In the early days of XML, many in the XML community saw it as a universal format that would be used to represent most kinds of data exchanged among programs, allowing many different kinds of information to be processed in the same way.
XML provides a way to label information from diverse data sources including structured and semi-structured documents, relational databases, and object repositories.
The Extensible Markup Language, XML, is having a profoundly unifying effect on diverse forms of information. For the first time, XML provides an information interchange format that is editable, easily parsed, and capable of representing nearly any kind of structured or semi-structured information.
— "Quilt: An XML Query Language for Heterogeneous Data Sources", 2000.
But less than a decade after XML 1.0 became a W3C Recommendation, some people were concluding that XML was not the best way to exchange traditional program data on the Internet.
Unfortunately, XML is not well suited to data-interchange, much as a wrench is not well-suited to driving nails. It carries a lot of baggage, and it doesn't match the data model of most programming languages. When most programmers saw XML for the first time, they were shocked at how ugly and inefficient it was. It turns out that that first reaction was the correct one. There is another text notation that has all of the advantages of XML, but is much better suited to data-interchange. That notation is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
JSON is a better data exchange format. XML is a better document exchange format. Use the right tool for the right job.
— "JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML", 2006.
In many environments, XML and HTML are used to represent documents, and JSON is used for traditional data exchange. As more and more data is exchanged, stored, and queried as JSON, XML tools need to evolve to allow JSON and XML to be processed together. And adding support for JSON is useful even for XML data, because JSON's data structures are sorely missing in both XSLT and XQuery, and can simplify many transformations and queries.
This paper explores how an XML stack can be adapted to support a world of HTML5, JavaScript, and JSON, then explores two existing proposals that provide support for JSON: (1) the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, which adds maps to XSLT and provides functions to convert JSON to and from these maps, and (2) JSONiq, which extends XQuery to add JSON objects and arrays. After that, a comparison of the two proposals is given, along with some thoughts about the issues that should be resolved as the W3C XSL Working Group and the W3C XML Query Working Group seek to develop a common proposal.
This talk represents the views of the author, not those of EMC Corporation, the W3C, or the XML Working Group. Most of these views were formed in conversation with Dana Florescu, Michael Kay, Ghislain Fourney, John Snelson, Mary Holstege, Matthias Brantner, Till Westmann, Andrew Eisenberg, and others whose views continue to inform me.
The Web in 2012: HTML5, JavaScript, and JSON
The XML community has long argued that programs should exchange both documents and program data using text-based data formats that are readable, platform-neutral, based on open standards, separate presentation from content, and are optimized for data reuse and long-term storage of data. This argument has largely been won. However, XML is only one of several formats that are being used for this purpose.
In the early days of XML, many spoke of it as a
universal data format
, or a universal
hub format
, and some hoped that XHTML would finally
unify the Web, with XML as the foundation. But XHTML was not
well supported by some browsers, and was never widely accepted
as a replacement for HTML 4. Instead, the HTML community has
moved strongly in the direction of HTML5.
Even for data exchange, many JavaScript programmers decided
that XML was too difficult to use in JavaScript programs,
opting for JSON instead. While XML won the argument that data
should be exchanged using text-based formats with the
characteristics listed above, we now have three dominant
formats: HTML, XML, and JSON. They are frequently used
together. Few tools are designed to work equally well with all
three formats, but many developers are expected to.
In recent years, the Web has been moving strongly in the
direction of HTML5, JavaScript, and JSON
and a new generation of databases, designed for distributed
processing of massive amounts of data, uses JSON as the native
data model. Ironically, JSON is now widely used for the
very use cases highlighted in Jon Bosak's 1997 paper,
XML, Java, and the future of the Web
, which was
written to promote XML. JSON was designed as a programming
language-independent representation of typical programming
language data structures, and in many languages, a simple
library call can convert JSON to programming language
structures, or programming language structures to JSON. For
this kind of data, JSON programming is dramatically simpler
than XML programming, except when you need queries,
transformations, or schema validation.
But JSON does not exist in a vacuum, and it frequently needs to be used together with mixed content, typically represented as HTML or XML. A single application may often use several Web interfaces, some XML-based, others JSON-based, and combine data from the two, creating results in various formats. And even as XML becomes less common in Web interfaces, it continues to be important for documents and for managing and generating content on the server, to be combined with other data and exchanged in other formats. XML tools are particularly powerful for complex data integration tasks involving heterogeneous data, and they can handle HTML well, but they need to be extended to better support JSON. This will benefit both the JSON and XML communities.
