Balisage Paper: Invisible Fish: API Experimentation with InvisibleXML
July 29 - August 2, 2024
The materials listed below were provided by the speaker as supplements to a
presentation at Balisage. These materials may include the slides or visuals used in
presentation; supplementary material, such as code samples or a demonstration application;
and/or the paper accompanying the presentation (if it has not been provided in XML).
materials have been zipped for easy download and are identified by a brief description
the contents. The materials themselves are untouched
, that is, they
have not been tested or edited by Balisage: The Markup Conference or by Mulberry
Technologies, Inc. As such, they are included on this website AS IS
i.e., as provided by the speaker, with no warranties, express or otherwise, made by
or Mulberry.
Slides and Materials
- Presentation slides in HTML
W3C: Steven Pemberton, editor. Invisible XML Specification Final Community Group Report. W3C, 12 December 2023.
Natalia Levshina. "Frequency, Informativity and Word Length: Insights from Typologically Diverse Corpora". In Entropy (Basel) 2022;24(2):280. doi: Available at
Molly L. Lewis and Michael C. Frank. "The length of words reflects their conceptual complexity". In Cognition 2016;153:182-195. doi: Available at
W3C: Michael Kay, editor. XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 3.0 Recommendation. W3C, 8 June 2017.
W3C: Jonathan Robie, Michael Dyck, Josh Spiegel, editors. XQuery 3.1: An XML Query Language Recommendation. W3C, 21 March 2017.
Saxonica. Saxon,
Norman Walsh. CoffeeSacks: A Saxon API for Invisible XML,
Terry Winograd. Language as a Cognitive Process: Volume I: Syntax. Addison-Wesley, 1983.
George Kingsley Zipf. The psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philology. Routledge, 1936. Reprinted, republished as eBook 2013. doi: Available at
Gregory Scontras. "Adjective Ordering Across Languages". Annual Review of Linguistics 2023;9:357-76. doi: