The goal of this report is to offer a contextualized introduction of the alignment ribbon, a new visualization of textual collation information, implemented in SVG. The three main sections, sandwiched between this introduction and a conclusion, are:
About textual collation. Textual scholars often align moments of agreement and moments of variation across manuscript witnesses in order to explore and understand how those relationships contribute to a theory of the text, that is, to understanding the history of the transmission of a work. The first major section of the present report provides an overview of collation theory and practice, which is the research context that motivated the development of our new visualization and its implementation in SVG.
Modeling and visualizing alignment. Textual collation is a research method that supports the study of textual transmission. Collation is simultaneously an analytical task (identifying the alignments that facilitate an insightful comparison of manuscript witnesses), a modeling task (interpreting those alignments in a way that makes a theory of the transmission history accessible for further study), and a visualization task (translating the abstract model into a representation that communicates the meaning to human readers). Textual collation is always about text, but visualizations can communicate features of the model through a combination of textual and graphic features. The second major section of this report surveys influential visualization methods used in textual collation with the goal of identifying their relative strengths and weaknesses. In particular, we provide a thorough history of the development of the variant graph, which has played a singularly prominent role in collation theory and practice. The identification of the strengths and weaknesses of different visualizations matters because it motivates and informs the development of our original alignment ribbon visualization.
Alignment ribbon. The alignment ribbon is an original collation visualization that seeks to combine the textual clarity of an alignment table with the graphical insights of variant-graph and storyline visualizations. The alignment ribbon is implemented as the SVG output of a Scala program that ingests plain-text input, performs the alignment, and creates the visualization. The output relies on SVG and SVG-adjacent features that are not always, at least in our experience, widely used, and that enable us to produce the visualization we want without compromise and without dependence on potentially fragile third-party visualization libraries or frameworks. The third major section of this report describes the alignment ribbon and its implementation, with particular attention to those SVG and SVG-adjacent features.
About textual collation
This section introduces the research motivation and context for visualizing textual collation. Subtopics explain why collation matters to textual scholars, how computational philologists have engaged with machine-assisted collation in the past, and how our current work attempts to improve on previous implementations, including our own. Because it would not be appropriate or realistic to incorporate a comprehensive tutorial on textual collation in this report, this introductory section provides only a high-level overview of the topic.
Textual collation relies on visualization in at least two different but overlapping contexts. First (in workflow order), visualization can help ensure that the output of a collation process will be intelligible to the developers who must evaluate and measure the results of their implementation as they seek to improve it. Second, visualization is one way that end-user researchers can understand and communicate the results of the textual analysis that serves as the focus of their philological explorations. Visualizations tell a story, and they are valuable for their ability to summarize complex information concisely, a result that they achieve by, among other things, focusing attention on some features by excluding or otherwise deemphasizing others. This selectivity means that every visualization entails choices and compromises with respect to both what to include and how to represent it. It should not be surprising that different visualizations may be useful for different purposes, involving not only the different (even if overlapping) needs of developers and end-user philologists, but also diverse requirements within each of those communities.
The terms collation and alignment are often used interchangeably to refer to the organized juxtaposition and comparison of related textual resources. In this report we distinguish them, adopting the terminology of the Gothenburg Model (see below), where alignment refers narrowly to the identification of philologically significant moments of agreement and variation in textual resources and collation refers to a larger workflow that includes pre-processing to assist in the alignment, the alignment itself, and post-processing to present the alignment results to the researcher in an accessible form.[1]
Why textual scholars care about collation
Philologists refer to manuscript copies of the same work as textual
witnesses, and it is rare for two witnesses to the same work to agree
in all details. If textual scholars were to discover four witnesses to the same work
agreed in most places, but where the moments of disagreement always fell into the
pattern (e.g., witnesses A and B typically share one reading at locations where witnesses
and D share a different reading), they would try to explain how those variants arose
as new
textual witnesses were created by copying (imperfectly) earlier ones. Absent specific
reasons to believe otherwise, a common and sensible working hypothesis is that one
of two or
more variant readings continues an earlier version of the text and other readings
diverged from it because they have incorporated deviations introduced, whether accidentally
or deliberately, during copying. Crucially, philologists assume, unless there is good
to believe otherwise, that coincidences are unlikely to arise by chance, that is,
that the
scribes of A and B (or of C and D) did not independently introduce identical changes
identical places during copying. Willis 1972 (cited here from Ostrowski 2003, p. xxvii) explains the rationale for this assumption by means
of an analogy: If two people are found shot dead in the same house at the same time,
it is indeed possible that they have been shot by different persons for different
but it would be foolish to make that our initial assumption
(p. 14).
Variation during copying may arise through scribal error, such as by looking at a source manuscript, committing a few words to short-term memory, and then reproducing those words imprecisely when writing them into a new copy. Scribes may also intervene deliberately to emend what they perceive (whether correctly or not) as mistakes in their sources. A scribe copying a familiar text (such as a monk copying a Biblical citation in a larger work) might reproduce a different version of the text from memory. A scribe who sees a correction scribbled into the margin by an earlier reader may regard it as correcting an error, and may therefore decide to insert it into the main text during copying. These are only a few of the ways in which variation may arise during copying, but whatever the cause, the result is an inexact copy. The witnesses that attest an earlier reading at one location will not necessarily attest earlier readings at other locations; each moment of variation requires its own assessment and decision. The is no justification in automatically favoring the majority reading because a secondary reading may be copied more than a primary one; this means that competing readings must be evaluated, and not merely counted. For reasons explained below, there is also no justification in automatically favoring the oldest manuscript; both older and younger manuscripts may continue the earliest readings.
Scholars who encounter textual variation often care about identifying the readings that might have stood in the first version of a work, which, itself, may or may not have survived as a manuscript that is available to the researcher. Textual scholars may also care about the subsequent history of a work, that is, about which changes may have arisen at different times or in different places across the copying tradition. The process of comparing manuscript variants to construct an explanatory hypothesis about the transmission of the text is called textual criticism, and a necessary starting point for that comparison involves finding the moments of agreement and disagreement among manuscript witnesses. Identifying the locations to be compared closely across the manuscript witnesses is the primary task of collation.
Three challenges of collation
Collating a short sentence from a small number of witnesses is simple enough that we can perform the task mentally without even thinking about how the comparison proceeds. Consider the sentence below, taken from Charles Darwin’s On the origin of species as attested in the six British editions published during the author’s lifetime:
Table I
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | The | result | of | the | various, | quite | unknown, | or | dimly | seen | laws | of | variation | is | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. | |
1860 | The | result | of | the | various, | quite | unknown, | or | dimly | seen | laws | of | variation | is | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. | |
1861 | The | result | of | the | various, | quite | unknown, | or | dimly | seen | laws | of | variation | is | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. | |
1866 | The | result | of | the | various, | quite | unknown, | or | dimly | seen | laws | of | variation | is | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. | |
1869 | The | results | of | the | various, | unknown, | or | but | dimly | understood | laws | of | variation | are | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. | |
1872 | The | results | of | the | various, | unknown, | or | but | dimly | understood | laws | of | variation | are | infinitely | complex | and | diversified. |
The representation above is called an alignment table, and we’ll
have more to say about alignment tables as visualizations below. For now, though,
matters is that an alignment table models shared and different readings across witnesses
a sequence of what we call alignment points, represented by columns in
the table.[2] Alignment points can be described as involving a combination of
matches (witnesses share a reading), non-matches
(witnesses contain readings, but not the same readings), and indels
(insertions / deletions
, where some witnesses contain readings and some
contain nothing). Because there may be more than two witnesses in a textual tradition,
three types of pairwise relationships correspond to four full-depth
(all-witness) relationship types, which we call:
Agreement: All witnesses are present and have the same value
AgreementIndel: Not all witnesses are present, but those that are present all have the same value
Variation: All witnesses are present, but they do not all have the same value
VariationIndel: Not all witnesses are present, and those that are present do not all have the same value
It is easy to see in the alignment table example above that 1) the versions of this sentence in the first four editions are identical to one another; 2) the same is true of the last two; and 3) the two subgroups agree with each other more often than not (all witnesses agree in fourteen of the nineteen textual columns). We happen to know the dates of these editions (something that is rarely the case with medieval manuscript evidence), but even without that chronological metadata we could hypothesize that the two subgroups go back to a common source (which explains the predominant agreement across the entire set of witnesses) and that at each moment of divergence either one was created by editing the other or both were created by editing a common ancestor that is not available for direct study. As those options demonstrate, identifying the patterns of agreement and disagreement among witnesses is only part of the work of the philologist, who will also want to decide the direction of any textual transmission. In this case we have metadata evidence that the original reading is the one from the first edition (1859), which is reproduced without change in the next three (1860, 1861, 1866), and that Darwin then revised the text for the 1869 edition and reproduced those revisions in 1872. However, as mentioned above, comprehensive dating information is rarely available with medieval manuscripts and we cannot be confident that the same witness or group of witnesses will always (that is, at all locations in the text) continue the earliest reading.
Most real-world collations do not tell as clear a story as the one above, and there are three types of common textual phenomena that pose particular challenges for aligning textual witnesses in order to understand the relationships among them:[3]
Repetition: The distribution of words in a text in many languages converges, as the length of the text grows, on a distribution called Zipf’s Law:
[T]he most common word occurs approximately twice as often as the next [most] common one, three times as often as the third most common, and so on
. (Zipf’s Law (Wikipedia); text in square brackets has been added) This means that the repetition of words is to be expected, and part of the task of collating textual witnesses involves choosing which instance of a repetition to align with which other instances. In the alignment table above (Table I), the wordof
occurs twice in each witness and it is easy (at least for a human) to see which instances to align with which others. That decision is more challenging when the number of repetitions increases and the amount of context around them does not tell as clear a story as the example above, whereof
occurs within the three-word phrasesresult of the
andlaws of variation
. -
Transposition: Scribes may change the order of words (or larger units) while copying. For example, in another location Darwin writes
will be hereafter briefly mentioned
in the first four editions andwill hereafter be briefly mentioned
in the last two. This is an adjacent transposition; transposition may also occur at a distance, such as when an author moves a sentence or paragraph or larger section from one location in a work to another across intermediate text (which may or may not be shared by eome or all of the witnesses). Distinguishing actual editorial transposition from the accidental appearance of the same content in different locations in different witnesses is further complicated by repetition. We might expect editorial transposition (as contrasted to the accidental appearance of the same word in different contexts in different witnesses) to be more likely over short distances than long ones, but translating that vague truism into rules that a computer can apply usefully can be challenging. -
Number of witnesses: It is relatively easy to compare two witnesses because the moments of comparison have only two possible outcomes: assuming we have successfully negotiated repetition and transposition, the readings at each location are either the same or not the same.[4] Comparing three readings has five possible outcome groupings: three versions of two vs one, one where all agree, and one where all disagree. Comparing four things has fifteen possible outcomes: four versions of three vs one, three of two vs two, six of two vs one vs one (three groups), one with complete agreement and one with no agreement. Even without expanding further it is easy to see that as the number of witnesses increases linearly the number of possible groupings increases at a far greater rate.[5] Computers often deal more effectively than humans with large amounts of data, but the machine-assisted alignment of large numbers of long witnesses typically requires heuristic methods because even with computational tools and methods it is not realistic to evaluate all possible arrangements and combinations of the witness data.
The Gothenburg Model of textual collation
The Gothenburg Model of textual collation emerged from a 2009 symposium within the
frameworks of the EU-funded research projects COST Action 32 (Open scholarly
communities on the web
) and Interedition, the output of which was the
modularization of the study of textual variation into five stages:[6]
Tokenization: The witnesses are divided into units to be compared and aligned. Most commonly the alignment units are words (according to varying definitions of what constitutes a word for alignment purposes), but nothing in the Gothenburg Model prohibits tokenization into smaller or larger units.
Normalization: In a computational environment the tokens to be aligned are typically strings of Unicode characters, but a researcher might regard only some string differences as significant for alignment purposes. At the Normalization stage the collation process creates a shadow representation of each token that neutralizes features that should be ignored during alignment, so that alignment can then be performed by comparing the normalized shadows, instead of the original character strings. For example, if a researcher decides that upper vs lower case is not significant for alignment, the normalized shadow tokens might be created by lower-casing the tokens identified during the Tokenization stage.[7]
Alignment: Alignment is the process of determining which normalized shadow tokens in the different witnesses should be compared to one another. It is the alignment process that identifies the moments of agreement and moments of variation recorded in the columns of the alignment table example above.
Analysis: Analysis refers to adjustments introduced into the alignment after completion of the Alignment stage. These adjustments may involve human intervention to resolve decisions that cannot be automated fully. More interestingly, though, the Analysis stage refers also to automated adjustments. For example, the Alignment stage of the current Python version of CollateX recognizes agreement only when the normalized shadow tokens agree exactly, but that version of CollateX also allows for near matching (that is, fuzzy matching). Near matching is implemented as part of the Analysis stage, which means that it is applied only to resolve alignment uncertainties that cannot be decided during the preceding Alignment stage.
Visualization: Visualization might more accurately be called output or serialization, since it refers to outputting the result of the collation process for subsequent viewing (literal visualization) or further downstream processing. CollateX supports several output formats, including the alignment table illustrated above and others discussed below.
One motivation for the development of the Gothenburg Model is that the work performed by the five components is likely to be important for any computational engagement with textual variation, but the way the different stages are implemented and applied may vary according to language, text, and research question, as well as according to programming language and paradigm. The modular structure that constitutes the principal original contribution of the Gothenburg Model to collation theory and practice makes it possible to customize one part of the process without having to rewrite the others. In other words, the Gothenburg Model regards collation as a processing pipeline, where the five stages happen in order, the output of each serves as the input to the next, and no stage has to know about the inner workings of any other.[8]
Why order-independent multiple-witness alignment matters
The alignment of manuscript witnesses is an example of a more general process known as sequence alignment, which is well developed in bioinformatics, where it is fundamental to comparing gene sequences. Although there are domain-specific differences between textual and genetic sequencing (see Birnbaum 2020, §1.2, p. 46 and Schmidt and Colomb 2009 §2.2, p. 500), the difference between paired vs multiple-witness alignment is fundamental to both. Specifically, an algorithm that can be proven to create an optimal alignment of two sequences has been in use for more than fifty years (Birnbaum 2020 explores it within an XSLT context), but the alignment of more than two sequences is considered to be an NP-hard problem, which means—to simplify—that no scalable (that is, implementable) algorithm is known that can ensure the optimal alignment of more than two witnesses.
The absence of an algorithm that ensures an optimal alignment of multiple witnesses has required work-arounds, the most common of which is progressive alignment. Progressive alignment begins by aligning two witnesses (for which an algorithm exists), regards that alignment as a sort of super-witness, and then aligns it against a third witness, etc. One type of progressive alignment begins by merging two singleton witnesses and then incorporates the remaining witnesses into the mixture one by one. If the result of the initial merger of two singleton witnesses is modeled as a graph, subsequent mergers each combine one graph with one singleton. We refer to this as simple progressive alignment. A more powerful approach to progressive alignment, which we call complex progressive alignment, also permits mergers that do not involve any singletons, so that, for example, a first step might merge singleton witnesses A and B to create graph AB; a second step might merge singleton witnesses C and D to create graph CD; and a third step might merge graphs AB and CD to create graph ABCD. The implementation of complex progressive alignment is more challenging than implementing simple progressive alignment, and current release versions of CollateX (Java and Python) employ the simple type of progressive alignment, arriving at an alignment of all witnesses by incorporating one singleton at a time.
The reason progressive alignment is not wholly satisfactory is that, as a greedy workflow, it is subject to order effects; once a super-witness has been formed it cannot be broken apart, which means that progressive alignment may produce different results according to the order in which the witnesses are incorporated.[9] This property is undesirable because the optimal alignment of multiple witnesses from a philological perspective cannot depend on the order in which arbitrary researchers at an arbitrary moment happen to touch the witnesses. An alignment process might improve the outcome of progressive alignment by incorporating the witnesses in an order that reflects the copying history, based on a heuristic scan and organization of the evidence into a guide tree, but the benefit of that strategy depends on the informational quality of the scan, converging on a reductio ad absurdum workflow that must perform and assess the quality of the entire computationally expensive alignment with all possible permutations of the witnesses in order to determine the optimal order. More insidiously, because manuscript witnesses may incorporate and merge information from multiple sources, the optimal order for incorporating witnesses into a progressive alignment in one place may not be the optimal order in a different place.
What the collation of more than two witnesses requires, then, is order-independent multiple-witness alignment, that is, a method that considers all evidence from all witnesses simultaneously when making alignment decisions. As noted above, the current Java and Python versions of CollateX perform progressive alignment, and the authors of this report are in the process of implementing a new alignment algorthm, to be incorporated into a future release of CollateX, that will perform order-independent multiple-witness alignment. Because order-independent multiple-witness alignment is NP-hard, our new method will necessarily rely on heuristics, including limited progressive-alignment methods, but it is intended to reduce the susceptability of the alignment to order effects, even if it it not able to eliminate those effects entirely.
Our development of a new alignment algorithm provided a context for us to review both the model underlying the way alignment is performed and recorded in CollateX and the way the results of the alignment process are exported and presented for visualization.
Modeling and visualizing alignment
The examination below of existing visualizations of textual alignment rests on the following assumptions:[10]
Visualizations are selective views of data, which means that different visualizations deliberately include and exclude different features and they foreground different aspects of the features that they do include. Our discussion below does not attempt to identify
the best visualization
in any absolute way because different visualizations may tell different useful stories about the same original data, and a visualization that is more effective when telling one story may be less so when telling another.[11] -
The most useful data structures for modeling data to support computational processing may not be the most useful for visualization, that is, for telling a story to humans with visual methods. For example, a model for processing may prioritize eliminating redundancy, while a visualization may deliberately include redundant information for rhetorical purposes. The focus of our discussion below prioritizes the communicative consequences of different visual expressions of the output of a collation process.
The same data structure may be expressed (serialized, represented) in different ways. For example a graph can be understood mathematically as a set of nodes (also called vertices) and a set of edges (also called arcs), which means that a graph can represented fully and correctly by listing the members of those sets. Such lists are not easy for humans to understand, and when we speak of graphs, we typically have a more … well … graphic image in mind. The graphic renderings of variant graphs below (Variant graph) use SVG to present the nodes and edges of a graph in ways that make the relationships among them visually perspicuous. The discussion below explores the communicative effects of different visual representations of variation.
Textual visualizations
Critical apparatus
The most familiar visualization of variation for philologists is likely to be the critical apparatus, or apparatus criticus, a textual presentation that records variation across witnesses in notes (usually footnotes).[12] The image below of a critical apparatus is from the United Bible Societies edition of the Greek New Testament:[13]
Figure 1: Greek New Testament (text and apparatus)