XML has a mature tool stack that does not yet exist for JSON, including schema languages, XSLT, and XQuery. Many XML developers find these tools sorely missing when they work with JSON, but it's not clear that the JSON community feels a strong need for most of these tools. Many query languages have been developed for JSON, a few schema languages and transformation languages have also been developed, but have not been widely used.
Using schemas to enforce contracts is just as relevant for JSON as
it is for XML, but there is little enthusiasm in the JSON
community for schema languages, especially complex schema
languages. JSON Schema, perhaps the most widely used JSON schema
language, provided validation, and also added "formats", which
allow for validation of simple types such as
, date
, time
etc. JSON Schema is supported by several tools, and was written up
as an IETF draft, but the draft expired in 2011.
As a result, there is no standard way to support schema validation
or validation of these data types in JSON. That makes it difficult
for JSON interfaces to support declarative contracts via schemas.
The JSON community generally believes that JSON frequently needs to be transformed to and from other formats, especially HTML and XML, but JSONT, a lightweight XSLT-like transformation language designed in 2006, does not seem to have gained much traction, nor have any of the alternatives that have emerged. This may be partly because JavaScript and many scripting languages are fairly powerful for many common simple transformations. A number of libraries and other approaches have emerged for using XSLT to transform JSON, and are popular in the XML community among those who also work with JSON; it is too early to tell how widely they will be adopted in the JSON community.
Because NoSQL databases that use JSON as their native data model have gained significant traction in recent years, JSON query languages have gained much more traction, but no standard JSON query language has emerged. Standards are not as deeply embedded in JSON culture as they are in XML culture, and it is more difficult to gain agreement on a standard across the industry. A variety of approaches to querying JSON are used, including template-based queries (e.g. Mongo Query Language), SQL-like query languages (e.g. UnQL, HiveQL, YQL), procedural data flow languages (e.g. Pig Latin), functional data flow languages (e.g. Jaql), and simply using MapReduce libraries from conventional programming languages (e.g. Google BigTable).
To support queries, these languages often extend JSON with additional data types, such as date, object id, binary data, regular expression, or more specific numeric types such as int32, int64, or double.
The following queries illustrate the range of query languages that are used for querying JSON.[1]
Queries in JSON Query Languages
Mongo Query Language: a template-based language for search/retrieval[2]
// select * from things where x=3 and y="foo" db.things.find( { x : 3, y : "foo" } ); // select * where j<> 3 and k>10 db.things.find({j: {$ne: 3}, k: {$gt: 10} }); // select * where a=1 or b=2 { $or : [ { a : 1 } , { b : 2 } ] } )
UNQL: a SQL-based language[3]
// An UPSERT: Incrementing a counter on a webpage. UPDATE abc SET abc.n=abc.n+1 WHERE"/page/one" ELSE INSERT {page:"/page/one", n: 1, create_time: 1234567}; SELECT FROM abc;
Pig Latin: a data flow language[4]
VISITS = load '/visits' as (user, url, time); USER_VISITS = group VISITS by user; USER_COUNTS = foreach USER_VISITS generate group as user, COUNT(VISITS) as numvisits; ALL_COUNTS = group USER_COUNTS all; AVG_COUNT = foreach ALL_COUNTS generate AVG(USER_COUNTS.numvisits); dump AVG_COUNT;
HiveQL: a SQL-based data flow language[5]
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE pv_gender_sum SELECT pv_users.gender, count (DISTINCT pv_users.userid) FROM pv_users GROUP BY pv_users.gender;
Jaql: a functional data flow language[6].
import myrecord; countFields = fn(records) ( records -> transform myrecord::names($) -> expand -> group by fName = $ as occurrences into { name: fName, num: count(occurrences) } ); read(hdfs("docs.dat")) -> countFields() -> write(hdfs("fields.dat"));
Maps and Arrays, a missing piece in XQuery and XSLT
Maps and arrays, under various names, are available in most modern programming languages, but until recently, they were absent from both XQuery and XSLT. This came from a basic design decision: XML is the complex data structure in these languages, and we felt that no other complex data structure was needed. While this worked well for most things, it made some kinds of queries and transformations needlessly complex for users to write, and complicated the design of the languages.
