<appendix> Appendix

At the author’s discretion, any original material related or supplementary to the paper but not properly part of it.


Display/Formatting Note
Typically, no @xreflabel is present. A generated label “Appendix X” (where “X” is an alphabetical letter based on the order of <appendix> elements in the paper) will precede the title of the appendix, “Appendix A. Glossary”. Any <xref> to the appendix will display only the generated label as the cross-reference’s text, “Appendix A”. Brackets or other types of punctuation to enclose the cross-reference must be present in the narrative text.
If an @xreflabel is used (rare occurrence), its value (e.g., xreflabel="Appendix I") will display as a label preceding the title, “Appendix I. Glossary”. Any cross-reference (<xref>) to the appendix will display only the @xreflabel value as the text of the cross-reference, “Appendix I”; punctuation to enclose the cross-reference must be present in the narrative text.
Models and Context
May be contained in
Expanded Content Model

(title, subtitle?, (blockquote | equation | figure | informaltable | itemizedlist | mediaobject | note | orderedlist | para | programlisting | table | variablelist)*, section*)

Tagged Sample

Appendix in context

<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
  version="5.0-subset Balisage-1.5" xml:id="HR-23632987-8973">
  <title>Raleigh&#8217;s Discoveries in the New World</title>
  <subtitle>New Insight into the Roanoke Colony</subtitle>
  <appendix xml:id="mul-app1" xreflabel="Appendix I">
    <title>The First Expeditionary Force&#8217;s Colony, 1585-1586</title>
      <para>This Appendix contains an actual list of the individuals who sailed 
        to the Roanoke Colony in 1585. (<emphasis role="ital">See</emphasis> 
        <citation>Durant, David N., <quote>Raleigh&#8217;s Lost Colony</quote>, 
        Appendix I, Atheneum, NY: 1981</citation>.)</para>
        <para>Master Philip Amades, Admirall of the countrie</para>
        <para>Master Hariot</para>
  <appendix xml:id="mul-app2" xreflabel="Appendix II">
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