Reproduced from Greek New Testament, p. 1.
The continuous reading in larger print, at the top, represents the editors’ judgment about the establishment of the text. This means that in situations where the textual evidence is inconsistent, the editors represent, in the continuous reading, what they believe is most likely to have appeared in a source ancestral to all surviving copies. The editors of this Greek New Testament do not regard any single extant manuscript as always attesting the best reading; that is, there is no best witness. As a result, the main reading version does not correspond to any single witness in its entirety, representing, instead, what is sometimes referred to as a dynamic critical text.[14] Whether a particular work has a single extant best witness vs whether a dynamic critical text is a better representation of the tradition is an editorial decision.
Some editions that draw on multiple sources, especially where the chronology of the
editorial changes is known, may focus not on establishing an earliest text, but on
facilitating the comparative exploration of the evidence. The information from Darwin’s
On the origin of species displayed as an alignment table in Table I, above, is published digitally with a critical apparatus in
Barbara Bordalejo’s Online variorum of Darwin’s Origin of
at Both the table
above and the online Variorum organize and present the readings from the six British
editions of the work published during Darwin’s lifetime. This type of evidence does
ask the editor to establish a dynamic critical text; the research question raised
by this
type of tradition and facilitated by a edition of multiple witnesses is not What is
likely to have stood in the original?
(we know that the 1859 edition is Darwin’s
first publication of his text), but What did Darwin change in subsequent editions,
and when, and how should we understand those changes?
The critical apparatus in the Nestle-Aland New Testament is selective, that is, it reports only variants that the editors consider significant for understanding (and, in the case of the United Bible Societies publication, translating) the text. Reasonable persons might disagree, at least in places, about what constitutes significant vs insignificant variation, about which see below.[16] Furthermore, the apparatus mentions explicitly only readings that disagree with the editors’ preferred reading; this is called a negative apparatus, and it implies that any witness not listed in the apparatus agrees with the reading in the critical text. A negative apparatus that conforms to this assumption is informationally equivalent to a positive apparatus, that is, one that explicitly lists the witnesses that agree with the preferred reading. These and other parsimonious editorial preferences may be unavoidable in the case of the Greek New Testament, which is preserved in and attested by an unmanageably large number of witnesses.[17]
Understanding a critical apparatus is challenging for new users because the notational
conventions prioritize concision, but editions come with introductions that explain
meaning of the manuscript identifiers (called sigla) and other
special editorial conventions. In the example above, the second apparatus entry
(introduced by a small, superscript numeral 2
) says that, with respect to
verse 10, there is some degree of doubt
(the B in curly braces is on a scale from virtual certainty
A to a high degree of doubt
D) about the decision to select ᾽Αμώς, ᾽Αμὼς as the preferred reading (in the last two lines of the main
text); that ᾽Αμώς, ᾽Αμώς is attested in witnesses
א, B, C, etc.; that witnesses K,
L, W, etc. attest
instead ᾽Αμών, ᾽Αμών; and that witnesses 700, 892, and 1195 attest ᾽Αμμών, ᾽Αμμών,
which the editors regard as a variant spelling of the version with a single μ.
The critical apparatus has long been the predominant method of reporting textual variation in paper publication; it is valuable for its extreme concision, which is especially important, for economic reasons, in the context of publication on paper. Additionally, because a critical apparatus groups sigla that share a reading, it foregrounds which witnesses agree with one another at a particular moment in the text. The concision is undeniably cognitively alienating for new users, but philologists quickly become reasonably comfortable with it, at least when working with texts with which they are familiar. At the same time, the critical apparatus as a representation of textual transmission comes with at least two severe informational limitations:
Editors typically record only what they consider textually significant variants in an apparatus. Removing distractions that do not contribute to understanding the history of the text has obvious communicative merit, but what happens when reasonable persons disagree about what constitutes significant vs insignificant variation? The complete omission from the apparatus of variation that the editor considers insignificant makes it impossible for users to assess and evaluate the editor’s decisions and agree or disagree with them in an informed way. It is, to be sure, the editor’s responsibility to make critical decisions that interpret the evidence for users, but the complete exclusion of some variants as insignificant is a different editorial action than deciding which version goes into the main reading text and which versions are relegated to the apparatus as variants. Ultimately, excluding variants that some readers might reasonably consider textually significant even when the editors do not compromises the documentary value of the edition. Furthermore, in the (common) case of a negative apparatus, the omission of a witness from the apparatus becomes ambiguous: either an omitted witness agrees with the preferred reading in all details or it disagrees with it, but in a way that the editor regards as not significant. Insofar as editions sometimes rely on manuscript evidence that is not otherwise easily accessible to users, an editor’s decisions about the omission of variants are not verifiable.
For many the principal goal of an edition is to establish an authoritative text, that is, one that reconstructs (or, perhaps more precisely, constructs a hypothesis about) the earlier contents of the text by eliminating changes that were introduced, whether accidentally or intentionally, during copying.[18] The critical apparatus prioritizes its focus on deviation from a hypothetical best text at individual moments by gathering the variants for such moments in separate critical annotations. That focus serves the purposes of foregrounding the preferred readings and documenting variation, but one side-effect is that it becomes challenging to use the edition with the goal of reading a particular witness consecutively, since the text of that witnesses is sometimes in the apparatus and sometimes implicitly in agreement with the main text.
Digital editions based on a critical apparatus can mitigate this complication by allowing the reader to select any witness as a copy text (a primary witness, presented continuously in its entirety, in the place of a dynamic critical text) and display readings from other witnesses as variants. This approach can be seen in, for example, Darwin online (see p. 1 at and the Frankenstein Variorum (see p. 1 at
The centuries-long tradition of recording variation in a critical apparatus ensures that it will continue to be the preferred representation for some philologists, especially if their focus is on presenting a hypothesis about what is likely to have stood in an original text. At the same time, digital editions remove the economics of paper publication from an assessment of the costs and benefits of the concision afforded by the critical apparatus. A critical edition requires a record and representation of variation, but those do not have to be expressed in a traditional, footnoted critical apparatus. Ultimately the critical apparatus is one of several available ways of representing, for human perception and understanding, information about textual variation.
Alignment table
As explained above, an alignment table is a two-dimensional table that displays the full contents of all witnesses in intersecting rows and columns, where each cell contains either text or nothing. In Table I, above, each row contains all of the words from one witness to the textual tradition and the columns represent alignment points, that is, the columns align words that the editors regard as corresponding to one another across witnesses. If a witness has no reading at a particular location in the tradition the cell for that witness in that column is empty.
An alignment table, such as Table I above, avoids at least two of the limitations of a footnoted critical apparatus:
As noted above, reading the full text of a specific witness continuously from start to finish is challenging with a critical apparatus because some of the text is reported implicitly in the main reading text (that is, only because of the absence of any explicitly reported variant), while other text appears in footnoted apparatus entries. Reading a specific witness continuously from this type of edition therefore requires the reader to reassemble the continuous text mentally by identifying and piecing together snippets of the main text and pieces recorded as variants. Furthermore, because the footnoted apparatus prioritizes grouping the sigla of witnesses that share a reading, there is no stable place where a reader can expect to find the variants (if any) that belong to a particular witness. This fragmentation and inconsistency imposes a heavy cognitive load on readers who want to focus their attention on a particular witness.
Unlike a critical apparatus, an alignment table makes it easy to read the continuous text of any individual witness by reading across a row. There is no ambiguity about where to look for the text of a particular witnesses; all text (or gaps in the text) in a specific witnesses will always appear, in order and continuously, in a predictable row.
A limitation of an alignment table that arises as a consequence of making it easy to read the continuous text of any witness is that an alignment table does not represent patterns of agreement among witnesses as clearly as a critical apparatus, which groups the sigla that share a variant. With a small number of witnesses, as is the case with the six editions in Table I, above, it is not difficult to understand at a glance the agreements and disagreements. But especially because different agreement patterns mean that witnesses that agree will not always appear in adjacent rows in an alignment table, recognizing those groupings imposes increasing cognitive costs as the number of witnesses grows.
As also noted above, a critical apparatus typically includes only what the editor considers significant variants, which means that a reader cannot know, in the absence of any record of variation, whether there is no variation at a location or whether there is variation but the editor does not regard it as significant.[19] An alignment table, on the other hand, provides the full text of all witnesses, and therefore is naturally able to record variation whether the editor considers it significant or not. This enhances the documentary value of the edition and enables readers to form their own assessments of individual moments of variation, which is not possible in a selective apparatus-based edition that omits entirely variant readings that the editor considers insignificant.
At the same time, an apparatus-based edition with a dynamic critical text, such as the continuous reading text above the apparatus in our example from the Greek New Testament (Figure 1), always reports explicitly the readings that the editor prefers in situations involving variation. That reporting is not automatic in an alignment table that records only the readings from the witnesses, since that sort of table lacks a dynamic record of the editor’s interpretation of moments of variation. For that reason, if an alignment table is to record an editor’s interpretation of variation, it must add that interpretation as a supplement to the transcriptions of the witnesses. This feature is discussed below.
An edition published as an alignment table, such as Ostrowski 2003, is sometimes called an interlinear collation or a Partitur (German for musical score) edition, where the synchronized presentation of the text of all witnesses in parallel rows resembles a conductor’s orchestral score, which represents the different instrumental parts in parallel rows and aligns the measures in columns according to where parts are sounded together. The first image below is the beginning of an autograph manuscript of Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 in E♭ Major (K. 16):[20] The second is from the online edition of Ostrowski 2003.[21]
Figure 2: Mozart Symphony No. 1 in E♭ Major (K. 16), autograph manuscript

Figure 3: Rus′ primary chronicle (interlinear collation)

Both of these visualizations use rows to represent parts (instruments for Mozart, manuscripts and editions for Ostrowski 2003) and columns to represent alignments.
Swapping rows and columns in alignment tables
In the discussion and examples above we describe rows as representing witnesses and columns as representing alignment points, but nothing in the concept of the alignment table prevents the editor from reversing that layout, so that each witness occupies a particular column and the alignment points are represented by the rows. If we swap the rows and columns of Table I, the result looks like the following:
Table II
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | 1860 | 1861 | 1866 | 1869 | 1872 |
The | The | The | The | The | The |
result | result | result | result | results | results |
of | of | of | of | of | of |
the | the | the | the | the | the |
various, | various, | various, | various, | various, | various, |
quite | quite | quite | quite | ||
unknown, | unknown, | unknown, | unknown, | unknown, | unknown, |
or | or | or | or | or | or |
but | but | ||||
dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly |
seen | seen | seen | seen | understood | understood |
laws | laws | laws | laws | laws | laws |
of | of | of | of | of | of |
variation | variation | variation | variation | variation | variation |
is | is | is | is | are | are |
infinitely | infinitely | infinitely | infinitely | infinitely | infinitely |
complex | complex | complex | complex | complex | complex |
and | and | and | and | and | and |
diversified. | diversified. | diversified. | diversified. | diversified. | diversified. |
These tables are informationally equivalent and each has advantages and disadvantages. In the case of digital editions of texts that are written in a left-to-right writing system, such as Darwin’s English-language On the origin of species, tension arises between the naturalness of placing each witness in its own row, to support continuous left-to-write reading (Table I), and the fact that after a fairly small number of words the display must either scroll horizontally (which users notoriously find less comfortable than vertical scrolling[22]) or wrap blocks of text that consist of several lines.[23] Arranging the witnesses in columns mitigates these limitations, but not without introducing its own complications:
As long as the number of witnesses is not large, arranging the witnesses in columns removes the need for horizontal scrolling, which is desirable from the perspective of the user experience (UX). Some editions, though, will require more witnesses than can comfortably be displayed across the screen without horizontal scrolling, which means that arranging the witnesses in columns is not a universal remedy for the inconvenience of horizontal scrolling.
One disadvantage of arranging the witnesses as columns is that it changes the word-to-word reading direction. In the case of the Darwin example, we are used to reading English-language texts horizontally, moving our focus down and to the left margin only when no more room remains on the current horizontal physical line. Arranging the witnesses in columns narrows those physical lines, with the result that reading a specific witness entails reading individual words horizontally while reading consecutive words entirely vertically. This is a not a familiar layout for reading English-language texts continuously.
Reducing repetition in alignment tables
An alignment table, whatever its orientation, involves a large (and often very large) amount of repetition. Unnecessary repetition during data entry creates opportunities for user error and unnecessary repetition in information modeling increases storage space.[24] At the same time, repetition is not necessarily undesirable for communicating information, and the focus of this report is primarily on visualization, and not on modeling or processing. Users most naturally recognize pieces of information as related when they are physically close to one another,[25] when they are similar in some way,[26] and when they appear inside the same boundary or container.[27] For these reasons, repeating words in each witness in an alignment table where they occur makes it easier in some ways for readers to perceive and understand the content of the individual witnesses.
It is possible in some circumstances to remove repetition in an alignment table by merging cells where adjacent witnesses contain the same readings. Table III, below, is informationally equivalent to Table II, above, but it removes variation by merging cells horizontally where witnesses share a reading.
Table III
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | 1860 | 1861 | 1866 | 1869 | 1872 |
The | |||||
result | results | ||||
of | |||||
the | |||||
various, | |||||
quite | |||||
unknown, | |||||
or | |||||
but | |||||
dimly | |||||
seen | understood | ||||
laws | |||||
of | |||||
variation | |||||
is | are | ||||
infinitely | |||||
complex | |||||
and | |||||
diversified. |
An obvious limitation of this approach is that it is not possible to merge cells that are not adjacent to one another. In Table III all readings that are shared by witnesses happen to be shared by witnesses that are adjacent in the table (and adjacent chronologically, since the columns are arranged by date of publication), but On the origin of species also contains readings that are shared by witnesses that are not chronologically consecutive. There is no consistent ordering of the six editions in the tables above that would make all shared readings adjacent, and repeatedly changing the order of the columns to manipulate the adjacency would introduce unwanted cognitive friction by undermining the reader’s spatial memory.[28]
Tokenization and alignment tables
The first stage of the Gothenburg Model, Tokenization, is where
the witness texts are divided into units to be aligned. The default tokenization in
release versions of CollateX separates tokens at sequences of whitespace (that is,
divides the text into orthographic words) and also breaks off boundary punctuation
into their own tokens. Users can override this default. The three Darwin tables above
use a custom tokenization rule that separates the text into words on whitespace but
not break off boundary punctuation into its own token, so that, for example, the text
all witnesses ends with the single token diversified.
, which includes a
trailing dot, instead of with a sequence of the token diversified
the dot) followed by the token .
(just a dot).
Separating the input texts into words during tokenization does not require that the
words be reported individually at the fifth and final Gothenburg stage, called
Visualization[29]. CollateX supports a process that it calls
segmentation, which merges adjacent alignment points that share
alignment properties. For example, all witnesses in our Darwin example have the same
first token (The
) and same third through fifth tokens (of the
), but there are differences in the second token (result
vs results
) and the sixth (quite
in four witnesses and nothing
in the other two). With segmentation activated, Table I would
look like:
Table IV
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | The | result | of the various, | quite | unknown, or | dimly | seen | laws of variation | is | infinitely complex and diversified. | |||||||||
1860 | The | result | of the various, | quite | unknown, or | dimly | seen | laws of variation | is | infinitely complex and diversified. | |||||||||
1861 | The | result | of the various, | quite | unknown, or | dimly | seen | laws of variation | is | infinitely complex and diversified. | |||||||||
1866 | The | result | of the various, | quite | unknown, or | dimly | seen | laws of variation | is | infinitely complex and diversified. | |||||||||
1869 | The | results | of the various, | unknown, or | but | dimly | understood | laws of variation | are | infinitely complex and diversified. | |||||||||
1872 | The | results | of the various, | unknown, or | but | dimly | understood | laws of variation | are | infinitely complex and diversified. |
The point of segmentation is that an open alignment point ends and a new one begins not with every new token, but only when the agreement pattern among witnesses changes. In this example the alignment-point columns alternate between those that show full agreement (columns 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11) and those that show variation or indel situations (columns 2, 4, 6, 8, 10). It will not always be the case that columns will alternate in this way; for example, if there are two adjacent alignment points that both show variation, but with different patterns of agreement among witnesses, the two will be output consecutively.
An alignment table with segmentation can arrange the witnesses either in rows, as in Table IV, above, or in columns, as in Table V, below:
Table V
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | 1860 | 1861 | 1866 | 1869 | 1872 |
The | The | The | The | The | The |
result | result | result | result | results | results |
of the various, | of the various, | of the various, | of the various, | of the various, | of the various, |
quite | quite | quite | quite | ||
unknown, or | unknown, or | unknown, or | unknown, or | unknown, or | unknown, or |
but | but | ||||
dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly | dimly |
seen | seen | seen | seen | understood | understood |
laws of variation | laws of variation | laws of variation | laws of variation | laws of variation | laws of variation |
is | is | is | is | are | are |
infinitely complex and diversified. | infinitely complex and diversified. | infinitely complex and diversified. | infinitely complex and diversified. | infinitely complex and diversified. | infinitely complex and diversified. |
Regardless of the orientation of the table, it is also possible (with this example, but not universally) to combine the merged or shared readings with segmentation, as in:
Table VI
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
1859 | 1860 | 1861 | 1866 | 1869 | 1872 |
The | |||||
result | results | ||||
of the various, | |||||
quite | |||||
unknown, or | |||||
but | |||||
dimly | |||||
seen | understood | ||||
laws of variation | |||||
is | are | ||||
infinitely complex and diversified. |
As we said earlier, merging cells where witnesses share a reading is possible only with adjacent cells, which means that it is a useful visualization only where all shared readings are shared by consecutive witnesses. That pattern occurs in the example above, but it it not the case elsewhere in On the origin of species.
Single-column alignment table
A modification of the alignment table to deal with fact that shared readings can be merged visually only when the witnesses are adjacent in the table is the single-column alignment table. This visualization divides the output the same way as the segmentation examples, above—that is, it starts a new alignment point when the pattern of agreement among witnesses changes. As the name implies, though, instead of rendering different witnesses in their own columns and merging adjacent ones, it displays the readings for an alignment point in a list within a single column, e.g.:
Table VII
From Charles Darwin, On the origin of species
No | Readings |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
The organization of the Readings column looks familiar because it is identical to a positive critical apparatus in that it groups and records the readings of all witnesses, and not only those that diverge from the editor’s preferred reading. In this case, for reasons discussed above, there is no dynamic critical text, and although we could select a copy text (such as the first edition as chronologically primary or the last as Darwin’s final, and therefore most experienced, expression of his ideas), there is no lost original to imagine and (re)construct. With that said, if we were to select one witness as primary, to be presented consecutively, the Readings column could be synchronized with it automatically and rendered as either a positive critical apparatus (as is) or a negative critical apparatus (by removing the sigla for the copy text and witnesses that agree with it from the apparatus entries).
We found the single-column alignment table useful during development because it provided the same information about an individual alignment point as we would find in a row of Table VI, except that the single-column alignment table could also record the agreement of witnesses that were not consecutive in chronological or any other consistent order, which is a feature that cannot be expressed in an alignment table. At the same time, although the single-column alignment table provides a useful representation of a single alignment point, it is difficult to read consecutively. All of the information needed to reconstruct the full, continuous text of any witness is present, but because of unpredictable layout and gaps in witnesses, the visual flow through a single witness is inconsistent, interrupted, and distracting. Insofar as the single-column alignment table is ultimately just a positive critical apparatus without a main text, it is not surprising that it reproduces the challenges of using a critical apparatus to read a single witness continuously, and it does so without the continuous and legible critical text that accompanies a traditional critical apparatus.
The best text
in an alignment table
Unlike with critical apparatus layout, which foregrounds the editor’s assessment of the best reading by placing it—and only it—in the main text, the transcription and interlinear publication of all witnesses does not automatically include an editorial judgment about which reading to prefer at moments of variation. To incorporate editorial assessment, and not just transcription, into an interlinear collation editors can include, in parallel with the actual textual witnesses, their own determination of a best reading. In Figure 3 (from Ostrowski 2003), above, the black rows represent transcriptions from manuscript witnesses, the red row at the bottom represents the editor’s dynamic critical text, and the blue rows represent critical texts published by other editors. This arrangement makes it easy to see at a glance where the witnesses agree or disagree with one another, which readings the editor considers most authoritative at each location, and how other editors evaluated the same variation to arrive at their decisions about which readings should be incorporated into the critical text.
An interlinear edition overcomes many of the intellectual and cognitive limitations of a critical apparatus, but at the expense of being practical only with a fairly small number of witnesses because the difficulty of seeing the patterns of agreement grows as the number of witnesses in the edition increases. A related consideration, at least with respect to paper publication, is that an interlinear collation incorporates a large amount of repetition or redundancy, which increases the size (and therefore also the production cost) of the edition. For example, the paper edition of Ostrowski 2003, with approximately ten witnesses and editions, fills three volumes that contain a total of approximately 2800 8-1/2 x 11 pages and occupy approximately eleven inches of shelf space.[30]
Redundant repetition is sometimes regarded instinctively as undesirable because by definition it contributes no information that is not already available in a different form. In the case of visualization, though, repetition that may be informationally redundant may nonetheless contribute to the rhetorical effectiveness of the edition. For that reason, repetition is not automatically a weakness that should be avoided in a visualization; it is, instead, a communicative resource with costs and benefits that must be assessed on their own terms.
Alignment table summary
Ordering challenges: Even when the number of witnesses is not large, an interlinear collation raises questions about how to order them. On the one hand, ordering the witnesses identically throughout the edition enables the reader to memorize their relative and absolute positions quickly, avoiding the cognitive friction that would arise from having to read the sigla carefully at every line to verify which readings go with which witnesses. On the other hand, it would be easier to see which witnesses share readings if those witnesses were adjacent to one another, and in that case the groupings (that is, the grouping-dependent orders) might vary at different locations in the edition. We find consistent order easier to understand, even when it means that not all shared readings will be rendered in adjacent or merged cells. In Ostrowski 2003, for example, the witnesses observe a consistent order and are grouped according to overall patterns of agreement suggested by a stemma codicum, even though that means that sometimes witnesses that share readings may be separated from one another visually by text from other witnesses.[31]
Repetition challenges: An alignment table that does not merge witnesses, and that instead repeats readings for each witness in which they appear (such as Table I, above), makes it easy to read any individual witness continuously. At the same time, not merging adjacent cells where witnesses share a reading means that the reader has to determine at every alignment point which witnesses agree with which others. How easy that is depends on the visual similarity of the readings. For example, readings of different lengths may be recognized easily as different, while readings of the same length may require closer inspection and consideration.
Separating the recording of variation from its evaluation: Insofar as an alignment table contains an affirmative statement about what each witness says (or doesn’t say) at every alignment point, it avoids the selectivity that can prevent readers from forming their own assessments of an editor’s decision about whether two witnesses attest a significant difference. The continuous text above a critical apparatus necessarily presents a privileged reading, either as a dynamic critical text or as a best witness selected as a copy text. Because an alignment table presents a legible continuous view of every witness, it does not automatically have a single privileged text (whether a dynamic critical text or a best witness). The editor of an alignment table may incorporate a dynamic critical text by entering it alignment point by alignment point, in parallel with the witness data, as in Figure 3.
Comparing alignment tables and critical apparatus: Our (somewhat subjective) experience has been that:
An alignment table makes it easy to read the continuous text of any witness, but harder to see which witnesses agree or disagree at a particular location. A critical apparatus makes it easier to see the patterns of agreement and variation, but harder to read any the text of witness continuously except the base text.
With a small number of witnesses an alignment table is more informative and easier to understand than a critical apparatus.
Both a critical apparatus and an alignment table quickly become difficult to read and understand as the number of witnesses increases, but an alignment table becomes challenging sooner than a critical apparatus. Because an alignment table is much more verbose than a critical apparatus, it also becomes impossible to represent on a single screen or page much sooner than is the case with a critical apparatus.
Graphic visualizations
Variant graph
The model used internally for recording the alignment of witnesses in current releases of CollateX is based on the variant graph, a structure popularized in Schmidt and Colomb 2009 after having been introduced almost half a century earlier. An SVG representation of the variant graph is also the principal graphic output format available in CollateX.
Variation-unit (Colwell and Tune 1964)
The earliest discussion of the variant graph as both model and visualization of which we are aware is Colwell and Tune 1964, which appears not to have been cited subsequently in relevant literature until its rediscovery by Elisa Nury and Elena Spadini (Nury and Spadini 2020, p. 7), who reproduce the example below:
Figure 4: Variant graph (Colwell and Tune 1964, p. 254)