Maps and arrays are simple data structures, much simpler than XML, and adding them to XQuery and XSLT does not greatly change the complexity of the two languages. And maps and arrays add significant new features to both languages:
Lightweight data structures that do not have the overhead associated with namespace processing, element construction, order preservation, or whitespace processing rules.
Data structures that can associate additional data with an node, without losing the original identity of the node. This is particularly helpful in function parameters and returns. (Element construction in XQuery and XSLT loses the original identity of the items used to construct the element.)
Nested arrays that can represent multiple sequences returned from a function, mathematical matrices, sparse matrices, etc.
Data structures that can be used to describe intermediate results of XQuery expressions, such as the tuple stream in FLWOR expressions. (The notation used to describe the tuple stream in the current XQuery specification could easily be changed to maps.)
All of these things can be simulated with XML, but doing so introduces conceptual overhead for those who write queries or transformations, and system overhead that can affect the efficiency of queries.
If producing modified copies of a map is easy and efficient, maps add another useful feature: complex data structures that can track information encountered during a query or transformation. For instance, a reporting application can keep running totals and summaries by creating new map instances to reflect changing information.
The XSLT 3.0 Maps Proposal
The XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, which is new in the July 2012 Working Draft of XSLT, was motivated by streaming use cases, which require complex data structures that can be used to remember what has been seen in the document, and also provides support for JSON. It extends the type system, data model, and syntax of XPath 3.0 to support maps, which are represented as function items in the data model.[7] It does not provide explicit support for arrays, but supports similar functionality using maps with integer-valued keys.
The XSLT proposal extends the syntax of XPath's
to allow support map types.
MapType ::= 'map' '(' ( '*' | (AtomicOrUnionType ',' SequenceType) ')'
For instance, MapType
can be used to specify the type of a function parameter. Here is the signature of
a function that uses a map to specify parsing options.
parse-json($json-text as xs:string, $options as map(*)) as item()?
There is no way to declare the type of a map, and the type
of a map depends on its current contents. For instance,
map(xs:integer, element(employee))
matches a map if
all the keys in the map are integers and all the values are
employee elements. If a new entry with a different key type or
value type is added, the type of the map changes.
The maps proposal adds a new kind of primary expression to XPath in order to construct a map.
MapExpr := "map" "{" (KeyExpr ":=" ValueExpr ("," KeyExpr ":=" ValueExpr )*)? "}" KeyExpr := ExprSingle ValueExpr := ExprSingle
Here is an example of a map expression: [8]
map { "Su" := "Sunday", "Mo" := "Monday", "Tu" := "Tuesday", "We" := "Wednesday", "Th" := "Thursday", "Fr" := "Friday", "Sa" := "Saturday }
The following map uses integer-valued keys, and is analogous to an array.
map { 0 := "Sonntag", 1 := "Montag", 2 := "Dienstag", 3 := "Mittwoch", 4 := "Donnerstag", 5 := "Freitag", 6 := "Samstag" }
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, a map is a function from
keys to associated values, and is represented as a function
item. The function map:get($map, $key)
returns the
value associated with a given key.
The function signature for a map is function($key as
xs:anyAtomicValue) as item()*
, and calling a map function
returns the value for that key (thus, $map($key)
a synonym for map:get($map, $key)
. If
is bound to the map shown above, the following
expressions are equivalent, they each evaluate to "Tuesday".
Maps have no identity; the contents of two maps can be compared, but there is no way to distinguish two maps with the same content.
All values in XSLT are immutable, but functions are provided to create new maps that differ from an existing map by removing an entry, adding an entry, or changing the value of an entry.
The following table provides a brief synopsis of the functions provided for maps.
