Balisage Paper: Visible / invisible
July 29 - August 2, 2024
The materials listed below were provided by the speaker as supplements to a
presentation at Balisage. These materials may include the slides or visuals used in
presentation; supplementary material, such as code samples or a demonstration application;
and/or the paper accompanying the presentation (if it has not been provided in XML).
materials have been zipped for easy download and are identified by a brief description
the contents. The materials themselves are untouched
, that is, they
have not been tested or edited by Balisage: The Markup Conference or by Mulberry
Technologies, Inc. As such, they are included on this website AS IS
i.e., as provided by the speaker, with no warranties, express or otherwise, made by
or Mulberry.
Slides and Materials
- Michael Sperberg-McQueen’s closing keynote (MP3 audio recording)
Bauman, Syd. Two Paths are Better than One.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Birnbaum, David J., and Ronald Haentjens Dekker. Visualizing textual collation: Exploring structured representations of textual alignment.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Broun, Heywood. The Fifty-first Dragon. Reprint. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968; Mankato, MN: Creative Education,
1985 [Acknowledgement: Heywood Hale Broun for The Fifty-first Dragon,
by Heywood Broun; adapted from The Collected Edition of Heywood Broun, © 1921, 1941, by Heywood Hale Broun. Used by permission of Bill Cooper Associates
Agency, Inc.].
Courtney, Joseph Michael, and Michael Robert Gryk. Pulse, Parse, and Ponder: Using Invisible XML to Dissect a Scientific Domain Specific
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
DeRose, Steven J. Can LLMs help with XML?
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Durusau, Patrick. Fixing Mamba (at scale).
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Open Microphone
Galtman, Amanda. Stretching XPath: Three Testing Tales: Beyond Primary Use Cases of Certain XML Functions
and Standards.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Gollner, Joe. The Donut of Equivalence.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Open Microphone
Graham, Tony. Printing Should ̶B̶e̶ ̶I̶n̶v̶i̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ Not Be Irritating.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Antenna House sponsor presentation.
Gross, Mark. Ensuring XML quality and compatibility in large collections that span decades of content.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Holstege, Mary. Invisible Fish: API Experimentation with Invisible XML.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Kant, Immanuel. An answer to the question: What is enlightenment?
In Practical Philosophy. Mary J. Gregor (ed). The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge,
UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. pp. 11–22. doi: ISBN 9780521654081. [English translation and commentary; the essay first appeared
in the Berlinische Monatsschrift, December, 1784.]
Kay, Michael. Why are some technologies more successful than others? And why are my predictions
usually wrong?
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Lumley, John. Variations on an Invisible Theme: Using iXML to produce XML to produce iXML to produce
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Miłowski, Alex. Graph Query Language - the new kid on the block!
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Nordström, Ari. Adventures in Mainframes, Text-based Messaging, and iXML.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Ogbuji, Uche. Give a Parrot a Toolbox and You Might Just Get an Ape.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Open Microphone
Paoli, Jean, Zubin Rustom Wadia, and Gregory Rendard. KG-RAG, A Document Foundation Model Generating the Core XML Data Model and enabling
higher-quality RAG.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Docugami sponsor presentation.
Paxton, Alan, and Adam Retter. Using a testbed to assess XML Database Performance: Integrating a NoSQL testbed into
the XML testing universe.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Pemberton, Steven. Roundtripping Invisible XML.
Presented at XML Prague 2024, June 6-8, 2024. In Proceedings of XML Prague 2024.
Prescod, Paul, and Phill Tornroth. Clean SOAP: Evaluating AI-based Structured Document Generation in a Medical Context.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Quin, Liam. DTD (document type definition) declarations exposed in XSLT: Parsing DTD files in
XSLT to expose the definitions they contain.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Tovey-Walsh, Bethan. When women do algorithms: a semi-generative approach to overlay crochet with iXML
and XSLT.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Tovey-Walsh, Norm, and Debbie Lockett. SaxonJS 3.0: Major new functionality!
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. Saxonica sponsor presentation.
Usdin, B. Tommie. Break up the Bundle; Sell the Components.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Wei, Jingzhu, and Allen H. Renear. Deviant Causal Chains: A Problem for the Conceptual Modeling of Influence.
Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024, Washington, DC, July 29 - August
2, 2024. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 29 (2024). doi:
Wikipedia contributors. Reification (Marxism).
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (accessed August 29, 2024). (Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0.)