Colwell and Tune 1964 uses the term variation-unit to describe a location where not all witnesses agree.[32] Their illustration records the text of the readings on what graph theory would call the edges, with no information recorded on the nodes. The discussion in their article leaves no doubt that they are also tracking, for each variation-unit, which readings are attested in which witnesses, although they do not include witness identifiers in their illustration.
Our term alignment point, discussed above, is not the same as the Colwell and Tune 1964 variation-unit because an alignment point includes both locations with variation and locations where all witnesses agree, while the variation-unit in Colwell and Tune 1964 refers only to locations where witnesses diverge. In Figure 4, then, there are three variation-units but six alignment points. The focus on locations with variation matters in Colwell and Tune 1964 because the authors propose that variation-units be counted to explore and assess relationships among witnesses, and most of their article focuses on principles for classifying and evaluating types of variant readings as part of the text-critical process.[33]
Rhine Delta (Sperberg-McQueen 1989)
The next appearance of the variant graph that we have been able to locate is Sperberg-McQueen 1989, which is also mentioned in passing in Nury and Spadini 2020 (p 7, fn 19). Sperberg-McQueen 1989 does not include any images (the write-up originated as a two-page conference abstract), but it describes the confluence and divergence of readings as analogous to the branches of a river delta, adopting the label Rhine Delta for the model. The illustration below shows how the Rhine (and Meuse) split into multiple channels, some of which may then merge or continue to divide:
Figure 5: Rhine–Meuse delta[34]

Annual average discharge of the Rhine and Meuse 2000-11
Under the term Rhine Delta, Sperberg-McQueen introduces many features and properties of the variant graph that serve as the focus of later work by others:
In this non-linear model, the multiple versions of a text are imagined not as so many parallel, non-intersecting lines, but as curves that intersect, run together for a while, and then split apart again, like the channels in a river delta. Unlike the channels of most river deltas, the versions of a text often merge again after splitting. The data structure takes its name from one riverine delta where such reunion of the channels does occur; I have christened it the
Rhine Deltastructure. Unlike the two-dimensional model of complex texts, this structure stores passages in which all versions agree only once; it is thus more economical of space. It also records the agreements and divergences of manuscripts structurally, which makes the task of preparing a critical apparatus a much simpler computational task.Formally, the Rhine Delta structure is a directed graph, each node of which is labeled with one token of the text and with the symbols of the manuscripts which contain that token. Each arc linking two tokens is labeled with the symbols of the manuscripts in which the two tokens follow each other. There is a single starting node and a single ending node. If one follows all the arcs labeled with the symbol of a specific manuscript, one visits, in turn, nodes representing each token of that manuscript, in sequence. Passages where all the manuscripts agree are marked by nodes and arcs bearing all the manuscript symbols. Passages where they disagree will have as many paths through the passage as there are manuscript variants.
It can be shown that from this structure we can, for any variant, produce all the conventional views of linear text and perform all the usual operations (deletion, insertion, replacement, travel, search and replace, block move, etc.). Moreover, we can readily generate the various conventional views of complex texts: base text with apparatus, texts in parallel columns, text in parallel horizontal lines. Unlike other methods of handling textual variation, the Rhine Delta has no computational bias toward any single base text state; the user pays no penalty for wishing to view the text in an alternate version, with an apparatus keyed to that version. (Sperberg-McQueen 1989)
The Rhine Delta model as described in Sperberg-McQueen 1989 records textual readings and witness identifiers on nodes and witness identifiers (alone) on edges, which is also the way information is allocated among nodes and edges in CollateX.[35] The following image is part of the CollateX variant-graph visualization of the data in Table I, but see also the excerpt from Documentation (CollateX) below, which explains how this visualization does not, in fact, expose all token information:
Figure 6: Variant graph (

Variant graph (Documentation (CollateX) version, with textual content on nodes)
As far as we can tell, Sperberg-McQueen 1989 appears not to have been discussed in any detail in the literature until the author republished the full text of the abstract himself on his own website after hearing a conference presentation that described a model with very similar properties. Sperberg-McQueen 1989 explains that:[36]
This work came to mind recently when I heard the paper
A Fresh Computational Approach to Textual Variationby Desmond Schmidt and Domenico Fiormonte at the conference Digital Humanities 2006, the first International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), at the Sorbonne in Paris earlier this month. So I have unearthed the abstract and put it on the Web.
Textgraph (Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006)
The abstract of the 2006 ADHO presentation by Schmidt and Fiormonte mentioned above was published as Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006, where the authors describe and illustrate a variant graph structure that they call a textgraph. The following image is from p. 194 of that conference abstract:
Figure 7: Textgraph (Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006, p. 194)

Textgraph is the term in Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006 for what is called a variant graph in Schmidt and Colomb 2009
The features of the textgraph in Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006 are largely the same as those of the variant graph in Schmidt and Colomb 2009, discussed immediately below.
Variant graph (Schmidt and Colomb 2009)
The first use we have been able to find of the term variant graph is in Schmidt and Colomb 2009, which presents the same general model as Schmidt and Fiormonte 2006, but in greater detail and with more explanation. The following variant graph image is from Schmidt and Colomb 2009, p. 510:
Figure 8: Variant graph (Schmidt and Colomb 2009, p. 510)

Variant graph (Schmidt and Colomb 2009 version, with textual content on edges)
Schmidt and Colomb 2009 emphasizes many of the same appealing features of the variant graph as a model as Sperberg-McQueen 1989: it reduces redundancy (see, for example, the extensive repetition in Table I), it permits the concise representation of textual editing operations (§3.4, pp. 503–04), and it supports specific computational operations on the graph itself (reading a single version, searching a multi-version text, comparing two versions, determining what is a variant of what, and creating and editing (§5, pp. 508–10)). The algorithm in Schmidt and Colomb 2009 for creating and editing a variant graph is progressive in the sense in which that term is traditionally used in multiple-sequence alignment, that is, it incorporates one singleton witness at a time into the graph.
The representation of the variant graph in Schmidt and Colomb 2009
puts both textual content and witness identifiers on the edges of the graph. The Start
and End nodes, indicated by circled S
and E
, represent the
starting and ending point of a traversal. There is exactly one path from start to
for each witness, which can be traversed by following the edges labeled for that
witness. The dotted lines represent transposition edges; they function as references
(the gray text is a copy of the black text with which it is connected by a tranposition
edge) and are not part of any traversal.
The variant graph as a model in CollateX (Documentation (CollateX))
As mentioned above, the CollateX variant graph, similarly to the earlier Rhine Delta model and unlike the model in Schmidt and Colomb 2009, stores the tokens that contain textual readings on the nodes of the graph, and the only information that the Rhine Delta model and CollateX store on the edges is witness identifiers. Schmidt and Colomb 2009 do not mention this difference; the lone reference to Sperberg-McQueen 1989 in Schmidt and Colomb 2009 reads, in its entirety:
Such a structure is intuitively suited to the description of digital text, and something like it has been proposed at least once before in this context, but was abandoned apparently because it could not be efficiently expressed in markup (Sperberg-McQueen, 1989).
It is possible to transform either of the two representations (text on nodes vs text on edges) to the other automatically, which means that they can be implemented in ways that are informationally equivalent, but the difference nonetheless merits attention from a software-engineering perspective; see the discussion below.
CollateX was developed under the auspices of the EU Interedition research program in 2009, with Ronald Haentjens Dekker and Gregor Middell as the two project leads. (About (CollateX)) Middell brought Schmidt and Colomb 2009 to Haentjens Dekker’s attention (neither developer knew about Sperberg-McQueen 1989 at the time), they recognized the variant graph as a useful model of textual variation, and they modified what they found in Schmidt and Colomb 2009 to move the tokens off the edges and onto the nodes. Insofar as edges in graph theory express relationships between nodes, putting no information on the nodes and all information on the edges would reduce the nodes to nothing but meeting places for edges, with no information or properties of their own, which makes the meaning of the nodes opaque.[37] But the developers of CollateX also had a more specific reason for putting the witness content on the nodes: the tokens that represent witness content in CollateX are complex objects with multiple properties, and not just string values. As Middell explains in Documentation (CollateX) (text in square brackets has been added):
In order to account for the separation of concerns laid out above [the five stages of the Gothenburg Model], CollateX’[s] implementation of Schmidt’s model adjusted the latter slightly. Instead of labelling the edges of a variant graph with two attributes—the content as well as the sigils [witness identifiers] of text versions containing it—the edges of variant graphs in CollateX are only labeled with sigil sets. The version’s content segments—in the form of partial token sequences—have been moved to the nodes/vertices. The ending of the example graph then looks like this (with sigils being mapped from A, B, C to W1, W2, W3):
CollateX’[s] Variant Graph Model
The above illustration does not reveal the internal structure of the graph completely insofar as the nodes’ labels in this figure are a simplification. For instance, the second node in the graph (read from left to right) is labeled
sacra, with the two versions W2 and W3sharing some content. More precisely though and in line with the above definition of tokens and their equivalence relation, W2 and W3 do notshare some content. Instead they both contain a token with the contentsacra, both deemed to be equal according to the definition of a specific token comparator function. In the graphical representation of the variant graph above, this subtle distinction is not made and both tokens are just represented via their common textual content. In CollateX’[s] data model though, this distinction is still relevant and represented: Each node/vertex in a variant graph is not modelled via textual content (as it would be the case when translated directly from Schmidt’s model) but as a set of tokens per node originating from one or more versions, with all tokens in such a set belonging to the same equivalence class.The described change to Schmidt’s model serves mainly two purposes: Firstly, it allows for arbitrary tokens to be compared and their commonalities, differences as well as their sequential order to be represented in a graph structure. Secondly, CollateX’[s] graph model is easy to transform into the tabular representation introduced further above by ranking the graph’s nodes in topological order and aligning tokens which belong to nodes of the same rank.
Where transpositions occur (not in the example above), the CollateX variant graph represents them with dotted lines. This corresponds to a similar special type of edge between nodes that contain the same textual content in Schmidt and Colomb 2009, where it is represented by a dashed line (see the example at Figure 8). The use of a special type of edge avoids cycles when traversing the graph according to its principal edges.
The variant graph as a visualization in CollateX
The utility of the variant graph in modeling has been confirmed by the successful use of CollateX in projects, where the variant graph functions as the internal model of the result of the alignment process, which can then be rendered visually as a graph (as in Figure 6, above) or transformed into an alternative visualization format (such as the alignment table in Table I, above). The focus of the present report, however, is not on the variant graph as a model, but on its utility as a final-form graphic visualization that communicates alignment and variation information to end-users.
Any visualization of variation, including the textual (and pre-digital) critical apparatus, becomes difficult to read as the extent of the variation grows, and both the critical apparatus and the variant graph manage the volume of information with the help of methods that we can usefully compare to data compression. Both visualization and data compression are transformations of a data set that retain something that matters for a particular purpose while excluding details that don’t matter for that purpose. As the name implies, the purpose of data compression is creating an output file that is smaller (as measured in bytes) than the non-compressed input. The visualization of data typically (although not obligatorily) aims for a smaller presentation size. Smaller presentation in the case of a critical apparatus might entail including only variation that the editor considers significant and choosing a negative apparatus over a positive one. In the case of graphic visualization, the editor includes only selected information with the goal of fitting into a small space (such as a single screen or page) a representation of just what the editor considers important (for a particular purpose) about the data.
Data compression methods are commonly categorized as either lossless or lossy, where the difference is that the exact original data can be restored from lossless—but not from lossy—compression. A critical apparatus that includes only variation that the editor considers significant is lossy because it excludes—completely and irretrievably—information that end-users might consider important. Insofar as a critical edition is often used as a surrogate for original data sources, especially when original manuscript data is not easily available to users of the edition, variation that an editor regards as insignificant is not documented and not recoverable. Choosing a negative apparatus instead of a positive one, on the other hand, is lossless because a negative apparatus comes with an implicit default: the editor asserts that any witness not recorded explicitly in an apparatus entry agrees at that location in all significant features with the continuous reading text (whether dynamic critical text or copy text based on a favored manuscript).
Visualization in general is typically not intended to present (or enable the recovery) of all features of an original set of data. Researchers use visualization to tell a story (that is, in the case of textual collation, to communicate a theory of the text) by including some properties while omitting others, so that the properties needed for the communicative purpose will stand out clearly. For example, as the discussion of the CollateX variant graph above explains, a node in the CollateX variant graph contains not just plain textual characters (the string rendered inside an ellipse in the visualization), but a set of tokens, which are complex objects with multiple properties. The simplification in this variant-graph visualization is lossy because all properties except the normalized string value of the token are discarded and the string is represented once regardless of the number of aligned tokens with which it is associated, which makes the graph easier to read.
CollateX actually supports two variant-graph visualizations, a simplified one that silently merges tokens that share a normalized reading and a more information-rich one that performs the merge but also renders information about differences among original, non-normalized forms of the tokens. Consider the following collation input:
Look, a koala!
Look, Koala!
Look, a gray koala!
The witnesses all begin with the same two tokens (Look
) and end with the same token (!
), but the tokens in
the middle vary. Note especially that witnesses A and C contain the token
(lower-case k
), which an editor would align with
(upper-case K
) in witness B. If we tell CollateX
to normalize the tokens by ignoring case before performing alignment, the basic (simple)
variant-graph visualization silently merges koala
with Koala
Figure 10: CollateX basic variant-graph output

With CollateX configured to ignore case differences during alignment, the basic
variant-graph output silently merges lower-case koala
with upper-case
The rich variant-graph output from CollateX performs the same merge because we’ve told it that case differences should not be treated as significant during alignment. CollateX nonetheless retains its knowledge of those differences even while not letting them affect what it merges, and the rich variant-graph visualization exposes them:
Figure 11: CollateX rich variant-graph output (middle portion)

With CollateX configured to ignore case difference during alignment, the rich
variant-graph output also merges lower-case koala
(witnesses A, C)
with upper-case Koala
(witness B), but in this version the output
exposes the original differences among the non-normalized tokens
The basic visualization is easier to read because less ink means less competition
for the reader’s attention, and the main thing we see is where readings are considered
the same for alignment purposes. As is often the case, easier to read
entails a cost, which in this case is the suppression and concealment of differences
that the editor considers insignificant for alignment purposes, but that might
nonetheless be regarded as important in other contexts.
CollateX normalization is controlled by end-users, and although case-folding may be a very common type of normalization, it isn’t the only type. When working with a heavily inflected language, for example, a researcher might want to align on lemmatized forms, ignoring inflectional differences in order to focus on lexical differences by excluding grammatical ones. Birnbaum 2015 describes the implementation of a Soundex-like strategy for aligning texts in a heavily inflected language with unstable orthography, and Birnbaum and Eckhoff 2018 describes a strategy for aligning Greek and Old Church Slavonic texts by normalizing them to (only) part of speech, that is, aligning nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, etc., as in the following example (reformatted from an image on p. 12):
Figure 12: Multilingual alignment with CollateX

Alignment of Greek and Old Church Slavonic by part of speech. Solid edge lines apply to both languages, dotted lines only to Greek, and dashed lines only to Old Church Slavonic
The developers in this case customized the variant graph output format in Figure 12 to render only the original, non-normalized string values of the tokens, but the tokens contained additional properties. In particular, they incorporated a part-of-speech property, which served as the shadow normalization used to perform the alignment, which the developers chose to exclude from the visualization because it was not important for understanding the texts.[38]
Excursus: Informational differences between variant graphs and alignment tables
The variant graph model in CollateX includes all information about tokens, alignment, and variation. As we write above, a visualization—unlike the model—typically does not include all information because the purpose of a visualization is to tell a story, not all data is relevant for every possible story, and irrelevant data in a visualization is clutter that makes the story harder to understand. For that reason, even the rich variant-graph visualization in CollateX does not, by default, expose all properties of nodes. User requirements cannot always be predicted, and the modular nature of the Gothenburg Model means that if neither of the built-in CollateX variant-graph visualizations (simple, rich) corresponds adequately to their requirements, users can create their own alternatives.
It is possible to render any information from the variant-graph model (that is, any information about tokens, alignment, and variation) in a variant-graph visualization, but there is information in the model that cannot be expressed in an alignment-table visualization. Two types of information that cannot be represented in an alignment table are discussed below.
An alignment table, which must align all tokens, neutralizes groupings that are present in a variant graph
A variant graph represents the alignment of corresponding tokens from different
witnesses by placing the tokens on the same node. An alignment table represents that
same type of alignment by placing the tokens in the same column. A single column in
alignment table, however, does not always correspond to a single node in a variant
graph; it corresponds to what we called an alignment point above. That is, a column
represents an alignment of all witnesses—including some with completely unrelated
readings and some with no readings (represented by empty cells)—at a particular location
in the alignment. In addition to putting readings from a shared variant-graph node
the same column, an alignment table puts readings from different variant-graph nodes
the same column when they have the same rank in the variant graph,
where rank means that [e]ach node is assigned a higher rank than the highest
ranked node that point[s] to it.
(Wernick 2017; text in
square brackets is added).[39] For that reason, an alignment table is not able to distinguish readings from
different witnesses that are in the same column because they were on the same node
the variant graph model from those that were on different nodes of the same rank.
Consider, for example, an alignment of The gray koala
with The
Gray koala
(note the case difference). When Normalization is configured to
ignore case differences, the middle word is stored on the same node in the variant
Figure 13: Rich variant graph with case folding

The neutralization of case differences during the Normalization stage means that
and Gray
are on the same node
However, when case differences are not neutralized for alignment purposes the
readings gray
and Gray
are stored on different nodes that
have the same rank:
Figure 14: Rich variant graph without neutralization of case