Table I
Map functions in the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal
map:new | Creates a new map: either an empty map, or a map that combines entries from a number of existing maps. Allows a collation to be specified. |
map:entry | Creates a map that contains a
single key/value pair. Useful for creating maps with
map:new |
map:get | Returns the value associated with a key. |
map:keys | Returns the keys found in a map. |
map:contains | Tests whether a supplied map contains an entry for a given key. |
map:remove | Constructs a new map by removing an entry from an existing map. |
map:collation | Returns the URI of a given map's collation. |
fn:deep-equal2 | Determines whether two
sequences are deep-equal to each other; this function extends
fn:deep-equal to support sequences that contain
The map:new
function is used to create new
maps from existing ones by specifying a sequence of maps. The
newly created map contains every key/value pair that occurs in
one of these maps; if a given key occurs in more than one map,
its value in the newly created map is taken from the last map
that contains a value for this key. The following examples show how map:new
and map:remove
are used to create modified versions of maps.
returnsmap{ }
map:new((map:entry(0, "Sunntig"), map:entry(1, "Määntig")))
let $m:=map{"count":=1} return map:new("count":$m("count")+1)
map:remove(map{0:="Sunntig",1:="Määntig",2:="Ziischtig"}, 1)
The following example, taken from the XSLT 3.0 Working Draft, uses maps and xsl:iterate
to find the highest earning employee in each department, in a single streaming pass
of a document containing employee records.
<xsl:stream href="employees.xml"> <xsl:iterate select="*/employee"> <xsl:param name="highest-earners" as="map(xs:string, element(employee))" select="map:new()"/> <xsl:variable name="this" select="copy-of(.)" as="element(employee)"/> <xsl:next-iteration> <xsl:with-param name="highest-earners" select="let $existing := $highest-earners($this/department) return if ($existing/salary gt $this/salary) then $highest-earners else map:new($highest-earners, map:entry($this/department, $this))"/> </xsl:next-iteration> <xsl:on-completion> <xsl:for-each select="map:keys($highest-earners)"> <department name="{.}"> <xsl:copy-of select="$highest-earners(.)"/> </department> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:on-completion> </xsl:iterate> </xsl:stream>
The XSLT maps proposal also adds two functions,
and serialize-JSON
, that
convert between serialized JSON and XSLT
maps. parse-JSON
converts JSON arrays are converted
to maps with integer-valued keys.
parse-json('{"x":1, "y":[3,4,5]}')
. -
let $m := parse-json('{"x":1, "y":[3,4,5]}') return $m("y")(2)
JSONiq: Extending XQuery with Maps and Arrays
The JSONiq proposal extends XQuery to add support for JSON. It was primarily motivated by the need for a JSON query language, and the need for a single language that can query JSON, XML, and HTML. JSONiq extends the type system, data model, and syntax of XQuery to support JSON objects[9] and arrays. JSONiq defines two profiles: one is a strict superset of XQuery that adds support for JSON, the other is a pure JSON query language with no XML constructs.
The following diagram shows JSONiq extensions to the data model in green.
Figure 1: JSONiq Data Model

represents a JSON object, array
represents a JSON array. Both are derived from json-item
. structured-item
is an abstract base class for both node
and json-item
is an atomic data type that represents JSON nulls.
Like XDM 3.0 nodes, a JSON item has identity, and it can be serialized. However, the identity of a JSON item is used only to support updates. Like XSLT maps, the contents of JSON items can be compared, but there is no way to distinguish two items with the same content.
JSONiq extends the syntax of XPath's ItemType
to support the types of JSON items.
StructuredItemTest ::= "structured-item" "(" ")" JSONItemTest ::= "json-item" "(" ")" JSONObjectTest ::= "object" "(" ")" JSONArrayTest ::= "array" "(" ")"
For instance, a JSONItemTest
can be used to declare the type of a function parameter or return.
declare function local:summary($o as object()) as array() { };
JSONiq adds primary expressions to construct objects and arrays.
ObjectConstructor ::= "{" PairConstructor ("," PairConstructor)* "}" PairConstructor ::= ExprSingle ":" ExprSingle ArrayConstructor ::= "[" Expr? "]"
Here is an example of a JSON object that contains an array.
{ "name" : "Sarah", "age" : 13, "gender" : "female", "friends" : [ "Jim", "Mary", "Jennifer"] }
Arrays can nest.
[ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] ]
Both objects and arrays compose with existing XQuery expressions; for instance, the following example uses an XQuery range expression to construct an array containing five integers:
[ 1 to 5 ]
Here is the result of the above query:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
The following example constructs an object from the values in a sequence:
{ for $d at $i in ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" ) return $d : $i }
Here is the result of the above query:
{ "Sunday" : 1, "Monday" : 2, "Tuesday" : 3, "Wednesday" : 4, "Thursday" : 5, "Friday" : 6, "Saturday" : 7 }
In JSONiq, an array contains a sequence of items, and an
array is itself an item. JSONiq also supports JSON nulls. In the
following array constructor, jn:null()
creates a
null value.
