ν'}
; -'Xi', + #039E {'Ξ'}
; -'Omicron', + #039F {'Ο'}
; -'Pi', + #03A0 {'Π'}
; -'Rho', + #03A1 {'Ρ'}
; -'Sigma', + #03A3 {'Σ'}
; -'Tau', + #03A4 {'Τ'}
; -'Upsilon', + #03A5 {'Υ'}
; -'Phi', + #03A6 {'Φ'}
; -'Chi', + #03A7 {'Χ'}
; -'Psi', + #03A8 {'Ψ'}
; -'Omega', + #03A9 {'Ω'}
{ Lower-case greek letters are allowed as arguments
in blorts defined in a notation declaration. With
luck, it will be clear what they mean. }
-greek-letter: [#03B1 - #03C9] { 'α'-'ω' }
; -'alpha', + #03B1 {'α'}
; -'beta', + #03B2 {'β'}
; -'gamma', + #03B3 {'γ'}
; -'delta', + #03B4 {'δ'}
; -'epsilon', + #03B5 {'ε'}
; -'zeta', + #03B6 {'ζ'}
; -'eta', + #03B7 {'η'}
; -'theta', + #03B8 {'θ'}
; -'iota', + #03B9 {'ι'}
; -'kappa', + #03BA {'κ'}
; -'lamda', + #03BB {'λ'}
; -'lambda', + #03BB {'λ'}
; -'mu', + #03BC {'μ'}
; -'nu', + #03BD {'ν'}
; -'xi', + #03BE {'ξ'}
; -'omicron', + #03BF {'ο'}
; -'pi', + #03C0 {'π'}
; -'rho', + #03C1 {'ρ'}
; -'final-sigma', + #03C2 {'ς'}
; -'sigma', + #03C3 {'σ'}
; -'tau', + #03C4 {'τ'}
; -'upsilon', + #03C5 {'υ'}
; -'phi', + #03C6 {'φ'}
; -'chi', + #03C7 {'χ'}
; -'psi', + #03C8 {'ψ'}
; -'omega', + #03C9 {'ω'}
{ ................................................................
Variables: Latin letters (italics)
-italic: (-'*')?, ['a'-'z'].
-Italic: (-'*')?, ['A'-'Z'].
{ ................................................................
Variables: Fraktur
{ I would prefer to use encoded literals for all of the following,
but at the moment they exercise a bug in one ixml parser. So
for the letters I actually use in test cases, we need to use
quoted literals instead. This affects characters outside the
basic multilingual plane of UCS. }
-fraktur: [#1D51E - #1D537]
; -'fa', + '𝔞' {#1D51E}
; -'fb', + #1D51F
; -'fc', + #1d520
; -'fd', + '𝔡' {#1d521}
; -'fe', + '𝔢' {#1d522}
; -'ff', + #1d523
; -'fg', + #1d524
; -'fh', + #1d525
; -'fi', + #1d526
; -'fj', + #1D527
; -'fk', + #1D528
; -'fl', + #1D529
; -'fm', + #1d52A
; -'fn', + #1d52B
; -'fo', + #1d52C
; -'fp', + #1d52D
; -'fq', + #1d52E
; -'fr', + #1d52F
; -'fs', + #1d530
; -'ft', + #1d531
; -'fu', + #1d532
; -'fv', + #1d533
; -'fw', + #1d534
; -'fx', + #1d535
; -'fy', + #1d536
; -'fz', + #1d537
-Fraktur: [#1d504 - #1d51d] { not all letters are present! }
; -'FA', + #1D504 {'𝔄'}
; -'FB', + #1D505 {'𝔅'}
; -'FC', + #1D506 {}
; -'FD', + #1D507 {𝔇}
; -'FE', + #1D508 {𝔈}
; -'FF', + "𝔉" {#1D509} {𝔉}
; -'FG', + #1D50A {𝔊}
; -'FH', + #1D50B {𝔈}
; -'FI', + #1D50C {}
; -'FJ', + #1D50D {𝔍}
; -'FK', + #1D50E {𝔎}
; -'FL', + #1D50F {𝔏}
; -'FM', + #1D510 {𝔐}
; -'FN', + #1D511 {𝔑}
; -'FO', + #1D512 {𝔒}
; -'FP', + #1D513 {𝔓}
; -'FQ', + #1D514 {𝔔}
; -'FR', + #1D515 {}
; -'FS', + #1D516 {𝔖}
; -'FT', + #1D517 {𝔗}
; -'FU', + #1D518 {𝔘}
; -'FV', + #1D519 {𝔙}
; -'FW', + #1D51A {𝔚}
; -'FX', + #1D51B {𝔛}
; -'FY', + #1D51C {𝔜}
; -'FZ', + #1D51D {}
[Angelleli 1964]
Angelleli, Ignacio, ed.
Frege, Gottlob.
Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze.
Zweite Auflage mit E. Husserls und H. Scholz’ Anmerkungen.
Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1964.
(See also Frege 1879.)
[Frege 1879]
Frege, Gottlob.
Begriffsschrift: eine der arithmetischen
nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens.
(Concept writing: a formula language for pure thought
modeled on that of arithmetic.)
Halle a.S.: Louis Nebert, 1879.
(See also Angelelli 1964.)
A scan of the book is available in Gallica, the online
presence of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), at
[Frege 1893]
Frege, G[ottlob].
Grundgesetze der Arithmetic:
begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet.
(Basic laws of arithmetic: derived using concept writing.)
2 volumes.
Jena: Verlag von Hermann Pohle, 1893, 1903.
Rpt. with additions by Christian Thiel,
Hildesheim et al.: Georg Olms, 2009.