If case differences are not neutralized during the Normalization stage
and Gray
are on different nodes, but the nodes
have the same rank in the graph
The two different variant graphs above nonetheless correspond to the same alignment
table, with gray
and Gray
aligned within the same
Table VIII
Same alignment table either with or without the neutraliztion of case differences
A | The | gray | koala |
B | The | Gray | koala |
The relationship of gray
to Gray
is self-evident, and
it’s easier to see from other examples why putting readings into the same column of
alignment table because their nodes have the same rank is a blunt tool. For example,
method would just as easily align The gray koala
with The
prehistoric koala
or The toy koala
(neither of which is a koala
at all). What gray
and Gray
have in common is lexical
identity, but that isn’t why they wind up in the same column. What they also have
common, and the only thing that gray
and prehistoric
have in common, is that they happen to appear in the same context.
This relationship is what we called a non-match above, it is a meaningful part of
alignment result, and the alignment table renders it correctly. Our point is that
doing so, the alignment table must neutralize a distinction that is not neutralized
in a
variant graph.
If we think of the columns of an alignment table as representing the alignment points that we defined earlier, an alignment table does a poor job of representing groups of readings within an alignment point. Readings that share a node (by virtue of evaluating as equal according to a comparison of their normalized properties) can be considered to form a group, while those that share a rank but not a node may wind up at the same rank only because of properties of their neighbors. As we noted in our discussion of alignment tables, above, rows with readings that share a node are not necessarily even adjacent to one another; an alignment table is not designed to represent groupings within a column. This means that expressing a variant-graph model as an alignment-table visualization entails a loss of grouping information.
The fact that CollateX assigns witness readings to columns according to node rank in the variant graph model creates a challenge when there are gaps in a witness. Consider the following witness data:
The gray koala.
The white and grey koala.
The first (one) and last (two) tokens of the witnesses match, but the remaining
middle token in Witness A, gray
, does not match any of the three middle
tokens in Witness B exactly (note that gray
in Witness A is spelled
differently than grey
in Witness B). The variant graph output of CollateX
for this alignment is:
Figure 15: Variant graph without an exact match

The variant graph shows the different paths for Witnesses A and B without aligning all tokens and without representing the absence of readings explicitly
Editors might disagree about how best to transform this variant graph into an alignment table visualization, but it is unlikely that any editor will prefer the default alignment table created by CollateX:
Table IX
Undesirable default alignment by rank in variant graph
A | The | gray | koala | . | ||
B | The | white | and | grey | koala | . |
The reason CollateX defaults to an alignment table layout that most editors would
consider suboptimal is that the CollateX default settings have no understanding of
closest match. This reflects an engineering decision: finding a
closest match is both unnecessary in most cases and much more expensive computationally
than finding an exact match, which means that it would not be realistic to make it
universal behavior during the Alignment stage of the Gothenburg Model. Correspondences
that can be described with simple algorithms, such as case differences, can be
neutralized easily during the Normalization stage, at which point CollateX can look
exact matches across normalized values without additional computational cost. In
principle users could create a Normalization function that would neutralize the
distinction between gray
and grey
, but because the
difference is lexically idiosyncractic (e.g., we would not want to normalize
and prey
the same way), implementing this sort of
function would require considerably more developer time and effort than implementing
Users who agree in their dislike of Table IX might disagree about
what they would prefer to see in its stead. One option would be to align
with grey
, as in:
Table X
Alignment of variant spellings
A | The | gray | koala | . | ||
B | The | white | and | grey | koala | . |
Users can ask CollateX to produce the alignment table above (Table X) by switching on the near matching option, which aligns tokens according to the closest match only when two conditions are satisfied: 1) there is no exact match and 2) there is a gap in the shorter witness.[40] Near matching creates a non-traversal near-matching edge in the variant graph, which is used to adjust the rank of the nodes, which in this case produces:
Figure 16: Variant graph with near matching

Turning on near matching creates a non-traversal near-matching edge that is interpreted as overriding the default ranking algorithm to assign the same (higher) rank to nodes connected by a near-matching edge.
Assigning the same rank to nodes causes their readings to be rendered in the same column in a corresponding alignment table because assignment of a node to a column in CollateX is controlled by rank. What makes near matching tractable in this situation is that it is invoked during the Analysis (not Alignment) stage of the Gothenburg Model and only when the two conditions mentioned above are met. That situation arises rarely enough that the limited use of near matching does not impinge noticeably on the overall performance.
A different user option might be to align gray
with the complex
phrase white and gray
, as in:
Table XI
CollateX alignment table with segmentation
A | The | gray | koala. |
A | The | white and grey | koala. |
The user can invoke this behavior by switching on segmentation,
which collapses adjacent nodes along a path in the variant graph as long as the edge
labels (the witness identifiers) do not change. Turning on segmentation creates a
different variant graph, one with fewer nodes, and the node with gray
Witness A winds up in the same column as white and grey
in Witness B
because the nodes have the same rank in the graph:
Figure 17: Variant graph with segmentation

With segmentation switched on, the tokens white and grey
Witness B are assigned to the same node in the graph, which maps to Table XI as an alignment table because the nodes in the middle
have the same rank
Reasonable persons might disagree about whether the version with segmentation above (Table XI) offers a better alignment than the one with near matching (Table X). Ultimately, we would not expect automated collation to identify a single best alignment in situations where human editors might prefer different alignments for different reasons. CollateX accommodates different user preferences by incorporating switches that put these decisions under user control.[41]
We’ve devoted a lot of attention above to complexities involved in expressing a
variant graph model as an alignment table because the underlying issue is that there
cannot be an unambiguous, round-trippable relationship between a variant graph and
alignment table because a variant-graph visualization tells a different story about
alignment than an alignment table.[42] The variant graph in Figure 15
does not strictly align gray
with any one of the three tokens in the
other witness because the exact position of a node on a variant-graph path is not
informational (as long as the order of the nodes does not contradict the order of
text in the input documents). What the variant graph model does record is that the
from The
to koala
for Witness A passes through a single
node and the one for Witness B passes through three nodes (in a specific order). The
CollateX visualization of a variant graph has to plot the gray
node of
Witness A somewhere, and by default it does that according to the rank of the node
the graph, but the location of a node along a path is a rendering artifact that is
part of the information value of the variant-graph model. This differs from the meaning
of a column in an alignment table; when the CollateX alignment table assigns nodes
the same rank to the same column, that decision does acquire an informational meaning
because the meaning of a column in an alignment table is that all cells in the column
correspond to one another for alignment purposes. The correspondence may happen because
the tokens are evaluated as having the same value (after the Normalization stage)
alignment purposes (in which case they are on the same node) or it may happen because
they are on different nodes that have the same rank (whether originally or because
near matching). In some cases correspondence because of shared rank may reflect a
complete non-match, where non-matching tokens wind up sandwiched between matching
as in The gray koala
vs The other koala
; we refer to this
as a forced match because the readings are forced into the same
column by their neighbors, who leave them nowhere else to go.
The upshot of this difference is that tokens that share a column in an alignment table are presented as aligned, and because every token must appear in exactly one column and every witness must be represented by either a token or a gap in every column, an alignment table asserts an explicit alignment for every token or gap in each witness with either a token or a gap in every other witness. A variant graph, on the other hand, represents readings as associated only when they share a node and, differently, when they are connected by a near-matching edge. In other situations a variant graph makes no explicit assertion about the relationship of readings in one witness to readings in other witnesses. This means that a variant-graph visualization, but not an alignment table, can represent the difference between readings that share a node and readings on different nodes that share a rank.
A variant graph (but not an alignment table) can represent transposition and near matching
The term transposition describes a situation where witnesses cannot align all matching nodes simultaneously because corresponding nodes in different witnesses are ordered differently. Consider:
The gray and white koala
The white and gray koala
These witnesses have exactly the same tokens, but because an alignment cannot
rearrange the order of tokens within a witness, CollateX cannot align both
with white
and gray
. The current CollateX Java release (although not the Python one)
is able to render information about transposition in the variant-graph
Figure 18: Variant graph with transpositions

The dashed lines represent non-traversal transposition edges, which connect nodes that are transposed with respect to each other
If we ask CollateX to create an alignment table from this variant graph it outputs:
Table XII
Alignment table with transposition, v. 1
A | The | gray | and | white | koala |
B | The | white | and | gray | koala |
An alignment table cannot align both gray
and white
without reordering witness content, which is not permitted, and in this case chooses
align and
, which meant that it could not also align either
or white
. If we remove the conjunction from the
witnesses, though, CollateX will align one of the color terms and not the other:
Table XIII
Alignment table with transposition
A | The | gray | white | koala | |
B | The | white | gray | koala |
CollateX could have chosen to align white
instead of
, but it cannot align both.
As we’ve seen above (e.g., in Figure 16), a variant-graph visualization is able to represent near matching with a non-traversal near-matching edge. As we’ve already discussed, though, an alignment table is not able to distinguish a situation where readings wind up in the same column because they share a node from one where they wind up in the same column because near matching assigns the same rank to them. What transposition and near matching have in common is that graphs allow typed edges, which makes it possible to incorporate non-traversal transposition and near-matching edges into a variant graph visualization alongside the regular traversal edges. A table has only cell content, row membership, and column membership to work with, and therefore is not able to represent these different types of relationships except by layering non-table-cell properties such as color or arrows or footnotes on top of the inherent properties of content, row membership, and column membership.
Editing the collation
Editors can improve the quality of the alignments produced by CollateX by engaging mindfully with Tokenization and Normalization, the first two stages of the Gothenburg Model. Real data, though, may require context-specific expert judgment, including decisions about which human experts might reasonably disagree, and it is not realistic to expect that a fully automated process will always produce alignments that every researcher would consider optimal even after fine-tuning the Tokenization and Normalization. For that reason it is not uncommon for human editors to want to edit the output of the CollateX Alignment stage to improve the quality of the result before passing it along to Visualization, which is the fifth and final stage of the Gothenburg Model.
Human intervention to modify the output of the Alignment process is part of the fourth stage of the Gothenburg Model, Analysis/Feedback, although that stage refers also to automated adjustments in an alignment that can be implemented only after the general Alignment stage. The near matching that we describe above is implemented in CollateX as an automated adjustment that accepts the output of the Alignment stage (represented by the variant-graph model) as input and outputs a modified variant graph. At the same time, because the output of a fully automated CollateX alignment, including near matching, may continue to fall short of the alignment that an expert editor would author manually, some developers have created tools for editing the output of CollateX manually, and we discuss two of those below. The reason these tools matter in the context of our present focus on the visualization of variation is that the user interacts with them using different visualizations: with Stemmaweb the user edits a variant graph, while with the Standalone Collation Editor the user interacts with a critical apparatus. These interfaces, and especially the differences between them, invite us to consider how the features of the two visualizations compare when used as representations intended for manual editing.
One concern that arises with manual intervention in a computational pipeline is that users who have edited the output of an automated alignment process may later need to rerun the pipeline. There can be many reasons for rerunning a pipeline, including the discovery of new witnesses (or other new decisions about which witnesses to include in an edition) or new decisions about Tokenization or Normalization. Rerunning a pipeline in and of itself incurs no meaningful cost in time or effort, but that is not the case with having to edit the output of the process manually every time the pipeline is rerun. This means that it is not practical to apply the same individual, manual adjustments repeatedly each time a pipeline is rerun against the same input. At the same time, there is no obvious way to incorporate individual, manual adjustments into a fully automated pipeline before rerunning it. Among other things, the addition of a new witness or a change in the Tokenization or Normalization rules might result in a substantially different output from the automated Alignment process, one that is not capable of hosting earlier manual interventions in a different Alignment output. Saving the output of manual editing into the alignment is not difficult; what is difficult is to rerun the collation pipeline from the beginning in a way that incorporates those manual adjustments.
For these reasons a general principle concerning manual engagement with a computational pipeline is to try restrict manual intervention, where possible, to only the base form, that is, the initial input into the first step in the pipeline. With respect to textual collation this would mean trying to edit only the input into the entire collation process, avoiding, where possible, manual intervention between steps in the Gothenburg Model. With that said, it may not be possible to obtain a philologically acceptable result without manual intervention at other stages in the collation process, and it is this need that the tools described below seek to address.
The Stemmaweb project (Stemmaweb) offers a suite of online tools for exploring textual transmission. The term stemma in textual criticism refers to a hierarchical model of textual transmission, largely comparable to a phylogenetic tree in biological classification.[43] A stemma represents an editor’s hypothesis about the historical transmission of textual information, and Stemmaweb accepts a collation as input into phylogenetic algorithms that create stemmatic representations of the textual tradition. Stemmaweb also incorporates a tool called the Stexaminer, which accepts as input a moment of variation in the collation, determines whether that variation is compatible with a particular stemma, and identifies, in cases involving mismatches with the stemma, where the change responsible for the nonstemmatic variation may have been introduced into the tradition. A mismatch may reflect a suboptimal stemma or a real textual phenomenon, such as contamination or coincidence.[44]
The Relationship mapper component of Stemmaweb renders a variant graph that the user can then edit. As the documentation for the tool explains:
The premise of the tool is that, once a set of texts has been collated, there will be a need to chart the relationships between the variants—are they substantially the same word? Different words meaning the same thing? Is one an orthographic variant of the other that should be excluded from any eventual apparatus? (Relationship mapper (Stemmaweb))
The Relationship mapper allows the user to create new edges in the variant graph that specify the type of a relationship between nodes. In the image below, copied from the documentation at Relationship mapper (Stemmaweb), the user has added an edge of type grammatical to record that two nodes store tokens with readings that are grammatical variants of each other:
Figure 19: Adding edges in the Relationship editor (Stemmaweb)

The human editor has created an edge of type grammatical between two nodes
The Relationship mapper also makes it possible to correct what the editor regards as mistakes in the collation. The following images, copied from Relationship mapper (Stemmaweb), show an incorrect collation and the corrected version after the editor has intervened manually within the Relationship mapper:
Figure 20: Incorrect collation (before manual intervention in the Relationship mapper)

CollateX aligned the wrong instances of et
, which resulted in
failing to align cetera
, secundo
, and
Figure 21: Corrected collation (after manual intervention in the Relationship mapper)

The editor has manually realigned et
and then accepted
suggestions that the Relationship manager generated, in response to that change,
about realigning other tokens
Changes introduced into the variant graph through the Relationship mapper interface become accessible to Stemweb, the Stemmaweb component that generates a stemma from the collation. This means that a user who has edited the variant graph can rerun the Stemweb tool, specifying which types of relationship edges are likely to be stemmatically significant, and therefore taken into consideration when computing a new stemma, and which types should be excluded from the stemmatic analysis.[45]
The variant graph provides a natural interface for this type of manual intervention because it contains relevant information that cannot be represented in an alignment table. As we described above, readings may wind up in the same column of an alignment table for a variety of reasons, which means that the presence of two readings in the same column does not distinguish whether they are there because they share a node or because they are on different nodes of the same rank. More generally, an alignment table is not designed to accommodate any representation comparable to the typed edges that can be added manually in the Relationship mapper. One way to describe the difference between the alignment table and the variant graph for editorial purposes is that the alignment table may tell a more legible story about which readings are aligned, but only the variant graph, especially when enhanced with the typed edges of the Stemmaweb Relationship mapper, is able to tell a story about why particular readings are aligned. Because the editor’s responsibilities include assessing and evaluating—and not merely recording—textual correspondences, the variant graph, enhanced with typed edges, offers a more effective interface than the alignment table for manual fine-tuning in support of stemmatic analysis.
A critical apparatus that records significant variation can also identify the type
of variation in a way that is similar to the typed grammatical-variant edge introduced
manually through the Stemmaweb Relationship editor in Figure 19. See, for example, the parentheses around the
spelling variant identified at the end of Figure 1, where
the preface to the edition explains that [p]arenthesis marks in the apparatus
indicate that a witness or edition supports the reading for which it is cited, but
with minor differences
. (Greek New Testament, p. xlvii) There are nonetheless
at least two reasons to prefer editing a variant graph over editing a critical apparatus
for stemmatic exploration:
The CollateX variant graph records readings as complex tokens with multiple properties, including original readings, normalized readings, witness membership, and others. A critical apparatus suppresses much of that information in order to foreground visually the patterns of agreement and variation. For example, an editor might choose to regard certain types of variation as non-significant and exclude the associated details from an eventual critical apparatus. Ultimately, a variant graph is designed to record and store more types of information than a critical apparatus, which makes it a more capable environment for editing properties that might not be exposed in a critical edition visualization.
The second Stemmaweb example above, Figure 20 and Figure 21, illustrates how a single manual realignment within a variant can lead to a cascade of associated realignments. A critical apparatus is granular in a way that a graph is not, and because an apparatus foregrounds one moment of agreement or variation at a time, it is not designed to identify and processes the downstream, possibly remote consequences of a local manual adjustment.
Standalone Collation Editor
The interface for modifying collation information in the Standalone Collation Editor presents a critical apparatus that summarizes the readings at all alignment points.[46] The image below shows several alignment points in a sample Greek text distributed with the Standalone Collation Editor. In this image the user has hovered over one of the readings, which causes a tooltip overlay to appear that lists the sigla of witnesses that attest that particular variant:
Figure 22: Standalone Collation Editor (showing witness sigla)

The user has hovered over the first reading, causing a tooltip that lists the sigla of witnesses that attest that reading to materialize
As can be seen in the image immediately below, Columns 20 and 22 have a difference that involves a dot under a letter (20d vs 20a [two letters]; 22c vs 22a [one letter]), a convention in textual criticism for representing uncertain or restored readings:
Figure 23: Standalone Collation Editor (supplied sample text before normalization)

In this example the input into the Standalone Collation Editor represents letters with and without underdots as different, although a human editor might regard those correspondences as not significant for textual-criticism purposes, and therefore as candidates for normalization
An editor who decides that the presence vs absence of an underdot is not significant for collation purpose can manually normalize the forms with dots as non-significant variants of the forms without dots. The normalization can be rendered in the interface or hidden; in the image below it is exposed:
Figure 24: Standalone Collation Editor (supplied sample text after normalization)

The same text after the editor has normalized the forms with underdots as variants of those without underdots
In this sample the Standalone Collation Editor begins with single-token alignment
points, that is, without the merging of adjacent readings that CollateX refers to
segmentation. An editor who decides that the phrase εφαγον τον αρτον
should be regarded as a single, three-token alignment point (comparable to CollateX
segmentation) can implement that merger manually within the Standalone Collation Editor
interface, producing the following result:
Figure 25: Standalone Collation Editor (supplied sample text with segmentation)

The same text after the editor has merged the three tokens into a single alignment point
Interfaces for editing the alignment
Both the Relationship manager tool in Stemmaweb and the Standalone Collation Editor can be used to modify an alignment, but the interfaces they offer are based on visualizations that prioritize different features of the alignment. The critical-apparatus interface of the Standalone Collation Editor is likely to be familiar to more textual scholars than the variant graph, and its focus on an ordered sequence of individual alignment points can guide the editor through a point-by-point review of the tradition. The variant-graph interface that underlies the Stemmaweb Relationship manager, on the other hand, provides more immediate access to more types of information; for example, witness identifiers are part of the regular variant-graph display, while the Standalone Collation Editor renders them only on hover, and therefore for only one reading at a time. Stemmaweb incorporates tools for generating stemmata and exploring where they do and do not correspond to the manuscript tradition, while the Standalone Collation Editor prioritizes fine-tuning the relationships that will be reflected in an eventual rendered critical apparatus. The critical apparatus interface of the Standalone Collation Editor records places where individual witnesses lack a reading, while in the variant-graph interface of the Stemmaweb Relationship mapper, the silence of a particular witnesses at certain moments in the tradition is implicit.
Editors who find it convenient to approach a textual tradition in terms of alignment points (that is, critical-apparatus renderings) are likely to feel comfortable with the Standalone Collation Editor, which edits a collation by editing an apparatus-like view of it. Editors who find it convenient to focus on the flow of information through individual witnesses (cf. the Rhine Delta model described above) are likely to feel comfortable with the Stemmaweb Relationship mapper, where a reader can follow the labeled edges in a variant graph to see when witnesses agree or disagree and how the text of a single witness flows (to continue the riverine metaphor) through the tradition.
As the fifth and last stage of the Gothenburg model, Visualization often represents a moment of transition, where a collation tool (such as CollateX) presents its final output for human consumption. The visualizations discussed in this section, though, are not intended entirely or primarily to communicate final collation output; they serve instead as part of the Analysis (fourth) stage of the Gothenburg model, providing an opportunity for a human to modify the machine alignment before passing the result along to the Visualization stage. Visualizations in tools for editing the collation resemble final-form visualizations because they communicate alignment results to human editors, but they also need to provide affordances that allow the human to add alignment information. Editing a variant graph is closer to editing the underlying model of the alignment, while editing a critical apparatus is closer to editing a final-form rendered output. We know of no tool for editing collation information through an alignment-table interface, which is not surprising because an alignment table includes a lot of repetition (which would complicate the editing interface) and it is not generally able to model subgroups of shared readings visually.
Enriched graphic visualizations
The visualizations described above have served as starting points for others, including some that support dynamic exploration of a textual tradition at different levels of detail. For example, TRAViz (TRAViz) offers an enhanced representation of the variant graph that uses font size to convey the degree of a reading (how many witnesses it appears in) and color as an alternative to textual labels to distinguish witness sigla, as in the following example, which we reproduce from the main page of the TRAViz web site:
Figure 26: TRAViz visualization