[1, "string", jn:null(), <four/>, ["nested", "array"]
Navigation in objects and arrays is done using "selectors",
which use function call syntax as in the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal.
An object selector has the function type function($key as
xs:string) as item()?
. An object selector returns the
value associated with a given key, as in the following
let $map := { "eyes" : "blue", "hair" : "fuchsia" } return $map("eyes")
The result of the above query is "blue".
An array selector matches the function type
function(xs:integer) as item()?
. An array selector
returns the value found at a given position, as in the following
let $wd := ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] return $wd(1)
The result of the above query is "Sunday".
JSONiq also supports member selectors on sequences. If $s
is a sequence, then $s($param)
is translated to:
for $item in $s return $item($param)
The following example, taken from the JSONiq Use Cases, queries sales data, then groups it to show sales by category within each state.
contains the following data:
{ "product" : "broiler", "store number" : 1, "quantity" : 20 }, { "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 100 }, { "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 50 }, { "product" : "toaster", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 50 }, { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 100 }, { "product" : "blender", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 150 }, { "product" : "socks", "store number" : 1, "quantity" : 500 }, { "product" : "socks", "store number" : 2, "quantity" : 10 }, { "product" : "shirt", "store number" : 3, "quantity" : 10 }
contains the following data:
{ "name" : "broiler", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 100, "cost" : 70 }, { "name" : "toaster", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 30, "cost" : 10 }, { "name" : "blender", "category" : "kitchen", "price" : 50, "cost" : 25 }, { "name" : "socks", "category" : "clothes", "price" : 5, "cost" : 2 }, { "name" : "shirt", "category" : "clothes", "price" : 10, "cost" : 3 }
contains the following data:
{ "store number" : 1, "state" : CA }, { "store number" : 2, "state" : CA }, { "store number" : 3, "state" : MA }, { "store number" : 4, "state" : MA }
The following query groups by state, then by category, then lists individual products and the sales associated with each.
{ for $store in collection("stores") let $state := $store("state") group by $state return { $state : { for $product in collection("products") let $category := $product("category") group by $category return { $category : { for $sales in collection("sales") where $sales("store number") = $store("store number") and $sales("product") = $product("name") let $pname := $sales("product") group by $pname return $pname : sum( $sales("quantity") ) } } } } }
Here is the result of the above query.
{ "CA" : { "clothes" : { "socks" : 510 }, "kitchen" : { "broiler" : 20, "toaster" : 150 } }, "MA" : { "clothes" : { "shirt" : 10 }, "kitchen" : { "blender" : 250, "toaster" : 50 } } }
Beyond what has been discussed in this section, JSONiq adds functions for parsing and serializing JSON, a syntax for JSON updates, a function library for managing objects and arrays, and rules for combining XML and JSON. See JSONiq for further information.
Comparing the XSLT 3.0 Maps Proposal to JSONiq
The XSLT 3.0 Maps proposal and JSONiq have similar functionality. They each extend the XPath 3.0 type system, data model, and syntax, but they do it in incompatible ways. The XSL Working Group and XML Query Working Group expect to agree on a common solution that can be used in both XSLT and XQuery. This section explores some of the similarities and differences between the two proposals.
XSLT maps are extremely similar to JSONiq objects, but they do differ in a variety of ways. The following list summarizes these differences.
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, maps are functions. In JSONiq, they are structured items, similar to XML nodes, with accessors defined in the data model. Both proposals use function notation to find the value associated with a key; in JSONiq this is done by overloading the function call syntax for objects and arrays.
If maps are modeled as functions, the properties of maps still need to be clearly described in the data model, much as they are for elements and attributes, for the sake of implementations. If maps are modeled as data, the language description needs to explain the use of function call syntax, or a different approach must be used to find the value associated with a key.
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, a map can be passed as a parameter where a function is expected. In JSONiq, a map must first be wrapped in an inline function, which can be passed as a parameter where a function is expected.
The XSLT 3.0 maps proposal makes it easy to create a new copy of a map that is modified by adding an entry, changing the value of an entry, or removing an entry. This is not as easy in JSONiq. JSONiq provides operations to update the contents of a map in place. This is not possible in XSLT (which does not have updates).
