<bibliography> Bibliography
A list of works referenced in the paper.
While the contents of this element are expected to be cross-referenced from the
body of the paper, there is no requirement that they be so; this element may serve
a bibliography to relevant research as well as a “Works Cited”
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <title> Title
- <bibliomixed> Bibliographic Entry, one or more
Expanded Content Model
(title, bibliomixed+)
Tagged Sample
Bibliography in context
<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
version="5.0-subset Balisage-1.5" xml:id="HR-23632987-8973">
<title>Raleigh’s Discoveries in the New World</title>
<subtitle>New Insight into the Roanoke Colony</subtitle>
<appendix xml:id="mul-app2" xreflabel="Appendix II">
<bibliomixed xml:id="prindle1996b" xreflabel="Prindle 1996b">Prindle, Tara. <quote>Native
American History of Corn</quote>. [online]. Native American Technology and Art. © 1996
[cited 14 Apr 1998].
<bibliomixed xml:id="stick1983" xreflabel="Stick 1983">Stick, David. <emphasis role="ital"
>Roanoke Island: The Beginnings of English America</emphasis>. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1983.</bibliomixed>