Reproduced from TRAViz
TRAViz provides the close-view component of some tools that integrate views at different removes into a single interactive system. The following visualization, copied from Jänicke and Wrisley 2017, illustrates a combination of views at different distances of the same materials, with the close view supplied by TRAViz:[47]
Figure 27: Multi-level visualization

Juxtaposed distant, meso, and close views
Alignment ribbon (vertical)
As noted above, the underlying model of variation in the current releases of CollateX is a variant graph. The underlying model that we developed to support our new alignment algorithm is based instead on a linear sequence of alignment points, each of which is an instance of one of the four types we identified earlier: Agreement, AgreementIndel, Variation, and VariationIndel. Each alignment point, in turn, contains a set of groups, with one group for each shared reading (node in a variant graph) at that alignment point. Agreement and Agreement Indel nodes have exactly one group; Variation and VariationIndel nodes have two or more groups. Each group has, as a property, a map from sigla to witness tokens (recall that in CollateX tokens are complex objects that record the original, non-normalized string value, the normalized value, the witness identifier, and other properties). A group has one map entry for each witness that is present in that group at that alignment point. Missing readings are represented only implicitly, so that the omission of a witness reading in an alignment point functions as a zero-sign representation of the absence of a reading for that witness at that location.[48] We intend to discuss elsewhere the reason why we developed and applied a different underlying model than in the current release versions of CollateX, but we introduce that model here because it motivated us to deploy, as a development aid, a new visualization, one that had not previously been supported. We call this new visualization an alignment ribbon.[49]
The following figure diagrams the structure of the four types of alignment points:
Figure 28: Alignment ribbon model

An alignment is a sequence of the four types of alignment points found in the left column. A group within an alignment point represents witnesses with equivalent readings, which typically means the same normalized token values, but not necessarily the same non-normalized ones. The first two alignment-point types in the example above, Agreement and AgreementIndel, have exactly one group, and the last two (Variation and VariationIndel) have two or more groups. The readings associated with a group are structured as a map with a siglum (witness identifier) as the key and a sequence of tokens (complex token objects, with properties that include normalized and non-normalized string values, witness identifier, and others) as a value. Witnessees that are not present at an alignment point (witness 3 in the Agreement Indel and VariationIndel examples, above) are omitted from the model.
Below is an example of our initial implementation of an alignment ribbon visualization:
Figure 29: Alignment ribbon (vertical, excerpt)

Each row in the table represents an alignment point (Node), with the types color-coded: blue for Agreement, goldenrod for AgreementIndel, and thistle (beige) for Variation (this example has no VariationIndel nodes, which would have a different color).
Each witness is represented by a ribbon with a stable color and a stable textual label at every alignment point. Within an alignment point, witnesses that share a reading are grouped (immediately adjacent to one another), with groups separated from one another by spaces. We discuss the ordering of groups and of witnesses within groups below, but note here that a group of any witnesses not present in an alignment point is rendered to the far right against a dark background. In this example, the ribbons that move from Node 4 (shown) to Node 5 (not shown) tell us that Node 5 has a single group of four witnesses (59, 60, 61, and 66) and two missing witnesses (69 and 72).
Alignment points combine tokens according to what CollateX calls segmentation. This means that an alignment point may contain multiple tokens, and a new alignment point begins when the grouping of readings changes and continues until the next change. No dynamic critical base text or other preferred reading is required, although one can be incorporated if desired. The content of the Text column is equivalent to a positive critical apparatus, based on normalization implemented during the Gothenburg Normalization stage (in the normalization for this example all text is lower-cased and punctuation is treated as separate tokens).
The alignment ribbon can be regarded, at least in some respects, as part of a family
of flow diagrams, which include Sankey diagrams,
alluvial (sometimes called alluvial flow or
alluvial fan) diagrams, and parallel
coordinates or parallel sets.[50]
Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 introduces alluvial diagrams as a new type of visualization
designed to bring out the stories implicit in a time series of cluster
, that is, to represent differences in the clustering of data over times or
states. The following image is reproduced from Figure 3 of Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010,
together with the authors’ original title and caption:
Figure 30: Mapping change in science (Rosvall and Bergstrom)

This set of scientific fields show the major shifts in the last decade of
science. Each significance clustering for the citation networks in years 2001, 2003,
2005, and 2007 occupies a column in the diagram and is horizontally connected to
preceding and succeeding significance clusterings by stream fields. Each block in
column represents a field and the height of the block reflects citation flow through
the field. The fields are ordered from bottom to top by their size with mutually
nonsignificant fields placed together and separated by half the standard spacing.
use a darker color to indicate the significant subset of each cluster. All journals
that are clustered in the field of neuroscience in year 2007 are colored to
highlight the fusion and formation of neuroscience.
(title, image, and
caption quoted from Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010)
Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 explains how this visualization illustrates a
reconfiguration of scientific disciplines over time, and specifically how urology
splits off from oncology
, infectious diseases becomes a unique
, and neuroscience emerges as a stand-alone discipline
Concerning the use of alluvial diagrams to visualize clustering changes over time
broadly, the authors observe that [t]hese methods are general to many types of
networks and can answer questions about structural change in science, economics, and
. The Rhine Delta model described in Sperberg-McQueen 1989 extends (at least implicitly) these capabilities to
textual transmission, with linear token order taking the place of the time dimension
the number of witnesses representing clustering depth.[51]
The principal differences between alluvial diagrams as described in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 and our alignment ribbon are:
The flows in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 are concerned with cluster size, but not with the identity of individual members of the clusters. Because witness identity matters for our purposes we use color plus textual labeling to represent each witness at each alignment point, while there is no representation of the flow of individual continuous data items in the visualizations in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010. This allows them to use color for other purposes, discussed below.
Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 orders the clusters at each alignment point from bottom to top by decreasing cluster size. Our alignment ribbon situates a cluster of witnesses missing from an alignment point to the far right, against a dark background, but otherwise aims to maximize continuity in the ordering of clusters.[52]
Our visualization maintains a stable color for each witness to make it easier to follow how a witness moves into and out of groups. Because the data in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 is not organized around anything comparable to our notion of an individual witness within a group, the visualization there deploys color for a different purpose: to distinguish groups, rather than members of groups.That visualization also uses darker and lighter shades of the same color to distinguish statistically significant vs statistically insignificant subclusters within a group. Our model of agreement and variation is descriptive, rather than inferential, which means that significance is not a feature of our model or visualization.
The visualizations in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 are designed to show changes in category identity, and not only in category size, while clusters in our model do not necessarily have an identity comparable to, for example, their scientific fields. Textual criticism distinguishes closed vs open patterns of transmission (see Recension (Parvum) for examples and discussion), where in a closed tradition branches that have separated do not then rejoin (entirely or partially), and those branches of a tradition are similar in some respects to the way a new scientific discipline branches off from an established one in Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010. The alignment ribbon represents the branching directly, and nothing prevents our labeling or otherwise distinguishing branches visually, should we wish to do so, but our visualization chooses to employ color to focus more on the movement of individual witnesses than on the movement of clusters.
The reading direction of the Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 visualizations is from left to right, while the reading direction in the alignment ribbon visualization above is from top to bottom. The Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 visualization fits on a single screen, but because we wanted to include full text in our visualization we could not avoid scrolling. We opted initially for vertical scrolling because, as noted above, users typically find vertical scrolling more congenial than horizontal scrolling (see, for example, Nielsen 2005), but, for reasons discussed below, we later developed and came to prefer a version with horizontal scrolling because it overcomes some of the cognitive challenges of the vertical model.
Both the alignment ribbon and the alluvial diagram use color, proximity, and textual labeling to represent features of the data. The principal difference in the deployment of these features in the two is that the alluvial diagram uses all three of those features to represent clusters, while the alignment ribbon uses proximity to represent clusters and both color and textual labeling to represent the identity of individual members of a cluster. That difference reflects the importance of individual witness identity in textual criticism.
Our original alignment ribbon visualization makes it easy to see how witnesses move into and out of clusters at different alignment points, which was our highest priority, but we identified at least two types of serious limitations to the vertical layout:
Although the text column in the alignment ribbon visualization contains all words from all witnesses (that is, all of the information present in a complete (positive) critical apparatus),[53] reading the text of any witness continuously is awkward and confusing because not all witnesses are present in all rows and the witnesses that are present differ in how they are grouped from alignment point to alignment point.[54] As a result, reading the textual column means engaging with the most alienating features of a critical apparatus—and only those!—because it amounts to reading a critical apparatus without an accompanying full text. The challenges to legibility persuaded us to replace the vertical representation with the horizontal one discussed below.
The leftmost cell in a row contains both a representation of the grouping of witnesses for that reading and ribbons that flow toward the grouping of witnesses in the following row. This means that although the other two columns of the table (node number and text) provide information about only a single alignment point, the leftmost column combines information about the current alignment point and the transition to the following one. This discrepancy between columns in the table undermines the informational consistency of the row.
In the interest of addressing these limitations and improving both the legibility of the textual part of the visualization and the design of the flow ribbons themselves, we next undertook a horizontal design, which led us first to explore and analyze the storyline visualizations described below.
Storyline visualization
A storyline visualization is a flow visualization where each flow ribbon represents an entity (e.g., a character in a screenplay) in an ordered sequence of events (e.g., the narrative flow of a screenplay). The ribbons are usually rendered from left to right, with the X axis representing time, and ribbons move up or down on the Y axis so that entities that interact in an event (e.g., characters who appear together in a scene) are brought closer together, so as to create a visual representation of their grouping. If we think of the narrative as unfolding through events that involve the interactions of changing combinations of entities, the clustering of different ribbons at different points along the time axis foregrounds those interactions.
As far as we can tell, the first storyline visualizations were created by Randall Munroe for an XKCD cartoon (#657, published 2009-11-02), reproduced below with the original title and caption:
Figure 31: Movie narrative charts (XKCD)

In the LotR map, up and down correspond LOOSELY to northwest and southeast
(title, image, and caption reproduced from
XKCD, which describes itself (in the banner heading on every page) as a
webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
, is known and read primarily
for its scientifically informed humor, and the joke behind the visualization above
to be primarily about the last two images, the first showing no change over time and
second showing illegible chaos. Despite the general orientation of XKCD toward humor,
storyline visualization has proven to be useful in real research contexts, and has
a number of serious scientific articles about optimizing the layout and enhancing
information content and the legibility[55] At least some moments of similarity between the XKCD storyline visualization
and an alluvial diagram are easy to see: both involve a left-to-right time axis and
changing clusters of information represented as flows that move toward or away from
another vertically over time. There are also obvious differences, such as the fact
that in
a storyline visualization, as in an alignment ribbon, the information units have
continuous individual identity (e.g., characters in a screenplay, witnesses in a
manuscript tradition), while alluvial diagrams emphasize the changing sizes of clusters
but not the changing cluster membership of continuous individual entities.
Storyline visualizations were subsequently adapted to represent critical apparatus information by researchers and developers associated with the Digital Latin Library project, hosted at the University of Oklahoma.[56] The following storyline visualization of the textual tradition witnessing part of a Latin poem is reproduced from Silvia et al. 2016 with its original caption:[57]
Figure 32: Storyline visualization

Storyline visualization of Giarratano’s critical edition of the classical
Latin poem Calpurnius Siculus [17].
(image and caption reproduced from Silvia et al. 2016)
When we learned of the visualization above we were encouraged by the similarities
noticed between it and our alignment ribbon. The most conspicuous difference is that
storyline visualization is rotated 90º counterclockwise from our top-to-bottom reading
order, so that it flows from left to right, which corresponds to the normal reading
for a Latin text. Each witness is a horizontal ribbon, with the choice of red, blue,
yellow apparently representing not individual witness identity (as in our alignment
ribbon), but, instead, membership in an identifiable branch of the tradition.[58] Coloring each witness differently in our six-witness alignment ribbon, above,
was reasonable, but the effectiveness of color as an intuitive discriminator of entities
deteriorates as the number of colors increases.[59] Clustering is represented by what the article calls
blobs, that is, the green, blue, and red shapes around groups of
witness readings at a particular alignment point. The text says that [e]mpty boxes
indicate no textual variation
(§3), although what that means is not entirely
clear to us because sometimes readings that agree with the base text are grouped with
by reproducing the textual reading and wrapping it, together with the base text, in
blob, while and at other times agreement with the base text is apparently represented
an empty box without either proximity to the base text line at the top of the
visualization or any visual blob.
Silvia et al. 2016 is actually a visualization not of the entire textual tradition, or even of the entire inventory of variation within the tradition, but of a specific published critical apparatus. The decision to represent a specific critical apparatus instead of an entire tradition or an entire inventory of variation imposes at least two limitations on the expressive power of the visualization:
Witness readings are reproduced only where Giarratano’s source edition has apparatus entries. Readings where Giarratano does not report variation are replaced by just the word
in the gray line at the top, which represents the base text. This means that it is not possible to read either the continuous base text or the continuous text of any witness from the visualization. It is also not possible to distinguish areas in the text that have substantial variation from areas with substantial agreement, since the visualization does not represent the length of the zones without variation. -
Giarratano’s apparatus is largely a negative one, which means that where it contains no mention of a witness it implies that the witness agrees with the base text. Yet the apparatus is inconsistent in this respect because in some places it does record agreement with the base text explicitly in the apparatus. The inconsistency in the visualization above concerning when to record agreement with the base text explicitly and when to represent it with an empty box is, then, inherited from inconsistencies in Giarratano’s work.[60]
Finally, the visualization of a critical apparatus above assumes a base text because any critical apparatus typically accompanies a continuous reading, whether that represents a favored witness or a dynamic critical text. Our alignment ribbon, like the Rhine Delta model (that is, the variant graph) and the alignment table, does not presume or require a base text, although nothing precludes modifying the model or the visualization to accommodate one.
Horizontal alignment ribbon
A new collation visualization
Example and distinguishing features
The review of collation visualizations above led us to develop a horizontal alignment ribbon, which looks like the following:
Figure 33: Horizontal alignment ribbon (example)

Horizontal alignment ribbon (excerpt). Columns represent alignment points. Groups
within alignment points (e.g., ;but how
vs .
in the first
alignment point) represent shared readings. Groups at the bottom against a dark
background (e.g., witnesses 69 and 72 in the last alignment point) represent witnesses
missing from an alignment point. The text reproduces the readings before normalization;
note that four witnesses in the long alignment point begin with a lowercase letter
two with an uppercase one, but because we configure Normalization to ignore case
differences, the alignment recognizes the readings as agreeing with each other.
The horizontal alignment ribbon (henceforth simply alignment ribbon
) can
be understood (and modeled) variously as a graph, a hypergraph, or a tree, and it
shares features of a table. We find it most useful for modeling and visualization
to think
of the alignment ribbon as a linear sequence of clusters of clusters, where the outer
clusters are alignment points and the inner clusters (except the one for missing witnesses)
are groups of witness readings (sequences of tokens) that would share a node in a
traditional variant graph. Groups within an alignment point would be different nodes
of the
same rank in a variant graph. Every witness is part of every alignment point
visualization, which means that witnesses missing from an alignment
point in the model (Figure 28) are
represented affirmatively in the visualization by their own group, unlike in a variant
graph, which aligns only tokens, and not the absence of tokens.
It is also useful to regard the alignment ribbon as a variation of an alignment table that overcomes the inability of a traditional alignment table to distinguish, in a column, readings that are on the same node in a variant graph from readings that are on different nodes of the same rank. The main feature that the alignment ribbon shares with the alignment table is that it includes the full text of every witness in a natural reading order, but it differs from an alignment table by allowing the witnesses to appear in different orders within an alignment point, so that witnesses that share a reading are adjacent vertically and separated from other groups by spaces. The variable order of witnesses within an alignment point overcomes a limitation of the alignment table, which cannot group witnesses that agree within a column because the row position of a cell in the table always connotes membership in the same witness (that is, membership in a particular row has constant semantics), and therefore cannot be changed from one column to the next. Varying the order of the witnesses across columns would be disorienting in a traditional alignment table, but the alignment ribbon mitigates any potential confusion in three ways that assist the eye in following a witness from alignment point to alignment point without relying on stable vertical position. Those features are 1) allocating a different, consistent color to each witness; 2) rendering all sigla at every alignment point; and 3) drawing flows that connect representations of an individual witness between alignment points. The use of color entails a degree of vulnerability (and not only for users with color-related visual disabilities) because, as discussed above, the number of colors that can be distinguished clearly by users is limited. In this visualizaton, though, the supporting features (labels, flows) ensure that no information is encoded only as color. Users who cannot easily perceive color can rely on the labels and flows, and the repeated sigla ensure that users will not need to remember (or consult a legend to remind themselves of) specific, constant color-to-witness associations.
The alignment ribbon adopts the horizontal orientation of the Digital Latin Library storyline visualization. We had initially favored vertical scrolling because it is generally more popular with users than horizontal scrolling, but we considered it important that users be able to read the continuous text of the witnesses, and we ultimately found the horizontal reading order, even with scrolling, more natural, at least for our English-language sample text. Because being able to read the complete text of any witness continuously is one of the goals of our visualization, the alignment ribbon includes every word from every witness. In this respect it diverges from the Digital Latin Library storyline visualzation, which includes text only for critical apparatus entries, but not for locations where all witnesses agree. It is possible to read the full, continuous text of any witness in an alignment ribbon; it is not possible to do that in Figure 32.
The ribbons for witnesses that share a reading at a particular alignment point are adjacent, and not merely relatively close to one another (as they are in the Digital Latin Library storyline visualization), with spacing (the same width as a ribbon) between groups. This makes the grouping easy to perceive and understand, even without the supplemental blobs in Figure 32, because it becomes a binary matter of touching vs non-touching, and not merely of relative proximity. Witnesses not present at an alignment point are moved to the bottom of the visualization against a darker background. The combined use of greater distance, stable peripheral position, and darker background makes it easy to distinguish witnesses that are present in from those that are absent from an individual alignment point.
Dynamic interactivity
The changing patterns of agreement are relatively easy to see in the case of brief alignment points, but some of the alignment points contain dozens of words or more, which makes them too long to fit on a single screen. To be sure, users can scroll horizontally through long alignment points as easily as through short ones, but one goal of the visualization is to expose changing patterns of agreement, and those changes are easier to see where multiple alignment points fit on a single screen. We experimented with truncating long alignment points, which improved the visibility of the changing agreement patterns, but at the expense of making it impossible to read the text continuously. An example of a rendering with truncation looks like:
Figure 34: Alignment ribbon with truncated readings