Maps should support both models. Updates are needed for conventional database operations, modified copies are needed for XSLT and for XQuery implementatinos that do not provide updates.
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, maps have no identity. In JSONiq, maps have identity, but it is used only to support updates. (XSLT does not have updates, and does not need this functionality). To reduce complexity and simplify query optimization, neither proposal allows XPath operations that expose the identity of maps, such as
, andexcept
operators. -
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, the value of a map entry is an arbitrary sequence. In JSONiq, the value of a map entry is a single item; if the value is a sequence, it is placed in an array, as it would be in JSON.
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, a key can have any atomic type, and the keys in a given map may have different types, which need not be mutually comparable (e.g. one map may have keys of type
, andboolean
). The type of a map depends on the types of its keys and values at any given time. In JSONiq, a key is always a string, as it is in JSON. -
In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, keys are compared using the default collation, and a map can be given a collation, so that keys considered equivalent in a given language can be made equivalent. In JSONiq, all maps use the Unicode codepoint collation to ensure that they are compared the same way in all environments.
JSONiq maps use a constructor syntax that closely resembles the syntax of JSON maps in the same way that XQuery direct element constructors resemble XML elements. The XSLT 3.0 maps proposal uses a syntax more like computed element constructors, introducing a constructor with a keyword, and uses
as a delimiter between name/value pairs, instead of the:
delimiter used by JSON.
JSONiq has arrays, the XSLT 3.0 proposal does not. This is
perhaps the most significant difference between the two
proposals. The XSLT 3.0 proposal uses maps to represent JSON
arrays; for instance, the parse-json()
converts the JSON text ["a", "b", null]
to the map
map{1:="a", 2:="b", 3:=()}
, and does not support
arrays in XPath per se. If a transformation creates a new copy of
the map, removing one of the entries, the positions of the other
entries are not adjusted; for example, consider the following
let $j := parse-json('["a", "b", null]') return map:remove($j, 2)
This expression evaluates to a map with entries in position 1 and 3, but not in 2:
map{1:="a", 3:=()}
JSONiq does not have this problem; deleting an item from an array moves all subsequent items one position to the left.
Beyond the differences mentioned above, the main differences involve the functions associated with maps and arrays in the two proposals.
Arrays and Sequences
In JSONiq, an array is a single item, which allows an array
to be a member of an array. In the XSLT 3.0 maps proposal, a map
is used to simulate an array. In either case, an array is an item
that can occur in a sequence, and items are retrieved using
function call syntax (e.g. $a(1)
), not the subscript
operator (e.g. $a[1]
). Functions, operators, and
expressions that operate on sequences all treat an array as a
single item. For instance, the following expression returns a
single item:
for $i in [1, 2, 3] return $i
The result of the above query is the array [1, 2,
, not the sequence 1, 2, 3
. JSONiq provides
the members()
function to convert an array to a
for $i in members([1, 2, 3]) return $i
The result of the above expression is 1, 2,
In the same way, the expression [1, 2][1]
not equivalent to the expression [1, 2](1)
. The array
selector (1)
returns the first member of the
sequence, which is 1
. The positional predicate
returns the first item of the sequence. In XPath,
an item is identical to a singleton sequence containing that item,
so [1, 2][1]
is equivalent to ([1,
, which returns the first item in the sequence:
[1, 2]
Some people would like most functions, operators, and expressions to treat arrays and sequences in the same way. However, the semantics of sequences is fundamental to the design of XQuery, XPath, and XSLT, and sequences have semantics that are quite different from arrays. For instance, in these languages a single item is indistinguishable from a sequence containing a single item, most languages clearly distinguish an array containing a single item from an item. Similarly, sequences do not nest, and are automatically flattened. Arrays nest, and are not flattened. Because sequences and arrays have significantly different semantics, it is not clear whether it is possible to make functions, operators, and expressions treat them the same way without introducing inconsistencies. The two Working Groups should explore this question.
Moving Forward
If support for JSON is added to both XSLT and XQuery, developers can query or transform XML, HTML, and JSON to produce XML, HTML, or JSON. The XSLT 3.0 Maps proposal and JSONiq are more similar than different, and should be combined, retaining the best features of each. The XSL and XML Query Working Groups have started this effort. This paper has attempted to sketch the differences between the two proposals, and suggest some ways that they can be combined. This will be helpful to XML developers who also need to process JSON, but also to XML developers who need simple, lightweight data structures that preserve identity, and to the Working Groups as we design extensions to our languages.
