<keyword> Keyword
A word or phrase describing the content of the paper.
Authoring Note
Depending on the @role of the <keywordset> in which it appears, a keyword may be required to conform
to a controlled vocabulary. While the authoring model limits the @role attribute to a prescribed value “author”, the production model’s attribute value is unconstrained to permit additional keyword
sets during editing.
Display/Formatting Note
Keywords provided by an author display as boxed text at the end of the displayed paper.
Actual keywords will display inline, separated by generated semi-colons, and preceded
by the generated phrase: “Author’s keywords for this paper:”
Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Expanded Content Model
Tagged Sample
Author’s keywords
<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0-subset Balisage-1.5" xml:id="HR-23632987-8973"> <title>Raleigh’s Discoveries in the New World</title> <subtitle>New Insight into the Roanoke Colony</subtitle> <info> <abstract> <para>In 1584, Queen Elizabeth I charged Sir Walter Raleigh to discover and colonize lands ...</para> </abstract> <author> <personname> <firstname>Tonia</firstname> <othername>Renae</othername> <surname>Gaillard</surname> </personname> <personblurb> <para>A native of Eleajora, Dr. Gaillard completed her post-graduate studies in Colonial American History in 2033 ...</para> ... </personblurb> <affiliation> <jobtitle>Department Chair</jobtitle> <orgname>Quetrane University</orgname> </affiliation> <email>tgaillard@quetrane.hist.edu</email> <link>https://www.quetrane.edu/gail283</link> </author> <keywordset role="author"> <keyword>New World discoveries</keyword> <keyword>American colonial history</keyword> <keyword>English 16th century history</keyword> </keywordset> </info> <section xml:id="mul1"> ... </section> ... </article>