This begins at the same portion of the collation as in the preceding image, except that the long alignment point has been truncated, which enables more alignment points to fit on the screen.
Because both the truncated and the expanded (unabbreviated) views have advantages and disadvantages, we next looked for ways to reconcile the two perspectives. One option was to show the truncated readings but reveal the expanded, full version of a specific alignment point in an overlay (or a separate panel below the alignment ribbon) on hover. We were dissatisfied, though, with the way that approach would impede continuous reading, since only one alignment point could be expanded at a time, and each expansion would require user action. After concluding that all of the options entailed compromises, we decided to allow users to choose their preferred view according to their own priorities. Specifically, we enhanced the visualzation to provide two buttons that fire global actions (expand all long readings; truncate all long readings) alongside the ability to toggle a single reading between expanded and truncated on demand.[61]
Ordering the witnesses
The alignment ribbon, like the storyline visualization and the alignment table, requires a decision about how to order the witness readings vertically. It is self-evident that minimizing the crossing of flows between alignment points will improve legibility, and a lot of published articles about storyline visualizations have focused on algorithms for optimizing the layout in this way. Those articles include, for example, Silvia et al. 2016, which describes a force-directed layout algorithm that depends on two types of competing forces:
Nodes in a column attract and repulse each other using an inverse-squared force with equilibrium distance. This force groups and separates variants in each lemma’s column […] Nodes connected by an edge (along a storyline) attract each other vertically, thus pulling the nodes to align horizontally. This force reduces line crossing and line wiggling. (§4)[62]
A force-directed model is local, by which we mean that the relative order of witnesses must be computed separately at each alignment point because it depends partially on forces generated by neighboring alignment points. This strategy is computationally expensive, and it also means that the same witness groups in two different alignment points might be ordered differently because of different orderings in their neighbors. This variability may have advantages for a storyline visualization of character interactions in a screen play, but for the purpose of visualizing textual collation we regard a stable, global order as a priority for at least two reasons. First, all witnesses are present in all alignment points (this is not the case with a narrative storyline visualization) and consistency is well established as a goal in user-experience design (see, e.g., Krause 2021)—which doesn’t mean that it cannot find itself in competition with other goals, but it does mean that it is known to contribute to a positive user experience. Second, consistent witness order is well established in familiar existing visualizations of textual collation, e.g., in the consistent order of rows in an alignment table and the consistent order of witness sigla for a variant in a critical apparatus. This means that users will not be surprised or confused if we maintain a consistent global witness order in the alignment ribbon.
Our global ordering perspective rests on the following three considerations:
Grouping, not proximity. The force-directed layout of the Digital Latin Library storyline visualization is concerned with relative proximity within a column, but the alignment ribbon assigns all readings within an alignment point to a group (even if that is sometimes a group with a single member) based on shared readings (that is, shared normalized token values). Within an alignment point, the alignment ribbon has no space between the members of a group and constant space (the width of a single ribbon in our examples) between groups. This means that the alignment ribbon is concerned not with relative attractive and repulsive forces within a column, but with absolute grouping as determined by content. This means that the vertical layout issues to be decided involve not proximity of ribbons, but only 1) the order of items within a group and 2) the order of groups within an alignment point.
Consistent order of witnesses within a group. We decided that witness readings within a group should always appear in the same order. Consistent layout allows users to develop a subconscious familiarity with what to expect, and it also reduces the crossing of flows because where the same witnesses appear in the same groups in adjacent alignment points, the flows that connect members of the same group will never cross one another. In the case of the Darwin example, where we know the publication dates of the witnesses, we adopted chronological order as the witness order within a group. See below for more general discussion of witness order.
Consistent order of groups. We decided that groups within an alignment point should be ordered the same way as the witnesses within a group, with the first member of the group functioning as the ordering key for the group. This decision also improves consistency and reduces crossings of flows because where the same groupings appear in adjacent alignment points, the flows that connect their members will never cross one another.
The only exception to the consistent ordering of groups is that a group of witnesses not present at an alignment point is always rendered at the bottom of the image space, at a distance from the rest of the alignment ribbon, and against a distinctive (in our example, darker) background. The special treatment of a missing-witness group communicates visually that it has a different essential nature than groups of witnesses that are present in the alignment point.
The assumptions above reduce the layout problem to a single decision: what global order of witnesses will minimize crossing flows within the visualization? The decision to order the Darwin witnesses chronologically provides an attractive display without superfluous crossings of connecting flows not for reasons that are directly chronological, but because the chronology happens to reflect the predominant patterns of agreement of witnesses within the corpus. That is, in the case of this particular tradition, pairs of witnesses that are adjacent chronologically are more likely to share readings (fall into the same groups within alignment points) than pairs of witnesses that are not adjacent chronologically. To be sure, Darwin could have made a change between editions and then undone that change and restored the earlier reading in a subsequent edition, and that happens occasionally, but the predominant pattern in the corpus is that once a change is made, it likely to be preserved and inherited, and not reverted.
In the case of medieval traditions, unlike with the Darwin texts, we rarely know the full chronology of all witnesses, and even if we did, manuscripts that are close chronologically may not be close textually.[63] This means that a general solution to the ordering question needs to rely on the actual overall similarity of the witnesses, and cannot reliably use manuscript chronology as a surrogate for textual similarity. Computing the overall pairwise closeness of the witnesses is neither difficult nor computationally expensive because we have already performed the necessary comparisons while identifying groups within an alignment point.[64] Because, however, we do not yet have an implementation that uses a closeness measurement to compute an optimal global witness order, at the moment the user must specify the desired total witness order, as is also the case with the alignment table in the current CollateX release version.[65]
Implementation overview
Implementation language is Scala
CollateX is currently released in both Java and Python implementations. Our new development has been in Scala, which will eventually replace the Java version.[66]
Input format is plain text
The input into our collation pipeline is a set of plain-text witnesses, which, in conformity with the Gothenburg Model, we tokenize, normalize, align, and visualize (we did not implement an Analysis stage). Although we do not collate XML input for the current task, there is no impediment to doing so within CollateX as long as the user manages the markup in a way that ensures well-formed output. One strategy for working with XML input to CollateX involves flattening some of the markup before performing the collation and then restoring it as needed on output, as was illustrated, for example, at a previous Balisage conference in Beshero-Bondar 2022. A strategy that instead treats the markup as markup during collation is being developed as Hypercollate, about which see Bleeker et al. 2018 and HyperCollate.
Output format is HTML5
Our output format is HTML5 using XML syntax that embeds inline SVG directly—that is,
as part of the same DOM structure as the HTML, without such intermediaries as HTML
, <object>
, <embed>
, or
elements. In Real Life we would generate links in our HTML
output that point to external CSS and JavaScript resources, but while developing an
example for this conference we found it simpler to embed the CSS and JavaScript within
HTML <head>
element, so that our output could be managed as a single
Scala has well-established and well-maintained libraries for working with XML ( and HTML (, which means that we can perform the alignment with native Scala data structures (case classes) and then use these libraries to serialize the results as valid HTML5 (with XML syntax) and SVG. Because the XML and HTML libraries rely on different data structures, which do not interoperate easily, and because we embed our SVG directly inside our HTML, we found it simpler to abandon the HTML library and use the XML library not only to create SVG, but also to create HTML5 with XML syntax.[67]
Implementaton challenges
Text length
When rendering the full text of an alignment point, all SVG rectangles in an alignment
point need to have a length that matches the length of the longest reading in that
alignment point. The visualization may look as if the text of a reading is contained
by a
rectangle, but SVG <rect>
is an empty element (i.e., it cannot contain
other elements), and the visual effect is achieved by creating the
element as an immediate following sibling of the
that appears to contain it. Implementing this behavior
required us to compute the string-length of the readings and create SVG
elements with @width
attribute values equal to
the length of the longest reading at each alignment point. To compute these lengths
used the method we developed and presented at Balisage in Birnbaum and Taylor 2021: we extracted the widths of all characters from the
TrueType font file and constructed an XML document that let us look up, retrieve,
and sum
the lengths of the characters in each reading.
A declarative description of how to measure the length of a string might look like the following:
Merge the string values of the tokens in a reading into a single string;
Map over the sequence of characters in the string to retrieve their lengths, producing a sequence of numerical values, one per character;
Sum the numerical values in that sequence.
Although we performed this operation in Scala, the logic is easily expressed in XPath, and we do that here because XPath is likely to be more familiar and legible to a Balisage audience than Scala:
string-join($tokenValues, " ") ! string-to-codepoints(.) ! codepoints-to-string(.) ! local:compute-length(.) => sum()
In the XPath example above, $token-values
is a sequence of strings. The
combination of string-to-codepoints()
and codepoints-to-string()
explodes a string into a sequence of individual characters.[68]
is a user-defined function that accepts a single
character as input, looks it up in a mapping table from each character to its length
), and returns the length.
When we implemented this method it proved to be a processing bottleneck because the number of individual characters, and therefore of individual one-character length lookups, is large. Recognizing that a corpus of texts for alignment contains a lot of repeated words, but far fewer words than individual characters, and that the number of distinct words is much smaller than the total number of words, we rewrote the pipeline according to the following logic:
Instead of merging the string values of the tokens for a reading into a single long string before computing the length, compute the length separately for each token and then sum the lengths of the tokens (plus a length that accommodates single space characters between them).
The function that computes the length of a token string is largely the same as the original one—that is, it splits the token string into characters, looks up the length of each of them, and sums the lengths. In this version, though, the function is memoized, storing the length of each complete token string the first time it is required.
The memoization means that the function has to compute the length for a unique string by looking up each character individually only once, after which it can retrieve the result for the entire token string in a single hashed lookup, without having to repeat the splitting, the character-by-character lookup, and the summation.[69]
This modification removed the processing bottleneck entirely, but we implemented one further modification, even though it was not strictly necessary because performance was no longer an issue. Even with the memoized length lookups of whole tokens, the pipeline before this last modification involved mapping from tokens to numerical lengths (one per word token) and then summing the lengths. In XPath terms that might be expressed as:[70]
$tokens ! local:compute-length(.) => sum()
In the example above, local:compute-length()
refers to a function that
retrieves (or, the first time a token is encountered, computes) the length of an entire
token. If the compiler does not optimize the pipeline, the code first creates a sequence
of numerical values (token lengths) in memory and then (once all of the numbers are
available) sums them. The alternative approach that we adopted involved implementing
operation as a fold, that is (in XPath):
fold-left(($tokens, 0, function ($x, $y) {local:compute-length($y) + $x})
The processing advantage to using a fold instead of a map and summation is that the fold does not allocate memory for an entire sequence of numerical values, and can instead begin the summation before the entire sequence of numbers has been created.
In the present case, where the volume of data is not large, this last modification had no perceptible effect on the processing speed. It is even possible that the Scala compiler (or, in an XPath world, the XPath processor) would implement the map and summation as a fold as a silent internal optimization, without having to be told explicitly to do so. At the same time, coding the operation as a fold should never produce a worse outcome (in terms of memory usage or streaming), and the logic is straightforward and not difficult to understand.
This modification led us to reflect on the relationship between declarative and functional coding styles. The first (map all and then sum) version is declarative in the sense that it describes what we want the code to do in plain language and without specifying how it should be done. The first version is also close to what we consider the most natural description of the desired result in plain human language: measure the lengths of all of the words and (then) add them up. Both versions describe functional pipelines (that is, they model a complex operation as a pipeline of simpler operations), but the second version, with the fold, says more than the first about how the computation might be performed, that is, it says explicitly that the summation can begin before the mapping from all tokens to their lengths has been completed, and that each individual length can be incorporated into the running total as soon as it has been retrieved or computed. Ultimately we find the first version more declarative because it is less focused on how the result should be achieved, but the second version more usefully functional because it explicitly incorporates better memory management and streaming, and therefore does not have to rely on automatic optimization within the processor.
Text truncation and ellipsis points
For user-experience reasons explained above (Dynamic interactivity), we implemented controls that allow users to specify whether to render an individual alignment point (or all alignment points at once) at actual length (with all text showing) or with truncation (to a predetermined length, with ellipsis points replacing truncated text). The logic behind our implementation of this toggling is:
If the actual length of the text (that is, of the longest witness in the alignment point) is shorter than the predetermined truncation length, the rendering remains unchanged, and the expanded and truncated views look the same.
If the actual length of the text (that is, of the longest witness in the alignment point) is greater than the predetermined truncation length, JavaScript instructions are used to reduce the
property of selected SVG elements to the truncation length. Toggling from truncated to expanded restores the widths to their original (full-length) values.
For reasons explained below (Resizing and flexbox), the visualization is
not a single <svg>
element that contains all alignment points and the
flows between them. Instead, all information for an individual alignment point, together
with the flow between it and the immediately following alignment point, is implemented
an HTML <div class="group">
element with three HTML
children, one for the groups of readings in the alignment point
(<div class="ap">
), one for the flows between the current alignment
point and the one immediately after it (<div class="flow">
), and one
for the rounded rectangles that border the groups (<div
). For example, the first alignment point looks like the
<div class="group" data-maxwidth="171.96875"> <div class="ap"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="none" width="171.96875" height="317" class="alignment" xmlns=""> <g> <rect x="0" y="0.0" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="limegreen"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="-2.0" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""><span class="sigla">66: </span> Causes of Variability. </div> </foreignObject> <rect x="0" y="18.0" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="dodgerblue"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="16.0" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""><span class="sigla">69: </span> Causes of Variability. </div> </foreignObject> <rect x="0" y="36.0" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="violet"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="34.0" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""><span class="sigla">72: </span> Causes of Variability. </div> </foreignObject> </g> <rect x="0" y="225" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="peru"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="223" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""> <span class="sigla">(59)</span> </div> </foreignObject> <rect x="0" y="243" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="orange"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="241" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""> <span class="sigla">(60)</span> </div> </foreignObject> <rect x="0" y="261" width="171.96875" height="18" fill="yellow"/> <foreignObject x="1" y="259" width="171.96875" height="18"> <div xmlns=""> <span class="sigla">(61)</span> </div> </foreignObject> </svg> </div> <div class="flow"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="none" width="80" height="317" xmlns=""> <path d="M 0,234.0 L 10,234.0 C 40,234.0 40,9.0001 70,9.0001 L 80,9.0001" stroke="url(#peruGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> <path d="M 0,252.0 L 10,252.0 C 40,252.0 40,27.0001 70,27.0001 L 80,27.0001" stroke="url(#orangeGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> <path d="M 0,270.0 L 10,270.0 C 40,270.0 40,45.0001 70,45.0001 L 80,45.0001" stroke="url(#yellowGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> <path d="M 0,9.0 L 10,9.0 C 40,9.0 40,63.0001 70,63.0001 L 80,63.0001" stroke="url(#limegreenGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> <path d="M 0,27.0 L 10,27.0 C 40,27.0 40,81.0001 70,81.0001 L 80,81.0001" stroke="url(#dodgerblueGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> <path d="M 0,45.0 L 10,45.0 C 40,45.0 40,99.0001 70,99.0001 L 80,99.0001" stroke="url(#violetGradient)" stroke-width="18" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" fill="none"/> </svg> </div> <div class="innerWrapper"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="none" width="173.96875" height="317" xmlns=""> <rect x="1" y="1.0" width="171.96875" height="54" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" rx="3"/> <rect x="1" y="226" width="171.96875" height="54" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" rx="3"/> </svg> </div> </div>
Toggling between expanded and truncated views is implemented with the help of the following markup components:
The expanded width of an alignment point is stored as the value of the
attribute of the outer<div class="group">
element (171.96875 in the example above).[71] Because we truncate an alignment point by changing the values of any associated@width
attributes, which overwrites any original full (expanded) width values, the expanded width value must be recorded somewhere where it will not be overwritten, so that it will remain available when it is needed in order to expand a truncated node back to its full width. -
Toggling the width of an alignment point affects two of the three
children of the outer<div class="group">
wrapper. With respect to the<div class="ap">
element, truncating replaces the@width
attribute value on the child<svg>
element and all descendant<rect>
elements with a value specified in the controlling JavaScript function. Expanding a truncated node replaces those same@width
values with the original expanded width, copied from the@data-maxwidth
attribute on the<div class="group">
ancestor. -
Toggling the width of an alignment point also rewrites the
child of the<div class="innerWrapper">
child of the<div class="group">
element and the<rect>
children of that<svg>
element. When a truncated alignment point is expanded, the@width
value of the<rect>
elements is set to the@data-maxwidth
value of the ancestor<div class="group">
element and the@width
of their<svg>
parent is set to a value that is two pixels larger. The reason the<svg>
child of<div class="innerWrapper">
must be two pixels wider than the<rect>
elements it contains is explained below at z-index.
The reason we represent the witness readings as <div>
elements in
the HTML namespace that are nested inside SVG <foreignObject>
may not be apparent immediately, since a more common way of representing text in an
context is with an SVG <text>
element. The problems with using an SVG
element for this purpose are the following:
It is not possible to specify the width of an SVG
element because that width is determined by the textual content.[72] -
If SVG text is too long to fit within the space available for its
container it is automatically truncated at the edge of the container, even if that edge falls in the middle of a letter. If we want to truncate earlier and insert ellipsis points before the edge of the container, we would need to rewrite the string ourselves to remove the overflowing characters and insert the ellipsis points as character data.
While SVG does not make it easy to manage the sort of truncation we need, HTML and CSS do. It is possible to embed SVG inside HTML and to embed HTML inside SVG, which means that we can combine elements from the two namespaces in any hierarchical order and to whatever depth we need. Specifically:
As we noted at Output format, we incorporate SVG inside an HTML context in line. In the example above, the HTML
<div class="ap">
,<div class="flow">
, and<div class="innerWrapper">
elements each have one child element, which is an inline<svg>
element in the SVG namespace. -
Incorporating HTML inside an SVG context requires embedding the HTML inside an SVG
element. (<foreignObject> (MDN)) In the example above, the witness readings are all HTML<div>
elements in the HTML namespace, each wrapped in an SVG<foreignObject>
element in the SVG namespace.
Although it is not possible to specify the width of an SVG <text>
element, it is possible to specify the width of an SVG <foreignObject>
element that contains HTML with textual content. If the HTML contents of an SVG
element overflow the width of the container, the HTML
behaves the same way as HTML that overflows the width of the browser window, and we
control that behavior with CSS. To do that we specify the following CSS rules for
children of <foreignObject>
foreignObject > div { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
These rules ensure that whenever the contents of a <div>
child of a
element are too long to fit within the width
specified for the <foreignObject>
, the text 1) will not wrap, and
therefore will never flow onto a second line; 2) will be truncated so as to hide anything
that overflows the available space, and 3) will insert ellipsis points to signal any
Alignment points in our visualization are connected to one another by lines (curved or straight) that we call flows. The flows are the same width as the rectangles associated with the individual witness items at the alignment points; they are also the same color, except that the rectangle color is solid and the flow color is implemented with a linear opacity gradient, so that it is fully opaque (solid) where it abuts the rectangles on either side and gradually more transparent as it gets closer to the center.
The flows are implemented as SVG <path>
elements with 180º
rotational symmetry. A sample path looks as follows:
<path d="M 0,9.0 L 10,9.0 C 40,9.0 40,63.0001 70,63.0001 L 80,63.0001" stroke="url(#limegreenGradient)" stroke-width="18" fill="none"/>
The path begins and ends with straight portions (L
), which help create
the appearance that the alignment points are continuous with the flows. Between the
straight portions we interpose a cubic Bézier curve (C
), that is, a shape
that has two control points, and that can therefore change direction in two places.[74] Like a <line>
, a <path>
has properties
that include @stroke
(line color; see below about gradients) and
. We set the @stroke-width
to the same value as
the @height
of the rectangles in the alignment points and we set the vertical
start and end positions of the flows to the middles of the rectangles
because the width of an SVG <path>
, like that of a
, is distributed with half to either side (in the width
direction) of the start and end points. This effectively aligns the entire width of
a flow
with the entire height of the rectangles on either side.
Closed SVG shapes (e.g., <circle>
, <rect>
) have
an interior and exterior, and the color of the interior is determined by the value
of a
attribute. Perhaps surprisingly, even a non-closed shape, such as our
S-shaped paths, have an interior and exterior because they are automatically treated
fill purposes as if the last point were connected (invisibly) to the first point.
means that unless we take evasive action, our flows will acquire unwanted fill coloring
(see the image below). Omitting the @fill
attribute does not suppress the
fill color; in the absence of a @fill
attribute (or a CSS rule with the same
effect), the fill color defaults to black. The only way to avoid rendering a fill
color is
to specify fill="none"
or fill="transparent"
. The image below
shows two SVG <path>
elements that differ only in whether they omit the
attribute (left) or specify a value of none
Figure 35: Non-closed paths are automatically filled