It is too early to say how interesting this work will become to the JSON community. As JSON moves beyond the browser into databases and enterprise data exchange, the lack of a mature application stack like the XML application stack becomes more painful, but the JSON community is extremely reluctant to embrace the complexity of XML Schema and other aspects of the XML application stack. At this point, the strongest interest seems to be in query languages. For the JSON-only community, JSONiq has a profile that removes support for XML, resulting in a much smaller, simpler language that supports only JSON. Standard support for a broader set of datatypes would also be extremely helpful for JSON developers, who routinely work with dates, URLs, and other datatypes that are not directly supported in JSON, as would a simple schema language. Because of the strong desire for simplicity in the JSON community, it is unlikely that they will simply adopt the XML application stack without modification, but the JSON community may benefit by learning from the work that has already been done by their XML cousins.
[JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML] Douglas Crockford JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML. [online].,
[JSONT] Stefan Goessner. JSONT: Transforming JSON. [online].
[JSONiq] Jonathan Robie, Matthias Brantner, Daniela Florescu, Ghislain Fourny, Till Westman. JSONiq: XQuery for JSON, JSON for XQuery. (Language Specification). [online].
[JSONiq Use Cases] Jonathan Robie, Matthias Brantner, Daniela Florescu, Ghislain Fourny, Till Westman. JSONiq: Use Cases. [online].
[XSLT 3.0 July 2012 Working Draft] Michael Kay. XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 3.0. W3C Working Draft 10 July 2012 [online].
[XQuery 3.0] Jonathan Robie, Don Chamberlin, Michael Dyck, John Snelson. XQuery 3.0: An XML Query Language. W3C Working Draft 13 December 2011. [online].
[XPath 3.0] Jonathan Robie, Don Chamberlin, Michael Dyck, John Snelson. XML Path Language (XPath) 3.0. W3C Working Draft 13 December 2011. [online].
[XDM 3.0] Norman Walsh, Anders Berglund, John Snelson. XQuery and XPath Data Model 3.0 W3C Working Draft 13 December 2011. [online].
[Quilt] Don Chamberlin, Jonathan Robie, Daniela Florescu Quilt: An XML Query Language for Heterogeneous Data Sources
[Bosak 1997] Jon Bosak. "XML, Java, and the future of the Web". [online].
[XML vs the Web] XML vs the Web
, James Clark. [online]
[Deprecating XML] Deprecating XML
, Norman Walsh. [online]
, Tim Bray. [online]
[Mongo Query Language] Mongo Query Language: Advanced Queries.
[online] Data Types and Conventions
[UnQL] UnQL: Unstructured Query Language.
[HQL Tutorial] HQL Tutorial
[Yahoo Query Language] Yahoo Query Language
[Hive] Hive Language Manual.
[Pig] Apache Hadoop: Pig Documentation.
[Jaql] Kevin S. Beyer, Mohamed Eltabakh, Vuk Ercegovac, Rainer Gemulla, Carl-Christian Kanne,
Fatma Ozcan, Andrey Balmin, Eugene J. Shekita.Jaql: A Scripting Language for Large Scale Semistructured Data
[JSON Schema] K. Zyp, G. Court.A JSON Media Type for Describing the Structure and Meaning of JSON Documents.
IETF Internet-Draft [online]
[JSON Path] JSON Path. Part of MarkLogic Corona. [online]
[rbtree] John Snelson. rbtree. [online]
[cosql] Erik Meijer, Gavin Bierman. A co-Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks.
ACM Queue, March 2011, volume 9, number 3.
[1] A detailed comparison of these languages is beyond the scope of this paper.
[2] Example taken from Mongo Query Language.
[7] Because XPath 3.0 is jointly owned with the XML Query Working Group, the two Working Groups have committed to work together to create a joint proposal, but this is not yet reflected in any public document.
[8] Most examples in this section are taken from XSLT 3.0 July 2012 Working Draft.
[9] JSON calls maps objects, as does JavaScript. In this paper, the term object always refers to a map, rather than the objects used in the object oriented paradigm.