XML In, Web Out: International Symposium on sub rosa XML
a Balisage pre-conference symposium
Monday August 1, 2016
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, Bethesda, MD, USA
Come explore how the XML technology stack enables Great Web Applications from the 'basement' to the 'last mile’.
In today's world 'application’ often means 'web application’. Most web applications are messy. The current web application stack changes rapidly; frameworks go in and out of favor; the standards evolve; JavaScript changes.
At the same time, mission critical applications are built on top of “big data”. We have large volumes of often volatile data that must be accessed, distilled, summarized, and transformed for delivery to the web.
Enterprises desperately need to provide stable, scalable, and sustainable infrastructure to meet the needs of modern applications. More and more organizations are using an XML infrastructure. Appropriately-designed XML applications can enable “stable innovation” of mission-critical information resources while handling new requirements, changing data models, and mitigating the churn of constantly changing requirements.
Chair: James Fuller, MarkLogic
The Program for the Symposium includes:
- Welcome Jim Fuller, Marklogic
- XSLT as a powerful static website generator: Hogrefe's Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs Martin Kraetke & Gerrit Imsieke, le-tex publishing services GmbH
- The XML expert’s path to web applications Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
- Meta(data)morphosis Ashley M. Clark, Sarah Connell, Northeastern University
- Messaging format persistence in Healthcare.gov and other large enterprise systems Damon Feldman, MarkLogic Corporation
- XQuery Is Not (Just) a Query Language Gregory Murray, Princeton Theological Seminary
- The Kiln XML Publishing Framework Paul Caton & Miguel Vieira, King's College, London
- Panel Discussion