The left image omits the @fill
attribute entirely, which causes the
path to be closed and filled with black (the default fill color, visible only where
is not masked by the green stroke color). The right image avoids the unwanted fill
specifying fill="none"
The flows between alignment points in the visualization can overlap in many ways,
because a flow is intended to help a user’s eye follow an individual witness across
alignment points, without being distracted by crossings with other flows, we wanted
minimize any disruption that might arise when a flow was crossed by another. Using
colors for the flows would have masked—and therefore interrupted—the lower ones entirely
at any overlap, so we opted instead to use a linear opacity gradient, which allows
in the back to be seen through the partially transparent objects superimposed on top
them. Since flows never overlap at their very beginning and end (because they begin
end with a horizontal segment, as described above), we start and end the gradients
solid colors (that is, with full opacity), which we reduce gradually to 30% opacity
in the
middle, where the likelihood of overlap is greatest. The gradients are defined in
own <svg>
element inside the visualization, which looks like the
<svg width="0" height="0" preserveAspectRatio="none" xmlns=""> <defs> <linearGradient id="limegreenGradient" x1="0%" x2="100%" y1="0%" y2="0%"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity="1"/> <stop offset="6%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity="1"/> <stop offset="20%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity=".6"/> <stop offset="35%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity=".4"/> <stop offset="50%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity=".3"/> <stop offset="65%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity=".4"/> <stop offset="80%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity=".6"/> <stop offset="94%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity="1"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="limegreen" stop-opacity="1"/> </linearGradient> <!-- other gradient definitions --> </defs> </svg>
The <svg>
element that contains the gradient definitions has zero
height and width, which means that it occupies no space on its own in the visualization.
Each color gradient has a unique @id
, which makes it possible to assign the
gradient as the stroke color of a <path>
by specifying, for example,
on the <path>
A perhaps surprising quirk of the SVG <path>
element is that
although a path with a solid color that is entirely straight will be rendered normally,
path with a gradient stroke that is entirely straight will not be rendered at all.
reason is that gradients rely on an object’s objectBoundingBox
which the SVG specification defines as follows:
The object bounding box is the bounding box that contains only an element's geometric shape. For basic shapes, this is the area that is filled. Unless otherwise specified, this is what is meant by the unqualified term "bounding box". (SVG2, §8.10 Bounding boxes)
This definition comes with the following limitation:
Keyword objectBoundingBox should not be used when the geometry of the applicable element has no width or no height, such as the case of a horizontal or vertical line, even when the line has actual thickness when viewed due to having a non-zero stroke width since stroke width is ignored for bounding box calculations. When the geometry of the applicable element has no width or height and objectBoundingBox is specified, then the given effect (e.g., a gradient or a filter) will be ignored. (SVG2, §8.11. Object bounding box units; emphasis added)
That is, although the stroke-width="18"
attribute on the
gives the path what a human would intuitively consider a
width, a path that defines a straight line is not regarded by the SVG specification
having height or width. Because a non-straight path, on the other hand, defines an
implicit inside and outside even if it is not closed (see the discussion of
, above), and therefore a width and height, a non-straight
element can be rendered with a gradient, even though a
straight one can’t. To overcome this limitation we add 0.0001
to the
position of the right edge of the flows, so that it will differ from the
position of the left edge, e.g.:
<path d="M 0,63.0 L 10,63.0 C 40,63.0 40,63.0001 70,63.0001 L 80,63.0001" stroke="url(#limegreenGradient)" stroke-width="18" fill="none"/>
In the example above the <path>
starts with a Y
position of 63
and ends with a position of 63.0001
. This value
is small enough that humans looking at the image will perceive it as a straight line,
because the Y
positions of the ends of the <path>
the <path>
is not straight, and therefore able to be rendered with a
gradient. The 0.0001
adjustment is needed only where the
would be completely straight, but we found it simpler to add
to all <path>
elements that cross one another wind up layering one color
(with reduced opacity) on top of another, and the background color in those situations
plays little role in the visual effect because the layered colors largely obscure
it. On
the other hand, some paths, both straight and curved, may not cross others at all,
and we
found that our original white background created a subtle but unwanted glare when
it was
behind the 30% gradient at the center of a single <path>
element. To
mitigate that effect we switched to an off-white background; the color we selected
, which has the hex color value #dcdcdc
and a very
light gray appearance. The image below contrasts the two backgrounds:
Figure 36: Gray vs white backgrounds

The background on the left is gainsboro
(a light gray); the
background on the right is white. In both cases the 30% opacity at the center of the
gradient lets at least a hint of a color in the back show through, but the gray
background reduces the glaring effect in the center of a gradient that does not
cross another.
The visual effect we hoped to achieve with the alignment ribbon was of continuous horizontal ribbons, one per witness, that run from the first to the last alignment points. The ribbons would be rendered in solid colors at alignment points and with opacity gradients between alignment points. Horizontal ribbons would be crossed by vertical alignment points, where shared readings would be grouped together, with spaces (the width of a single ribbon) between groups.
We found it easiest to plot the layout in a single pass from left to right by streaming over the alignment point data (expressed as a sequence of Scala case class instances, each holding the data for a single alignment point) and, for each alignment point, plotting the alignment (all witnesses at once) and then the flows between it and the following alignment point (also for all witnesses at once). This means that the visual continuity of the ribbons through the entire sequence of alignment points is a constructed illusion, formed by juxtaposing an alternating sequence of complete, all-witness alignment points and complete, all-witness inter-point flow groups. Maintaining that illusion required that no gaps appear in the ribbon, that is, that each piece be joined to its neighbors without visible seams. Achieving the appearance of continuity was challenging because SVG cannot render partial pixels, which means that partial values are rounded before rendering. We wanted to create a subtle visual enhancement of the grouping of shared witness readings by enclosing them in a border anyway, and we recognized that by situating the border over any potential gap we could create a smoother appearance. The image below contrasts the meeting of an alignment point and its associated flows without and then with a border:
Figure 37: Group borders