A scan of the book (at least volume I) is available in Gallica, the online
presence of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), at
[Pemberton 2013]
Pemberton, Steven.
Invisible XML.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013,
Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013.
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013).
[Sutcliffe/Suttner 2022]
Sutcliffe, Geoff, and Christian Suttner.
The TPTP Problem Library
for Automated Theorem Proving.
Release TPTP-v8.1.2.
On the web at
[Wermuth 2015]
Wermuth, Udo.
Typesetting the “Begriffsschrift”
by Gottlob Frege in plain TeX.
[1] I am grateful to Deborah Aleyne Lapeyre and Claus Huitfeldt
for encouragement and discussion; some of the more insightful
remarks in this paper I owe to them.
[2] The attentive reader will note that if scanned images of
Frege 1879 are available, a usable electronic
text ought to be just a matter of optical character recognition
and cleanup. True. And indeed, the Bibliothèque nationale
has already performed OCR on its scan. The results show why this
approach does not pan out well. Not only is the OCR engine deeply
confused by the formulas, but the quality issues in the scan
reduce the quality of the OCR. The BN estimates that 74.44% of
the characters in the document have been recognized correctly.
Simple tests show that it is faster to type the text in twice and
compare the two icopies to find errors than to work through the
BN’s OCR text correcting errors.
[3] Clearer renderings of the formulas are available in
more recent reprints, but those reprints appear to be
protected by copyright.
[4] If the only goal were to produce printed pages or
PDF, it would not be essential that the digital form of
the book be XML; the book could be transcribed in TeX and
the macros developed by Udo Wermuth (Wermuth 2015) or others could be used to lay out
the formulas. But the goal is not a printed book or a
digital representation of an imaginary printed book. The
goal is electronic book in EPub format which is trying to
be an electronic book in EPub format, not trying to be a
printed book. That requires XML.
It would be possible to create an ebook without
making the XML representations of Frege’s formulas be
TEI-compatible, but given the human resources available
for the work, TEI compatibility is highly
[5] Easy to keyboard, that is, compared to entering the
appropriate XML directly.
[6] The notation used in his 1893 work differs in some
details (see Wermuth 2015); whether those
changes are minor or not is a topic of some philosophical
discussion (see Cook 2023).
[7] For simplicity, I will call them propositions in what
follows, ignoring the warnings of careful philosophers who
caution that what Frege calls judgeable
content may not be precisely the same as a
proposition, in ways that they do not explain.
[8] A note on typographic terminology seems unavoidable
here. Frege refers to Latin letters and
German letters, as shorthand for letters
printed using the Antiqua fonts customary in Germany for
printing Latin texts (and foreign words in German texts)
on the one hand, and on the other letters printed using
Fraktur, customarily reserved for works in German.
Similar distinctions are in principle possible when
writing by hand, although experience shows that
contemporary German students confronted with a carefully
formed letter a in a traditional
German hand are not guaranteed to have any idea what
letter it represents.
I speak simply of letters written in
Fraktur, although Frege’s term German
letter and the related German
script generally cover both Fraktur and other
angular fonts (gebrochene
Schriftarten) like textura, rotunda, and
Schwabacher. Both the typographic practice of Frege’s
publishers and the practice of mathematicians make clear
that by German letter Frege meant
letter printed in Fraktur.
[9] It should be admitted that this is the longest
formula in the book, and given in this form only as an
example of the effect of substitution of terms.
[10] The asterisk may be unnecessary, but the author got cold
feet over possible conflicts.
[11] For example, all variables (including free ones) are
rendered in Fraktur, ignoring Frege’s careful typographic
distinction between bound variables with an explicitly
delimited scope (rendered in Fraktur) and unbound variables
for which an implicit universal quantification is assumed
(rendered in italic). The designer of the programming
language also appears either to have misunderstood Frege’s
notation for material implication or to have trouble
expressing it clearly in prose.
[12] Since the English translation was published in 2013,
however, it appears that the translators were less daunted by
these macros than I am. Over the 500-odd pages of the
Grundgesetze, they will have transcribed
thousands of formulas using this notation.
[13] The resulting SVG would be more elegant if identical
subexpressions were defined only once, but the current
implementation makes no attempt to avoid duplication of
definitions: each occurrence of a repeating subexpression
gets its own definition.
[14] The renderings of Frege’s formulas into conventional
notation given above were all generated using an XSLT
stylesheet constructed for the purpose, since attempts to do
the job manually ran into too many errors with
[15] The author thanks Lynne Price for her years of
effort trying to lead me to comprehend the benefits of
deeply nested markup as a motivation for the tag
minimization features of SGML.
[16] It is a corollary of Goldfarb’s Law, however, that
such troubles can only be minimized, not eliminated
Angelleli, Ignacio, ed.
Frege, Gottlob.
Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze.
Zweite Auflage mit E. Husserls und H. Scholz’ Anmerkungen.
Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1964.
(See also Frege 1879.)
Frege, Gottlob.
Begriffsschrift: eine der arithmetischen
nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens.
(Concept writing: a formula language for pure thought
modeled on that of arithmetic.)
Halle a.S.: Louis Nebert, 1879.
(See also Angelelli 1964.)
A scan of the book is available in Gallica, the online
presence of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), at
Frege, G[ottlob].
Grundgesetze der Arithmetic:
begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet.
(Basic laws of arithmetic: derived using concept writing.)
2 volumes.
Jena: Verlag von Hermann Pohle, 1893, 1903.
Rpt. with additions by Christian Thiel,
Hildesheim et al.: Georg Olms, 2009.
A scan of the book (at least volume I) is available in Gallica, the online
presence of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), at
Pemberton, Steven.
Invisible XML.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013,
Montréal, Canada, August 6 - 9, 2013.
Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013.
Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 10 (2013).