The thin visible gap on the left between the alignment points (background color, so light gray at the top and dark gray at the bottom) and the following flows is masked on the right by the borders around the reading groups.
Our first attempts to implement the borders around the reading groups failed because
SVG objects are rendered in document order. This meant that the flows, which were
after the alignment groups with their borders or outlines, appeared on top, and looked
if they were biting into the borders to their left. Which overlapping object to draw
top looks like a z-index issue: the CSS z-index
property controls the
rendering of overlapping objects, so that where objects overlap, those with a higher
z-index value are rendered on top of (that is, masking) those at the same page location
with lower z-index values (z-index (MDN)). If a z-index solution were
available, we could assign a higher z-index value to the alignment points (with their
rectangular borders) and they would mask the following flows, avoiding the biting
described above. Unfortunately, and perhaps surprisingly, SVG does not support a z-index
The lack of support for a z-index property means that the only way to control which
objects are rendered on top of which others continues to be through document order.
means that rendering the borders as SVG rectangles could successfully mask any seam
an alignment point joined a flow, but only if we draw the rectangles after drawing
everything else, that is, an alignment point and both its adjacent flows. A two-pass
approach, where we first drew all of the alignment points and flows in order and then,
a second pass, all of the bounding rectangles achieved the effect we wanted, but the
second pass was obviously undesirable. We could, however, draw the pieces in a single
as long as did so in the following order: 1) alignment point, 2) outgoing flow group,
then (conceptually backing up) 3) the reading group borders around the alignment point.
Drawing a flow requires knowing the geometry of the alignment points to both sides,
the Y
positions of the individual flow ribbons depend on the Y
positions of the corresponding witness-specific readings in the alignment points.
We met
this requirement by moving a two-item sliding window over the alignment points, which
provided access to the first alignment point (which we drew first), to both alignment
points (to draw the flows), and (again—or, rather, still) to the first alignment point
that we could draw the bounding rectangles around the reading groups). These became
<div class="ap">
, <div class="flow">
, and
<div class="innerWrapper">
elements that we wrapped in <div
parents that could store the expanded width of the readings, as
described above (Text truncation and ellipsis points).
Resizing and flexbox
Our first implementation of the alignment ribbon rendered the full textual content
the alignment points with no resizing (truncation), and we encoded everything inside
single SVG element. We kept track of the X
position at which the most
recently drawn object had ended and used that as the start position of the next object.
Once we decided to implement dynamic resizing of individual alignment points, though,
starting X
positions became a challenge, since truncating or expanding one
alignment point would have required updating the X
positions of all following
alignment points and flows. The underlying issue is that SVG does not have anything
supports render these things one after another, so that each one starts where the
last one ended
; what SVG does instead is render things at X
positions that can be specified on the object itself or, to position
several objects as a group, on an ancestor <g>
element. SVG objects
default to X
and Y
positions of 0, 0
alternatives are not specified explicitly, but what if the default positioning could
instead be to draw an object to begin wherever we finished drawing the preceding
CSS supports that type of positioning through a set of properties that collectively
are known as flexbox (Coyier 2013). Elements with a CSS
value of flex
become flex
containers that can be assigned a flex-direction
value of
(items are rendered in a horizontal sequence) or column
(items are rendered in a vertical sequence; this is the default rendering of block-level
elements in traditional CSS). SVG elements that require @x
attributes, such as <rect>
, are positioned absolutely within their containers, which
means that flexbox cannot be used to render them sequentially. If, though, we break
SVG content into independent <svg>
elements, each wrapped in an HTML
container, we can use flexbox to position the
elements, which winds up positioning their SVG contents
This consideration led us to style each <div class="group">
(which holds a single alignment point, any following flows, and the rectangular borders
around the reading groups) as a horizontal flow object, which meant that flexbox would
responsible for starting each one wherever the immediately preceding one had ended—and
responding and updating the positioning immediately whenever truncation or expansion
changed the meaning of wherever the immediately preceding one had ended
The <div class="group">
element is also styled as a horizontal flex
container, which meant that the first child (<div class="ap">
) begins
at the left edge and the second child (<div class="flow">
automatically begins at the location where its preceding sibling ends. For reasons
described above (z-index) we had to render the rectangles around
the reading groups last, but by giving them a CSS position
value of
we ensured that they would be positioned relative to their
<div class="group">
parent, and therefore at the beginning of the
group, covering any potential gaps in the display by overlapping the edges of both
alignment point and the flows on either side.
The principal advantage of separating the SVG components into separate
elements inside HTML <div>
wrappers is that
when we truncate or expand an alignment point we don’t have to rewrite any positioning
values for the SVG elements that follow it. Flexbox takes care of that positioning
for us
because it starts a following item wherever its immediately preceding item ends. As
result, flexbox ensures the correct positioning of both the grouping
elements and their three <div>
(alignment point, flow, alignment point border) even when the text of an alignment
is expanded or truncated.
Comparative assessment
Our review of existing visualizations above helped focus our attention on the following desiderata for our new alignment ribbon visualization:
Grouping: How effectively does the visualization communicate patterns of agreement and variation?
Witness legibility: How well does the visualization support the continuous reading of a witness?
Completeness: How completely does the visualization represent the information in the witnesses?
Avoid required base text: How effectively does the visualization avoid requiring a base text?
Transposition: How effectively does the visualization represent when content is transposed between witnesses?
Table XIV
Comparison of alignment visualizations
Feature | Critical apparatus | Alignment table | Variant graph | Storyline | Alignment ribbon |
Grouping | A | C | A | B | A |
Witness legibility | D | A | C | B | B |
Completeness | C | A | B | B | A |
Avoid required base text | D | A | A | A | A |
Transposition | B | D | A | D | D (?) |
Letter grades are inevitably crude measurements for at least two reasons: 1) they impose rounding and 2) they do not communicate the reason for the grade. For example, does a B mean medium quality for the entire category, or strong in some subfeatures and weak in others? With that said, the letters above reflect the following considerations:
Grouping: All visualizations show some degree of grouping because alignment is about patterns of grouping and variation. A critical apparatus entry, a variant graph node, and an alignment ribbon group all represent readings that evaluate as the same for alignment purposes. An alignment table column corresponds to rank in a variant graph or an alignment point in an alignment ribbon, and is not designed to represent subgroups within a column. A storyline visualization uses relatively proximity, which approximates grouping, but not as clearly as the explicit grouping provided by other methods.
Witness legibility: The alignment table provides the greatest legibility of individual witnesses because it includes complete information (see also the point below) at a constant location (same row). The alignment ribbon and storyline provide connecting lines that can be traced from one location to another, but the vertical variability is nonetheless less intuitive than the constant row membership of the alignment table. The color coding of the alignment ribbon helps mitigate the vertical variability; the storyline, at least as implemented in the example above, uses color to group branches of the tradition, which makes it unavailable to communicate individual witness identity. The variant graph rendering (implemented with Graphviz) is less stable than the other visualizations, with a tendency for logically horizontal lines (representing the same witnesses) to drift upward or downward. The critical apparatus is the most challenging visualization for reading anything other than the main text because the pieces of a witness can be very far apart (main text, footnotes) and the location of a witness in the apparatus varies from entry to entry.
Completeness: The alignment table and alignment ribbon are designed to include the full, non-normalized text of all witnesses. The rich variant graph visualization also includes non-normalized text, but at the cost of reduced legibility; the simple variant graph visualization includes only normalized text. The storyline visualization in principle can include full, non-normalized text, but the example above includes information only from the critical apparatus, and not from the portions of the edition without variation. The critical apparatus typically includes only what the editor considers significant variation, and including all variation (non-normalized text of all witnesses) compromises the legibility in ways that do not apply to the alignment table or alignment ribbon.
Avoids required base text: The critical apparatus is the only method that requires a base text, either a preferred witness or a dynamic critical text. The other methods can all optionally incorporate a base text as if it were an additional witness reading.
Transposition: Only the variant graph is designed to represent transposition. Because the critical apparatus uses plain-text footnotes, it has a natural place to insert comments about transpositions, although the representation is not as natural as with local variation. We place a question mark after the low grade in this category for the alignment ribbon because we intend to explore the representation of transposition as we continue to develop the method.
We regard the avoidance of repetition in a visualization as a non-goal because repetition in a visualization may (or may not) be desirable for rhetorical, even if not for informational, reasons. The critical apparatus and variant graph avoid repetition; the alignment table, storyline, and alignment ribbon do not.
Textual scholars may care about both close and distant views, that is, about reading local variation details, on the one hand, and obtaining a general overview of patterns of agreement and variation, on the other. Visualizations that contain full continuous text (alignment table, alignment ribbon with expansion) provide easier access to local details; visualizations the bundle shared information (variant graph, critical apparatus, alignment ribbon with truncation) provide easier access to distant views. The storyline example above, which includes only critical-apparatus entries, provides a compact, distant view of the apparatus, but it achieves that concision largely by excluding readings without variation, which makes it impossible to distinguish areas of agreement from areas of variation across the tradition.
We do not place much confidence in the precision of the letter grades in the table above, but the point of the comparative table is that the different visualizations have different strengths and limitations. In some cases the strengths and limitations are part of the implementation, and not the potential of the visualization; for example, the storyline could be made more complete by including information about areas without variation. Part of our motivation in developing the alignment ribbon was to integrate, where possible, the strong features of other visualizations, for example, by adopting flow patterns similar to those of a storyline, text columns similar to those of an alignment table, text groups similar to those a variant graph node, etc. We developed the alignment ribbon initially to help us explore and improve the quality of the output of our new alignment method, but we recognized that the alignment ribbon might also be useful to textual scholars as an additional method of final-form visualization.
This report has addressed the following issues:
In our first major section, About textual collation, we describe the role of collation as a research method in the study of texts and textual documents. We explain why scholars care about collation (Why textual scholars care), how the Gothenburg Model of textual collation organizes the collation process (Gothenburg model), and why textual collation, and especially order-independent multiple-witness alignment, is challenging (Collation challenges, Order-independent multiple-witness alignment).
In our second major section, Modeling and visualizing alignment, we survey common textual and graphic visualization methods (Textual visualizations, Graphic visualizations). The two types of textual visualization that we explore are the critical apparatus (Critical apparatus) and the alignment table (Alignment table). Our discussion of graphic visualizations begins by reviewing the history the variant graph (Variant graph) and its use in enriched visualizations (Enriched graphic visualizations). We also present our first implementation of the alignment ribbon with a vertical orientation (Vertical alignment ribbon), which we ultimately abandoned in favor of a horizontal orientation that we adopted and adapted from storyline visualizations (Storyline).
The preceding two sections provide the philological (About textual collation) and information and design (Modeling and visualizing alignment) context for our original contribution to the visualization of textual alignment in the third major section, Alignment ribbon. We begin this section with a general description of the alignment ribbon (Alignment ribbon overview), followed by more specific discussion of dynamic interactivity in the visualization (Dynamic interactivity) and the ordering of witnesses (Ordering). The next two subsections describe our implementation of the visualization (Implementation overview) and our recruitment and combination of SVG, HTML, and CSS methods to overcome implementation challenges (Implementation challenges). We conclude the discussion of the alignment ribbon by summarizing its strengths and limitations in the context of other visualizations.
We developed the alignment ribbon initially as a way of visualizing our new internal collation format, which models alignment as a sequence of alignment points, each of which contains one or more groups of readings that the collation process evaluates as aligned. The new model continues the original CollateX strategy of performing alignment not on strings, but on complex tokens that record original and normalized string values, witness association, and other properties.
Our perspective on graphic visualization as a development and presentational method is that visualizations tell a story about data, and that the communicative effectiveness of a visualization results at least partially from its selectivity, that is, from emphasizing the data features that tell a particular story by excluding features that are not part of that story. This means, among other things, that we regard the alignment ribbon as a new tool in the digital philologist’s toolkit that co-exists usefully alongside established visualizations like the critical apparatus, the alignment table, and the variant graph, and that is not intended to replace them. The alignment ribbon shares features with other general flow-type visualizations (discussed in Vertical alignment ribbon and Storyline), while also incorporating groups that share properties with Rhine-Delta and CollateX variant-graph nodes and textual organization and presentation that shares properties with alignment tables. And although our implementation of the alignment ribbon relies most obviously on SVG, we were able to support the dynamic truncaton and expansion of textual readings by fragmenting the SVG, distributing the pieces over HTML containers, and relying on CSS flexbox to manage the dynamic layout.
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[1] Alignment, sometimes called sequence alignment, is also an important task in bioinformatics, although the contexts for bioinformatic and philological sequence alignment differ. See the discussion at Birnbaum 2020 §1.2.
[2] An alignment point is not, to be sure, a point in the geometric sense of the word. We use the term to emphasize that an alignment point functions, like a geometric point along a line, as a holistic moment along a single dimension, which in this case is a linear order that we impose on a set of witnesses.
[3] For more detailed discussion of these and other challenges see also Haentjens Dekker and Middell 2011.
[4] Not the same
can have different meanings. For example, using
terms defined above, two witnesses may have different readings in the same location
(a non-match) or one may have a reading where the other has nothing (an
[5] The mathematical sequence that describes the number of possible partitions of a set of n items into all possible combinations of non-empty subsets is called Bell numbers. (Bell number)
[6] More detailed information about the five stages is available in Section 1 of Documentation (CollateX).
[7] Normalization actually happens more pervasively during collation, but the creation of normalized shadows of all tokens before alignment is nonetheless also a distinct stage in the process. See Birnbaum and Spadini 2020.
[8] This description is derived from materials developed by the authors of this report and their colleagues for use in a 2017 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Institute in Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (IATDH).
[9] Progressive alignment that also permits the revision of earlier alignment decisions is called iterative alignment. A common approach to iterative alignment involves completing a progressive alignment and then removing and realigning each witness, one at a time, until the alignment stabilizes. This additional step can correct for some (although not necessarily all) early alignment decisions that reveal themselves to be suboptimal once more witnesses have been introduced.
[10] See also the discussion of these assumptions in Bleeker et al. 2019, §6–7.
[11] Yousef and Jänicke 2021 provides brief descriptions and assessments, with
illustrations, of forty tools for visualizing textual variation, arriving at
conclusions consistent with our assumptions: The selection of the appropriate
visualization technique is affected mainly by the underlying task.
[12] Textual editions may also include other types of apparatus. See CCSG guidelines §5, pp. 6–11 for more information.
[13] The United Bible Societies edition is based on the Nestle-Aland edition, but prioritizes variants that are important for translators. (Greek New Testament, p. v.)
[14] In editions that regard a single manuscript as always authoritative and others as always secondary it is common to refer to the main version as the copy text and the witnesses that serve as sources of variants, recorded in the apparatus, as control texts.
[15] For answers to some of these questions see Bordalejo 2009. For other innovative custom visualizations of the history of the work see Fry 2009 and Posavec (n.d.), both of which were brought to our attention by the citations in Bordalejo 2009.
[16] Sperberg-McQueen 1989 describes these potential disagreements
where he writes, about the Rhine Delta (variant graph) model (see below) that
Textual critics, and those who do not trust textual
critics, will be able to examine all the variant forms of a text
separately and in parallel
(emphasis added).
[17] A common practice in textual criticism is to include in an edition only sources
that can bear independent witness to the text. That means, for
example, that if manuscript A can be shown to have been copied from manuscript B
without reference to other sources and manuscript B is available and complete,
manuscript A should not be included in a critical edition because it cannot provide
any evidence about the original that is not already available from manuscript B. Maas 1958 calls the elimination of dependent witnesses
eliminatio codicum descriptorum (§4, p. 2). This selection of
evidence reflects Maas’s perspective that produc[ing] a text as close as
possible to the original (constitutio textus)
the business of textual criticism
(§1, p. 1). Text-critical
scholarship that cares also about the later history of the transmission of the text,
beyond discovering original readings, may choose to include manuscript evidence that
is important for understanding later transmission even though it does not contribute
to Maas’s constitutio textus.
It may not always be possible to distinguish independent and dependent witnesses prior to collating the evidence. In those cases, the workflow might involve collating witnesses that might bear independent witness, evaluating the results, and then eliminating those that reveal themselves, through the collation, to be wholly dependent on other witnesses.
[18] Comparing variant readings cannot retrieve features of a lost original if
those features have not survived in any available witness. For that reason, some
textual scholars avoid the term reconstruction; Ostrowski 2003, for example, prefers the term
paradosis, which he glosses as proposed best reading
… based on the use of a stemma, or family tree showing the genealogical
relationship of the manuscript copies, and on the principles of textual
criticism as developed in Western scholarship
(p. xix). Cf. the
distinction in historical linguistics between the attested forms of documented
languages (including documented ancient languages) and (hypothesized)
proto-forms of (re)constructed
[19] To be sure, editors necessarily normalize subtle variation in handwritten sources silently during transcription because handwriting is analog and infinitely variable and digital character-based representations of text must rely on a limited (even if large) character set. That type of normalization underlies both an apparatus-based edition and an alignment table. (See Birnbaum and Spadini 2020, which finds aspects of normalization at several stages of the Gothenburg Model, and not only at the second one, that is, the one that is labeled Normalization.) Editors of any type of critical edition may go beyond the normalization that inevitably accompanies transcription more or less aggressively, according to their editorial principles and preferences.
[20] Public domain. Downloaded from,_K.16_(f.1r).jpg. The manuscript is located in the Jagiellonian Library of Kraków, Poland.
[22] See, for example, Nielsen 2005.
[23] The print version of Ostrowski 2003 fits an average of three or four such blocks on a page.
[24] The don’t repeat yourself (DRY) development slogan is related to this issue, but the focus in our discussion here is on repetition in data, and not on repetition in code.
[25] This is sometimes referred to as the Proximity principle; see Harley 2020b.
[26] This is sometimes referred to as the Similarity principle;
see Harley 2020c. This article emphasizes similarity in color,
shape, or size, but explains in the concluding section (Many other similar
) that there are many more visual traits that can be
leveraged to communicate that certain elements are related
. The physical
trait in this case is consistent horizontal or vertical position.
[27] This is sometimes called the Principle of common region; see Harley 2020a. The region in this case would be a row or column, bounded by the cell borders or, in the absence of physical, rendered cell borders, by borders that are implied by alignment.
[28] See Laubheimer 2020, which explains why Searching an
interface visually for specific objects is inherently a slow and effortful
process, and reducing the need for it is a huge boon to user
[29] More useful terms for the fifth stage might have been rendering, reporting, or serialization. The issue is that the term visualization suggests output for visual perception, such as in an alignment table or other format that is intended to communicate with a human visually. In addition to several output formats that are effective means of visual communication, though, CollateX also supports JSON output, which is well suited to subsequent machine processing, but difficult for humans to understand visually. One way to look at this issue is that although the ultimate goal of performing collation is typically to communicate something to a human, CollateX JSON output is usually a prefinal product, one that will be processed further in some way to produce something intended for visualization in the visual sense of the term.
[30] The number of witnesses varies in this edition because some witnesses are incomplete or damaged and others, which would normally be excluded as derived, may be recruited as backups or surrogate representations of their branches of the textual tradition where their sources are defective.
[31] Witnesses within groupings in a critical apparatus also normally observe a stable relative order. For example, in the case of the New Testament edition, above, the order is described in the front matter to the edition, and reflects a combination of type and language of the source and the dating.
[32] Colwell and Tune 1964 discusses readings that are attested in witnesses, but they do not mention or illustrate the absence of a reading for a witness, that is, an indel relationship. We return below to ways of representing an indel pattern in both model and visualization—that is, the implications of including an affirmative representation of the absence of text for a particular witness from an alignment point vs allowing the absence of any statement about that witness at that location to imply the absence of a reading.
[33] Colwell and Tune write that James William Ellison in his doctoral
dissertation of 1957 at Harvard Divinity School, The use of electronic
computers in the study of the Greek New Testament text, has shown in
detail how a numerical code can be used to indicate variant readings in the Greek
(Colwell and Tune 1964 p 256, fn 2) Ellison’s 1957
publication of the first computerized concordance of the Bible
(Norman (n.d.)) is widely available in research libraries (see, about that
publication, Ellison 1957), but his dissertation apparently was
never published and we have not had access to it.
[34] Image by Maximilian Dörrbecker (Chumwa), CC BY-SA 2.5,
[35] As explained below, CollateX records tokens on nodes not as plain text readings, but as complex objects that include multiple properties, one of which is witness membership. In the case of both Sperberg-McQueen 1989 and CollateX the witness identifiers on the nodes are redundant because 1) in Sperberg-McQueen 1989 the set of witness identifiers on a node is identical to the set of witnesses identifiers on both incoming and outgoing edges, and 2) CollateX includes witness identifiers as properties of the tokens on the nodes.
[36] The only pre-2006 mention of Sperberg-McQueen’s Rhine Delta model that we were able to find is van Halteren 1997 73–75.
[37] Schmidt and Colomb 2009 seem to take PERT (Program evaluation and review technique; see PERT (Wikipedia) and Harris 1996, pp. 274–76), a structure developed originally for workflow management, as a starting point for their variant graph (text in square brackets has been added):
Due to the high level of redundancy in the nine versions [shown as parallel full lines of text from nine witnesses] it would be impractical simply to record them exactly as shown above. Apart from the waste of storage this would entail, an editor would have to ensure, when changing any piece of text shared by several versions, that all the copies were altered in exactly the same way. This would clearly be intolerable. Moreover, this simple listing of versions does not specify which parts of each version are variants of one another—the key information that an editor of such a text would need to know. However, by merging the text wherever it is the same and leaving the divergent parts as branches, a PERT-like graph results that overcomes these difficulties.
For convenience we call this a variant graph. Surprisingly, it does not appear to have been described previously. (Schmidt and Colomb 2009, p. 501)
The example that Schmidt and Colomb 2009 produces to introduce
PERT puts processes on the edges and no information on the nodes:
Figure 9: PERT graph Schmidt and Colomb 2009, p. 501
[t]here are two types of
network diagrams, activity on arrow (AOA) and activity on node (AON). Activity on
node diagrams are generally easier to create and interpret.
Schmidt and Colomb 2009 does not discuss AON vs ANA or explain why
they selected the latter for their representations. PERT was designed to model
process management, and in an AOA representation the nodes have no independent
properties of their own except insofar as they represent milestones, that is,
synchronization points for tasks that are described on the edges, where all tasks
flowing into a node must be completed before any task originating in that node can
be started. If the tasks on the edges (in an AOA representation) are accompanied by
estimated times, these synchronizations make it possible identify the
critical path (the one that is expected to take the most
time) and tasks that have slack, that is, can be delayed
without changing the overall time of the project
. (PERT (Wikipedia))
It is unclear to us whether critical path and slack are useful for modeling textual
alignment in the way that they are for task scheduling and project
[38] Aligning text by part of speech raises questions of disambiguating and resolving instances of repetition (Greek and Old Church Slavonic both have a small number of parts of speech, which means that part-of-speech values necessarily repeat even with fairly small numbers of tokens) and transposition (translation as a general practice does not always preserve the word order of the source text). Birnbaum and Eckhoff 2018 describes the data features that made it possible to manage those issues when working these particular texts.
[39] Rank is determined by performing a topological sort of the graph. Algorithms for performing a topological sort have been known since at least the 1960s, and topological sorting is supported by robust implementations in standard graphing libraries, such as NetworkX in Python. See Topological sorting (Wikipedia).
[40] Similarity for this purpose is represented by Levenshtein edit distance, normalized to a value between zero and one (identity). See Levenshtein (Wikipedia) for more information.
[41] There is actually one other theoretical option for the alignment table: it might
have four colums, where one contains gray
for the first witness
aligned with nothing for the second witness and the other columns contains
, and
, and grey
for the second
witness aligned with nothing for the first. This option is not supported by CollateX
because it does not match common editorial practice. For example, a critical
apparatus would normally report the pattern in question as variation at a single
location and not as unrelated insertion at one location and deletion at the
There is no general algorithmic way of distinguishing a substitution from an independent deletion from one witness and insertion into another at the same location. Textual scholars who want to represent their theory not only of the correspondences in witness evidence but also of the sequence of editorial actions that produced those correspondences might nonetheless want to distinguish those situations. A digital edition that seeks to record and represent the application of individual editing actions on a textual witness is sometimes called a digital documentary edition or genetic edition. See Pierazzo 2015 §3.3, pp. 74-83 for more information.
[42] An alignment table could be supplemented with notes or color-coding or in some other way that might represent information that would otherwise be lacking. When we say that an alignment table is incapable of distinguishing the different reasons that readings might wind up in the same column, what we mean is that it is not possible to represent that relationship using only the three inherent features of cells in a textual table: textual value, row membership, and column membership.
[43] For more information see Stemma (Parvum).
[44] Contamination refers to textual transmission where a witness inherits readings from different branches of the tradition. See Contamination (Parvum) for more information.
Although stemmatic analysis rests on an assumption of maximum parsimony, that is, that shared changes in the tradition are likely to be inherited from a single change in a common ancestor, accidental agreement is not impossible. Automated methods can identify non-stemmatic readings, but distinguishing when these reflect an inherited innovation in the tradition (suggesting either contamination or an error in the stemma) and when they reflect accidental agreement may require expert philological judgment.
[45] If you have marked up the relationships between variants in the graph
viewer / relationship mapper, then you will also be able to discount selected
categories of relationship, if you wish – for example, it is fairly common to want
to disregard spelling variation, and this is the option that lets you do
(HOWTO (Stemmaweb))
[46] The GitHub repo that hosts the Standalone Collation Editor (Standalone Collation Editor) includes installation instructions, and the associated wiki (Standalone Collation Editor wiki) documents the structure of the JSON files on which the Standalone Collation Editor operates. For an explanation of how to work with the user interface see Robinson 2022.
[47] See also Jänicke and Gessner 2015, where the authors present new distant-reading visualizations of variant-graph information. Much of the most innovative work in the theory and practice of visualizating textual comparison has been undertaken by Stefan Jänicke, who is one of the developers of TRAViz. For additional information about both Jänicke’s original visualizations and his surveys of and responses to those by others see the links at his publications page:
[48] Concerning zero as a positive signifier (vs the absence of a signifier, and therefore of a sign) see Barthes 1977 pp. 77–78.
[49] It is possible to transform a variant graph into an alignment ribbon and vice versa, which means that the difference is about information modeling and visualization, rather than information content.
[50] For a general discussion of flow visualizations see Harris 1996, pp. 153–58 and 262. Concerning the similarities and differences among Sankey, alluvial, and parallel coordinates visualizations see Ribecca 2021. The alignment points in parallel coordinate visualizations are not inherently ordered (they are often categorical, rather than continuous or ordinal, features) and Sankey diagrams may contain cycles and do not obligatorily have a single start node and single end node. For those reasons we regard the alignment ribbon as closer to alluvial diagrams than to either Sankey or parallel coordinates.
[51] The term alluviation refers to the deposit of sediments
(alluvium) when a river flows through steep mountainous
terrain and deposits sediment (gravel, sand, silt) onto the adjacent, lower-lying
(Purdy 2021). This is similar to but not the same
as a delta, which describes the fan-shaped deposits that form when a river
flows into a standing body of water, such as a lake or ocean,
. (Purdy 2021) We find that delta is a more
appropriate geological metaphor than alluvial fan to describe the
branching and recombination of readings in a manuscript
tradition—although here, too, as Sperberg-McQueen 1989 notes, it is
uncommon for branches of a river delta to merge after splitting.
[52] Nothing prevents us from ordering our groups as Rosvall and Bergstrom 2010 does, that is, by cluster size, and that ordering would be preferable if we were concerned primarily with foregrounding at each alignment point the witnesses that transmit the majority reading, as is the case with, for example, the use of relative size in TRAViz visualizations. In our visualization above we are more concerned with emphasizing continuity and change in grouping, and therefore in maintaining as stable an order of groups as possible, and we discuss our strategy for ordering the ribbons below. More generally, it is not surprising that cluster size is more important where the cluster members do not have individual continuous identity.
[53] The image above renders normalized versions of the tokens, but if we cared about representing the non-normalized readings, it would be easy to do so because the tokens are complex objects that contain both original and normalized text, along with other properties. This means that we can postpone deciding what to render until Visualization, that is, until the fifth and last stage of the Gothenburg Model.
[54] The variation in grouping conflicts with the Similarity principle; see Harley 2020c.
[55] See, for example, Peña-Araya et al. 2022 for both original contributions and a concise yet informative literature review. See also the description of an alternative original set of visualizations for screenplay data in Hoyt et al. 2014.
[56] See Silvia 2016, Silvia et al. 2015, and Silvia et al. 2016.
[57] The authors are grateful to Hugh Cayless for his contributions to our understanding of Latin textual criticism in general and the Calpurnius Siculus tradition in particular. He is not, of course, responsible for any errors that we may nonetheless have introduced into our discussion below.
[58] The text says that [l]ines of the same color represent witnesses from the
same stemma
(§3; emphasis in the original). A stemma is
normally a representation of an entire tradition, but where it
proves unrealistic to create a complete stemma of an entire complex tradition it may
nonetheless be useful to create separate stemmata of portions of the tradition. We
understand the text of the article to be using stemma to refer to
a manuscript family that represents a relatively coherent branch of a complex
[59] There is no specific number of colors that counts as too many for effective visual
discrimination, especially because the size and proximity of the colored areas is
relevant. As a general guideline, [t]he number of discriminable colors for
coding small separated regions is limited to between six and twelve bins
(Munzner 2014 p. 226)
[60] We do not mean to imply that this inconsistency represents a flaw in Giarratano’s work, since he may have had good reason for deciding to represent agreement with the base text in different ways at different times. At the same time, the storyline visualization is essentially a positive critical apparatus because it renders something explicit for every witness at every alignment point—that is, an empty box is visible in a way that the omission of a siglum from an apparatus is not. This detail makes the different ways of representing agreement with the base text a more conspicuous source of potential cognitive friction for readers than would be the case with a traditional footnoted apparatus.
A more traditional view of a critical apparatus for this work is available at Calpurnius Siculus, implemented with CETEIcean, about which see Cayless and Viglianti 2018.
[61] Implementing the global toggles as regular HTML <button>
elements, and not as radio buttons, has subtle but important implications for the
experience. If it weren’t possible to toggle the expansion or truncation of individual
alignment points, radio buttons would have been the correct choice because the user
would be choosing between two stable global states. Once the user interacts explicitly
with a single alignment point, though, neither global state is in force. This led
us to
regard and implement the expand-all and truncate-all operations as actions,
appropriately controlled by regular buttons, rather than as a choice between states,
appropriately governed by radio buttons.
The most common on-demand interactive events are hover (mouseover) and click. We ultimately favored click events to toggle an individual alignment point because hover events are susceptible to mouse traps, that is, to accidentally firing an event while moving the mouse cursor for other purposes.
[62] The accuracy of the implementation of this layout algorithm in Silvia et al. 2016 appears uneven. In Figure 32, above, it looks as if the yellow ribbons
for witnesses β and A cross unnecessarily in the middle of the visualization (between
and ned
[63] For example, manuscript A might be copied with multiple changes as manuscript B,
which is then copied serially, accumulating changes each time (manuscripts C, D, etc.).
Meanwhile A might also be copied again much later, but carefully and accurately, as
manuscript X. In this scenario manuscript X is the youngest manuscript chronologically,
but by virtue of its more faithful representation of the common source (A), it may
attest an older version of the text than older manuscripts B, C, D, etc. That younger
manuscripts may continue older readings that are not preserved in older manuscripts
the basis of the philological principle that recentiores non deteriores
(Recentiores non deteriores (Parvum)).
[64] At the moment we provisionally define the closeness of two witnesses as a count of the total number of times they agree within any alignment point. We use the term closeness, rather than similarity, because our measurement does not observe standard similarity metrics; for example, closeness values do not range between zero and one; our method of counting does not make it easy to quantify what it would mean for a witness to be perfectly similar to itself; etc.
This measure of closeness becomes distorted with incomplete or unbalanced data. For example, if one witnesses is present in only a small portion of the alignment points, where it always agrees with a particular other witness, the closeness value of the pair will be small because the total number of instances of agreement is small. At the same time, the shorter witness may have achieved 100% of its possible agreement with the longer witness. This means that very short witnesses are unable to achieve closeness scores comparable to those of very long witnesses. This, in turn, means that our provisional measure of closeness actually combines the amount of agreement with the likelihood that the agreement is meaningful, where agreement with a sparesely attested witness has diminished reliability because the amount of evidence is small.
[65] Our eventual goal for CollateX is to regard the user-supplied witness order as the default and to provide a switch that allows the user to replace the default with a computed order. Determining an optimal global order, that is, one that juxtaposes witnesses according to their closeness, is a variant of the Shortest Hamiltonian Path problem (see Hamiltonian path (Wikipedia)), which we might approach as follows:
Construct a distance matrix. To compute an optimal global order that keeps witnesses with high overall closeness scores adjacent to each other we first convert the closeness values to distance values by subtracting the closeness from maximum closeness of all pairs and adding one. This has the result that the closest witnesses have a distance of one and the distance value increases as the closeness diminishes. We can then model the distance relationships as a graph, where each witness is a node and nodes are connected to other nodes with undirected edges that are weighted with the pairwise distances. This means that the edges between closer witnesses have a lower weight than edges between more distant witnesses. Using this graph to compute an optimal total order then requires computing a shortest Hamiltonian path with starting and stopping points to be determined.
Compute a shortest Hamiltonian path. Not every graph has a Hamiltonian path, but if each witness agrees at least once with each other witness, the graph is complete, that is, every node is connected by at least one edge to every other node, and any complete graph is guaranteed to have a Hamiltonian path. Because it is unlikely that a collation task of any appreciable size will include witnesses that share no readings with one another, we assume, provisionally, that a Hamiltonian path exists. (Absent that assumption, determining whether a Hamiltonian path exists is an NP-hard task, that is, one that can be negotiated only heuristically, without a guaranteed optimal result.) Once we know (or assume) that there is a Hamiltonian path, identifying the shortest one can be understood as a variant of the famous Traveling Salesman Problem, which is also NP-hard (see Traveling salesman problem (Wikipedia) for more information), but there are known tractable heuristic algorithms for approximating a solution that can be adapted for this purpose (see, for example, Lin-Kernighan heuristic (Wikipedia)).
[66] Scala is a JVM language that compiles, like Java, to a jar file and that is designed to interoperate with Java code. This is convenient for our migration, and it also means that the migration will be transparent to end-users. who will be able to interact with jar files produced from Scala source code the same way they interact now with jar files produced from Java source code.
For information about using Scala to work with XML see Fancellu and Narmontas 2014 and Emir (n.d.), as well as the wiki for the standard Scala XML library at scala-xml wiki,
[67] The IDE that we used for development, JetBrains IntelliJ, automatically performs code analysis before every commit, and it currently raises spurious error reports for the HTML5 and CSS that we create. After consultation with JetBrains support, which opened an issue to look into the incorrect analysis results, we disabled code analysis of generated files as a temporary workaround.
[68] The fn:characters()
function in the current XPath 4.0 Functions and
Operators draft produces the same result and is less opaque (Characters (XPath 4.0)). We retain the XPath 3.1 version because, as we write this,
the XPath 4.0 Functions and Operators specification remains a work in progress, and
therefore subject to change.
[69] For information about memoization see Memoization (Wikipedia). Memoization
in XSLT user-defined functions is supported through a @cache
attribute, about which see Memoization (XSLT).
[70] In Real Life we also include the length of the space characters between tokens, but we have omitted that from this example to focus on the token processing.
[71] HTML5 supports user-defined custom data attributes as
long as they begin with the string data-
. See Custom data attributes (HTML5) for more information.
[72] The SVG 2 specification includes an @inline-size
property that is
supposed to be able to control text wrapping; whether it is also supposed to
control truncation is unclear. Unfortunately, as we write this in May 2024 no
browser has implemented that feature. See @inline-size (SVG2) 2018 for the
specification and How do I set … 2024 for the reality.
[73] CSS rules specified without a namespace are matched according to the local name. It is possible to specify namespaces in CSS rules, but not necessary in this case because the namespaces of the local names are unambiguous. See Bellamy-Royds et al., 2017 for more information about namespaces in CSS.
[74] We experimented with replacing the cubic Bézier curve with two quadratic Bézier curves (each with one control point) joined with 180º rotational symmetry, but we found it easier to design and implement a smooth flow with the single cubic curve.
[75] Z-index was included in the 2016 SVG 2 Candidate Recommendation (SVG2 Candidate Recommendation 2016 (§3.5.1. Controlling element rendering order: the ‘z-index’ property), but it
is identified there as at risk
, that is, not certain to be
. (see the Status of this document
section). By
2018 z-index had been removed from SVG 2 (z-index rendering order 1) and
deferred to SVG 2.1 (z-index rendering order 2). SVG 2 lingers at the
Candidate Recommendation stage; as we write this in May 2024, the latest versions
(without z-index) are SVG2 Candidate Recommendation 2018 (latest Candidate
Recommendation) and SVG2 (latest editor’s draft).